Influence of the leap year on the signs of the zodiac. Leap year: fears, superstitions and science. So what not to do in a leap year

Every 4 years humanity has a leap year. It is in this year, in February, that magically becomes 29 days.

Many signs and beliefs are associated with it, many of which have pagan roots, but there are also Christian elements. Sometimes, it comes to the fact that in a leap year people refuse such usual activities as vacations at sea or regular trips to the country.

What is a leap year and how justified are the signs associated with it?

Leap year: where did the extra day come from?

Do you think that the Earth makes a complete rotation in exactly 365 days? No, this is not so - the Earth makes a full circle around the Sun a little longer, namely, 365 days and 6 hours.

In other words, every year an extra quarter of a day is added. For 4 years of such quarters, it turns out to be 24 hours. So it turned out that a year that is a multiple of 4 (2008, 2012, 2016, the leap year calendar is based on this principle) is different from the rest.

Leap year designed to eliminate this surplus and bring balance to the chronology. If not for a leap year, then for a couple of centuries New Year I would move to the beginning of March, and this is quite serious!

Leap year differences

The differences between a leap year and other years, from a material point of view, are limited only by the number of days. In addition, people have to work more for one day. Sometimes, however, it turns out to rest once again, but this happens quite rarely.

From an astrological point of view, during the track of the Earth around the Sun in a leap year, there is a large number of troubles:

  • domestic problems in people;
  • man-made disasters;
  • natural disasters;
  • relatively high mortality.

However, one can argue with the latter - there are no comments from ritual service workers about the increase in mortality. Only slightly more elderly people die.

Leap year: greetings from antiquity

For the first time, the ancient Romans took care of the problem of the inconsistency of the calendar with the real flow of time. In this country, it was forbidden to transfer significant dates to another time of the year. People were guided by the movement of the Sun in the sky.

Gaius Julius Caesar solved the problem quickly and radically - from the moment of his reign, people began to live according to the Julian calendar, which just added one day to February every 4 years. They began to move to the new calendar gradually, not everyone accepted it, but time took its toll.

Over time, the pagan calendar migrated to Christian culture. But in some regions this year is associated with Kasyan Visokos, one of the saints, the patron saint of monasticism.

Allegedly, for three years he has been drinking heavily, and for 4 he gets out of "binge" and takes revenge on people for the fact that his day is celebrated only once every 4 years.

Here, however, there is a discrepancy - a Christian saint, by definition, cannot be a drunkard, plus there is no record in the church that Visokos likes to drink.

Signs and beliefs associated with a leap year

Now the leap year is relatively easy, and before, some people were afraid to leave the house on February 29 in a leap year. For example, there was an omen that if it was a good freeze on that day, and at the end of February frosts could be severe, then a person would certainly catch a bad cold and die.

The same applies to livestock. Popular belief says that any mistake in the care of pets, on this day, can cost the animals their lives. For example, malnutrition or overfeeding.

Starting a new business in a leap year, according to popular belief, cannot bring much success.

Everything will definitely go awry: even if a person builds a house, even if he opens a business. In addition, all major matters should be postponed at least until February 29 - this time is considered the most unfortunate since the beginning of the year.

To propitiate Vysokos a little, you need to do the following:

  • under the chiming clock, throw a glass of vodka out of the window (other alcohol is also suitable, but it must be strong);
  • to drink without clinking glasses when it is exactly midnight;
  • if you still clinked glasses, then before you sip, you need to put the glasses on the table.

According to popular belief, Visokos' anger will subside a little before the completion of the next track around the Sun.

Another interesting sign is associated with the collection of gifts of nature. It is usually difficult to pick mushrooms and berries on February 29, but things found on the street, such as money, can bring trouble if they get into the house.

And if at the same time the dog howls (dog day on February 29 is a bad sign in itself), then trouble is guaranteed. You need to ignore him, while saying "Step away from me."

Leap year bans

Since this year is so unlucky, the people have come up with many prohibitions, observing which, you can avert trouble from your home. By the way, nature also “participates” in these prohibitions.

For example, according to the memoirs of old-timers, in years that are leap years, there is usually a weak harvest of apples.

So, what not to do in a leap year:

  • You can not carol at baptism. This ritual in itself is relatively associated with evil spirits, and once every four years it is especially “attentive” to people. Better not to involve any rubbish. So no matter how many people offer sweets, it is better to avoid carols.
  • Selling homemade products is not recommended. It is believed that happiness and wealth leave the house with them.
  • You can not show anyone the first erupted tooth in a baby, except perhaps the closest relatives. If you violate the ban, then the child will have crooked teeth.
  • You can’t start new big things, including getting married / getting married. Everything will go awry, as already mentioned above.
  • You can not buy "coffin things." It sounds strange, but for some people of advanced age it is the norm to buy things for their own funerals. Such an action in a leap year will hasten death.
  • Women are strictly forbidden to dye their hair. This can lead to the lady going bald.
  • It is forbidden to change the place of work or place of residence. In a new place, a person simply will not take root, you will have to start everything from scratch (this item is sometimes impossible, because there are different circumstances in life).

This forbidden group is joined by the birth of children, but not everyone takes this restriction seriously.

Maybe this all sounds archaic, but the fact remains that people often complain to astrologers and psychics about the misfortunes that began just after the violation of such prohibitions.

The conclusion is that until the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun in a leap year, some activities should be abandoned.

What do astrologers think?

In 2016, I made an anonymous personal calendar for a young man. He was about to launch a new business project, but numerology showed that the undertaking would not only become extremely unsuccessful, but could even lead to the death of my client.

Unfortunately, he did not listen to me, he did the opposite. The result is deplorable - although he survived, he lost everything to the penny, now he is starting a new life.

Surprisingly, most of these calendars for different people, made in leap years, showed similar results. I do not really believe in the involvement of negative entities in the problems, but the influence of the planets in these years is very negative.

A leap year should pass calmly and without unnecessary movements, I tell you for sure!

Irina, Moscow

All the predictions that I made for people who want to get married on a leap year did not say anything good. This time is a time of failures, misunderstandings, conflicts and contradictions, what kind of marriage can we talk about?

At the same time, many of these “married couples” broke up before the wedding. Since 2016, only 5-10% of those families have survived.

Mortality, by the way, is also on the rise! Elderly people die in batches on a leap year. Pray more often, do not anger the higher powers! And go to church every day for about 7.

Svyatoslav, Yaroslavl

I believe that the leap year is a pagan Slavic belief. The ancestors endowed February with demonic power, they were afraid of him like fire.

So this belief has come down to us in a greatly altered form. There is nothing wrong with a leap year, but a little care still does not hurt.

Irma, Moscow

High mortality, that's what a leap year is. It is rare when it is necessary, at this time, to make favorable forecasts.

Basically, people have to solve some problems. I advise you not to violate the prohibitions of the leap year and often undergo purification rites.

Svetlana, Samara

Transitional signs are still not fixed in classical astrology, and some do not take them into account. However, according to the observation of astrologers, people who were born in the transition period are somewhat different from those who belong to the "pure signs".

Thus, if you were born during the transitional period, while reading a regular horoscope, you should pay attention to two predictions at once - the characteristics of the sign to which you “officially” belong, and the features of the closest sign to your date of birth.

You can also contact a professional astrologer to make your personal forecast, as it is not always easy on your own. To do this, you need to have certain knowledge. In some horoscopes, the start and end dates of the sign are written differently. For example, according to some forecasts, Scorpio "begins" on October 22, and according to others on the 23rd. Don't blame the astrologers for this. Just the date of transition from one sign to another may differ depending on the number of days in a year. So in a year there is a certain shift of astrological signs.

If you don’t know exactly which sign you belong to, special computer programs, ephemeris tables and professional astrologers will come to the rescue. In general, those born from the 1st to the 18th of each month are considered "pure signs". All others born from the 19th to the 31st of each month are affected by the previous and next signs at the same time.

Features of transitional signs

People belonging to transitional signs are quite unique in nature, since they combine the features of two signs, sometimes taking the best or worst from both. As a rule, such extraordinary personalities stand out from the crowd. It's hard not to notice them. However, the dominant influence is exerted by the sign closest to . For example, if you were born before August 25, then you are more Leo, and if after August 27, then Virgo.

In turn, according to a number of experts, people belonging to transitional signs can be called real lucky ones, because two elements give them strength at once:

Fire water;
- Earth-Air;
- Air-Water;
- Water-Fire.

"Fire" gives energy, dynamism, passion, "Air" helps to cope with the hardships of life, "Water" rewards with calmness and wisdom, and "Earth" - the ability to make everyday decisions correctly.

The signs of the zodiac are the basic element of astrology. These are 12 sectors (according to the number of months in a year), into which the zodiac zone is divided, according to the astrological tradition of Europe. Each of them has a name, depending on the zodiac constellation located in this area. There is a version according to which the names of the signs originated from ancient Greek myths.


Aries is a ram with golden wool. The name of this sign is associated with the myth of the Golden Fleece. People born under the sign of Aries are seemingly meek, like this animal, but at the decisive moment they are capable of bold deeds.

Taurus is a kind and at the same time violent animal. The origin of the name of this sign is associated with the legend of Jupiter and Europe. The loving god fell in love with a beautiful girl, in order to conquer her he turned into a beautiful snow-white bull. Europe began to caress the animal, climbed onto its back. And the insidious Jupiter took her to the island of Crete.

