How to improve brain performance: recommendations from professionals. How to increase brain performance, simple ways How to increase brain efficiency

Knowing how the brain works helps increase the productivity of our mental work, as well as making it easier for our children to learn. Here are some methods that will increase creativity, improve memory and concentration:

1. Physical activity in the fresh air.

Sports activities and even simple walking increase the supply of oxygen to the brain, promote the synthesis of new cells and restore the balance of neurotransmitters. A study conducted at the University of Michigan showed that after an hour of contact with nature, memory and concentration improve by 20%. It turned out that it is not necessary to enjoy a walk: visiting the park in cold weather provides the same benefits. The additional dose of vitamin D may also play a role.

2. Enough sleep.

While we sleep, the brain continues to work. It is during sleep that he processes the information received during the day. Lack of sleep adversely affects cognitive function, motor activity, mental abilities and mood.

3. The exception to multitasking.

When someone calls, your smartphone will automatically stop the music and prioritize the call. In the same way, for the solution of each specific task, the brain uses a certain function, which should not come into conflict with other functions. To avoid conflicts in the brain, you should direct your attention to only one task. If you try to combine several mutually exclusive functions, the performance of the brain drops.

Techniques for Better Memory

In 1956, George Miller put forward the theory that our short-term memory can store 7 pieces of information at a time (plus or minus 2). After 30-60 seconds, this information is sent to either long-term or working memory. It is now known that we can expand our short-term memory in several ways:

1. Combining information into semantic groups.

Take the number 568975638. It is unlikely that you will remember it right away. Now try to divide it into sectors: 568-975-638. It must have gotten a little easier.

2. Associations.

Some people will remember that their phone number contains the numbers 975, or 638 - the year and month of their birth. This means that associations come into play.

3. Repetition.

The most common strategy that enhances or consolidates memory.

4. Using all five senses.

New information and any presentations are much better remembered when we use videos, music, photos, smells and touches (tactile coding).

In a sense, it functions in the same way as a muscle. Therefore, just like muscle tension and physical exercises increase muscle strength, so different activities and habits can increase brain performance. Your brain is like an interface between your consciousness and the outside world. Below are 8 ways that you may not have heard of, but they can seriously improve your mental abilities.

  • Eat the Right Foods

Did you know that eating a variety of foods is directly linked to increased “brain power”? You may have already heard that the main ones are fruits and berries (especially blueberries), as well as vegetables rich in vitamins A, E, B, C, magnesium and folic acid. But there are some foods that you would hardly have included in the category of brain energy drinks, one of them is dark chocolate. It stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which helps the brain to function at an optimal level. Another example is fish oil, which is used as a raw material for the brain and has a beneficial effect on, as well as increasing attention.

  • Drawing

With such creative activities as drawing, it is mainly used. This is the part of the brain that thinks holistically and essentially non-verbally. Drawing also coordinates and strengthens the motor areas of the brain.

  • Learn a new language

Learning a new language strongly stimulates the other side of the brain, the left side. The left hemisphere of the brain works with analytical and verbal functions, and both of them are trained when you learn a new language. This is a challenging activity for the left hemisphere and can be a great brain stimulation technique in general. So pick the language you've always wanted to learn (perhaps the one spoken in the country you've always wanted to visit) and start learning!

  • Use non-dominant hand

If you are right-handed, try doing some tasks with your left hand. If you're left-handed, try doing them with your right hand. This simple action will challenge your brain in new ways that involve muscle coordination. An added benefit is that if you get good enough at this, you can show off the symmetry.

  • Cross country walks

Walking on uneven surfaces, such as a rocky road, helps improve mental performance. This type of activity stimulates coordination and increases overall mental abilities.

  • Wiggle your fingers

Wiggling your fingers and toes while paying close attention to these body parts will do very well for your brain. Try doing this first thing when you wake up in the morning. Slowly wiggle and move your fingers and toes while maintaining vivid awareness of what is happening. You may then find yourself waking up more alert and able to focus on the day's activities.

  • Creating vivid images

Important for the brain are the functions of imagination and visualization. You can use this ability and at the same time increase the power of your brain. Try to visualize and vividly represent different scenarios. Try to embed yourself in these scenarios, this kind of "meditation" gives a tangible effect. In addition, try to visualize all the senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste - as clearly as possible. There is also a way to recreate an event, for example, while lying on a bed, imagine how you get up from it, the most difficult thing is to slow down, because it is difficult for our brain to recreate a detailed slow picture, so everything in our thoughts happens quickly, and the brain misses a lot of details, it seems to be easier for him. But if, through training, you force your brain to recreate the event in detail and slowly, then it will become more productive in other life situations.

Thinking in terms of increasing your brain power is a very good approach. Research shows that this is quite possible to translate into reality. Just as you can take control of physical development, by doing so, you will become the captain of your own ship.

Improving the performance of the brain immediately changes the quality of life. This is a consequence of the development of logical thinking, imagination, memory, spatial orientation, the ability to learn and make decisions, the adoption of new knowledge and skills.

What stimulates the brain?

the first

The combination of meditation, breathing exercises and exercises helps maintain the integrity of the brain, which affects the cells of the body at a chemical level.

Due to the neuroprotective properties of yoga, it not only prevents the loss of gray matter, but also helps to increase its volume. When the content of this component decreases in the prefrontal cortex, memory deteriorates, pain is poorly tolerated, and emotional problems arise.

Regular exercise also helps positive influence to the left hemisphere, which increases the amount of gray matter.

This area of ​​the brain is responsible for:

  • social behavior;
  • emotions;
  • reading, speaking and writing;
  • verbal thinking and memory;
  • Event measurement;
  • self-awareness;
  • cognitive abilities;
  • making decisions.

Replace (or supplement) yoga classes with breathing exercises, visualization practice, stretching - all of which increase brain efficiency.


meditation methods.

