Motivation of personnel in the process of labor activity. Coursework: Motivation of behavior in the process of work Motivation of behavior in the process of work

The personality of an employee (specialist, worker, employee) needs reinforcements, i.e. positive or negative attitude to their behavior, approval or condemnation of their activities. The lack of such reinforcement inevitably leads to a revision of the motives of labor activity and, basically, to an increase in dissatisfaction with work, the order in the organization and the leader himself.

When studying the individual characteristics of personnel, it is necessary to take into account the existence of certain psychological barriers that may prevent obtaining objective information about personal qualities and properties, about the motives of behavior and work activity. Internal experiences, as a rule, are disguised for "outsiders", their identification requires a skillful approach and deep analysis. In addition, one should take into account the variability of the individual characteristics of the staff, their motives, value orientations, forms of behavior, interpersonal relationships.

Constant contact in the process of work opens up wide opportunities for emotional manifestations in people's relationships. It may be sympathy, or it may be antipathy. With the manifestation of a stable antipathy of one person to another, information is deposited in the mind, in which mistakes, mistakes in work and behavior are recorded. Information about the positive aspects of activity is either not recorded at all, or is interpreted in the opposite sense.


* Bold type indicates new concepts that need to be learned. Knowledge of these concepts will be tested during testing.

The motives underlying positive actions are especially often questioned. A person who feels antipathy towards another person belittles the level of nobility or social significance of the motive underlying the positive act. With this interpretation of the motive, the act begins to look random and forced. In order to prevent such a development of events, the basis for assessing the motives of behavior and labor activity it is necessary to put, first of all, actions and deeds, i.e. form a judgment about a person according to his deeds.

The leader, as a rule, has a positive opinion about the employee, but sometimes he believes that expressing this opinion out loud means being reckless, allowing the subordinate to become conceited. The motive leads to this position: "What if a misconduct is committed by a subordinate, then it turns out that I made a mistake in my assessment." There are a number of other arguments that justify such behavior.

When assisting in career planning, it is necessary to take into account the motives of behavior. Determining the importance and priority of planning objects is largely based on the example of other people, on proposals from various organizations, and finally, on the basis of an independently formed idea of ​​the meaning of life and ideas about the "good" and "bad" life. As a result, the priorities of planning objects can be formed under the influence of random circumstances or circumstances that do not link plans for the future with personal capabilities or social needs. For example, admission to higher education educational institution vocational education may be motivated by its proximity to the place of residence. Naturally, in relation to the goals of education, this motive is accidental, insignificant. The choice of work can be motivated by the desire not to be separated from a friend, etc.

When working with the reserve, it is also important to take into account the motives of behavior and work, the mood of the reserve members themselves in connection with

appointment, opinions on the effectiveness and credibility of the reserve in solving personnel problems. There is no need to prove that these opinions and moods significantly affect the intensity of the preparation of the reserve and the motivation to work. The most significant damage to the mood and activity of reserve members is caused by appointments to positions outside the reserve and the lack of a fixed term of stay in the reserve. A slowdown in promotion after two years of work can contribute to the development of maladjustment processes, which serves as a fertile basis for the formation of motives leading to a decision to dismiss.

College of Rational Learning

Course work on the topic of:

"Motivation of behavior in the process of work"

in the discipline "Personnel Management"

Completed by: K3M1

Mamedova K.Sh.

Checked: ken. Tagaev A.V.




1.2 Methods of motivating staff


2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise IP Deranovsky

2.2 Economic activity of IP Deranovsky

2.3 Features of building a system of payment and incentives for IP Deranovsky

3.1 Survey of employee satisfaction with the work of FE "Deranovskiy"

3.2 Development of an action plan to improve the motivation of employees of the IP "Deranovskiy"



The formation of a market economy in Russia creates conditions under which the importance of the human factor in production and business increases: the knowledge, experience, skills of employees become the main source of efficiency and competitiveness of business organizations.

