Cognitive abilities of a person in descending order. Abilities in psychology and their types. Ability and individual differences



Solution: Human cognitive abilities include perception, comprehension the environment and oneself. Cognitive abilities are the individual qualities of a person. Perception is characterized by a specific experience of direct contact with the real world (a sense of the reality of the perceived). Comprehension is the comprehension of reality in certain practical, theoretical, cultural, personal contexts. The result of comprehension is the development of knowledge (everyday, scientific, philosophical).

TASK N 10 report an error

Topic: Essence and nature of knowledge

At the heart of the modern scientific picture of the world lies ...

theory of relativity




Solution: The modern scientific picture of the world is based on the theory of relativity. The formation of the quantum-relativistic picture of the world falls on the beginning. XX century. So, from the point of view of A. Einstein, in the physical world everything happens due to the structure of space and changes in its curvature. All properties of our Universe should be described by a vector in four-dimensional space-time. The origin of the Universe is explained through the Big Bang model.

TASK N 11 report an error

Subject: The Problem of Truth

The discrepancy between knowledge and its object, the discrepancy between the subjective image of reality and its objective prototype is called ...

Delusion convention paradigm disinformation

Solution: The discrepancy between knowledge and its object, the discrepancy between the subjective image of reality and its objective prototype is called delusion. Mistakes are inevitable in knowledge. Before the cognizing subject there is always an area of ​​the unknown, which is almost always associated with the formulation of problematic, probabilistic, hypothetical knowledge.

TASK N 12 report an error

Topic: Human cognitive abilities

The result of knowledge is...

Knowledge realism a priori

Solution: The result of knowledge is knowledge. Knowledge is inseparable from the ability of a person to use it in the course of their activities. Knowledge, first of all, appears in the form of sensual and rational. Knowledge is a reflection of reality in the human mind in the form of perception, representation, concept, judgment and conclusion.

TASK N 13 report an error

Topic: Philosophy of the New Age

The ontological position of B. Spinoza, who claimed the existence of a single substance underlying the world, can be characterized as ...




Solution: In the history of philosophy, there are two main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of substance - monistic and pluralistic. Philosophers gravitating toward pantheism (in particular, B. Spinoza) admit a single and only substance, which is conceived as something that does not need anything else for its existence, because it is the cause of itself; the independence of substance is understood here as absolute. Everything that exists is considered as a state, phenomenon or attribute of this single substance.

TASK N 14 report an error

Topic: Ancient philosophy

One of the most prominent representatives of ancient Greek atomism was ...




The most famous representative of ancient Greek atomism was Democritus. It is traditionally believed that the atomist Leucippus had the greatest influence on Democritus, however, the emergence of atomism as a universal philosophical doctrine, including physics and cosmology, epistemology, psychology and ethics, is associated with the name of Democritus.

TASK N 15 report an error

Topic: Domestic philosophy

Representatives of the materialistic direction in Russian philosophy are ...


Capabilities- these are individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to the individual's knowledge, skills and abilities. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity and are internal mental regulators that determine the possibility of acquiring them. In Russian psychology, B. M. Teplov made the greatest contribution to experimental research on special (musical) abilities. Artistic (pictorial) abilities are to some extent reflected in the works of A.A. Melik-Pashaeva and Yu.A. Poluyanov, literary - in the works of E.M. Torshilova, Z.N. Novlyanskaya, A.A. Adaskina and others. Sports abilities were studied by A.V. Rodionov, V.M. Volkov, O.A. Sirotin and others. Information on general abilities is most fully presented in the works of V.N. Druzhinina, M.A. Cold, E.A. Sergienko.

On the question of defining

The definition of abilities considered at the beginning of the article is generally recognized. This definition of abilities can be clarified and expanded in the part "Abilities are not reduced to the knowledge, skills, abilities that an individual has." These signs (ZUN) undoubtedly characterize abilities, but do not fully determine them. What turns knowledge, skills and abilities into abilities? ON THE. Reinwald believes that abilities are, in fact, a continuation of the development of character traits and belong to the highest levels of personality organization, which acts as a condition for success, putting knowledge, skills and abilities at the service of activity.

