Diode lamps are lit after switching off. LED lamp stays on after turning off

You are far from the first to wonder why LED lamps glow after being turned off. In fact, such a phenomenon can be called normal and does not cause danger. However, this is not enough. Therefore, in this article we will analyze all the existing causes of such a consequence.

Such behavior on the part of LED emitters often causes not only bewilderment, but also acts irritably. In addition, regular flickering will quickly disable the device. Therefore, before finding out the reasons, we will understand how the lamp works.

LEDs are powered by direct current, which passes through the capacitor and acquires optimal value for a light bulb. In some cases, even when the switch is off, you can notice the glow of the lamp. The voltage on the capacitor can appear for any reason.

The device of the LED lamp is never the same, since each individual manufacturer provides a different layout and scheme for creating a device. However, the overall effect of the device remains the same. The mandatory components of LED lamps are: a base, a driver, a radiator, a board with sources that emit light and a bulb.

When a voltage is connected to a light bulb, a chaotic movement of electrons occurs, which, colliding with each other, form holes, as a result of which a bright glow occurs. Thus, even if the minimum amount of current penetrates to the semiconductor, it will glow or blink in the off state, so it is advisable to figure out the reasons for what is happening.

What causes LED lights to flicker?

Consider a number of factors that cause the glow LED fixture in disabled state:

Attention! If LED lamp connected to a switch with backlight - the backlight must be turned off. In this case, the network will open and the current will stop flowing to the capacitor.

The device of energy-saving lamps and the causes of their flicker

Why is it flickering Powersave lamp after shutdown - a banal, but rather sore point. This frightens someone, others simply try not to pay attention to the device so as not to worry.

A fluorescent lamp, like an LED source, operates from a small amount of direct current. The rectifier, which reduces the voltage for the lamp, is located right inside the structure. There is also a capacitor, which is the reason for the regular glow of the light bulb even when the switch is off.

In connection with the massive penetration into our lives of new economical energy-saving light sources, the principle of which is based on the light glow of a semiconductor LED, some people have questions related to the operation of these lighting devices. Let's look at one of those questions below.
The essence of the question will be as follows - why do the LED lamps glow when the switch is off? It’s really very interesting how, for example, after buying an LED lamp or a chandelier in which, in addition to the lamps, decorative LEDs are installed, all this economy starts to glow with a barely noticeable light and it doesn’t matter, but it only glows when the switch is off. It seemed that, in principle, this should not be. Those who are familiar with electricians know that in electrical circuit there are two main conductors, zero and phase, between which there is a voltage of 220 volts. And if there is no contact in the circuit (the switch is open), naturally there is no voltage and the lamp should not glow. But this was the case with incandescent lamps, but here is a different case. For those who are really interested, let's briefly turn to the principle of operation of the LED.
The LED is a semiconductor element, the glow of which occurs as a result of passing a current of a certain value through the junction of two different metals. Note that it is CURRENT, since any electrical circuit is characterized, firstly, by the voltage arising between the phase and neutral conductors, as well as by the current flowing in the circuit when any load is connected. Now we return to our example again and begin to analyze, if the glow causes a current, where does it come from in the circuit in which the switch is turned off? Here comes the moment of insight. We look carefully at our switch. Many will say nothing unusual, a switch is like a switch. But some will notice that there is a luminous light in it, which indicates the location of the switch in the dark. So it is in it that the whole mystery lies with the glow in the lamps of LED lamps or additional decorative LEDs. Since the operation of this light bulb that illuminates the switch requires voltage, it is connected in the switch in parallel to open contacts. That is, it turns out that in the electrical circuit, even when the switch is off, a current of a certain amount flows through this backlight, the presence of which causes, albeit weak, but still the glow of our LEDs and lamps in a chandelier or lamp. In order to eliminate this drawback, if it bothers someone, you must either replace the switch with one that does not have a backlight, or remove (turn off) the backlight in the switch that is already standing.
That, in principle, is the whole solution to this issue. If you have at least minimal skills in electrical engineering, then you can certainly do everything yourself. If not, it's best to contact a professional.

At the moment, LED lamps have gained particular popularity among many people. They show a long service life, are characterized by low energy consumption and create high-quality light. However, sooner or later, problems occur with such lighting fixtures, and our subscribers often ask the question: what if the LED lamp glows after being turned off? In this article, we decided to analyze possible reasons and tell you how to solve the problem yourself.