Today, the motivation of labor resources is one of the important strategic directions for the development of an enterprise. Motivation is aimed at the most effective use of the abilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise and society, by creating a creative work team capable of change, development and renewal.

To provide effective work personnel, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of constructive cooperation, in which each member of the team is interested in the fullest realization of their abilities. The creation of such a socio-psychological atmosphere is the most challenging task personnel management. It is solved on the basis of developing a system of motivation, evaluating the results of work, and choosing a management style.

Under the current economic situation in Russia, the topic of this graduation project is relevant, since among the complex of management problems, the problem of improving the management of the company's personnel plays a special role. The task of this area of ​​management is to increase the efficiency of production through the comprehensive development and reasonable use of the creative forces of a person, to increase the level of his qualifications, competence, responsibility, and initiative.

The key place is occupied by the definition of ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as to stimulate and motivate employees.

The result-oriented leader consciously bases his activities in the management of individuals and groups on a thoughtful idea of ​​​​the person, which he strives to constantly develop.

The image of a modern manager is determined by ideas about work and the systems of motivation and attitudes of employees to work that follow from them. Changing ideas about the content and nature of work, free time and quality of life place new demands on personnel management. The training and continuous education of staff is becoming increasingly important. The relevance of training managerial personnel at all levels is especially growing.

At the present stage of development of entrepreneurship in Russia, the topic of the course work is relevant and very important, since human resources are the most decisive factor in the success of any business.

Based on the foregoing, this thesis the main theoretical issues of the personnel management mechanism through motivation are considered, important aspects of the motivational process and methods of influencing the organization's human resources are also highlighted.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the influence of the labor motivation system on the behavior of employees (on the example of IP "Deranovskiy"). To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. consider the essence and content of the concept of motivation in the enterprise;

2. to characterize the methods of motivational impact on the labor resources of the organization;

3. assess the financial and economic situation at IP "Deranovskiy"

4. to analyze the current system of labor incentives at IP "Deranovskiy";


1.1 The content of the concept “motivation system”

Motivation is a process that begins with a physiological or psychological lack or need that activates a behavior or creates an urge to achieve a particular goal or reward. Thus, the key to understanding the process of motivation lies in the meaning of the words “needs”, “motivation”, “reward” and in the relationship between them.

The motivation system is a set of material and non-material incentives designed to ensure high-quality and productive work of employees, as well as to attract the most talented specialists to the company and retain them. In other words :

· attract the right employees;

Engage and unleash their potential;

Retain productive employees.

The system of personnel motivation is a rather acute issue for many companies. There is such an expression: the ideal employee does not exist, only his functions are performed. However, this does not happen, because we work with ordinary living people, each of whom is different, with their own beliefs, outlook on life, etc. Therefore, it is not easy to make sure that each of these people does what is required for the company. There is no unequivocal decision on this issue, there are only a number of principles, for example, an individual approach, the connection of labor results with remuneration. In world practice, a number of constituent components have gradually developed to achieve the necessary motivation of personnel.

The motivation system is formed by fixed and variable elements of remuneration, benefits and factors of non-material motivation.

First, we will talk about the permanent part of motivation, in other words, about the salary. It is paid to the employee regardless of the results achieved. Often it is formed on the basis of grades, that is, a certain scale that looks like a rank grid, which exists in state institutions to this day. Each position is compared with some grade, this is done according to several objective criteria, for example, liability, total number subordinates, etc. Grades allow you to create a sense of fair reward. However, it rarely happens that a person will try very hard to get a salary. This is how rewards are used.

Variable rewards can be bonuses, interest, bonuses, etc. Receiving remuneration mainly corresponds to the results of the work of the employee, such a system of staff motivation must be connected in order to expect a good result from the employee. There are several ways to determine variable remuneration. The first method is called "from the master's shoulder." Often it can be found in small companies to encourage a distinguished employee, however, in large companies it is difficult to build a system based on it, thus it is not effective in them. The next way is based on key performance indicators. For positions and departments, commensurate indicators of the effectiveness of their work can be determined (this may be sales volume, the number of new customers, etc.). The indicators are regularly measured and the bonus is calculated mathematically. The system is very simple and clear. Another way is based on competencies, such as teamwork, loyalty. They are measured using a survey of employees, and remuneration is formed on their basis.