There is a need to separate abilities from mental processes (functions). For example, it is obvious that memory is expressed differently in different people, memory is necessary for the successful performance of certain activities, but memory is not considered an ability in itself. To distinguish between mental function and ability, the following point of view is most appropriate: if we are talking about the level of development, about the success of an activity that is provided by the degree of expression given quality(intensity and adequacy of the course of the mental process), then the ability is meant, and if only the specifics of the course and purpose are described, then processes (functions) are usually characterized in this way. Therefore, memory, attention, thinking, imagination are mental processes. And their special organization (cognitive styles, cognitive schemes), specificity (focus on the type of activity) and the mobilization of forces (the role of the individual) to perform a certain activity, which together ensure the achievement of the desired result at the cost of minimal costs, are perceived by us as a result as an ability (intelligence) .

Otherwise, the semantic relations of the concepts "temperament" and "abilities" are built. People differ in the type of temperament, while the severity of one or another temperament can contribute to or hinder the performance of certain activities (for example, it will be difficult for a choleric person to engage in activities that require perseverance), temperament is not knowledge, skill or skill. Obviously, temperament is not an ability in itself, but acts as a psychophysiological basis for most abilities, both special and general, that is, temperament is included in the structure of inclinations. At the same time, it is also known that strength, as a characteristic of temperament, is an important condition for performing most types of activities.

Conditions for the formation of abilities

BM Teplov points out some conditions for the formation of abilities. Abilities themselves cannot be innate. Only inclinations can be congenital. The makings of Teplov understood as some anatomical and physiological features. Inclinations underlie the development of abilities, and abilities are the result of development. If the ability itself is not innate, therefore, it is formed in postnatal ontogenesis (it is important to pay attention to the fact that Teplov separates the terms "innate" and "hereditary"; "innate" - manifested from the moment of birth and formed under the influence of both hereditary and and environmental factors, "hereditary" - formed under the influence of heredity factors and manifested both immediately after birth and at any other time in a person's life). Abilities are formed in activity. Teplov writes that "... the ability cannot arise outside the corresponding specific objective activity" . Thus, ability refers to that which arises in the activity corresponding to it. It also affects the success of this activity. Ability begins to exist only together with activity. It cannot appear before the implementation of the activities corresponding to it has begun. Moreover, abilities are not only manifested in activities. They are created in it./

Ability and individual differences

Each person has a different "set" of abilities. An individual-peculiar combination of abilities is formed throughout life and determines the originality of the individual. The success of the activity is also ensured by the presence of one or another combination of abilities that works for the result. In activity, some abilities can be replaced by others - similar in manifestation, but different in origin. The success of the same activity can be provided by different abilities, so the absence of one ability can be compensated by the presence of another or even a whole complex. Therefore, the individual originality of the complex of individual abilities that ensure the successful performance of activities is commonly called "individual style of activity." In modern psychology, they began to talk more often about competencies as integrative qualities (abilities) that are aimed at achieving results. We can say that competencies are abilities through the eyes of employers. In fact, the employer does not care about the internal composition of the abilities that ensure the fulfillment of the task, the very fact of its implementation is important for them. Therefore, competencies are even named after the task: "the ability to perform such and such a task." And at the expense of what internal resources it will be fulfilled - this is the problem of the applicant (or the psychologist who studies the activity).

Abilities and aptitudes

Another term used by Teplov is propensity. Inclinations are certain attitudes of a person to activity. “... Abilities do not exist outside of a certain relationship of a person to reality, just as relations are realized only through certain inclinations.” The above quotation indicates that inclinations and abilities are closely interrelated. Inclinations are the motivational component of activity. Therefore, without the presence of an inclination, a certain activity may not begin, and the ability, accordingly, will not be formed. On the other hand, if there is no successful activity, the inclinations of a person will not be objectified.

