Where honor is shown in the captain's daughter.  Honor in the story "The Captain's Daughter" - Essay on Literature. Life in my father's house

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Russian literature in all centuries and times has amazed readers with the depth of its analysis of the moral problems posed. More than one generation has decided for itself issues of moral choice, the confrontation between good and evil, fidelity to duty and betrayal, love and hatred, honor, dignity, relying on the best works of A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, F. M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and so on.
A. S. Pushkin defined the cross-cutting idea of ​​his work as follows: “...I awakened good feelings with the lyre...”
Therefore, from his works, modern people learn to comprehend love, friendship, freedom and compassion. One of the most intense moral problems works - story " Captain's daughter" Her characters go through a difficult journey, during which their ideas about honor and duty are formed.
The very first lesson of morality is already contained in the epigraph to the work: “Take care of honor from a young age.” The hero of the story, Pyotr Grinev, acts in all situations as a man of honor. That is, when making his choice, he is worried about maintaining the code of noble honor, inherited from his father, who did not want his son to serve in St. Petersburg and to be a “shamaton” and not a soldier, and, in addition, Grinev listens to his voice conscience, which makes him distinguish good from bad.
For Petrusha Grinev, who “lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys,” the time has come for acceptance independent decisions. And it turns out that this man, who is not yet very prepared for life, this boy, whom Savelich calls “child,” does not hesitate to act in accordance with the laws of morality, regardless of the seriousness of the problems that have arisen in his life. So, Grinev forces his uncle to give back a hundred rubles, which he lost to the captain of the hussar regiment, Zurin, and although the young man was tormented by a “restless conscience and silent repentance,” as well as pity for the “poor old man,” the sense of honor turns out to be stronger.
By his behavior, Pyotr Grinev teaches the reader to be honest in love. The hero does not tolerate the shameless speeches of his opponent - Shvabrin - about Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, and challenges him to a duel, although no one knew about their conversation and Grinev would compromise only with his conscience. However, the honor and dignity of his beloved girl becomes the honor and dignity of himself. How differently Grinev and Shvabrin perceive the concept of honor can be judged from Masha’s statement: “How strange men are! For one word, which they would surely forget about in a week, they are ready to cut themselves and sacrifice not only their lives, but also the conscience and well-being of those who...”
Grinev is no longer perceived as a “minor”, ​​but as an adult man who can take responsibility for the woman he loves and her fate. It is not surprising that when it comes to a situation in which one must choose between loyalty and betrayal, and therefore between death and life, the hero, without hesitation, goes to his death, because he swore allegiance to the empress, and Pugachev is a “thief and impostor” . But not only the honor of Grinev as an officer is manifested here; his moral sense is so organic that even after pardoning him, he refuses to kiss the hand of the “sovereign”: “I would prefer the most brutal execution to such vile humiliation.” The young man teaches by his example how to behave with dignity in all situations: after all, kissing the hand of the “villain” would not have changed anything, Grinev would not have violated the oath and would not have betrayed the empress, but he would not have risked his life (Savelich tells him: “Don’t be stubborn! What do you care?” is it worth it? Spit and kiss... he has a pen"), but he would betray himself, and this is no less scary for Grinev.
The hero risks his life two more times. The first time he returns to the Belogorsk fortress for Masha, having learned that “Shvabrin is forcing her to marry him,” realizing that his love and sense of responsibility for the orphan is deeper than fear for his life. And the second, when he does not pronounce the name of the captain’s daughter in court, although in doing so he may lose not only his life, but also his honorable name. But “the idea of ​​entangling her name among the vile reports of villains and bringing her to a confrontation with him - this terrible thought struck me so much that I hesitated and became confused.”
However, not only for Pyotr Grinev morality is natural property nature, but other heroes also act in accordance with their moral ideal and teach readers to distinguish between good and evil. The commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Ivan Kuzmich, who in everyday
in life he submits to his wife in everything, extreme situation organizes the defense of the fortress, does not want to surrender to Pugachev’s mercy and is ready for death: “To die like that: it’s a service!” To Pugachev’s question: “How dare you resist me, your sovereign?” - the commandant, exhausted from the wound, gathered his last strength and answered in a firm voice: “You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, hear you!” After the death of her husband, Vasilisa Egorovna calls Pugachev “an escaped convict” and, dying, remains true to her feelings of love and pride for her husband.
Marya Ivanovna, who at the beginning of the story seems quiet, modest, even not very attractive, cowardly, subsequently shows her best qualities. Left an orphan and completely dependent on Shvabrin, the sick woman refuses to marry him: “I will never be his wife! I decided better to die, and I will die if they don’t deliver me.” Love, loyalty, self-esteem, pride - that's what this scene teaches.
At the end of the work, Masha Mironova, like many other heroines of Russian literature, rescues her beloved from trouble. It was thanks to her efforts that the innocence of Marya Ivanovna’s fiancé was proven; in this situation, as in the duel scene, the honor and dignity of Pyotr Grinev become the honor and dignity of the captain’s daughter.
The moral laws by which the heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” live were not acquired by them during their lives. They are an organic, natural property of the nature of the characters in question. These same moral categories are part of the national consciousness, which is most clearly embodied in works of oral folk art. It was in fairy tales, songs, proverbs and sayings that the wisdom of the people, the idea of ​​good and evil, and dreams of happiness were revealed. Moral lessons unite Pushkin's story and the creations of folklore; It is not without reason that the author chooses, in particular, proverbs and fragments of folk songs (wedding, soldier, historical) as epigraphs for the entire work and for its individual chapters. Thus, we can talk about the true nationality of A.S. Pushkin’s story.
The very form of the work - memoirs - suggests that their author shares his life experience and wants the reader to learn from his mistakes. It feels like these notes are addressed to the future - to our “cruel age”, in order to remind modern people about those moral laws that are violated every day in our time. Russian literature has always been distinguished by its teaching character, and A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” is a clear confirmation of this.

