Competence-based approach in extracurricular activities of younger students. Competence-based approach in extracurricular activities. The essence of the concept of "competency-based approach"

Sections: School administration

Currently, the requirements for graduates of educational institutions are changing, as noted in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010, a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, able to cooperate, distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, possessing a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Satisfaction of the individual, society and the state in obtaining a quality education in the new conditions is impossible without developing the potential of educational institutions through the development and expansion of innovative activities along with ensuring their stable functioning.

The concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010.
The goals of education. development of students' independence and ability to self-organization;

  • the ability to defend one's rights, the formation of a high level of legal culture (knowledge of fundamental legal norms and the ability to use the possibilities of the legal system of the state);
  • readiness for cooperation, development of the ability for creative activity;
  • tolerance, tolerance for other people's opinions; the ability to conduct a dialogue, seek and find meaningful compromises.
  • Socio-economic changes in Russia have led to the need to modernize many social institutions and, above all, the education system.

    Today it is necessary not only to improve one's knowledge and skills, but also to be psychologically prepared for the changed socio-economic conditions, a different way of being in society. In other words, the conditions are such that a person (person) must take an active life position, a person must be able to realize his life potential, performing the functions of a “free carrier” of social services, and therefore, act as a subject of activity. At present, the responsibility of the person himself for his successful existence in society (getting a job, starting a family, etc.)

    Eg: The number of unemployed among highly qualified specialists casts doubt on the hypothesis that there is a causal relationship between the level of education and the possibility of getting a job.

    Functions of a teacher
    (teacher, class teacher, organizer of extracurricular activities) - creating the necessary conditions for "self":

    • SELF-updating,
    • SELF-definitions,
    • self-creation,
    • SELF-realization.

    The child learns, develops, educates himself!
    According to the development plan of our educational institution, we are pursuing main goal:

    Implementation of the competency-based approach in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

    Among the many challenges facing the school are the following:

    • Development of principles and forms of organization of school self-government on the basis of club activities and museum pedagogy, development of a system of educational work as a space in which the social competencies of students should be formed.
    • Development of forms of the social component in the co-management of the school, including through the creation of youth associations and organizations.

    The technology of traditional education is not able to meet modern requirements. Therefore, more and more often we are faced with the concepts “Competency-Based Education”, “Competence-Based Approach”

    Competence is the result of education, which is expressed in the mastery of a certain set of ways of activity by the student.

    • mastering any method of activity, the student gains experience in appropriating the activity:

    1) the student is aware of the process of managing his activities;
    2) integration of various results of education (knowledge, skills, habits, values), since it is impossible to master activity (as opposed to action) through imitation.

    • a personal “resource package” is formed; the student understands what tools are needed to perform the activity.
    • a set of mastered methods of activity should be socially in demand and allow the student to be adequate to typical situations.
    • a set of mastered methods of activity is the subject of a request from employers (and other customers), which may be relevant for a certain amount of time, and then adjusted in connection with a change in the socio-economic situation.

    How do competencies differ from other learning outcomes?

    • is integrated,
    • manifests itself situationally, depending on the task.
    • unlike the element of functional literacy, it allows solving a whole class of tasks,
    • in contrast to a skill, it is conscious,
    • unlike skills, it is portable (associated with a whole class of objects of influence), it is improved not along the path of automation and transformation into a skill, but along the path of integration with other competencies: through awareness of the general basis of activity, competence is increased, and the method of action itself is included in the base of internal resources .
    • unlike knowledge, it exists in the form of activity (real or mental), and not information about it.

    There are several options for classifying competencies, here is one of them:

    1. Value-semantic competence
    2. Socially productive competence
    3. Communicative competence
    4. General cultural competence
    5. Information competence
    6. Moral Competence
    7. Autonomization competence

    1. Value-semantic competence

    This is a competence in the field of worldview associated with the student's value orientations, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate in it, realize his role and purpose, be able to choose target and semantic settings for his actions and deeds, make decisions.
    This competence provides a mechanism for self-determination of the student in situations of educational and other activities.
    The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of his life in general depend on it. .

