What is frank medrano body fat percentage. Frank Medrano. Strong body. Athlete nutrition program

Videos in which the American Frank Medrano demonstrates the incredible abilities of his own body blew up the Internet and made many people wonder how the athlete managed to achieve such a shape. Frank does not like to talk about the personal, but he is happy to share his knowledge about fitness.

Frank Medrano is truly a phenomenon. He does not disclose either his age or height-weight - and in general he prefers not to use stamps. But he is inspired as soon as the conversation turns to calisthenics and vegetarianism.

It can be difficult for many “jocks” to believe that such muscles can be developed without pumping iron, and even without eating meat. Yes, yes - Frank Medrano is a strict vegan, that is, he eats exclusively plant foods. Of course, he was not such from birth - like most people, until the age of 30 he ate both meat products and other harmful things. But for almost a decade now - since he seriously took up sports - he has been following a purely plant-based diet.

Interestingly, bodybuilder friends introduced him to vegetarianism. Frank decided to go meat-free following their example, and soon felt the full benefits of such a diet - first of all, according to him, an amazing increase in energy and a decrease in recovery time, not to mention general recovery. Medrano was so imbued with the new nutrition system that after only 3 months of veganism, together with the above-mentioned friends, he created the Vegan Calisthen-X team. On their Vegan Warriors website, they post information, answer questions, and make videos demonstrating their plant-based power.

He started playing sports just a month and a half before. This is how Frank remembers that time: “I decided to put myself in order after seeing my terrible condition year after year. I was embarrassed to even take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, slow, weak, and my diet did not improve the situation. At some point, something clicked in my head. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become bold, fast and strong.

As a sport for the development of these qualities, he chose calisthenics- a kind of gymnastics with the active use of your own body weight. “It works all the muscles of the body, and it can also be practiced anywhere and anytime - both indoors and outdoors, both day and night. No matter where you are - you can always train effectively", - Frank says.

Naturally, in order to achieve the same amazing shape as his, you need to train, if not days and nights, then at least often and regularly. He himself now practices 6 days a week for about 2 hours a day.
And here's what his usual workouts look like:


* 30 power outs
* 100 regular push ups
* Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
* Dumbbell bench press - 4 sets of 10 reps
* 5 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups on the uneven bars
* 200 regular push ups
* 50 push-ups when arms are higher than legs
* 50 narrow grip push-ups
* 50 push-ups when the legs are higher than the arms
* 15 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT)


* 30 power outs
* 100 overhand pull-ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell rows
* 4 sets of 10 reps pullovers
* 50 overhand pull-ups
* 10 power outs
* 15 minutes HIIT
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets


* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps standing dumbbell press
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides while standing
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides in an incline
* 100 twists
* 50 crossovers
* 2 minutes of scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second twist hold
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets
* Handstand practice till you drop
* 15 minutes HIIT


* 30 power outs
* 50 underhand pull-ups
* Lifting the bar for biceps on the bench - 4 sets of 10 reps
* Lifting dumbbells with a hammer - 4 sets of 10 reps
* Dumbbell Reverse Hammer Curl - 4 sets of 10 reps
* 100 dips
* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of the extension from behind the head
* 4 sets of 10 reps of the triceps extension on the block down with a reverse grip
* 20 slow pull ups
* 20 slow dips
* 15 minutes HIIT


* 4 sets of squats with dumbbells
* 4 sets of 20 yard lunges
* 100 squats
* 4 sets of 10 pistol reps
* 4 sets of 10 reps straight leg deadlift
* 4 sets of 10 reps for standing calf raises
* 4 sets of 10 reps sitting calf raise
* 100 calf raises
* 15 minutes HIIT


* 100 twists
* 8 100m sprints
* 100 pull ups
* 100 floor push ups
* 100 dips
* 30 power outs
* 50 crossovers
* 50 intense crunches
* 2 minutes lying scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second crunch hold (3 sets)


- relaxation

And here are the top 3 secrets to success in fitness from Frank Medrano:

1. Constancy. The more constant you are, the more and faster you will develop towards your own goals.
2. Diet and nutrition. No matter how hard you train, you won't be able to be in perfect shape if you don't follow a proper and healthy eating plan. Frank is also convinced that the best food- it's vegan.
3. HIIT. High-intensity interval training helps train the heart, boost metabolism and burn fat.

