Russian women's bath in the village. How a village bath is built

The village bath in the Russian village has a long history and is associated with national traditions. Generations of people change, but the attitude to this element of rural life remains the same: this is not just a washing room, but a special place where a person is cleansed in body and soul, throwing off all hardships, fatigue and illness.

It is these little little wooden houses- next to sacred buildings and cemeteries - the most distinguishing feature villages of the Philippines from the surrounding villages. Most villages also have well-preserved spatial systems - the village of Galkovo and the small Kadzetyovo still stand out.

Masuria is one of the most popular and recognizable places in Poland - famous in Poland and abroad, presented in hundreds of albums, guides, folders, described in books and shown in films. The attractiveness of Masuria was determined by two factors: the natural landscape, in this case, which was about 10 thousand years old by a glacier, such a picturesque corrugated area with numerous lakes and a cultural landscape that our predecessors created.

A bathhouse in the village is indispensable for bathing, washing things and improving health.

From time immemorial country bath was a necessary part of the peasant property, a symbol of the wealth of the owner, his pride. The absence of a bath in the courtyard is a sign of a temporary worker or hopeless poverty. Usually, the Russian village bath is simple and rational, used once a week, but the bath procedure becomes a holiday for the soul.

Thus, the picturesque villages are harmoniously integrated into the surrounding nature.

The almost complete absence of heavy industry in heavy industry, which is a kind of "backwardness of civilizations" that was once a cause for shame, has become the property of the region today. It was because of this "backwardness" that the landscape was not greatly degraded. This, in turn, enriched the fauna and flora. A particularly attractive landscape and nature is the Land of the Great Lakes, in the southern part of which there is the Piska Forest, which is the largest forest complex in Poland. Not surprisingly, these areas are protected by law.

Features of a rustic bath

A bathhouse in a suburban area is an additional comfort and, rather, a recreation area for a person who has an apartment with a bathroom in the city. The village bath is the only place for a villager where he can wash himself. Moreover, often such a room still plays the role of a laundry after performing the main function. Taking into account the duration of the heating of the structure, the need for fuel and the employment of people, a village bath is usually used for its intended purpose once a week.

And inland waterways

In order to protect the most valuable natural areas of the park, there are 11 reserves and 18 ecological zones. The nature of the park is very large forest areas.

Lost Villages of the Piskin Forest

Forest Piska remained very sparsely populated for centuries. The beginning of the settlement in this area was associated with the exploitation of forests - gathering, hunting. Small forest settlements were created mainly through the acquisition of timber and its processing, but together. The local population was evacuated or deported, and the Piska Forest was completely devastated.

The financial capabilities of an ordinary rural person dictate important features village bath: small costs during construction and the minimum required dimensions of the structure. It is traditionally made from a wooden frame or framed from wood. In this case, the log house can be made of logs or beams.

The number of rooms in the bath is minimal. Only a steam room with a sauna stove is considered an obligatory element; all other premises are designed based on the capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. The most economical and minimal option is a steam room and a small vestibule that acts as a dressing room (dressing room). The maximum project is three rooms: a steam room, a dressing room and a washing room.

They even stripped all the pens

Deserted villages turned out to be valuable booty, and those left from the refugees were quickly disbanded. A group of marauders demanded everything: household appliances, furniture.

Abandoned Masurian villages were considered as warehouses for building materials

The purchased material was used to build new houses, stoves or simply. Many buildings were set on fire to divert attention and blur the traces of the crime. Thus, not only estates, but also entire villages disappeared from the landscape. Brick buildings survived, but they were liquidated - abandoned and robbed villages were liquidated and leveled with the ground by the decision of the new authorities. From the southern part of the Pushchino settlement, settlements were killed: Sovirug, Przherol, Lipa Reins. What lurked in the desert, survived the lost villages, usually away from human habitation and frequented trails, is slowly being swallowed up by the desert. The foundations of houses are overgrown with carpets of moss, bushes overgrown with sunken cellars, cemeteries of tree masks. While others come in the summer from the merger, which may also seem logical, given the similarity of the structure - dolls and wall panel, and the anatomy of a dragonfly or patches.

