History of the Russian Book Chamber. Directors of the Russian Book Chamber Registration in the Book Chamber


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"Russian Book Chamber"

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1.History of the Russian Book Chamber…………..………………………………5

2. The main functions of the activities of the RCP………………………………………… 7


List of references and sources used……………………….…..11


At the beginning of the century, Russia was one of the largest book publishing countries in the world. In 1913, on its territory (within the borders former USSR) more than 30 thousand titles of books and brochures were published with a total circulation of about 100 million copies. In terms of quantitative indicators, Russian book publishing was second only to Germany and significantly outstripped such countries as England, France and the United States. However, the developed book industry was in the tight grip of autocratic censorship, hand and foot entangled and the literary process, and publishing, and printing production. The Main Directorate for Press Affairs within the Ministry of the Interior of Tsarist Russia and its subordinate institutions in the field, " obsessed,- as contemporaries wrote, - one desire - to stifle any free thought and is only occupied with ensuring that there is as little as possible the printed word in Russia, leaving in complete disregard other functions that had nothing to do with censorship, but which cannot but be recognized as of great national importance ". These also included the registration of printed works, which, if the case was properly set up, should have given a picture of the cultural state of the country.

That is why one of the first acts of the Provisional Government, prompted by the demands of the democratic public immediately after the February Revolution of 1917, was the abolition of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs. The Special Commission created on this occasion, chaired by the Commissioner of the Provisional Government, Count D.P. Kapnist, prepared a note stating that the abolition of the Main Directorate did not raise any doubts, "heavy guardianship imposed by the overthrown regime on the Russian public life, was the most sensitive and intolerant in its manifestations in relation to human thought and the spiritual creativity of the people" .

The commission stated that in this area the struggle of tsarism against the public reached extreme tension, and the activities of the organization that led all censorship institutions aroused the most acute and undisguised hatred.

In accordance with the proposals of the Kapnist Commission, on April 27 (May 10), 1917, a decree of the Provisional Government "On Institutions for the Press" was adopted, by which the Main Directorate for Press was abolished, and instead a bibliographic institution of a completely different kind was created, which was called "Book Ward".

1.History of the Russian Book Chamber

The Russian Order of the Badge of Honor Book Chamber is the national center for state bibliography, statistical accounting and international numbering of publishing products, standardization and scientific research in the field of book business, the national depository of legal copies of all printed publications published in Russian Federation. The Russian Book Chamber was founded in 1917. The Chamber carries out state registration of all types and types of domestic publications, distributes legal copies among the country's largest libraries, almost completely providing them with free acquisition of domestic publishing products.

The variety of publishing products of our country is reflected in the state bibliographic indexes regularly issued by the Chamber (“Book chronicle”, “Chronicle of abstracts of dissertations”, “Cartographic chronicle”, “Chronicle of reviews”, “Chronicle of art publications”, “Music chronicle”, “Chronicle of journal articles” , "Chronicle of newspaper articles"), statistical yearbooks and other information publications. The Chamber also forms electronic data banks.

The Chamber has been and is one of the main guarantors of the preservation of the book memory of the nation, because - unlike libraries, which usually have a certain acquisition profile - it collects all published printed materials. The depository of the Chamber is designed for eternal storage and exhaustive completeness of incoming publishing products in the form of legal copies of books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, posters, posters, abstracts of dissertations, postcards, etc., etc. The press archive has more than 82 million items, which is almost twice as much as the largest Russian libraries. He acts as a kind of insurance library fund and a repository of unsolicited literature.

The Book Chamber contributes to maintaining and raising the level of book culture by developing and implementing various national publishing design standards, conducting scientific research (including forecasting) of the book market, reading problems, and the place of books in society. Many of her proposals and recommendations have already been put into practice or accepted for execution within the framework of Moscow and federal programs to support book publishing and reading.

2. The main functions of the activities of the RCP

As a national center of state bibliography, the RCP performs such important functions as:

· bibliographic registration, accounting of all types of printed works published in the country and for all branches of knowledge, and other replicated products (audio and video materials, disks, etc.);

· release of the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine system and the information bulletin "New Books of Russia"; acquisition of library collections (based on the legal deposit system);

· centralized cataloging (issue of printed bibliographic cards for catalogs and file cabinets of various libraries);

retrospective accounting of printed materials; development of standards and other normative documents; print statistics; storage and use, as well as restoration of the lost parts of the National Depository (State Archive of the Press);

maintaining a reference and bibliographic apparatus; reference and bibliographic services for organizations and institutions, libraries on issues related to the industry (printing, book business), problems of state bibliography, etc.

