Why is zoning called the most important method of geography. Territorial zoning Zoning as a kind of geographical systems

- (zoning) The process of territorial distribution of various types of economic activities by public authorities within their powers to manage land use. As a rule, with the help of zoning, residential, ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

zoning- me, cf. rayon m. German Rayonieren. new, official Administrative territorial division of the country into regions. R. areas. Ush. 1939. Action on value. ch. regionalize. Economic zoning of the country. Agro-climatic zoning. BASS 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

REGIONING, zoning, pl. no, cf. (neol. official). Administrative territorial division of the country into regions. Regionalization of regions. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Zoning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. zoning noun, number of synonyms: 4 zoning (1) ... Synonym dictionary

ROOM, roar, rue; this; owls. and nesov., that. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Administrative territorial. By February 1917, the territory of Petrograd was administratively divided into 12 police units (Admiralteyskaya, Aleksandro Nevskaya, Vasilievskaya, Vyborgskaya, Kazanskaya, Kolomenskaya, Liteynaya… St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

English division into districts; German Rayonierung; Gebietseinteilung. 1. The division of the country's territory into regions according to certain characteristics (natural, economic, administrative, political, national, etc.). 2. Distribution by individual districts. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

REGIONING- a set of actions to identify territorial differentiation and integration of the geographic shell or its section, as well as natural and socio-economic processes of interaction between society and nature. Ecological encyclopedic ... ... Ecological dictionary

zoning- System territorial division to the regions. Note The features by which districts are distinguished may be different in nature, in the breadth of coverage of features, and in the purpose of zoning. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] Topics main oil pipeline ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

zoning- Selection according to accepted criteria (both natural and anthropogenic) in the study area (water area) of areas in such a way that within their limits the phenomenon or process under consideration is sufficiently homogeneous, but noticeably different from ... ... Geography Dictionary


  • Climatic zoning of the territory of Russia. Poster, . Scale 1:6 000 000. Colored backgrounds on the map show climatic zones and climate types. For individual settlements - diagrams of the annual course of temperatures and precipitation. Art.…
  • Physical-geographical zoning of the territory of Russia. Poster, . Scale 1:6 000 000. Colored backgrounds on the map show plain and mountain landscapes, numbers indicate physical and geographical countries and regions. A solid red line in Roman numerals...

Any large object is difficult to study as a whole - it must be divided into parts. (Of course, having studied each part separately, you then have to “fold” them again in order to see the object in its unity.) So it is difficult to understand the geography of Russia “at once and all”, therefore the vast expanse of our country is traditionally divided into regions - regionalization is carried out.

The word "zoning" in Russian has two meanings: firstly, it is the process of dividing the territory into parts and, secondly, the result of this process is a grid of districts.

How can regionalization be carried out?

Remember how you had to divide the territory into parts, getting acquainted with the nature and population of Russia. For example, studying the relief, you learned that the territory of our country is divided into low-lying western and elevated eastern parts, and upon closer examination, you saw separate lowlands, uplands, and mountains. Studying the climate, you singled out several climatic zones, studying soils - various soil zones, etc. These were the divisions of the territory according to one of the components of nature. And the allocation of natural zones is already a division according to several criteria at the same time.

In economic geography, the division of the territory into parts that are homogeneous in any respect is also used, for example, into zones with the same set of cultivated crops, with similar occupations of the population, etc. But more often, economic regions are distinguished by connections, by the attraction of territories to each other .

Rice. 5. Such a different Russia

Our textbook will use both natural and economic zoning. At the same time, in order to show the interaction of nature, population and economy within a particular territory, we will use such a concept as a geographical area.

Geographic area- a historically developed territory, distinguished by the peculiarities of nature, population and economic specialization.

We will study such geographical areas as Central Russia, the European North, the North-West, the European South ( North Caucasus), the Volga region, the Urals, that is, the European part of Russia, as well as Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, that is, the Asian part of Russia.

Some of the geographic areas may include part of a natural area and several economic regions. For example, Central

Russia is the center of the East European Plain, uniting the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth economic regions.

The Ural geographical region includes part of the Ural natural region (Middle and Southern Urals) and coincides with the boundaries of the Ural economic region. And Eastern Siberia, on the contrary, unites two natural regions - Central Siberia and the belt of mountains of Southern Siberia.

Rice. 6. Natural regions of Russia

Compare two types of zoning of our country - natural and economic (economic). The boundaries of economic regions always coincide with the boundaries of the subjects of the Federation (any region or republic is included in only one region!), while the boundaries of natural regions do not coincide. At the same time, natural and economic regions sometimes bear the same names, for example, Western Siberia.