Features of the steam room

The most important part of the Russian bath is the steam room. The main tasks of this room are to provide and maintain a temperature of 50-70º C and high humidity (about 60-65%) due to superheated water vapor. Moreover, such conditions must be maintained throughout the bath procedure. The temperature in the steam room as a result of natural physical processes has a gradient in height: the closer to the ceiling, the higher the temperature.

The doll is also a former Slavic student, which is reflected in the figure of a person, that is, as it was believed - the soul. Equally interesting is the etymology of the word doll looks, derived from Romance languages, probably identifying a coconut - an egg that brings something to life. In Latin doll chrysalis, the word is transmitted to many other languages, not only Roman, and entered the Polish lands along with German craftsmen, wandering in the Middle Ages from city to city or rented specific works.

Like almost everything, including dolls and origin used for purposes, excellent child play purposes, look for in ancient countries - Greece and Rome. In Greece, figurines of deities played an important role in the mysteries, folding it as a sacrifice during a great ceremony. Every day the father sent his family to include special prayers, placing on certain days of the month with sacrifices of wine, cakes and incense. In addition to the family, there were also Larry Polne, maritime, military, public, city and state, for which roadside altars and temples were erected.

The necessary conditions in the steam room are provided by a sauna stove, which is installed in it, as a rule, to the right of the entrance. The design of the furnace provides for the installation of a tank for heating water and a container for placing steaming stones. It is with the help of steam stones that water vapor is produced and the desired humidity is maintained. To do this, the stones are heated to very high temperature(up to 1000º C), and when water is poured on them, it instantly turns into steam, enveloping the entire room. Humidity is maintained by the volume of poured water.

In the pantheon of Roman household gods were also taken from the tradition of the Etruscan penates, presented in the form of small figurines made of wood, clay, wax, ivory or silver. In many regions of Germany, on the shortest night of the year, an effigy burned in fire, which is probably a relic of the sun's representation of human sacrifice, a belief-based habit practiced by Celtic priests in very distant times. Dolls depicting not only the souls, but also the bodies of the dead, made of wood or wax, replaced during the funeral ceremony of the nobles, both lay and the clergy - in England, France and Italy.

Another important element of the steam room is a shelf, that is, a tiered wooden bench on which people sit when soaring. The number of tiers is 1-3, which allows a person to choose the desired height (i.e. temperature) of placement. On the sunbeds, the shelf can be located sitting or lying down.

The necessary bathing conditions cannot be provided without facing the walls and ceiling with heat-insulating, waterproofing and vapor-proof layers, which is an indispensable element in the arrangement of any bath. In addition, constantly accumulating water and condensate must be removed from the room, which requires provision in the drainage system.

They were called la representations and placed on coffins, at home, and in a funeral procession in the church. A drawing of wax or precious metals is also made in the form of a vow placed on the altar of the patron saints who receives their intentions. Thanksgiving Day vow sacrifice in the form of a baby fold happy after his birth, has also been the victims of intent attached to requests and prayers.

Of course, the desired son was born at the right time when the statue arrived at St. Dolls depicting people for magical or religious purposes were also popular in Polish folk culture. The Poles also consisted mainly of wax vows of sacrifice in thanksgiving for the favor of the experienced - often the figures were children who were born thanks to the intercession of the saint. In many cultures of the world, dolls were made for special occasions, magical purposes related to obtaining favors and happiness for donors.