“Take care of your honor from a young age”

The problem of honor and dishonor is one of the main themes of the story. And it is best revealed in the example of two officers who are very similar in age and position: Grinev and Shvabrin.

Despite the great similarity of the two heroes, and even some sympathy of Grinev for Alexei Shvabrin, they never became comrades, much less friends. Shvabrin's true character is revealed quite quickly: he spreads rumors about the stupidity of the captain's daughter and advises giving earrings instead of poetry. When it comes to the duel between these officers, Pyotr Grinev is stabbed in the back by Shvabrin. This act is unworthy for any person, and even more so for an officer. Unfortunately, this blow was not the last manifestation of Shvabrin’s cowardice and dishonor.

Grinev is a clear antipode of such a "nobleman" as Shvabrin. He is always honest and open. Although Petrusha is not as educated as Shvabrin, he is guided in his actions by the laws of noble honor. It was this attitude to honor and duty that finally separated two officers who were so similar at first - Grinev and Shvabrin. The author, using the example of these two young people, shows us how a person’s true nature and character can emerge in difficult life situations.

Shvabrin commits the main crime at the end of the story, going over to Pugachev’s side. He betrayed everything and everyone, stepped over and violated the oath. If he did this for ideological reasons, it could somehow justify him. But Shvabrin commits betrayal in this way only because of his own selfish goals. Maybe that's why Pushkin gave such a surname to this hero - Shvabrin. A mop, an object used to wash floors, is not capable of acting independently and is completely subordinate to the one in whose hands it is.

Grinev, in the same situation, chooses honor and duty. The very act of going to a fortress captured by the rebels for the sake of his love speaks volumes about Grinev’s character. Pugachev tested this young and honest officer many times. But Peter did not compromise his honor and did not violate this oath, even under pain of death. And the point is not that this was his father’s order, but that this would be an act against his conscience; Grinev could not do that. He endures all difficult trials firmly and does not make any compromises with honor. The fact that Pugachev nodded to Grinev before his execution, recognizing him in the crowd, once again emphasizes that honor and dignity will be highly valued everywhere. In high society and in an ordinary rural hut. These are qualities that cannot be compromised at any age.

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One of the main themes in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” is the theme of honor and duty. This theme is already set by the epigraph to the work - the Russian proverb “Take care of your honor from a young age.” The father gives the same parting words to Petrusha Grinev, seeing off his son to military service.

And the very act of Andrei Petrovich Grinev, who instead of St. Petersburg sends his son to a “deaf and distant side” so that Petrusha becomes a real officer, characterizes him as a man of honor and duty. The Grinevs are an old noble family. Pushkin emphasizes the strictness of Andrei Petrovich’s morals, his wisdom, and self-esteem.

It is characteristic that the concept of “honor and duty” in the story is ambiguous. In the story of Petrusha Grinev’s acquaintance with Zurin, when the young man lost a hundred rubles to his new acquaintance, we are talking about noble honor. Petrusha’s money was kept by Savelich, and the young man had to quarrel with his uncle in order to get the required amount. Amazed by the size of this amount, Savelich tries to dissuade Grinev from paying the debt. “You are my light! listen to me, the old man: write to this robber that you were joking, that we don’t even have that kind of money,” he persuades his pupil. However, Grinev cannot help but pay his billiard debt - for him it is a matter of noble honor.