    2. General cultural competence

    The range of issues in relation to which the student must be well aware, have knowledge and experience of activity; these are the features of national and universal culture, the spiritual and moral foundations of human life, humanity and individual peoples; cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, the role of science and religion in human life, their impact on the world; competencies in the household, cultural and leisure sphere, for example, possession of effective ways of organizing free time; this also includes the student's experience of mastering the scientific picture of the world, expanding to a cultural and universal understanding of the world.

    3. Communicative competence

    The ability to enter into communication, in order to be understood, mastering the skills of communication.

    4. Information competence

    Knowledge of information technology, ability to work with all media.

    5. Autonomization competence

    Ability for self-development and self-presentation, ability for self-determination, self-education, competitiveness.

    6. social competence

    The ability to live and work together with other people, relatives, in a work collective, team

    7. Productive competence

    Ability to work, make decisions and take responsibility for them.

    8. Moral competence

    Willingness, ability and need to live according to universal moral laws

    Key competencies:

    • Competences are key if mastering them allows you to solve various problems in everyday, professional or social life. They need to be mastered in order to achieve various important goals, decisions challenging tasks in a variety of situations.
    • Key competencies are over-subject and interdisciplinary, they are applicable in various situations, not only at school, but also at work, in the family, in the political sphere, etc.

    The level of mastery of key competencies is the real baggage that in the later adult life of a graduate will be in demand in the first place, and it is on this baggage that not only his further life and professional career depends, but also the future of the region, that corner of the earth where he will live ...

    The educational work of our school is based on a system of traditions that embody the main aspirations of the team to comprehensively help students in the moral development of their personality.

    Covering various areas of educational work, traditions acquire the status of a law that not only binds and streamlines the activities of the team, but also helps to organize this activity, find in its own educational institution that zest that allows him to compare favorably with others, and to see the prospects for development.

    The traditions formed in the educational institution are not just a set of events, but a system. Relationships that develop in a team under the influence of traditions are characterized by stability, respect, tolerance, creativity, and it is precisely such relationships that contribute to the successful development of the team.

    The system of traditions of our educational institution is as follows:

    Traditions of educational and professional orientation:

    • Knowledge Day;
    • Initiation into high school students;
    • Intellectual marathon;
    • Olympiads in subjects;
    • Contest "Student of the Year";
    • Folklore holiday " Maslenitsa”;
    • Holiday "Labor and Talents"(school birthday) "Meeting of school friends";
    • Tourist trip.

    Traditions of social activity:

    • month “Beware, children!”;
    • classes with an asset for the development of self-government;
    • action “Congratulate a veteran”;
    • evenings of meetings with veterans

    Traditions of socially useful work:

    • school duty;
    • Saturdays for the improvement of the school;
    • organization of duty in the classrooms;
    • landscaping of school grounds and recreation areas.

    Traditions of work with parents:

    • thematic parent meetings in classes and school-wide;
    • parental universal education in steps;
    • parental days;
    • drawing up a social passport of the school;
    • activities on the theme “My family”.

    The closest integration of education and upbringing is possible in conditions of competence-based approach.

    The means of extracurricular (educational) activities mainly form:

    • values ​​of activity, communication, self-education;
    • the habit of being mobilized;
    • personal skills - reflective, evaluative;
    • personal qualities - independence, responsibility;
    • experience of communication and interaction with people, including in a team.

    One of the options for such extracurricular activities is our club activities, we have many clubs, but two clubs are fully and productively working: “Patriot” and “Slavic Brothers”.
    All the subjects that we teach schoolchildren form a holistic view of the world. In this sense, we are all lucky: we collectively have all the knowledge that a school graduate should have, so we are not afraid of any trials that we might encounter along the way.
    And now I propose to consider one of the many educational activities from the point of view of a competency-based approach.
    This event was called:

    “Family is what is always with you!”

    To put the concept of “Family” into the hearts of children, to explain and help to realize the value and importance of the family.