What are his fitness goals?“Continue your physical development to extreme levels,” admits Frank. - My body is capable of much more, and I want to continue to feed on this inner strength. I set myself step by step realistic goals. I've trained my mind that I can achieve anything if I really want it, and with every activity I challenge myself. I also want to set an example, motivate and inspire all health conscious people to go vegan so they can push their bodies to the highest levels.”

Frank Medrano- a phenomenon, he does not reveal his age, nor height-weight - and prefers not to use stamps.

Many Bodybuilders find it hard to believe that such musculature can be developed without pumping iron and eating meat. Yes Yes - Frank Medrano is a strict vegan, that is, eats exclusively plant foods. Of course, he was not such from birth - like most people, he ate meat products until the age of 30. But for almost a decade now - since he seriously took up sports - he has been following a purely plant-based diet.

Interestingly, bodybuilder friends introduced him to vegetarianism. Frank decided to go meat-free following their example, and soon felt the full benefits of such a diet - first of all, according to him, an amazing increase in energy and a decrease in recovery time, not to mention general recovery. Medrano was so imbued with the new food system that after only 3 months of vegetarianism, together with his friends, he created the Vegan Calisthen-X team.

He started playing sports just a month and a half before. Frank recalls that time: “I decided to put myself in order after seeing my terrible condition year after year. I was embarrassed to even take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, slow, weak, and my diet did not improve the situation. At some point, something clicked in my head. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become bold, fast and strong.”

As a sport for the development of these qualities, he chose calisthenics - a kind of gymnastics with the active use of his own body weight. “It works all the muscles of the body, it can be practiced anywhere and anytime - both indoors and outdoors, both day and night. No matter where you are, you can always train effectively.” Frank says.

How and when did you start training?

I started training about five years ago. I decided to put myself in order after seeing my terrible condition year after year. I was embarrassed to even take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, slow, weak, and my diet did not improve the situation. And at some point something clicked in my head. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become bold, fast and strong.

What are the advantages of gymnastics over other training methods?

In my opinion, there are many advantages of gymnastics over other types of training.

Gymnastics for mass gain uses only your own body weight as resistance to develop the ability to squat, stretch, bend, lunge, lower, push up and move up and down, allowing you to take on the challenges of sports, work and life with ease . Gymnastics can also be practiced anywhere - both indoors and outdoors. No matter where you are - you can always train effectively!
Gymnastics can be practiced at any time - day and night. The bottom line is that you can work effectively anytime you want to—your body is always ready! For many mass-gain calisthenics exercises, the resistance of your own body mass is sufficient for fitness, health and physique. In some cases, to perform the exercises, you will need elementary gymnastic equipment, for example, a wall, a chair, a box, a horizontal bar, etc. However, in most cases, if everything is in order with your body, this is already enough! Even though I usually do mainly gymnastic exercises, I also use free weights.

How do you manage to motivate yourself and maintain consistency?

I set myself step by step realistic goals. I've trained my mind that I can achieve anything if I really want it, and with every activity I challenge myself. Maintaining consistency is a necessary element of development; without it there will be no motivation. I want to be in the best possible shape and my dedication and development of me.

How much time do you usually spend exercising?

I usually do six days a week about two hours in a day.

To achieve the same form as him, you need to train often and regularly, this is what his usual workouts look like.

Training program


  • 30 power outs
  • 100 regular push ups
  • Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell bench press - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • 5 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups on the uneven bars
  • 200 normal push ups
  • 50 pushups with arms above legs
  • 50 close grip push ups
  • 50 push-ups when the legs are higher than the arms
  • 15 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • 15 leg raises - 3 sets


  • 30 power outs
  • 100 overhand pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell rows
  • 4 sets of 10 reps pullovers
  • 50 underhand pull-ups
  • 50 overhand pull-ups
  • 10 power outs
  • 15 minutes HIIT
  • 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
  • 15 leg raises - 3 sets


