What is the optimal microclimate

Microclimate - this is the state of the ground-air habitat in a certain limited space, due to both objective natural factors (geographical, geophysical and climatological features of a certain area, its macro- and microrelief, the state of lithospheric plates), and subjective factors (the results of human economic activity, the use climate change, heat-saving architectural and building structures and materials).

In a narrower sense, they talk about the microclimate of the premises in which people live or work, as well as some valuable items, devices, structures or mechanisms are located, stored or function. Current level of development technical progress allows you to almost completely control the microclimate in residential premises and public buildings.

Changing the parameters of the microclimate with the help of air conditioners and ventilation systems.

The widely used ones provide air conditioning in any enclosed space, and if it is necessary to provide partial air exchange, split systems are also used. In order to fully control the parameters of the microclimate, to maintain normal all its indicators (average daily temperature, values ​​​​of humidity, viscosity and density, the class of microbiological purity of air, the level of its radiation pollution), it is necessary to establish, providing complete control over the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the air environment.

Modern air preparation technology makes it possible to create such supply systems comfortable microclimate, which have the most advanced functions of air heat treatment and climate control. This includes equipment for preparing air for technological and production processes, and equipment for residential, office and industrial buildings, and supply and exhaust. All these marvels of science and the human mind are designed to provide optimal conditions microclimate both at work and in the life of an average Russian family.

Optimal hygienic parameters of the microclimate in the production environment.

The formation and maintenance of an optimal microclimate at the workplace significantly increases both the efficiency of each individual worker and the overall reserves for increasing labor productivity in the work team. Speaking of industrial microclimate, we are talking primarily about the temperature balance between working people and their environment. This problem is solved by allowing to balance the heat load between environment and the person working in it.

According to GOST requirements for microclimate standards working area, air-conditioned production areas must have a constant air temperature of 18 to 26 degrees and an efficiency factor of at least one. This means that the entire air volume in the room must be completely replaced by new air at least once every hour.

It should be noted that in the era of urbanization with the development modern technologies production, the presence in the atmosphere of the city of a monstrous amount of industrial waste and by-products of a developed civilization raises the question of the need for installation in every residential area.

The influence of abiotic and anthropogenic factors on the state of the ecosystem of the planet Earth is growing, accelerating at an alarming pace, and only individual microclimate systems created in each individual dwelling will help protect against this aggression of a deteriorating climate. Radiation contamination of the soil and atmosphere is another argument in favor of equipping your "nest" with a ventilation system with full-scale regular air circulation.

It becomes quite clear that the installation of a simple wall type, so common in modern municipal infrastructure, which at best will cool, filter and fill the air with ozone, cannot fully satisfy the current inhabitant of a city apartment. The cardinal solution to the issue of normalizing the microclimate in housing is the organization of a full-fledged ventilation air exchange with the removal of polluting and toxic substances to the outside. atmospheric air, that is, the device. Only this approach to the problem will help you create a suitable microclimate in your home.

The microclimate characterizes the features of the climate in a limited area. We can talk about the microclimate of the valley, gorge, square, residential, public and industrial premises. The microclimate is characterized by a complex of physical factors and their combination (temperature, humidity, air movement, Atmosphere pressure, lighting, etc.) that have a certain impact on the human body, its state of health and ability to work, well-being and mood. Exist microclimatic conditions, which are the most acceptable for a living organism. Such conditions are called comfortable. With a comfortable microclimate, good heat sensation, optimal functional state of the central nervous system, high physical and mental performance are observed. Uncomfortable microclimate can cause overheating and hypothermia of the body, which leads to various acute and chronic diseases.

Complex influence physical properties The air environment manifests itself both outdoors and indoors (residential, public and industrial). The formation of the indoor microclimate depends on many factors: features of the layout of the premises, properties building materials, climatic conditions of the area, modes of operation of ventilation and heating.

Indoor air is constantly polluted by the exhaled person carbon dioxide, decomposition products of sweat, sebaceous glands, organic substances contained in clothes, shoes, as well as chemicals released from polymeric materials. In industrial premises, many technological processes are accompanied by the release of heat, moisture, harmful substances in the form of vapors, gases and dust. To maintain the specified parameters of the air environment in the room, it is necessary to supply fresh air and remove polluted air. The solution to this problem is carried out various systems ventilation. According to the method of air movement, natural and mechanical ventilation systems are distinguished. At natural ventilation air is transformed under the action of gravitational pressure, which arises due to the difference in the densities of cold and heated air, and under the influence of wind pressure, because the wind set is usually small, its use is possible when organizing natural air exchange in rooms with a small volume. For air exchange in large rooms, mechanical ventilation systems are used, in which air moves under the action of a fan.

To maintain a comfortable microclimate, air conditioning is used - the creation and automatic maintenance in enclosed spaces of the constancy of such indicators of the air environment as temperature, humidity, pressure, gas and ionic composition, the presence of odors and air velocity.

In order for a person to feel comfortable and cozy in his own home, special parameters of the microclimate in residential premises must be observed. Such criteria are determined by a set of the following indicators: room temperature, humidity, speed of movement and air purity, the presence of sunlight and noise reduction. Let's look at each of these indicators in more detail.