For non-material motivation, the following components can be distinguished:

· social politics;

· corporate culture;

· communication;

· competition.

Corporate culture is a set of elements that motivate employees without any monetary payments, creating a favorable climate for work.

The basic elements of corporate culture include:

company mission (general philosophy and policy);

basic goals (company strategy);

Ethical code of the company (relationships with customers, suppliers, employees);

corporate style (color, logo, flag, uniform).

Intangible motivation is usually often neglected. However, this is not prudent, since this system of staff motivation allows both saving the company money and giving the employee something that you cannot get for money.

In general, in the system of motivation, it should reflect the prospects for the development of the enterprise, since motivation implies purposeful behavior and is determined by it.

It is obvious that a well-planned motivational system that is stable at all personal levels is one of the main factors that guarantee the effective operation of an organization.

Setting up a motivation system is a complex process, because the analysis of the practice of companies does not allow us to identify a universal motivator. During this process, depending on the initial diagnosis of the company, one or another method of motivation is involved.

Motivation to professional activity: The meaning of the content and the need for labor. It is solved on the basis of developing a system of motivation for evaluating the results of labor and choosing a management style. Changing ideas about the content and nature of work, free time and quality of life place new demands on personnel management. The place of motivation and stimulation of labor in the labor management system The peculiarity of the management of human economic behavior lies in the fact that the object of management has considerable independence and freedom.

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The concept of motivation has become so firmly established in the terminology of psychologists, sociologists, economists and managers that few people doubt the deep history of the term, although it was first heard in 1813 in A. Schopenhauer's work "On the Fourfold Root of the Law of Sufficient Reason" and was defined as "causality seen from the inside. There is no doubt that work motivation attracted attention long before the appearance of the term itself - from the moment the organization arose and the need to subordinate the actions of the people employed in it to its goals and objectives. However, only since the beginning of the twentieth century. serious attempts have been made to find effective methods motivations that go beyond the tools of economic coercion.

All definitions of motivation can be reduced to two main groups. In the first one, it is viewed from structural positions as a set of factors or motives. Typical in this approach is the definition of motivation given by O. S. Vikhansky and A. I. Naumov, as sets of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of this activity and give it an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

The second direction considers motivation as a dynamic formation, a process. Typical within the framework of the second approach is the definition of M. H. Meskon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri: Motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal and organizational goals.

These approaches complement each other and, in essence, are a reflection of the two sides of motivation as a phenomenon. Therefore, it is possible to give a comprehensive definition of motivation as process incentives for activities aimed at the formation of motives for labor behavior under the influence of a complex of external and internal factors.

"Duality" in the understanding of motivation contributed to the emergence and development of two classes of theories of motivation: substantive and procedural. The former analyze the factors influencing motivation and are largely focused on identifying people's needs, prioritizing them, influencing motivation (theories of A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, K. Alderfer, D. McClelland). Process theories, the emergence of which is associated with the works of V. Vroom, L. Porter and E. Lawler, consider motivation primarily as a process and focus on the cognitive prerequisites of behavior implemented in motivation and activity. The theories of justice and attribution that appeared later made an additional contribution to the development of ideas about motivation, although they did not allow creating its complete unified concept.

Three types of motivation should be distinguished:

1) normative motivation - inducing a person to a certain behavior through ideological and psychological influence: persuasion, suggestion, information, psychological infection, etc.;

2) coercive motivation based on the use of power and the threat of deterioration in the satisfaction of the needs of the employee if he fails to comply with the relevant requirements;

3) motivation through stimulation - the impact not directly on the individual, but on external circumstances with the help of benefits - incentives that encourage the employee to certain behavior.