Meditation and attention to practice not only help manage anxiety, improve concentration, but also improve brain memory, empathy, the education that governs feelings and self-esteem.

Two-month sessions increase the density of the hippocampal tissue (the difference is observed with an MRI scanner).

At the same time, the amount of gray matter in the amygdala, the centers responsible for stress and anxiety, decreases.

Meditative practices positively affect the state of the brain of older people, which compensates for the age-related dilution of the organic crust.



Manipulation of several objects not only improves coordination, posture, vision, develops reaction, endurance, but also stimulates the growth of gray matter, enhances intercellular contacts. In this case, the volume of the second component of the brain - white matter, consisting of neurites (processes that serve as guiding nerve impulses) also increases.

Interesting Facts

Participants in one study practiced juggling for half an hour a day.

Six weeks later, the amount of gray and white matter increased markedly, spatial thinking improved, and the sensory system worked. And everyone who participated in the experiment felt positive changes, no matter how well they managed to master the practice of juggling.


Improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, increase longevity. They provide cardiotherapy to prevent and age-related changes in brain structure that cause cognitive impairment.

In this case, which is loved by many (for its ability to increase metabolism and burn fat quickly), the training interval loses less intense aerobic exercise.

Walking, driving and other activities of this type contribute to the growth of neurons.

To complement the necessary training, asynchronous rotation (for example, when the right hand rotates and from left to right towards you), such movements perform the two hemispheres of the brain, equally developing logical and creative thinking.



The combination of the implementation of this subject is possible with the physical efforts that exercise in the fresh air.

You can start by simply holding your breath (while exhaling) for at least 15-30 seconds.

Oxygenated, blood provides valuable nutrition to the brain and is essential for efficient brain function.

Of the more complex procedures - rhythmic breathing. Within 10 minutes, you need to change your breathing, breathing, and output (for every 8 heartbeats).

6. Cleaning.

First of all, you need to get rid of the accumulated "garbage" (toxins, drug ingredients, uncollected compounds), blood and blood vessels.

Increase membrane permeability, reduce blood viscosity and remove toxins:

  • the use of running water, fat, natural tea (only 2-2.5 liters per day);
  • clean and strengthen carrots, cabbage, apples, pumpkin juices;
  • water with lemon eliminates cholesterol from blood vessels (repair result will collect tea leaves from oregano, clover, lime flowers, hypermicum, currant, strawberry);
  • garlic, onion, horseradish, parsley, buckwheat, promote detoxification.



Practitioners know the feeling of mental clarity that occurs at the end of a fasting period.

The brain seems rejuvenated, reactions are quickened, concentration is increased, complex problems are solved effortlessly.

Growth factor growth - compounds that promote the regeneration of neurons and other cells, which provide resistance to stress, prevent neurodegenerative diseases, increase.

He may even bring a short post (24-48 hours).

Those who find it difficult to decide to immediately stop eating during the day can try breaks that last no more than 12 hours.

How to improve brain memory and performance? – Exercise, human medicines, medicines

Bonuses increase energy, improve insulin absorption, a healthy heart and a strong immune system.


Omega 3 fat.

Fatty acids found in mackerel walnuts, salmon, chia seeds, liver liver, cod, flaxseed, tuna, white fish, sardines, hemp seeds, salt, natto, yolk, brain and hippocampus enlargement.


Playing musical instruments.

The effect of this factor, for example, in children under the age of 7 years, is indicative - control over any musical instrument increases the ability to learn, improves brain function and sensory function.

System exercises reduce dependence on RAM. The acquisition of certain cognitive skills allows you to automatically manage many tasks.

Sensory and motor experiences create emotions and movements, while the centers responsible for payment also include.

Thus, the process of playing also evokes mood, it brings pleasure.

Gaining skills in youth improves brain hemispheric interaction, qualitatively alters white matter composition, and allows them to retain these benefits into adulthood.


Regular intimate relationships improve cognitive function, speed up the process of neurogenesis (the production of neurons), support long-term memory, and protect against stress.

11. Mental activity.

The brain needs a load, otherwise mental functions will inevitably suffer.

And they should not only know professions - they are usefully scattered from routine, study foreign languages, solve problems, riddles, riddles (they do not have a clear effect on the crosses of the brain, although this activity improves memory).

Training can be done anywhere: the company should try to remember the names and faces of new acquaintances. Don't rely on phone memory, but practice on your own, store numbers cell phones, addresses.

At the end of the day, try to restore the chronicle of events, remember everything that happened.

This practice will not only develop memory, logical thinking increase attention.

The ability to identify the smallest shades will help you better understand people, allow you to enjoy every day, watching the pleasant little things.

Don't let your brain get sluggish, use these simple tips and then take on even the toughest mental tasks that won't cause problems.

Self-development14-04-2015, 19:45 sergey k7 096

How to improve brain performance?

In order to succeed and develop intellectual abilities, you need to know how to increase the efficiency of the brain and develop certain skills and abilities.

Surely, you are familiar with the state when you cannot concentrate, remember information, are easily distracted and cannot begin to complete a task. This all happens due to constant stress, informational "garbage", insomnia, workload and other problems of modern society.

To make it easier to live in the conditions of the modern world, you need to regularly train your brain and engage in self-improvement. The human brain, if developed, is able to pleasantly surprise, yet it has long been known that the average person does not work at full capacity.

There are also several reasons for this. For example, more often with age, not only the working capacity of the brain worsens, but also memory and the ability to learn and assimilate new information.

In addition, we are accustomed to perform daily routine actions on automatism, which also applies to work activities.

In the age of information technology and communication on the Internet, people have ceased to read and strive to study the world around them.

Frequent pastime on the Internet, watching television programs in no way contributes to the development of abilities, but people are used to relaxing in this way.

How to improve brain function and make it work?

There are enough ways, but in order for them to really work, you need to stock up on patience, willpower, a great desire and diligently engage in self-development every day. The main criteria is the development of thinking and memory.

