2 moons August 27 time. Two Moons in the sky: why this phenomenon is searched for on the Internet every year. Danila Kozlovsky finished filming the Western TV series “Vikings”

Astronomical events are always beautiful, but we are not always able to see them. Will two Moons be waiting for us in the sky on August 27, 2016 - astrologers will tell you.

This month we have already told you about such an astronomical phenomenon as the periodic Perseid starfall. The Perseids are absolutely real and are observed every year. Debris from the comet falls to Earth at tremendous speed, acquiring incredible brightness. As for the two Moons in the sky, this phenomenon, although very expected, can be challenged even at the theoretical level.

Astronomers' opinions on two moons

The August 27 anomaly took place in 2003, when Mars approached Earth by a record 50 million kilometers. It was very visible, but even a tenth of the size of the Moon was far from it. In 2016, on August 27, Mars will be visible as a star slightly brighter than usual. It will fly at a distance of 70 million kilometers from our planet.

Now we will destroy this myth of two moons for you once and for all. Everyone remembers from school what the diameter is - for the Moon it is 3400 km, and for Mars it is almost 6800. In simple terms, the Moon is exactly half the size of Mars. The distance to the Moon is approximately 400,000 kilometers. It is not difficult to guess that for Mars to be the size of the Moon from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it would need to be twice as far away. Mars is 175 times further away. There is no way it could be bigger than a star to a person on the surface of the Earth, because the distance is incredibly vast. Yes, this is a rather unpleasant fact for those who dreamed of seeing a stunning spectacle, but physics and astronomy are stronger than people’s desires.

Astrological forecast for August 27

As we approach August 27 and directly on this day, when Mars is closest to us, astrologers note some anomalies and changes in the character of people. Mars is the masculine principle. Under the influence of the energy of Mars, a person becomes sharper, rude and assertive. You can get acquainted better with the intricacies of the energy of the red planet in our separate article.

People take more risks when Mars gets closer to Earth. Directly on August 27, you should avoid gambling, adventures and any dangers. The more careful you are, the better for you and for those around you. Of course, the urge to drive fast will be higher, along with the desire to experience risks, for example, from a parachute jump. The latter, by the way, will be safer than risky actions in Everyday life. Astrologers advise being more careful with sharp objects, driving a car or motorcycle more slowly, and also not walking in dangerous places in the evening, since the crime rate increases under the influence of Mars.

Many wars have started over Mars. Armed conflicts are also not uncommon at the end of August. On August 27, you should be wary of anything that could cause you harm. Find the strength to be more tolerant and calm in order to save yourself from unnecessary risks. All excess energy that wants to break out should be redirected into physical exercise. If you don't exercise, you can either start or just go for a long walk or visit your country cottage area. In a word, let off steam.

We are talking not only about August 27, but also about a couple of days before and after this day. On the 27th you need to exercise maximum caution, and on adjacent days just be a little calmer.

Astrologers also recommend taking into account the behavior of the Moon during the approach of Mars. Read our. Perhaps the Moon will help you overcome the malefic influence of Mars, but there is a risk that it will only strengthen it, so be very careful about the astrologers' forecast regarding the Moon. Good luck in your business, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2016 05:12

The destructive and assertive fiery energy of Mars - how often do we lack it for a breakthrough...

In August, many are waiting for a significant event: the appearance of two moons in the sky at once. What is this astronomical phenomenon and how can its energy affect people? You will learn about all this from our forecast.

Two Moons: fact or fiction?

Every year on August 27, an event occurs that is often called the “two moons.” But can this be true? If we reason from a logical point of view, then no matter how much we want, this is not possible. If this happened, it would mean that some celestial body is so close to Earth that it already poses a threat. After all, even the strength of the tides would be irreparably changed.

On the other hand, in fact, a peculiar phenomenon will happen on this day. Mars, a planet with powerful active energy, will approach our planet at one of the shortest distances of the year. It will be visible a little clearer than usual, standing out against the starlight. So those who like to look at the sky will have something to pay attention to this night.

What Mars will look like on August 27

First, some numbers and simple logic. The distance from the Earth to the Moon, which we see in the sky every night, is small on a cosmic scale - only 384,400 km. The minimum distance to Mars is about 60 million kilometers, that is, much more. Moreover, Mars itself is smaller than Earth. Now imagine whether, with such data, there could be a second large object similar to the Moon in our earthly sky. Of course not, despite all the desire and beauty of the idea itself.

In fact, the observer will be able to see a very bright "star". Agree, this is not so unusual. But if we understand that this is really not such a common phenomenon and we see the light that was reflected by such a distant planet, everything becomes much more interesting.

The approach of Mars: how will the energy of the red planet affect us?

The name of the red planet is associated with the god of war named Mars, who was worshiped by the ancient Romans. This planet carries the masculine principle, endowing people with such qualities as aggression, activity, physical strength and initiative. This property may be useful since August 27th falls on a Saturday. According to the Moon, it will be under the influence of the Cancer Sign, which will lead to lack of initiative. The influence of the red planet will help you not to withdraw into yourself.

