How to magically achieve the quick fulfillment of desires. Rituals for the fulfillment of desires Black magic rituals for the instant fulfillment of desires

People resorted to various ways to achieve what they wanted, but their own strength is not enough. Magic rituals, a wish-fulfillment spell, magical practices were allies in effective method reality transformations.

The magic of desires is the sphere of influence of white magicians and sorcerers. The function of light magic is the fulfillment of the wishes of those people who conduct the ritual of the realization of the plan. The performer of the rite is aware of the need to make a sacrifice in exchange for the fulfillment of the desired.

Various traditions of magic suggest different types gifts for God and the mind of the universe. Powerful force has a stable mental projection of the desired situation on own life. An attempt to understand the principle prompted Earth scientists to create a special branch of science - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

The principle of NLP in psychology is that desire must be realized by formulating a spell in a few words or a couple of sentences. Daily repeated repetition for several months, the projection of one's own image on the planned situation according to the principle of reading mantras allows you to set your life on the right wave.

What is needed to make the plan come true

Those who are thirsty for spiritual enlightenment have a huge variety of methods to achieve the speedy realization of their plans. The first thing you need to decide is the performer (independently conducting or attracting a professional). According to the principle, 2 categories of conspiracies are distinguished:

  1. The category of monosyllabic conspiracies is suitable for people who want to achieve their goal at minimal cost. Preparation for the ritual does not take much time, does not require repetition. If the energy investment was insignificant, then the prospect of effectiveness is zero.
  2. Category of complex ritual spells and conspiracies. It is characterized by non-trivial actions, long reading of spells, a special mood, a certain level of training. With the help of amulets psychological mood complex rituals are performed by experienced sorcerers using certain techniques of black magic.

If you decide to use a monosyllabic way to fulfill a desire, then you must perform the following steps:

  • visualization of the desired picture, thinking through every little thing. It is important to concentrate on personal feelings, to imagine yourself having achieved the goal;
  • before the ritual, you should relax, abstract from negative thoughts. You can take a warm shower or be alone;
  • do not tell anyone about the ritual performed - someone else's energy and perception can knock you out of the right mood, the plan will not come true.

How to use magic to make a notebook for the fulfillment of dreams

Initially, you need to formulate your desire by choosing magic words. For example: "I am Margarita, the wife of a generous, rich man who loves me and children."

The phrase is built in such a way as if the situation took place in the present tense (not “I will pass the exams for five”, but “I passed the exams for fives”).

Make a thick, clean notebook for the fulfillment of desires and write down your plans every day without changing the words.

It is important to concentrate on the request, imagine yourself there and write down the spells.

The notebook is filled in 6-7 months. It is not worth stopping filling in, if the dream comes true, it is permissible to reduce the number of recording procedures to 1 per week.

An overview of spells for fulfilling dreams at home

Hope lives in the heart of every person, a dream of fulfilling the desired, it fills us with joyful emotions, gives us faith in a happy life, future. The assistance of the Universe is necessary for your request to be heard and realized. It is important to believe in the magic words that exist for the fulfillment of desire. Firm intentions, a responsible approach contribute to the creation of a special magical space for witchcraft.

Making wishes, making appropriate requests to higher powers is necessary in a special time period. The auspicious time is the full moon or on the day of the growing month.

With a handkerchief

You will need a clean, new handkerchief. Privacy is important - no one should interfere and interrupt the ritual. Above the fabric are the words:

“Let the desired find fulfillment with God's assistance and goodness. Help will arrive in an unknown way, the desire will become real, the event will find its way to life. Amen".

Spells should be cast three times without letting go of the mental representation of a realized desire. After reading the text, the handkerchief must be tied in a knot, put into a pocket of clothing. Worn with him until the time when the fortune-telling is realized in reality. After receiving the desired fabric of the handkerchief is burned.

There is no list of a certain kind of action, after which the dream will be achieved. A variety of techniques, ways of the magic of fulfilling desires leaves room for imagination.

With icons

For the speedy fulfillment of a cherished dream, it is necessary to purchase 4 icons with images of saints:

  • Mother of God;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • name icon.

To carry out the plan, the performer of the ritual must be alone in the room. The table should be covered with a white tablecloth. Then, in the form of a pyramid, 3 icons of saints are displayed, around which church candles are lit. A desire is written on a blank sheet of paper, placed on a pyramid, on top of a nominal icon, face down. Then the words of the spell are read:

“God Almighty! Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Mother of God, Jesus Christ and Patron, listen to my prayer and help my cherished desire come true. The request of the servant of God is this: (...)”.

If everything is done correctly and the thoughts were pure, then the petition will certainly be fulfilled.

with paper

The third spell is common, performed using a sheet of white paper. You should write down your innermost dream on it. Then the leaf is tied with a red thread, burned with a candle bought on Friday in the church. Sitting on the floor and concentrating entirely on the movements of the flames, a spell is pronounced to fulfill the desire:

“The candle melts - my dream (love) arrives. The sheet will burn - orders to fulfill the dream. The fire of the candle burns out - it fulfills my dream.

spell on hair

The ceremony takes place on a waning moon. A thin strand of hair is cut with his own hands for the ritual. Retire, braid the strand with a pigtail and tie it with white thread at both ends. Then the incantation is recited:

“I wove the desired into the pigtail. Help will come from the Guardian Angel so that (...) it will come true. It will come true on time, to my joy, and the blessings of those who deserve it.

The pigtail is kept in a secret place, after implementation it is burned and buried in the forest.

To the dream

Sometimes dreams occur in which the situations desired in reality occur. If the dream was pleasant, after waking up, you should silently sit down and, pressing your hands clenched into a fist, read the spell for execution:

“What has been dreamed up will come true. My dream will be saved, it will be with me in reality. Amen (3 times)."

You can only talk to people after washing your face and hands.

Conspiracy with water

A conspiracy is carried out using a blank sheet of paper, on which a description is applied of how the plan will be realized. Then three pinches of coarse salt are poured into a glass of clean water. The spell is recited:

“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sunday is the main creator! I conjure and create, this day and this time, here and at this time. Making things happen! Leave a moment of doubt! Create, at my command, according to my wishes (text of desire). This day and this hour, here and now.”

The spell to perform is cast until the last crystal of salt dissolves. Then the sheet of paper is set on fire, and the resulting ash is mixed into the water. Again, the text of witchcraft is pronounced, and after reading it, the water from the glass is poured out the window.

Conspiracies for a birthday wish

The desired event is formulated in one phrase. Then a spell is pronounced over three church candles:

“Lord, have mercy on the servant (s) of God (the name of the pronouncing). Let the demon, the black knight, climb into the window and stand next to the dining table. Let the gift bring magic: golden sand for wealth and money, 3 calf bones. As the moon walks in the sky, so luck will come to me at this hour. Amen".

Why the spell might not work and what factors affect it

The universe tries to streamline everything, but it does not always coincide with the human idea of ​​​​justice. Religion speaks of faith that influences life. Recommendations for increasing the chances of fulfilling a desire:

  1. Don't lie. Deception can deprive the words of the necessary power and result.
  2. Breaking promises. Don't promise what you can't deliver.
  3. Will development. Fortitude of the spirit inspires the trust of the Universe.
  4. The development of the imagination. Helps to describe the expected event in detail.
  5. Faith in strength. Achieving a dream requires absolute self-confidence.
  6. Don't retreat. The persistent fulfillment of all the actions of the ritual paves the way for the realization of the plan.
  7. Energy control. In a bad mood, it is better not to perform the rite.
  8. Prioritization. Helps to isolate, strengthen the true desire.
  9. Mystery of the ritual. Do not tell others about your intentions.