Ability and talent

Giftedness is a complex phenomenon. It is associated with the performance of a certain activity by a person, that is, giftedness consists of various abilities. Giftedness is “a qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities, on which the possibility of achieving greater or lesser success in the performance of one or another activity depends” . Giftedness does not provide success in any activity, but only the possibility of achieving this success.

Ability types

Abilities are divided into general and special. There are the following types of special abilities:

  1. educational and creative
  2. mental and special
  3. mathematical
  4. structural and technical
  5. musical
  6. literary
  7. artistic and visual
  8. physical ability

Educational and creative abilities differ from each other in that the former determine the success of training and education, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and the formation of personality traits by a person, while the latter determines the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and works. , in a word - individual creativity in various fields of human activity.

The nature of general abilities (intelligence, creativity and search activity) is determined by the special organization of cognitive functions and individual experience (including knowledge, skills and abilities). These abilities are called general because they are necessary to perform all types of activities, regardless of their degree of complexity. At the same time, different variants are observed in the intellect (see the works of M.A. Kholodnaya).

The nature of special abilities. Studying specifically - the psychological characteristics of abilities, one can also distinguish more general qualities that meet the requirements of not one, but many types of activity, and special qualities that meet a narrower range of requirements for this activity. In the structure of the abilities of some individuals, these general qualities can be extremely pronounced, which indicates that people have versatile abilities, about general abilities for a wide range of different activities, specialties and occupations. On the other hand, for each individual type of activity, one can single out such a general basis that will combine individual private skills into complete system, and without which this ability will not take place at all. Specific examples: It is not enough for a mathematician to have a good memory and attention. People capable of mathematics are distinguished by the ability to grasp the order in which the elements necessary for mathematical proof. The presence of this kind of intuition is the main element of mathematical creativity, and it relies not only on knowledge and experience, but on spatial imagination as the main condition for mathematical thinking (this means not only geometry and stereometry, but all mathematics as a whole). For an athlete, such a common basis is the will to win, the desire to be the first at all costs. For an artist (in any field of art) it is an aesthetic attitude to the world. Musical abilities in the existing general psychological classification are classified as special, that is, those that are necessary for successful practice and are determined by the very nature of music as such. They are based, as the basis of abilities for any kind of art, is an aesthetic attitude to the world, the ability to aesthetically perceive reality, but in the case of music it will be sound or auditory reality, or the ability to transform the aesthetic experience of reality into sound reality (thanks to synesthesia). The technological component of musical abilities can be divided into two groups:

  1. actually technical (the technique of playing a given musical instrument or voice control in singing);
  2. compositional (for composing music);
  3. controlling, auditory (musical ear - pitch, timbre or intonation, etc.).

In extreme conditions, when it becomes necessary to solve a super-task, a person can recover or sharply increase certain abilities due to a stress reaction.

It is customary to distinguish levels of development of abilities, which are sometimes mistaken for stages:

  1. Capabilities

Separately, the concept of giftedness should be considered. The origin of this term is based on the idea of ​​a "gift" - high inclinations with which nature rewards certain people. The inclinations are based on heredity or on the characteristics of intrauterine development. Therefore, giftedness should be understood as an indicator of a high level of abilities based on natural predisposition. However, N.S. Leites notes that in reality it can be difficult to track whether abilities are more the result of purposeful upbringing (self-development) or whether they are predominantly the embodiment of inclinations. Therefore, in science, to a greater extent, such an understanding of this term has been established, which simply indicates a higher level of development of some abilities than most people, especially when it comes to children. And actually the levels of this giftedness are talent and genius. The co-authors I. Akimov and V. Klimenko spoke very well and figuratively about the difference between talent and genius. They examined these variants of giftedness in detail, emphasizing that between talent and genius there is not a quantitative, but a qualitative difference. They have a different sense of the world. The product of the activity of talent is originality; the product of genius is simplicity. However, I. Akimov and V. Klimenko believe that genius does not appear suddenly; it is born from talent; is born as a result of many years of talent work on quality. According to another point of view, talent and genius are not stages, they are rather different psychological qualities, and if a talented person may or may not use his talent, then a brilliant person is actually a hostage of his genius, he may not work in that direction. in which he is gifted, for him the punishment is to deprive him of the opportunity to create. It is no coincidence that giftedness is called "deviation", albeit a positive one.