Since ancient times, the traditional Russian bath was divided into two types according to the method of heating the steam room: “in black” and “in white”. This division is determined by the type of sauna stove used. In a rustic "black" bathhouse, the stove does not have a chimney; most of the smoke, when kindled with firewood, remains in the steam room, where it mixes with steam. The bathing procedure with this method is carried out after burning the firewood and releasing the first (main) smoke through the door. The remaining smoke creates a kind of environment in the steam room, which provides an antiseptic effect. The healing process is enhanced by burning, for example, birch logs, which ensures the presence of useful resinous components. The main advantage is the simplified design of the furnace. The disadvantage is the smoking of the walls and ceiling, as well as the need to maintain heat after the firewood burns out.

In the Middle Ages, Japanese girls have their own holiday, always celebrated on the third day of the third month of the year. This holiday is called Hinamatsuri - Doll Festival and a day of prayer for the health and happiness of future girls. The house is located on a stepped altar to a doll dressed in historical Japanese costumes - this is an emperor with his wife on the throne, accompanied by maids, samurai and a whole bunch of services. Boys' Day, called tango no sekku, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year and expires under the sign of serpents in the form of a carp that has rediscovered itself - according to legend - a strong dragon.

Rustic bath "in white" involves the installation of a massive stove with a chimney system, including a chimney on the roof. Almost all products of fuel combustion in this case leave the steam room. You can steam in such a bath with the stove running, which makes it easier to maintain the desired temperature.

Steam room design

Dolls depicting famous characters are installed in the house, as well as special family members eat rice cakes and take a cleansing bath with irises. The puppets were also different in character - not magic, but theater, because it is a puppet, not a living person, has become an actor. The tradition of the theater continues to this day - the puppets have movable eyes, eyebrows and mouths, pinch your fingers too. Lyrical stories about the complexity of human existence and feelings are the main themes of this theater. In old Poland, of course, puppets originated from Catholic cribs, the oldest form of puppet theater in our lands.

The steam room of a village bath is planned based on the condition of simultaneous presence of 3-4 people in it. With such a load, the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 2x2.3 m. However, taking into account the specifics of the project of the entire bath, one should take into account the area to accommodate all or most of the furnace, as well as the washing area. The washing room is usually combined with a steam room and provides for a bench up to 2 m long. The project may include separating the sink from the steam room using a partition. Thus, the optimal width of the steam room is 2.3 m, and the length is up to 4 m.

The most famous and popular type of puppet dolls, which are considered the earliest form, is associated with ancient mysteries - not only ancient, but also Catholic, which takes place throughout medieval Europe. The puppet is carried out by threads or wires, flappers on the moving parts of them, and to the spider, driven by the manufacturer from above.

However, the characters and puppets of the villagers, villains, comrades and comedians, who brought simple satire to the then difficult lives of those who were drawn to history and still living traditions, became the puppets of history. England also had a Pulcinelli equivalent, the big-nosed, hunchbacked Punch, cruel and disgusting, shameless and shameless. In other countries, there were similar figures - in Russia, children watched Parsley, and in Germany, Hansurst.

The height of the steam room is selected within 2-2.2 m. At a higher height, there are problems with heating the room and maintaining the right conditions. Important element- Door. Its design should not cool the room. Therefore, the dimensions of the opening are 80x170 cm. In addition, a high threshold should be provided (at least 20 cm). For the possibility of quick ventilation, a small window is most often mounted. In this case, the frame must be well sealed, double glass should be inserted.

But this gloomy, rainy and windy autumn is still in no hurry. Even great slugs are alive and they are very sensitive. The frogs are still hiding behind the fallen maple leaves, and they must know, of course, that such a place was never their winter residence.

Ethnographers say that today, with the mention of the holy martyr, every thief should eat a roast goose. All vegetarians and vegans should be jealous of me, because everything is in their own garden, and not from Maxim. The most important autumn and winter meals were made from these simple vegetables. And in Russia, this work somewhere has become a kind of holiday. Thus shredded cabbage in oak barrels did not seal the men, armed with heavy pestles, and the young girl who diligently washed her feet before.