  • 100 floor push ups
  • 4 sets of 10 reps standing dumbbell press
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides while standing
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides in an incline
  • 100 twists
  • 50 crossovers
  • 50 intense crunches
  • 2 minutes scissors (3 sets)
  • 60 second twist hold
  • 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
  • 15 leg raises - 3 sets
  • Handstand till you drop
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 30 power outs
  • 50 underhand pull-ups
  • Bench Curl - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Lifting dumbbells with a hammer - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Reverse Hammer Dumbbell Curl - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • 100 pushups on uneven bars
  • 100 floor push ups
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of the extension from behind the head
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of the triceps extension on the block down with a reverse grip
  • 20 slow pull ups
  • 20 slow dips
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 4 sets of squats with dumbbells
  • 4 sets of 20 yard lunges
  • 100 squats
  • 4 sets of 10 pistol reps
  • 4 sets of 10 reps straight leg deadlift
  • 4 sets of 10 reps for standing calf raises
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of sitting calf raises
  • 100 calf raises
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 100 twists
  • 8 100m sprints
  • 100 pull ups
  • 100 floor push ups
  • 100 pushups on uneven bars
  • 30 power outs
  • 50 crossovers
  • 50 intense crunches
  • 2 minutes lying scissors (3 sets)
  • 60 second crunch hold (3 sets)

Sunday- relaxation

Rules in Sports by Frank Medrano

1. Constancy. The more constant you are, the more and faster you will develop towards your own goals.

2. Diet and nutrition. No matter how hard you train, you won't be able to be in perfect shape if you don't follow a proper and healthy eating plan. Frank is also convinced that the best food is vegan.

3. HIIT. High-intensity interval training helps train the heart, boost metabolism and burn fat.

Frank Medrano - My Body - My Gym - Video


Frank Medrano plays a very important role in nutrition and prefers to eat homemade food, since only in this case can he control and understand what exactly he eats.

The basis of his diet is:

  • almond milk
  • peanut butter
  • oatmeal, whole grain bread
  • pasta
  • nuts
  • lentils, quinoa, beans, mushrooms, spinach,
  • olive and coconut oil.
  • brown rice
  • vegetables and fruits

Interview continued

Why did you become a vegan?

I've been into fitness for a while, but I couldn't imagine the incredible levels a vegan, plant-based diet could take me to in terms of physical ability and condition. I had been doing extreme gymnastics (body building training) for about a year and a half when two of my friends who did the same thing as me told me about the vegan lifestyle. Both of my friends have incredible strength and physical condition, so when I found out that they are vegan, it caught my attention and I began to collect information. What struck me most about being a vegan was that I felt like I needed to take my health to a whole new level. I was explained the health benefits of veganism and helped with healthy vegan food when I first started. After a few weeks, my energy has increased significantly, muscle endurance and recovery speed have risen to incredible levels. I became stronger, faster and stopped feeling tired and heaviness that I had after eating dairy and meat products.

I was initially convinced to go vegan by the health benefits; and the effect that veganism had on appearance and the work of my body, only strengthened my beliefs. I then accepted other reasons for going vegan, such as industrial violence against animals. agriculture. It opened my eyes to the truth about the unjust killing of animals for food. It made me look back and think; all these years I didn't understand that animals deserve life - we don't have to consume them to be healthy or strong. Then I realized that I wanted to be a vegan.

Was it hard for you? If so, what was the most difficult and did it get easier over time?

In general, it was not difficult, but there were obstacles in my way. I was NOT a vegetarian, so I switched to veganism straight away from eating meat. I longed to eat healthy food long before the transition to veganism, so I usually did not use a large number of meat food. It was easy for me to give up red meat, fish and dairy products since I rarely ate them. It was a little more difficult with chicken, turkey and eggs. At first, I lashed out at eating chicken or eggs. But over time, as my resolve grew stronger, I noticed that I liked the taste of this food less and less. Having a wide selection of favorite vegan food helps me a lot. This guarantees me that no matter what happens, I will always have healthy and tasty food nearby.

Frank Medrano: Superhuman Powers

An athlete draws superhuman abilities from plants. That's right: Frank Medrano -

Like most people, Frank was not born vegan. He ate meat for 30 years. And although he has been involved in sports for 7 years, it was only a little over a year ago that he found out that two of his good friends - Dan Attanasio and Noel Polanco - are vegans. And since they were also bodybuilders, Frank became interested. Two of his friends helped him switch to a plant-based diet, picked up the menu and answered all his questions, and after 2-3 months, Frank experienced all the amazing benefits of a plant-based diet. Most notable was the increase in energy - "true powerful energy" - and the decrease in cooldown. He calls the benefits of a plant-based diet "super wellness."

“I used to think that I was healthy and strong, but after switching to a strictly plant-based vegan diet, I began to feel more energetic and began to recover faster after training,” said Frank.