Traditionally, the RCP performs the functions of the largest research institution and the organizational and methodological center of the industry. Being a research institute by status, the RCP is engaged in the study of general problems of bibliology (for example, the collection "Book. Research and Materials" has been published for years). Being an organizational and methodological center for the book chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the RCP pays much attention to the unification of methodological decisions on bibliographic selection, compilation of materials reflected in the State Budgetary Institution, their classification, equipping republican State Budgetary Institutions with auxiliary indexes, etc.

These functions are performed by the relevant divisions of the RCP. For example, along with departments of the RCP as a national bibliographic center, it also has a Center for Information and Publishing Technologies (CIIT), which, together with the Liberea publishing house, publishes the catalog “Books in stock and printing” (RussianBooksinprint), the editors of the Bibliography magazine, the publishing house Book Chamber International, Book Institute and others.

At the same time, the RCP also has new functions due to the peculiarities of the current stage of development of the state bibliography - the active development of network technologies, the completion of the project "Current National Bibliography - on the Internet" (implemented jointly with the RSL and the NLR with the support of the Open Society Institute); retroconversion programs for catalogs and the State Budgetary Institution (since 1917); modernization and updating of information retrieval languages, subject and classification schemes, communication formats (in accordance with the requirements and specifics of industries, as well as taking into account international standards); continuation of work on creating a database of authoritative (normative) files; conducting fundamental scientific and applied research in the field of book business and information technology; implementation of the project "Electronic resources of the RCP"; improvement of the national information system "Books in stock and printing"; implementation of a project to create a RCP website on the Internet.


State bibliographic indexes occupy one of the main places in the system of scientific and technical information. Almost any type of publication that appeared in our country is reflected in one chronicle or another. They are not only reliable sources of bibliographic information, but also serve as the basis for the creation of other types of bibliographic aids (scientific auxiliary, advisory), for the bibliographic work of libraries.

Indexes of the federal and regional levels differ in the principles of selection of reflected works of print - by place of publication and language. Bibliographic descriptions of printed works that were published in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (except Russian) and are reflected in the indexes of the Russian Communist Party are given in Russian. In regional editions, bibliographic records are given in two languages: in the original language and in Russian. Thus, the state bibliographic indexes of the regional book chambers help readers to better navigate the printed works published in the region, supplementing the bibliographic indexes of the RCP.

When searching for information on chronicles, the following should be taken into account: the work of printing is reflected in them separately, by type; for bibliographic aids, a unified classification scheme for printed works has been adopted; auxiliary indexes in most cases are built according to the alphabetical principle and help to find printed works of a certain type in the aspect of interest to the reader with the least amount of time.

The efficiency and economy of many processes of press statistics, book publishing and book distribution depend on the state of the state bibliography. That is why the Russian Book Chamber is constantly improving the scientific, methodological and organizational support of the state bibliography.

List of references and used sources

1. Vlasova R.P. Scientific and Bibliographic Archive of the Russian Book Chamber /R.P. Vlasova // Bibliography. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 88-93.

2. Tenth International Conference on Book Science: On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Communist Party / / Book Review. -2002. - No. 21.

3. The Russian Book Chamber and the Buk Chamber International Publishing House present ... / / Education and Society. -2002. - No. 1.

4. encycl.yandex.ru - Encyclopedia on-line.

5. law.optima.ru - Database of legal documents.

6. www.bookchamber.ru_ - Official site of the Russian Book Chamber.

Tenth International Conference on Book Science: On the 85th Anniversary of the Russian Communist Party//Knizhnoe obozrenie.-2002.-No.21.

Vlasova R.P. Scientific and Bibliographic Archive of the Russian Book Chamber /R.P. Vlasova // Bibliography. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 88-93.

Www.bookchamber.ru _ - Official site of the Russian Book Chamber.

Encycl.yandex.ru - Encyclopedias on-line.

Tenth International Conference on Book Science: On the 85th Anniversary of the Russian Communist Party//Knizhnoe obozrenie.-2002.-No.21.

Russian Book Chamber

federal state state-financed organization Science "Russian Book Chamber"(RCP) is a national bibliographic agency that carries out bibliographic and statistical accounting of publications published in the Russian Federation, archival storage of publications, international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book business.