    The event lasted from October to November and included several types of work:

    • Essay writing: “My family”
    • Analysis of work by a specially created commission
    • Conducting class hours “Family Values”
    • Creating a panel on the same topic
    • Competition "My family" (creating collages about the family)
    • Creating a common collage at school, as a result of the work done
    • Parent meeting based on the results of the work

    The reaction to this event was not unambiguous, someone gladly took up the creation of a vivid image of their family, and someone took everything that was happening negatively and considered that this was his personal life, where outsiders were not allowed to enter. We did not pursue the goal of seeing something bad or, conversely, putting on display something good, we wanted to create an image of a normal a full-fledged family, with its pluses and minuses, they wanted to put a little warmth and vivid impressions into the hearts of our children, and we had a goal, as I already mentioned: “... help to realize the value and importance of the family”.

    At the end of the event, we created a common panel on the 3rd floor, telling little stories of one big house at number 37

    Analyzing what kind of collages our children created, what conclusions they made on classroom hours, what questions they asked when writing essays and how they expressed their point of view on this topic, is this not the formation of social competencies, which we have been talking about for several years? .

    “Starting a family is not easy, and keeping it is even more difficult. Everything happens in a family of trouble and joy, but not everyone manages to adequately resolve conflicts. - Do conflicts need to be resolved? What is the strategy to follow in this situation? - What qualities make a family strong, and what contribute to its destruction? As you can see, the family is a small sun, thanks to which we are warm and comfortable, it attracts us. And all of us, both adults and children, must make sure that this sun always shines, giving us love, affection, uniting us, protecting us all our lives.”

    In fact, one way or another, we touch the concept of “Competence approach” by teaching and educating our children, sometimes without fully realizing it.

    The formation of key competencies of students should be considered as the main goal of the pedagogical organization of extracurricular activities of the class. Accordingly, this goal becomes the main goal of the class teacher and includes at least three tasks:

    • the class teacher's own activities in organizing the life and development of the class team and individual students;
    • coordinating and monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of subject teachers working with the class in the formation of key competencies by classroom and extracurricular means of educational activities in the subject;
    • organization of joint forms of work of the class teacher with subject teachers.

    Setting the class teacher to the formation of key competencies requires a truly democratic approach to the organization of class life. The class teacher does not have the right to impose the goals of the development of the class team and joint life, forms of organization and methods for achieving the goal. His task is to choose, together with the students, those goals that are really close, at least to the majority of students, and those ways to achieve them, which, according to general feelings, will be the most fruitful.

    The implementation of the competence-based approach in extracurricular activities is an interesting and relevant work that should be aimed at personal development, through the disclosure of creative potential, through the formation of creative thinking, the development of independence and initiative.



    Competence-based approach in extracurricular activities

    In today's dynamically developing world, the process of changing the way of life, way of thinking, personal attitudes is relevant. At the same time, a person is forced not only to adapt to conditions modern society, he must constantly assert himself, create himself. The task of the modern school is also changing: to form a comprehensively developed personality that is able to solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and life experience.

    All these ideas in pedagogical science formed the basis of a fundamentally new approach - competence-based, which develops certain abilities. The basis for the formation of competencies is the experience of students (competence = knowledge + experience).

    In extracurricular work, I actively introduce one of the methods for the formation of communicative competenceproject-based learning method, because this pedagogical technology is focused on the application of existing and the acquisition of new knowledge, and implementation, which makes it possible to master new ways of human activity in the socio-cultural environment. What appeals to me about the idea of ​​the project methodology is that the students themselves are involved in the initial choice of the subject of activity, in the discussion of suitable working methods, in the scheduling of the project, and in the presentation of the “final product”. At different stages of work on a project, different competencies develop: the ability to set goals, the ability to process and analyze information, the skills of public speaking are formed, the ability to work in a team and be responsible for the results of one’s work develops.

    Project work provides students with the opportunity to use known knowledge, skills and abilities in real situations and involves the expansion of student activity. It develops the ability to identify resources, use rational ways of learning and other activities, and also makes it possible to use research methods in teaching.

    The organization of project activities in extracurricular work is very effective, since in the afternoon the children have more time to develop a project, here the theory and practice are naturally combined, which makes the theory more interesting and more real.

    The most important task of the modern school is to teach a person to live in the information world. The introduction of information and communication technologies in an elective course outside of school hours is necessary to create a cognitive environment, update learning activities, increase students' interest in acquiring new knowledge, introduce an element of novelty, students develop communicative and informational competencies. I am impressed by the fact that computer technologies facilitate the task of involving students in active activities, help to develop interest in the subject. The principle of visualization in teaching is easily implemented, the availability of explanation increases, as students have a figurative imagination.This is achieved by increasing the share of information presented in visual and audio form, the speed of information delivery.

