Russian-Tibetan Dictionary in Unity of ManifestationsIntroduction. Babylon Hill Tibetan Dictionary Translator

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Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Russian or Tibetan: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 2,696 translated phrases. We currently have 5729350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Russian-Tibetan dictionary online. Just login and add new translation. Glosbe is a unified project and anyone can add (or remove) translations. This makes our dictionary Russian Tibetan real, as it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any mistake in the dictionary will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you can add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what these words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.


Tib e tsky


1) Pertaining to Tibet, the Tibetans, associated with them.

2) Peculiar to the Tibetans, characteristic of them and of Tibet.

3) Belonging to Tibet, Tibetans.

4) Created, derived, etc. in Tibet or Tibetans.

Efremov. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is TIBETAN in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    Terrier ORIGIN. This is the oldest breed, which became the basis for the creation and development of all other Tibetan breeds, from Shitzu and Lhassa ...
    TIBETAN LANGUAGE, the language of the Tibetans. It belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. Tibetan writing goes back to...
  • TIBETAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TIBETAN AUTONOMOUS REGION (Tibet, Chinese - Xizang Zizhiqu), in China. 1.2 million km 2. Us. 2.4 million hours (1995). Adm. …
  • TIBETAN in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tskaya, Tibe"tskoe, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tskoy, Tibe"tskoy, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tskoy, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tsk, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tskoy, Tibe"tskoe, Tibe"tsky, Tibe"tsky, Tibe "tskaya, tibe" tskoe, tibe "tskih, ...
  • TIBETAN in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    adj. 1) Pertaining to Tibet, the Tibetans, associated with them. 2) Peculiar to the Tibetans, characteristic of them and of Tibet. 3) Owned...
  • TIBETAN full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    Tibetan (from ...
  • TIBETAN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    Tib`etsky (from Tib`et; Tib`etskaya ...
  • TIBETAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • TIBETAN in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. Pertaining to Tibet, the Tibetans, associated with them. 2. Peculiar to the Tibetans, characteristic of them and of Tibet. 3. Owned…
  • TIBETAN TERRIER in the Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    _Terriers_ Origin An ancient breed that gave rise to such breeds as the Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso and Tibetan Spaniel. Description The Tibetan Terrier is similar to …
  • TIBETAN SPANIEL in the Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    _Decorative dogs_ Origin The breed was bred in Tibet. It is assumed that in the veins of these dogs flows the blood of the Pekingese, pug and Japanese ...
  • TIBETAN MASTIFF in the Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    _Working Dogs_ Origin The Tibetan Mastiff is a descendant of the famous Tibetan dogs from which most of the Molossian Great Danes and Mastiffs around…
  • TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Chinese Tibet. Xizang-Zizhiqu), in China. 1.2 million km2. Population 2.6 million (1992). Adm. c. - Lhasa. The Tibetan state arose ...
    language, the language of the Tibetans. It is distributed in the Tibet Autonomous Region of some other regions of the PRC, as well as in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. …
  • TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    autonomous region, Tibet (Chinese Xizang), in the southwest. China, within the Tibetan Plateau. The area is 1221 thousand km 2. Population …
  • TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (Tibet, Chinese Xizang Zizhiqu), in China. 1.2 million km2. Population 2.6 million (1992). Adm. c. - Lhasa. Tibetan State...
  • SHI in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dogs.
  • CENTRAL ASIAN in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    shepherd ORIGIN. This breed, one of the breeds that have developed in the territory former USSR. It is most common in Central Asia, And …
  • LHASA APSO in the Encyclopedia of Dogs.
  • TIBETAN LITERATURE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    arose and developed in medieval, feudal conditions. Artistic literature in Tibet has not yet had time to separate itself as a special area of ​​ideology...
  • Tibeto-Burmese languages in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    languages, a group of Sino-Tibetan languages ​​distinguished by a number of researchers, distributed mainly in China (Tibet and Southwestern China), Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, in ...
  • PAMIR in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (possibly from ancient Iran. Pa-i-mihr - the foot of Mitra, the god of the Sun), a mountainous country in Central Asia (mainly in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of the Tajik ...

