"Mr. from San Francisco": characteristics of the characters. The main character and his family. I. Bunin, “Mr. from San Francisco”: analysis Biography of Bunin Mister from San Francisco

In his work I.A. Bunin tells the story of a certain gentleman from San Francisco traveling to Europe with his wife and daughter. The family is sailing on a ship with the symbolic name "Atlantis". Everything is planned, there is no room for accidents. At first glance, it may seem that the plot is based on the journey of the main characters, but this is not so. The main idea of ​​the story, which the author wanted to convey to the reader, is the role of man in society and the real meaning of wealth, power, in such a fragile and not eternal life of every person.

Main character works - a gentleman from San Francisco, a man of fifty-eight years old, a wealthy man. He does not have a name because the character personifies all representatives of the stratum of society to which he belongs. People who strive to buy happiness with money deceive themselves by surrounding themselves with luxury goods. One example of such deception in the work is a couple of actors hired to portray true love. Lies are what reigns on the ship.

In the image of the gentleman from San Francisco we can see not only negative traits. Our hero is a persistent person, he understands the importance of work and does not give up on it. He dedicated himself to his work and achieved significant results. I believe that the desire for better life, cannot be condemned, so what the gentleman from San Francisco did deserves praise. He had worked all his life, for himself, for his family, and he deserved a break.

But despite all the positive human qualities, the character embodies the traits of the society to which he belongs. He is selfish, greedy for power, arrogant, cynical. Considering his opinion to be truly true, he is not shy and openly declares his superiority. The hero puts himself above others, and this applies not only to people not equal to him in position, but also to other nations. Enjoying life, the main character forgets about its transience. And a sudden, illogical death, which is emphasized by the adverb “suddenly,” overtakes the gentleman from San Francisco. He dies and all that feigned importance, power and authority dies with him.

Sailing to the Old World, a venerable and respected gentleman, he returns to New World in a dark, damp hold, forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Only his family shed tears for him, but I think that to some extent they were false. Perhaps they cried because they realized that without the gentleman from San Francisco, the society of the rich and noble people would reject them. Using his example, the main character showed what all wealth and power mean after death. Nothing. After the death of the main character of the work, the writer does not stop the story, he continues to write. This is what makes the reader understand that the gentleman from San Francisco is only a part of the constantly moving current of life. And his death becomes so insignificant for the entire outside world and for all the people around him.

To sum it up, I want to say that after death everyone is equal. Therefore, one must not destroy the person within oneself and succumb to base temptations. Life is short, which means you need to appreciate every moment and not put material wealth first.

Essay about the gentleman from San Francisco

Bunin described a representative of the world of money. The gentleman earned a large fortune thanks to the hired labor of the Chinese and decided to relax on a round-the-world cruise along a detailed route. On the ship "Atlantis", which he chose for a comfortable journey, pleasure and relaxation, the elite public of the upper deck diligently work up an appetite every day, after heavy meals they take baths and other procedures, struggling with digestive problems from overeating, then take a walk again to restore their appetite.

Passengers prepare with special care for evening entertainment with delicious dishes and expensive drinks. Every day proceeds according to a strictly established order. Life for first class passengers is carefree and easy. They are surrounded by luxury. And the gentleman spends his time in the same way as the people of his circle. You just feel something false in this “harmony”, like in the love that a dancing couple pretends to do for money.

The appearance of a respectable gentleman from San Francisco corresponds to his essence: gold fillings in his teeth, a mustache like silver, ivory-colored skin, the remains of pearl-colored hair. Appearance it shows its cost and viability. Only the face is like a mask, because there is no description of the eyes. The character does not have a name because he is impersonal, like the people around him, whose life is unspiritual and primitive. These individuals determine the values ​​of life exclusively in monetary terms. But nature does not succumb to the power of money and spoils a vacation bought for a lot of money.

The sea is stormy, tormented by seasickness. The master is disappointed with the trip. Such an expensive vacation does not bring pleasure. He is irritated by seemingly monotonous sights and museums because he is unable to appreciate beauty. Awareness of the horror of his existence comes to him only a moment before his sudden death. But it was only at the age of 58 that he decided to live in pleasure.