Development of thinking:

  • Solving crosswords, scanwords, logical tasks, puzzles;
  • Developing strategic games (also board games and monopolies);
  • Solving mathematical problems (it will also be useful to remember algebra);
  • Make various calculations in your mind.

    At first, you can start with two-digit numbers and then move on to more complex examples;

Memory development:

  • Foreign languages.

    You can learn a few new foreign words or phrases every day. An excellent option would be to enroll in courses of study foreign language. If this is not possible, then today on the Internet there are many options for online learning (this is distance learning, learning via Skype, online courses).

  • Poetry. Every day, learn one small poem, pay attention to the classics. This will contribute not only to the development of memory, but also to literacy, education and the formation of taste and morality.
  • Memorization of numerical information.

    Try to memorize important phone numbers, also pay attention to price tags in supermarkets, in other words, try to remember all the numbers that surround you. This is great for memory training. It will be especially useful if you perform various calculations in your mind with these numbers.

  • Give up all kinds of calculators and modern gadgets, use a pencil and paper.

    Let your brain solve the simplest tasks on its own, and then move on to more complex ones.

  • Also don't forget about proper nutrition. If you want to boost brain performance, eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains.

    Drink plenty of fluids, but do not abuse strong tea, coffee and energy drinks. It is better to give preference to ordinary water and natural freshly squeezed juices.

    How to boost brain performance by 100%

    Feed your brain with vitamins and new knowledge.

Foods that are good for the brain

How to develop your brain to 100 percent

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6 Secrets to Growing Intelligence

Articles> Student life

1. The secret to increased intelligence is to use your brain more often.

The more you use your brain, the more you get - this is the main secret.

Brain cells are called neurons and form circuits that remind you of everything you think and do.

When you create a strong chain, you learn better and remember more. How to create a strong chain of neurons? Through repetition!

When you scan text or repeat certain actions, a powerful chain of neurons is automatically generated in the brain.

Therefore, if you want to learn something faster and remember better, more practice is needed. Our book will teach you how to ease repetitions. In fact, it's like pumping muscles. The more weight you lift, the more muscles you develop. If you stop lifting weights, your muscles will begin to weaken.

Similarly: if you stop repeating, start forgetting!

2. Use the fantastic power of your brain to help you create what you want.

The human brain has created all those wonderful things that we see around us: from a simple pencil to a spaceship!

And your brain can do the same if you let it happen. So forget all restrictions like: "I can't do this."

Find a strong desire to improve results, strive to become a successful student, and then a happy life. Then your brain can direct all your energy towards success.

Here is some brain power.

There is never a lack of mental ability to achieve what you want. Brains are designed to increase options as required. To get more, you need to ask for more.

The adult brain has about 20 billion neurons. Most neurons can form up to 20,000 connections with other neurons. The ability to create a vast network of neural connections is the secret to unlimited mental capacity. This network keeps expanding as you learn new things! And with such a network of neural circuits, you cannot have intelligence.

Research shows that the human brain can develop even when a person has old age. If older people learn something new, their brains form new connections! So if you want to stay young, you must keep learning!

3.Use emotions to activate mental ability and easy to learn and store.

When you do something with love, your brain is more active.

Neurons receive higher inputs and better interaction with other neurons to help you think and act more efficiently, increase mental efficiency as a result, focus energy and do your job more with less effort. In addition to being able to overcome challenges and work the way you love.

And when you hate what you are doing, your brain becomes passive. Neurons are less active and less active with other neurons. Therefore hostile work has become more difficult and you can't find many excuses!

Thus, students with a strong desire to achieve good results usually thrive. Their pure love of success clearly stimulates the brain. Therefore, students believe that the learning process is easier and their memory is much better. And, more importantly, such students can succeed successfully.

And students who hate learning face great difficulties and poor results. That's why your emotions are with you or against you!

4. Make a list of learning benefits and favorite subjects.

If you want more academic success, just love it! Love will help stimulate the brain. And you will start learning subjects more easily. But how can you love school subjects? Think of all the big and small benefits of learning each subject and making a list.

Think about how each item helps you in Everyday life what the world teaches you, what knowledge and skills it brings to you in order to successfully complete your career. Such reflections will help you find even more advantages in studying these subjects. The list of benefits will justify your love of academic subjects and be aware of the importance of each subject to your success.

Write the list on your laptop. Repeat this at least once a week. This will increase interest in learning. Great interest - more brain activity and a better learning process!

5. Look for changes in the brain and personality traits to develop successful skills using two commands: “Ignore” and “Attention”.

Pay attention to those pages in yourself that you want to strengthen, and do not worry about what you want to cut off within yourself.

Every time you do something out of habit, fix it. Attention is activated by a network of neural circuits in the brain that has the habit written on it.

The network becomes stronger as additional links are created.

(That's why repetition helps you learn.)

Ignoring causes the reverse process.

If you stop repeating educational material, Forget about it. If you don't use bad habits, you don't follow them. This is because ignoring the skill weakens the neural circuit on which it is written. How do you use these commands in practice?

For example, you want to get rid of the bad habits of sitting in front of the TV for hours and hours. Then decide to ignore the television and ignore learning the subject or gaining useful skills.

So when a streak starts, skip it and use the study time or other useful activities.
Likewise, use these commands to get rid of all the bad habits that keep you from aiming.

6. Pay attention to the brain to make life easier and success becomes more accessible.

If you want to use your brain properly, you can reap many benefits such as learning a subject quickly, getting a high exam score, being given a job you love, etc.

How to Increase Mental Performance

With a healthy brain, it will be easier for you to reap the benefits. If you want to save your brain for the rest of your life, follow these tips.

It feeds the brain more with its favorite food - oxygen. Only 5-6 deep breaths every hour.

Take at least 30 minutes a day.
+ Never blame the brain if you don't get the results you want.