The Book Chamber was founded in 1917 in Petrograd. In 1920, on the basis of a decree, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was transferred to Moscow and reorganized into the Russian Central Book Chamber; in 1936, by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, it was transformed into the All-Union Book Chamber. Since 1992, the Book Chamber again bears the name of the Russian.


The main tasks of the RCP are:

  • registration and statistical accounting of printed materials in Russia;
  • research for practical activities on the creation of a state bibliography, as well as ensuring uniform approaches to this process in libraries and publishing organizations;
  • replenishment of the State Archive of the Press of Russia;
  • replenishment of the repositories of the largest libraries in the country on the basis of legal deposit at the expense of the publisher;
  • maintenance of state bibliographic indexes;
  • publication of the journal "Bibliography" and books of the series "Research and Materials";
  • assigning ISBN numbers to publishing houses and publications (since RCP is the national ISBN agency in Russia);
  • permission to assign UDC and LBC classifiers to books.
  • development and operation of the data bank of the state bibliography;
  • creation and support of the information system "Books in stock and printing".


The structure of the RCP, in addition to the management, personnel department, accounting department and economic department, includes the following research (R&D) and specialized departments:

  • Research Institute of State Bibliography and Book Science;
  • R&D of GBI training on non-periodicals;
  • R&D of bibliographic databases;
  • R&D of the development of information technologies in the book trade and control over the receipt of legal deposit of books and brochures;
  • reception department;
  • Department of Reference Services and Information and Bibliographic Resources of the RCP;
  • department of analytical processing of serial publications;
  • department for coordinating the passage of the PC and controlling the document flow;
  • current storage department;
  • department of the national book depository;
  • sector of the international standard book numbering.


At present, the basis for state bibliographic registration and press statistics in the Russian Federation is the mandatory free copies of each publication that enters the RCP at the expense of publishers (their cost is included in the cost of production).

Every year, 0.7-1.2 million publications are processed in the technological mode using modern electronic means in the RCP. The information received is communicated to consumers (libraries of various levels and profiles, information agencies, research institutions, archives, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, etc.) by distributing state bibliographic indexes (chronicles), centralized cataloging cards, and organizing automated help desk.

As a reference and search apparatus, the constantly updated General alphabetical catalog, containing more than 30 million bibliographic records about printed works published in Russia since 1917. An electronic catalog of bibliographic descriptions of publications of 1917 is available on the RCP website. over 1.8 million records.

The RCP is entrusted with the obligation to receive at the expense of publishers and distribute among the main fund holders (the list of which is approved by law, for example, now a copy of each publication received by the RCP must be in the Lenin Library in Moscow and in the Saltykov Library in St. Petersburg) in the prescribed quantity obligatory free copies of publications and other documents. One set, after registration, bibliographic and statistical processing, is sent for eternal storage to the State Press Archive of the Russian Federation, which is part of the RCP and represents the most complete collection of printed works that have been published in the country since 1917. According to 1970 data, it contains there were 34 million storage units; in 2001 - over 80 million.

Editions (state bibliographic indexes)

The main bibliographic indexes of the RCP (the so-called chronicles), covering almost all types of publications, include the weekly “Book chronicle”, “Chronicle of journal articles” and “Chronicle of newspaper articles”. Monthly annals of abstracts of dissertations for the scientific degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences are published, every two months - "Music Chronicle", "Chronicle of Art Publications", once a year - "Cartographic Chronicle".

An important place among bibliographic indexes is occupied by the yearbook "Books of the Russian Federation". In addition, the index “Bibliography of Russian Bibliography”, as well as “Chronicle of periodicals and continuing publications. New, renamed and discontinued newspapers and magazines.

The data of the state statistical accounting of printed materials produced are published in the official publication - "The Press of the Russian Federation in ... year", and are also sent for publication in the UNESCO publications "Statistical Yearbook" and "Index Translationum" (information on translated publications).


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Recall, according to the decree "On some measures to improve the efficiency of the state media", the federal state budgetary institution of science "Russian Book Chamber" is liquidated with "the subsequent transfer of the property assigned to it on the right of operational management to economic management" ITAR-TASS.

The presidential decree on measures to improve the efficiency of state media also provides for the liquidation of RIA Novosti and the creation of the Rossiya Segodnya agency on its basis.

The directorate of the RCP states that the decision to liquidate "was a complete surprise for the entire team" and "was not discussed or agreed with us beforehand." The statement also notes that there were no claims against the RCP regarding the performance of statutory functions.