Compliance with the rules will help to consciously and purposefully achieve your goals when casting spells. Applying a drop of magic, you will achieve what you want.

“Oh Holy Martha, You are Miraculous!

I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly, tearfully ask, comfort me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family so that we keep our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all with the care that now burdens me ....

... Tearfully I ask you, Helper in every need, conquer hardships the way you defeated the snake, until you lay at your feet!

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You in Wives and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls!”

4. “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!" - Read 1 time

5. “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!” - Read 9 times * - Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it is pleasing to Heaven, it means that you will not harm anyone with your desires voluntarily or involuntarily); desires are often granted before the end of the reading cycle.

It is necessary to read in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If the wish came true earlier, read it to the end of the cycle anyway (all 9 Tuesdays). Nearby (on the right) a candle should burn on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church, small one.

Time of day, morning or evening, it doesn't matter. If the candle is church, let it burn out to the end; if otherwise, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (do not blow it out!). It is better if the candle is lubricated with bergamot oil (palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick). And it’s also better if there are fresh flowers nearby! But bergamot and flowers are not necessary, but very desirable!

It is better to write down the desire on paper so that it always sounds the same when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle, one wish.

Prayer cannot be printed and read; you need to copy all the texts by hand and already use them! The text you have rewritten cannot be transferred to others - each person must rewrite the text of the prayers with his own hand (you can dictate to him or simply give your or this printed text for rewriting).

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    It is done once in a lifetime, only when there is no other way out.

    Take a branch from three trees, a brush from three brooms, a rod from three brooms. Brooms and brooms must be used. Tie a small broom. Go with him to the crossroads, at night, on a full moon. Stand in the middle of the intersection and say:

    As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant (a) of God (name), will be happy (oh).

    Morning dawn with sun. Sun with evening dawn. And the evening dawn with God's moon.

    And God's moon with the first star. And I, the servant (a) of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire.

    I want to ... (clearly state here what you want to be fulfilled, no more than one desire) ...

    Burn the broom at the crossroads.

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    On the lime for the fulfillment of desire

    In the early Saturday morning, you need to go to the linden from the east side and tie three ribbons on its branches - white, yellow and red. Tying the first, make a wish. On the second, yellow one, name the person for whose wish you yourself would willingly “vote”. When tying a red ribbon, name your loved one (or cute child). Now go around the linden clockwise, pick three branches - right under the tied ribbons, bring them home, and put them in the water. And if leaves bloom on them over time, the tree will help you.

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    ritual of the four winds

    This spell harnesses the power of the winds and elemental spirits and is cast outdoors. The ancient Greeks gave names to the gods of the winds - Boreas, Zephyr, Not and Eurus. These gods, along with the elemental spirits of the elements that the spell calls for, should carry your desire to the 4 cardinal points.

    You need to choose the herb that suits your desire. Bay leaf - for success, rosemary - for promotion and common desires, cardamom - for love, cinnamon - for power, mint - for prosperity.

    Determine the cardinal points. Hold grass in your hands and imagine achieving your goal in the brightest colors. Blow lightly on the grass, trying to convey your desire to the grass with your breath. Then turn to the North and say:

    Oh, Boreas, god of the north wind, lord of the earth, I call on you to carry my wish to the north of the dwarves' domain. Please bring me success!

    Throw a quarter of the grass towards the north. Turn to the east and say:

    Oh Eurus, god of the east wind and lord of the air, I call on you to convey my desire to the east, the domain of the sylphs. Please bring me success!

    Throw a piece of grass towards the east. Turn south and say:

    Oh Noth, god of the south wind and lord of fire, I call on you to carry my wish to the south, the realm of the salamanders. I beg you, bring me success!

    Throw another piece of grass towards the south. Face west and say:

    Oh, Zephyr, god of the west wind and lord of water, I call on you to carry my desire to the west, the domain of the mermaids. I beg you, bring me success!

    Throw the rest of the grass towards the west. The ritual is over. Leave without looking back, confident that the forces of the universe have accepted your desire.

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    After you make a wish, pick up a handkerchief and read three times:

    “My great desire will be fulfilled with the spirit of the Lord’s help,

    For the Lord helps those who ask for help.

    Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow into reality,

    Events will acquire a path for implementation,

    And the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him.

    I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

    After reading, tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled. After execution, without untying, burn the handkerchief.

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    Prayer for the fulfillment of desire.

    With the help of this conspiracy, you can help your desire to be fulfilled, to help relatives or friends with something. You need to read it three times in the morning and three times in the evening:

    “Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nicholas the Pleasant,

    Mother of God of Kazan, help me (say a wish).

    "Our Father".

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    Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish, on seven icons.

    Take seven small images of the saints: the Savior, the Kazan Mother of God, Seraphim of Sarov, the Image of the Saint with your name, the icon "To All Saints", the Virgin "Consolation" ("Joy") and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Then, take seven sheets of paper, each of which is the same size as the image of the Saint, and write your desire on each piece of paper. On each Image, on the back side, attach a leaf with a wish with wax, put them on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light a candle in front of each of them, and read:

    "God! Holy Mother of God and all the holy miracle workers,

    Hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name),

    Fulfill my wish. I, (your name), want (your desire)."

    Next, read "Our Father", and in your own words, from the bottom of your heart, ask the Saints for help, and so on until the candles are completely burned out. After this, the images of the Saints with attached pieces of paper should be placed between the pages of the Bible and left there for forty days.

    Magic rite for desire, on four icons.

    Take the image of three saints: the Savior, the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the saint with your name. Place 3 icons, a pyramid, on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Write your desire on a piece of paper and rinse it on top of the pyramid, and on top, face up, put the image of a saint with your name.

    When the candle burns out, put a piece of paper with a note between the pages of the Gospel of Matthew, and leave it there for 40 days.

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    Magical ritual for a wish with a large candle.

    For this ritual, you will need a candle of a sufficiently large size, it will take more than one evening to light it. The candle should be the color of the desired.

    White - protection from everything bad, purification, healing.

    Orange - success, career, self-expression, luck.

    One-time - wedding, romantic love, tender feelings, reconciliation.

    Blue - meditation, health, development of intuition, peace.

    Green - new job, money, recovery, nature.

    Yellow - trips and travels, sociability, creativity, new friends, joy.

    Red - sexual pleasure, strength, conquest, healing, self-esteem, victory.

    In addition to the candle, you will need a new, never used candlestick, a sheet of white paper, a pencil, and a heat-resistant vessel.

    Write your desire on a piece of paper, at the end be sure to attribute:

    "The path of my desire will bring only good!".

    Before going to bed, put a candle in a candlestick on paper and light a candle. Looking at the fire, draw in your imagination pictures of what will happen when your wish comes true. Dream until you get bored, or rather, you will feel when to stop. You can repeat this action for several evenings in a row.