    The best educator is any meaningful and attractive activity for children. In primary and secondary school age, children are very fond of crafting, creating something new. In the classes of the circle "Create with your own hands", the guys do amazing things from available materials. Especially here the creative abilities of students who find it difficult to study are revealed. In the classes of the circle, such children show themselves from the other side, feel their strength, see their result, and we support these successes as a whole team by organizing exhibitions of drawings and creative works. In the classroom, such competencies as independence, initiative, accuracy, diligence, purposefulness are formed.

    In the current conditions of the development of Russian society, yesterday's decisions are not acceptable. Today we need clear, earthly goals that coincide with the real aspirations of a developing person. The implementation of the competency-based approach outside of school hours is an interesting and relevant work thatshould be aimed at the development of the individual, through the disclosure of creative potential, through the formation of creative thinking, the development of independence and initiative.

    It is important to select such material and present it in such a way that it has not only educational, but also life justification and does not cause the thinking student to answer the unanswered question “Why are we doing this?”

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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    (teacher's essay physical culture MOU SOSH No. 40)

    Occurring in the late XX and early XXI centuries. significant changes in the nature of education (its orientation, goals, content) are more and more obvious, according to Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", orient it towards "free development of a person", towards creative initiative, independence, competitiveness, which is emphasized in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010. The competency-based approach suggests that the criterion for assessing the quality of education should not be the assimilation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities by students, but the formation and development of key personal competencies, the most important of which include social competence and the competence of health protection. In the 21st century, such human qualities as individuality, creative activity and the ability to focus on the future will be in demand: the ability to predict, fantasize, flexibly switch to new activities, make decisions and act actively even in situations of uncertainty.

    As a teacher of physical education, I consider it my most important task to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the individuality of each of my students. The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren is very relevant, since it is health that provides the possibility of successful biological, psychological and social adaptation of a person to environmental conditions.

    The purpose of my pedagogical activity is to ensure the preservation and development of children's health during the period of schooling. At the same time, I understand “health” not only as the absence of diseases, but as the complete harmony of a person with his natural and social environment (definition of the World Health Organization). The school today should not only educate children, but also take care of the upbringing of a physically, psychologically and morally healthy person, and physical culture should play a big role in this.

    Physical culture is not only a complex of certain motor skills and abilities, but also a high personal, moral level of a person.

    The teacher can contribute to the personal growth of the child if he strengthens his faith in himself, forms the ability to rely on himself, to reveal his potential, for this it is necessary, first of all, to accept the child as he is now, to believe in him. By treating the child as a person, the teacher helps him treat himself in the same way, and then to other people. Thus, the path to discovering the world for a child lies through finding oneself.

    For the successful implementation of his pedagogical activity, the teacher must have a positive attitude towards himself, focus on internal rather than external development goals (recognition, material success) and build the educational process as a dialogue with students focused on personal growth. It is very important that the teacher renounce the authoritarian position, the pretense of infallibility. He should strive to create such a learning environment in which the child does not lose his personal experience and connections with life, trust in himself and in the teacher. Humanistic learning involves openness to the future, the ability to predict and reassess values.

    Call" href="/text/category/koll/" rel="bookmark"> teams in which both schoolchildren and guests of the holiday take part. The script of the holiday is updated annually, taking into account the main events of school life.

    I try to stimulate my own activity of students, their desire for physical and moral perfection, while essential role plays independent work schoolchildren above themselves, guided by the teacher.

    My students not only perform certain sets of exercises in their free time, consolidate and improve the skills acquired in the lessons, but also reflect on the importance of physical culture in the life of society and in their own lives. own life read, write essays and essays. “Striving for excellence and moving forward within the power of everyone for whom sport is not an empty phrase,” these words from the essay of the 2003 graduate Lena Maslova vividly illustrate the attitude of my students to physical culture.

