Bath in the woman's village. Village bath: royal rest in the Russian village

The village bath in the Russian village has a long history and is associated with national traditions. Generations of people change, but the attitude to this element of rural life remains the same: this is not just a washing room, but a special place where a person is cleansed in body and soul, throwing off all hardships, fatigue and illness.

She was buried and trained in Kostelek. Nearby there are mangrove forests and a juicy stone quarry that is said to ruin good marble. In other monuments, only a rare inscription has been preserved. The coefficient of wheat was 80 gold coins of Kiyov.

The protectorate has a parish office in Kostelek. It preserved the statue of the Virgin Mary, which is worn in September on a pilgrimage to Korychany. Walk through the Worms brick oven. Previously, there was only a nursery here. A narrow gauge was also built to supply clay.

Chelozhnitsa. It was consecrated in early October and October. The cross in front of the school was built from the citizens' lovers and consecrated in November. The first teacher and administrator of the school was Mr. Josef Pudil. Kuril Frantisek č was elected chairman of the local school board. Members: Forman Josef No. 86, Kjerzil Tomas No village mayor was Kerzil Tomas No. Radni: Forman Josef, Tarpl Jakub. In December, at a meeting of the municipal committee, a loan of 000 K from the Agricultural Bank in Brno for 21 years was discussed. The construction was transferred to the district road committee in Kiyov.

A bathhouse in the village is indispensable for bathing, washing things and improving health.

From time immemorial country bath was a necessary part of the peasant property, a symbol of the wealth of the owner, his pride. The absence of a bath in the courtyard is a sign of a temporary worker or hopeless poverty. Usually, the Russian village bath is simple and rational, used once a week, but the bath procedure becomes a holiday for the soul.

Elections were held for the second time in June. The mayor of the village was again elected by Nunis Stepan. In February, the Theater of National Unity Theater bought the theater stage. The announcement of the mobilization was generally announced by the drum of the August morning. All guards under the age of 36 had to sign up within 24 hours. Within months, a second call was announced for 42 years and a third for under 50 years. Generally, an early end was expected, but new lectures were given.

Reports soon surfaced that some fell and others were taken to hospitals. September gave up his office at the old school Neniček Štepán No. 47 because he was old enough to help the first counselor Matej Cerny from the war. He soon returned and took over Old Domination.

Features of a rustic bath

A bathhouse in a suburban area is an additional comfort and, rather, a recreation area for a person who has an apartment with a bathroom in the city. The village bath is the only place for a villager where he can wash himself. Moreover, often such a room still plays the role of a laundry after performing the main function. Taking into account the duration of the heating of the structure, the need for fuel and the employment of people, a village bath is usually used for its intended purpose once a week.

Initially, they were quite soft, but the severity increased every year. The commission has up to 5 people. The two local estimators, the mayor, commissioner, and clerk, who calculated the family's grain and potato consumption and surplus, had to turn themselves in according to the estimate. Not enough for a person.

Those who slept at home were caught several times by gendarmes and soldiers and sent to war. The fields that were cultivated by women and children did not produce the desired crops. There was a shortage all over the world: sugar, kerosene, tobacco, flour were sold on tickets. The village of Chełojnice was forced to buy tobacco from Zestřibis. Colonial goods were not like that at all, poverty was great. Absence appeared in clothing, which was replaced by nettles and paper. Cannabis growth has resumed in our country.

The financial capabilities of an ordinary rural person dictate important features village bath: small costs during construction and the minimum required dimensions of the structure. It is traditionally made from a wooden frame or framed from wood. In this case, the log house can be made of logs or beams.

The number of rooms in the bath is minimal. Only a steam room with a sauna stove is considered an obligatory element; all other premises are designed based on the capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. The most economical and minimal option is a steam room and a small vestibule that acts as a dressing room (dressing room). The maximum project is three rooms: a steam room, a dressing room and a washing room.

Shoes were very expensive, leather soles were replaced with wooden ones. With the general collection of copper and copper objects, one bell from the bell tower was fixed. The cash back was negligible. All cash loans were borrowed from Sberbank of Kiyov. Eight year old boys went to war. The requisitions were carried out more strictly and lasted up to six days with three to seven soldiers looking not only for the cells, but also for other buildings. In addition to grain, cattle were encrusted. There are only two parts left for the holding.