Traditionally, it is also customary to distinguish levels of development of abilities:

  • reproductive
  • reconstructive
  • creative

However, practice (results of empirical research) shows that creative abilities and reproductive abilities are of a rather different nature, therefore they develop independently of each other, in each of them it is possible to identify independent levels of development.


see also


  • Methodology for the study of the makings of abilities "Verbal portrait" online
  • Igor Akimov, Viktor Klimenko. About the boy who could fly, or THE WAY TO FREEDOM

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Abilities" are in other dictionaries:

    capabilities- individually psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of a particular productive activity. The subject of a special psychological study of S. became in the 19th century, when the works of F. Galton were supposed to ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

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    Individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of certain. kind of activity. S. are not reduced to the knowledge, skills, abilities that an individual has. They show up primarily in speed, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Modern Encyclopedia

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    CAPABILITIES- CAPABILITIES. Individual psychological characteristics of people on which their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities depends. S. determine the success of a particular activity. Allocate S. to the language, mathematical, musical, ... ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

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All people are different, it's hard not to notice. But they differ not only in appearance or character traits, but also in their abilities. And all of us, to be honest, no, no, and we will sigh enviously - now, there are capable and talented people, and why do we not have such talents? Abilities are one of the significant, valuable qualities, because success, fame, and material well-being are associated with them. What is it, maybe a gift of God, and someone has it, but someone is deprived? Let's figure out whether it is worth complaining and envying, or is it better to acquire these abilities and be proud of yourself.

We often use the word "ability" without delving into its essence. For example, the expressions “a capable person” or “a capable child” are not entirely correct. It is impossible to be capable in general, ability is always associated with a specific type of activity, in which it manifests itself and develops.

In psychology, ability is understood as a complex of human qualities that provide him with the opportunity to engage in certain activities and achieve success in it. That is, if we say that this child is capable, then we need to clarify - why. You may have aptitude for mathematics fine arts, long-distance running or surgery. There is, however, general abilities, necessary in different types of activities, but we will talk about them a little later.

It is safe to say that incapable people, especially children, do not exist at all. Without the ability to do mathematics, a person can achieve success in the field of management or design, in cooking or sports. And spelling problems at school are not a reason to call a student incompetent. Maybe he has the gift of a great artist?

The origin of abilities and their structure

The dispute about the nature of abilities has lasted for more than one hundred years. Some scientists believed that a person is born, like a blank sheet of paper, on which you can write anything. If you choose the right method of education, then, if desired, you can grow a great artist, a brilliant mathematician or an outstanding political figure from a child.

Other scientists disagreed with them, arguing that abilities are a gift from God, and education can only get in the way. And if you do not have an ear for music, then you will never become a great composer. And in general, you will not become any composer.

As often happens, the truth is in the middle between these two extreme points of view.

Makings - the natural basis of abilities

Abilities are complex. Among the qualities and properties of the individual, which are united by the concept of "ability", there are natural (congenital or hereditary). This natural basis of abilities is called inclinations. These include primarily psychophysiological and anatomical and physiological features.

  • For example, the type of higher nervous activity or temperament - in a number of professions, people with a sanguine temperament are more successful, and in others - phlegmatic or choleric. And the sensitivity of a melancholic can make a great artist or poet.
  • The innate features of the sensory system also belong to the makings. For example, a person with a high sensitivity to color discrimination can become a good colorist, and a musician with the makings of an ear for music.
  • In order to become a stayer - a long-distance runner - you need a large volume of lungs and endurance, and for playing basketball you need high growth.

