Village bath woman. Village bath: royal rest in the Russian village

Most people living in cities are very fond of at least occasionally getting out of the stuffy and bustling megacities to rest in the village. And what kind of vacation can there be without a trip to a real traditional Russian steam room, which is no match for city saunas. country bath- it's not just an opportunity to take a good steam bath. This is a real celebration of the soul and body, as well as a return to our origins and traditions of our ancestors.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy declared: “Among the pleasures of the body, a steam bath comes immediately after love.” The sharpness of birch leaves, a tree saturated with moisture, some kind of field grass, combined with water thrown on burning bricks, sails that cool a little, from ceiling to floor, Valya's pleasant voice, which exclaims: How beautiful!

After a massage with birch branches, it sometimes happens that the green leaves, separated from the leaves, remain attached to the skin for a while. It's time to get off the mat: but without the hassle, with care to prevent dizziness After that, you must fill the pool cold water, clean and clear well water.

Option village bath

For our predecessors, the steam room played a special role in Everyday life. It was used to give birth, bathe, temper and be treated for various diseases. In the cultures of other countries there are also peculiar baths, for example, the Finns have saunas, the Middle East has a hammam, and in Japan hot springs play the role of a steam room. However, only in our country bathing traditions and culture are preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

At this point, it may be that the passionate driver of the Russian sauna will suddenly move away from the steaming fumes and almost irresponsible heat in the bathroom to calmly plunge into the snowy and still intact snow. For the sake of art, our friends would also be ready to throw themselves into a beautiful snowstorm, but the charismatic Priestess Irina objected: You don’t need to, someone could see us.

The country is small, the number of inhabitants is small, and there is nothing more important than the rest of the settlement. Men can come out of the bathroom and throw snow without much criticism. However, what women do is not good, it is even worse if someone takes pictures of them the way they are.

A bit of history and folk beliefs

The first similarities of bath rooms appeared in Rus' more than a thousand years ago, and the first mention of these buildings is found in the ancient chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". However, archaeological excavations and historical research lead scientists to the idea that the tradition of bathing in such places appeared long before the formation of Kievan Rus.

We are limited to bringing a bath of snow-filled bacillus that we passionately fight with each other. And it's time to go back to the bathroom. The mood is really excellent, he pours tea into his glasses. A wonderful boiled samovar, along with herbs collected in the summer by the same women who conduct the ancient Russian rite of the steam bath: he kindly agreed to share it with us. This is the right moment to take some photos! The faces are smiling with genuine smiles, not the photographer's.

The pretty particles compacted and then separated into tiny balls: it seemed that the skin was cleared by itself. My grandmother said that everything bad that is in a person comes with a bath, and after a steam bath, the skin becomes soft, smooth, almost silky.

Nevertheless, regardless of the exact date of the appearance of steam rooms, bathing traditions have been preserved throughout the existence of a Russian person and have become one of the most important. After all, people in the village bath bathe for any convenient reason, especially on various holidays and before going to church on the biggest religious holidays.

When you wake up tomorrow you will feel rejuvenated for at least ten years. It was a fascinating image, worthy of immortality with the brush of a great artist. This is the real Russian Venus! Woman squatting on naked wooden floor, the simple and elegant movements of her arms and hands, the skin that glistens under the caress of the water, the long hair color of gold torn at the shoulders. By the way, in the countryside, after a bath, the hair is sometimes washed with kvass. That is why Valentina gives us a glass of kvass in her hand.

This is a typical Russian drink based on strong bread and yeast. Valentina has lived her whole life in this small village, working as a teacher at the local school. She remembers her childhood, remembers how to swim. And she says: We had several children, the first ones to wash them were the greatest. Then my mother washed the little ones, one by one. Finally she was tired, she had almost no strength. After the bath, the laundry still had to be washed, which meant running to the river, soaking it in a hole in the ice, and then laying it down in the yard.

A rural person sees in the bath a kind of sacred place, in which a special energy reigns. According to popular beliefs, this place is inhabited by various representatives of the other world, some of which protect people, while others try to do some harm. It is believed that unclean forces like to settle in the steam room, which has never been heated, so the Old Believers hang icons in the dressing room and never take bath accessories home.