“The liquidation of the Chamber, that is, the destruction or transfer of its functions “into the wrong hands,” can lead to unpredictable consequences for the domestic book business,” the directorate of the RCP believes.

“RKP is the scientific and information center of the Russian book business. The main statutory functions of the Chamber are the state bibliography and press statistics, the eternal (archival) storage of the “book memory” of the nation and the replenishment of the holdings of the country's leading libraries (due to legal copies received in the legally established quantity), the publication of state bibliographic indexes and a scientific and methodological journal, development and revision of state standards in the field of book business, instructive and methodological assistance to library and bibliographic institutions, publishing and bookselling structures. Also, the Chamber is a national agency of ISBN (international standard book number - the main identifier of a printed publication), conducts scientific and scientific information work, ”the leadership of the chamber reports.

“In connection with the foregoing, we hope that a reasonable decision will be made to preserve the Chamber and its staff for the further performance of its functions (in many respects unique for world practice), even within the framework of a new organizational structure,” the statement says.

The Directorate of the Russian Communist Party emphasizes that until the official deadline for reorganization, the Russian Book Chamber retains - in full and without changes - current order and the mechanism for fulfilling its statutory functions.

The chief librarian of the Central City Children's Library named after A.P. Gaidar, Tatyana Rudishina, told Business FM that, most likely, this was a mistake. She hopes that the decision will be canceled: “It's a whole classification system for science. And ITAR-TASS is the media. The museum and the library also have a lot in common. But at the same time, each has its own functions. The Book Chamber is an established institution with many functions. Every day there are books, every day there is a count of these books.

Maria Poryadina, senior researcher at the Russian Book Chamber, noted in an interview with the publication that the role of the RCP is spelled out in the legislation, and in order to change something, the law needs to be changed.

The Russian Book Chamber was founded in 1917. This is a national bibliographic agency that carried out bibliographic and statistical accounting of publications published in the territory of the Russian Federation, archival storage of publications, international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book business. Every year, 0.7-1.2 million publications are processed in the technological mode using modern electronic means in the RCP.

She got the opportunity to participate in the acquisition of the Library with her publications, simultaneously regulating the level of saturation of the funds with these publications (the number of copies of one publication).

1783, February 23. The nominal decree of Catherine II: "from all state and free printing houses of any published book, one copy [deliver] to the Library of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences."

1792. Published - 34-volume systematic catalog of Russian and foreign books.

1800 May. Creation of a library at the Archives of the Academy of Sciences. BAN has become the main source of acquisitions for 15 libraries of the academic library network.

1810 The second depository of the MA was the Public Library in St. Petersburg.

1837-1855 The state registration of all printed works on the pages of the official body - the "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education" has begun. The "Index of Newly Published Books" included all editions, whether or not they were authorized.

1880 The total number of OE sets reached sixteen (against five in 1828) and was intended for 14 libraries and institutions (instead of four, as was the case in 1828).

1900 The Moscow Bibliographic Circle arose, transformed into the Russian Bibliographic Society at Moscow University. The circle and the society published the journals Knigovedenie and Bibliographic News. Both journals were published under the editorship of B. S. Bodnarsky.

1905-1907 End of existence of the Legal Copy system.

1913 The first issue of the journal "Bibliographic News" is published.

1917, April 27 (May 10). The Book Chamber established on the basis of a decree of the Provisional Government, the first in the world, began its work government agency, created specifically for the registration of print works. A. A. Shakhmatov, S. F. Oldenburg, S. A. Vengerov, P. E. Shchegolev, V. I. Sreznevsky, B. L. Modzalevsky, E. A. Voltaire, A. D. Toropov, B. P. Gushchin, V. I. Charnolusky, A. M. Lovyagin, E. A. Geints, I. A. Kubasov and others.

1920 June 30th. VI Lenin signed a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the transfer of bibliographic work in the RSFSR to the People's Commissariat of Education." To implement this resolution, the Russian Central Book Chamber was organized in Moscow under the Gosizdat.

1920 The publication of the Book Chronicle was handed over to the Book Chamber in Moscow. On September 7, 1920, her first "Moscow issue" was published.

April 28, 1921 V. I. Lenin instructed the book chamber to work on compiling albums of clippings from central and some other newspapers for May "of all materials relating to economic, economic and production issues", as well as "to compile a detailed systematic and alphabetical index to the monthly set of indicated newspapers". At the end of November, this work was completed and sent to the Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

1922 The beginning of the organization of republican book chambers. This year, book chambers were created in the Ukrainian and Armenian SSRs. In other republics book chambers were organized in different years.