The twins are the personification of the myth of the brotherly love of Pollux and Castor, who were ready to die for each other. According to legend, during the battle, Castor was wounded and died in the arms of his brother, Pollux was immortal and turned to his father Zeus to let him die with his brother.

A giant crayfish dug its claws into Hercules' leg during his battle with the Hydra. He crushed the cancer and continued the battle with the snake, but Juno (it was on her orders that the cancer attacked Hercules) was grateful to him and placed the image of the cancer along with other heroes.

The Nemean lion is a terrible and formidable animal that has been attacking people for a long time in the name of keeping peace of power. Heracles defeated him. From the point of view of mythology, the lion is an attribute of power. People born under this sign have a sense of pride and great self-respect.

The virgin is mentioned in the ancient Greek myth of the creation of the world. The legend says that Pandora (the first woman) brought to earth a box that she was forbidden to open, but she could not resist the temptation and opened the lid. All misfortunes, hardships, grief and human vices scattered from the box. After that, the Gods left the earth, the last to fly away was the goddess of innocence and purity, Astrea (Virgo), and the constellation was named after her.

The name of the zodiac sign Libra is associated with the myth of the goddess of justice Themis, who had a daughter, Dika. The girl weighed the actions of people, and her scales became the symbol of the sign.

Sagittarius is a centaur. According to ancient Greek myths, this is a half-horse, half-man. In the myth of the centaur Chiron main character knew everything and about everything, taught the gods sports, the art of healing and other knowledge and skills that they were supposed to possess.

Capricorn is an animal with powerful hooves, which is able to climb mountain steeps, clinging to ledges. AT Ancient Greece associated with Pan (god of nature), who was half man, half goat.

The sign Aquarius is named after a young man named Ganymede, who worked as a cupbearer and treated earthly people at holidays and celebrations. The young man had excellent human qualities, was a great friend, conversationalist and just a decent person. For this, Zeus made him the butler of the gods.

The last sign of the zodiac is Pisces. The appearance of its name is associated with the myth of Eros and Aphrodite. The goddess was walking with her son along the coast and they were attacked by the monster Typhon. To save them, Jupiter turned Eros and Aphrodite into fish, which jumped into the water and disappeared into the sea.

The classification of the signs of the zodiac, familiar from childhood, is taken for granted, but few people know why exactly 12 signs? On the surface lies such a simple and understandable association as "12 months", however, in order to get to the bottom of the true reason for such a separation, one should turn to astrology.


The zodiac (Greek ζωδιακός, “animal”) is a belt on the celestial sphere, stretching along the ecliptic, along which the visible paths of heavenly bodies and planets pass. In astrology, this belt is divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees, each of which corresponds to one of the 12 months of the year and one of the 12 constellations. The etymology of the word is explained by the fact that almost all signs are represented either by animals or mythological creatures.

It is worth noting that there are 13 zodiac constellations, but the signs of the zodiac are associated with them only conditionally, the 13th constellation of Ophiuchus did not receive its sign. The number 12 is extremely important in astrology. He is linked with the 12 Olympian deities, and with the 12 muses of Apollo, and with the 12 labors of Hercules, with 12 hours of the day and night, 12 corners of the Star of David, etc. It was also believed that 12 zodiac constellations corresponded to 12 of the human body.

The zodiac system developed in the Middle East in Babylon by the middle of the 1st millennium BC, this is evidenced by the cuneiform tablets “Mul Apin” (which means “constellation of the Plow” in Russian). The usual division by 12 equal parts occurred around the 5th century AD, when ten-degree patches were grouped in threes by the Athenian astronomer Euctemon. The first mention of horoscopes dates back to this time. Euctemon was the first to create a stellar calendar (parapegma), in which he indicated the equinoxes and solstices, as well as the annual sunrises and sunsets of fixed stars. It was he who divided the solar (tropical) year into 12 months, the first five of which lasted 31 days, and the next - 30.

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and since the stars gradually shifted towards the zodiacal movement of the luminaries, the constellations and signs of the zodiac ceased to correspond to each other. For example, the constellation Aries is now located in the zodiacal sector of Taurus. At present, the "constellation" is a purely astronomical concept, denoting a section of the celestial sphere, and the "zodiac sign" is an astrological one, indicating a specific arc of the ecliptite.

Western astrology uses the tropical year to determine the zodiac, starting at the vernal equinox (the ascending node of the ecliptic). Thus, the first sector of the ecliptic is the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 20), the second is Taurus, followed by Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

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The zodiac circle crosses 13 constellations, the well-known Aries, Aquarius, Pisces and beyond, as well as the constellation Ophiuchus. However, the circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each of which is allocated 30 degrees. A full circle represents a year. Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it seems that the planets and stars rotate counterclockwise, and the Sun passes through all the signs of the Zodiac from east to west.

In Western astrology, the so-called tropical zodiac is adopted, in which the beginning is counted from the point of the vernal equinox. However, Eastern scientists prefer to use a sidereal circle tied to the real position of the constellations. Due to such a discrepancy, for example, the horoscopes of European and Indian astrologers may not coincide.

All planets solar system at different times they find themselves inside the constellations of the zodiac circle. According to astrologers, they exert their influence on people, plants and animals. For example, the Moon awakens various forces, helps maintain health, Venus gives love, Mars makes people show will, aggressiveness, perseverance.

History and secrets of the Zodiac

During the year, the Sun moves across the starry sky, appearing alternately in all constellations. In ancient times, people gave these constellations. The Zodiac was invented back in Mesopotamia, then this teaching spread to Egypt, Greece, and India. Even the ancient Greeks knew about the presence of the 13th sign, but excluded it from the calculations for convenience. In fact, the sign of Ophiuchus is at the junction of Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Over the past 2000 years since the invention of the Zodiac circle, the position of the stars in the sky has changed somewhat due to a change in the tilt of the earth's axis. As a result, the modern boundaries of the constellations do not exactly correspond to the division into 12 equal parts, the dates of the entry of the Sun into them differ from those assigned by astrologers.

The Babylonians originally divided the Zodiac into 8 parts. These were the four winter signs, which were called "water" names, because in Mesopotamia at that time there was a rainy season - Scorpio, Capricorn (Goat fish), Aquarius and Pisces. In summer, heat and drought began, the Sun passed through the constellations of Taurus, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Moreover, the time of Leo is the hottest and most difficult time, when the Sun personified a bloodthirsty dangerous beast. The Greeks added four more to these constellations. Later, the signs were attributed to the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air.