Dressing room layout

The dressing room, or vestibule, is planned based on total area baths. Ideally, a bench and clothes hangers should be placed in it. The front wall of the sauna stove with a firebox usually goes into the dressing room. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a platform for servicing the furnace and a place for storing firewood for kindling the furnace, and in such an amount that it is enough to heat the room and maintain the temperature.

The maiden was supposed to be a joyful way, did not spare and conjured. Slender and tall for such work is not suitable. The hardest part was crumbling so much that the juice is well covered. Resist the temptation to produce what you need only one day a year. It's been ten years now and women are telling me about tasting cabbage. And he throws himself, it seems, so much, and they courted. In the autumn, according to him, the person of INA Lishkiava behaves rather strangely, Anna leaves the cottage in the morning - four unfamiliar cats in my backyard are eating a mule and asking if it is clearly visible, but not vagrants, apparently, came to the cemetery and the city resident "forgot » your pet.

Building a bath with your own hands

Do-it-yourself construction of a village bath begins with choosing a site for it and drawing up a detailed project, taking into account all structural elements (dimensions, material), supplying electricity and installing a wastewater drainage system.

Necessary tools for work

When making a rustic bath with your own hands, you will need the following tools and equipment:

Like other writers in this great and rich country, Tom Hardy confirms that English has common sense, decency and caution, but they often go against their nature and therefore are unhappy. Tom Hardy writes about the countryside, not just about castles and towns. And here's what's important now, when all of Europe can't survive for hours without urgent messages relayed across space: Nineteenth-century England is great, it's just perfect for the post office. Both letters, telegrams, operational messages and large shipments then traveled quickly and safely in England.

  • a circular saw;
  • milling cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Grinder;
  • plane;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • construction level.

Foundation construction

To provide a drain system, it is advisable to install a storage well into which you need to direct the pipe from the steam room. In the floor of the steam room, it is necessary to provide a prefabricated gutter in the center and a floor slope towards this gutter. The drain pipe should be positioned at an angle to allow the sewage to flow freely.

This is a government regulated zone, but even the faster street runners got out of control, relaying urgent messages. So it was in the villages, towns and cities. The strangest thing is that these "posters" were all heavily relied upon. Such children's business flourished both in America and in other countries. It seems that now we have returned to Europe, but we have forgotten all that was good in the past. Now it's like this: try sending an urgent friendly telegram to your friend and give your friend a suspicious look.

However, such a telegram is sometimes not only a message, but also an expensive document, simpler and more secure than beautiful card in pink style.

However, it is good that in our country, in the autumn, they suddenly started working on alternative mail, in other words, new bookmakers. Nemenka's book, almost three hundred pages. And there are no blues or cheap feelings here, everything is confident, everything is important. Maybe, just like the author of evil and the struggle to discover the fact, but the most important thing is that every page of Lithuania is to see and feel as much as he can, a "workhorse", especially in summer time carries more than all the others.

A real village bath on your own plot is a must country house. A visit to the banya and the so-called bath day can be called one of the few surviving Russian traditions that have survived to this day and are still very popular.

Where to start work

Wood has always been considered the most suitable material for the construction of a bath. Wood is absolutely harmless to health, since it is a natural material and does not pose any environmental hazard. Many of the owners of their own country houses appreciate wood for its special unique texture, natural beauty.

The bath can also be built from other materials, for example, for some time it was customary to use bricks or similar block materials instead of wood. This was done because of the ability of wood to ignite, brick is considered safer in this regard.

In order for a Russian village bath, built on its own, to last longer, when looking for a place for it, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • do not place the building close to the reservoir - there may be a danger of flooding;
  • for the location of the bath, it is better to choose the backyard of the house;
  • the ventilation system must be designed more carefully so that the bathhouse does not spoil the rest of people on the site or terrace with unpleasant odors;
  • it is not recommended to build a bathhouse in front of the house and near the road;
  • it is better to choose the southern side of the site, and bring the windows near the building to the western side;
  • from the source of water supply, which can be a well or a well, the bath should be at least 20 meters away.