Fate disrupted his plans. And the body of the dead old man returns home no longer first class; it is bashfully hidden in the hold in a box from under water, so as not to darken the rest of the others. Everyone forgets about him, as if he never existed. At the end of the story, the lights on the rocks of Gibraltar resemble the eyes of the Devil, which are watching a sailing ship with the name of a lost civilization. This is symbolic because the world of capital, devoid of spirituality, leads people along the path of self-destruction.

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A gentleman from San Francisco, who is never named by name in the story, since, the author notes, no one remembered his name either in Naples or Capri, goes with his wife and daughter to the Old World for two whole years so that to have fun and travel. He worked hard and is now rich enough to afford such a vacation.

At the end of November, the famous Atlantis, which looks like a huge hotel with all the amenities, sets sail. Life on the ship goes smoothly: they get up early, drink coffee, cocoa, chocolate, take baths, do gymnastics, walk along the decks to whet their appetite; then they go to the first breakfast; after breakfast they read newspapers and calmly wait for second breakfast; the next two hours are devoted to relaxation - all decks are lined with long reed chairs, on which travelers lie, covered with blankets, looking at the cloudy sky; then - tea with cookies, and in the evening - what constitutes the main goal of this entire existence - dinner.

A wonderful orchestra plays exquisitely and tirelessly in a huge hall, behind the walls of which the waves of the terrible ocean roar, but low-cut ladies and men in tailcoats and tuxedos do not think about it. After dinner, dancing begins in the ballroom, men in the bar smoke cigars, drink liqueurs, and are served by blacks in red camisoles.

Finally, the ship arrives in Naples, the family of the gentleman from San Francisco stays in an expensive hotel, and here their life also flows according to a routine: early in the morning - breakfast, after - visiting museums and cathedrals, second breakfast, tea, then preparing for dinner and in the evening - a hearty lunch. However, December in Naples this year turned out to be stormy: wind, rain, mud on the streets. And the family of the gentleman from San Francisco decides to go to the island of Capri, where, as everyone assures them, it is warm, sunny and lemons bloom.

A small steamer, rolling from side to side on the waves, transports a gentleman from San Francisco with his family, who are seriously suffering from seasickness, to Capri. The funicular takes them to a small stone town at the top of the mountain, they settle into a hotel, where everyone warmly welcomes them, and prepare for dinner, having already fully recovered from seasickness. Having dressed before his wife and daughter, a gentleman from San Francisco heads to a cozy, quiet hotel reading room, opens a newspaper - and suddenly the lines flash before his eyes, his pince-nez flies off his nose, and his body, writhing, slides to the floor. Another hotel guest who was present runs into the dining room screaming, everyone jumps up from their seats, the owner tries to calm the guests, but the evening is already irreparably ruined.

The gentleman from San Francisco is transferred to the smallest and worst room; his wife, daughter, servants stand and look at him, and now what they were waiting for and fearing happened - he dies. The wife of a gentleman from San Francisco asks the owner to allow the body to be moved to their apartment, but the owner refuses: he values ​​these rooms too much, and tourists would begin to avoid them, since the whole of Capri would immediately know about what happened. You can't get a coffin here either - the owner can offer a long box of soda water bottles.

At dawn, a cab driver carries the body of a gentleman from San Francisco to the pier, a steamboat transports him across the Bay of Naples, and the same Atlantis, on which he arrived with honor in the Old World, now carries him, dead, in a tarred coffin, hidden from the living deep below, in the black hold. Meanwhile, on the decks the same life continues as before, everyone has breakfast and lunch in the same way, and the ocean wavering behind the windows is still just as scary.


Everyone knows the content of Bunin's story, which is about a rich gentleman who suddenly died on the deck of a luxury yacht. This work is included in school curriculum. Today we will remember some details of the plot of the novel by the last Russian classic, and also answer the question “what did the gentleman from San Francisco die from?”

Characteristics of the main character

Little is said about the hero's life. And the work itself is small. However, Bunin made it clear that the life of his character is faceless, monotonous, one might even say, soulless. The biography of a wealthy American is described in the first paragraph. He was 58 years old. For many years he worked, saved and increased his fortune. I have achieved a lot and now, in my declining years, I decided to take from life what I previously did not have enough time for. Namely, go on a trip.