Instead, simply repeat: "I have a strong brain," "I can achieve anything I want with my unlimited mental capacity."

Such thoughts help to achieve maximum success.
+ Do mental exercises to make your mind sharp: solve riddles and crosswords, read good books, meditate 15-20 minutes a day.
+ Eat a balanced diet. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

You often feel. Sleeps every day for 8 hours.

Mankind has always been interested in how to develop your brain to 100 percent. According to many theories, this will lead not only to life, but to humanity on a completely different level.

However, no one has been able to achieve this goal, and the concept of being 100% is pretty relative.

Research, for example, shows that most people only use 10% of their brains, meaning only about one-tenth of their total potential.

One of the greatest minds in history - Albert Einstein - was used at about 20%, because the difference between 10 and 20% is just huge. It is almost impossible to predict what a person can do and what skills he could get, he worked on his brain as much as possible.

On the other hand, this does not mean that all attempts should be made to unlock the potential of the brain.

It is important to understand that the concept of 100% refers to the personal potential of each person, and not of all humanity as a whole. Simply put, you develop mental abilities, discover the potential that you have in yourself, which can be reflected in completely different professions, industries and industries.

Secret tablet or flight of effort and effort?

In most cases, when it comes to brain development, people rely on some kind of secret pill, experimental drug, or high technology.

However, in anticipation of such a “secret path”, many forget that the brain must develop. If we compare this with the physical abilities of a person, then the brain needs the same tension as the muscles.

How to improve brain function

What can it provide?

  • Gaining new knowledge (everything that is useful to you);
  • Calculation of tasks of varying complexity. For example, calculating the total number of goods in a supermarket without a calculator, etc.;
  • Every "mental" work;
  • Creation.

Is not full list but examples of what can put the right burden on the brain.

However, it's not that easy, so it's important to consider other factors in addition to direct loading:

  • Lifestyle;
  • Bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
  • food industry;
  • Regular physical activity.

All this can affect nothing else, and maybe even more, than the regular activity of the brain.

Therefore, if you want to develop your brain, it is important to approach this difficult path, and not just do everything with some exercises.

Diet for brain development

The term “you are who you are” very clearly captures the very essence of how food affects the body and human health.

Although it often refers to the state internal organs, muscles and overall fitness, this also extends to the brain. Poor quality of food, insufficient amount of necessary substances, all this can significantly reduce mental abilities, lead to various disorders and even diseases.

So you don't have to refer to drugs, pills, or other "drastic measures", you can improve brain function by learning what to eat. What foods are best for the brain and what should be included in the diet?

First, those that contain flavonoids and other substances that are good for the brain. These include:

  • Cocoa and green tea;
  • Natural red wine (but not more than 50 g per day);
  • Berries (particularly blueberries and black currants);
  • nuts.

Fruits, vegetables, seafood, sweets, fast food and any unhealthy foods should also be included in the diet.

Relevant sport

You must have heard that sport is the most important profession for those who want to understand how to develop their brain 100 percent.

Of course, this is true, but this statement is important.< детали — спортивная нагрузка должна быть оптимальной и соответствующей. Чрезмерное образование наносит вред не меньше и, возможно, даже больше, чем полное отсутствие спорта в целом. Поэтому вы должны правильно подойти к выбору физической активности. Лучше приоритезировать такие мероприятия, как:

  • Bicycle or exercise bike;
  • Driving (outdoors or in the lobby);
  • swimming;
  • Gymnastics.

Training in the gym is also suitable, but only if it does not exceed 45-50 minutes of time, and all exercises are performed at a moderate scale.

To summarize, it should be a medical burden. Sports with intense and heavy loads, such as weight, are not suitable for these purposes.

In addition, each individual battle should be avoided, as in addition to the lack of a host, they can often affect the brain due to physical injuries.

Does creativity help develop the brain?

Of course, this is one of the most effective ways to "get involved" in the brain, that is, it is a constant load for development, creativity.

According to the collected data and the results of a huge number of studies, scientists have found that creative people have a high IQ. This is understandable because they develop their potential, unlike those who are regularly forced to perform automated work that does not require the acquisition of new knowledge, adaptation or expression of their abilities.

In addition, creative activity is wonderful because you have no restrictions in this area.

You can choose:

  • Music;
  • theatre;
  • Art;
  • choreography;

You can choose anything from creating pictures and drawing different numbers to something completely unique. The main thing is to encourage you to improve yourself, your skills and create something that will give you joy and other people.

Exercise is also important!

Lifestyle, nutrition, creativity and other factors have a strong influence on the development of mental abilities.

However, the use of various exercises will have an even greater effect, as if you want the brain to develop to the maximum, then they need to be paid attention.

Among the most popular:

  • On one side, pull your belly in a clockwise direction and hit your arm with your hand. Then change your hands and follow the same movements. As a result, you must practice until you make mistakes in the movement, even in the case of frequent changes before the deadline;
  • Change your hands.

    Simply put, the essence of the exercise is very simple - on the other hand, you have to do all the usual things. For example, brush your teeth, write with your left hand if you are in the right position, and the like. This will develop brain drains;

  • Walk with your eyes. This exercise is great for stimulating your brain capacity, but you only need it with the help of a partner.

    For example, with your own eyes and try to go home or even outside, but you only rely on the other person;

These are the simplest yet most effective exercises as you can start with them to test your skills.

What else can help?

What else can you do to improve your mental abilities and unlock the potential of your brain?

First, you must eliminate any pressure problems and get rid of hypodynamics. A sedentary lifestyle does not have a good effect on the state of the brain, especially in the presence of excess weight, which almost always controls the appearance of cholesterol plaques. It is very important to ensure the flow of blood to the brain and good vascular patency, which will noticeably improve not only mental activity, but also memory, focus, etc.

You also need drinking water.

This allows you to remove all excess from the body, especially when it comes to waste and toxins. For every 30 kg of weight you should consume at least 1 liter of water.