THE STRONGEST PASSION BETWEEN THESE ZODIAC COUPLES Often we are drawn to certain people by pure passion, although we know that they are not suitable for us in the long run. Often we are drawn to certain people by pure passion, although we know that they are not suitable for us in the long run. In astrology, the signs of the zodiac of their own or related element are traditionally considered compatible. So, the earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) are compatible with the signs of their earth element or water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) get along well with each other and air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). There are also elements that are usually considered incompatible with each other: earth / air, fire / water, air / water, earth / fire. But we do not always follow the rules and do not always look for what is good for us, but rather what satisfies us at the moment. Here are incompatible couples that often have strong chemistry. Aries and Scorpio This couple, in which there are often hot love relationship . Both signs are ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, aggression and energy. Passion will be the real superglue that will hold them together. It is worth preparing for endless somersaults in bed, and in the future for conflicts. Such a heat will arise between them that they will hardly be able to break away from each other. Aries men are absolutely reckless and throw themselves into a new romance headlong with a sense of masculine superiority. The Scorpio woman will bind him with her calm behavior and hidden passion. Her seductiveness will become his weakness, and his confidence will become her weakness. In a pair, an Aries woman and a Scorpio man will both keep each other on their toes. 2. Libra and Pisces When the dreamy Pisces meets the idealistic Libra, a romance develops between them, built on the fantasy of both. The desire to escape from reality will create an idyll that will mask problems until they are completely denied. This is one of the most difficult combinations full of love. Both signs want to make the other happy with sentimental gestures. Pisces want to live in a distant world, shutting themselves off from the reality of daily stress. At the same time, Libra is always on the lookout for the perfect partner who will live up to all their standards. Pisces will make Libra feel like they are made for them, even if it's just an appearance. Unfortunately, when things get tough in life, both signs will start from evade them and escape from reality. 3. Leo and Taurus Between Leo and Taurus, a sympathetic, vibrant and sentimental relationship will arise. This is the couple that annoys everyone by publicly expressing their feelings. Leo, ruled by the Sun, craves admiration, while Taurus, ruled by Venus, just wants a comfortable life. Leo loves the sensuality of Taurus, while Taurus will be flattered by how Leo can make them feel loved and special. these are both fixed signs, they will be devoted to each other, but very stubborn and not inclined to change their habits. They do not agree to changes that may hurt Leo's pride and Taurus' complacency. When something does not go according to plan, both are not ready to admit their guilt. Both are intractable and do everything in their own way, which will end in conflict. 4. Sagittarius and Virgo These signs balance each other, but at the same time can drive each other crazy. Sagittarius is laid-back and tends to look around for new places and people. Virgo, by nature, is reserved and inclined to ask the price, and not to rush into an affair with her head. Sagittarius will liberate Virgo from excessive tension and intractability, but sometimes will put her in an uncomfortable situation. For her part, Virgo will keep Sagittarius from reckless acts and make you think about the consequences. These two will have a relationship of constant attraction and repulsion, which is a unique chemistry in bed. As a rule, these signs meet in their youth in high school and remain together, despite their differences. 5. Capricorn and Aquarius These signs will bond because both are co-ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations and karma. Capricorn is traditional and respects rules and boundaries, expecting the same from others. Aquarius is a rebel who hates boundaries and is always trying to break them. Since Capricorns always behave like gentlemen or elegant ladies in public, they have secret tendencies that no one suspects until they are in bed with them. Aquarius does not hide his quirks either in public or in bed, because this will complement their thirst for experimentation and innovation. Since Aquarius benefits from unpredictability, and Capricorn does not like surprises, this will lead to real explosions, both in good and in a bad way. 6. Cancer and Gemini Cancer is subject to mood swings and can go from happy to depressed in seconds. Geminis are carefree, but change their minds at the slightest provocation. The relationship between Cancer and Gemini will be a rollercoaster ride as both signs are unpredictable when trying to deal with emotions. Gemini won't take Cancer's irritability too seriously, as it's a logical sign that thinks with its head rather than its heart. On the other hand, Cancer is ruled by emotions and intuition. This creates a balance where one sign has a strength that the other lacks. But it will also become a source of frustration and misunderstanding later. In bed, Geminis go with the flow, while Cancer maintains healthy and romantic relationships. 7. Aquarius and Scorpio Aquarius and Scorpio are two signs that love to explore the forbidden fruit and talk about things that many people don't even feel comfortable thinking about. They will be intrigued by each other, and this will lead to long conversations until the morning. Both of these signs are fixed, which means they are uncompromising and not ready to compromise when a conflict arises. Aquarius can be quite arrogant when someone doesn't uphold his values, and Scorpio hates being talked down to and can lose his temper if he feels inferior. In bed, Aquarius will nourish Scorpio's sexuality by revealing a rare form an intimacy that few people suspect, as they rarely show their emotions. 8. Libra and Scorpio Scorpio is reserved and rarely attracts attention. Libra has a radiant gaze and an open smile that attracts the attention of everyone around. Since Libra is very sociable, they will help Scorpio come out of their shell and have a good time. Scorpio will appreciate this, as it will get to know people with whom he did not think he had anything in common. Scorpio rarely talks about what is going on in his head, and Libra will be curious to know him better. In bed, Libra will help Scorpio feel loved and adored. Problems will arise when Libra is faced with Scorpio's cold behavior, and Scorpio will be annoyed by Libra's desire to find out information that they do not want to share. 9. Aries and Cancer Aries loves to feel like a hero, and Cancer needs protection and salvation. This is especially true for the couples Aries man and Cancer woman. She will be the one who needs help all the time, as she often looks quite vulnerable, and he will be happy to conquer her and come to her aid. This is a good combination for intimate relationships, where Aries will lead Cancer into a real fairy tale. For the time being, this will flatter Aries, until he discovers a significant flaw - her emotional dependence. Those born under the sign of Aries need space and independence, and this will offend Cancer, who will feel unloved and unwanted. Without knowing it, Aries will hurt Cancer and will feel guilty for just being themselves. 10. Pisces and Sagittarius Both signs are co-ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck. Both signs rely on external forces for direction in life, love knowledge and the spiritual side of life, which will be reflected in the intimate sphere. However, Sagittarius is a man of action and pursues his goals when luck is on his side. Pisces is a water sign that loves read other people's intentions and relies on them to act on orders. Sagittarius is fine with that, but they don't want to deal with the consequences if they make the wrong decision. This will disappoint Sagittarius, and Pisces will be offended when they are told that they will have to do everything themselves. Since both signs are changeable, they can easily adapt to each other's shortcomings, but their approaches do not match. 11. Leo and Capricorn Both of these signs love status and authority, and this is what will draw them to each other. Leo is a good-natured and passionate sign, while Capricorn is cold-blooded and practical. They look at everything differently, although their values ​​\u200b\u200bare not the same. Leo has a strong ego and self-esteem, which can be easily shaken if ignored. Capricorn will put Leo in his place by pointing out his flaws with constructive criticism. This can either turn on the Leo, who isn't used to someone going this far, or infuriate him. In turn, Leo can bring a lot of light into the dark nature of Capricorn. However, this is one of the most difficult couples, since both can hardly live up to each other's expectations. 12. Taurus and Libra This couple will have a special romantic spirit, as both are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus wants beauty and harmony, which at first glance can be a good basis for compatibility. However, Taurus needs comfort, and he relies on tactile perception and taste. At the same time, Libras love aesthetically beautiful things and rely on sight and smell. This will bring a lot of sensuality to their couple, but both signs will consider the other addict. Libra needs emotional security, while Taurus will be possessive and need physical security. Libra loves to flirt, and this will be a problem for Taurus, as he wants to know that their partner is completely theirs.

The coming year 2016, designated in the Chinese calendar as the year of the Fire Monkey, is a leap year. Since ancient times, it was believed that the leap year brings misfortune and suffering. Is it really?

The main difference between a leap year and the rest is the number of days in a year. There are 366 of them, that is, one day more than in ordinary years. Where did he come from? The tropical year does not last exactly 365 days, but 365 plus another 5 hours and 48 minutes. For four years, extra days just run up.
The term "leap year" first began to be used in the Roman Empire and was introduced by Julius Caesar. In Latin, it was called "bissextus", in Greek it was pronounced as "vissextus", in Russia - "visokos". Added an extra day to the month of February. Later, February 29 was called "Kasyanov's Day", in honor of the saint, who was famous for his bad temper.

By the way, in the Jewish calendar, a leap year is a year to which a month is added, not a day. The 19-year cycle includes 12 common years and 7 leap years.
By the way, in Europe until the 17th century, the “extra” day was considered non-existent, no transactions were concluded on this day, so that later there would be no confusion in the papers, no problems with debt collection, etc.

February 30

From February 29, everything is clear: this is the 60th day of a leap year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 306 days left until the end of the year. But it turns out in history there were cases when the calendar appeared ... February 30!
February 30 is a real calendar date! According to the Gregorian calendar, February has 28 days (in a leap year - 29 days). However, three times in February there were 30 days (two of them - presumably).
February 30, 1712 in Sweden
In 1699, the Kingdom of Sweden (which at that time also included Finland) decided to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian. However, the Swedes did not shift the calendar forward by 11 days accumulated by that time, but decided to make the transition gradually, skipping leap years for 40 years, that is, all these years after February 28 should have gone on March 1 and every 4 years they were one day approached the Gregorian calendar. Thus, 1700 was a common year in Sweden.
However, despite the adopted plan, 1704 and 1708 were leap years. Because of this, for 11 years the Swedish calendar was one day ahead of the Julian calendar, but ten days behind the Gregorian. In 1711, King Charles XII decided to abandon the calendar reform and return to the Julian calendar. For this, two days were added in February in 1712, and thus in Sweden in 1712 it was February 30th. Sweden finally switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1753 in the usual way for all countries - the day following February 17 was announced March 1.

February 30 in 1930 and 1931 in the USSR

In 1929, it was proposed in the USSR to introduce the Soviet revolutionary calendar, where each week would have five days (five days) and each month would last 30 days, or exactly six weeks. The remaining 5 or 6 days became the so-called "monthless vacation".

It just so happened that the leap year has been attributed to various disasters, disasters, illnesses and pestilence since ancient times. However, scientists believe that the cause of human fears is in themselves, in human psychology. Indeed, in nature there is no such thing as a "leap year" - it was invented by people. And all the popular beliefs associated with it have no scientific justification. It has long been proven that leap years are no different from ordinary ones in terms of the number of natural disasters or “man-made” disasters.
Leap years have their sad records. For example, on February 2, 1556, a strong earthquake occurred in China, as a result of which 830 thousand people died. And on July 28, 1976, an earthquake in East China claimed 750,000 lives. About 100 thousand people became victims of a powerful earthquake in Ashgabat in 1948, and in 1988 23 thousand people died from this natural disaster in Armenia.
In 1912, the Titanic sank. Leap years include the plane crash of the French Concorde airliner, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and much more.

But other natural disasters and human "creations" do not fall under the magic of leap years. The strongest volcanic explosion in 1815 in Indonesia "buried" 92,000 people. The devastating flood that occurred in 1887 in China on the Yellow River, claimed the lives of 900 thousand people. The worst cyclone in the history of meteorological observations in 1970 in Bangladesh killed 500 thousand people ...
And there are many such examples. 1905, 1914, 1917, 1941, which were the most terrible and bloody upheavals in the history of the last century, were not leap years.
So maybe it's not the magic of numbers at all? The only ones who really "suffer" are those born on February 29, because they have to celebrate their birthday once every four years.