What did the gentleman from San Francisco die of at the age of 58? After all, only now he began to truly live. I planned a trip to Monte Carlo, Venice, Paris, Seville and other wonderful cities. On the way back I dreamed of visiting Japan. But not fate. The life of many people is spent in work. Not everyone has the opportunity to relax, have fun, or visit distant countries. But Bunin’s work is not about a workaholic who devoted his life to his favorite business. This is the story of a man whose existence was aimed at achieving financial well-being and the imaginary respect of others.

Once upon a time, a gentleman from San Francisco was a penniless young man. One day, apparently, he set out to become a millionaire. He succeeded. Thousands of Chinese worked tirelessly at his enterprise. He became rich. However, he did not live, but existed. Can constant overcoming of barriers be called life?


The writer compares the deck, cabins, and staff quarters with the circles of Dante's hell. The rich American, his wife and daughter know nothing of what is happening below. They relax, spend time as people of their circle should: have breakfast, drink coffee in a restaurant, then have lunch, leisurely stroll along the deck. A gentleman from San Francisco has long dreamed of a vacation. However, it turned out that he did not know how to rest at all. He spends his time as if according to an approved schedule. However, he himself did not notice this, being in anticipation of the corrupt love of young people Neapolitan women, carnival in Monte Carlo, bullfight in Seville.

And somewhere far away, in the lower cabins, dozens of workers are working. A lot of people serve the hero Bunin and gentlemen like him. "Masters of life" have the right to a luxurious vacation. They deserve it.

The gentleman from San Francisco is quite generous. He believes in the thoughtfulness of all those who water him, feed him, and serve him at breakfast. Although, perhaps, he never thought about the degree of sincerity of the staff. This is a person who does not see anything, as they say, beyond his nose.

How did the gentleman from San Francisco die? Those around him warn him of his slightest desires, protect his cleanliness and peace, and carry his suitcases. He is in a state that can be called happiness. At least he had never experienced anything like this before.

To Palermo

Before answering the question of why the gentleman from San Francisco died, it is worth talking about his last days. They passed in picturesque Palermo. Helpful guides were scurrying around here, talking about local attractions.

A successful businessman knew how to pay. True, there are things in this world that cannot be purchased with money. As luck would have it, the weather turned bad. From midday the sun turned grey, and light rain began. The city seemed dirty, cramped, the museums monotonous. The American and his family decided to leave Palermo. Where did the gentleman from San Francisco die? A successful businessman died before completing his journey on the island of Capri.

last hours

The island of Capri greeted the American family more hospitably. At first it was damp and dark here, but soon nature came to life. And here the gentleman from San Francisco was surrounded by a caring crowd. He was waited on, catered to, given gifts - he was greeted in accordance with his social and financial status. Those who arrived were given apartments that had recently been occupied by another equally distinguished person. For dinner they served pheasants, asparagus, and roast beef.

What was the main character of the story thinking about in the last minutes? About wine, tarantella, the upcoming walk in Capri. Philosophical thoughts did not enter him. However, as over the previous 58 years.


The gentleman from San Francisco was going to have a rather pleasant evening. Spent a lot of time on the toilet. When I was ready for the next stage of luxurious, but clearly planned leisure, I decided to go to the reading room. There he took a comfortable leather chair, unfolded a newspaper, and looked through an article about the never-ending Balkan War. At this unremarkable moment he died.

After death

How did the gentleman from San Francisco die? Most likely from a heart attack. Bunin said nothing about his hero’s diagnosis. But it doesn’t matter what the cause of death of a rich American is. What matters is how he lived his life and what happened after his death.

And after the death of the rich gentleman, absolutely nothing happened. Except that the mood of the other guests deteriorated a little. In order not to upset the impressionable gentlemen, the bellhop and footman quickly carried the dead American to a cramped, worst room.

Why did the gentleman from San Francisco die? His death irreparably spoiled such a wonderful evening. The guests returned to the dining room and had lunch, but their faces were dissatisfied and offended. The owner of the hotel approached first one, then the other, apologizing for such unpleasant situation, for which he, of course, was not to blame. Meanwhile, the hero of the story was lying in a cheap room, on a cheap bed, under a cheap blanket. No one smiled at him anymore, no one waited on him. Nobody was interested in him anymore.

“The Mister from San Francisco” is a story about the insignificance of power and money in the face of death. The main idea of ​​the work is to comprehend the essence of human existence. Life is fragile and it becomes disgusting if there is no truth and beauty in it.