During the World War, schooling was completely ignored. About a month was introduced by teacher František Horak and after him by Miss Marie Budikova from Bohuslavica. The training was only half a day, the second morning, the first class. In the autumn, the second class of youth in the second department received complete relief from attending school.

Features of the steam room

The most important part of the Russian bath is the steam room. The main tasks of this room are to provide and maintain a temperature of 50-70º C and high humidity (about 60-65%) due to superheated water vapor. Moreover, such conditions must be maintained throughout the bath procedure. The temperature in the steam room as a result of natural physical processes has a height gradient: the closer to the ceiling, the higher the temperature.

In general, a feeling of fatigue was felt. The turnaround took place in October, when the state independence of Czechoslovakia was declared. The message spread throughout the village very quickly and was received with joy. November in the National Assembly solemnly declared the Czech-Slovak Republic.

Although material conditions did not improve, life was different everywhere. A new era of new thinking brings us. There were violent, religious and political fights, ravaged in the demonstration camps. Socio-political meetings were held in our village. The communist elections, which were scheduled for June, were approaching. Three parties stood for us: the Czechoslovak Social Democrats and the Czechoslovak people, connected with the agrarians.

The necessary conditions in the steam room are provided by a sauna stove, which is installed in it, as a rule, to the right of the entrance. The design of the furnace provides for the installation of a tank for heating water and a container for placing steaming stones. It is with the help of steam stones that water vapor is produced and the desired humidity is maintained. To do this, the stones are heated to very high temperature(up to 1000º C), and when water is poured on them, it instantly turns into steam, enveloping the entire room. Humidity is maintained by the volume of poured water.

In the nineteenth year, significant progress was made in attending a bourgeois school and a real gymnasium in Kiyov. On the Sunday before October, the Republican holiday was celebrated. October marked the anniversary of the declaration of Czechoslovak independence. The procession and music went to Kizhov, where the speech was celebrated. In October Makalek Jan, the owner of a hotel in Moravani, sold bricks and stoves.

January was the last requisition. In memory of those who died during the World War, a memorial to the Department of National Unity and Citizens' Mercy was built in the center of the village. The Monument is dominated by a lion - a winner over an eagle. Life in the war lost these citizens.

Another important element of the steam room is a shelf, that is, a tiered wooden bench on which people sit when soaring. The number of tiers is 1-3, which allows a person to choose the desired height (i.e. temperature) of placement. On the sunbeds, the shelf can be located sitting or lying down.

The necessary bathing conditions cannot be provided without facing the walls and ceiling with heat-insulating, waterproofing and vapor-proof layers, which is an indispensable element in the arrangement of any bath. In addition, constantly accumulating water and condensate must be removed from the room, which requires provision in the drainage system.

Franz Joseph No. 6 died at the monument. There were legionnaires during the world wars.

  • It passed through Asia from west to east.
  • Shimechek Josef, the superintendent, will be captured by the Russian front in October.
Opponents of the war who receive support. In March, at a meeting of the municipal council, it was decided to pay off the debt that the school had in the amount of 700 CZK.

It was built along an 80 m long road from the house of Frantisek Zobril 114 to the house of Cyril Lach. Supervision is entrusted to adviser Vaclav Najnic. Last year, the short-received contingent was given this year's harvest at a maximum price of 100 kg of barley 190 kroons. The gray spring, which is under the pasture, has been popular since this spring, and many people from the surrounding area have been walking on the water. The district hospital fund in Kiyov had a plan to build a spa, deepened the well in the well and closed it, but the construction did not take place.

Since ancient times, the traditional Russian bath was divided into two types according to the method of heating the steam room: “in black” and “in white”. This division is determined by the type of sauna stove used. AT rustic bath The "black" stove does not have a chimney, most of the smoke when kindling with wood remains in the steam room, where it mixes with steam. The bathing procedure with this method is carried out after burning the firewood and releasing the first (main) smoke through the door. The remaining smoke creates a kind of environment in the steam room, which provides an antiseptic effect. The healing process is enhanced by burning, for example, birch logs, which ensures the presence of useful resinous components. The main advantage is the simplified design of the furnace. The disadvantage is the smoking of the walls and ceiling, as well as the need to maintain heat after the firewood burns out.

September on Sunday was solemnly consecrated by the statutes created by the charity of citizens. At about 10:30 in the parade that left the school, they were carried by the bridesmaids in stalls to the bell tower. Antonin Dosedla, priest in Kostelek. After the sermon, it was a holy mass in which the banners were consecrated and raised. At half past three in the afternoon parade with banners from the bell tower and the chapel, where there was a blessing.