Tibetan-Russian-English Dictionary. Roerich Yu.N.

The dictionary can be downloaded from the website of the "Rime" center; below are direct links to volumes in pdf format:

There are also volumes on the site in the format djvu And gif.


Numerous historical, philosophical and literary monuments available in the Tibetan language have long attracted and continue to attract the attention of scholars working both in the field of Tibetan history and philology, and in the field of philosophy and history of Buddhism. In this regard, the great interest shown by specialists in Tibetan lexicographic manuals is natural.

The outstanding orientalist and Tibetologist of our time, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich (1902-1960), began compiling a manual for reading literature in the Tibetan language back in the 1920s. Hard work, combined with a brilliant knowledge of many languages, knowledge of the living language of the Tibetans, extensive materials at his disposal, and personal communication with highly educated Tibetans - all this made it possible for Yu.N. Roerich in a relatively short time to complete his work. The result was a manuscript of a Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels, 5,156 handwritten pages containing about 65,000 words and phrases.

The basis of the manuscript Yu.N. Roerich is compiled by the vocabulary of the "Tibetan-English Dictionary" by S.Ch. Dasa, Tibetan national dictionaries are also widely used, such as "Light of words" ( Dictionary of the old written Tibetan language), Tibetan-Mongolian dictionaries, including the "Light of Meanings and Spellings of Words" (the so-called "Aga Tibetan-Mongolian Dictionary"). On the whole, the vocabulary of the manuscript reflected the different stages in the development of the Tibetan written language, starting from the 7th century BC. and up until recently, when the written language came close to living spoken language.

On the issue of publishing his dictionary Yu.N. Roerich returned after his arrival in Soviet Union(1957); Yu.N. Roerich again began work on the manuscript, intending to supplement it with Russian equivalents of Tibetan words, vocabulary from the Tibetan dictionary of Choydak and several small Tibetan dictionaries of new terms published in Beijing in the 50s, and also to arrange the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of modern lexicography. An untimely death prevented Yu.N. Roerich to carry out his plan.

The work on the preparation of the manuscript by Yu.N. Roerich was continued for publication by his students. This work consisted of two stages.

The first stage consisted in painting the lexical material of the manuscript on cards and translating Tibetan words into Russian. At the same time, the translations of Tibetan words were supplied with the necessary marks, and the manuscript material was partially supplemented with new vocabulary. The main work on the painting on the cards was done by Yu.M. Parfionovich and V.A. Bogoslovsky. When painting vocabulary on the first ten letters of the Tibetan alphabet, K.M. Cheremisov. At the beginning of the first stage of work, M.I. Vorobieva-Desyatovskaya and B.B. Badaraev. In addition, researchers from the Buryat Institute of Social Sciences of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences R.I. Pubaev and B.V. Semichov. They painted on cards 20% of the entire manuscript (the main part of this work was done by B.V. Semichov).

The second stage of the work consisted in reducing all lexical material into dictionary entries and in checking the Tibetan, Sanskrit, Russian and English parts of dictionary entries, in replenishing the existing vocabulary material with new vocabulary, and also in revealing the etymology of most figurative words and expressions. This work was carried out from beginning to end by Y. Parfionovich and V. Dylykova.

When editing vocabulary cards compiled according to the manuscript of Yu.N. Roerich, the editors proceeded from the principle of the most careful attitude to the lexical material collected by the author. All Tibetan words and expressions, their Sanskrit parallels and English equivalents given in the manuscript, except for some clarifications (mainly in the field of English equivalents of Buddhist terms), are included in the proposed dictionary.