The help of friends made the transition easier, but Frank admits the transition from an omnivore to a plant-based diet hasn't been entirely smooth. "The main problem was in my head," he said. Through trial and error, Frank discovered a new favorite food for himself and after 2-4 weeks he settled in and began to feel great.

After about three months of going vegan, Frank approached Dan and Noel about joining forces and spreading the word about the benefits. The three of them formed the Vegan Calisthen-X team. On their website, they post information, answer questions and shoot videos demonstrating their power derived from plant foods. Videos are popular both online and while filming. Of course, people want to ask Frank "How do you do that?!" Frank loves talking to people about fitness and plant-based nutrition, and people often get shocked when they find out he doesn't eat any animal products. “In 90% of cases, the first thing people ask is “What do you eat?” Medrano says. The super athlete also notes that many are initially incredulous about stories about his diet, but when, after a while after the conversation, he meets a person who has switched to veganism and has excellent results, then sports success and enthusiasm for achievements is an invaluable reward.Seeing that his example has positive influence on people, Frank says, "It's nice to know that what you're doing is right."

What are Frank Medrano's plans? He is busy adding new information and creating new videos for Vegan Calisthen-X, as well as speaking at fitness trade shows. He would like to have more ways to reach out to people. Frank recently had two photo shoots for an article in Vegan Health and Fitness magazine ( video). And, of course, he will continue to inspire everyone and talk about how to properly develop (and just live) on a plant-based diet.

* 30 power outs
* 100 regular push ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps incline dumbbell press
* 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell bench press
* 5 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups on the uneven bars
* 200 regular push ups
* 50 push-ups when arms are higher than legs
* 50 narrow grip push-ups
* 50 pushups when legs are higher than arms

* 30 power outs
* 100 overhand pull-ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell rows
* 4 sets of 10 reps pullovers

* 50 overhand pull-ups
* 10 power outs
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets

* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps standing dumbbell press
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides while standing
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides in an inclination
* 100 twists
* 50 crossovers

* 2 minutes of scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second twist hold
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets
* Handstand practice till you drop
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

* 30 power outs
* 50 underhand pull-ups
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions lifting the barbell for biceps on the bench
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells with a hammer
* 4 sets of 10 reps of lifting dumbbells with a reverse grip hammer
* 100 dips
* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of the extension from behind the head
* 4 sets of 10 reps of the triceps extension on the block down with a reverse grip
* 20 slow pull ups
* 20 slow dips
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

* 4 sets of squats with dumbbells
* 4 sets of 20 yard lunges
* 100 squats
* 4 sets of 10 pistol reps
* 4 sets of 10 reps straight leg deadlift
* 4 sets of 10 reps of standing leg raises
* 4 sets of 10 reps of sitting calf raises
* 100 standing calf raises
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

* 100 twists
* 8 100m sprints
* 100 pull ups
* 100 floor push ups
* 100 dips
* 30 power outs
* 50 crossovers
* 50 intense crunches
* 2 minutes of lying scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second crunch hold (3 sets)


What is your diet like when you are trying to reach your maximum?

I'm a vegan, so I don't eat any animal products. My diet also consists of lowering my fat content and increasing my intake of special nutritious foods, so the only thing I do when I'm trying to max out is limit my sodium intake and eat a lot more vegetables.

What is the most difficult exercise for you?

Inclined tiger bends. - VIDEO

Name your favorite athletes, bodybuilders or fitness models.

Nathan Jackson (fitness athlete and model); he exemplifies that it is possible to be super healthy, strong and build muscle on a plant-based vegan diet.

What are your goals for the future?

My fitness goals are to continue my physical development to extreme levels. My body is capable of so much more and I want to continue to feed on this inner strength. I want to set an example, motivate and inspire all health conscious people to go vegan so they can push their bodies to the highest levels. I also hope to be on the cover of a fitness magazine someday.

Do you listen to music while exercising?

I love listening to music when I'm exercising and I listen to different types of music. Right now I'm listening to instrumental soundtracks.

What three pieces of advice would you give to anyone who wants to be in perfect shape?

1. Consistency is very important. The more consistent you are, the more development you will get in achieving your goals.
2. Diet and nutrition. No matter how hard you train, you won't be able to be in perfect shape if you don't follow a proper and healthy vegan eating plan.
3. Work your heart (HIIT) to keep your metabolism burning fat. Without this, you will not succeed!

Why did you become a vegan?