At the heart of the process of motivation are human needs. Need - this is the need for something that is objectively necessary to maintain the life and development of an organism, personality or social group. Needs can be natural and social; congenital and acquired; primary and secondary, conscious and unconscious. There are also material, spiritual and social needs.

However, the classification of A. Maslow's needs, arranged in a hierarchical order, according to many researchers, remains the most harmonious today, despite a number of its inherent shortcomings.

motive - this is what causes certain actions of a person, is "inside" him, is personified. In other words, this is an internal motivation of the individual to a certain behavior aimed at satisfying certain needs.

When classifying motives, most often their grouping criteria coincide with the criteria for classifying needs. The most general classification of motives in the sphere of work is as follows:

    material motives (work acts as an economic necessity, a means to earn money and ensure independence of existence);

    spiritual motives (a person does work because he likes the profession, the content of labor activity);

    social motives (for an employee, his place in the team and the relationships that develop within him are important).

In addition, based on the classification of various types of needs, one can single out the motives of achievement, self-respect, self-actualization, motives-aspirations for the activity itself, for success and avoiding failure, etc.

The motivational structure of a person must be considered as the basis of his actions. It is characterized by a certain stability, but it can change in the process of a person's upbringing, as his education and other conditions grow. The motivated behavior of a person comes from individual differences in the structure of motives and a specific situation. It is possible to change the motivation of an employee's behavior only through appropriately selected incentives.

Stimulus - this is an external incentive to activity, the effect of which is mediated by the human psyche, his views, feelings, interests, aspirations, etc. Incentives are benefits (objects, values, etc.) that can satisfy the needs of a person when he performs certain actions.

The difference between incentives and motives is that incentives characterize certain benefits, and motives characterize the desire of a person to receive them. Incentives become motives when they are objectively significant and meet the needs of the employee. Thus, the stimulus is not identical to the motive, although in some cases it can turn into a motive. General classification incentives presented on figure.

Rice. 8.1. - Classification of incentives

Types of incentives

Incentives can be individual items, the actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, opportunities provided, and much more that is offered to a person as compensation for his actions or that he would like to receive as a result of certain actions.

With the help of stimulation, on the one hand, favorable conditions are created to meet the needs of the employee, and on the other hand, the labor behavior necessary for the successful functioning of the enterprise is ensured, that is, a kind of exchange of activities is carried out.

The process of using various incentives to motivate employees is called incentives.

The main requirements for the organization of incentives for employees are:

    complexity - the unity of moral and material, collective and individual incentives, the value of which depends on the characteristics of personnel management in a particular organization;

    differentiation - an individual approach to certain groups of workers;

    flexibility and efficiency - a constant review of incentives in connection with ongoing changes in the external and internal environment of the organization.

Understanding by managers and personnel managers of the mechanism of motivation, the diversity of needs, incentives and motives of employees should contribute to the construction of an effective motivation system, that is, a system of organizational measures and standards aimed at managing the activity of members of the organization in achieving corporate goals. The motivation system should contribute to the development of employees' desire to work in this particular organization and achieve high results with it.

The main tools for improving the motivation system of a modern organization are:

    introduction of a goal setting system;

    creation of a reliable system for assessing the effectiveness of an employee and determining the potential for his development;

    development of a salary system, grading of positions;

    development of a system of bonuses related to performance;

    design of works, enrichment of the content of works, rotation;

    create teams that work offline;

    creation of transparent and clear career paths;

    creation of a "golden" personnel reserve, including plans for the training of reservists.




Completed by: Turusheva N.S., st. gr. 541

Scientific adviser: Seletskaya O.S.


Table of contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..3

1. Theoretical aspects of the motivation of workers…………………...5

2.Research and analysis of employee behavior motivation

at the enterprise……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11


Bibliographic list…………………………………………………..15



Motivation is designed to encourage employees to perform assigned tasks in accordance with the plan. Managers have always performed the function of motivating their employees, whether they realized it or not. In ancient times, a whip and threats served for this, and for a few chosen ones - gifts. It is important for modern entrepreneurs to know that motivation is determined by a whole set of human needs, which is constantly changing. Therefore, it is very important for the manager to be able to identify the needs of employees and ensure their satisfaction through work in the organization.