Folk omens and superstitions of the Leap Year

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.
In a leap year, leaving home for any reason or for work, they say without stepping over the threshold of their house: “I’m walking and driving along a leap year, I bow to a leap year. I left the door, and I'll be back here. Amen".
In a leap year, you can’t buy a “mortal” for the elderly in reserve (otherwise they will not live long).
If there are sick relatives in your house, and you are afraid that there is a leap year ahead, go to church, light a candle and pray for the dead.
If you are in the church where the funeral is being held, it is better not to be around.
There is a custom among the people to invite "by the tooth." They do not do this in a leap year - the child will have bad teeth.
Hearing the howl of a dog in a leap year, they say: “Go howl, but not to my house. Amen".
Knowledgeable people mushrooms are not collected in a leap year, they are not eaten and sold, so as not to raise bad things from the earth. Remember, mushrooms dream of coffins.
For mothers whose daughters had their first period in a leap year, it is better not to tell anyone about this - neither a friend, nor a sister, nor a grandmother, so as not to spoil the woman's share of her daughter.
On parental Saturday, having come to the cemetery in a leap year, they do not commemorate until they give three people a mention.
Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, having come to the forest, before picking at least a blade of grass, they stand facing the west and say: “Leap year Father, keep the bad for yourself, but let me take the expensive. Amen".
If possible, do not change jobs and apartments.
At the first thunder in a leap year, they put a finger on a finger with a cross and whisper: “The whole family is with me (names of family members are listed). Amen".
If it happened that in a leap year a person was guilty before the law (as they say: don’t renounce prison and money), then one of the prisoner’s relatives should go to church, light a candle to three saints and, leaving the church, say: “Leap year leaves, and the slave (name) will come home. Amen".
A prisoner in prison, seeing off a leap year, must cross himself and say: "Free will, but not captivity to me." There will be fewer troubles and diseases in captivity. But they do it so that no one sees.
Those who bear a child should not cut their hair before childbirth.
People who divorced in a leap year should buy a new towel and take it to church, give it to the women who wash and clean there, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".
The worst thing, according to popular rumor, is to be born on February 29: an unfortunate fate awaits the “lucky one”, an early death, well, or in a “mild form” signs - a serious illness. However, according to another belief, on February 29 only selected people with a prophetic gift are born. For example, according to astrologers, children born on February 29, 2012 will be rich and provide their parents with a decent old age. One way or another, and with all the fears of celebrating a birthday every 4 years, there is a significant and unconditional plus - saving money!))

Revealing signs and superstitions of a leap

Let's remember the most common signs and figure out where the "legs grow" in the most "funny" of them. And we will also try to understand what can be trusted and what is not necessary.

You can't carol at Christmas time on a leap year.

It was believed that, on the one hand, this way you can “shirk” your happiness, and on the other hand, if you dress with some kind of evil spirits, then the mask can grow, replace the true face. Well, firstly, we don’t really carol now, and secondly, have you seen a lot of people with animal muzzles? Literally, not figuratively? Yes, and about happiness is doubtful.
Most likely, the legend of the drunken Kasyan left its mark on the appearance of this sign, that is, carols that turn into booze can end badly - the caroler will fall into the hole, freeze in a snowdrift, or turn his beloved girl away from himself with his behavior. This is not uncommon in other years as well.

You can't get married on a leap year.

It is believed that a marriage entered into this year will be unhappy or very short for one reason or another. However, as you understand, happiness in marriage does not depend on the year. Everything is the will of God, and everyone has their own destiny. There are, of course, "failed" years in a personal horoscope, when you should not get married or get married, but all this is strictly individual.
However, if you are so afraid of this year, do not schedule a wedding, your superstition will do its dirty work. And the rest can be recommended simply not to sign on February 29, in the end, the leap year began to be considered an unlucky year precisely because of this day.

They don't get divorced in a leap year.

It is believed that if you part with your spouse this year, then you will not be able to find more personal happiness. In fact, even after a divorce, not everyone manages to get married again, for reasons that do not depend on the leap year. Yes, there are different cases.
For example, you met a person whom you fell in love with so much that it gets dark in your eyes, and your husband is tired to the gnashing of teeth, so that you will stay with your husband for another year, tormenting, tormenting your beloved by waiting and your husband with the slow torture of parting? Hardly. Although, if you yourself do not want to destroy the family, and your spouse is the initiator of the divorce, then you can try to put this sign to your service. Maybe something will grow.

Do not build a house in a leap year.

They don't actually build anything. It is believed that a house or a bathhouse will burn down, and those who live in such houses will definitely be very sick. And how do you imagine it in modern realities? Once every 4 years, all construction projects are frozen for a whole year, those who have already bought apartments in houses under construction postpone the move for an indefinite period, the building that has been started deteriorates, materials, as usual, are stolen ...
Every year, a lot of housing is put into operation, including the one whose construction was started in a leap year, and what, all these houses are on fire? Or do people who are sick live there? However, again, if you are very superstitious, but at the same time you are going to build a summer house or Vacation home, wait a year. True, the prices will not wait ...
In a leap year, guests are not collected for the "first tooth".
It is believed that the baby, when he grows up, will have bad teeth. But I would not advise this sign to be tested empirically. Still, it's not worth the risk. Postpone the holiday until next year and celebrate "one year old to the first tooth."

In a leap year, nothing can be changed.

It is believed that any change will only bring misfortune and disappointment. Under this sign there is a rational justification, but not because the leap year is unlucky. Just because of the presence of an extra day, the usual picture of the world is somewhat distorted, and the leap year begins a four-year period. Therefore, if your undertakings are not successful, you will “disentangle” the consequences until the next leap year.
However, if you have been preparing for these changes for a long time, then you should not put them off. The main thing is that any of your decisions should be balanced, so that you clearly understand the consequences of your actions and be able to minimize the risks.

In a leap year, there are more deaths, natural disasters, catastrophes and misfortunes.

This sign has no statistical confirmation. Most likely, it appeared due to the fact that great attention was paid to the events taking place in a leap year because of its bad reputation. Therefore, any misfortunes, regardless of their nature, and most importantly, of their causes, were attributed not to a combination of circumstances, but exclusively to the malignity of the year.
And if they don’t pay attention to some troubles in another year, then any, even minor troubles, are remembered precisely because they occurred in a leap year. The same applies to natural disasters, crashes, accidents and deaths of people.
Of course, these are not all signs about a leap year, but since they are all negative, let's focus on the above.

According to another version, the mythological analogue of Capricorn is the ancient Greek deity of forests and hunting Pan, a companion of Dionysus, who was born with goat legs, a beard and horns. Pan helped the gods in battles (in particular, he helped Zeus in the fight against the Titans), instilling "panic" fear in enemies. For helping the gods, he was turned into a constellation.

One of the myths tells how Pan almost fell victim to the fire-breathing Typhon. Pursued by Typhon, Pan fell into the waters of the Nile, causing the lower part of his torso to turn into a fish's tail.

These are very serious, practical, agile and stubborn people in achieving their goal, striving for inevitable victory.

They climb to success confidently, but carefully, bypassing obstacles on the way, courageously overcoming adversity. Everything that they achieve is given to them hard - stubborn, up to a seventh sweat of work, on their own. They set themselves tasks that they can only solve on their own. How harder task, the more collected, energetic and more ready they are for its resolution.

These are people who do not retreat before anything, do not stop in the middle of the path to rest. They don't get tired. They need stops only in order to find a suitable next step to continue the ascent, to find the right path to the goal. In the end, they are at the top - they are very persistent, hardy people, the most hardy in the Zodiac - both physically and mentally.

Often, Capricorn people are compared with this animal, and their life path- with mountain paths along which the goat climbs to the top. The same perseverance and caution, checking the reliability of the soil under your feet (“you won’t take a step without feeling”), patient enduring adversity, endurance. Wisdom can be added to all this. Capricorns need it, like a goat in the mountains: recklessness can be fatal. Therefore, Capricorns know how to get along with people, do not go into open conflicts, so as not to make enemies for themselves. They silently swallow grievances, ignore unflattering reviews, may seem harmless, they know how to adapt to situations and people, to give in, to remain in the shadows until the right moment. So the goat merges with the rock in order to remain unnoticed by the hunter.

Outwardly, Capricorns do not create the impression of people with undeniable chances of success. They do not climb on the eyes, do not gain authority with brilliant speeches and stunning ideas, do not show off and do not advertise their advantages. Their behavior is even and calm, their manners are soft and restrained.

Often, Capricorns can appear unambitious and power-hungry. But at one fine moment, suddenly everyone will see him at the top, he will be ahead of all contenders for the championship. And no one is aware that this quiet, not attracting attention, usually calm observer of what is happening around, not making any jerks, nevertheless stubbornly walked towards the goal - and achieved it thanks to his seriousness, non-impulsivity, inner strength - strength of mind, hard work, the ability to give all the best without a trace. He was not distracted from his goal by trifles, by tricks and games, he selflessly worked, daily and hard, and achieved what was expected from others.

Capricorns do not understand idlers, because they themselves are never lazy and consider laziness one of the main obstacles in achieving the goal, as well as envy, carelessness, eccentricity and other vices inherent in losers, whom he, Capricorn, will only regret, but will not respect . Capricorns respect only those who occupy a sufficiently high and strong position, for this is the ideal to which they aspire.

People of this sign, carefully considering their steps, distrustful and cautious, do not like changes and any moves that can negate their efforts, and then they will have to start all over again, and Capricorns do not like to return. Therefore, they are conservative and reject new ideas that are fraught with changes in life and deprivation of what has been achieved. These people are solid and stable.

Capricorns are prudent, economical and can be content with little. Success, achievement, prestige, recognition mean more wealth to them. A luxurious life is not for Capricorns. They love this way of life in order to have a constant, albeit small, but guaranteed income. They will not take risks: it can undermine their material well-being. Therefore, a situation is quite possible when Capricorn, afraid of losing what he has, refuses good business offers, misses the chance. In this, Capricorns are also consistent and also stubborn. They want to stand firmly on the ground, be secure and not depend on others. They know how to achieve it and stick to the planned actions.