    Next - take the paper and set it on fire from the flame of a candle, then throw it into a heat-resistant vessel prepared in advance. After the paper is completely burned, throw the ashes out the window. Try to forget about your desire for a while, let the higher powers do their work themselves.

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    How to do what you want.

    If you have some kind of goal and you are worried that nothing will work out for you, then a witch's shield will help you. Plant in Walnut spider and tie or seal the nut. Say the spell three times.


    Isaid and Rakhha. The black candle burns.

    The spider lies in the grave, buried alive.

    For the sake of my cause, save his body.

    I want (so-and-so) to come true.

    Isaid and Rahha and the spider.

    Carry a nut with a spider on you for three days, and then bury it where you don't go.

    What you need will come true soon.

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    Pick a branch from three trees, add to them a twig from three different brooms and from three different brooms. The resulting "bouquet" speak three times and throw at the crossroads.

    How King Solomon achieved his goal

    So I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine.

    Morning dawn with the sun

    The sun with the evening dawn

    And the evening dawn with God's moon,

    And God's moon with the first star.

    And I, the servant of God (name),

    When fulfilling your desire.

    Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

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    Shine, bright star, in the heavens.

    To the joy of the baptized world,

    Burn with unquenchable fire

    For the joy of the Orthodox.

    Look, star, into the house of God's servant (name).

    You sanctify, a clear star,

    Inextinguishable fire is my house.

    Desire hear my (say desire)

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    The ceremony is also held once a year, on the day of his birth. Having formulated a desire, light three candles and read the slander twelve times in a row; do not extinguish the candles, they should burn out completely.

    Oh my God,

    Bless and have mercy.

    Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,

    Through the chimney

    To my oak table.

    Bring me golden dust

    And three bones from a heifer.

    As the moon moves across the sky at its hour,

    So it is for me, God's servant (name),

    From now on, you'll be lucky.

    Sand in the sea, word, constipation.

    Key. Lock. Language.

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    If the fulfillment of your dream is connected with the will, decision or disposition of another person towards you, then before you go to him with a request, read one of the three spells below. Of course, if you read all three, the likelihood of wish fulfillment will only increase.

    I'm not walking, I'm not in a hurry

    On a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

    There was no refusal to me.

    God's servant (name):

    Neither Monday nor Tuesday

    Niv Wednesday, Niv Thursday.

    Neither Friday nor Saturday.

    Take the hell out of my care.

    So that no one knows the words against me,

    Neither evil nor anything.

    They didn't use their tongues against me.

    Respect and love me.

    Cross with a cross, business with a good end.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Help me Lord

    Holy Spirit, in my business.

    So that my enemies-enemies do not dare

    It's my business to lose.

    Lord, don't let the Holy Spirit kill

    (state the essence of your desire).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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    On Sunday, go to some deserted place. Looking towards the sun (naturally, it should be daylight hours), say these magic words for happiness and fulfillment of desires.

    Holy, holy, holy Jesus of Nazareth.

    That king of those Judas,

    Send me your father of angels

    Gabriel, Samuel, Michael,

    Raphael, Mriel, Naphael

    (kneel down and cross yourself twice).

    You heavenly princes

    Send me their servants,

    To help me with their name (cross yourself twice).

    Amen, (cross yourself once).

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    For the same. But this spell is only suitable for women. Read in the morning or evening, looking out the window.

    The sun, mommy, small stars,

    God, Father, Mother of happiness.

    Come help me.

    Jesus Christ, I praise You.

    Amen, (cross yourself once).

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    with nodes. Take nine pieces of rope, each the length of a shoelace. State your desire out loud. Lay them on the table and slowly tie a loose knot on each rope so that all nine form a circle, while speaking louder and louder:

    "Let's start the spell with a knot,

    Knot two - to make the dream come true,

    Knot three - this power is in me,

    Node four - I'll do more

    The fifth knot - and my spell will come to life,

    Node six - my fate is not unchanged,

    Node seven - my case is decided,

    Node eight, my goal is clear,

    The ninth knot is my wish."

    Throw the knotted ropes into the air and twist them into a spiral, waving them around and singing:

    "My strength will be renewed, the dream will come true, the Wish will be released, so everything will work out."

    Gradually slow down your movements and lower your voice to a whisper until you are completely silent.

    Sit down and make a nine-day plan for the fulfillment of your desire, and every morning untie the knot, repeating this spell.

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    To perform this rite, you must have a pyramid. You can buy it or make it yourself. For example, glue from cardboard or make from planks. It is desirable that the sides of the pyramid be 15 cm, 30 or 45. The rite works to fulfill any desire. You can do this ceremony both for yourself and for someone else. The ceremony begins 4 days before the Full Moon (11th Lunar day), and ends 4 days after the Full Moon (19th Lunar day). In total, the ceremony lasts 9 days. Put a photo - yours or the one to whom you are doing the ceremony - under the pyramid face up. A leaflet with a wish is placed on top of the photo. For example: "God, help me find a job with a higher salary." The pyramid should lie on the windowsill. Every morning, without touching it, hold your palms over the two opposite sides of the pyramid with your fingers to the north and repeat three times what is written on the sheet. On the 9th day, pull out a leaf from under the pyramid and burn it. Let the ashes go to the wind The rite is over. It can be repeated by the next Full Moon if the fulfillment of the desire is delayed. Envelope for the fulfillment of desires. The traditional ancient Chinese approach to the issue of ways to fulfill desires suggests the use of classical Feng Shui methods through the use of benevolent symbolism and the performance of ritual actions to attract the desired result. The envelope-talisman, decorated with symbols of Good Luck and Power, serves as a wonderful tool that enhances the positive energy vibrations of your environment and living space.

    The red color of the envelope carries active, yang energies that enliven the process of changing your situation for the better. Auspicious symbolism enriches and enhances it, contributing to the fulfillment of your wishes. Special inserts serve to perform a symbolic ritual to activate the possibilities to achieve what was planned. The magic inserts depict Zao Wang, the keeper of the hearth, a kind old man who saves people and guides them on the path of virtue. It is customary for him and his wife to communicate their desires and needs so that heaven sends the fulfillment of what is desired.

    They are depicted surrounded by helpers who write down good deeds and wishes. Each of them is responsible for a different kind of happiness. In addition, there are always defenders here - the guards of the doors, protecting from all sorts of bad influences and evil spirits. On the sides are the legendary eight immortals - these are the holy heroes of antiquity, who own various perfections and serve as intermediaries between the world of people and the divine, heavenly spheres. Additionally, the insert is decorated with the image of the heavenly palace of the Heavenly Emperor Yu Di, which gives the sanction for the fulfillment of every wish. The idea of ​​transferring wishes to higher powers is to perform the ritual by burning an insert with a cherished desire written on it. The ashes from the burnt leaf should be poured under any plant at home or on the street.

    You should have a tear-off part of the sheet with a crane and hieroglyphs denoting "divine blessing for the fulfillment of desires." The crane is the messenger of the gods, bringing happiness. These leaflets should be kept in a talisman envelope and preferably placed in the helper area (Northwest square) in the house or in your room. It is through this place in space that the patronage of Heaven is carried out and manifested to the inhabitants of the earth. The benevolent symbolism of the envelope will create a powerful reinforcement and reliable reinforcement of your intention to fulfill your desire.

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    Ritual "For the cherished desire"

    Oh my God,

    Bless and have mercy.

    Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,

    Pass through the gate, through the window,

    Through the black pipe

    To my oak table.

    Bring me golden dust

    Pulverized hare lip

    And three bones from a heifer.

    Like the moon at its hour

    Walks across the sky

    So I, God's servant (name), will be lucky from this hour.

    sand in the sea,

    Word, deed - on constipation.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

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    Such a ritual helps to achieve the speedy fulfillment of desires. As you can see, the desire for this unites us all, regardless of the time and degree of civilization of society.

    For this ritual, you will need a candle and your wish written in your own handwriting. In the absence of birch bark, which was used by the ancient Slavs, take plain paper.

    Now you have to twist the candle 7 times. The number 7 is lucky, so try to get a candle long enough and soft enough to fit 7 "twists".

    After that, place a piece of paper with a desire under the candle and light it. Of course, it is very helpful if you look into the fire and think about your desire. And in the brightest colors! Try to feel the joy of the fulfillment of desire. Let this process take you 10-15 minutes, then you can leave the candle to burn out, just do not miss the moment when the candle flame reaches the last seventh "spin".

    Then we carefully take out a note with a desire from under the candle and solemnly burn it on the flame at the time when the happy seventh spin of the candle will burn. Be sure to thank the Universe for helping

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    Happens once in a lifetime!!!

    light a non-church candle and rewrite the text on black paper with white ink.

    “Three monks read a prayer, purely, purely, purely proclaimed, three spirits of greed heard the request, wished to fulfill it. who was the first to argue, according to the agreement, who owns from dark dens to the surface of the earth and the sea, the spirit captivated - for me (name), .... (written desire) fulfilled. The night will not pass, our shadow gives everything. "

    Read what you have written aloud. Leave the candle to burn out, hide the leaf

  • Keep your way after midnight to the crossroads with a generous sacrifice (money or food a lot) and say this:

    "Dead to the dead, alive to the living, and my sacrifice to the demon of the night.

    I call you, devilish prince, sorcerer,

    Yes, six words unspoken,

    Six things not done

    Six speeches not spoken,

    Six roads not travelled,

    Six paths not beaten,

    Six unwritten letters.

    You accept, devilish prince Kharlam, a black sacrifice,

    Yes, rise to my faithful helper.

    Yes, with six servants, black demons,

    Yes, with six spirits of trouble,

    Yes, with six fallen angels

    Yes, with six dashing devils,

    Yes, with six water killers,

    Yes, with six black ancestors,

    Veduns and spinners,

    Who did not live according to the law of Christ,

    If souls did harm.

    Yes, come to me, Prince Kharlam, with a dark army,

    Fulfill my request, as ordered!

    Put the purchase (gold) in the coffin. Arriving home to eat an egg (boiled), remembering what has been done. In a few days, news will come or a request will be fulfilled.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00


    To make your wish come true, take as many matches as you are full years old. Light a thin church candle, and from it - the first match. Until it burns out to the middle, it’s time to read the following words and clearly formulate a desire (it’s better to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart):

    "gachkhanicha, prichhamicha, svaro-svara, amastasey-amastas namo-nama, namo-nama, (pronounce a wish)".

    Then a still burning match should be thrown into a pre-prepared saucer with holy water. This procedure do it sequentially with each match. After that, take them all out of the saucer and bury them under a tree (if you are a woman - under a woman's (birch), if a man - under a man's (oak)). At the end of the rite, throw water under the same tree over your left shoulder with the words: “Let it be as I want. Be my words strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    If you want your wish to come true, ask the salamanders for help. They will definitely help!

    To do this, draw a triangle on the floor with the main vertex to the south. Place a crystal or a clear glass ball in the center. Write your wish on paper. Read the conspiracy appeal:

    "The eternal, ineffable, uncreated Father of all things, rushing in a chariot that moves constantly rotating worlds. The ruler of the boundless ether, where the throne of your power rises, from the height of which everything is open to your formidable eyes! Hear your children and do (outline the essence of desire - it should sound just like writing on a piece of paper)

    While reading - burn a piece of paper on fire

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    A few minutes before the onset of the old New Year (on the night of January 13-14), in your own words, as it turns out, ask the Lord God for health and success.

    "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You spoke with Your pure lips: Amen, I say to you, the land of every thing, but if you ask, you will have it from My Father. Even in heaven: where are two or three gathered in the name Mine, there are seven. I am in their midst, Thy words, Lord, Thy mercy is inapplicable and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this sake, we pray to Thee; grant us, Thy servants (list the names), who agreed to ask Thee (briefly state the request), fulfillment of our petition. But both not as we want, but as You. May Your will be done forever and ever. Amen."

    Candles should burn out completely.

1. Ritual for the shadow. Before lunch, stand facing your shadow, with your back to the sun, it is desirable that there are no shadows of other people nearby, and say these words: “I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Holy Trinity, the True Lord God of Hosts, I stand before you, slave (name) you He created the earthly firmament and the heavenly one, separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night. And on the seventh day he created man and his shadow. That shadow that you gave me for every day I pray to her and punish her, let her fulfill my will (short text of desire). Amen, Amen, Amen."

Do not cast this conspiracy on desire too often, maximum every other day. In no case do not make shadows of different wishes at the same time!

2. Plot on an apple.To make any of your wishes come true, write it on a small piece of paper and fold this paper several times with the inscriptions inside. Cut a large apple in half and cut a small hole in the center of each half. Place the two halves of the apple together, placing your note in the cavity created by the notches in the halves. Tie a string around the folded apple or pierce it through with a wooden needle so that the apple halves hold together and do not fall apart. Bury an apple in the ground in a deserted place, and your problem will completely disappear when it rots and decays.

3. Spirit of dreams. To fulfill your dream, write what you want on a piece of paper, roll this sheet into a tube and set fire to its end from the flame of a red candle. When the paper is more than half burnt, throw it into a small bottle, which you immediately cork. Take this vessel with you to where your dream will be decided, and do not forget to uncork the bottle there.

4. Ritual with a candle and oil. You will need a large, thick candle and enough sunflower oil. Use a needle to write your wish on the candle. For example: “By the end of the week I will be paid back” or “I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person.” Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it soaks the entire surface of it. Then remove the candle from the oil, wait a little while for the excess to drain from it, and place it in the candelabra. Light a candle. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and keep it as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

5. Ritual with a mirror. Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: "I want more money, love and promotion." Then wash off this inscription from the surface of the mirror with clean water. After that, do not pour out the water, but collect it in a small vessel. You can also lower the mirror into a deep plate filled with water and wait until the ink with which your dreams are written on it dissolves. Pour all the ink water or sprinkle it in the place where your dreams should be fulfilled.

6. Magic honey. Dip your finger in liquid honey and write your desire on the saucer, for example: "I want more money," or "I want love," or "I want to get a promotion." Pour water into a saucer, wait for the honey to dissolve in it, and drink the resulting drink. This simple sorcery will give you the necessary vitality to help you achieve what you dream of.

7. Key to the dream. Talisman of desires. Take the key to the old lock and throw it into the iron or into the cauldron of boiling water. Think about what "doors" this key will have to open: is it the key to money, fame and new positions, or will it open a new love for you. Focus on the goals and problems that your talisman will have to solve. When the water has completely cooled, remove the key from the boiler and wipe it on your clothes. Keep such a talisman under your pillow at night and carry it with you during the day.