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that changes public relations, on the one hand, and socio-economic conditions, on the other hand, impose a number of new requirements on managers at all levels, while there is a need not only to skillfully manage the motivation of employees and influence the effectiveness of their labor efforts, but also to take into account the specific personal needs and desires of management entities. , motives that create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of their labor skills and abilities.

The aim of the study is to study the current state of labor motivation and to determine the prospects for using the motivational mechanism in the personnel management system.

The object of this study is the motivation of labor activity.

The subject of the study is the specifics of the motivation of the labor activity of employees of institutions.

The main hypotheses of the study:

The applied methods of motivating and stimulating labor activity are divorced from practical needs and do not take into account the motives of the labor activity of employees.

Age and psychological differences, education, length of service, status play a significant role in the process of shaping the motivation of workers' labor activity.

The following methods were used during the study:

Terminological analysis in relation to the concept of "motive", "motivation", "motivation";

Analytical-synthetic method of studying publications in the professional press, reflecting the main results of research on the study of the motives of labor activity, as well as the practice of motivating and stimulating staff;

Sociological methods in the study of labor motivation.

1. Theoretical aspects of employee motivation

The entire management system of the organization is based on the desire to achieve the set goals, and this requires well-coordinated work, cooperation of the governing bodies and ordinary employees, which are achieved through effective staff motivation.

The degree of interest in the performance of their duties depends, first of all, on labor productivity. It is the management system that is responsible for ensuring that the labor activity of the personnel is as effective as possible for this organization in specific conditions. In this case, the main tool is the motivation of employees. Effective management is impossible without understanding the motives and needs of a person and the correct use of incentives to work.

Motivation is a powerful lever of control. Motivation is an internal state that induces, directs and keeps a person striving to achieve a certain goal.

Professional motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) with the help of labor activity.

Thus, staff motivation the most important factor the effectiveness of his work, and as such it forms the basis of the labor potential of each employee, that is, the entire set of properties that affect his labor activity.

Motivation of personnel, as one of the most important functions of management, in modern conditions, should become a lever for the most effective achievement of the set high goals. That is why, today, the manager needs to determine the most optimal methods of staff motivation for the successful solution of the planned tasks.

Motivation is central to motivation. The motivation for activity is generally associated with the need-motivational sphere. Due to the connection with the need, the motive performs the function of inducing a person to activity and gives meaning to individual actions, goals and conditions for their achievement.

Motive is the motivation of a person to act.

Motif (from French motif - motive; lat. moveo - factor) in the broadest sense of the word is the motive, the basis, the reason for any action, the act of a person, caused by his interests and needs.

The concept of labor motive includes:

the need that the employee wants to satisfy;

a good that can satisfy this need;

labor action necessary to obtain a benefit;

price - costs of a material and moral nature associated with the implementation of a labor action.

Motives for work are formed before the start of professional labor activity. A person learns the values ​​and norms of labor morality and ethics, laying the foundations of his attitude to work. The motive is located “inside” a person, has a “personal” character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, on the action of other motives that arise in parallel with it. Motives are transformed depending on the characteristics of employees, tasks and time.

Satisfaction with work is caused by two series of factors: inherent in the labor process itself (professional) and external in relation to the labor process.

The first group of factors includes:

1) the possibility of communication;

2) diversity in work;

3) consciousness that work is necessary for society;

4) manifestation of independence;

The second group of factors include:

1) good organization of work;

2) business relationships between employees;

3) fair attitude of managers;

4) the attention of the management in evaluating the performance of each employee.

The task of the manager is to understand what motives are predominant among the key employees of the enterprise in order to enable them to satisfy their needs in exchange for efficient work. The leader must have in stock several directions in which he can motivate his employees.