But the key word "may" determines the role of inclinations in a person's life. The makings do not predetermine life path of a person and may not develop into abilities, but remain “ballast”. And on the other hand, the ability for a certain activity can be developed even with weak natural prerequisites, there would be a desire. Only more effort and time will be needed for this, and not everyone needs it. For example, it has now been proven that with due perseverance, everyone can learn to draw.

Inclinations are prerequisites, a kind of potential that still needs to be developed to the level of abilities. And in this development, the main role is played by the social factor - the environment in which the personality, social environment, incentives and motives are formed.

social factor

Along with the inclinations, abilities include a set of skills, abilities and knowledge related to a particular. And only if they have the makings will work. The formation of abilities includes a number of processes, one way or another connected with the interaction of society and man.

  • Capacity development, which is possible only in action. That is, to become a musician, you need to learn how to play at least one musical instrument. To become a writer, one must not only be able to write, but also know the laws of style, composition, etc. But most importantly, one must engage in the activity for which one wants to develop the ability. Just like manna from heaven, they won't fall off.
  • Any ability is a complex and, in addition to inclinations, includes many personal qualities. So, for abilities in the field of artistic creativity, it is important to develop imaginative thinking, imagination, intuition, and for success in the exact sciences, abstract-logical is required.
  • Mastering activities is a prerequisite for the development of abilities. This involves learning techniques, methods, techniques of activity. If a person with good swimming skills does not learn to swim, then these skills will never appear.

Thus, abilities are the result of the development of all spheres of personality. Moreover, it is possible to develop abilities, to translate potential inclinations into real mastery at any age. Although it is best, of course, to start the development process in childhood, when the psyche is more flexible, and perception is lively and vivid, and any activity is mastered in a playful way.

Proper upbringing and sensitivity to the needs and interests of the child is a guarantee that he will grow up capable person. And you need to look closely at the kids. The fact is that there is one interesting mental phenomenon that can suggest the presence of inclinations and the possibility of developing abilities for a certain type of activity. These are tendencies.

What are propensities

We have different attitudes to different types of activity - we absolutely do not like something, we would like to do something, but there is not enough time, and we always find time for some classes even to the detriment of our own rest or household chores.

  • There are types of activities to which a person has an inclination, that is, a literally irresistible desire to engage in them. He strives for this, overcoming obstacles, making a lot of efforts to master the activity he likes, enjoying the process itself. Psychologists believe that inclinations are an indicator of the presence of a person’s potential abilities for an activity he likes. And if there are no inclinations, and the activities do not give pleasure, and the result is uninteresting, then the abilities, most likely, will not be developed.
  • True, along with true inclinations, there are also imaginary ones. They most often appear under the influence of a feeling of envy, when a person likes the result of the work of others so much that he also wants to learn the same way, for example, to draw, or to succeed in sports, publish his book, etc.

Imaginary tendencies may arise as a result of imitation. In childhood, it often happens that a child goes to the sports section or art school after his friend, not experiencing any interest in the activity itself. Or girls often want to become singers, imitating their favorite actress.

It is not difficult to distinguish imaginary tendencies from true ones. Mastering the activity in this case does not give pleasure, and the very first failures lead to a loss of interest.

Ability types

In psychology, there are two main types of abilities: special and general.

  • Special abilities are associated with specific activities. They appear in it and develop in it. If you have never picked up a pencil or brush and tried to draw anything, then you will never know if you have the ability to draw. More precisely, a predisposition to the development of these abilities. Each special ability is a complex set of innate inclinations, qualities, personality traits. While playing an important role in this activity, they may not be of any importance for the development of another. For example, an ear for music will not help you learn to draw in any way.
  • General abilities matter in many areas of activity. These primarily include cognitive abilities: the development of attention, memory, imagination, intelligence. A significant role among the general abilities is played by the volitional sphere - such qualities as perseverance, dedication, perseverance, independence.