I've been into fitness for a while, but I couldn't imagine the incredible levels a vegan, plant-based diet could take me to in terms of physical ability and condition. I had been doing extreme gymnastics (body building training) for about a year and a half when two of my friends who did the same thing as me told me about the vegan lifestyle. Both of my friends have incredible strength and physical condition, so when I found out that they are vegan, it caught my attention and I began to collect information. What struck me most about being a vegan was that I felt like I needed to take my health to a whole new level. I was explained the health benefits of veganism and helped with healthy vegan food when I first started. After a few weeks, my energy has increased significantly, muscle endurance and recovery speed have risen to incredible levels. I became stronger, faster and stopped feeling tired and heaviness that I had after eating dairy and meat products.

I was initially convinced to go vegan by the health benefits; and the effect that veganism has had on the way my body looks and functions has only strengthened my beliefs. I then accepted other reasons for going vegan, such as the animal abuse inherent in factory farming. It opened my eyes to the truth about the unjust killing of animals for food. It made me look back and think; all these years I didn't understand that animals deserve life - we don't have to consume them to be healthy or strong. Then I realized that I wanted to be a vegan.

Was it hard for you? If so, what was the most difficult and did it get easier over time?

In general, it was not difficult, but there were obstacles in my way. I was NOT a vegetarian, so I switched to veganism straight away from eating meat. I was committed to eating healthy long before I went vegan, so I didn't usually eat a lot of meat. It was easy for me to give up red meat, fish and dairy products since I rarely ate them. It was a little more difficult with chicken, turkey and eggs. At first, I lashed out at eating chicken or eggs. But over time, as my resolve grew stronger, I noticed that I liked the taste of this food less and less. Having a wide selection of favorite vegan food helps me a lot. This guarantees me that no matter what happens, I will always have healthy and tasty food nearby.

How are you related to animal rights?

I love animals and believe that everyone should be treated with the same love and compassion. I do my best to support animal rights organizations by donating funds and participating in fundraising events. I also distribute information online in

American superathlete, professional calisthenics (the art of using one's own body weight and momentum for physical development), personal trainer and fitness model. Vegan.

To begin with, we suggest watching a video demonstrating the remarkable physical shape of this athlete.

Like most people, Frank was not born vegan. One day he found out that two of his fellow bodybuilders, Dan Attanasio and Noel Polanco, were vegans, and this interested him very much. Friends explained to him in detail all the nuances of veganism, helped him choose the menu and switch to a vegan food system. And after 2-3 months, Frank experienced all the benefits of a plant-based diet.

“I used to think that I was healthy and strong, but after switching to a strictly plant-based vegan diet, I began to feel more energetic and began to recover faster after training,” said Frank. He calls veganism "super healthy" for the whole body.

The help of friends made the transition easier, but Frank admits that the transition to veganism was not entirely smooth: “The main problem was in my head, I was captured by delusions that I was missing something, but it turned out not this way". Through trial and error, Frank discovered a new favorite diet and, having settled in, began to feel great.

About three months after going vegan, Frank approached Dan and Noel about joining forces on own example show people the benefits of veganism. So the three of them organized the Vegan Calisthen-X team, created a website and pages on Facebook and YouTube, where they post information, recipes, videos, and answer questions. The video generates huge interest both online and during shooting. The main questions that people ask when they see all this is “how do you do it?” and “what do you eat?”. Frank really enjoys talking to people about sports and nutrition, and he says people are surprised when they find out he's a vegan. “At first,” Frank says, “they are very skeptical about stories about vegan nutrition, but when after a while I meet one of these people and find out that the person has also switched to veganism and experienced all its benefits, then this excites me, this is a real achievement and a priceless reward.

Excerpts from an interview with Frank Medrano:

How and when did you start training?

I started training about five years ago, determined to clean myself up after seeing my terrible condition year after year. I was embarrassed to even take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, slow and weak, and my diet only aggravated the situation. And at some point in my head, something switched. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become bold, fast and strong.

What are the advantages of calisthenics over other types of training?
There are many of them, in my opinion. Calisthenics uses the athlete's own weight as resistance to develop strength and endurance. Squats, lunges, jumps, push-ups, pull-ups are great exercises that will help in any sport, and just in life.
Calisthenics can be practiced anywhere, no matter in the gym or on the street, you can always work out if you have a desire. You can exercise at least during the day, at least at night, and there is no reference to the opening hours of the fitness club. Because all you need is your own body!
In general, for many bodyweight exercises, the load created by the force of gravity of the earth is sufficient. It is more than enough to become stronger, more resilient and healthier. Of course, you can use not only your body, but also the surrounding objects, such as a chair, wall, box, horizontal bar, and so on. However, in most cases, if everything is in order with your body, this is already enough. Although I do mostly calisthenics, I also use free weights.