Here are some of them:

Rice. 1 Ways of disciplinary action

This means that the effectiveness of disciplinary action depends on its strength, the time of application, the choice of conditions for punishment or encouragement. Having correctly selected all four factors, the leader can achieve the maximum result, but if the leader acts spontaneously without thought, the effect of his influence will be minimal, or even negative.

In addition, the manager can increase the motivation of employees to work by raising the level of remuneration, providing them with an opportunity for self-realization or career development expressing recognition to them from management, etc.

Rice. 2 Addressing meaningful employee incentives

According to psychologists, the optimal ratio of reward and punishment should be approximately 3:1, that is, subordinates should be praised several times more often than scolded. At our enterprises, unfortunately, the opposite ratio is observed. Most Russian leaders are far better at using methods of punishment and threats, while the range of their means of positive motivation (especially moral) is very narrow. In fact, there are enough opportunities to stimulate the work of the staff: a “kind word” spoken on time, gratitude, a certificate of honor or a diploma of the best employee of the unit, corporate events and much more.

Moral stimulation can include praise, gratitude in an order, a letter of appreciation, etc. You can inspire staff in dozens of ways, for example, public praise for each achievement. Do not be afraid to praise the employee for Good work. Firstly, there is never a lot of praise, and secondly, a kind word in any case will cost you less than the smallest bonus for the additional profit brought by this employee.

Competition is a special and rather effective form of moral stimulation. It can be organized both between individual employees and between entire departments in the enterprise. In the latter case, the final effect of the competition increases, since in addition to increasing labor productivity, team cohesion also increases. At the same time, researchers show that the organization of competitions should take into account the individual characteristics of workers. Individuals with a strong nervous system are more stimulated by the competitive environment than individuals with a weak nervous system, especially if these are very important competitions.

The system of negative material motivation includes a fine, a reduction in wages, deprivation of bonuses, and the system of moral negative motivation includes a remark, an order and an entry in the work book.

Tab. 1 Causes of staff demotivation and ways to correct it

Reasons for Decreased Motivation

1. Violation of the unspoken "contract" - the discrepancy between the promises that an employee is given when hiring, and the reality that he faces.

2. Not using the employee's skills that he values. Ignoring his ideas and initiatives.

3. Lack of a sense of involvement in the activities of the organization.

4. Lack of tangible results in the work.

5. Lack of recognition of achievements by management.

Give as much truthful information as possible in the hiring process.

Give the person opportunities to show the maximum of their abilities, creativity and initiative.

Involve employees in the activity planning process. Organize their participation in corporate events.

- "Dilute" routine work with short-term projects that give tangible results. For long-term work, identify milestones that should be rewarded.

Rejoice in the victories of your employees, encourage their activity and achievements.

2. Research and analysis of the motivation of the behavior of employees in the enterprise

To analyze the motivation of employees' behavior, a survey was conducted of 132 people of the working population living in the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude (Appendix 1).

Based on the results of the survey, charts were developed that show that out of 132 respondents, 72% were women and 60% were men. The age ranged from 18 to 60 years, and residents aged 20 to 30 were more active in answering questions. When interviewing residents, it turned out that 69% would prefer monetary incentives, 20% - social incentives in the form of advanced training, prestige, 11% - moral stimulation, 11% - creative stimulation in the form of self-expression and 8% - non-monetary incentives, which include free meals, travel expenses, insurance, etc. (Appendix 2).

At the same time, non-monetary incentiveswas not declared highly, but was noted as significant in the formation of self-esteem.

To the question “What do you value most in your work?” there were no strong divisions, so 28% value the benefits of their work to the company, 27% value the level of wages, 25% valuethe opportunity to show what I know and can do, 20% - especially do not value anything, it's just that the work is already familiar, 12% - appreciate independence in decision-making (Appendix 3).