History of creation

In the summer of 1915, Ivan Bunin quite by chance saw Thomas Mann’s short story “Death in Venice” in a bookstore. He had never read this work, but its title inspired the story “The Mister from San Francisco.”

Analysis of Bunin's short story allows us to identify the author's main idea. The hero of Death in Venice also dies during the journey. The work of Ivan Bunin is still about something else. This story is not at all about destructive passion, unlike the work of the German classic. It is worth saying that the writer read Thomas Mann’s novella a few months after the publication of “The Gentleman from San Francisco.” He didn't like this book, he called it unpleasant.

Critics received Bunin's story very favorably. One of the writers noted that since Chekhov’s death, nothing like this has appeared in Russian literature. What did critics see so extraordinary in the story of a middle-aged American who suddenly died during a trip to Europe?

Life and death in the story “The Mister from San Francisco”

Analysis of the universal human essence is the purpose of this work. The main character is American, but his citizenship and nationality have no significance in the plot. The author talked about the life of a man to whom money gave, as it seemed to him, all the blessings and joys of the world. He is a representative of a society that exists according to certain laws and does not accept any individuality.

The life of people like Bunin’s hero proceeds according to a certain routine. They dress in the same clothes and discuss certain topics. This is a kind of payment for power, money that allows you to control everything that happens around you. But suddenly it turns out that power is a mirage. She's gone. And money after death loses all meaning. Man is mortal and, as another Russian classic said, suddenly mortal. The gentleman from San Francisco never thought about this in his long life.

Analysis artwork It’s worth starting by reading the original source. Even if the plot is familiar, you should once again familiarize yourself with Bunin’s work.

Woe to you, Babylon...

When analyzing “Mr. from San Francisco” by Bunin, it is necessary to pay very close attention to the text of the work itself. The writer carefully selected metaphors, oxymorons and other artistic means. When analyzing “Mr. from San Francisco,” you need to explain the meaning of the epigraph. Bunin quotes from the Bible - “The Revelations of John the Theologian.” What did the writer mean by using the words “for your hour has come” as an epigraph?

The story was written in 1915. The first one has already begun World War. It will completely change the map of Europe. Bunin and his contemporaries, of course, do not yet know about this. However, many, including the author of “The Gentleman from San Francisco” (an analysis of the work is presented in this article) already in 1914-1915 understood that the world after this terrible war would become completely different.

Main character

The characterization of a rich American is the main part of the analysis of Bunin’s “The Gentleman from San Francisco.” What did the author tell about his hero? First of all, it is worth saying that Bunin did not name him. Even with brief analysis"Mr. from San Francisco" should be mentioned. The American billionaire is a faceless character who has neither a name nor characteristic external features. As has already been said, he belongs to a society in which individuality is excluded.

The image of a rich and self-confident American created by Bunin is unattractive. From the first lines, the reader understands that this is a rather limited person, convinced of his power. He worked tirelessly for many years. Once upon a time, in his youth, he took one of the rich men as a model and, it seems, achieved his “greatness.” Now, at the age of 58, I have finally decided to take a break. She goes to Europe not because she has long dreamed of visiting famous sights. This is what all the people around him do.

Bunin did not mention the names of the wife and daughter of the gentleman from San Francisco. Analysis of the work includes characteristics minor characters. That’s why it’s worth saying a little about the main character’s family. The wife is a rather indifferent lady, but, like all American women, she is a passionate traveler. The daughter dreams of love. The girl is very interested in the mysterious character of “Atlantis” - the crown prince of a certain Asian state. It is worth paying attention to this point. The young American woman is a typical daughter of her father. She is incapable of real feelings. An unattractive and unpleasant man with a black mustache arouses her interest only because he is rich.

And everything went great at first...

Anyone who has read the work of Ivan Bunin knows how the journey of the gentleman from San Francisco ended. Analysis of a story, novel or novel involves comparing the hero’s state of mind before and after the main events. But with the work of Ivan Bunin, the situation is somewhat different. The mental state of his hero does not change at all. Changes occur in his environment. However, when analyzing Bunin's story "Mr. from San Francisco", it is necessary to talk about the plans of the main character. How did he plan to spend the coming months?

He developed an extensive route. In January, the billionaire hoped to enjoy the sun of Italy, the sights of ancient cities, a serenade of traveling singers, and a tarantella. And, of course, to know the love of young Neapolitan women, which, of course, is by no means selfless. The rich American planned to hold the carnival in Nice. Not at all because he dreamed of witnessing a grandiose legendary spectacle. Selected society flocked to Nice and Monte Carlo, and this is the most important thing for Bunin’s hero.