    Our school annually holds a scientific conference of students "Me and the world around me." In the academic year, this conference was attended by my student Pavel Kim (grade 11 A), who, on his own initiative, developed a website dedicated to kettlebell lifting and his sports achievements. Serious sports did not prevent Pavel from finishing school with a silver medal. This year I also plan to prepare a participant of the school conference.

    In 2009, I conceived and implemented a new form of holding the traditional autumn sports festival "Health Day". The peculiarity of this holiday is that eleven eighth and ninth grades must take part in it at the same time. To hold such a large-scale event, I turned to ninth grade students for help. The ninth graders made up route lists in advance, came up with competitions, and during the holiday, each ninth grade organized the reception of all eighth grades in succession at one station. Sports, entertainment or educational competitions were held at each station. Ninth-graders became not only organizers, but also judges. In addition, ninth-grade students took photos and videos, which later allowed them to create a colorful collage dedicated to the holiday. All participants of the holiday enjoyed a lot.

    In my opinion, a teacher cannot limit himself to the role of a transmitter of knowledge, skills and abilities, but should strive to become a role model, a moral ideal for his students. To do this, the teacher needs to constantly engage in self-improvement, to develop himself in physical, intellectual and moral terms, and then he will be able to captivate students. In other words, the key to the personal growth of the child is in the personal growth of the teacher.

    1 Competence-based approach in the organization of extracurricular activities of a teacher

    1. 1 Characteristics of the competency-based approach

    Competence-based education is a very controversial topic, which today remains insufficiently researched. The concept itself arose in the United States in the process of studying the experience of outstanding teachers, was the result of numerous attempts to analyze it, to develop a conceptual framework. Thus, the theory of competence-based education is based on experience, proceeds from the best experience.

    This is due to the fact that, firstly, the school began to catastrophically lag behind the pace of knowledge development. The second very important problem facing education is that education has become mass. The "Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010" prescribes the introduction of a competency-based approach to assessing the results of education. For the competence-based approach, “competence” and “competence” in different proportions with each other act as meaning-defining categories.

    Despite some differences in approaches, US specialists define three main components in competence-based education. These are knowledge, skills and values.

    "Competence" - this term is used in completely different semantic contexts, often opposite. It appeared in the instructions of the ministry as a fashionable foreign word, and not as an attempt to designate some objectively existing pedagogical problem requiring reflection.

    Domansky E.V. drew attention to the fact that the concepts of competencies developed in Russia have not only an external similarity with European ones, but also a significant difference in their content. The nature of discrepancies, in his opinion, has oriental tendencies, with their traditions and the desire for contemplation, the development of intuition, self-knowledge.

    In connection with such observations, we will offer some Russian author's definitions and distinctions between the concepts of "competence" and "competence".

    According to S.E. Shishov and V.A. Kalney, competence is the ability (ability) to act on the basis of acquired knowledge. Unlike ZUNs (assuming action by analogy with a model), competence implies the experience of independent activity based on universal knowledge. The concept of competence is changing the way we think about assessment and qualification. It is important not that the individual internal organization something, but the ability to use what is.

    Khutorskoy A.V. distinguishes the often synonymously used concepts of "competence" and "competence": competence is a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity) that are set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and are necessary in order to qualitatively productively act in relation to them . Competence - possession, possession by a person of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity.

    The author singles out educational competence as a separate structure, defining it as a set of interrelated semantic orientations, knowledge, skills and experience of the student's activities necessary to carry out personally and socially significant productive activities in relation to the objects of reality. He emphasizes that one should distinguish between mere "competence" and "educational competence".

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences I. Frumin writes: “The most stupid thing that could be done right now is to start discussing the definition of competence, to look for the difference between competence and competence, to scour dictionaries and achieve maximum rigor. We are interested in working ideas with which we can start to reasonably update the content of education. And at this stage of discussions, I would suggest limiting ourselves to a working understanding of competencies as abilities (availability) to solve complex real problems ".

    At the same time, he notes that as a result of numerous discussions among educators, competence is reduced to a type of educational result that is not reducible to a simple combination of information and skills and is focused on solving real problems.