Room temperature

One of the most important factors the internal climate of the premises is their temperature regime. It is believed that the optimum temperature for housing varies from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. For comparison, the best microclimate of industrial premises for workers starts at 18 degrees. Complaints of discomfort begin to arrive, as a rule, at an air temperature of 24 degrees and above. Therefore, everything is good golden mean A: People usually don't like it when the room is too cold or too hot.

Also, experts identify various zones in which their own temperature regime is welcomed. So, for better sleep in the bedroom, it is desirable that the temperature be at the level of 16-18 degrees. In the children's room, especially if you have to swaddle a baby there, then the optimum temperature will be about 23 degrees.

Creating a microclimate in the room also means that your bathroom will initially be warm enough - the temperature is at 25 degrees, in the kitchen - 15 degrees, and in the corridors, on the stairs and in the toilets - 16-18 degrees. Modern requirements for the microclimate of the premises imply that the apartment will not have significant differences in air temperature along the height and horizontal: fluctuations are allowed only within 2-3 degrees.

At the same time, walls and floors should not have a negative impact on the microclimate in the room: the difference between their temperature and the air around them should not be more than 5 degrees. If this indicator is higher in your house, then you should pay close attention to poor thermal insulation of the walls and insufficient sealing of the joints of windows and panels. Also bad influence an increase in the area of ​​​​glazing can also have an effect on the home microclimate.

If these requirements for the microclimate of the premises are violated, then with prolonged exposure they can weaken the human body and reduce its immunity. And this applies not only to a room that is too cold, but also too hot: greenhouse conditions are also not the best for health. In the cold season, the indoor microclimate in terms of temperature depends primarily on the efficiency of heating systems, and in the hot season, air conditioners make it possible to create an optimal microclimate.

Air humidity

The optimal microclimate of residential and industrial premises largely depends on the humidity index. The most comfortable for a person is humidity, which is at the level of 40-60%. At the same time, the extreme values ​​​​of the indicator can vary as much as 30 and 70%. At lower parameters, a person develops dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and skin. The person becomes uncomfortable, stuffy and hot. In addition, floors, furniture, and wallpaper will burst in such housing.

To remedy the situation, you can efficient work ventilation systems, as well as use any humidifier. To increase the humidity in the premises, many people put up volumetric aquariums: it is both beautiful and the moisture evaporates from the surface. Also, properly selected houseplants: it will also be elegant and cozy. To analyze the humidity in the room, a special device is used - a hygrometer: you can use it if the level of humidity in your apartment causes you concern.

If, on the contrary, the humidity level in the room is too high, then it is also worth reviewing the housing ventilation system and thinking about the use of air conditioners and special dehumidifiers. Excessive humidity adversely affects human health and hygienic requirements for the microclimate of the premises are also quite strict here. Influenced a large number moisture, various fungi and mold begin to actively multiply, walls, furniture, clothes, books, food, and so on deteriorate. In such an environment, a person's immunity also decreases and he becomes susceptible to many diseases.

At the same time, all things in such an apartment acquire an unpleasant musty smell that will not paint anyone. Dampness in apartments occurs for various reasons. For example, the heating system may be poorly adjusted, the room is rarely ventilated, and laundry is constantly washed and dried in it. If a wall begins to get wet in your apartment, then you also need to take urgent measures and identify the source of excess moisture entering your apartment.

air movement

Hygiene requirements to the microclimate of the premises imply that the air in the housing, as the basis of our life, must be “fresh”, without unpleasant odors, mobile and humid. To a large extent, these indicators depend on the ventilation and ventilation systems of the premises. In poorly ventilated rooms, the air makes it difficult to breathe and becomes a factor that worsens human health.

During the cold season optimal speed air movement in the room is 0.1-0.3 m/s. Large indicators cause a feeling of a draft in the house and are not very pleasant. Smaller indicators create stale air, which is also unpleasant: you want to open the window and breathe in fresh air.

It is quite difficult to independently determine the quality of the air in the house. Here it is more worth focusing on your own feelings. So, you yourself can say whether the air in your house is suffocating or fresh, whether it smells pleasant or not. To improve air quality indicators, it is necessary to have an effective ventilation system and regularly ventilate the room.

At the same time, keep an eye on the level of dust in the house and do not neglect wet cleaning. It is worth noting that many smart home systems allow you to automatically adjust the temperature, humidity and air movement in the room.

Light mode and noise reduction

The microclimate of residential premises implies that it will have a high-quality light regime. It should be directly related to natural light and room exposure to sunlight. This is also very important, as it creates the most optimal light regime and determines the periods of the most favorable physical activity. Also, the sun's rays have a positive effect on human health, increase its tone, strengthen the nervous system and stimulate vital activity.

The optimal microclimate of residential and industrial premises also consists of an acoustic regime. At the same time, all the noise that enters a person’s ears, which negatively affects his auditory and nervous system, is divided into external noise (the so-called noise of a big city) and house noise.

Isolation from external noise is usually carried out using thick sound-absorbing walls. Windows also play an important role in creating an optimal acoustic regime, which to a lesser extent let street noise into the house. You can protect yourself from house noise with the help of modern insulating materials.

Pay attention to all the components of the optimal microclimate in the room, and then coziness and comfort will forever settle in your home.