Capricorns are not under any illusions. They seem callous, without human attachments and friends, closed. In fact, these are people who control their spiritual impulses and emotions. Capricorns have them, but Capricorns will not publicly demonstrate them and will not reveal their soul to anyone - such is their nature.

Capricorns are strict, not inclined to joke, and behave with dignity. But these are timid, sensitive people and can suddenly fall into melancholy, succumb to despair, depression. They are courteous with loved ones, ready to give practical advice, come to the rescue. They respect their parents, treat old people with respect, appreciating their life experience.

Often, in old age, Capricorns realize that they were too busy with their “rise”, they took life too seriously, that ordinary earthly joys passed by them, and they try to somehow catch up, especially since Capricorns are usually unsuccessful in marriage, especially in early . They are helped in this "revenge" by the amazing ability of people of this zodiac sign with age to become not more conservative, not worse, but, on the contrary, to acquire an easier character than they had before.

Character Aquarius ambiguous. Saturn makes them melancholy, indulging in sad memories, and Uranus pushes them to rebellion, to the destruction of old traditions.

But still they are naturally calm, kind, helpful, soft, sensitive and at the same time domineering.

Aquarians strive for great travels, new sensations, unknown horizons and new friends.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are attractive in their humanity, they are ready to help even strangers. Aquarians are constantly surrounded by acquaintances, but they do not have many friends. They care about quality, not quantity. long and serious relationship they usually do not support for long, as they prefer new acquaintances to permanent friendship. Acquaintances are made quickly, everyone is easy with them, people are drawn to them, as they seem to radiate light. They do not trust everyone, but only close friends. If Aquarius loses interest in a person, his location cannot be returned by any means.

In communication with friends and relatives, Aquarians allow only equality, do not recognize any oppression, coercion. They are sure that it is possible to come to an understanding and an agreement.

Aquarians are free from prejudice, do not recognize authorities, traditions, because they believe that this all limits the freedom of the individual. The opinions of others do not touch them at all, since Aquarians are sure that everything in this world is in constant change and movement. They express their opinion about others directly and frankly, but they do not impose it on others. They sympathize with all people, understand everyone, sympathize with everyone and are ready to help at the first call.

Thanks to their subtle nervous system, Aquarians feel people very well, they can foresee other people's secret desires.

People of the zodiac sign Aquarius have amazing property- reassure people.

Aquarians sympathize with eccentrics who attract them with their oddities. Among the friends of Aquarius there will always be such an eccentric whom he will patronize, protect, whom he will help, but this will not be the first one he meets: he watched him for a long time, carefully studied him, tried to understand the motives of his actions.

Sometimes Aquarians prefer loneliness to communication. At such moments, it is better not to touch Aquarius - he is tired, he spent a lot of energy helping others. Laziness and inaction, however, do not last long.

Aquarians are calm about the weaknesses of others, but they do not allow themselves concessions. They are demanding only of themselves, but not of others.

Being surrounded by people, they can at the same time be lonely and incomprehensible. Astrologers say that people will understand Aquarius only after fifty years, since they live in the future and only occasionally descend to this sinful earth.

There are many geniuses among Aquarians, much more than among people of other signs. They were born to transform the world, improve society. People born under the sign of Aquarius are the hope of humanity and its ideals.

At first glance, Aquarians seem to be idealists, but upon closer examination of their actions, it becomes clear that they are realists. They are endowed with too much intuition to build castles in the air and believe in something ephemeral. They are destined to strive for the future, even if only obstacles are erected in their path. During such periods, they manifest a rebellious character: they are called upon to fight for freedom and against all prohibitions.

But sometimes their reaction is unpredictable. It may seem that they avoid open struggle, but this is an erroneous opinion. They remain true to their ideals, views, but consider a long and meaningless discussion a waste of time, they are even ready to agree with the wrong opinion, retreating to pre-prepared positions in order to gather new strength.

They are full of surprises. Their actions are sometimes very difficult to explain: Aquarians do as they see fit, without coordinating their actions with anyone. But this does not mean that they act spontaneously. The originality of Aquarians is caused by the situation in which they fall at the will of people. They are constantly busy analyzing the actions of friends and enemies, they are interested in solving riddles. But when the truth is revealed to Aquarius, they lose all interest in both the problem and the person.

For Aquarius, the truth is above all, they will never back down from it. Aquarians are not original, they oppose inertia, they take great pleasure in rebelling against public opinion, especially since they know what the reaction to their actions will be.

They are subtle politicians. They have the ability to instantly grasp the essence. They can talk and listen to what is happening nearby at the same time.

Aquarians do not tolerate when someone else's will is imposed on them. They believe that they themselves do not have any moral right to determine what to do and how to behave to others.

Aquarius is disgusted by lies and deceit; they feel deceitful and hypocritical people a mile away, but they do not refuse to meet with them. Convinced that they are right, Aquarians move away from these people, refusing any showdown with them. They are not cowards, it's just that their plans are to fight, showdowns are not included. They have a completely different philosophy.

archers- dynamic, full of optimism, purposeful people. Their movements are fast, energetic, sweeping, which is why they are often clumsy. Facial expression - open, friendly.

Sagittarians love to talk, think, and are completely unable to sit still.

They are socially active, hard-working, self-confident, they fit the role of leader. They have an ineradicable thirst for experiments, for searches, including in the spiritual plane. Sagittarians are not alien to reflections on the meaning of life, philosophizing, passion for religious issues.

The love of experimentation is associated with their fearlessness, the ability to take risks, ignoring dangers, to put even their lives at stake.

Sagittarians are always looking to the future. They need a goal to lead them forward. Having reached one, they immediately look for a new one, and in this search they are tireless, showing amazing ingenuity and imagination. They cannot stagnate, they must constantly create, act, while rejecting the old, tried and tested methods.

Such people are naturally curious about everything new and with enthusiasm and enthusiasm take up a case that can reveal something unknown to them. If obstacles stand in the way in the form of traditions, conventions, some restrictions, Sagittarius destroy them without pity, preaching the right of a person to the free development of his individuality. These are rebels who rebel against generally accepted rules and against authoritarianism.

The goals of Sagittarius are high and humane, even idealistic, and these people will never stoop to narrow-minded interests, low motives and deceit. Unfortunately, sometimes Sagittarius themselves do not know what they want - they yearn for something unearthly, incomprehensible, although in general a dreary mood is not typical for people of this sign.

These are very addicting natures, they are so unrestrained and courageous that they fall under blows and stumble. But this does not stop them: Sagittarius can quickly recover from troubles and again be ready to continue their rapid run through life. In this they are helped by their inescapable optimism. Thanks to him, Sagittarians manage to cope with difficulties much faster than people of other zodiac signs. They rarely find themselves defeated by life circumstances, they can find a way out of any trouble. Besides, Sagittarians are lucky.

However, in an effort to find more and more new areas for the application of forces, Sagittarius can give up the previous business and not bring the plan to completion. Here they lack thoroughness, patience, painstakingness, the ability to dig into the details. They easily turn away from the planned, if it requires them to be judicious, long-term execution - this is painful for them.

Sagittarians do not like it when a burden of obligations lies on their shoulders - they avoid burdening and binding themselves with agreements and promises and try to reserve the right to change their decision, direction, to be free in their actions.

Characteristic features of Sagittarius are sincerity and honesty. They are absolutely incapable of lying. This is their principle - to speak only the ruthless truth, no matter how tactless and bitter it may be. Often their straightforwardness is cruel, and the fact that they "cut the truth" in the eyes can shock others. But Sagittarians do not know how to live differently. In their frankness, they reveal themselves just as ruthlessly as they do with others. They speak frankly about their experiences and feelings without embarrassment and consider this a manifestation of the highest trust in the interlocutor. But their desire for the truth at any cost does not have bad intentions (although because of this they do not know how to keep secrets).

People zodiac sign Scorpio they do not know fear and barriers, they are courageous and stubborn, they know how to endure adversity, they are extremely hardy and able to rise after the blows of fate.

They will not flinch in the face of danger or in the face of death, they will not be stopped by any obstacles and complications: Scorpios are able to understand the cause of interference and eliminate it from their life path.

These are born brave fighters who, in spite of everything, go to their goal and achieve success, no matter how much sacrifice it costs and no matter what ways they have to go to it.

Scorpios don't get embarrassed, don't blush, don't get nervous before a test, don't fuss or get nervous. They are calm and calm, balanced and feel their superiority over others. They are not afraid of opponents. Thanks to their will, determination, nature rich in vitality, they win easily, without tension, so from the outside it may seem like banal luck.

Scorpios have the ability to achieve whatever they want - they are simply magically omnipotent.

These people never go with the wind, the easy way. Their life is a storm, passions, heroism. Where others fail, they find success. They are helped by the ability to accurately, calculated, and certainly take risks. They despise self-doubt and are aware of their abilities.

They also know about their magical power, which they radiate. They have a hypnotic, piercing look, they perfectly understand the intentions and motives of the behavior of others, it is difficult to mislead them, it is impossible to hide something from them. With some mysterious power, they attract people to themselves, cause attraction to themselves, which is difficult to resist.