The author does not give a clear description of his hero. He does not call him cynical, cold-blooded, limited, power-hungry. The characteristics of the American billionaire are given as if between the lines. Outlining the thoughts of the American, Bunin emphasizes: the hero in his plans relies on the traditions of society. He is looking forward to the trip, but most of all he is pleased to be involved in richest people peace. Already in the first paragraphs of the work, the lack of spirituality of the main character is revealed to readers. He spends his leisure time as is customary in his society. And at first everything goes great.


The ship on which the main character is sailing is easily recognizable as the Titanic. “Atlantis” is a separate world, living according to its own laws. In Bunin's work, this steamer is a symbol of civilization, wealth, power - everything that can be destroyed at any moment by the terrible forces of nature.

There are many passengers on the Atlantis. There is a night bar, oriental baths, and even its own newspaper. Life on the ship proceeds calmly. Representatives of high society get up early, drink coffee, cocoa, chocolate, then sit in marble baths, do gymnastics, and perform the daily toilet. After the second breakfast, they read the newspaper and lie on the deck, covered with blankets. In the evening, gentlemen go to a bar, where they discuss politics and drink elite alcoholic drinks. This is the daily routine of all passengers, including the gentleman from San Francisco. In analyzing the content of this work, it is certainly necessary to mention the image of “Atlantis”.

There is luxury and lazy self-confidence on board the ship. And beyond there is darkness, fog and a restless ocean. But the Atlantis passengers live in their own small limited world and do not see everything that is happening around them. The ocean is scary, but they don’t think about it, sincerely believing in the power of the captain of a huge ship.

Couple in love

When analyzing Bunin’s work “The Gentleman from San Francisco,” it is worth paying attention to these two characters. Among the glittering crowd on the ship was a world-famous rich man in an old-fashioned tailcoat, a famous writer, and a world-famous beauty. The unknown couple in love attracted particular attention. They were beautiful, graceful and seemed to take no notice of anyone. He danced only with her. Their dance was charming. Only one commander knew that this couple was hired to play love for good money. They have been sailing on one ship or another for a long time.

Thanks to this detail, the author makes it clear that everything on the ship is saturated with lies and vulgarity. The life of passengers is unreal, artificial. Rich gentlemen are deceived and do not even notice it. The only thing that can dispel the illusion is death. Finally, let's move on to the main part of the analysis. summary"Misters from San Francisco." Let's talk about the last minutes of the life of the hero Bunin.

Sudden death

The billionaire was naively confident in the sincerity of all those around him. He was generous, and therefore the servants showed special servility towards him. An American would be quite surprised if he saw the disdain that these obsequious lackeys would experience after his death. He died that way, living in illusions. How did this happen?

The weather in Naples that year was bad. The billionaire from San Francisco occasionally quarreled with his wife, the motions on the ship did not in the best way affected his physical condition. In short, the journey turned out to be not so pleasant. But finally the billionaire's family arrived in Capri. It was also cloudy here, but the weather soon improved.

Guests from San Francisco were provided with best number, the most skillful footman and the most beautiful maid. This evening promised to be pleasant. The nameless gentleman spent a lot of time on the toilet, and before dinner he decided to go to the reading room. There he was overtaken by sudden death.

Horrible incident

This is exactly what one could call the sudden death of a rich American on the ship Atlantis. If it weren’t for the German who happened to be in the reading room at that ill-fated moment, the incident would have been hushed up. The American's body would have been quietly and unnoticeably carried to the farthest room. No one would know what happened. But the German ran out of the reading room screaming, and after half an hour the whole ship knew about the unfortunate incident. The passengers' faces were offended and disappointed - they were reminded of death at the wrong time and in a very tactless manner.

In the cheapest room

After the death of one of the guests, the owner approached the most respected guests and apologized. Although he was not at all to blame for what happened in the reading room. The body of the deceased gentleman, whom he had been so eager to please just two hours ago, ordered to be moved to the cheapest and farthest room. There was no more respect for the newly made widow. The hotel owner quickly realized that this lady could only leave mere pennies at his cash desk.


