Cla fats. Conjugated linoleic acid: properties, side effects and contraindications. Conjugated linoleic acid: instructions for use

CLA is produced naturally in grazing animals. Cows and other ruminants such as goats and deer have a unique enzyme in digestive system, which transforms omega-6 fatty acids found in plants into conjugated linoleic acid. After that, it is deposited in the muscle tissues of animals and milk.

There are many different forms of CLA, but the most important are c9, t11 (cis-9, trans-11) and t10, c12 (trans-10, cis-12).

C9, t11 are most commonly found in foods, while the t10, c12 forms are most commonly found in CLA supplements and are associated with weight loss. T10, c12 are also present in foods, but in small amounts.

From the term "trans" it follows that this fatty acid is technically a trans fat. But those found in meat and dairy products are quite different from the industrially produced artificial trans fats found in baked goods and fast food.

Artificial trans fats are closely intertwined with heart disease, and natural ones are considered to be beneficial to humans.

CLA is not an essential fatty acid, so it is not necessary to include it in the diet to maintain health. However, many people take dietary supplements containing it in order to achieve their goals.

The effectiveness of CLA for weight loss

Various studies have analyzed the effect of CLA on fat burning in animals and humans. According to the data obtained, its fat-burning potential is much greater in animals.

As the study showed, fat burning in animals occurs due to an increase in the number of special enzymes and proteins involved in the process of fat breakdown. Another study in mice showed that dietary intake of CLA for 6 weeks reduced body fat 70% more than placebo. It also prevents weight gain.

A study in pigs has shown that the reduction in stored fat is dose dependent. That is, the increased content led to a decrease in fat gain.

These revealing findings prompted scientists to study its fat-burning effects in humans, but the resulting benefits were few.

A human study found that CLA had very little effect on weight loss. A review of 18 human studies looked in detail at the effects of this acid on weight loss. It turned out that those who took 3.2 g per day lost an average of 0.05 kg per week. Although such data was considered significant, this result is equivalent to less than half a kilogram per month.

Several other studies have also examined the effects of CLA on weight loss in humans. A revision of one of these studies allowed us to assess the long-term perspective of fat burning in overweight and obese subjects. The scientists concluded that with a daily intake of 2.4-6 g for 6-12 months, body fat can be reduced by 1.33 kg. Similar to the previous findings, this loss is relatively small compared to placebo.

Additional research has shown that CLA has mixed and impractical fat-burning benefits, even when combined with exercise. According to the current study, it has minimal impact on weight loss in both the short and long term, in addition to potential side effects.

CLA supplements can cause harm

The safety of these dietary supplements has been debated for a long time. Although some studies show no negative impact, most of them say otherwise.

In two meta-analyses, CLA intake was associated with an increase in C-reactive protein, which indicates the presence of inflammatory processes. On the one hand, inflammation great importance to combat potentially harmful pathogens and initiate tissue repair when scratched or cut. On the other hand, chronic inflammation causes a number of diseases, including obesity, cancer, and heart disease.

Moreover, another meta-analysis has shown that CLA intake is associated with a significant increase in liver enzymes, leading to inflammation or damage to the liver.

However, its preparation from natural sources does not cause adverse reactions. This is because the CLA in supplements is different from that naturally produced.

conjugated linoleic acid, isolated from meat and dairy products, 75-90% consists of the c9, t11 form, while more than 50% of its content in additives includes the t10, c12 form. For this reason, CLA in supplement form has a different health impact. From a safety point of view, it is not recommended to take it in large quantities or for a long period.

A safer approach to getting this acid is to include more foods that contain it in your diet. While it won't provide weight loss benefits, increasing your CLA levels from natural sources may lead to other positive outcomes.

How to get CLA from food

Several studies have shown that people who get CLA from food reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer.

Dairy products are the main source of this acid, but it is also found in the meat of ruminants. Its concentration is usually expressed in milligrams per gram of fat.

The list of foods with the highest content of linoleic acid includes:

There are many ineffective fat-burning supplements on the market, and CLA is one of them according to research. It has a spectacular effect on animals, but it does not extend to humans. Also, the slight weight loss that can occur with CLA does not justify the potential side effects.

As a safer alternative, include more CLA-rich foods such as dairy or beef in your diet and avoid supplements.