Rice. 7. Geographical and economic regions of Russia

  1. Compare the boundaries of natural, economic and geographical areas. Determine which natural and economic areas are included in each of the geographical areas.
  2. How do you think, how to explain that the boundaries of economic regions necessarily coincide with the boundaries of the subjects of the Federation, but the boundaries of natural regions do not coincide?
  3. How can one explain the fact that there are more economic regions on the East European Plain than in the Asian part of Russia?

What are the features of the administrative-territorial structure of Russia?

One of the types of zoning is administrative-territorial division, that is, the division of the country's territory into administrative units: regions, territories, districts, etc. Such a division is necessary for any modern state in order to collect taxes, maintain order, take care of education and healthcare, call up for military service, or at least just deliver mail.

At different periods of its history, our country was divided into very different parts. These were principalities, voivodeships, governorships, provinces, regions, territories, etc.

The modern administrative-territorial division of Russia - a consequence state structure our country. Russia is a federal state, consisting of 89 regions - subjects of the Federation (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Administrative-territorial division of Russia (2001)

In 2000, by decree of the President, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the federal government, all subjects Russian Federation were grouped into seven federal districts: Northwestern, Central, Volga, Southern, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern. The boundaries of federal districts do not always coincide with the boundaries of economic regions. The federal districts are headed by plenipotentiaries of the President, who must control compliance with Russian legislation, including bringing local laws (adopted in the region, republic, etc.) into line with federal ones.


Different types of zoning of the country's territory are carried out with different goals. One of the tasks is to highlight the specific features of a geographical area that distinguish it from others (according to geographic location, features of nature and resources, population, existing connections within the region and with other territories). On this basis, a holistic image of each region is created. A special type of zoning is an administrative-territorial division necessary for the existence of any state, especially such a huge one as Russia.

Questions and tasks

  1. What types of regionalization are discussed in the text? What tasks do they solve?
  2. Draw up a scheme of subordination of the administrative-territorial division of your district (from the street to the subject of the Federation).
  3. Find out what is the administrative-territorial division of other countries of the world, for example, the USA, Germany, France, India, China. What are the characteristics on which it is based? Compare it with the administrative-territorial division of Russia.
  4. Using the knowledge already gained about the nature and population of Russia, think about what areas you yourself would divide our country according to the features that seem significant to you.

uniform zoning. It is aimed at finding identical areas. Similar objects can be combined into one group in two ways - union and division, which, in general, corresponds to two methods of cognition - inductive and deductive.

The combination of territories similar in one or more characteristics allows us to distinguish synthetic districts; this type of division is called "zoning from below". It is used to study the geographic diversity of relatively small areas. Zoning "from below" begins with the choice of indicators, according to which the allocation, delimitation and understanding of areas will be carried out.

At "zoning from above"(selection analytical areas), carried out over vast territories, on a global scale, the existence and existence of regions is accepted a priori. The task of the researcher is reduced to the choice of features that most fully reflect the delimitation of areas and their further division.

The objects of homogeneous zoning in economic geography are units of administrative-territorial division, for which averaged statistical data are collected and published. When conducting professional research, absolute indicators are “weighted” taking into account the area of ​​​​territorial units or population.

With homogeneous zoning, districts can be distinguished both on the basis of one attribute ( one-sign zoning), and according to several features (multi-character zoning). If we carry out one-sign zoning, then, as a rule, there is one option for drawing the border.

If there are several signs of zoning, then there may be several options for placing borders. Suppose a researcher is faced with the task of identifying an area of ​​ecological disaster. It is possible to carry out zoning according to water pollution, it is possible according to soil pollution or according to the number of growth of diseases. The boundaries of the area allocated for water pollution will certainly not exactly coincide with the boundaries of the areas of soil pollution and the growth of diseases. Where will the epicenter of the ecological disaster be located? In this case, multi-sign zoning methods are used.

The “quality” of zoning, i.e., the compliance of the selected area with the set goals, largely depends on the choice of the most representative indicators. Based on them, a matrix of statistical data is compiled and analyzed. The so-called Moul's technique, according to which a series of maps is compiled for the study area with the boundaries of areas identified by one attribute, after which they are “imposed” on common ground. Where the boundaries coincide, a multi-attribute region stands out. Accounting for a large number of features and indicators makes it difficult to identify areas, since transition zones that are significant in area appear.