Once the steam bath replaced the medications a bit. If a person got hurt a little, they immediately took a bath. The steam bath was even born: here it was easier to put the baby into the world, because the body was sweaty, softened and became more elastic, more flexible for the movement of childbirth. The compatriots still have a sense of confidence in the therapeutic properties of the steam bath, and we must say that such miraculous effects have been widely demonstrated for several generations.

Even so, the first comparison means Ancient Rome where baths were considered a place of excellence and the sauna was a remedy for several pathologies. Therefore, a farmer from the most remote village of deep Russia has always and exactly lived according to the recipes of the famous ancient Greek doctor. His gymnastics and his "walks" were and are the work in the fields, the simple food in the campandolo, his diet.

In the photo - a steam room of a village bath

Village baths were preferred to be built near water bodies or in their own yard, however, in the second case, a wooden barrel was built near the bath, which was used for ablutions with cold water after leaving the steam room. We went here with the whole family, and if guests were received in the house, then the right to be the first to take a steam bath was given to them. And Saturday was considered the traditional day for pair procedures. It was on this day that every villager, without exception, took a steam bath.

We are not in a hurry, the body is riddled with pleasant exhaustion. A steam bath can eliminate the fatigue that gradually builds up in us during the working week. Here are the words of the wise Valentine: This is fatigue, different from what you are trying at work. When you pick up a potato or you sneak up on your piece of vegetables, you feel tired in your legs, it hurts your whole body, your head becomes crooked and doesn't feel any sense of well-being, just that unsightly heaviness that comes from physical labor, especially if it's hard work.

What are village baths like?

There are two types of village steam rooms: baths “in black” and “in white”. Their main difference lies in design features baths, as well as technologies for kindling the stove and heating the steam room. To get a more detailed idea of ​​​​what is one and the other bath in the village, you need to study them in more detail.

A table is set up in the kitchen: a samovar, a few simple antipasti from the countryside, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, three types of mushrooms, potatoes, salami as a treat, cold meats. Women are already sitting at the table: red, as if rejuvenated, stretched and smiling. The one who takes us for a sacred ablution turns to me and asks with a sonorous and convinced voice: Lyudmila, what do you want to drink?

Valentina now asks us if we come to the city, we noticed the church. E, dedicated to St. Nicholas Thaumaturgo. Well, after a bath like ours, it's not surprising. She also comes to collect herbs with me. And now that we're back in town. Of course you don't want to leave.

Bath "in black"

It was built in a five-walled building, the interior space of which was divided in half by a chopped wall. One room was assigned to the steam room, and the second - to the dressing room. To heat the steam room in such a bath, a special stone stove was built. A feature of the “black” bath is that there was no chimney in it, and special holes were made in the wall under the ceiling to remove combustion products, as well as during bath procedures Entrance door slightly opened to create a draft, which brought the smoke out. The black bath got its name due to the fact that the walls, ceiling, floor, benches and other interior items were constantly black with soot, so they constantly had to be washed.

The women come out to accompany us. What is snow and frost? It takes a lot more to intimidate those who have ever lived here in these conditions! Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev is one of the most famous Russian artists of the last century. An eclectic artist, set designer and book illustrator, in some of his paintings he noted the beauty of women in his country.

Jan Leblon, an architecture student, has been intensively dedicated to the restoration and revitalization of a place with a complex past and present for several years. This is the village of Prameni in the Slavkovský Forest, which was a spa town with 2,000 inhabitants until the Second World War. Currently one hundred, some of the buildings are falling apart, and the post-revolutionary economy of the local town hall Pramen has become one of the largest municipalities in the Czech Republic.

Bath "in white"

It is an improved version of the first type, which appeared in Rus' in a later period. In such a bath, another stove was built, which was equipped with a chimney, so the ladies did not accumulate in the steam room, but were brought out through it. Therefore, the village bathhouse "in white" always remained clean and it was much easier to take care of it.

However, Jan Leblo, Prazhak's native, draws and encourages him to actively participate. From the original enthusiast and activist in September of this year, he became a municipal councilor. Three years ago you founded Prameni Village Citizens Association Revival - what did you do with it and why did you choose Springs? Grandparents once bought a house. Gradually, activism was born in me.