There were battalions in several houses. September is appointed by Josef Januszek, a teacher at the local school. In October, a partial mobilization of up to 36 years of age for the riots in Hungary was announced. About 40% of the clerks did not comply and were therefore sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1 week to 3 months. By November, a public auction had been sold by the municipal beetle to pasture and bush above the brickwork.

Rustic bath "in white" involves the installation of a massive stove with a chimney system, including a chimney on the roof. Almost all products of fuel combustion in this case leave the steam room. You can steam in such a bath with the stove running, which makes it easier to maintain the desired temperature.

Steam room design

A fifth of the grain remained in the field. In July, the municipal council renewed tax breaks. In the field of local economics, some progress has been made in the use of artificial fertilizers. He was the director of the School of Economics in Kiyov, who, together with the gardener Mr. Pospisil, gave several practical lectures on horticulture and economics.

In February, at a meeting of the municipal council, in the presence of representatives of the hospital fund in Kyjov, a mutual agreement was signed on the construction of a resort. During the summer, roads were built from the bridge at the school to Václav Varmez's house. Supervision of the construction was entrusted to the mayor Jakub Shimechka. The road will be accepted by the district road committee after the repair of the ditch, which is calculated in the amount of 000 CZK.

The steam room of a village bath is planned based on the condition of simultaneous presence of 3-4 people in it. With such a load, the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 2x2.3 m. However, taking into account the specifics of the project of the entire bath, one should take into account the area to accommodate all or most of the furnace, as well as the washing area. The washing room is usually combined with a steam room and provides for a bench up to 2 m long. The project may include separating the sink from the steam room using a partition. Thus, the optimal width of the steam room is 2.3 m, and the length is up to 4 m.

The Czechoslovak Church was established in Celoznica to care for Simeka Yakub. The price of beets is relatively high depending on the grain, so small farmers are starting to bet on beets. Both the peasant and the worker are embarrassed by a series of new taxes. Statue of František The statue of a little boy with a fish is the symbol of Františkovy Lazne. Today it is the original František in the city museum and his indifferent imitation in front of the Social House.

Both of you are admired - you won't forget my original female safety and visit the museum. Spas past and present The real history of Frantiskovy Lazne begins long before they were founded. Already in the Middle Ages, they brought water to spring František to nearby Cheb, where they drank it as table water. Later, doctors discovered its medicinal effects, and the spring became the most sought-after medicine in Europe. At that time, human disease was perceived as a full flow of the body with poisonous juices. This required doctors to remove this object from the body, draining through the veins or flushing them mineral waters containing salts and sulfur, which pollutants bind to themselves.

The height of the steam room is selected within 2-2.2 m. At a higher height, there are problems with heating the room and maintaining the right conditions. Important element- Door. Its design should not cool the room. Therefore, the dimensions of the opening are 80x170 cm. In addition, a high threshold should be provided (at least 20 cm). For the possibility of quick ventilation, a small window is most often mounted. In this case, the frame must be well sealed, double glass should be inserted.

Drinking medicines in spring baths and cleansing baths stood at the birth of spas and their golden age. Franz's spring has been used in this spirit to treat almost all ailments, especially female infertility. The current balneological treatment is based on traditional, scientifically based methods of treatment.

Processing natural resources include peat baths, mud wraps, carbon dioxide, gas injections and carbonated baths. Spa Embankment Life in the empire and the classicist Frantiskovy Lazne, surrounded and intertwined parks and gardens, flow peacefully and calmly. Its spell remains here in the spring-blooming spa, warmed by the summer sun, covered in autumn leaves and snow-white. That is why Martin Sukup, a gardener from Schönbrunn, Vienna, originally the gardener of Prince Lobkowitz, was called to Frantiskovy Lazne.

Dressing room layout

The dressing room, or vestibule, is planned based on total area baths. Ideally, a bench and clothes hangers should be placed in it. The front wall of the sauna stove with a firebox usually goes into the dressing room. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a platform for servicing the furnace and a place for storing firewood for kindling the furnace, and in such an amount that it is enough to heat the room and maintain the temperature.

In his work, he was continued by his son Antonin, who rebuilt the original French parks with trimmed bushes into more comfortable English-style parks. The rhododendrons that create parks in a mature romantic color of fire, grown here with drinking therapy associated with a short walk in the park, established the tradition of the so-called promenades. Even today it should not be forgotten. 250 hectares of gardens and forest parks serve both for active recreation and for those who want to relax in a slower rhythm.