How do you manage to stay motivated to exercise?
I set myself step by step realistic goals. I have taught myself that I can achieve anything if I really want to, and I challenge myself with every workout. Constancy is a mandatory element of development, without it there will be no motivation. I want to be in the best possible shape and this desire keeps me moving forward.

How much time do you usually spend exercising?
I usually work out six days a week for about two hours a day.

Can you share your training program?
Here is my training schedule:
* 30 power outs
* 100 regular push ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps incline dumbbell press
* 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell bench press
* 5 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups on the uneven bars
* 200 regular push ups
* 50 push-ups when arms are higher than legs
* 50 narrow grip push-ups
* 50 pushups when legs are higher than arms

* 30 power outs
* 100 overhand pull-ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps dumbbell rows
* 4 sets of 10 reps pullovers

* 50 overhand pull-ups
* 10 power outs
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets
* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 reps standing dumbbell press
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides while standing
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells to the sides in an inclination
* 100 twists
* 50 crossovers
* 50 intense crunches
* 2 minutes of scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second twist hold
* 15 crunches - 15 side crunches
* 15 leg raises - 3 sets
* Handstand practice till you drop
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training
* 30 power outs
* 50 underhand pull-ups
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions lifting the barbell for biceps on the bench
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting dumbbells with a hammer
* 4 sets of 10 reps of lifting dumbbells with a reverse grip hammer
* 100 dips
* 100 floor push ups
* 4 sets of 10 repetitions of the extension from behind the head
* 4 sets of 10 reps of the triceps extension on the block down with a reverse grip
* 20 slow pull ups
* 20 slow dips
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training
* 4 sets of squats with dumbbells
* 4 sets of 20 yard lunges
* 100 squats
* 4 sets of 10 pistol reps
* 4 sets of 10 reps straight leg deadlift
* 4 sets of 10 reps of standing leg raises
* 4 sets of 10 reps of sitting calf raises
* 100 standing calf raises
* 15 minutes - High Intensity Interval Training
* 100 twists
* 8 100m sprints
* 100 pull ups
* 100 floor push ups
* 100 dips
* 30 power outs
* 50 crossovers
* 50 intense crunches
* 2 minutes of lying scissors (3 sets)
* 60 second crunch hold (3 sets)

What type of cardio do you prefer and why?
From cardio loads, I prefer sprint resistance training. I'm not a fan of long distance running, but sprinting burns fat, builds legs, and also increases cardiovascular endurance with enough intensity in a short amount of time, which is why I add resistance.

How important is nutrition to you?
Healthy eating is extremely important! So important that I can't even enjoy my food in in public places. I prefer to eat homemade food because I know what ingredients are present in my food, it is important for me to understand this. One way or another, without proper nutrition, you will not be able to achieve good results. It is a fact.

What diet do you follow to be in great shape?
I'm a vegan, so I don't eat animal products. My diet is low in fat and contains many different superfoods. And when I try to reach my maximum, I limit my soda intake and eat more vegetables.

What is your diet?
My staples are quinoa, brown rice, lentils, beans, nuts, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, pasta, oatmeal, peanut butter, almond milk, olive oil, and coconut oil. Most of my meals consist of these products.

What is the most difficult exercise for you?
Inclined tiger bends.

Which athlete do you like?
Nathan Jackson (fitness athlete and model), he is an example that you can be very strong, healthy and build up muscle mass while being a vegan.

What are your goals for the future?
Keep training and develop your body to the limit. I know that my body is capable of more, and I continue to develop it, including with the help of my inner strength. I want to be an example, motivation and inspiration for everyone who wants to improve their health through veganism and achieve remarkable results in their work on their bodies. Maybe someday I'll be on the cover of a fitness magazine, who knows.

What three pieces of advice would you give to anyone who wants to get in great shape?
1. Regularity is the most important aspect on the way to progress. If you train regularly, then success will not be long in coming.
2. Nutrition. No matter how much or how hard you train, looking amazing is everything. proper nutrition, and only in the second - training.
3. High Intensity Interval Training - The best way to keep your metabolism high and put it into fat-burning mode. So be sure to include cardio in your workouts!