No one took pity on the poor rich American. Soon the box from under mineral water, into which his body was loaded, they carried it to the hold of the Atlantis. A man from San Francisco returned to his homeland without ever knowing the joys of life. Upstairs, rich gentlemen from all over the world were still having fun. Here the “couple in love” danced gracefully and exquisitely.

Bunin treats his hero, of course, without sympathy. However, there is no anger in his words. He seems to feel sorry for this unfortunate, stupid man who spent his 58 years in illusions. Other characters evoke unpleasant feelings in readers: the hotel owner, footmen, maids and all those passengers who did not show basic sympathy towards the wife and daughter of the deceased gentleman. But the main theme of the novel is inhuman cruelty. The idea of ​​the work is “do not accumulate treasures on Earth.” After death, there will be nothing left of a person if there is no love in his life.

Year of writing: Publication:

"Mr. from San Francisco"- story by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. It is a parable telling about the insignificance of wealth and power in the face of death. The main idea of ​​the story is to understand the essence of human existence: human life is fragile and perishable, therefore it becomes disgusting if it lacks authenticity and beauty. First published in 1915 in the collection "The Word" in the Russian Empire.

History of creation

According to Bunin, the writing of the story was facilitated by the cover of Thomas Mann’s story “Death in Venice”, accidentally seen in the summer of 1915 in Moscow in a bookstore window: in early September 1915, while visiting a cousin in the Oryol province, “ For some reason I remembered this book and the sudden death of some American who arrived in Capri, at the Quisisana hotel, where we lived that year, and immediately decided to write “Death in Capri,” which I did in four days - not hurrying, calmly, in harmony with the autumn calm of the gray and already quite short and fresh days and the silence in the estate... I, of course, crossed out the title “Death on Capri” as soon as I wrote the first line: “Mr. from San Francisco...” And San Francisco, and everything else (except for the fact that some American actually died after dinner at Kwisisan) I made up... I read “Death in Venice” in Moscow only at the end of autumn. This is a very unpleasant book» .


From the point of view of composition, the narrative can be divided into two unequal parts: the journey of the gentleman from San Francisco on the ship Atlantis to the shores of Italy and the return journey of the ship Atlantis to the shores of the USA with the body of the gentleman in a coffin in the hold of the ship. The description of the gentleman's trip to Capri is conducted in dry, detached language; the gentleman himself has no name, he is faceless in his desire to buy charms with his existing wealth real life. One of the striking symbols in this part of the story is a dancing couple of hired actors, depicting genuine passion in the dance. In a hotel in Capri, a gentleman dies unexpectedly, losing not only his life, but also all the privileges of a rich man, becoming a burden to everyone around him, from the hotel owner, who opposes the coffin remaining in his apartment, to his own family, who does not know , what to do with the master's body. The description of the natural world, the world of poor people on the island of Capri, is written in a living language full of symbolic images and therefore stands out against the background of the general style of the work. At the conclusion of the story, the master’s body returns home, to the grave, on the shores of the New World, on the same ship that carried him with great honor to the Old World, but now his body lies in a tarred coffin at the bottom of the hold, and on the ship in light, shining There is a crowded ball in the halls with chandeliers.

Reviews from contemporaries

After the story was published, periodicals gave it high praise. Thus, critic A. Derman wrote in the magazine “Russian Thought” in 1916: “ More than ten years separate us from the end of Chekhov's work, and during this period, if we exclude what was published after the death of L. N. Tolstoy, no work of art has appeared in Russian, equal in power and significance to the story “The Mister from San Francisco” “... In what way has the artist evolved? On the scale of his feelings... With some solemn and righteous sadness, the artist painted a large image of enormous evil - an image of sin in which the life of a modern city man with an old heart takes place, and the reader feels here not only the legality, but also the justice and beauty of the author’s own coldness towards his hero..."The magazine "Russian Wealth" from 1917 gave a more restrained response: " The story is good, but it suffers from shortcomings of its merits, as the French say. The contrast between the superficial splendor of our modern culture and its insignificance in the face of death is expressed in the story with exciting force, but it exhausts it to the bottom... »



  • I. Bunin Collected works, volume 4. - Moscow: Fiction, 1966. - P. 483-488 (notes to that).
  • Baboreko A.K. Bunin Series “ZhZL” - M.: Young Guard, 457 pp., 2004
  • A gentleman from San Francisco in the Maxim Moshkov library

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