A spa stay has its own order, rhythm, atmosphere and flavor. It's unusual, charming, and sometimes a little tame. With subsequent applications in the coming years, the three lilies now take the form of an Atrium with a courtyard containing a café and a small gallery. Many prominent personalities have been housed in the house, such as Johann Wolfgang Goethe or Prince Metternich.

Building a bath with your own hands

Do-it-yourself construction of a village bath begins with choosing a site for it and drawing up a detailed project, taking into account all structural elements (dimensions, material), supplying electricity and installing a wastewater drainage system.

Necessary tools for work

When making a rustic bath with your own hands, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • a circular saw;
  • milling cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Grinder;
  • plane;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • construction level.

Foundation construction

To provide a drain system, it is advisable to install a storage well into which you need to direct the pipe from the steam room. In the floor of the steam room, it is necessary to provide a prefabricated gutter in the center and a floor slope towards this gutter. The drain pipe should be positioned at an angle to allow the sewage to flow freely.

Most people living in cities are very fond of at least occasionally getting out of the stuffy and bustling megacities to rest in the village. And what kind of vacation can there be without a trip to a real traditional Russian steam room, which is no match for city saunas. A rustic sauna is not just an opportunity to take a good steam bath. This is a real celebration of the soul and body, as well as a return to our origins and traditions of our ancestors.

Village bath option

For our predecessors, the steam room played a special role in Everyday life. It was used to give birth, bathe, temper and be treated for various diseases. In the cultures of other countries there are also peculiar baths, for example, the Finns have saunas, the Middle East has a hammam, and in Japan hot springs play the role of a steam room. However, only in our country bathing traditions and culture are preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

A bit of history and folk beliefs

The first similarities of bath rooms appeared in Russia more than a thousand years ago, and the first mention of these buildings is found in the ancient chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". However, archaeological excavations and historical research lead scientists to the idea that the tradition of bathing in such places appeared long before the formation of Kievan Rus.

Nevertheless, regardless of the exact date of the appearance of steam rooms, bathing traditions have been preserved throughout the existence of a Russian person and have become one of the most important. After all, people in the village bath bathe for any convenient reason, especially on various holidays and before going to church on the biggest religious holidays.

A rural person sees in the bath a kind of sacred place, in which a special energy reigns. According to popular beliefs, this place is inhabited by various representatives of the other world, some of which protect people, while others try to do some harm. It is believed that unclean forces like to settle in the steam room, which has never been heated, so the Old Believers hang icons in the dressing room and never take bath accessories home.

In the photo - a steam room of a village bath

Village baths were preferred to be built near water bodies or in their own yard, however, in the second case, a wooden barrel was built near the bath, which was used for ablutions. cold water after leaving the steam room. We went here with the whole family, and if guests were received in the house, then the right to be the first to take a steam bath was given to them. And Saturday was considered the traditional day for pair procedures. It was on this day that every villager, without exception, took a steam bath.

What are village baths like?

There are two types of village steam rooms: baths “in black” and “in white”. Their main difference lies in design features baths, as well as technologies for kindling the stove and heating the steam room. To get a more detailed idea of ​​​​what is one and the other bath in the village, you need to study them in more detail.

Bath "in black"

It was built in a five-walled building, the interior space of which was divided in half by a chopped wall. One room was assigned to the steam room, and the second - to the dressing room. To heat the steam room in such a bath, a special stone stove was built. A feature of the “black” bath is that there was no chimney in it, and special holes were made in the wall under the ceiling to remove combustion products, as well as during bath procedures Entrance door slightly opened to create a draft, which brought the smoke out. The black bath got its name due to the fact that the walls, ceiling, floor, benches and other interior items were constantly black with soot, so they constantly had to be washed.

Bath "in white"

It is an improved version of the first type, which appeared in Russia in a later period. In such a bath, another stove was built, which was equipped with a chimney, so the ladies did not accumulate in the steam room, but were brought out through it. Therefore, the village bathhouse "in white" always remained clean and it was much easier to take care of it.

Log cabin baths "in black"

In addition to a more thoughtful stove, in such baths there was also a third room, which was used as a shower room. It is worth noting that the first “white” baths began to be built in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, however, only wealthy people could afford them.