People like their directness, their inability to hesitate or elude an answer, to wriggle out. Scorpios give a word - and keep it. They talk about others openly and directly what they think; do not evade by all sorts of "maybe", "we'll see" and in other ways from the questions posed. They never flatter, and if they praise, then sincerely and deservedly. They themselves like to be treated honestly and openly, not to play hide-and-seek, not to be led by the nose.

It may not always be pleasant for people to listen to straightforward judgments about themselves, but Scorpios speak bluntly, they are ruthless, do not hide their attitude. They are just as merciless to themselves, they prefer the truth, no matter how bitter they are to listen to it.

Scorpios do not allow themselves to cry and be whiny.

If they are forced to suffer, if something is a burden or hurts them, they decisively get rid of their cause, they are not able to complain, become limp or humiliate.

Not every person is capable of such a relationship, when you need to tell only the truth, when the motives of actions are squeezed out of you, when you are literally attacked, they take you by surprise with questions and the demand for a frank answer, when they tell you impartial things, without discounts for age and sensitivity of nature, when they are not going to patronize you, wipe your tears when they demand strength and perseverance from you, they force you to be courageous and fearless.

But the one who is friends with a person born under the sign of Scorpio knows how reliable he is, what a faithful and noble person he is, how he knows how to support and rush to the defense, wisely advise; how grateful he is for attention and care; how right he is when he teaches not to give in to moods, not to pay attention to other people's insults, to be above them, not to be deceived by flattery and compliments, but to control yourself, to be the master of your own life and know your own worth.

And Scorpios know their worth, they care little about other people's opinions, they cannot be blinded and misled by streams of praise, they do not need advice. Soft in appearance, they do not forgive insults and insults, they are very proud, independent.

Scorpios are people of duty. They are true to their cause and their word, they cannot stand deceit, they are merciless towards traitors and they themselves reliably keep other people's secrets. In dealing with people, they are decent and honest.

With their strong character, Scorpios command respect not only from friends, but also from sworn enemies. And it is not difficult for them to make enemies: Scorpios are uncompromising, vindictive towards those who inflicted a wound on them, they can be irritable, go into conflict, argue, quarrel; they are impulsive in passions and desire the fulfillment of their plans immediately, without concessions and ceremonies.

Scorpios do not like idleness, are very businesslike and strive to improve everything they do and what surrounds them. They do not stop there, they are constantly reworking and improving something, they want reforms and updates, their goal is absolute perfection. They are capable of destroying the old in order to build up the new.

These people love power. Money serves them to strengthen power. Scorpios have a strong sense of ownership.

Soul Zodiac sign Libra consists of two contradictory beginnings. Doubts and indecision constantly overcome Libra, which leads to internal struggle.

They can only overcome self-doubt and do not like to be pushed, rushed when they are focused on making a decision.

Around themselves, Libra cannot stand impatience, quarrels, conflicts. All this leads them into nervous excitement, confusion, disturbs the balance. Their indecision often creates additional difficulties that they have to overcome with renewed vigor. But despite this, they never do anything hastily.

Venus generously rewarded the people of this sign with kindness, tenderness, justice, elegance, grace, and the ability to love. But they are also characterized by naivety and stubbornness. When they achieve their goal, their stubbornness does not feed on forbidden tricks. The main thing is the desire for balance, harmony, diplomacy. They avoid extremes, manifestations of anger, their behavior can rarely seem eccentric to others, they are not characterized by such states when they were forced to scream, losing their temper. They approach sorrows and joys, failures and successes with philosophical logic. This helps them avoid major breakdowns.

People born under this zodiac sign are opposed to prejudice and unfair accusations. At the same time, they deny blind faith in authorities and admiration for them. For Libra, the main thing is to get to the point in all matters. And any confrontation, quarrels, anger, anxiety cause them heartache. They will never approve of the struggle for a place under the sun through the humiliation of another person, for them justice and peacefulness are the main thing in life.

Libra is very important to be in an atmosphere of love and sympathy. Feeling indifferent to themselves, they yearn and may become depressed. But they will not splash out their emotions and control them with their minds.

Libra tries to live without any problems, so they often give in to other people's opinions and are the first to reconcile in a quarrel. Their charm will melt any ice, relieve any tension in dealing with people. People of this sign are very sociable, and they are real diplomats: they have the ability to reconcile people who are hostile to each other. Very subtly feeling the state of the two sides, Libra can intuitively understand and connect opposites.

Libras are great strategists. Before undertaking any business, they must weigh everything, foresee the outcome of their undertakings. Libra soberly assess the situation and intuitively find a way out of the most difficult situation.

If Libra has a thirst for a fight, no one is able to stop them, dissuade them. Stubbornness takes over. But they will never agree that all means are good in achieving the goal, except for one - a charming smile. It is always with them - the main weapon and means to achieve success.

born under the sign of Virgo prudent, prudent, economical, truthful, punctual, with a logical and practical mind.

They love to bring everything to perfection and completeness, they strive to put things in order in everything that surrounds them, since they are completely helpless before chaos. Virgo does not escape any mess - neither at home nor at work. And they themselves are always in the order of business, things and thoughts.

These are great workers, always busy and absorbed in work. They are dexterous, their hands are, as they say, "in place", they can do everything themselves. Striving for perfection, they work day and night, not knowing rest. They are simply not able to be idle, they always have a lot of worries. Moreover, it happens that these worries are rather small: Virgo, like the Mole from the fable of I. A. Krylov, "a great beast for small deeds." But these "small things" take up all the free time of a conscientious, accurate and obsessed with doing everything the best way Virgin.

Virgin very disciplined people, constant concern is visible on their face, and the thought that not all things have been done, not everything has yet been brought to a shine, leads them to constant anxiety. Puzzling over how to streamline everything, Virgos can drive themselves to despair, and the love of order can turn into mania.

It is common to constantly analyze and control themselves, while they lose a lot of precious time, often missing excellent chances.

Both in action and in thought Virgin precise, thorough, correct. The same is required of others. They are alien to incontinence of feelings, they do not tolerate laziness, lies, vulgarity, optionality, wastefulness.

Virgin they love to argue, participate in disputes, they are very observant and critical, their criticism is sharp and hurts the pride of others. Annoyed by someone's stupidity, or irresponsibility, or laziness, or frivolity, Virgos can become picky, petty, grumpy to the point of tediousness and cynical, arrogant. And if they cannot openly express their criticism, then they simply suffer from it, these human vices are so contrary to their nature. People are scared off by their sharp tongue and selfishness, their lack of understanding of jokes and humor.

Constantly criticizing everyone and everything, Virgin nevertheless, they don’t see their shortcomings, and even if someone reproaches the Virgin for captiousness, pettiness, pedantry, then they simply won’t understand it, looking in bewilderment and at the same time reading another morality. It is necessary to criticize the people of this zodiac sign carefully: they are vindictive and can even take revenge.

themselves Virgin follow their principles, do what is required of others: they have an orderly, planned life. But Virgos do not like surprises. Sudden changes deprive them of the ground under their feet, unsettle, confuse and even slow them down.

But still Virgin- these are very sweet, subtle natures. In their features - grace, calmness, purity; they are charming and attractive. They are always carefully dressed, neatly combed: they are preoccupied with their appearance no less than with everyone else.

Their manners and actions are modest and devoid of extravagance, Virgin soft and calm in communication, they will never deliberately behave in such a way as to attract the attention of others, they will not behave defiantly. Yes, and Virgo's hot spots, due to their disgust and high morality, will not be visited. In general, they do not like noisy society and avoid being in the crowd.

Virgin guard their independence, do not reveal their feelings to anyone, preventing attempts to invade their soul. Personal experiences, personal life is their property.

Virgin great individualists and attach great importance also to material property. Virgin they are very thrifty, but in their thrift they proceed from practical necessity, they do not need anything extra, excess is alien to them.

In financial matters Virgin are also economical, they cannot be accused of squandering: they earn money only by their own labor, and that is why they Dev valuable. However, Virgos are not greedy. To those who need financial assistance, they will always help. But at the same time, they must know that the people they help are not lazy, idlers or beggars.

With the same generosity Virgin refer to those who are weak and helpless, including animals.

Virgin, without a doubt, very reliable friends and workmates. You can completely rely on them. They only promise what they can keep, but they always keep the promise. And the assigned work will be done diligently, without unnecessary noise and, of course, on time. To work, to serve people and the cause - their need, vocation and duty, and Virgin always looking for new areas of application to their strength. They work selflessly, regardless of personal losses, limiting themselves in everything if necessary for the cause. Virgos do not wait for gifts of fate - they achieve everything on their own, and in this they are helped by a passion for knowledge, an excellent memory and a craving for learning right up to old age.

lions- people of extraordinary vitality and desire to live. They are sociable, cheerful, cheerful, always in the spotlight and extend their power to those around them generously and willingly.

Leo sign called royal. People of this sign have an appropriate lifestyle, manners of behavior and communication, manners, a desire to rule and inexhaustible, great kindness of the soul.

They do not need to assert themselves among others. They walk through life with dignity and superiority. In everything that a person of this sign does, no matter what he says, one feels the softness of a cat, combined with the hidden inner strength of the "king of beasts", with Olympic greatness. Shyness and self-doubt are alien to him, he is enterprising, does not fall into despondency, does not seek solitude, never feels inferior or worse than others, is never poor and destitute.