1923 The Russian Central Book Chamber has begun to develop statistical information about the press. In 1924, the first statistical yearbook "Print of the RSFSR in 1922" was published.

1924 The Book Chamber takes part in organizing and holding the 1st All-Russian Bibliographic Congress.

In the center stands N. F. Yanitsky

1924, October. The first meeting of directors of book chambers took place. During the period

Between 1924 and 1958, 11 meetings were held to discuss the most important issues of organization and methodology of the state bibliography in the USSR and coordination of the activities of book chambers.

1925 The Russian Central Book Chamber has a Publishing Department with an independent printing base.

1925, October. The Russian Central Book Chamber passed from the jurisdiction of Gosizdat to the jurisdiction of Glavnauka and was renamed the State Central Book Chamber of the RSFSR.

1926 The Book Chamber takes part in organizing and holding the 2nd All-Russian Bibliographic Congress. In the same year, reference and bibliographic work is organized in the chamber. Since 1926, the book chamber began to publish the Chronicle of Journal Articles.

1926 For the first time, a systematic grouping of material based on the Universal Decimal Classification was introduced instead of alphabetical.

1929-1930 years. In 1929, the book chamber published the journal "Bibliography", and in 1930 - "Bibliography and library science".

1931 The beginning of the publication of new organs of the state bibliography - "Annals of Musical Literature" and "Cartographic Chronicles".

1933 The Book Chamber began to publish the Chronicle of Periodicals. From the same year, the chamber began to publish a theoretical organ - "Soviet Bibliography".

1934 The beginning of the publication of "Chronicles visual arts". The publications of the chamber were replenished with one more organ - the Chronicle of Reviews.

1935 At the end of 1935, the State Central Book Chamber was reorganized into the All-Union Book Chamber.

1936, 27 July. The Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, signed by M. I. Kalinin, approved the "Regulations on the All-Union Book Chamber. In the very first lines, the Decree formulated the main tasks of the All-Union Book Chamber - accounting for printed products published in the USSR and information about it. As a new duty of the Chamber, the "Regulations" provided "control over the fulfillment by publishers and printing companies of the standards established for the release of printed works with the right to bring those responsible for violating the standards to justice."

In 1936, the Chamber began publishing the Chronicle of Newspaper Articles.

1940 The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On Literary Criticism and Bibliography" proposed to centralize all state registration and accounting bibliography and print statistics in the All-Union Book Chamber. The Book Chamber is obliged to make a complete accounting of the literature published during the years of Soviet power. "In implementing this decision, the All-Union Book Chamber took part in the work of the largest libraries in the preparation of a consolidated catalog of Russian books, and also received a number of additions to the materials of its general alphabetical catalog, as a result of which there were Statistical data on the press of the USSR have been revised to a large extent.

1941 The yearbook "Bibliography of Soviet Bibliography" for 1939 was published. The publication of yearbooks resumed after the Great patriotic war.

1941, July 22-23. The building of the All-Union Book Chamber on Novinsky Boulevard catches fire as a result of being hit by several fascist bombs. The fire destroyed most of the operational materials of the Chamber, caused enormous damage to its activities.

July-October. Employees and funds of the Chamber are partially evacuated to Chkalov (now Orenburg); in Moscow, there remains an operational group of 33 people.

1942, July. The All-Union Book Chamber receives, on a temporary lease, a building at 1/9, Kremlin Embankment (“Alyabiev House”).

1943 The project "Regulations on the work of the All-Union Book Chamber in the field of retrospective bibliography" has been implemented.

1945, June 29. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "For the successful fulfillment of the tasks of the Government on state registration and press statistics, in connection with the 25th anniversary of the book chamber," 25 of its employees were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.

1946, January 1st. By a resolution of the Government Commission, the All-Union Book Chamber was transferred to the section of library and bibliographic institutions of the first category.

1948, September 29. The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the Procedure for Acquiring the Most Important Libraries of the USSR with Obligatory Free and Paid Copies of Printed Works." The list included 34 libraries of the USSR.

1949 The Chamber began issuing bibliographic cards describing journal articles and reviews.

1952-1953 Courses are organized for the staff of the Chamber at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Publishing and Printing Personnel.

1955 The publication of the 10-volume index "Periodical press of the USSR. 1917-1949" began to be carried out.

1956 The Chamber began to issue printed cards with descriptions of articles from central newspapers and the bibliographic bulletin "New Books".