Causes of the LED glowing in the off state

In fact, now there are many reasons why the LED lamp can burn after being turned off. It can burn dimly, flicker or shine at full power. There are several main reasons:

What causes the glow of the LED lamp after turning off

As a rule, many people are afraid that the light in the off state can cause harm. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this, since it does not harm the wiring. The only problem is the lamp life, which will definitely be reduced.

Pay attention! There is another common reason - this is an incorrect driver assembly. It is rather difficult to fix such a problem now. Therefore, buying Chinese lamps now is quite controversial.

There is also a problem with incorrect connection of light sources. There is a lot of information here, but this problem is extremely rare. To understand its causes and solutions, we recommend watching the following video.

How to solve a problem

  • Try installing a different lamp. As a rule, this always helps. For example, if a Chinese lamp is installed, put a quality one in its place. If the problem persists, you will have to look for the causes.
  • If you have an outlet with an indicator installed, then to solve the problem, simply disconnect the wire that powers the backlight. This is not at all difficult to do, you disassemble the switch and cut the wire. If you cannot find the wire, then you will have to completely change the switch.
  • If the lamp is on, but no reason is suitable, then you will have to look for current leakage in the wiring. Here you have to do great job, but we examined all this in detail in the article:.

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of reasons why the LED lamp is on in the off state now. But, you can fix them yourself. If you have any questions or problems, write comments, we will be happy to answer everything.

We also recommend watching this video to help solve the problem.

Many people are familiar with the moment of residual glow of LEDs when they replace standard lamps in interior ceiling lights, for example, although it can also occur in other places. This refers to the glow at half-glow or even less after the backlight is turned off. In principle, this is not a big problem - the consumption of diodes is so small that even in a fully turned on state, the diode will "land" the battery, which can be the main reason for the fight against afterglow, very soon. And the glow is incomplete, all the more means a small consumption. In the dark, when driving, the glow can interfere with the driver if the cover is located close enough to the front of the roof. Passengers are not so important, on the contrary - you can see where the ceiling is, if you suddenly need to turn it on. The diode in the trunk light behaves in the same way, but IMHO it glows more strongly when it is turned off, although it is possible that these are just perception features, I looked into the trunk from the passenger compartment quite recently and noticed just the afterglow.
All these nuances take place only on cars that are not very old, where even the interior lighting circuits already have some control elements. Not necessarily a CAN bus, this is not the same bus, because the "comfort block" is responsible for all the comfort elements - this is its essence, and the names may differ. After all, the bus only "decides" - when to turn it on / off, and the command is executed by a certain driver - a cascade of a field device or a relay, which is already a little outdated, but on the other hand, there have been "solid-state" relays for a long time, the essence is the same keys, there are no contacts and coils anymore . On machines without lamp health monitoring and generally without extra ties to the comfort block and so on, everything is simpler - put anything in the ceiling - everything just lights up and goes out, as usual.
Smooth on / off is another problem, and it is solved differently. For example, on our Scenics, this problem simply does not exist - the diodes light up perfectly smoothly and smoothly go out without modifications. For some, this does not work out, and when replacing lamps with diodes, smooth on / off disappears. Liyano, I don’t consider this a problem, it’s more important just to turn off the backlight, this is IMHO useful.
There are ready-made diode assemblies for every taste, made in the form factor of a standard lamp, with which we replace the lamps without the slightest difficulty with connection and installation. There are also those that allow you to "deceive" smart electronics, which will continue to think that the good old lamp is in the circuit. Sometimes this is very important - in the Fabia's rear license plate illumination circuit, my diodes blinked simply, a terrible sight)) But there I managed to turn off the lamp health check. However, there this control really controlled and on MAXIDOT I immediately saw if one of the two lamps burned out, and even which of the two, if I remember correctly. This is not needed in the interior lighting - I myself will immediately see a burned-out lamp / diode. Not every lamp can be replaced with impunity by a diode assembly, sometimes this is fraught with damage to the control unit (comfort), there have been cases. But this is a long conversation, and a separate topic, perhaps.
Let's return to our rams Scenic))
I myself change the lamps to diodes already in the car for a simple reason - it’s lighter for me with them. It is so much lighter that it is more comfortable to live. In the car, I sometimes spend a lot of time, in a variety of weather conditions and at different times of the day. Therefore, it is important for me to really get normal light. A side, or secondary in this case, effect is less power consumption. The assemblies that I have installed in the shades have a power consumption of about 1 watt each assembly, while one lamp is 5 watts. There is even more light from the diodes, plus it is whiter, which is good in this case, although usually excessively white light, like xenon, or daytime meeting lamps at home / at work, only tire more yellow light. But here the border is already blurred - no longer yellow, which is not quite sufficient, and not yet white, which hurts the eye too much.
In order for the LED assemblies installed in the interior and trunk lights to not glow slightly when turned off, you just need to solder the resistors. One in the ceiling lamp - they are all three, and there are three of them on the Grande, in the same circuit, so one resistor is enough. One in the trunk light. According to different versions, you can use a resistor with a nominal value of 500 Ohm - 1.5 kOhm. More denomination - only better, almost no current through the resistor, and we don’t need current through the resistor. I had neither the time, nor the desire, nor the resistors themselves to select a specific value, but buying for this is beautiful, but not necessary. I had several ratings in stock, I intended to use 1.2 kΩ or 2.2 kΩ. The second denomination perfectly helps from all problems.
The trunk light is pulled out quite simply, it will work for everyone. On the ceiling, I chose the rearmost ceiling - it seemed to me more convenient. It is actually removed with bare hands, even without a screwdriver. It is important to pull the desired side first - the side opposite the buttons on the ceiling. We pull the side "without buttons" down, "from the ceiling", the second side will then come out by itself, there the hooks are longer, along the ceiling. Installation in reverse order.