Friends, today our topic will be CLA sports nutrition - not very popular, but incredibly functional! It is known that in the modern world, athletes, pursuing the highest goals, resort to the use of a large number of a wide variety of supplements. Let's be honest: not all of them are natural, which is why many start looking for just natural ingredients that can stimulate muscle growth or burn fat. In this regard, I would like to talk about one of the most useful and most dynamically studied members of the fatty acid family called CLA. You may have already heard about its miraculous properties, but it never hurts to learn more about such a popular and effective supplement. Well, are you ready to replenish your cognitive reserves? If yes, then go ahead!

What is CLA in sports nutrition?

Let's generally understand that this is CLA sports nutrition. So, CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, which belongs to natural fatty acids. This nutrient, according to the information of a number of special experiments, has a beneficial effect on the absorption by the body of all known proteins, as well as fats. In addition, adding CLA to the diet as an additional supplement has a beneficial effect on the development of the figure. So, experts say that this acid significantly reduces the percentage of adipose tissue, promotes the growth of dry body weight, has anti-cancer properties, stimulates the immune system, and also strengthens cardiovascular system preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Interesting fact! Conjugated linoleic acid began to gain its popularity back in 1987. Then scientists from the University of Wisconsin managed to prove the biological activity of fatty acids. Then the anticarcinogenic properties of KLA were also discovered. Beef meat extract has also been studied, the use of which, according to the data obtained, reduced the risk of tumors by 20%. These substances that fought cancer were just the natural fatty acids CLA. After all this, KLA sports nutrition began to be actively used in bodybuilding.

Effects obtained from taking this drug:

  • Decrease in fat mass;
  • Increase in muscle mass;
  • Accelerated recovery after training;
  • Anti-catabolic effect;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Excellent antioxidant;
  • Reducing the risk of developing various tumor diseases;
  • High level of additive safety.

CLA study on fat burning in two groups:

From all of the above, we can conclude: CLA - indispensable assistant in the desire to regulate your weight - to get rid of excess fat and gain quality mass. In addition to all this, the drug is endowed with a whole host of other incredibly useful properties that many will envy. vitamin complexes. It is also worth pointing out that the acid in question does not belong to the class of stimulants. Therefore, its use is absolutely safe for both men and the beautiful half of humanity.

KLA sports nutrition for mass gain

As we have already said, KLA fatty acids are excellent for helping in the process of mass gain. According to studies, if you take this supplement every day in certain quantities, then the overall strength indicators will increase one and a half times, and the increase in dry muscle mass observed after five weeks of drug use. Also, experts say that taking CLA helps to ensure muscle growth by an average of 1% per week, while working on burning subcutaneous fat. At the same time, the total weight can remain unchanged: the amount of fat will decrease, and muscle mass will increase.

All this is achieved as a result of the fact that linoleic acid greatly inhibits the destruction of muscle tissue during the process of catabolism. Experts say: if you managed to provide yourself with an anti-catabolic effect, that is, to minimize the impact of adverse hormones on the body, then the increase in protein production will increase significantly. This muscle growth will be quite significant. And the use of CLA in tandem with other products that fight catabolism provides an incredible synergistic effect. That is why this type of fatty acid is so popular among top level athletes today.

Sports nutrition CLA for burning fat

Let's take a look at how CLA affects the fat burning process? Long-term and multiple experiments have shown that the supplement in question can significantly facilitate the process of weight loss for people struggling with obesity. It is especially suitable for those who want to achieve proportions and a noticeable relief.

If you look at the properties of other fatty acids, you will notice that they are all excellent helpers for getting rid of subcutaneous fat. Today, experts in the field of sports supplements are sure: linoleic acid must be in the diet of any athlete, even those who are not obese, but simply lead an active lifestyle. A natural addition to the general diet.

Here, as in the issue of mass gain, it is also appropriate to talk about a synergistic effect. Several reputable American bodybuilding magazines pointed out in their pages that the use of KLA in combination with green tea extract, which is known to be one of the most effective fat-fighting ingredients, gives an incredibly strong effect in a short period of time. In addition, linoleic acid forms just a bomb duet along with caffeine.

The mechanism of fighting fat with CLA is very simple: it simply prevents fat cells from accumulating in the body, stimulating it to immediately use them as the main source of energy.