He attracts those around him, this is necessary for him to constantly feel that he is the main one among them. And people are drawn to him, because he is a real patron, generous and generous. Wherever you are a lion, after a short time he is surrounded by others who already recognize him as their leader, respecting his authority. People flock to his warmth and friendliness like moths to a source of light.

Leos are wise and love to give advice, help others, take on someone's worries, provide financial support, and generally love charitable work.

If someone does not take advice lion will treat him disrespectfully, will deny his nobility, will consider him too confident in his greatness, will reproach him with an excessive sense of superiority over others, this lion if he doesn’t like it, he can be deeply hurt and wounded, and even become furious: people of this sign, with all their strength, are very vulnerable.

Will be vulnerable a lion and in the event that he is not trusted with such work as he is capable of, if they doubt his strength and endurance, if they offer him help. Painfully a lion reacts to criticism in his address, to ridicule, to the infringement of his pride and self-esteem. He also suffers from a lack of attention to him.

not to offend lion, do not cause a surge of emotions in him, you need to be gentle with him, but not condescending, affectionate, love him and recognize his greatness for granted. He will respond with devotion, he has a noble, open heart. He is not vindictive, he knows how to go to reconciliation, to forgive.

At lion many friends, and they, knowing his nature, forgive him in turn vanity, love of flattery, pride, arrogance, self-centeredness. Because Leo can shoulder their burden, their problems, take them under his protection, inspire optimism, illuminate with love of life, bestow love; give an example of resilience, the ability to rise after failures (and Lions quite often receive blows of fate), maintain dignity and self-confidence, direct all energy to creation and creativity, be purposeful and not go the distance. All this a lion gives to others, teaches all this, since he himself fully owns these qualities.

In family lions feel themselves also according to their rank. Their house is chic, it is a palace, it has everything, including both the necessary and luxury. In it they are real masters, able to create an environment suitable for lion so that it would be pleasant to live here, enjoy life, receive guests.

Usually lions- family people, among them you rarely meet old maids or bachelors. They are frantically looking for a girlfriend, a friend of life, but at the same time they are never imposed, they need love and devotion. They need to love themselves - this is their happiness. And lions they know how to be loved, they know how to love, to be knights, not to suppress those for whom they have a sincere, real feeling, to be very caring both for their half and for children.

However, often family life Lviv does not fold, may collapse. It is difficult with them for those who do not want and do not know how to accept them as they are: with all their pride, inability to listen to other people's advice and obey; with their extravagance, extravagance, love of luxury, fireworks of life, abundance; outbursts of anger, conceit, unbridledness; guiding style of behavior, denial of any restrictions and oppression, devotion to numerous friends, the desire to see and hear everything, to know about others; the desire to have more and more of everything, including recognition and admiration for them.

But it is easy for those who know how to be quite independent with them, who do not provoke them to the manifestation of a lion's nature: lions ready and capable of friendship and partnership.

Like, these are mysterious people, often obscure to others. The Moon has a great influence on the character, endowing them with a subtle, sensitive, excitable, vulnerable nervous system, rich in intuition, emotionality, romance.

Cancer people love to dream, fantasize, often they need solitude. Until maturity, they retain a childish perception of the world around them, they are interested in everything that is incomprehensible, mysterious, strange, although it is quite possible that they will hide it from others. At the same time, Cancers are by no means fruitless dreamers - they are real realists.

These are very impressionable and therefore vulnerable people. It is very easy to hurt them, especially since they have a heightened perception of the slightest nuances in the change in the spiritual atmosphere around them, they notice a change in people's moods that are not visible to others, they feel a change in attitude towards them. They are especially sensitive to negative emotions directed at them, to hostility, sidelong glances, hostility. They are hurt by someone else's callousness, a casually thrown word addressed to them, a mockery, an unsuccessful joke - everything that can hurt their pride. Moreover, it may even be a trifle, but Cancers perceive everything that is directed against them so sharply that because of a trifle they can be seriously offended, make a tragedy out of it.

Thus, the imagination of Cancers can bring them to depression. They can get sick from feeling unnecessary, superfluous, unloved, from the fact that it seemed to them that they were treated badly. And from real, real troubles, people of this sign can also become seriously ill. Positive emotions, a feeling of joy, happiness can suddenly cure them, illnesses disappear as if they never existed. They really need a pleasant, kind attitude so that they perk up again.

Cancers are constantly looking for a benevolent society. They need only friends everywhere.

These people avoid troubles, hide from adversity in their "shell", hide there, and no life storms will scare them if they did it on time. And in time, their constant alertness and intuition, the desire to protect themselves and prevent something that can harm them and lead to a breakdown helps them fence themselves off in time. So sensitive Cancers know how to avoid life's collisions, their vulnerable heart is not as defenseless as it might seem. They themselves believe in luck, in a happy future, in pleasant surprises.

Naturally, people who are sensitive to other people's moods are themselves subject to mood swings. They are sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad, sometimes friendly, sometimes gloomy, laughter is replaced by tears, and again they joke, and again cry in their souls. And all these feelings are sincere. If Cancer laughs, he is really happy and cheerful. If he cries, something really hurt him to the core. Cancer can never be accused of being an artist, "playing for the audience."

The "public" is just as susceptible to Cancer's mood as they are to their surroundings. The mood of Cancers is transmitted to others instantly, their feelings are so strong. If Cancers are annoyed - everyone around is also excited, the atmosphere of relationships can heat up. If Cancers are sad, their waves of melancholy envelop those around them, plunging them into despondency too. Therefore, it is rather difficult to live with these people - they seem to permeate with their nerves everyone around them, and control this environment, as if pulling people by the strings, like puppeteers. And people obey the will of Cancers, not wanting it themselves, being constantly in an atmosphere of nervous tension. Leaving, Cancers cause a sigh of relief - people become masters of their feelings and moods. Therefore, it is not surprising that often people are annoyed only by the very presence of Cancer and may involuntarily come into conflict with him.

Cancers are secretive people. They can hide their feelings and thoughts deeply, and experience resentment in solitude and loneliness, having gone into themselves for a long time. Their accusations are silent. Cancerians are distrustful of strangers, do not allow them to penetrate their lives. They are cautious and reluctant to share their impressions and thoughts: this may reveal them to others. So it is not surprising that Cancers remain not fully recognized even by their loved ones.

However, friends, acquaintances, even unfamiliar people willingly talk, communicate with people of this sign, share grief with them, because Cancers know how to make friends, they are very patient people, they know how to wait for years. Cancers love to help others and keep other people's secrets as secure as their own. They are endowed with the gift to attract others to themselves, to win them over, deeply delving into their spiritual world, intuitively finding the right word, giving them their participation and sincerity. Their empathy is genuine, sincere, and people feel this and gratefully and faithfully make friends with them.

Cancers are not only ready to help, but also know how to do it, because they are wise, they never repeat their mistakes, they are taught by their own experience, and over the years they become wiser, as they always take into account the lessons of life. Cancerians never forget about them, control today's situations and be on the lookout for the future.

This alertness, the analysis of future consequences often make Cancers hesitate. They may wait for someone to get ahead of them and come to the rescue earlier. You should not, having noticed this, reproach them for callousness, selfishness or laziness. This speaks in them the instinct of self-preservation, forcing them to be prudent, prudent, to keep changing situations under control.

Cancers are one of those people who do not like to obey. They have a very developed desire for self-affirmation, strong pride, they want to dominate others. To everything they want to achieve, they go adamantly and do not stop there. They always want more and more than they have. They always lack something, and they have a goal - to achieve. Let it be success, or someone's love, or position, or material wealth. However, this desire is hidden from those around them, Cancers hide their goals from prying eyes. But their goals are definite, and their grip is tenacious, their "pincers" will not miss their goal.

No less firmly they hold on to what they have. Cancers are hoarding and thrifty. This applies equally to their property, money, food, and family traditions. Cancers do not throw away old things, books; they are connoisseurs of good food and gourmets, they stock up on food for future use; will never be left with a single penny in their pocket. Home and family are dear to them, they love their parents and children, keep family foundations and traditions. They are adherents of everything proven, old, reliable, familiar and do not like to change their appearance or their tastes, they cannot stand rearrangements in the house, nothing sudden, no innovations and changes in anything.

The past is dearer and more valuable to them, they are distrustful of the new. History occupies and attracts them, they delve into it and remember everything. These are real patriots of their region, city, village.

Crayfish - and nature lovers, passionate travelers, are able to see the beauty around - this sense of beauty is highly developed in them. They love solitude by the water, in general they love water, water tourism, sports, swimming.

With age, Cancers do not lose their romance, they believe in success, good luck. Their hopes are not in vain: the older they get, the more successful they are, the less grief they have, the more fortune accompanies them.

Describe features Gemini not easy, because they are constantly changing, are in constant motion. In their changeable nature, there are always, as it were, two people.

Duality can be seen even in appearance. Hair is light and dark, both, as if in a strip. Geminis are usually tall, slender and agile in their movements. Their features are as if carved from stone. Beautiful eyes are gray, green, blue or light brown. The look is restless. The nose may be long and straight or more refined, and the forehead is most often high.

Their appearance is not affected by age, for many years they look young due to their swiftness, mobility, dexterity and quick reaction.