    I. A. Zimnyaya differentiates the concepts of “competence” and “competence”. Analyzing the meaning and significance of these categories, and. A. Zimnyaya comes to the conclusion that “competences are some internal, potential, hidden psychological neoplasms (knowledge, ideas, algorithms of actions, systems of values ​​and relationships), which are then revealed in human competencies as actual, activity manifestations.” (9, p.5)

    Thus, one can see how contradictory the authors' understanding of the nature of the competence-based approach is, how contradictory its very essence is, how contradictory are the definitions of its components and components.

    Let us give some views of scientists on the implementation of the competence-based approach in educational institutions(Based on the materials of the IX All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Pedagogy of development: key competencies and their formation").

    T.M. Kovaleva (Doctor of Pedagogy, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Theory of Education and Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, Tomsk) believes that the competency-based approach provides answers to the needs of the production sector. In relation to education, it can be considered only as one of the possible approaches.

    D.B. Elkonin (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Vice President International Association Developmental Education, Moscow) presents competence as a radical means of changing the form of education.

    Yu.V. Senko (Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of the Altai state university, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Novosibirsk) suggested that in order to determine the basic professional competencies, several main blocks should be distinguished: values ​​and ideas of the image of a person, technologies, project work and the implementation of one’s plan, expert assessment, teaching and learning.

    A.M. Aronov (PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of the Higher School of the Krasnoyarsk State University) considers competence as a willingness to engage in a certain activity. Directly in education, competence acts as a certain connection between two types of activity (present educational and future practical).

    B.I. Khasan (Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology of the Krasnoyarsk State University, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of Development) believes that competencies are goals, and competencies are results (goals or limits set for a person), and the measure of their achievement is the indicators of competence. But since these definitions are borrowed from law, they are of limited use. Pedagogy and education have always been focused on only one type of competence, limited to the scope of a particular subject. Therefore, a teacher who wants the student to acquire competence and go beyond the subject must understand the limitations of the subject.

    I.D. Frumin (Doctor of Pedagogy, Coordinator of Educational Programs at the Moscow Branch of the World Bank, Moscow) believes that the competence-based approach manifests itself as updating the content of education in response to the changing socio-economic reality.

    With regard to the primary education system, the key words in the description of competencies are the words seek, think, cooperate, get down to business, adapt:

    search: interrogate the environment; consult a teacher get information;

    think: establish relationships between past and present events; be critical of a particular statement, proposal; be able to resist uncertainty and complexity; take a stand in discussions and develop your own opinion; evaluate social habits related to health, as well as environment; evaluate works of art and literature;

    cooperate: be able to work in a group; decisions; resolve disagreements and conflicts; agree; develop and fulfill the duties assumed;

    get down to business: get involved in work; be responsible; join a group or team and contribute; show solidarity; organize your work; use computing and modeling devices;

    adapt: ​​use new information and communication technologies; persevere in the face of adversity; find new solutions.

    Competence cannot be defined through a certain amount of knowledge and skills, because a significant role in its manifestation belongs to the circumstances. To be competent means to mobilize acquired knowledge and experience in a given situation. It is competence that allows an individual to navigate in unforeseen social situations, which means the success of socialization. Socialization is the process of interaction between a person and social environment. A person not only assimilates social experience, but transforms it into his own values, attitudes, and orientations. The result of socialization is socialization, i.e., the formation of traits that are set by the status and required by this society.

    Thus, the competence approach allows:

    Align the learning goals set by educators with the students' own goals. With each new generation of students, the significance of this moment increases, because each new generation of schoolchildren becomes more independent, more independent of the views and judgments of adults, able to set their own goals in life;

    To increase the degree of motivation for learning, first of all, by realizing its benefits for today's and future life of students;

    To facilitate the work of the teacher by gradually increasing the degree of independence and responsibility of students in learning. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the "teacher-rickshaw", who pulls the entire educational process on himself, must turn into a "teacher-car driver", who only manages the learning process. Moreover: at a certain stage, the students themselves become assistants and employees of the teacher in teaching;

    To relieve students not by mechanically reducing the content, but by increasing the share of individual self-education, shifting attention to ways of working with information, group distribution of workloads and changing motivation;

    Not in theory, but in practice, to ensure the unity of the educational and educational processes, when the same tasks of versatile preparation for life are solved by various means of classroom and extracurricular activities, without any special "educational activities" or special "educational lessons", and the student understands the importance of his own upbringing and his own culture for his life.