As you can see, the mechanism of the fight against excess weight of KLA is very simple, but from this it does not lose its effectiveness at all. Moreover, the popularity of this supplement all over the world is only growing every day. Agree, it was impossible to deserve such wide attention of the public just like that.

Best Sports Nutrition CLA

Not every complex of fatty acids works properly. The fact is that many manufacturers add a huge proportion of low-grade fat and a minimal percentage of CLA to the capsule. We decided to offer you an option that we have tested in our experience and that deserves good feedback our buyers:

How to take CLA

There is certainty in the question of taking the drug in question. Thus, the recommended daily intake of CLA is 3 grams. This amount is enough to achieve the maximum effect, even when you take large dosages.

Let's say right away: it is very, very problematic to get such an amount of conjugated linoleic acid from just food. That is why it is recommended to take this drug in the form of supplements. In most cases, manufacturers indicate recommendations for use: one capsule three times a day.

We believe that there are no more gaps in the question of how to take CLA sports nutrition, because everything is very clear here. Once again, we want to draw your attention to the fact that this supplement will help you not only take the upper hand in a difficult battle with fat and gain quality mass, but also completely heal your body, providing it with reliable support for a long time.

We hope that this article was useful to you. Well, if we still could not convince you, then just test the work of CLA for yourself, making sure of its incredible effect. We wish you big scales and huge cans! Good luck.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a combination of various isomers of linoleic acid, primarily positional and geometric isomers, found predominantly in dairy products and meat. CLA is one of those supplements that many people have heard of but no one really knows. Recent research has shown that CLA has a number of benefits for bodybuilders and other athletes. The uniqueness of conjugated linoleic acid also lies in the fact that this compound is present in products of plant and animal origin; at concentrations close to human consumption levels, CLA has anti-cancer effects.

General information and useful properties

Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a slightly modified form of lipoic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid that plays an important role in maintaining human health. Omega-6 fatty acids are obtained from food, mainly from meat and dairy products. Therefore, CLA is found in meat and dairy products.

Scientific interest in CLA first arose in 1988, when a researcher at the University of Wisconsin discovered its anti-cancer properties in experiments with hamburger-fed rats. CLA is not produced in the human body, but is obtained from foods such as whole milk, butter, beef, and lamb.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a powerful antioxidant, anticarcinogen, anticatabolic, and immune system stimulant. KLA assists in burning fat, building and maintaining lean muscle, and fighting cancer.

Some of the most commonly purported benefits of CLA supplements include:
Increases the metabolic rate. This is definitely a plus for any athlete looking to reduce weight and improve body composition.
Enhances muscle growth. Muscle burns fat, also contributing to an accelerated metabolism. This is beneficial for weight loss and optimization.
Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Since many people today have elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, even with treatment, this property may play an important role for people with high cholesterol levels.
Reduces insulin resistance. Reducing insulin resistance has been shown to help prevent adult-onset diabetes and improve weight management.
Reduces the risk of food allergic reactions. Because food allergies can be a factor that makes weight loss difficult, CLA can help.
Strengthens the Immune System – Due to the huge number of bacteria and the weak immune system in modern people, stimulating the immune system to work properly can be an advantage for everyone.

CLA supplements have been found to optimize the body's lean/fat ratio, reduce fat deposition, especially in the abdomen, and enhance muscle growth. This effect is achieved by increasing insulin sensitivity, when fatty acids and glucose are able to pass through the membranes of muscle cells, away from adipose tissue. The result is a better muscle/fat ratio.

There is strong evidence that CLA improves metabolic function and reduces body fat. The unique mechanism by which this fatty acid provides disease protection makes CLA important element in any nutritional supplement program.

As a rule, today people are deficient in CLA, which is associated with changes in livestock feeding practices. Since CLA is predominantly ingested from meat and dairy products, changes in the way livestock are fed may have resulted in a decrease in the amount of CLA in these products.
For optimal CLA production, cows should be pasture-grazed and not artificially fed on feedlots. Research has shown that grass-fed cows have approximately four times the amount of CLA in meat compared to otherwise fed cows. Modern dairy products contain only one-third of the amount of CLA found before 1960.
Of course, CLA is not a panacea in the fight against obesity. However, CLA deficiency may play a role. A number of animal studies have shown that dietary supplementation with CLA leads to a leaner, more muscular body. For example, in a 1996 study, the amount of fat in mice given CLA supplements was reduced by 58%.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a study confirming the anti-cancer properties of CLA. Bodybuilders use CLA to inject glucose into muscle cells, which can enhance the anabolic effect. Dieters can use this same sugar-burning mechanism to prevent the conversion of serum glucose into fat.