The changes that the manuscript of Yu.N. Roerich, in the course of editing and preparing it for publication in the form of a dictionary, were reduced to including new words and expressions in it (up to 20% of the total volume of the manuscript), bringing additional meanings to existing words, grammatical development of both functional words and grammatical functions of some significant words, placing the necessary marks, as well as revealing the etymology of figurative words and expressions.

In giving the Russian part of the article, which was missing from the manuscript, the editors proceeded from the meaning of the Tibetan word, but not from its English translation. Therefore, the Russian translation does not always fully correspond to the English one.

In some cases, the editors gave the etymology of a figurative Tibetan word or expression only in the Russian part of the article, leaving the English part intact, providing it with a note poet.

In cases where it was difficult to find a Russian equivalent, the editors left only English translation Tibetan word as given by the author.


The principle of constructing a dictionary is fully consistent with the Tibetan lexicographic tradition. This tradition provides for the arrangement of dictionary entries according to the readable letters of the Tibetan alphabet and according to the degree of complexity of the Tibetan syllable in the following sequence:

1. Readable letter with capitalization #-$-,-0-1-8-:-;-=-

2. Readable letter with vowels ?m-?v-?(-?)-

3. Readable letter with signed 9-:-;-

4. Readable letter with inscriptions #-+-0-1-8-

5. Readable letter with inscriptions :-;-=-

Root letters with signature 5 and signed letter 8 (an indicator of the length of the vowel of a syllable) are placed in a row of root letters with signatures ( 9-:-; ) in their alphabetical order, for example:

0- file, tax.

"r -) - crow / crow.

= -;- handful / handful.

Only in dictionary entries by letter !- the order of arrangement of these ligatures, adopted in Tibetan-European dictionaries, has been preserved.

The dictionary entry is constructed as follows: first, a Tibetan word in the Tibetan script is given, followed by the Sanskrit equivalent (if available), then a translation in Russian and English. The English part is separated from the Russian part by a / (slash).

With words borrowed from other languages, an indication is given of the origin of the word ( skt., whale., Arab, and so on.).

For the verb, the original form is the form of the stem of the present tense with the nominal particle ;- or 0-.

If the stems of the past, future tense or imperative mood differ from the stem of the present tense, then they are given after the INITIAL form of the verb with marks past, temp. (past tense), bud. temp. (future tense), pov. (imperative mood) without translating these marks into English language, for example: !q +-;-

past temp. 0 !q =-

weekday 0 !q -

pov. !q =- smear, smear / to smear, to daub.

Each of these verbal stems, moreover, is given by an independent dictionary entry in its place in the alphabet with reference to the main word:

Q \u003d - 1 pov. from !q +-;-

0 !q - 1.bud. temp. from !q +-;-

0 !q =- past. temp. w !q +-;-

In cases where the headword is not used on its own, a colon is placed after it, and then a combination is given that includes this word, for example:

!%(=-1*)$- :~ A (+- to esteem, to cherish.

Homonyms are given by independent dictionary entries and are indicated by Roman numerals.

An Arabic numeral with a dot indicates that the word belongs to different grammatical categories, an Arabic numeral with a bracket indicates different meanings words.

Russian letters with brackets indicate different meanings of the phrase that is part of the dictionary entry, and the Russian letter with a dot indicates that it belongs to different grammatical categories.

If several synonymous translations correspond to a Tibetan word, then translations that are close in meaning are separated by a comma, and more distant ones - by a semicolon.

Special terms, when necessary, are provided with conditional abbreviations (med., Bot., Gram., etc.).

Litter poet, means that this word is used only in the written language, mainly in the language fiction])):

F$-8*v$- padapa poet, tree (literally, drinking with his feet) /poet, tree (lit. that which drinks through its feet).

The ~ (tilde) sign replaces the headword if it consists of more than one syllable.

After the sign..<>(rhombus) idiomatic expressions are given.

The sign * (asterisk) marks archaisms.

Sign< (угол) обозначает сокращение от полной формы словосочетания, которое следует за этим знаком.

A wavy line (~~~) denotes explanations enclosed in parentheses that clarify the scope of the word.