The theme of honor is also realized in the history of Grinev’s relationship with Masha Mironova. Defending the honor of his beloved girl, the hero challenges his rival, Shvabrin, to a duel. However, the intervention of the commandant prevented the duel, and only then did it resume. Here we are talking about the lady’s honor, about the duty to her.

Having fallen in love with the daughter of Captain Mironov, Grinev feels responsible for her fate. He sees his duty as protecting and preserving his beloved girl. When Masha becomes Shvabrin's prisoner, Grinev is ready to do anything to free her. Not finding support from the official authorities, he turns to Pugachev for help. And Pugachev helps young people despite the fact that Masha is the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, the daughter of an officer of the enemy troops. Here, along with the theme of knightly honor, the motif of male honor arises. By rescuing Masha, his bride, from Shvabrin’s captivity, Grinev simultaneously defends his masculine honor.

After Grinev's arrest, a trial took place. However, while defending himself, the hero could not reveal the true state of affairs, because he was afraid to involve Masha Mironova in this story. “It occurred to me that if I named her, the commission would demand her to answer; and the idea of ​​entangling her name among the vile reports of villains and bringing her herself into a confrontation with them - this terrible thought struck me so much that I hesitated and became confused.” Grinev prefers to suffer an undeserved punishment rather than insult the good name of Marya Ivanovna. Thus, in relation to Masha, the hero behaves like a true knight protecting his lady.

Another meaning of the concept of “honor and duty” in the story is military honor, loyalty to the oath, loyalty to duty to the Fatherland. This theme is also embodied in the history of the relationship between Grinev and Pugachev. After the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Pugachev saved the hero from the death penalty and pardoned him. However, Grinev cannot recognize him as the sovereign, since he understands who he really is. “I was again brought to the impostor and made to kneel before him. Pugachev extended his sinewy hand to me. “Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!” they said around me. But I would prefer the most brutal execution to such vile humiliation,” recalls Grinev. However, this time everything worked out: Pugachev only joked that the young man was “stupified with joy,” and let him go.

However, further the drama and tension in the story increase. Pugachev asks Grinev if he recognizes his “sovereign” and if he promises to serve him. Position young man It is very ambiguous: he cannot recognize the impostor as the sovereign, and, at the same time, he does not want to expose himself to useless risks. Grinev hesitates, but the sense of duty triumphs “over human weakness.” He overcomes his own cowardice and frankly admits to Pugachev that he cannot consider him a sovereign. A young officer cannot serve an impostor: Grinev is a natural nobleman who swore allegiance to the empress.

Further, the situation becomes even more dramatic. Pugachev is trying to get a promise from Grinev not to oppose the rebels. But the hero cannot promise him this either: he is obliged to obey the requirements of military duty, to obey orders. However, this time Pugachev's soul softened - he let the young man go.

The theme of honor and duty is embodied in other episodes of the story. Here Ivan Kuzmich Mironov refuses to recognize the impostor as sovereign. Despite the injury, he fulfills his duty as the commandant of the fortress to the end. He prefers to die rather than betray his military duty. Ivan Ignatyich, the garrison lieutenant who refused to swear allegiance to Pugachev, also dies heroically.

Thus, the theme of honor and duty receives the most varied embodiment in Pushkin’s story. This is noble honor, knightly honor and lady's honor, male honor, military honor, human duty. All these motives, merging together, form a semantic polyphony in the plot of the story.

I would like to note that, in my opinion, honor and conscience are the leading concepts characterizing the human personality. Usually, honor is a set of the most noble, valiant feelings of a person, allowing him to achieve his goal, earn the respect of other people and not lose respect for himself. By conscience one can understand the inability to step over eternal moral principles. These two concepts are interconnected, since “living by honor” helps a person find peace of mind and live in accordance with his conscience. It is not for nothing that the word “honor” echoes such a human quality as “honesty”, and you can also call the word “honor” - by honor. The problem of honor and conscience has worried writers and poets at all times.

I believe that honor ranks first among moral symbols. A person deprived of this feeling is unable to live among his own kind without harming others. He could destroy the entire world if left unchecked. Such people are restrained not by internal, but by external shackles - fear of punishment, prison, loneliness, etc. But this is not the worst thing. A person who has betrayed his own soul, acted contrary to honor and conscience, destroys himself. Human society has always treated dishonest people with contempt. The loss of honor - the fall of moral principles - is one of the most difficult human conditions that has always worried writers. We can say that this problem was and is one of the central ones in Russian literature.