8. Magic pen. In order to succeed and win in many matters, you will need a bird feather. It is very important from which bird this feather will be and what color it will be. The gray pen will ensure you success in the service and career, black will protect from ill-wishers and enemies, white will give purification and patronage of the Higher powers, red or pink will give love, blue will give health, and green will give money. You will need a sparrow feather in order to establish new business connections, a raven and an owl feather will give wisdom and learning ability, a rooster feather is needed to restore strength and acquire new energy, a magpie feather will determine your financial wealth, and a peacock feather will provide quick luck and honor. Read the plot on the pen:

Mafafua zangi que argmafon

and always carry it with you. This spell is universal and can be used to fulfill any wish. In this case, you can also say these words:

I conjure fire, I conjure air,

from earth to heaven, from heaven to earth,

everything is in my power, everything is in my favor.

9. Ritual with candles. Buy eight candles of different colors: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. You can't find all the candles - use only white, red, yellow, green and blue. On Sunday morning, set a white candle in the center of a large tea cup, shortened to match the height of the cup. Light other candles. Tilt the candles one by one over the cup so that their melted wax drips into it. Fill the cup in this way with multi-colored wax to the brim and to the level of a white candle. Burn this candle of happiness in the evenings for the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

10. Threads of sorcery.

You must know that in order not to forget something, people tie knots as a keepsake. Perhaps you also know that this tradition came from ancient times, when there was no developed counting system yet and the debts of one person to another were indicated by the number of knots on a special “debt rope”. But the fact that it had a deeper meaning, probably not everyone knows. The fact is that, resorting to such a system of calculation, the ancient man performed a magical action that allowed him to increase his wealth and strengthen his influence both on the physical and on the astral plane. Initially, the rope itself was presented as the fate of a person, and the knots tied on it - as certain events that are part of the fate itself. In this way, something that should happen in the future, for example, the return of a debt, was initiated.

When you tie or untie a knot, you perform a physical action, which, when combined with work on the astral plane, gives you magnificent sorcery. In other words, combine the creation of your thought-form with tying a knot, combine your physical effort with your effort on the astral plane, imagine that the stronger the knot, the more powerful your thought-form is. Strengthen your magic by using a rope that you have previously soaked (and dried) with an infusion of wormwood. You can also increase the effectiveness of your actions by doing them in front of a mirror. Then they will be more noticeable and visible to the other world. When your wish comes true, burn the rope with a knot on the flame of a candle.

Take a red woolen thread in your hands and say: “What I think, it will come true, what I speak, it will happen, what I will do, everything will turn for the better.

Tie a knot on the thread and continue the plot: "As this knot is tied evenly and correctly, so my business would converge evenly and correctly."

Put the thread under the threshold front door your home and go about your business in full confidence that no matter what you do today, everything will be in your favor.

More perfect sorcery is the weaving of your will, faith and desire into one whole physical state. Take three identical tight ropes. Place one of them in an alcohol infusion of wormwood (lilies, needles, sandalwood, you can use essential oils of these plants), another - in an infusion of bay leaves (celandine, geranium, lavender), and the third - in an infusion of verbena (lily of the valley, acacia or clover). Leave the ropes in the infusion overnight, and in the morning remove them and let them dry completely.

After that, fold these three ropes together and tie their upper ends with one common knot. Weave a pigtail, consisting of twelve weaves, and tie the opposite ends of the ropes again so that the pigtail cannot unravel. While doing all this, you must imagine how the images of the reality you desire are intertwined with your faith in their reality and with your will directed towards their actual embodiment. Braiding a pigtail, you must make exactly twelve movements-movements of the extreme thread in the middle, between the other two.

You can increase the effectiveness of your sorcery by casting special spells during these actions.

1. Amis akfom liba.

2. Gebe sadeh giba.

3. Kados game aguerra.

4. Lafa zaul farra.

5. Assen farad taul.

6. Eda cofor maul.

7. Gibes laus edar.

8. Saul fas fadar.

9. Mal vara liba.

10. Dobas akas fiba.

11. Ziga fagas libura.

12. Amin kade kura.

These spells should be used only when it will not be difficult for you to simultaneously think, create your images and visions, and at the same time pronounce words. Therefore, here you should learn spells very well and cast them without thinking, automatically, so as not to waste your internal energy on external processes.

Being in such an intertwined state, your will, imagination and faith, directed towards one goal, every minute bring you closer to it. When this goal is achieved, undo the braid and burn all three witch threads on an open fire.

11. Magic nine of diamonds.

To make your dreams come true, remove the nine of diamonds from the new card deck and place it on the table between the gold and silver candles. Light the candles, look closely at the map, and mentally formulate your desire or imagine your dream. Let the candles burn out completely. Carry this card with you as a talisman for the fulfillment of desires.

12. Bottle of desire.

To make your wish come true, write it on a piece of paper. Roll this sheet into a tube and tie it with colored ribbon. If your desire is related to love experiences, then the ribbon should be red, if you are in need of money, use a green ribbon, and in all other cases, use blue. Put the resulting letter in a bottle and cork it with a cork. Write on another sheet of paper the date by which your dreams should be fulfilled, and stick this sheet on the bottle like a label. Keep such a talisman secret and intact until the day indicated on the bottle. In any case, whether your dreams come true or not, go to a deserted place on the marked day and break the bottle there, throwing it on the stones. Returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

13. Aces of desire.

Increase the likelihood of your wishes coming true: remove four aces from a deck of cards and put them in a saucer - one card on top of another face up (the bottom card is the ace of clubs, the second is diamonds, the third is spades, and the top is hearts). Scatter nine spoons of granulated sugar on the cards - so that you get a sugar slide. Set a candle, painted with silver or gold paint, in the center of the saucer and slide, and set fire to its wick. When the candle itself burns out and goes out, clean the cards of sugar and keep them all together as a talisman for the fulfillment of desires.

14. A ball with a dream.

To make your wish come true, write it on a small piece of paper. Roll the paper into a tube and put it in a balloon filled with helium. If your desire is related to money, then the color of the ball should be green, if you dream of love - pink or red, if you are thinking about a career, high positions and positions, put a note in a brown ball, and if your goal is to improve health or recover from disease, the color of the ball should be light blue. Use the white ball for protection and peace with others, the yellow one for revealing secrets, and the orange one for friendship and recuperation. Fill the balloon with helium. Go to an open deserted place, release the ball and watch how it soars up to the clouds. If you have a balloon already filled with helium, tie a long narrow fabric ribbon to its base and write your wish on it.

15. Money Desire.

To successfully implement your plans, purchase nine Chinese coins with square holes in the middle. String all these coins on a red cord or thread and keep such a necklace in your home. From time to time, hold this amulet in your hands and imagine that your dream is coming true.

16. Z spell to get what you want
"Monday with Tuesday,
Wednesday with Thursday
Friday with Saturday
Sunday is the Crown of all Creation!
I create and I create, on this day, this time, here and now.
Command of the Word! Dela's creation!
Retreat the hour of doubt!
Reign the hour of Accomplishment!
Reign and do, according to my word, according to my deed:
(say what you want)
Word crown! Crown of the Creator!
Come true all that I said
word for word, case for case.
Hour of Accomplishment - Crown my petition.
What I said, everything is so and come true!
On this day, this time.
Here and now. "
They cannot be abused. It is done only in exceptional cases. No more than three times per year. I think everyone understands that it is impossible to talk about it, but to do it all alone.