Gradually, the need arose to create something official. So, our association "Revival of the village of Prameni" was created. What are you doing? There are a billion problems in the village of Prameni, a hundred years of work and more. At first we were looking for something typical of the village and something that was unique in history. In Springs, bathtubs were created in the late nineteenth century, which gradually disappeared, but disappeared altogether at the end of the twentieth century. But the mineral springs Rudolf and Gisela are still there. We approached them when they were completely overgrown, buried, in the middle of such a forest dump, which we gradually cut off.

Log cabin baths "in black"

In addition to a more thoughtful stove, in such baths there was also a third room, which was used as a shower room. It is worth noting that the first white baths began to be built in Rus' at the beginning of the 19th century, however, only wealthy people could afford them.

We are setting up our environment step by step. Today everyone can come to the springs, try them and sit there. Will people find a way? It happens, we are happy. But the problem is that it's mostly for tourists. Mineral springs are located about three hundred meters from the village, and locals occasionally go for a walk. In this context, we were accused of not doing anything in the village, perhaps in the village.

And you got into something similar? In addition to restoring the springs, for example, we repaired the statue of St. John of Nepomuk, which is located near the village square, and this was accompanied by the planting of new trees. And we also started repairing the forest chapel, but it went out of the center again.

The village bath in the Russian village has a long history and is associated with national traditions. Generations of people change, but the attitude to this element of rural life remains the same: this is not just a washing room, but a special place where a person is cleansed in body and soul, throwing off all hardships, fatigue and illness.

Sources - the most insatiable municipalities in the Czech Republic - how did this happen? In the 1990s, it was necessary to make a bottle with mineral water, and there were many boreholes from which water had to be pumped. The municipality paid for the wells, and then looked for an investor, which they did not find. She was forced to find someone to use her. Now the village has no property and can do nothing. The Russian investor also plays a role in trying to buy all the receivables and therefore his land.

A bathhouse in the village is indispensable for bathing, washing things and improving health.

From time immemorial, a village bath has been a necessary part of a peasant's property, a symbol of the owner's well-being, his pride. The absence of a bath in the courtyard is a sign of a temporary worker or hopeless poverty. Usually, the Russian village bath is simple and rational, used once a week, but the bath procedure becomes a holiday for the soul.

It is necessary that the municipality be strong enough so that the construction does not start to expand in any way - the god of what the investor must do. This year, as an association, at the end of May we are holding the holiday season for the third time - how does it happen? This is our main project that we do every year, now we call it "Discovery of Mineral Springs". It is held at the aforementioned restored springs of Rudolfov and Gizelin in the former spa park. This is an informal meeting where local and cross country walks are held.

Features of a rustic bath

A bathhouse in a suburban area is an additional comfort and, rather, a recreation area for a person who has an apartment with a bathroom in the city. The village bath is the only place for a villager where he can wash himself. Moreover, often such a room still plays the role of a laundry after performing the main function. Taking into account the duration of the heating of the structure, the need for fuel and the employment of people, a village bath is usually used for its intended purpose once a week.

Let's say what we've done and what we're planning, and people are following the development of the site, so it's also a platform to tell what we're planning to do. When you mentioned the maid - is it true that he was persecuted this year for cleaning up the area of ​​the former cemetery? What exactly was it? It must be realized that the village of Prameni now has a hundred people, but before the Second World War it should have been two thousand, and the size corresponds to the mentioned cemetery. In the 1950s, bulldozers destroyed it and some of the tombstones were taken away, sold, and there was still a bare minimum.

The financial capabilities of an ordinary rural person dictate important features village bath: small costs during construction and the minimum required dimensions of the structure. It is traditionally made from a wooden frame or framed from wood. In this case, the log house can be made of logs or beams.

The number of rooms in the bath is minimal. Only a steam room with a sauna stove is considered an obligatory element; all other premises are designed based on the capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. The most economical and minimal option is a steam room and a small vestibule that acts as a dressing room (dressing room). The maximum project is three rooms: a steam room, a dressing room and a washing room.

There was a huge, undeveloped, overgrown area where the tombstone was left. It is completely unworthy that there are hundreds of dead German residents who have been cultivating this area for many years. Isn't that happening there today? Not at all. It's just a meadow where raging trees grow, they can't be buried there. He is buried in Marianske Lazne or in nearby villages, perhaps ten kilometers further.