A high level of development of general abilities is called giftedness. A gifted person can master various types of activity, even without having pronounced inclinations, but relying on a high level of intelligence, connecting figurative or abstract-logical thinking and showing perseverance.

And talent is a combination of giftedness and a certain special ability. If, with a high level of giftedness, there are many special abilities for various types of activity, then the person who possesses them is called a genius.

General abilities also include those that are required not in all types of activities, but in many, for example, organizational skills, communicative, pedagogical.

But the creativity that they talk about in Lately very many, they do not belong to a special type of ability. Such abilities, in fact, do not exist. And that's why.

Ability Development Levels

Abilities are the result of a complex and dynamic process of formation under the influence of a number of factors. And in their development abilities go through two levels or two stages.

  1. The first level is reproductive (reproducing). On it, abilities are manifested as part of the reproduction of activities, that is, learning techniques, techniques, or when performing tasks according to the model. Having passed the learning process, a person can remain at the reproductive level of his abilities, become a professional and even a master of his craft. But it will be distinguished by a standard, stereotyped activity. He will masterfully, masterfully reproduce things, music or thoughts according to a given pattern, drawing, project, notes, etc. And most people in the development of their abilities remain at this level. And only a few go further, rise to the next step.
  2. The second level is creative. On it are those who, in their development, deviate from generally accepted standards. They are not interested in doing a task according to someone else's model, and they come up with something of their own: they change the methods of performing activities, innovate in technology, create new things, discover new laws. This level of development of abilities presupposes that a person has a special type, unconventional, non-standard. Creative individuals are characterized by the activity of figurative thinking, imagination and intuition. That is, the creative level is associated not only with special, but also with general abilities.

Consequently, abilities for any activity can become creative if a person wants to develop and if he has creative thinking, which, by the way, can also be formed.

The sphere of abilities is the area in which each person can show his individuality, show himself as a unique, inimitable personality. Do not envy those who seem to you more capable and gifted. It is better to look around, and you will definitely find the area of ​​application of your own abilities, the area where you will achieve success, fame, recognition. And there will definitely be such a sphere, because there are no incapable people.

People have different types abilities that are acquired at birth or developed throughout life. Known a large number of classifications according to various criteria, for example, differing in the source of origin, direction, level of development, availability of conditions and other criteria.

Types of abilities in psychology

A person can develop different abilities, and they include personal-psychological qualities that separate one person from another and the fruitfulness of actions depends on them. In addition, abilities cannot be attributed to knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed by people. Abilities, their types, structure and other parameters are carefully studied in psychology, which help to better understand a person, his possible ways development in life and prospects.

Classification of types of abilities in psychology

There are several classifications that focus on different criteria. For example, natural and social abilities are distinguished by origin. The former include skills that are formed on the basis of innate cognitive processes of perception, memory, thinking, and so on. As for social abilities, they are determined by the system of education and upbringing, and they manifest themselves in different areas. There are other types of human abilities: theoretical and practical, educational and creative, communicative and others.

General abilities

This category of abilities is understood as a system of individual-volitional qualities of a person, which he uses to acquire knowledge and carry out various activities. They can be obtained from nature and developed during life. Describing what types of abilities are, it is worth noting that they can be elementary and complex. The former include skills inherent in all people, but they are expressed to varying degrees, for example, to think, experience, remember, and so on. The second includes the ability to general types activities: learning, playing, working, communicating and so on.

Intellectual ability

Let's start with the term intelligence, which is understood as the general ability to know, understand and solve various problems. It combines all kinds of individual abilities aimed at studying the world around: feelings, memory, imagination, and so on. It is proved that the development of intelligence is directly related to the amount of information processed. Interestingly, the first signal that the intellect is not fully involved is the deterioration of memory.