To date LED lamps have become the most popular light sources and there are many explanations for this: they are economical, fireproof, have the longest service life and also create the most comfortable lighting for the eyes. However, as with other alternative light sources, LEDs have their own problems. The most common is when the LED lamp glows after being turned off. The reasons for this phenomenon and ways to eliminate the glow, we examined in this article.

An overview of the causes of the glow

What should I do if the LED lamp is on? There are several reasons why after turning off lighting device The LED lamp continues to burn, even if it is dim or weak:

Is this glow dangerous? For wiring, this problem does not pose any danger, however, the service life LED light bulbs will be noticeably reduced if they are constantly flashing or dimly lit.

If the switching device is in the off position, and the emitter still glows and burns, then it is best to check the last three factors first. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to find a section that is weak in insulation in electrical wiring.

In order to do this, it is necessary to create special conditions, as a result of which the circuit is supplied with high voltage for a breakdown to occur. The section of the circuit, due to which the lighting element glows after the switch is turned off, will need to be opened. At the same time, if the electrical wiring was laid in a hidden way, then the opening will damage the integrity of the wall.

It is important to know! There are a lot of situations where when you connect LED light sources to a backlit switch, they function differently. This is due to the fact that the lighting element, which is installed in the switching device, closes the circuit, respectively, passes a small current. That's just what it charges and allows the light bulb to glow when the switch is off.

Another problem why the LED lamp glows in the dark is the cheapness of the product. If a poor quality LED bulb was purchased, this can also lead to similar phenomenon. This is due to the fact that there is some kind of error in the board. But it also happens that the emitter burns dimly due to the fact that it has its own peculiarity in the functioning of the structure.

We are talking about the processes that take place in capacitors at the moment a load is applied to the lighting element. When electricity passes through the circuit, the capacitor accumulates energy, and then, after the load is stopped, it continues to maintain the glow in the elements.

Another fairly common reason for LED lamps to glow when the switch is off is improper connection. You can learn more about this from the video:

How to fix the problem?

If the LED lamp is on when the light is off, how to fix it? Solutions are different. It all depends on the nature of the problem itself. For example:

  1. A cheap low-quality LED lamp always glows in the dark after it is turned off. To fix this problem, you need to replace it with quality products from a trusted manufacturer.
  2. If the lighting element is lit due to the fact that a backlit switch is used, then this problem can be solved in different ways. For example, the easiest way out is to change the switch in the house to a regular one, without lighting. You can simply cut off a certain wire that powers the backlight. This can be done after the switching device has been opened. But there is another way out - to maintain such a function, it is enough to put a resistor in parallel on a certain section of the electrical circuit.
  3. If the LED light is on and the reason is in the wiring, then it will be extremely difficult to solve such a problem. To eliminate it, it is necessary to find the place of current leakage. But this can lead to certain difficulties. But when the light is turned off, the bulbs will not burn. We talked about that in a separate article. There is another way, more simple. When the lighting element is lit, it is necessary to connect a load (relay, incandescent lamp or resistor) in parallel with it. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that the resistance in the connected load must be lower than in the light emitter. And as a result, the leakage current will go to this load, but due to the fact that the resistance is insignificant, it will not glow.

Another effective method eliminate the glow of LED bulbs - add a capacitor to the circuit. This is explained in detail in the video tutorial:

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