It is painful for true Gemini to sit quietly in one place, they are in constant motion all day long: they call somewhere, talk to someone, rush somewhere. They constantly have new ideas, plans, ideas. Thirst for activity is the normal state of Gemini. Without it, they get bored and may become depressed. They can jokingly do several things at the same time. In their activities, monotony and monotony are unacceptable.

Punctuality from Gemini never wait. They are always late, five minutes are not enough for them to come to work, to a meeting on time, because in the last minutes they are trying to do the work that would have to be done after the working day.

Routine work turns them into dull and uninteresting people. While we are struggling to do one thing, they manage to do twice as much. Just as quickly they can change jobs, lifestyles and places of residence, the speed at which thoughts rush through them. They talk fast and listen at the same speed. Because of the speed of mental processes, a clear opinion on a certain issue, slow-witted people, conservatives irritate them.

Gemini can easily get out of any situation with minimal losses, easily adapt to circumstances due to their resourcefulness and dexterity. They are reputed to be talkative and sociable, they rarely manage to keep their mouths shut.

In the depths of their souls, Geminis strive for the ideal, but despite their great imagination, they cannot define it. Money, fame, love - this is not enough for them to be happy. They are rarely satisfied with what they have achieved. It constantly seems to them that in another place and in another business great success and appreciation await them. To achieve all this, they lack constancy and patience. Since the impulse does not always coincide with the expected result, the Gemini often experience a feeling of self-doubt, get nervous, annoyed. Nervousness permeates everything around.

Sociability and isolation are replaced by them so quickly and unexpectedly that others can never guess what they will be in the next moment. With a sweet charm, they infect their acquaintances with an easy attitude to life. Gemini patronizes everyone, and this is also done with a sweet charm.

Geminis often have a deep need to behave in the exact opposite of their desires. The amazing liveliness of speech makes them clever politicians. They know how to hide their true intentions deeply, turning even a difficult situation into personal gain.

Gemini tend to lead a discussion with an amazing onslaught. Usually they like to talk, but do not know how to listen.

Twin interests are versatile - literary creativity, study foreign languages, politics. They do not achieve great success only because they like to chase two hares at the same time. Always in pursuit of something elusive. Consistently, they do only what they are very interested in.

Deep and lasting attachment to old memories, places, people and things is not typical for Gemini.

Taurus they do not react spontaneously to anything, they are solid, not fussy, it is difficult to unbalance them. They have calm, measured, confident movements, unhurried speech, strong physique, and all this creates the impression of them as strong and strong-willed people.

Usually Taurus are good-natured, affable, radiate benevolence, are very patient and know how to remain indulgent for quite a long time in relation to what they do not like. However, if you test their patience for too long, make them angry, these people lose their temper so much that they become uncontrollable and indomitable. Taurus in anger are terrible and unsafe, no obstacles can stop them.

Taurus does not like it when they are objected to, when pressure is put on them, when advice, which they are usually ready to accept with gratitude, is expressed in the form of an order. They are impressed by people who are ready to make concessions, agree with them, who know how to adapt to them and do not seek to infringe on them in any way, and even more so - to enslave. Yes, this is impossible to do - to subordinate their will to other people's reins: Taurus fiercely defend themselves.

Taurus is the earth sign of the zodiac. From the earth they received their inexhaustible strength, common sense and excellent health. They do not complain about adversity - neither material nor spiritual. They are incomprehensibly efficient, and it is this quality that brings them success in life, especially if their activity is connected in some way with the earth, because Taurus love the earth, nature and try to be useful to them. It so happens that no matter what Taurus is busy with in life, sooner or later, he will feel a craving and love for the earth.

Taurus love to live closer to nature, but they do not like city life. They go to rest and work at their dacha, to their grandmother in the village - they are more comfortable there than in the city noise, there they draw new strength from mother earth and nature, receiving a full-fledged emotional charge.

And in general, Taurus love coziness and comfort, their home, which for them is a reliable fortress that fences off from the hustle and bustle of life.

There should be children in the Taurus house, this is also for him. necessary condition the inviolability of his fortress. Taurus love children and give all their strength to educate them in the same housekeeping and teaching the skills and abilities that they themselves possess.

People of this sign do not like to leave their home and prefer to see guests at home, rather than go to visit. They are hospitable, hospitable hosts.

Taurus are very devoted to their family, exceptionally decent in all respects. Their strength and reliability bring confidence to the home, behind them is really like behind a stone wall.

Taurus are true to their habits, they cannot stand change, they need regularity and stability. Changes in life can unsettle them for a long time - until they get into the familiar environment and until everything returns to its previous course. No less badly endure they and troubles. And although Taurus does not pretend that they are upset, they will not splash out emotions over the edge, but inside they tense up and get angry, waiting for everything to return to normal.

Taurus often deny that material well-being is dear to them and that money - as a necessary condition for its acquisition - interests them. But still it is. Prosperity gives the necessary stability and calmness to this sign. Owners, however, they are not misers and will no doubt provide financial assistance to friends in a difficult situation. But they do not spend money in vain and they do not understand moths.

So, these are solid and very practical people: home... children... stability... attachment to the land... acquired wealth and pride from it... the desire for friendship and acquaintance with worthy, respectable and respected people.. But Taurus is not a snob. They know how to enjoy life, they love luxury and a sense of celebration and comfort both in the surrounding material world and in their souls.

They are not alien to human weaknesses, addictions and shortcomings. They can be obligatory - and capricious; malleable - and stubborn; efficient - and lazy; active - and passive; impassive - and sensual.

Speaking of sensuality, it must be said that Taurus is not indifferent to the opposite sex. And they themselves are charming and attractive. But the nature does not allow them to take a step towards themselves. They are passive, and also sure that they will attract the object of their love to themselves without much effort on their part. They patiently wait and never pursue the chosen one or the chosen one, but they are ready and even love to show signs of attention in the form of gifts, which, by the way, they skillfully select. These are flowers, to which Taurus is not indifferent, and musical records, and paintings (Taurus love painting and music), and much more, beautiful and luxurious: Taurus are great masters in terms of gifts.

In their chosen ones, Taurus value understanding, honesty, patience. And just as they themselves are not intrusive and not aggressive, they prefer to see the same in others, and they cannot be forced and cannot be won by force.

Aries- sharp, quick-tempered, impulsive people. They have a strong and domineering character, and they strive for leadership, they want to be the first in everything.

At the same time, they do not care that they may seem tactless, too straightforward, narcissistic in front of others. Nor do they worry about other people's reactions to their behavior.

Aries absolutely cannot afford to be silent when you can intervene and express your point of view. Let her disagree with others, let her put someone in an awkward position - Aries do not notice this. The main thing is that they are frank and not indifferent, they will not stand aside, they are fighters for justice: this justifies them in their own eyes.

And indeed, Aries rush into battle selflessly, bravely, with ardent confidence that this is the only way everyone should do.

They always and in everything want to succeed, to be recognized, they do not expect mercy from anyone and defend their interests.

Aries easily fall into anger, irritation, but also quickly cool down. Usually they are friendly, albeit ironic, people with a good smile, favorites of their surroundings. For all their temper, they know how to be prudent, to settle relations, to admit their guilt. They do not consider it shameful to confess and before the enemy: their sense of justice wins.

In striving for superiority, Aries are self-confident, but not without reason: they become the first. They are driven forward by a thirst for recognition and glory. They are unshakably confident that they can do everything better than anyone, and often this is the case! As a rule, these are people who achieve everything that they have in mind.

What helps Aries in this?

First, their optimism. They believe even in impossible goals. And they really believe in themselves.

Secondly, an amazing boost of energy. Aries do not know how to mess around and go to the goal themselves, and do not wait for its approach.

Thirdly, the ability to go ahead, overcoming any obstacles. And the more obstacles and difficulties, the more interesting they are, the faster they move towards the desired success.

Fourth, luck. Being the instigators of all undertakings, they are sure of good luck.

It’s good to be like-minded people of Aries: you can take on a common business with him without fear and doubt, since success will certainly be. In general, Aries love to attract people with their energy and luck, they like that they make people happy.

To do noble deeds is the need of people of this sign. This elevates them, causes the love of others, gives Aries a sense of satisfaction. They do not consider themselves if it is necessary to help others. They selflessly rush to help - with the same energy with which they defend their interests. If the person to whom Aries has rendered a service does not express gratitude, Aries may be disappointed, although he does not expect her and his charity is absolutely disinterested. Aries will not be angry at such people and are again ready for patronage - they crave it and love to be needed for everyone, today, now.

And in general, Aries is important today. Today, not tomorrow, they need success. They do not remember the past, and tomorrow has not yet come to think about it.

Other people next to Aries look faded. He suppresses them with his scope, energy, generosity of gestures. Basically, he is busy with his own problems, and other people with their worries are of little interest to him. Yes, he already divided them: into "bad" and "good", enemies and friends, and it makes no sense to him, there is simply no time to waste time thinking about them. Everything is always clear to him: this is white, this is black. Nuances do not exist for him.

Impatient, explosive Aries can also be calm, amiable, not running into conflicts. Sometimes they can become depressed, especially since they are gullible, like children, and often find themselves disappointed in others. But the thirst for life and activity does not allow them to stay in this state for a long time, and stability in anything is not characteristic of them.

These people are so bright, extraordinary, life is so seething in them that they cannot but attract people to themselves. And next to them, people feel the joy of life and the happiness that Aries give them.

The fate of a person can be known thanks to the signs of the zodiac, but it all depends on the person.

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