There are certain types of intellectual abilities:

  1. mental. It includes the ability to quickly answer questions, make a calculation, determine the essence of a question, and so on.
  2. Emotional. The ability to understand and manage one's own feelings and the feelings of others.
  3. Social. This includes the ability to take on different roles throughout life.
  4. Spiritual. This kind of ability of the intellect determines the harmony of the inner world and understanding the meaning of life.
  5. Physical. This refers to the ability to control your body and bodily desires.

Organizational skills

The presented phrase is used to describe a certain set of qualities that help to effectively organize work, both one's own and other people's. Types of business and organizational skills, including, a person can develop throughout his life. The required set of qualities contains:

  1. Authority, which implies unconditional trust, professionalism, charisma, and so on.
  2. Insight is based on a person's ability to notice and correctly interpret the emotional state of people, and also determine their psychological compatibility, sense of tact, measure, and so on.
  3. Emotional-volitional qualities, which include activity, exactingness, adequacy, prudence and many others.

Communication skills

The success of a person largely depends on his ability to interact with other people and find a common language with them. The ability to communicate in each person is formed individually, and this is influenced by interaction with parents, peers, work colleagues, and so on. There are different exercises for their development. There are the following types of communication skills:

  1. Information and communication means the ability of a person to start, maintain and end a conversation. This includes the ability to use verbal and non-verbal communication.
  2. Affective-communicative include the ability to notice the emotional state of the interlocutor and the ability to respond correctly to it, and also show respect and sympathy for other people.
  3. Regulatory-communicative implies the ability of a person to accept help from others, resolve conflict situations with adequate methods and support others.

Pedagogical abilities

This is understood as a set of certain psychological characteristics that are important for teachers who want to achieve success in the upbringing and education of children. The concept and types of abilities include:

  1. Didactic. This includes the ability to present information intelligibly, organize the lesson correctly, arouse the interest of children and properly motivate them.
  2. Academic. This ability means the competence of the teacher in the profile subject, that is, he must have deep knowledge and a desire to constantly develop, reaching new heights.
  3. Perceptual. The ability of the teacher to perceive, that is, he must be able to recognize the potential of the child, his temperament and tendency to empathy.
  4. Speech. This type of ability describes the teacher's ability to express his thoughts correctly and in an accessible way. For this, a rich vocabulary, eloquence, and so on are important.
  5. Organizational. The teacher must be able to correctly draw up a curriculum, calculate the time for studying each topic, and so on.
  6. Authoritarian. The teacher must enjoy authority among students, for which the following features are important: exactingness, the ability to control emotions, responsibility, and so on.
  7. Communicative. The teacher should be able to find a common language with different people, not only with children, but also with parents and other teachers.

Special abilities

Such abilities are understood as a certain system of personality traits, thanks to which you can get excellent results in a particular field of activity. There are different types and levels of special abilities, and the process of developing them is complex and long. There is a certain classification of them: educational and creative, mental and physical.

Physical ability

This is understood as the readiness of people to carry out motor activities. The functionality of the organs and structures of the body can be congenital and acquired. Finding out what kinds of abilities there are, it is worth noting that physical qualities differ from others in that they are manifested exclusively in solving motor problems. For each person, they are expressed differently, for example, some have a high pace of task completion, while others can perform an action for a long time.

There are certain types of physical abilities and these qualities are five: speed, strength, endurance, agility and flexibility. With their help, it is possible to characterize the motor talent of a person. The development of such skills occurs under the influence of two factors: an individual program that is inherited, and social and environmental adaptation.

Creative skills

This type of ability is understood as the ability of a person to make creative decisions and create new ideas. In ordinary life, they manifest themselves as ingenuity used to achieve goals and get out of difficult situations. There are different types of creative abilities that manifest themselves in numerous life situations:

  1. The ability to see what other people can't see.
  2. The ability to apply skills that were acquired for another to solve a problem.
  3. Introducing creative types of abilities, it is worth mentioning the ability to fully perceive reality, without splitting it into parts.
  4. Easy to generate ideas and strong creative imagination.