In cases where it was not possible to find the exact Russian equivalent of a Tibetan word, a more general corresponding generic concept is given, denoted by a wavy line without brackets.

The part of the translation enclosed in parentheses is a variant of the preceding word, for example:

[ m + -1 #) - the source (beginning) of happiness / beginning of happiness.

Words (or parts thereof); which are optional are given in square brackets.

A list is given in a separate application geographical names and a list of proper names (with the exception of mythological ones).

    Tibetan language- the language of the Tibetans (See Tibetans). It is distributed in the Tibet Autonomous Region of some other regions of the PRC, as well as in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. The number of speakers of T. i. about 4.5 million people (1974, est.). Belongs to the Tibeto Burmese branch ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Tibetan language- belongs to the so-called. trans-Himalayan (or Tibeto-Himalayan) group of Tibeto-Burman languages. It is generally considered a monosyllabic and isolating language. But it is difficult to agree with this. And in the living Tibetan language and in the written monuments of all eras, we ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    TIBETAN LANGUAGE is the language of the Tibetans. Belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. The Tibetan script goes back to the Brahmi... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tibetan language- Attention! This page contains special characters from the Tibetan alphabet that may not display correctly in your browser. To view the page, you may need to install the Tibetan Jomolhari font ... Wikipedia

    Tibetan language - Tibetan language Tibeto is a Burmese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Literary written T. I. how the language of the Lamaist Church is widespread in the PRC (Qinghai Province, Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia), the MPR and in the USSR (Buryat ASSR, ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tibetan is the language of the Tibetans. It belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. The Tibetan script goes back to the Brahmi. * * * TIBETAN LANGUAGE TIBETAN LANGUAGE, the language of the Tibetans. Belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. The Tibetan script goes back to the Brahmi... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tibetan language- (Tibetan) Tibetan, lang. Tibetans, spoken approx. 2 million people living in Tibet, about the same in the neighboring provinces of China and approx. 1 million people in Nepal. Refers to the Sino-Tibetan language family and most closely related... Countries of the world. Dictionary

    Tibetan language and literature- T. the language belongs to the family of Indo-Chinese (see) or monosyllabic languages, to that group of it, which some linguists call trans-Himalayan, including the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof Gayarun, Tochu, Maniacmaniac, Takla, Horpa, Canavari, actually T. language, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Kama Tibetan- Self-name: ཁམས་སྐད Countries: China, Bhutan ... Wikipedia

    Tibetan- oh, oh. Same as Tibetan. Tibetan wool is not brought to Russia, which is another difficulty. OZ 1830 No. 117. // OZ 2002 1 155. Tibetan cashmere having fineness of the finest cashmeres; from it, depending on the colors, dresses are sewn elegant and negligee. This matter... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    Tibetan Buddhism- Buddhism ... Wikipedia


  • The Tibetan language about the life and death of Schrödinger's cat, or How a Tibetan sentence ends, Ilyukhina Tamara Borisovna, The spoken Tibetan language has a huge variety of auxiliary verb endings that are used depending on the type of sentence, situation and many other factors.… Category: Language textbooks Publisher: Press Bureau, Manufacturer: Press Bureau, Buy for 834 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • An Introduction to Classical Tibetan. Textbook with a dictionary, Hodge Stephen, The Tibetan language belongs to the family of Indo-Chinese or monosyllabic languages, to that group of it, which some linguists call trans-Himalayan, including the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof Gayarun, Tochu, Maniacmaniac, ... Category: Other languages Publisher:

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Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We provide not only dictionary Tibetan-Russian, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit the home page of our site to choose from the available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Tibetan or Russian: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 2,396 translated phrases. We currently have 5729350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Tibetan-Russian dictionary online. Just sign in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a unified project and anyone can add (or remove) translations. This makes our dictionary Tibetan Russian real, as it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any mistake in the dictionary will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you can add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what these words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.