1957 The Chamber publishes a bibliographic bulletin "Literature and Art of the Peoples of the USSR and Foreign Countries".

1959 The Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution "On the state and measures to improve librarianship in the country." In implementing this resolution, the USSR Ministry of Culture entrusted the All-Union Book Chamber with the publication of consolidated indexes in the USSR of books on five-year plans and yearbooks of journal articles.

1960 December 16-19. The twelfth meeting of directors of book chambers and at the same time - a session of the council of the All-Union Book Chamber.

1963, August 10. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the formation of the Republican Press Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

1965 The regulation on the All-Union Book Chamber was adopted, in accordance with which scientific research divisions were created in the Chamber.

1972 The Information and Computing Center (ICC) was put into operation.

April 13, 1972 By the decision of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council, the Chamber was transferred for restoration and further use for production purposes on an indefinite lease, an architectural monument - the boyar chambers on the street. Kropotkina d. 3, building 1.

1973 The All-Union Book Chamber becomes the national (within the framework of the International Center for Scientific and Technical Information) the basic body for the registration of periodicals and continuing publications.

1974 The Book Chamber has prepared a detailed technical project of the first stage of the automated system for collecting, processing, storing, searching and issuing information about domestic publications (ASOI). The scientific supervisor of the project is Yu. I. Fartunin, Director of the All-Union Communist Party.

1976 The National Agency of the USSR for Assigning Standard Numbering to Printed Works has been established.

May 11, 1977 By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the All-Union Book Chamber was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor for active work in promoting the book and developing state bibliography and press statistics.

1977, September. The Paris International Congress on National Bibliography took place. It brought together 230 representatives from 94 countries.

1977, October 28. The All-Union Order of the Badge of Honor was transferred to the Book Chamber for use for official purposes, the former residential building No. 4, building 2 on Oktyabrskaya Street. in Moscow.

1979 The Book Chamber is creating a postgraduate course in the specialty "Bibliography, Printing Statistics and Book Science", which was primarily aimed at improving the qualifications of the Book Chamber staff.

1980 An electronic data bank of the state bibliography on domestic published editions began to operate.

1982, January 1st. Archives of all republican chambers of the USSR (both Union and autonomous republics) includes 36 million items.

1982 The staff of the Chamber consists of 731 employees.

1982 The system of book chambers of the USSR includes: 14 book chambers of the union republics, 3 book chambers of the autonomous republics of the RSFSR, 13 sectors of the state bibliography of the republican (ASSR) libraries of the RSFSR.

1986 The first meeting of the Board of Directors of book chambers took place.

February 10, 1987 The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Decree No. 168 "On the Creation of the All-Union Book Chamber Research and Production Association and Measures to Strengthen and Develop Its Material and Technical Base."

1988 The "Regulations on reference and bibliographic services in book chambers" was introduced, which summarized the activities of the chambers as centers of reference and bibliographic services.

1989, December. The Mozhaisk State Press Archive began its work.

1990 The Book Chamber has developed an automated system "State press statistics".

1991 The reference and search apparatus of the Book Chamber contains 30 million bibliographic records. The press archive contains over 70 million publications.

1995 The information system "Books in stock and printing" (Russian Books in Print) began to operate in the Book Chamber.

1997 The state bibliographic indexes of the RCP have been translated into the fourth edition of the UDC.

2000s Information services and other areas of practical activity of the RCP, in accordance with world experience, become paid.

2005 year. The electronic database "Book publishing of the war years. 1939-1945" began to operate, which contains information about publications registered in the state bibliographic index "Book Chronicle", published by the All-Union Book Chamber in 1939-1945.

2006 80 years celebrated "Chronicle of journal articles". "Chronicle of Newspaper Articles" celebrated its 70th anniversary.

2006 Creation of a unified technology for bibliographic processing of information on non-periodicals and periodicals, a modern data bank and information products based on it.

2007 "Book chronicle" is 100 years old.

2007 The Book Chamber launched the "Electronic Book Chronicle".

year 2009. The journal "Bibliography" celebrated its 80th anniversary.

Director of the Russian Book Chamber

Semyon Afanasyevich Vengerov- organizer and first head of the Russian Book Chamber (1917). Before, since 1901, he was the editor of the "Library of Great Writers" of the Brockhaus and Efron publishing house, in which commented collections of works by Pushkin, Shakespeare, Schiller, Byron, Molière were published.