Otherwise, an active lifestyle, lack of stress, proper sleep and nutrition will be the best help for those who want to develop their mental abilities and improve brain function.

See also:

How to discover talent: 5 levels
5 Methods: How to Develop Imagination and Imagination

Novikov May 19, 2008 at 10:40 am

An effective way to increase mental performance

  • GTD

In my last post, I wrote about . In this part, I will talk about efficient way that does not require medication. Medications are only support, addition. But this method requires organization and willpower, and therefore is so unloved by most of us.

Material part

First, I'll tell you a little about some of the basic principles of the nervous system. I do not pretend to be complete here, rather, I deliberately shortened the presentation so that it was clear to the majority.

The work of the nervous system is the processes of excitation, inhibition, conduction, integration. Neurons receive and process signals, conduct them along their processes and interact with each other.

Conducting a signal along the processes of neurons is electrical activity. A change in the polarization of the membrane propagates along the processes; this process requires energy expended for the operation of ion pumps.

Another important process is synaptic transmission. One cell secretes into the synaptic cleft molecules-mediators, mediators that act on the receptors of another cell, stimulating or inhibiting its activity.

The activity of neurons requires energy. Lots of energy. Where does it come from? One of the most important biological processes is respiration. At the cellular level, respiration means oxidation nutrients and getting energy. Let me tell you very simply. Oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues with arterial blood. Then they enter the cage. There are whole chains of enzymes and coenzymes, the work of which ensures the oxidation of nutrients with oxygen. Formed carbon dioxide, water and other products. They must be removed from the cell and from the tissue into the blood.

In addition to respiration, there are many more biochemical processes. For example, the synthesis of cell components (the same membrane, enzymes, ion pumps, etc.), as well as mediators. All these processes also require energy, nutrients, enzymes and coenzymes. No mediators - no synaptic transmission.

The work of the nervous system should not be considered only at the cellular level. There are supercellular structures: groups of neurons, nuclei and centers of the brain, as well as such, in many respects, a mysterious thing as reticular formation, and also the epiphysis, the limbic system. They affect the cerebral cortex.

There are structures in the brain that are characterized by cyclic activity. They stimulate or inhibit the activity of other structures. One of the important cycles is the daily cycle. The cyclic change in the activity of neurons is extremely important for recovery processes. The reserves of nutrients, macroergic compounds, mediators, and the components of the cell itself should be restored. New connections between neurons should be formed. Structural changes must occur in the neurons themselves.

By the way, using stimulants, you simply "burn the emergency reserve." As stupid party nomenklatura, in order to increase meat production in reports, let dairy herds go to slaughter, so you, taking caffeine, "energy" and similar substances, slowly kill your neurons.

What to do?

Natural and stable daily routine is the most effective remedy

The natural, stable regime of the day is the most effective remedy. Moreover, it is non-drug. And this tool is the most underestimated and most disliked by most of us. You can eat pills, but without a day regimen, you can flush them into the toilet with almost the same effect.

The mode of the day is not just "sleep eight hours." For some, six is ​​enough, for others, nine. The most important thing is to develop and maintain a stable daily rhythm. And not anyhow, but natural. It is natural for a reasonable person to wake up in the morning, stay awake during the day, rest in the evening and sleep at night.

Anticipating the invasion of crazy red-eyed coders who are pathologically proud of being "owls", I will say that after the return of "owls" to the natural cycle, their productivity increases, their mood improves. In fact, the division into "owls" and "larks" is quite arbitrary. Among those who work better at night than during the day, there are almost no real "owls". There are just people with a steady unnatural daily cycle.

Each person has slightly different body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate. But these parameters, nevertheless, have a norm. Just as the normal temperature in the armpit is 36.6 degrees Celsius, so the normal rhythm is the one I have described, let's call it "morning".

I myself have experienced periods when I work better at night than during the day. But let's look at this situation in the following way. Let's take for 100% the maximum working capacity of a person. And now let's make it an "owl". During the day he will nod off and work at thirty percent, and by night he will become more active, say, up to seventy percent. But still he will not reach that maximum and that comfortable state, which would be at the natural biological rhythm of Homo Sapiens.

For millions of years, all life on Earth is subject to a daily rhythm. And almost all living things get this rhythm due to the cyclic change in lighting. One of the substances cyclically produced in the brain is melatonin. Approximately 70% of its secretion occurs at night. The pineal gland increases the production of melatonin when it is dark.

It is very important to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. I recommend going to bed at about 11:30 pm and waking up at about 7:30 am. You can go to bed at another time, a little earlier or a little later. It is important to wake up consistently.

And again I foresee objections about "deadlines", "blockages at work." Let me remind you the story about two lumberjacks who had a competition. One chopped without stopping, and the ax of the other fell silent periodically. And when the second woodcutter stopped chopping, the first heard it and started chopping even faster. Imagine his surprise when it turned out that the second woodcutter chopped twice as much. “How is it that you stopped every hour and did nothing?” - asked the first. “How is it nothing? I rested and sharpened the ax, ”the second answered him.

You'll be much better at meeting deadlines and rushes if your ax is sharp. Remember, I spoke about the processes of synthesis, about the restoration of reserves of neurotransmitters and energy connections? So, during healthy sleep, they are restored. And many more little-studied processes are going on. Some authors believe that it is during sleep that new connections between neurons are formed, and information is recorded in long-term memory.

We wake up easily

By the way, about the right awakening. If you wake up shortly before the alarm goes off, don't "fill up". Gotta get up. And if the alarm clock rang, but you don’t want to wake up, you still have to get up. Get up in the literal sense of the word. You have no idea how important it is to take a vertical body position. In most cases, drowsiness goes away immediately. You will be surprised that a minute ago you considered it impossible to crawl out from under a warm blanket.