Mathematical ability

Everyone has innate mathematical ability, thanks to which a person can evaluate and compare the number of items without conducting an accurate count, for example, automatically choosing the shortest line at the checkout. All kinds of mental abilities, including mathematical ones, can be developed using different practices and training. In addition, it is worth noting that by improving a person’s mathematical skills, elements of abilities for other related activities are also formed.

Musical ability

The individual skills of a person, which determine the ability to perceive, perform and compose music, as well as to learn, are called musical abilities. It is worth noting that they are manifested to one degree or another in all people, and if they are pronounced, then this indicates musical talent. There are certain types of musical abilities:

  1. fret feeling. This refers to the ability of a person to feel the emotionality of the composition. Using this feeling, the individual recognizes the melody and reacts to the intonations of the sound.
  2. auditory representation. It is understood as the ability to play melodies by ear. With it, you can develop musical memory and imagination. Together with the modal sense, auditory representation forms the basis of harmonic hearing.
  3. Sense of rhythm. Describing the types and types of abilities in music, one cannot ignore the sense of rhythm, thanks to which one can actively feel the emotional component of the melody and accurately reproduce it by ear.

COGNITIVE ABILITIES, sources of knowledge - natural means of knowledge, which are the individual qualities of a person. K P.s. relate , representation, , intelligence, , intelligence, talent, memory, imagination, , , , analysis, synthesis. In the theory of knowledge, there was a long discussion on the question of a reliable basis of knowledge, which would allow getting rid of the unreliability of knowledge, from accusations of skepticism, and would serve as a reliable basis for cognitive activity. This discussion led to the emergence of two main trends in the theory of knowledge - empiricism and rationalism, and revealed its main problems - the existence of true reality and innate cognitive abilities. Attempts were also made to identify the fundamental foundations of the classical ideal of scientificity: the concepts of the subject and object of cognition, the concept of experience, the categorical principles of cognitive activity. The concept of the ideal of scientificity historically changed its content: theology (Middle Ages), jurisprudence (since the 12th century), mechanics, mathematics, experimental natural science, mathematical natural science, logic, etc. The usual understanding of the subject of knowledge as a person or scientific community gradually gave way to epistemological abstraction . The subject of cognition began to be attributed to P.S., allowing to achieve objective truth and preserve the intersubjectiveness of knowledge. Attempts to achieve these goals led to the identification of two levels of knowledge: empirical (the results of the activity of the sense organs, they were called experience) and rational (the results of rational activity, the theoretical level of knowledge). At the same time, the specific individual qualities of a person, which qualify him as a person and which, from the point of view of this concept, "interfered" with the achievement of objective truth, were taken out of the subject of cognition. According to the apt expression of V. Dilthey, in the veins of such a subject of knowledge, instead of living blood, the liquefied juice of reason flowed. Such an understanding of the subject of cognition was completely unsuitable for the humanities, and in the methodology of the natural sciences it is now used to solve a very limited class of problems. The subject understood in this way corresponds to such an object of cognition, which is connected with it not directly, but through a system of cognitive means, reduced to general natural cognitive abilities and created material and technical means. The subject interacts with the object through premises, epistemological idealization, abstraction, on which the correspondence of knowledge to reality also depends.

Variety of species P.s. says that the main ones among them, regardless of the specific goal of cognition, simply do not exist. The choice is predetermined by the goals and objectives of cognitive activity, and it becomes more complicated if we take into account that cognition itself has a different character: it can be scientific and everyday, carried out in natural, humanitarian and technical sciences, can be theoretical and experimental, etc.

Dictionary of philosophical terms. Scientific edition of Professor V.G. Kuznetsova. M., INFRA-M, 2007, p. 420.