Bodnarsky Bogdan Stepanovich- Russian book critic, bibliographer, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1945), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1943), Professor (1921). He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow University (1901) and the Archaeological Institute (1910). Organizer and first director of the Russian Central Book Chamber (1920-21, Moscow), director of the Russian Bibliographic Institute (1921-22).

Yanitsky Nikolay Fedorovich- librarian, bibliologist, bibliographer, historian, geographer, statistician, doctor of geographical sciences (1955), professor (1956). Member of the Russian Bibliographic Society (1920). He was deputy director of the State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin (now the Russian State Library) (1925-26), director of the Book Chamber (1921-31), an employee of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR, the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Solovyov Vasily Ivanovich- Director of the All-Union Book Chamber (1931-1937). Member of the Bureau of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) (1918 - 1920). Deputy Chairman of the Main Directorate of Political Education under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR (1920 - 1921). Deputy Head of the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) (1925). Head of the State Publishing House of Fiction (1930 - 1931). In 1938 he was arrested. Convicted. He died in a forced labor camp (1939).

N. S. Korobov- Director of the CPSU in 1940-42. He was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow".

Yuri Vladimirovich Grigoriev- Director of the CPSU in 1945 - 1947. Approved in this position on February 14, 1945 with special responsibility for Academic Council, department of OE, publishing house and editorial office of the collection "Soviet Bibliography". Yu. V. Grigoriev paid special attention to the system of legal deposit of printed works. He was one of the theorists of general library science. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

T. I. Kupriyanov- Director of the CPSU in 1948-1954.

Nikolai Nikanorovich Kukharkov- Bibliologist, editor, publisher. Since 1927 in Moscow, he worked in the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, the Main Directorate educational institutions Committee for Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. In 1945-1953 - director of the publishing house "Art", in 1954-1962 - director of the All-Union Book Chamber.

Pavel Andreevich Chuvikov- Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Red Banner of Labor, numerous medals and Certificates of Honor, director of the Foreign Literature Publishing House. Director of the VKP in 1964-1973, candidate of economic sciences (bibliography and press). Largely thanks to the initiative of P. A. Chuvikov, the Chamber received the status of a research institution. After finishing work in the Chamber, he taught for a long time at the Financial Institute.

Yuri Ivanovich Fartunin- Graduated from the Moscow City Economic Institute, later the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. He worked as deputy director of the Research Institute of Labor. Director of the VKP in 1974 - 1984.

Yuri Vladimirovich Torsuev- Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (1962-1970). In 1970 he headed the Progress publishing house. He contributed to the creation of the General Directorate of International Book Exhibitions and Fairs, which he headed in 1975-78. In 1978–1985 - Director of the publishing house "Planet". From 1985 to 1996 he was the General Director of the All-Union Book Chamber, the founder of the All-Union Book Chamber research and production association - a research, publishing and information and biographical complex. PhD in Philosophy.

Boris Vladimirovich Lensky- Russian bibliologist, Doctor of Philology, General Director of the Russian Book Chamber in 1996-2005. The main organizer and enthusiast of scientific conferences on the problems of bibliology.

Valery Alexandrovich Sirozhenko- General Director of the Russian Book Chamber (2005 - 2012). Born December 10, 1945 in Moscow; Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in 1972. 1983-1991 - head of the personnel sector of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1997-1999 - Secretary of State - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Press; since October 1999 - Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications.

Publications, archival storage of publications, carrying out international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book business.

The world's first government agency created specifically for the registration of printed works. The Russian Book Chamber was founded in 1917. To the Russian Book Chamber in without fail sent a certain number (since recently it has been possible to submit electronically through the form on the site) copies of each book, brochure, magazine or newspaper. These publications are registered in the Russian Book Chamber and distributed to the leading libraries in Russia. In 2013, the Chamber was transformed into a branch of ITAR-TASS, which it currently functions as.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ On the mechanisms of identity - Lev Gudkov

    ✪ About the Soviet man - Lev Gudkov

    ✪ Intelligence: Yegor Yakovlev on the main monarchist book about Nicholas II



The project for the creation of the RCP was proposed at the beginning of the 20th century by members of the Russian Bibliological Society.

Allocation of state investments in 2009 as part of the implementation of the activities of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2006-2011)" allowed the RCP to begin work on the digitization of the funds of the National Book Depository.

In 2012, the Russian Book Chamber celebrated its 95th anniversary. The leaders of the book chambers of Belarus and Kazakhstan arrived at the festive events.