17. Call on a Bes for the fulfillment of a wish.

The power of the demonic blasphemy respects, but the parish does to blasphemous words, but if what the blasphemer desired, they can fulfill.
The hula is strong, but to curse the spirits with a blasphemy is many times stronger than the previous ones, even though the power is hidden in the word.
Even if it is said in the book of Christ's people, even if the Word is in the beginning, and only if the Word has honor and through honor the saints can be called, so through the word it is spun with filth, but full of blasphemy, then with this word you can do secret things. to these words, it is much to come, but to do the deeds of black.

Even if he set out to blaspheme to appease the demonic power, then he must do as this tale commands.

On any Thursday day, it is necessary in the morning to cover the table with black, and then the altar will be glorified.
Yes, put a deep bowl in the middle, and drain the stagnant water in it, either from a swamp, or from some kind of ravine taken. Yes, put a second saucer, and pour clean water into it.
Three candles must be placed in a row on this table.
Wait for the evenings, but you need to take the icon of God, where the Mother of God herself is adorned in a way, and even better if with a baby in her arms ..
As it gets dark, light the candles. Afterwards, you need to take a rag, dip it in frozen, standing water. Wipe the face of the icon with that rag and condemn.

They’ve been beaten by the river, but the spirit of the cross was sent to you, now you’re blasphemed with water, but washed with mud, but glorified with filth, even immaculate, but defamed with black water, but not glorified, yes blasphemous, even you are not pure, but made into unclean water Yes, your conception is fornication, your roofing is spun by vice, it is said, even if I am an un-Christian darling, then I respect the demon, but these words are full of power. Amen. Amen. Amen,

Sprinkle, and wash her face with a wash. Yes, after two times, then throw the rag into a bowl full of black water.
Yes, put a bowl of clean water on the icon, but if it is placed on its face, then you need to speak.

The secret of all secrets, but the filth that is called to the icon, and blasphemous deeds, then your demonic glory is now honored, but for this necessary moment, for this secret moment, it is called by me, yes it is spoken, even the blasphemy is accepted, but I bless you turned , then you are a demon, to my retreat, but do what is said, but for this hour it is said, even I am glorified by the renunciate people, but the damned church of Christ, even I ask, yes I beg, (the rivers that are necessary, but fill your words with desire) then my desire, yes your fulfillment. Amen,

If your finger is on the left hand, let it drop into the water, let three drops fall, and say.

Blood, yes it is persuaded, but it is done. Amen,

After that, wait, even the spirit of mystery you have rescued, and even the sign that he will assure you, then listen to the silence that is full in the hut. If you hear something, then think about it later.
After that, extinguish those candles made with wax. Yes, let everything stand until the morning. Drain that black water into the earth, but not near the hut, but far away. ruchiny, yes, also drain, but if you fit in, then near the hut, pour the edges into the earth.
That is a glorious blasphemy. Yes, create it. It will be desired by you

True power is revealed to those who dare to enter the forbidden path. If you are afraid to open the door to an unlimited space of power, to step on the path of black magic, then amazing discoveries await you. There are no restrictions here, conscience does not torment you. With the help of these forces, you can achieve power, greatness, get wealth. These practices make love out of thin air. All the most secret desires can be realized if you are ready to go the dark way. A person will not have a way back - he who has set foot on this path will now not be able to return to white magic. If you have to choose, choose strength. Life will change, but you will definitely like these changes.

Magic: black and white

Only those who already have darkness enter the path of darkness. If this path attracts you, and things are not going well with white magic - admit it, you want to try. The thing is, there is no going back. A person begins to engage in black magic, the world around you is changing. These plots work quickly, they are tempting. The differences are that white magic imposes a lot of restrictions:

  • can cause harm;
  • you can take revenge;
  • white magic cannot seriously harm the offender;
  • conspiracies are simple, anyone can make them.

This type of energy has limited power. If you do not want to heal with the touch of a hand, but have a desire to take revenge, destroy, punish - the world of dark arts is for you. Everyone has their own goals, and the methods of achieving them are different. You can work for many years, but in the end - nothing. And you can do dark practices and get wealth, love, fulfillment of desires. Everything has a price - white and black magic have different prices, but they do exist. If we pay tribute to the Higher Forces, then for the most daring fantasies, desires, strong love.

The practice of black magic: is it necessary to sell the soul?

By uttering dark conspiracies, you turn to a special energy. Creatures of another world will become your assistants:

  • perfume;
  • entities;
  • demons.

They are cunning, but will obey the one who knows the rules for handling this power. The sale of the soul, the signing of a contract with blood - these are beautiful effects for cinema. In fact, everything is easier. Your soul is a great price to be paid for great power, great influence or money. To reach this high level of magic, you must:

  • practicing dark arts and rituals for years;
  • have innate abilities, be a generic sorcerer;
  • reach a very powerful level of strength.

If you just want to quickly speak love, get a lot of money without problems - you do not need to part with your soul. All these are just the simplest conspiracies of the black magical tradition. You will have to make sacrifices pleasing to the Dark Forces for conspiracies, but at this level, that's all.

Why dark magic is stronger than light magic

Light, white magic is also strong. You can find many rituals that heal diseases, help the terminally ill. But, due to its limitations, this magic simply cannot compete with black magic. They pursue different goals. They feed on power from various sources. The dark arts will give you great power if:

  • You are not stopped by "any" goals to achieve a result;
  • No religious fear;
  • You do not fear the world of the dead;
  • You don't want to wait long.

It becomes strong when the limiting barriers are removed.

Useful black conspiracies

These conspiracies will help you achieve everything you want. Use them, but follow the rules.

  • Do not tell anyone about your rituals. This can only be discussed among the insiders.
  • Rites and conspiracies are held at night after 12 o'clock. In the daytime, they are almost powerless.
  • If a ritual is being performed in a cemetery, do not be afraid. Fear will lower your defenses and no one knows who or what can take advantage of it. Just boldly go forward, speak with a confident voice.

At this stage, these are the basic rules.

The main conspiracies with which you can start your journey: love spells, conspiracies for money.

Black love spells

They are based on the enslavement of human consciousness. A man or woman can be bewitched using dark energy. The will of the object is weaker, it is easily suggestible. You will firmly bind a person to yourself, create love for you in his head.

Black spell that can't be removed

This love spell cannot be removed. The spell is carried out in two stages. You will need a recent photo of your lover and yours. You will create love, a powerful sexual attachment.

Stage one: conspiracy in the cemetery

You will need to go to the cemetery. This is the preparatory part, no need to go at night. You can go to the cemetery after 17:00. You need to take with you:

  • Three black buttons;
  • A bottle of vodka, sweets at the mercy of the dead.

Find a grave with the same name as the person you will bewitch. Stand at your feet and greet the person very politely. Tell him that they brought a commemoration, ask him to take part in the ritual, to bewitch love. Further:

  • If you feel a sudden surge of strength, euphoria - you can continue the ritual;
  • You feel bad, cold, scared - leave a trace, leave without looking back as soon as possible. The deceased refuses to help.