Awakening is facilitated by stable morning “rituals”. Cold and hot shower"washes away" drowsiness. The key word here is stability. The body will get used to the fact that it is necessary not only to wake up, but also to do something invigorating.

A little earlier, I talked about circadian rhythms, melatonin, and the role of lighting. So, it will be very cool if you wake up in the light. There are alarm clocks that first turn on the light, and then, if you do not wake up, they ring. I will talk about the role of lighting during the working day a little later.

Fall asleep easily and sleep well

If you do not have a pathology, then a stable circadian rhythm with morning awakening after a while will lead to the fact that it will be easy to fall asleep.

It is very important that the room is not too light, and also hot or stuffy. Also, don't stuff up your nose. It happens that a person complaining of morning "brokenness" is monitored for sleep. It turns out that the poor man wakes up 10 times a night, but he simply does not remember it. Turns out he has trouble breathing through his nose.

Do not use sleeping pills. Their principle of action is based on the oppression of the nervous system. This is not what we need, and side effects are very bad.

To rebuild the body to a normal rhythm, the drug "Melaxen" helps. These are tablets of melatonin, a substance produced by the pineal gland when we need to sing. You can use it for about 5-7 days, no more, one tablet 15 minutes before bedtime (most of this drug will be removed in 45 minutes) Be sure to drink at least half a glass of water (as with any tablet, so as not to stick to esophagus, it happens). It is not a sleeping pill in the usual sense of the word. This drug helps the brain to adjust to a normal rhythm.

Glycine can also be used before bed. It is necessary to apply it correctly: do not swallow, but place it under the tongue or on the cheek.

I also heard about such alarm clocks, sliptrackers, which wake a person in the right phase of sleep. I have not tried it myself, I have not used it on patients, but the thing is interesting.

To fall asleep easily, it would be nice to get moderate aerobic exercise 3-5 hours before bedtime. And here we will touch on the next topic - hypodynamia.

The fight against hypodynamia

I will not dwell on the pathological mechanisms of physical inactivity. Let me just say that we all suffer from it. You can't even imagine what a truly huge traffic deficit that a city dweller experiences. Especially IT people.

Two good ways are morning jogging or cycling. For myself, I chose a bike. By personal or public transport, with the current load of St. Petersburg streets, it will take me about 50-70 minutes to go. So much for cycling.

I exchange an hour of traffic jams or hustling in a sweaty subway for the same hour of moderate aerobic exercise. I don’t spend such precious time extra, as if after work I went to the fitness center and pedaled on the simulator. By the way, it turned out that you sweat more in the subway.

I recommend getting up and leaving early, before rush hour and traffic jams. First, the air will still be fresh. Second, it's safer. Thirdly, you will arrive at work, and there are few people there, it is easier to concentrate. And finally, not always immediately after sleep there is an appetite. After a bike ride, the appetite will be good, the food will be absorbed better, and there will be cheerfulness.

When you return home on your bike, you will have a few more hours to "calm down". I recommend taking an evening shower not a contrast, but a warm one.

Not everyone and not always can afford to ride a bike. Let me share my life hack. Get out of the transport for one or two stops and go through them on foot. Or easy running.

Rest at work

The topic partly intersects with hypodynamia. How do IT people usually "rest"? They go down, pour coffee, read blogs, play something, smoke (a ray of diarrhea for tobacco companies).

Rest is a change of activity. Many people know this, but they don't use it. Changing "Photoshop" to "Bashorg" is not a rest, although it is better than "stupid" over the layout when the head is no longer cooking.

It’s right to relax like this: get up from the computer, open the window, leave the room and do at least some physical activity, without thinking about work and “deadlines”. For this we have table hockey, darts and badminton in warm weather. You can at least squat and push up a few times. And it’s better to eat food not at the workplace, but at least go somewhere in a cafe.

During prolonged sitting, some groups of muscles and nerve cells receive a static load, while others are relaxed. Physical activity allows you to restore the tone of relaxed muscles and blood vessels, restore normal blood flow, and accelerate the removal of waste products from the body of cells.

For a good rest during the working day, a change of activity, physical activity, distraction from the problem and a change of scenery are important (get out of the cubicle, finally!)

Rest outside of work

There are two big parts here: “after work” and “on vacation”. I won't talk about vacation for a long time. Let me just say that the sense of vacation will be when the situation changes. This is its main psychotherapeutic effect. It is necessary to leave, forget about work, problems, turn on the phone and computer only when necessary.

Let's take a closer look at the regular rest "after work". I recommend several types of such recreation: outdoor games (football, badminton, tennis), jogging, cycling, rollerblading, and also a swimming pool. The pool is generally very cool, at least once a week. But all sorts GYM's will not give such an effect as aerobic motor loads.

Another thing that few people know about. Cleaning on weekends is not just about “cleaning and tidying up”. It is a psychotherapeutic agent. I'm not going to paint the mechanisms here, just trust the doctor ;-) Get out of the apartment, at the workplace, or even clean the computer. Refresh your space.

My colleagues who treat neuroses use such concepts as "psychological microclimate" and "microenvironment". Use the weekend to arrange a change in this environment. Ideally, of course, to go somewhere out of town, but it does not always work out.

Not deprived common sense advice from one of my colleagues: sometimes take a break from those with whom you work, even if they are very good and interesting people.

Try to diversify your life as much as possible. If you go to work one route - try others. You buy everything in one store - try the next one. Eat pasta all the time - try boiled socks (you read this far, ho-ho) Don't limit yourself to specialized literature. Get yourself a non-computer hobby, sometimes go to the cinema, theaters, museums. It sounds trite, but in three months you will really get a significant effect.


A lot has already been said about glycine, nootropics and vitamins. I will also say a few words.

Multivitamins, especially drugs like Vitrum Superstress, should be taken only in the indicated dosage. Usually this is one tablet per day. Take in the morning, at breakfast. Do not exceed the dose! The duration of the course of vitamins is 30 days, then take a break for 1-2 months.