Why did you become a vegan?
Some time before the transition to veganism, I was already involved in sports, but then I could not even imagine that veganism can bring a person to such a high level in terms of physical abilities and general well-being. I had been doing calisthenics for about a year and a half when two of my buddies, who trained like me, told me about their vegan lifestyle. They both have incredible strength and excellent physical condition, and therefore, when I found out that they were vegans, it interested me very much, and I began to study this issue. I was told a lot about veganism and helped with the selection of a healthy vegan diet. After a few weeks, I felt a significant increase in energy. Stamina and recovery speed have risen to incredible levels. I became stronger, faster and stopped feeling tired and heaviness that I felt after eating dairy and meat products.
Initially, I was motivated to go vegan for health reasons, and the fact that veganism had a positive effect on the appearance and function of my body only reassured me that I was on the right track. Then came the understanding of other reasons for the transition, such as the violence against animals inherent in industrial agriculture. It opened my eyes to the truth about the unjust killing of animals for food and made me look back and think that all these years I didn't understand that animals deserve life - we don't have to consume them to be healthy or strong.

How hard was it for you to go vegan?
In general, it was not difficult, but there were obstacles in my way. I wasn't a vegetarian, so I switched to veganism straight away from eating meat. I was committed to eating healthy long before I went vegan, so I didn't eat much meat. It was easy for me to give up red meat, fish, and dairy products, since I rarely ate them. It was a little more difficult with chicken, turkey and eggs. At first, I lashed out at eating chicken or eggs. But over time, as my resolve grew stronger, I noticed that I liked the taste of this food less and less. Being able to choose from a wide range of vegan products helps me a lot and ensures that I always have healthy and tasty food on hand, no matter what happens.

What advice would you give to someone considering going vegan?
I would advise first of all to make the transition gradually with the knowledge that at some point you can break loose. To get started, study the food you will be eating, look at vegan recipes, and figure out what you can cook. But always remember that there is a reward ahead of you in terms of good health and a sense of knowing that you are helping the planet and not promoting animal cruelty and killing. There will be people, even among friends, who will make fun of you so that you understand that there is no benefit in going vegan. But the facts don't lie - people benefit from switching to a vegan diet.

Frank Medrano is one of the most popular bodybuilders. This fame is due to an unusual approach to training and working on your own body. Not every professional bodybuilder is able to give up anabolic drugs and various other hormonal drugs, thanks to which it will be possible to show high results.

Medrano managed to prove to the whole world that one can become truly strong without the help of foreign objects, for example, such as special simulators for working with kilograms of iron. Frank is an example for those who despaired of the pursuit of a beautiful athletic body and believes that it is too late for him to start all over again. In fact, everyone has the opportunity to train. The main thing is to find sufficient motivation within yourself and start moving towards your cherished goal.

Many sports fans think that in order to achieve high results, it is imperative to consume a large amount of meat products in food, because only in this way the body can quickly recover and get enough of additional energy. Actually it is not. Proof of this is the nutrition of Frank Medrano. He became an absolute vegetarian after he began to notice the positive effect on the body from such a diet. Thanks to his own experience, he can now confidently promote the consumption of plant foods even during strength training.

The biography of Frank Medrano is mainly based on sports, his whole life revolves around self-improvement and improving vital and strength indicators. At a young age, Frank was engaged athletics and performed pole vaulting. But then, as is usually the case, he abandoned this occupation and switched to the mode of philistine life. Years passed, the physical condition gradually worsened, health soon began to fail.

In order to break out of this routine, Frank Medrano at some point decided to radically change everything in his life. He was tired of getting tired so quickly, he was especially slow and weak, while many special diets did not solve the main tasks. What to say about the psychological state and self-esteem when Frank could not just undress in public and take off his shirt, because he was ashamed of the way he looked. All these problems at some point accumulated into one big tangle that needed to be unraveled as soon as possible. Then Frank decided that he no longer wanted to suffer from wrong actions and decisions, it was necessary to act in order to become faster, stronger and more courageous.

To improve his body, Frank Medrano opted for calisthenics - this is a special gymnastics designed to actively work out all muscle groups and joints using only your own weight. Such training can be carried out at any convenient time and under any circumstances, because all that is needed for this is the person himself. This allows you not only to constantly control the schedule of classes, but also to effectively use your time.