Saturday is a day traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn. It will be full of working energy, which Mars will allow you to realize by providing its powerful impulse. It will be easier to take on any business, and it is very likely to be successful. It is important not to give in to negative emotions, as they can overwhelm you very quickly. For the rest, with the right attitude You can get a lot of benefit from this day with business and the ability to listen.

Astrologers have their own opinion about how the anomaly on August 27 will affect people. Watch out for unusual natural phenomena and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.08.2016 06:02

The destructive and assertive fiery energy of Mars - how often do we lack it for a breakthrough...

The name number is a unique code that determines our behavior and character. By using...

For several years now, there have been rumors in scientific circles that on August 27, 2016, two moons will be clearly visible. The thing is that on the night of August 27, Mars will approach the Earth at a record close distance, as a result of which its apparent size will become similar to the size of the Moon.

True, we do not recommend getting so excited about this news. For those expecting two moons to be visible on August 27th huge sizes, as in the picture, we are forced to report that this phenomenon occurs in a slightly different way. So, Mars will not shine as well as the Moon, which means that on August 27, two moons are a small dot (Mars) against the background of the Moon, since the brightness of the red planet will be 10 thousand weaker than the brightness of the full Moon.

Why such increased interest in the question of when there will be two moons in 2016? The fact is that back in 2003, a large number of people around the world received a notification by mail that on August 27, the red planet, when viewed without special equipment, would appear larger than the full Moon.

It is important that the distance from the Earth to the Moon is almost 384 thousand kilometers, which is seven times greater than the distance to Mars noted in the message, which should be on August 27. The minimum distance from Earth to Mars - the so-called Great Oppositions - is at least 50 million kilometers, which is thousands of times greater than the distance indicated in the newsletter.

It is known that once every two years Mars reaches a point in its orbit called “opposition.” This means that the Red Planet is opposite the Sun, and when viewed from Earth, that Mars is opposite the Sun. And this event always causes unprecedented excitement. Therefore, millions of people around the world are eager to see the two moons in the sky on August 27, 2016.

Having barely caught their breath after detailing what a supermoon was and when to enjoy it, the science department was faced with a new scourge: email spam about how Mars would shine like two full moons. It is possible that Gazeta.Ru readers also received the following message: “On August 27, raise your eyes and look at the night sky. The planet Mars will pass only 34.65 thousand miles from Earth. To the naked eye the planet will be visible as full moon. It will look like two moons above the Earth! The next time Mars will be this close to Earth will not be until 2287.”

I would like to believe that the readers of Gazeta.Ru have not wasted and are not going to waste their time to see a phenomenon that, by definition, cannot exist.

Judge for yourself: 34.65 thousand miles is 34,650 miles. Based on the fact that 1 mile is 1.61 km, we find that 34,650 miles is 55,760 km.

This is not true at all.

The average distance from the Earth to the Moon, our planet's natural satellite, is 380,000 km, which is seven times greater than the alleged distance to Mars on August 27. As for the minimum distance from Earth to Mars, it is different years It has different meaning, but is limited by the maximum distance of the Earth from the Sun and the minimum distance from Mars to the Sun. At the moments of maximum approach between Mars and Earth - the so-called Great Oppositions - this distance is 50-60 million (millions, not thousands!) km. That is, a thousand times more than the number indicated in the ridiculous newsletter.

And this is more than a hundred times greater than the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Finally, the radius of Mars is about 3400 km, which is twice the radius of the Moon, which is 1700 km. That is, if Mars and the Moon were at the same distance from the Earth, then their visible areas would differ by four times. But since Mars is more than a hundred times farther from our planet than the Moon, this difference in size is not only leveled out, but makes Mars not even the brightest luminary in our night sky after the Moon. At full moon, the Moon's magnitude is -12.7 m. The maximum brightness of Mars is -2.91 m, and this is less than the maximum magnitude of Venus and Jupiter. The magnitude scale is such that a difference of 5 m corresponds to the ratio of the brightness of objects by 100 times.

Thus, the brightest Mars that can be observed on Earth is 10,000 times fainter than the brightness of the full Moon.

Why, year after year, do anonymous email authors advise looking at bright, blazing Mars on August 27? The answer lies in the affairs of bygone days. On August 27, 2003, the Great Confrontation between Earth and Mars was observed.: then the distance to the Red Planet was 55.8 million km, and its magnitude reached -2.8 m.

But that's not all. The original email was sent to English language and contained a call to look at Mars through a telescope. But the phrase “At a modest 75-power magnification Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye” was mistakenly translated into Russian as “With the naked eye the planet will be visible as the full Moon.” Despite the fact that the English text rightly says that Mars will look like the full Moon when magnified 75 times.

It only remains to add that this week Mars can be seen in mid-latitudes for about an hour immediately after sunset, and this is not the most best time for his observations. Its apparent brightness is +0.5 m, that is, it can be seen with the naked eye in the constellation Libra, but its low altitude above the horizon makes its observations meaningless and of little interest.

Therefore from the planets solar system The science department of Gazeta.Ru recommends observing Venus.

It is now visible as a bright white light just before sunrise in the eastern sky. With good transparency of the atmosphere, it can be seen even after sunrise: its magnitude is -3.9 m.

A little higher and to the south of it, you can find Jupiter - it looks like a slightly less bright, sand-colored star.

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