Nootropil. Relatively safe drug, has an antihypoxic effect, improves the processes of cellular respiration. Don't abuse. It would be better if a doctor prescribes it to you, who will indicate the dosage and observe you, but I won’t paint the “du it yoself” schemes here. The effect is not instantaneous, it does not come immediately.

Glycine. It is also relatively safe. Before going to bed, one tablet under the tongue makes it easier for many to fall asleep. About "Melaxen" I wrote a little higher.

Everything else: caffeine, dietary supplements, stimulants, sleeping pills, amphetamines, antidepressants - forget it. Just forget about them unless your doctor has prescribed them for you. If the doctor prescribed dietary supplements, then forget this doctor. If psychotropic drugs were prescribed not by a psychiatrist - the same thing.
If you suspect that you have depression, see a psychiatrist. If you have problems with sleep, go to a sleep center or a psychiatrist, again.

What else prevents it from working properly?


Whatever mental homosexuals say (I have no other decent words for these citizens), who defend smoking, smokers, the tobacco industry, but hypoxia and constriction of cerebral vessels under the influence of nicotine have never contributed to the good functioning of brain cells. Hypoxia is the main cause of neuronal inhibition.

Smoking contributes to the development of hypoxia at several levels at once. Firstly, under the influence of nicotine, the vessels that bring arterial blood narrow. The supply of oxygen to the tissues with blood is reduced. Secondly, the transport capacity of hemoglobin decreases. The blood itself carries less oxygen and it is more difficult to give it to the tissues. One of the reasons is the formation of carboxyhemoglobin, a reaction product of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide). Thirdly, in addition to nicotine in tobacco smoke, there are still a bunch of substances that penetrate into cells and block the processes of cellular respiration. That is, even the reduced amount of oxygen that enters the tissue, the neurons themselves cannot properly assimilate, since the enzymes and cytochromes of the respiratory chains are suppressed.

And these effects do not appear in long-term smokers, in contrast to, say, emphysema or erectile dysfunction.

Now citizens will come running here who will claim that “they can’t work without a cigarette”, that “a cigarette helps to mobilize”. The crap is full. The simplest analogy - breaking without a dose is also very bad for a drug addict. The systematic use of tobacco leads to the formation of a stable pathological state, and without the next dose, performance really decreases, dysphoria sets in. But here's the thing: if you didn't smoke, then your performance during the day would be much higher than you now have for a short time after the "mobilizing cigarette".

For office workers: smoke only one at a time and outside the office. And do not choose a constant time! By strictly following this rule, you will significantly increase your chances of quitting smoking. Destroy the pathological tradition, social attachment and this ugly ritual. Drive the person who offers to “discuss in the smoking room” away, not embarrassed in expressions and measures of influence. This is your enemy.

Improper nutrition

If you regularly eat homeless bags, instant noodles and mashed potatoes, chips, then along with all this goodness you consume glutamic acid or its salts, glutamates. Glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Glutamate is also an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It has a short-term nootropic effect, but the systematic consumption of high doses of glutamate leads to a change in biochemical processes in the nervous tissue. For a snack, you can read about the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

But even if there were no glutamates, such nutrition is bad for its inferiority. For example, a lack of vitamins. Remember, I talked about tissue respiration, synthesis and coenzymes? So, many vitamins act as coenzymes. There are not enough coenzymes - the cell cannot work normally.

By itself, the homeless package is not so harmful. To get harm, like from one cigarette, you need to eat ten of these instant noodles. But chronic nutrition of inadequate and monotonous food leads to a growing lack of vitamins. And many other substances.

Your diet must include fresh vegetables, fish and vegetable fats. Vegetables are not only vitamins, by the way. And not just vitamins, but also their various derivatives and precursors (provitamins). And not just pill powders, but "packed" in the cell membrane.

Fish and vegetable fats are polyunsaturated fatty acid and fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vitamins A and E are involved in a huge number of synthesis reactions, and are also antioxidants (they block chain reactions of free radical oxidation of cell components, some of these reactions are triggered by hypoxia).

But you should not engage in veganism, it is unnatural. The natural diet of Homo Sapiens is mixed. Meat contains essential amino acids, as well as iron and other elements in the form in which absorption occurs incomparably more efficiently than from plant foods.

You should not listen to those idiots who promote microscopic breakfasts. "Cosmo girls" let them go through the forest with their advice. You have to eat breakfast like a human being. You work all day, the body must receive energy from food. The stove should be fired with wood, not logs from your own home.

Wrong environment

Most often there is improper lighting in the workplace. Well, IT-shniks like to sit in the dark or twilight. It is not right. First, darkness is a natural signal for the brain that it's time to party. Secondly, the contrast between a dark room and a glowing monitor is very harmful to the eyes. And yet - the visual analyzer gets tired.

Dull offices - I think everyone understands everything here. But there are also unnecessarily “creative offices” with bright walls, a lot of glare, multi-colored light sources. It's cool to put it on a blog to get customers or future employees hooked. But putting people to work in such offices is a crime.

Music in speakers or headphones is extraneous noise and tension of the auditory analyzer. Now brave guys will come running here, who code at night under “tynz-tynz” or “Sepultura”, they will prove that they work better this way. Physiology claims the opposite, but I won’t argue with the “red-eyed people”, this is a stupid exercise.

Wrong workplace. This is generally a very large topic, just give one example. It costs, say, the monitor is too high. The person is sitting, the neck muscles are in constant tension, the head is fixed. The venous outflow is disturbed (sometimes the blood flow too), the blood supply to the brain gradually worsens, but not critically (no fainting). But constantly. Water wears away the stone. Efficiency decreases, a person gets tired faster, headaches often occur.

Wance again

So, the most important and most effective (better than nootropics and glycine) is a stable natural “morning” day regimen. Start today!