CLA is similar in chemical structure to linoleic acid. However, in several important areas, CLA exhibits opposite properties. For example, lipoic acid stimulates the formation of fat in adipose tissue, known as "lipogenesis", while CLA, as studies show, suppresses it. Another difference lies in the formation of tumors: linoleic acid promotes the growth of tumors, while CLA is an inhibitor of the process of tumor formation.

Finally, another difference is that linoleic acid makes it more susceptible to oxidation, while CLA makes it more stable. Due to the enormous impact that fatty acids have on our body, an excess of linoleic acid combined with a deficiency of CLA can have far-reaching consequences for human health and longevity.


Recently, CLA has appeared in the form of concentrated food additive, which was attributed many useful properties. CLA has been claimed to help burn fat, build muscle, and fight cancer. Although a number of promising studies have been carried out over the past few decades, they have predominantly involved small animals. However, there have been a few human studies as well.

In an interesting study published in December 2000, a group of Swedish scientists reported that CLA burned fat while increasing muscle mass. The overweight and obese people in this study experienced a decrease in body fat when taking 3.4 g of CLA per day for 64 days. However, none of the participants experienced weight loss. Many people have complained about nausea and have found it difficult to take 12 CLA capsules a day. Only 47 of 60 participants completed the study.

Another study published in December 2000 in the Journal of Nutrition showed that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue. According to the organizer of the project, in the experimental group, the average reduction in body fat was 6 pounds, compared with the placebo group. The study found that a dose of about 3.4 g per day. Dr. Michael Parisa, who did research on CLA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told the American Chemical Society in August 2000 that “CLA does not shrink fat cells. CLA prevents their increase.”

In Dr. Parise's study, none of the 71 obese people experienced weight loss. However, the researcher found that after stopping the diet, people who took CLA were more likely to gain muscle mass rather than fat.

Another study conducted at Purdue University, Indiana found that CLA increases insulin levels in about two-thirds of diabetic patients and also slightly lowers blood glucose and triglyceride concentrations.

In another large study, scientists from Norway observed a group of healthy overweight men and women. Participants were given 1.7 g, 3.4 g, 5.1 g, or 6.8 g of CLA per day. In all groups, there was a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. However, this effect was most pronounced in the last two groups. In addition, all groups saw decreases in blood fat and cholesterol levels.

Further, Swedish scientists observed 25 men aged 39-64 years for 4 weeks and found that those who took 4.2 g of conjugated linoleic acid per day, waist circumference decreased by an average of 1.4 cm.

In another double-blind study, people participated in a physical training program in which they received 600 mg of CLA or a placebo three times a day for 12 weeks. Compared to placebo, when taking CLA, there was a decrease in the percentage of fat, but body weight did not change significantly.

In a study in obese people, CLA supplementation at 4.2 g per day for four weeks resulted in a small but statistically significant reduction in waist circumference. However, compared to placebo, CLA did not promote weight loss. To date, there is insufficient evidence that CLA can be used to treat obesity.

Animal studies suggest that CLA supplementation reduces body fat. In a limited-control human study, CLA supplementation at 5.6-7.2 grams per day was found not to significantly increase muscle size and strength in both experienced and inexperienced strength athletes. Animal studies also show that CLA limits allergic food reactions, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and improves glucose tolerance. As far as cancer research is concerned, the effect of CLA on this disease in humans remains unclear.

Despite a number of studies with positive data on CLA, there are also a large number of newer work that did not show any real benefits of CLA supplementation as discussed previously.

For example, in a study of experienced strength athletes who took 6 g of CLA per day, there were no significant positive changes in total body weight, lean mass, fat mass, % body fat, bone mass, strength, serum substrates, or total markers of catabolism and immunity during exercise. Previously, a 3-month study showed no significant improvement in body weight optimization after weight loss. However, it is interesting that CLA appeared to promote preferential recovery of lean body mass at both experimental doses of 1.8 g and 3.6 g per day.
As with most stimulant nutritional supplements, research results are highly inconsistent. It is also quite common that one product helps one person and does not help another. Therefore, everyone should choose the right supplements for themselves that will allow them to achieve their goals, acting in accordance with body chemistry.