For a comfortable stay in the bath, it should be planned carefully. Ordinary village baths the dimensions are approximately 3.7X3.7 m. The building itself should have the following rooms: a steam room, a washing department, a dressing room, which is sometimes also used as a rest room. You can use ready-made drawings and diagrams or make them yourself.

In addition to the general plan of the building, it is recommended that an individual drawing be made for each of the elements. It will be easier for you to work if you prepare in advance schemes for the roof and the base of the building, for fastening the log house, ceiling, floor, and for placing the heating device.

Bath drawing in 2 floors

Advice from the master!

After the drawings are ready, you can turn to the calculation of the required amount of materials.

How much material is needed

If you make calculations based on the most common dimensions that are usually chosen for the construction of a bath in the village, that is, 3.7X3.7 m, the building materials will require the following:

  1. Log or timber in sufficient quantity.
  2. Ceiling boards. Best Option there will be a lining with a width of not less than 100 mm, a thickness of 20 mm. They will need 38 pieces.
  3. Flooring material. Edged boards 4 m long, 150X50 mm are suitable, it is enough to prepare 25 pieces.
  4. Interior decoration. For it, you can use a lining like the one used for ceiling lining. It is better to choose a length of 3 m, the quantity is 195 pieces.
  5. Vapor barrier - it is more convenient to use film material, quantity - 52 sq.m.
  6. Penofol for waterproofing walls - 45 sq.m.
  7. For thermal insulation of the ceiling, you will need mineral wool - 14 sq.m.
  8. In order to protect the wooden parts of the building from overheating during operation, sheet asbestos is used. Sheets cover the wall of the bath near the stove, boards near the pipe.
  9. Crushed stone, sand and cement for mortar under the foundation.
  10. Mezhventsovy warming material, such as tow, moss.
  11. It is recommended to choose the same material for the roof that is used for the roof of a residential building - so the overall design concept will not be spoiled.
Advice from the master!

It is better to start building a bath in the summer, because the purchased materials must be allowed to dry. It is necessary to plan the purchase of cement at the earliest a couple of weeks before the start of work, since over time it may lose good working properties.

Work instructions

The place chosen for the bath is cleared of debris, the soil is prepared for the chosen type of foundation. It is better to use a columnar type of base: here the mortar will be required less, and the structure will turn out to be quite stable. A strip foundation will also work.

For the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to dig a hole 1 m or 1.5 m and a half deep. A pillow of sand and gravel 15 cm thick is arranged at the bottom, then a solution prepared from cement, gravel and sand is poured onto it.

For walls, you can buy a ready-made frame or lay them out yourself. Before erecting walls, materials must be prepared. They are processed using antiseptic agents in order to prevent damage and decay of wood.

Elements in a log house can be connected using the following structures:

  • “in the paw” - the execution of the bundle in this way outwardly resembles a dovetail;
  • "into the bowl" - the ends of the logs protrude beyond the walls, which helps to protect the building from wind and precipitation;
  • in the end tongue - in one of the ends of the logs a spike is created, in the other - a groove.
Advice from the master!

Between the logs lay interventional insulation. After the walls are erected, the floor and ceiling are sewn up, then windows and doors are installed, and the roof is covered.

Shelves in the steam room and sauna stove

Shelves in the bath room suit two types: for sitting on them or for lying. The width of the first ones is 60 cm in length, the beds are 1.9 m. The shelves can be flat or with support under the head, in the form of a bench, etc.

To warm up the bath, modern electric heaters and pipes for water or gas heating are used. Often use the traditional option - a wood-fired bath.

It is desirable to place the stove in the far corner of the steam room. When performed independently, it is recommended to install a stove-heater purchased at a retail outlet, since special skills will be required for its manufacture.

Advice from the master!

When the bathhouse is finally built, water and electricity are brought into it. It is also necessary to equip sewer drains.