In February 2013, by order of the head of Rospechat, M. V. Seslavinsky, a new general director was appointed in the Russian Book Chamber, he became Elena Borisovna Nogina.

Transformation into a TASS branch

The RCP was liquidated without any prior discussion and informing the scientific community on December 9, 2013 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 894 with the transfer of its property to the ITAR-TASS agency.

As noted in an interview in connection with this event, the Russian publisher, editor-in-chief of the scientific and publishing center "Ladomir" Yuri Mikhailov:

… A living culture is of the least interest to our authorities, because this culture does not determine the place of power in terms of the requests it responds to. They do not need culture as a support in making any decisions and in their popularization, preserving themselves in the political space. Culture, in this sense, does not play any role.
... The problem of the Book Chamber is that, in fact, it was given the place that is assigned to culture today.

Some authors also note that the current situation is remarkably reminiscent of the plot of Ray Bradbury's brilliant science fiction dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, published exactly 60 years ago - in 1953.

There is no official version of the presidential decision, which came as a surprise to everyone, except for “increasing the efficiency of activities”. There are suggestions about the interest of a number of structures in the expensive real estate of the RCP, which is located in the very center of Moscow (for example, a mansion on the Kremlin embankment, 1). It is also known that the issuance of international standard book numbers (ISBN) is carried out by the chamber on a reimbursable basis - about 1200 rubles for one such number. Given the significant volume of printed matter published in Russia (0.7-1.2 million publications are processed annually in the Russian Book Chamber), the material side of the activities of the liquidated organization is of quite definite interest.


The main tasks of the RCP were:

  • registration and statistical accounting of printed materials in Russia;
  • research for practical activities on the creation of a state bibliography, as well as ensuring uniform approaches to this process in libraries and publishing organizations;
  • replenishment of the State Archive of the Press of Russia;
  • replenishment of the repositories of the largest libraries in the country on the basis of a mandatory copy at the expense of the publisher;
  • maintenance of state bibliographic indexes;
  • publication of the journal "Bibliography" and books of the series "Research and Materials";
  • assigning ISBN numbers to publishing houses and publications (since RCP is the national ISBN agency in Russia);
  • permission to assign UDC and LBC classifiers to books.
  • development and operation of the data bank of the state bibliography;
  • creation and support of the information system "Books in stock and printing".


The structure of the RCP, in addition to the management, personnel department, accounting department and economic department, included the following research (R&D) and specialized departments:

  • Research Institute of State Bibliography and Book Science;
  • R&D of GBI training on non-periodicals;
  • R&D of bibliographic databases;
  • R&D of the development of information technologies in the book trade and control over the receipt of legal deposit of books and brochures;
  • reception department;
  • Department of Reference Services and Information and Bibliographic Resources of the RCP;
  • department of analytical processing of serial publications;
  • department for coordinating the passage of the PC and controlling the document flow;
  • current storage department;
  • department of the national book depository;
  • sector of the international standard book numbering.

Number of employees

As of April 2017, the Russian Book Chamber (a branch of ITAR-TASS) employed 215 people.


At present, the basis for state bibliographic registration and press statistics in the Russian Federation is the mandatory free copies of each publication that enters the RCP at the expense of publishers (their cost refers to the cost of production).

Every year, 0.7-1.2 million publications are processed in the technological mode using modern electronic means in the RCP. The information received is communicated to consumers (libraries of various levels and profiles, information agencies, research institutions, archives, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, etc.) automated help desk.

The constantly updated General Alphabetical Catalog containing more than 30 million bibliographic records about printed works published in Russia since 1917 is used as a reference and search apparatus. An electronic catalog of bibliographic descriptions of publications of 1917-2005 with more than 1.8 million entries is available on the RCP website.

The RCP is entrusted with the obligation to receive at the expense of publishers and distribute among the main fund holders (the list of which is approved by law, for example, now a copy of each publication received by the RCP must be in the RSL in Moscow and in the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg) in the prescribed amount obligatory free copies of publications and other documents. One set, after registration, bibliographic and statistical processing, is sent for eternal storage to the State Press Archive of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Russian Communist Party and represents the most complete collection of printed works that have been issued in the country since 1917. As of 1970, it contained 34 million items; for 2001 - over 80 million.

Editions (state bibliographic indexes)

Among the main bibliographic indexes of the RCP (the so-called annals), covering almost all types of publications, are those issued weekly “