The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. Using the example of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” we can consider in detail how this happens in life and what results it can lead to. Main character In the story, Pyotr Grinev was brought up in an environment of high morality from childhood. He had someone to follow by example. Pushkin, through the mouth of Savelich, on the first pages of the story introduces readers to the moral principles of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither the father nor the grandfather were drunkards; There’s nothing to say about mother...” With these words, the old servant brings up his ward Pyotr Grinev, who got drunk for the first time and did not behave very adequately.

One of the main characters of the story “The Captain's Daughter,” Pyotr Grinev, understands honor as always acting in accordance with one’s conscience. Grinev’s soul contains, as it were, two honors, two concepts about it - this is a duty towards the Empress, and therefore, towards the Motherland, towards the Fatherland, and the duty that love for the daughter of Captain Mironov imposes on him. That is, Grinev’s honor is a duty.

The first time Pyotr Grinev acted honorably, returning the gambling debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to evade payment. But nobility prevailed.

When Pugachev helps Grinev free Masha Mironova from Shvabrin’s captivity, although Grinev is grateful to the leader of the rebels, he still does not break his oath to the Fatherland, preserving his honor: “But God sees that with my life I would be glad to pay you for what you have done for me.” made me. Just don’t demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience.”

Another main character in “The Captain’s Daughter,” a somewhat negative hero, Pugachev, has a completely different understanding of honor. His understanding of honor rests solely on the level of feelings, mostly friendly. The subjective perception of Pugachev’s honor makes him a negative character. As a person, he can be quite good: he pays good for... But as an invader he is cruel.

One of the main ideas of the story was set by the author from the very beginning with the words: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Petrusha receives this order from his father, going to his place of service in a distant and remote fortress, and not to the capital’s regiment, as he had initially hoped.

In the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev sacredly remembers his father’s order. He defends Masha from Shvabrin’s slander. Grinev is good with a sword and knows how to stand up for the honor of an insulted and offended girl. And only Savelich’s intervention gives an advantage to Shvabrin, who once again acts vilely, delivering a treacherous blow to the distracted enemy.

Grinev, from action to action, ascends “to the heights of moral education.” And when Pyotr Andreevich is faced with a question of life and death: to break the oath and save his life or to die as an honest officer, preserving his good name, Grinev chooses the latter. Only good will Pugacheva saves our hero from the gallows. Pugachev in this situation, as we said above, also acts according to honor.

In any situation, Pyotr Andreevich behaves with dignity, be it with the rebel Pugachev during a conversation with him in a tent or at a trial among his equals. It makes no difference to him who he keeps his word to. He is a nobleman, and, once sworn, he remains loyal to the Empress and the Fatherland.

Not a single confrontation between Grinev and the heroes or fate, revealed on the pages of the story, was able to take away his honor and dignity. Honor really cannot be taken away. A person who acts with honor is unable to part with this feeling under the influence of others. In my opinion, a person can lose honor, but this happens not only and not so much under the influence of circumstances. They serve only as a kind of catalyst. In a difficult situation, all the darkest sides of the human soul are revealed. And here the hero himself has the strength to cope with them.

One of the heroes of the story “The Captain's Daughter,” Shvabrin, with his example, confirms the statement of A.P. Chekhov included in the title of this work. He loses honor. Angry, having lost his beloved girl, Shvabrin joins Pugachev, and subsequently he will be condemned as an officer who violated the oath. That is, Pushkin demonstrated that a person who has lost honor will be punished - by fate or by people. Using the example of Shvabrin, the author wants to show that education, superficial culture and good manners have little influence on the development of a person’s character. After all, Shvabrin can be considered an intelligent interlocutor, but he cannot be called an absolutely negative character.

Interesting ending to the story. It would seem that a connection with the rebellious chieftain would be fatal for Grinev. He was actually arrested based on a denunciation. He faces the death penalty, but Grinev decides, for reasons of honor, not to name his beloved. If he had told the whole truth about Masha, for the sake of saving whom he, in fact, found himself in such a situation, he could have been acquitted. Grinev did not reveal the name of his beloved girl, preferring death to dishonor. But at the very last moment, justice triumphed. Masha turned to the empress with a request to protect Grinev. And good won.

Honor and conscience can be called the most important characteristics human soul. Therefore, the problem of honor is present in the works of most writers. The understanding of honor, which is quite natural, is different for each person. But the truth or falsity of this understanding is proven by life itself.

Using the example of Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” we tried to consider the concept of honor and its meaning in human life. I would like to summarize: honor really cannot be taken away. No amount of adversity, danger or difficulty in life can cope with this. A person can lose honor only if he himself renounces it, prefers something else to it: life, power, wealth... But at the same time, not everyone realizes how much they are losing. The strength and humanity of a person lies precisely in his honor.