If everything went well, then bury three buttons shallow so that you can find them later. The first in the groin area (desire), the second - at the heart (love), and the last at the head (thought). Say a conspiracy:

“Buttons in the dead bed in the ground, I will transfer the power of the dead world to them.”
Leave a note, thank you and leave. You need to wait three days. After that, return at the same time to the cemetery, pick up the buttons.
Stage two: performing the ritual

If you have not changed your mind about telling love, then you can continue to make a conspiracy of black magic. Now you will need:

  • New needle;
  • Black threads;
  • 2 photos;
  • Black candle.

Never tell anyone that you have used magical practices

At 12 at night, sit down at the table, light a candle. Now you need to follow the instructions very clearly - black magic does not tolerate changes in the ritual.

  • Put your photo, on it is a photo of your lover. After two photos, sew on the buttons as they were on the grave: groin, heart, head.
  • When sewing on a button, read the plot:

“I don’t sew on a button, but I sew your feelings to myself. You will love like no one else and never, forever.

  • When you're done, put the candle on the photo, let it burn out to the end.

The effect will come in 4-5 days. The person will be very disposed to you, will call you on a date, walk, call you. He starts talking about his love.

Money conspiracies

Money goes into the hands of whoever calls for it. Such a money plot can be done at home. You will find everything you need in the esoteric shop. It will not work to get wealth instantly, but you can gradually enrich yourself with the help of proven rituals. Each time you will attract more and more money to you.

Conspiracy for quick wealth

This plot is very fast. Here black magic is ahead of all other means - wealth, money, influence. You will need unusual items for this plot:

  • Fresh thyme (twig);
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hazel;
  • goldenrod.

Thyme, yarrow, St. John's wort

From these herbs in the forest you need to weave a wreath. At night, come with this wreath to the cemetery, and there the conspiracy will take place. Find an old unmarked grave, stand on it, and hang a wreath on the cross. To speak money and wealth, this wreath must hang like this for three days. Then come and pick it up.

  • If you did not find a wreath, leave this cemetery, do not look back. This dead man does not want to help you.
  • If the wreath is still in place, leave a memorial on the grave (vodka, bread, sweets).

Go to the forest, to the place where the wreath was made. You need to tear it with your hands, uttering a conspiracy:

“Just as a dead man will never come for this wreath, So wealth and happiness will not depart from me. Amen."

Scatter it on four sides. The effect will not keep you waiting. The money will start showing up very soon. You can find them on the street, win, get a big inheritance. No one knows how wealth will appear in this life, but it will happen. If everything worked out, then in a year buy a wreath of flowers with your money, take it to that grave. Thank the dead man and never disturb his peace again.

Misconceptions about black magic

There are several misconceptions that may hinder you:

  • All conspiracies of black magic appeal to the devil, demons. You turn to power, and it is neither white nor black;
  • One who practices this magic is not allowed to enter the church. This is wrong. You will have to come to church, church shop for candles, incense, some items. Some conspiracies are also carried out in the church;
  • You cannot create love. You can, it will be in the head of the one you speak to;
  • Money received from black magic will not bring happiness. You rely on chance - money can be found on the street. Wealth does not fall on your head in one moment.

The practitioners of black magic themselves decided to embark on this difficult path. A person receives tremendous power, power, wealth. With the help of these conspiracies, you can become happy quickly, simply. Decide for yourself whether to go this route. Going back won't work. In your power will be ways to create love, to get what you want. Fulfillment of desires is possible for someone who confidently follows the chosen path, believes with all his heart in his work. Each plot is your appeal to the Mighty Force. If you are ready - create your first black conspiracy.

Key property: restoration of true strength

Activity period: new moon - young month - winter

Panther is a common name for such large felines as the leopard and jaguar, but in Florida the cougar is also called the panther, although this animal is very distantly related to leopards and jaguars. In this article, we will use this word in the generally accepted sense.

Panther is a very powerful and ancient totem. Like most big cats, the panther is a symbol of courage and cruelty. Like the tiger and the lion, she personifies aggressiveness and strength, with the only difference being that she is not associated with solar symbolism. The black panthers, no doubt, have a connection with the symbolism of the moon.

As with interactions with any totem, studying the panther's personality can provide information for a deeper understanding of the energies that awaken in those who are attuned to the animal. Leopards are found in Africa, Asia Minor, China and India, while jaguars are found in the southwestern United States, Central America and some areas. South America. Meditations with this totem, during which it will reveal itself to you in full, will help you determine what species it belongs to - whether it is a leopard or a jaguar. However, regardless of this, there are character traits that embody and reflect both species.

Panthers are generally smaller in size than lions or tigers, but they are more ferocious. Panthers have more than five hundred muscles, each of which they can voluntarily contract. This can tell a lot about a person who has a panther as a totem. This speaks of his ability to solve a variety of problems. He is able to decide and choose which of the special "muscles" to use - physical, mental, psychic or spiritual.

Most panthers prefer to be alone, and although they communicate with each other, they feel most comfortable alone with themselves within their territory. They always become totems of people who, like them, love loneliness.

The body of the panther is a truly perfect mechanism. They have amazing grace along with the ability to easily move or freeze in immobility. Panthers are able to silently sneak, sit in ambush or pursue their prey. People whose totem is the panther will find that when they are pursuing a goal, their main strength lies in silence. Revealing too much to others or telling too much about your plans can ruin everything.

Panthers run great, but only for a short distance. To maintain health, people whose totem is a panther must learn to create a certain working regime, allowing themselves to relax and have fun. When performing any task, they should not strain too much. If they work too hard, they may develop health problems. However, when it becomes necessary to quickly solve problems that have arisen in stressful conditions, people who have a panther as a totem are unmatched.

After mating, the panther only a short time stay together. The female herself takes care of the cubs and reacts negatively to attempts to interfere from the outside. Women whose totem is a panther behave in a similar way. They don't like it when other people - even their partners - interfere with their parenting process. The female panther almost always raises her young alone, and women associated with the panther often find themselves doing the same, either through divorce or simply asserting their dominant position in this area of ​​family life.

All cats have binocular vision. Each eye works individually, allowing cats to see much better, magnifying images and allowing them to judge distances more accurately. Therefore, people whose totem is a panther begin to see the world around them better - their lives, events or other people. This is more than ordinary extrasensory vision. This represents a deep understanding of the world.

Often people who begin esotericism do exercises and meditations to “turn on” their inner light. People whose totem is a panther, as a rule, come into the world with the light already on. Therefore, they should not feel disappointed if they do not know the sensations that others describe when their inner light is turned on. These people must trust their thoughts and their imagination.

The people with whom the panther comes into contact develop the ability to clairaudience, that is, the ability to hear information transmitted by beings from other dimensions. The panther has very acute hearing. To determine the direction a sound is coming from, she often moves her ears.

In addition, the panther has special sensitive hairs on the body, mainly on the muzzle. People who have a panther as their totem may find that their sense of touch begins to improve with its appearance. The skin is our largest sensory organ, and with its help we learn about the world much more than we think. People who have a panther as a totem should pay great attention to their feelings that they experience from touch.

The hairs on the panther's muzzle are especially sensitive, so people associated with this totem may develop the ability for a special form of psychometry. Instead of using their hands to read the energetic fingerprints of an object, they can place it on their cheek or forehead to get a clearer reading.