As a result of the study, a number of factors affecting job satisfaction were identified:

1. personal responsibility

2. prestige of the position

3. working mode

4. comfort of the premises

But also during the survey, factors that negatively affect job satisfaction were identified:

1.physical fatigue

2. nervous tension

3. monotonous work

4. too high pace of work and change of operations

Therefore, in order to effectively stimulate workers to productive work, you need to know what is most important for people. You can identify the most important motives that affect their activities:

High wages corresponding to the effort expended;

· Opportunity for career growth;

Good relationship with management and co-workers;

· Comfortable conditions labor;

Positive emotions associated with work (the possibility of self-realization, recognition of the professionalism of the employee, enthusiasm for work, the possibility of acceptance independent decisions, creative freedom, etc.)

Note that when organizing a system of motivational impact on staff, the manager must remember that any motivation loses its strength over time, so you need to diversify methods and techniques. Accordingly, the head of the enterprise must know at least two dozen ways to motivate his employees.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the motivation of the labor activity of employees depends not so much on the labor process itself, but on communication links and opportunities for self-realization.


Motivation is a key condition that determines the success and effectiveness of his professional activity.

Motivation - stimulation to activity, the process of encouraging oneself and others to work, influencing human behavior to achieve personal, collective and social goals

Motivation tasks include:

1) the formation of an employee of any organization understanding the meaning of labor motivation;

2) training employees in psychological intra-organizational behavior and communication;

3) training of the management team in intra-organizational behavior and communication;

4) the formation of all managers of democratic approaches to personnel management using various innovative methods of motivation.

The use of motivation techniques should be comprehensive, combining methods of administrative, economic, socio-psychological influence, then the managerial influence on pedagogical activity will be effective.

The main methods of moral stimulation that can be applied:

    Recognition for a job well done - praise, promotion.

    Articles in the media and placement of information about achievements.

    Organization of competitions of professional skill.

    Honor boards.

    Gifts from the institution.

    professional loyalty.

    Appreciation Letters.

Thus, to motivate staff, it is possible to use different methods and means of motivation. An effective motivation system should include both material and non-material incentives, taking into account the specifics of personnel activities, socio-economic realities and personal characteristics.

The implementation of the proposed recommendations will increase staff motivation, implement a set of conditions for the manifestation of activity, initiative, responsibility, and create an atmosphere of cooperation. This will facilitate the transition of enterprises to an innovative development path.

The results of the study do not claim to be exhaustive. However, being based on the analysis of experience modern management personnel, on understanding the specifics of the motivation of the labor activity of employees, they can serve as a real contribution to the development of motivation for labor activity.

Bibliographic list

    Lukash, Yu.A. Motivation and effective personnel management / Yu.A.Lukash. – M.: Finpress, 2012. – 208 p.

    Odegov, Yu.G. Personnel Management. Efficiency assessment: Textbook for universities / Yu.G. Odegov, L.V. Kartasheva. – M.: Exam, 2012. – 256 p.

    Potemkin, V.K. Personnel management: a textbook for universities / V.K. Potemkin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 432 p.

    Samoukina, N.V. Effective staff motivation with minimal financial costs/ N.V. Samoukina. – M.: Vershina, 2008. – 224 p.

    Shapiro, S.A. Motivation and stimulation of personnel / S.A. Shapiro. - M.: GrossMedia, 2015. - 224 p.

    Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. – M.: Infra-M., 2011.-576s.

    Goncharov V.I. Management: Textbook. - Minsk: Modern School, 2011. - 635s.

    Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2011.-512s.

Appendix 1


"Definition work motivation employee"



Your age:






over 60

What do you value most in your work:

I decide what and how to do

It gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

I feel useful and needed

I get paid relatively well for it.

I don't really appreciate anything, but this work is familiar to me.

How would you like to be encouraged to work in the organization?

Monetary incentives (salary, bonus, etc.)

Non-monetary (food, transport, insurance, etc.)

Social (prestige, qualification growth, etc.)

Moral (awards, respect for colleagues, etc.)

Creative (possibility of self-expression and self-improvement)

Appendix 2

Appendix 3