And finally

Well, of course, of course, lieutenants. This is also very important. One verse comes to mind here:

Don't drink alcohol
Don't smoke cigarettes
Don't take any drugs

The 21st century marked the beginning of an era when scientists managed to literally get into the human brain and debunk all the myths about its work. For example, its size and weight do not affect the level of intelligence. Scientists began to test methods by which it would be possible to improve the functioning of the brain and develop new skills from scratch at any age. These secrets are actively used by special agents, athletes, astronauts, doctors and enthusiasts.

We will tell you about popular misconceptions about the brain and suggest some good ways improve its performance.

Myth: The brain never gets tired

The brain cannot get tired of mental work, but psychological and physical conditions can affect the concentration and activity of a person. It turns out that the brain works better when a person hears the sound of waves, feels the salty breeze, sees all shades of blue and feels warm sand. That is why we recuperate faster near the ocean.

Try halotherapy, take a walk in the woods, go on vacation to the sea or any body of water, and in the summer feel free to go barefoot. Try to relax on the beach as often as possible.

Myth: Drawing won't help you become a math genius.

You should try drawing every time you can't decide. difficult task or make a difficult decision. Drawing activates the work of both hemispheres of the brain, and the correct solution is found much faster. Integrated studies have shown that children understand math better and retain information faster when illustrated. new material in your notebooks.

Try drawing for 10-20 minutes using your left hand (if you are right-handed). Try to do this every day, and in just a month you will notice a positive effect.

Myth: Swings are for kids

Playing on a swing in early childhood contributes to the development of certain parts of the brain responsible for speech and information processing. But at any age, the swing strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improving spatial orientation skills. This is confirmed even by astronauts.

Swing for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a week. This will save you from seasickness, as well as the consequences of excessive drinking.

Myth: Superpowers do not exist

What we call the sixth sense is often observed among people who have lost certain senses. For example, blind people can sense the space around them by focusing on hearing, smell, or skin receptors. In order to function properly, their brain creates a special map based on the information received.

Practice your "sixth sense" several times a week with earplugs or an eye patch.

Myth: Chess is the best sport for the brain

In fact, the brain works better during a challenging physical workout. It promotes the production of hormones responsible for memory, the assimilation of new skills and the preservation of neurons. For example, scientists conducted an experiment in which athletes took part. During the break between training sessions, they were asked to solve problems. At the same time, participants in the first group did stretching exercises, and the second group rested. The results showed that the resting participants were unable to complete the task.

However, when exercising, it is very important to avoid risk to brain health. For example, rugby players often suffer from brain damage, as they suffer head injuries during almost every game.

Don't rely solely on chess and crossword puzzles. Swim, dance and do yoga to develop your entire body.

Myth: Milk is good for the brain

Milk has many contraindications. Consuming other dairy products is much better for your brain and body than milk itself. Other foods, such as wine or chocolate, for example, have not yet been proven to have a positive effect on brain function, so they should only be consumed in moderation.

Excess weight is known to destroy nerve pathways, and sugar and trans fats lead to inflammation. The efficiency of the brain is reduced, and a person can become depressed. But the lack of food can also throw the brain out of balance: it uses all its energy to get food, which forces a person to become aggressive and irritable. The life expectancy of the brain is reduced, and the risk of developing its diseases increases.

Myth: Many skills can only be developed in childhood

In fact, an adult can develop almost all the same skills as a child. For example, some surgeons began taking violin lessons in their 30s to develop fine motor skills. Special agents have to play video games to improve their reaction speed, logic and correct behavior on a mission.

Do not be afraid to do what you dreamed of as a child. New skills create new neural pathways that prevent brain aging.

Myth: Positive thinking is for the young and inexperienced

Optimists deal with mistakes more easily and achieve their goals faster. On the contrary, pessimism and constant worry increase the risk of heart attack by 29% and cancer by 41%. Even if your attitude towards life is determined by genes, life experience helps to shape you as a person.

Myth: Some people are born with mathematical inclinations, others are not.

The ability to understand math is an instinct that is an essential survival skill. For example, symmetry indicates a ripe fetus, and "number sense" helps determine the number of people in an enemy tribe.

Mathematical abilities can develop in different ways, but they can be improved even in adulthood. They have a positive effect on memory and creative work.

Start with simple things - play Monopoly or Scrabble, solve simple math problems, calculate expenses in your head when you shop.

Myth: Drinking coffee every day is good for memory.

Caffeine does enhance brain function and may delay age-related memory impairment, but you shouldn't drink it regularly. You can improve your memory and enrich your knowledge with the help of books.

Read at least 1-2 books of different genres per week. Re-read old ones to "update data". If you don't use information for a long time, your brain can erase it from your memory.

Myth: Virtual maps and navigation systems develop spatial orientation

After using the navigation system for a long time, people tend to forget the location of the main streets. That's why London taxi drivers have to memorize the location of 25,000 streets in order to get a license to operate. Knowledge of major streets and ability to use regular cards increases the part of the brain that is responsible for spatial orientation, getting rid of stress and changing behavioral strategies.

Ditch the navigation system in favor of paper maps and pay attention to landmarks like the position of the sun. Very soon you will be able to find the places you need even in another city.

Myth: Electrical stimulation "burns" the brain

Electrical brain stimulation is primarily used by scientists, special agents, athletes, gamers, and people who are trying to recover from a traumatic brain injury or stroke. This therapy improves concentration, increases logical thinking, improves reaction speed, increases verbal memory and develops imagination.

Myth: Stimulating the pleasure center enhances brain function.

The hormone dopamine causes a feeling of pleasure when you eat sweets, drink alcohol, or fall in love. This temporarily improves brain function, but then its performance decreases again, as a new “dose” is needed.

The hormone serotonin can increase brain function for a longer time than dopamine. It is produced when you feel personal satisfaction, laugh, or spend time with a nice person (for example, watching a movie or having dinner). In these cases, you can make an exception and drink wine or eat sweets together.