Nodal (or functional) zoning involves the allocation of areas depending on the intensity of economic ties within them. It reveals the spheres of influence of cities, transport hubs, and enterprises. Each nodal region has a core where all indicators and phenomena are clearly manifested. The intensity of the phenomenon decreases from the core to the periphery.

The boundaries of the district are located where the indicators take the minimum values. Therefore, the drawing of the actual boundaries when delimiting functional areas is not of significant importance: probable errors will not affect the characterization of the area.

Regional principles. The most important principle in solving the problems of practical zoning is its continuity, i.e., each object must be assigned to some class, and there should be no "white spots" in the grid of districts. The system of districts should cover objects of the same nature, i.e. it is impossible to include in one scheme such fundamentally different objects, such as animals and rivers, land and sea, kings and cabbages ... etc.

Regionalization must serve a specific purpose, which determines the set of features and the number of allocated areas. From right choice signs of zoning largely depends on the reliability of the final results. Firstly, signs should reflect the properties of the zoning objects themselves; secondly, among them it is important to choose most significant, according to which the territory should be divided. The indicators used for subdivisions at the "higher" levels should be more important for regionalization purposes than those used at the lower levels.

Borders between nodal regions are located where the properties of the regionalized phenomenon come to naught and pass into the properties of the adjacent region.

To identify the border between two nodal areas (market zones) are used gravity models.

If two market centers are of the same size (in terms of population, in terms of the total value of the goods and services offered), then the border between their spheres of influence will pass in the middle of the distance between them.

If the centers and their market zones are of unequal size, then the border will move towards the smaller center.

Let cities 1 and 2 be at distance D12 from each other and have market zones M1 and M2. В2 - turning point from the second city:

Zoning called the division of the territory or water area under study into parts (areas) that differ from each other and are somewhat homogeneous within themselves. In essence, zoning is a classification of territories according to some feature or a set of features. There are many signs, therefore, as well as classifications, there can be many zoning systems. The features by which areas are distinguished may be different in nature (natural or socio-economic), may be broad or narrow (for example, the amount of precipitation is a narrow feature, the climate is wider, more general). Zoning may differ in purpose: for example, it is possible to zone the territory for construction, for Agriculture, to present a training course, etc. If you need to study a territory or water area, they usually do preliminary zoning, which allows you to correctly build work, and the result of these works can be a new zoning that meets the goals of the study.

The more common feature is taken as the basis for the division of the territory or water area, the more difficult the zoning. That's why physical-geographical zoning, which must take into account many components of nature (it is never possible to take into account everything without exception), and economic-geographical zoning, which is based on accounting for many sectors of the economy at once, are the most complex types of zoning. Physical-geographical zoning - zoning of a territory or water area according to a complex of natural features. Economic-geographical zoning- zoning of the territory or water area according to a complex of economic features. As we have seen, some of the components of nature are zonal, others are azonal; in economic geography, some of the signs according to which zoning is carried out are directly related to natural conditions, while others are very indirectly. The components are interconnected very closely, but if you conduct zoning for each of them separately, then the boundaries will almost never coincide.

The largest parts of the land are given by nature itself - these are the continents. The most common and simplest division of land is into mountains and plains. On this basis, the largest units of physical and geographical zoning are distinguished, usually called physical-geographical countries. In Russia, for example, the following physiographic countries are usually distinguished:

Russian, or East European, plain,



mountains of southern Siberia,

Western Siberia,

Central and Eastern Siberia,

Far East.

Explanations are required for almost all the highlighted units. So, the Russian Plain extends beyond the borders of Russia into the Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. The Caucasus captures Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia is traditionally included in it, although by nature it is closer to Southwestern Asia; Russia includes only Ciscaucasia and the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus. According to a number of experts, the Urals should be considered together with Novaya Zemlya as a single Ural-Novaya Zemlya mountainous country. The mountains of Southern Siberia should be considered together with the mountains of Mongolia; the selection of this physical and geographical country excludes Altai from Western Siberia, which remains only the West Siberian Plain. Central Siberia is mainly the Central Siberian Plateau; Eastern Siberia goes far beyond its borders. Often in the theory of economic geography, Yakutia is included in the Far East region, which is incorrect from the standpoint of physical geography, since the features of Siberian nature are most pronounced in Yakutia; not without reason N.N. Baranski said that Yakutia is Siberia in Siberia. Finally, the Far East, not being sharply distinguished from the adjacent parts of Eastern Siberia in terms of relief and geological structure, is distinguished primarily by the fact that it is a basin Pacific Ocean with a characteristic monsoon climate and the flora and fauna determined by it.