So where did you go there? With my conservative friend, we first cut the grass and caught up with a bang. It would probably be better to consult other human experts and get some result to be implemented. My goal was to clean up the buried grave and then preserve the remains that we would find at the next cemetery restoration, but this did not meet with a positive response. What's happened? I have been accused of digging tombs, cursing remains, and doing illegal archaeological research.

Features of the steam room

The most important part of the Russian bath is the steam room. The main tasks of this room are to provide and maintain a temperature of 50-70º C and high humidity (about 60-65%) due to superheated water vapor. Moreover, such conditions must be maintained throughout the bath procedure. The temperature in the steam room as a result of natural physical processes has a gradient in height: the closer to the ceiling, the higher the temperature.

The necessary conditions in the steam room are provided by a sauna stove, which is installed in it, as a rule, to the right of the entrance. The design of the furnace provides for the installation of a tank for heating water and a container for placing steaming stones. It is with the help of steam stones that water vapor is produced and the desired humidity is maintained. To do this, the stones are heated to very high temperature(up to 1000º C), and when water is poured on them, it instantly turns into steam, enveloping the entire room. Humidity is maintained by the volume of poured water.

Another important element of the steam room is a shelf, that is, a tiered wooden bench on which people sit when soaring. The number of tiers is 1-3, which allows a person to choose the desired height (i.e. temperature) of placement. On the sunbeds, the shelf can be located sitting or lying down.

The necessary bathing conditions cannot be provided without facing the walls and ceiling with heat-insulating, waterproofing and vapor-proof layers, which is an indispensable element in the arrangement of any bath. In addition, constantly accumulating water and condensate must be removed from the room, which requires provision in the drainage system.

Since ancient times, the traditional Russian bath was divided into two types according to the method of heating the steam room: “in black” and “in white”. This division is determined by the type of sauna stove used. In a rustic "black" bathhouse, the stove does not have a chimney; most of the smoke, when kindled with firewood, remains in the steam room, where it mixes with steam. The bathing procedure with this method is carried out after burning the firewood and releasing the first (main) smoke through the door. The remaining smoke creates a kind of environment in the steam room, which provides an antiseptic effect. The healing process is enhanced by burning, for example, birch logs, which ensures the presence of useful resinous components. The main advantage is the simplified design of the furnace. The disadvantage is the smoking of the walls and ceiling, as well as the need to maintain heat after the firewood burns out.

Rustic bath "in white" involves the installation of a massive stove with a chimney system, including a chimney on the roof. Almost all products of fuel combustion in this case leave the steam room. You can steam in such a bath with the stove running, which makes it easier to maintain the desired temperature.

Steam room design

The steam room of a village bath is planned based on the condition of simultaneous presence of 3-4 people in it. With such a load, the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 2x2.3 m. However, taking into account the specifics of the project of the entire bath, one should take into account the area to accommodate all or most of the furnace, as well as the washing area. The washing room is usually combined with a steam room and provides for a bench up to 2 m long. The project may include separating the sink from the steam room using a partition. Thus, the optimal width of the steam room is 2.3 m, and the length is up to 4 m.

The height of the steam room is selected within 2-2.2 m. At a higher height, there are problems with heating the room and maintaining the right conditions. Important element- door. Its design should not cool the room. Therefore, the dimensions of the opening are 80x170 cm. In addition, a high threshold should be provided (at least 20 cm). For the possibility of quick ventilation, a small window is most often mounted. In this case, the frame must be well sealed, double glass should be inserted.

Dressing room layout

The dressing room, or vestibule, is planned based on total area baths. Ideally, a bench and clothes hangers should be placed in it. The front wall of the sauna stove with a firebox usually goes into the dressing room. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a platform for servicing the furnace and a place for storing firewood for kindling the furnace, and in such an amount that it is enough to heat the room and maintain the temperature.

Building a bath with your own hands

Do-it-yourself construction of a village bath begins with choosing a site for it and drawing up a detailed project, taking into account all structural elements (dimensions, material), supplying electricity and installing a wastewater drainage system.

Necessary tools for work

When making a rustic bath with your own hands, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • a circular saw;
  • milling cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Grinder;
  • plane;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • construction level.

Foundation construction

To provide a drain system, it is advisable to install a storage well into which you need to direct the pipe from the steam room. In the floor of the steam room, it is necessary to provide a prefabricated gutter in the center and a floor slope towards this gutter. The drain pipe should be positioned at an angle to allow the sewage to flow freely.