In order for the body to tone up, it is necessary to constantly set small goals for yourself, reaching which you can get as close as possible to your cherished dream. Frank always says there is no limit to perfection. When he sees his progress day by day, he feels that he can do something more, achieve better results. This approach allows you not to quit training and always have motivation. Having accustomed yourself to the fact that with a strong inner desire you can achieve absolutely everything, a feeling of self-confidence will come.

Frank Medrano Workout Program

The program is based on several rules. There are few of them, they are quite simple and understandable to everyone, even a novice athlete. By following these three prescriptions, you can already notice positive results quite soon:


One of the most important conditions. With short workouts, you can see only a little progress, or, without waiting for the results, give up halfway through. This decision is made by most of the new athletes, because it is difficult to continue to train when you do not see positive results. However, it must be understood that they will not exist if constancy is not observed. Only regular exercise can make the body fitter and stronger.

2. Proper nutrition

Even intense training must be combined with healthy and healthy nutrition otherwise there will be no result. Only the combination of these two factors can lead a person to achieve his goal. Frank Medrano is convinced that the most preferred diet is vegetarian, as it is not only loyal to the entire animal world, but also incredibly nutritious and healthy.

3. Interval training

Most effective method achieve the required results. Such high-intensity workouts can both strengthen cardiovascular system, and increase the metabolic rate and most effectively get rid of excess fat. Interval training can increase your endurance levels while keeping you interested and motivated while exercising.

The training program from Frank Medrano in .pdf format, you can download at this link: ""

Frank never rests on his laurels. He is always on the lookout for new opportunities to develop and improve his body. He considers the main goal to reach the limit of his own power characteristics. In addition, Frank Medrano considers it important to develop not only the outer shell, but also the inner content. The successful conversion of such a force will allow you to achieve harmony with the outside world and come to terms with nature. It is important for him to be good example for their followers, those who decided to practice calisthenics, while observing the rules of vegan nutrition.

Features of training Frank Medrano

Frank Medrano's workouts are based on the basics of calisthenics. This method has many advantages that attract beginner athletes. Unlike other areas, no inventory and other devices are used here. Work goes only with your own body and weight. In fact, at first glance, it seems that little good can come of such an undertaking. However, after the first full workout, you will notice a positive result. The level of endurance increases, the power parameters increase.

Calisthenics is the base for other sports activities. Frank Medrano claims that many of the exercises that he performs during his training will be useful not only in any other sport, but also in real life. All trainings are focused on the complex development of all muscle groups - squats, lunges, push-ups, jumps of various types and pull-ups. They can be performed anywhere: at home or on the street. In addition, there is no certain time when it is better to do calisthenics, that is, the training process can be conveniently adjusted to the general schedule of planned daily activities.

Such training can be started independently in the early stages. This is convenient, because there is no need to look for a partner who would monitor the safety of the exercises. In the process of calisthenics, it is not forbidden to use auxiliary items, for example, such as bars, benches, chairs, horizontal bars - everything that will help maintain balance or create an additional load. The main point here is the ability to train anytime and anywhere.

Frank Medrano prefers to mainly engage in calisthenics, he records his workouts on video and uploads them to the official video channel. Anyone can go to his page and view the tutorials. However, in addition to training with his own weight, Frank sometimes visits the gym, where he pulls barbells, tires and other weights. So he controls the process and performs more targeted exercises on individual groups muscles.

Vegetarianism by Frank Medrano

Since Frank Medrano is a vegetarian, his results seem even more incredible. Many people cannot fully comprehend how you can train your body so much without eating anything meat. In fact, until the age of 30, Frank, like everyone else, ate animal products and did not make any attempts to change his diet. This continued until he began to seriously engage in sports.

He first decided to become a vegetarian when he discussed the matter with friends who were also bodybuilders. They told in detail about all the nuances that must be observed by those who want to switch completely to a plant-based diet for the first time. Soon after the start of the consumption of such food, the first positive results began to be seen - the state of health improved, an influx of energy and strength appeared, it began to take less time to recover. After Frank felt all the delights of such nutrition, literally 3 months later, having gathered with his friends, they decided to found their own team, which to this day is engaged in the promotion of healthy vegetarian food among professional athletes.

Frank Medrano is an example of how to move towards your goal no matter what. Thanks to his great diligence, he was able to achieve such results that the whole world admires. At the moment, Frank is trying to spread his ideas of building a training process and motivate people so that they do not give up and always follow the set course, not deviating from the intended path.