Thus, already on the example of the largest physical-geographical units, we see that it is not always possible to strictly adhere to the criterion by which regions are distinguished; This is most noticeable in the example of the Far East.

Within each physical-geographic country, regions, districts, sometimes sub-regions and sub-regions are distinguished. For example, on the Russian Plain, it is convenient to distinguish regions by natural zones and subzones: tundra, taiga, mixed forests, etc. You can distinguish regions or regions by relief - the Timan Ridge, the Donetsk Ridge, the Oka-Don Lowland. In the mountains, it is possible to single out altitudinal belts instead of zones only if the territory is divided very fractionally: these belts are too narrow; mountain systems, ridges or groups of ridges, intermountain basins are usually taken as units included in a mountainous physical-geographical country.

The most widespread unit in economic and geographical zoning is a country, a state, since often historical conditions, political regime predetermine a significant difference in the composition and distribution of the population, in the economy, in the general level of development of countries with similar natural conditions. Regional units of higher and lower ranks are also used.

Despite the complexity, one must still try within the same rank (region, district) to maintain a single sign, according to which the zoning is carried out.

Regionalization can be arbitrarily fractional; one can, for example, explore small plot the earth's surface, making its map on a large scale, within the ravine, to distinguish slopes differing in vegetation - shaded and illuminated by the sun.



the process and result of the division of the territory into areas or identifying, isolating and delimiting ranges in any environment. Zoning is always accompanied by specific goals - from the convenience of research and display of the studied phenomena to the solution of applied problems of administrative-territorial division, management, impact on the economy in directive or indicative planning, regional policy, etc.
Zoning is also a way of differentiating a single measure for existing territorial units, taking into account their specifics, for example. regionalization of grades of page - x. crops, prices and taxes, wages, etc. Zoning is divided into private and general. At private any one leading feature is used: a component of the natural environment or a type of activity (a branch of the economy). At general zoning - a combination of features that makes it possible to distinguish complex or integral districts according to characteristic combinations of natural or social features. The result is a network of districts, reflecting the specifics of the area being zoned and the hierarchy of geosystems inherent in the territorial organization. At the same time, the districts of both one and different levels hierarchies must meet predetermined typological and classification characteristics.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


See what "zoning" is in other dictionaries:

    The division of a territory or water area into parts (districts) that differ from each other and are somewhat homogeneous within themselves. Contents 1 Types of regionalization 2 Allocate 3 ... Wikipedia

    - (zoning) The process of territorial distribution of various types of economic activities by public authorities within their powers to manage land use. As a rule, with the help of zoning, residential, ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    zoning- me, cf. rayon m. German Rayonieren. new, official Administrative territorial division of the country into regions. R. areas. Ush. 1939. Action on value. ch. regionalize. Economic zoning of the country. Agro-climatic zoning. BASS 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    REGIONING, zoning, pl. no, cf. (neol. official). Administrative territorial division of the country into regions. Regionalization of regions. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Zoning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. zoning noun, number of synonyms: 4 zoning (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    ROOM, roar, rue; this; owls. and nesov., that. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Administrative territorial. By February 1917, the territory of Petrograd was administratively divided into 12 police units (Admiralteyskaya, Aleksandro Nevskaya, Vasilievskaya, Vyborgskaya, Kazanskaya, Kolomenskaya, Liteynaya… St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    English division into districts; German Rayonierung; Gebietseinteilung. 1. The division of the country's territory into regions according to certain characteristics (natural, economic, administrative, political, national, etc.). 2. Distribution by individual districts. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

    REGIONING- a set of actions to identify territorial differentiation and integration of the geographic shell or its section, as well as natural and socio-economic processes of interaction between society and nature. Ecological encyclopedic ... ... Ecological dictionary

    zoning- The system of territorial division into districts. Note The features by which districts are distinguished may be different in nature, in the breadth of coverage of features, and in the purpose of zoning. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] Topics main oil pipeline ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    zoning- Selection according to accepted criteria (both natural and anthropogenic) in the study area (water area) of areas in such a way that within their limits the phenomenon or process under consideration is sufficiently homogeneous, but noticeably different from ... ... Geography Dictionary


  • Climatic zoning of the territory of Russia. Poster, . Scale 1:6 000 000. Colored backgrounds on the map show climatic zones and climate types. For individual settlements - diagrams of the annual course of temperatures and precipitation. Art.…
  • Physical-geographical zoning of the territory of Russia. Poster, . Scale 1:6 000 000. Colored backgrounds on the map show plain and mountain landscapes, numbers indicate physical and geographical countries and regions. A solid red line in Roman numerals...