Such sensitivity of the skin - touch - will increase the sensitivity of the body as a whole. For example, you will react more acutely to certain foods. Those in whose lives the panther has appeared will also be more strongly affected by sensual and exciting touches. Interaction with a panther can awaken sensitivity and passion, two powerful mechanisms of feminine energies.

The energies of the panther come into full force at nightfall. The period of its highest activity is winter, and the most effective period of the lunar cycle is the period between the new moon and the new moon.

If you believe the myths, then the panther that lives in the Old World (that is, the leopard) has a characteristic sweet breath, with which it lures its victims to itself. Leopards kill their prey by grabbing it by the back of the neck with their teeth. They do not attack from the front, but attack from behind. People whose totem is a leopard, when showing aggression, never openly conflict with another person - it is easier for them to step aside. They must patiently sneak up, waiting for the distance to decrease enough that they can deliver a strong and ruthless blow. They are not inclined to waste time on games and idle chatter. These people aim at the throat to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to speak.

American panthers (or jaguars) also sneak up on their victims, but because they are stronger, they simply break the skull of the victim. Due to their sensitivity, people whose totem is a jaguar are able to strike a crushing blow, defending themselves or reacting to someone's aggression. Because of this, they must learn to restrain their reactions, otherwise they may inadvertently inflict much deeper wounds on others than they intended.

Of all the panthers, the most powerful energy is probably the black panther. She is a symbol of the feminine, darkness and the new moon. She personifies the essence and power of the night. The black panther is often associated with feminine energies earth. People still experience a primal fear of darkness and death. Black Panther helps us understand the essence of darkness and death, as well as the natural forces associated with them. In this way, it contributes to the elimination of our fears and teaches us to use the energy of these phenomena.

When a black panther appears as a totem in your life, it will help you awaken an inner passion that can manifest itself in the unbridled expression of basic energies and instincts. It may also indicate the awakening of the kundalini, that is, the onset of the time for gaining one's own strength. Moreover, the black panther teaches us how to declare one's strength .

In the myths and traditions of all the peoples of the world, the black panther always appears as a very powerful animal. In ancient Greek mythology, she was a symbol of the thousand-eyed giant Argos, who guarded Io, the beloved of Zeus, turned into a cow. After the death of Argos, his eyes were transferred to peacock feathers. A person associated with the energy of the black panther also becomes a vigilant guardian.

The panther is also associated with the name of Jesus. In the book "Abodazar" (ancient Hebrew commentary on the Holy Scriptures), a man is mentioned who was healed "in the name of Jesus son of Panther." Because of this, the appearance of a panther often indicates a time of rebirth after a period of suffering and symbolic death. This means that finally some old problem, or old mental traumas that haunted for many years will begin to heal, and along with the healing, the true strength that was lost at the time of the injury will be restored.

Among other things, the panther was a symbol associated with Bacchus or Dionysus. One of the myths talks about how Bacchus was raised and fed by panthers, so he is sometimes depicted galloping in a chariot drawn by panthers.

Myths and traditions dedicated to Dionysus are very symbolic. To many, this god is known as a symbol of unbridled desires and the awakening of the kundalini energy. Dionysus - and, therefore, the panther - symbolizes the time of transition from the usual orderly existence to a new life without restrictions and barriers. Through the energy of Dionysus, the panther awakens unconscious aspirations and abilities that have hitherto been suppressed. This indicates that the time of awakening is approaching.

Panther is a symbol of readiness for heroic deeds. All the heroes of Greek myths were born as a result of the love affair of the gods with earthly women - the combination of great fire and great femininity. Therefore, seeds of divine power grow in all heroes, which ultimately push them to go beyond the usual norms and restrictions. The heroic myths tell us that no matter how low we have fallen - through our own fault or under the influence of external forces - there is always hope that light and love will help us become ourselves again. When a panther appears in your life, it means that in the near future a path will open before you, leading you to rebirth.

Dionysus had to endure long wanderings, be captured by pirates and even overcome insanity before he took his rightful place on Olympus. Thus, he gives us a lesson in overcoming suffering, the cause of which is ourselves or the people around us, in order, ultimately, to reveal our divine essence. This myth tells us that our life is the history of the formation of a god or goddess.

As a rule, in the life of those whose totem is a panther, a person already exists or will soon appear who will play the role of a teacher, mentor and companion for them on the path of heroic deeds. For Dionysus, this role was played by the forest god Silenus and the satyrs. They symbolize other realities that exist around us, as well as the ability to perceive them, which will open before us when we embark on the path of heroic deeds.

These realities, as well as the beings that inhabit them, are associated with powerful sexual energies. Meeting them may mean the time has come to resolve old sexual problems or simply accept your sexuality and realize its true power. We must recognize and study the transformative power of sexual energies and learn how to consciously manage them.

Dionysus was the god of life, passion and rebirth. He was born twice. Therefore, the appearance of a panther in your life indicates the possibility of experiencing a second birth. Often this means that we can face the most unpleasant aspects of our lives that we have always begun to hide from ourselves, embellish, hide in the far corner of the closet or pretend that they do not exist. Sometimes this can mean that we must go through the pain of losing what we thought we loved most. Panther gives us hope for a rebirth and will support us in times of crisis.

In the myth of Dionysus, the hero carries with him a magic wand entwined with a vine, the upper end of which is adorned with a pine cone. This wand endows a person associated with panther magic with the ability to create illusions and mislead. A person following this path discovers in himself the ability to make people understand and see exactly what he wants. This ability can be developed and strengthened through self-discipline. Like a black panther, you can easily blend in with your surroundings.

Among the Indians of North and South America, the jaguar, especially the black one, was a sacred animal. Thanks to the ability of the black panther to climb trees, run fast and swim beautifully among the indigenous peoples of Latin America, it has become a symbol of omnipotence. She was credited with power over all dimensions.

Among the Tukano Indians living in the Amazon region, the growl of the jaguar was associated with thunder. The black panther was considered the god of darkness and contributed to its onset by swallowing the sun. This speaks of the enormous power inherent in the energies of the feminine. People whose totem is the panther will feel this power more and more.

The Arawak Indians say that the jaguar is present in everything. Nothing can exist without it. It is the connecting link of all forms and manifestations of life. For them, becoming a Jaguar Man is the highest form of reincarnation.

The same ritual was familiar to the ancient Mayans and Aztecs. In the process of such a transformation, any person got rid of all internal restrictions. The second "I" of a person was set free to put into practice all his desires and aspirations.

Native American shamans performed special rituals to gain the power of the jaguar. Anyone who was able to transform into a jaguar man could do great good or great harm. The Indians of Latin America have a huge number of stories about the use of jaguar magic in rituals for the abduction of the soul and healing from diseases.

Even in Egyptian rituals, the panther's tail was tied around the waist or neck to give strength and protection to the person. It was also used in the "skin exit" ritual, which was an Egyptian version of reincarnation to awaken the powers of the panther in a person.

Nietzsche once said, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." This applies to everyone who interacts with the power of the panther, acting as a totem. Old traumas that you have dared to face again and transform can be a source of strength and creativity for you.

The appearance of the panther marks a new turn in the path of heroic deeds. It symbolizes something more than just gaining strength. She personifies the acquisition of what was lost and forgotten, but what is yours by birthright.

Ted Andrews "Define Your Totem"