What are the natural sources of CLA?

As mentioned earlier, CLA is found predominantly in dairy, red meat, poultry, eggs, and, surprisingly enough, corn oil. In addition, there are bacteria in the human intestine that are capable of producing CLA from lipoic acid. However, linoleic acid supplements do not increase blood levels of CLA. CLA is also available in supplement form. The following shows the amount of CLA in common foods in mg per 1 g of fat:
Lamb - 5.6 mg
Homogenized cow's milk - 5.5 mg
Homogenized cow's milk - 4.8 mg
Oil - 4.7 mg
Curd - 4.5 mg
Fresh ground beef - 4.3 mg
Spicy Cheddar Cheese 3.6 mg
Poultry (chicken) - 0.9 mg
Pork - 0.6 mg

Side effects

The side effect of CLA is unknown due to the limited number of human studies, especially regarding long-term effects. However, one unpublished study reports individual cases of gastrointestinal disorders. To date, there have been no significant side effects of CLA, and no known drug interactions with CLA.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a powerful antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-catabolic, as well as an immune system stimulant. CLA deficiency may be a significant cause of obesity, so widespread in our time. As an effective antioxidant, CLA inhibits cancer through other mechanisms.

However, attempts to increase the intake of CLA in a natural way are meaningless, since even if all these theoretical positive properties are confirmed, in order to obtain required amount CLA (at least 3 grams), you will have to consume at least 500 g of fat daily, mostly saturated. That's over 4,500 calories per day from CLA-rich foods alone. Thus, in order to take CLA in the amounts that have been used in scientific studies, one will have to resort to nutritional supplements.

As far as CLA supplements are concerned, it is best to use supplements with an isomer composition close to natural CLA, for example, with a predominance of cis-9, trans-11 CLA. This isomer is usually found in CLA sold in stores. Although the trans-10, cis-12 isomer may have a more powerful fat-reducing effect, there are too many questions today about its potential health risks to recommend the use of this substance in large quantities.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, CLA) is one of the specialized dietary supplements for weight loss. Unlike hoodia, which suppresses appetite, or white beans, which block carbohydrates, CLA is a fat burner. And it is desirable to use it in combination with other measures.

What is it and how does it work

Linoleic acid in general is one of the essential fatty acids of the Omega-6 group. Essential - means that they are not produced in the body, but are necessary for its normal functioning. We get it from food (beef, vegetable oil, etc.). But CLA is a separate substance, a compound of some linoleic isomers. In any case, it’s understandable, I think that this is not some kind of “chemical” - every day we eat foods that contain linoleic acid. These substances are involved in the natural processes of fat burning. However, CLA is not a stimulant.

In addition, conjugated linoleic acid has antioxidant activity, a strong antitumor effect. Stimulates the immune system, strengthens the cardiovascular system. That is, in general, it has the most positive effect on the body.

It must be understood that the process of fat burning by itself does not start in any case. It needs at least some physical activity. Not a single dietary supplement will help you lose weight while lying on the couch and eating a cake. If you do not eat right and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is useless to drink fat burners. In any case, it is necessary to change your lifestyle and nutrition system. And dietary supplements will significantly enhance the effect of such positive changes and accelerate the process of losing weight and transformation. And the reviews of those who are losing weight about conjugated linoleic acid, including directly depend on their own behavior. However, most of the reviews are positive.

Clinical researches

On the issue of the real effectiveness of conjugated linoleic acid for weight loss, studies have been repeatedly conducted. However, according to the results of experiments using conjugated linoleic acid, the opinions of scientists are not always unambiguous. So, studies conducted in 2004 and 2007 gave controversial results, and scientists came to the conclusion that acid has little effect on weight, but can be used in sports and the fight against obesity as part of a complex, subject to a general strengthening effect on the body.

At the same time, in 2000, the Journal of Nutrition published data obtained from a blind clinical study involving a placebo group, which showed that when taking about 3.4 g of CLA per day in the experimental group, the body weight loss of participants was about 6 pounds (2.7 kg) compared with the placebo group. A four-week study in Sweden found that people who took 4.2 grams of CLA a day had an average reduction in waist circumference of 1.4 cm.

The conclusions of most of the studies conducted (there are more than 30 in total) agree that taking conjugated linoleic acid helps to reduce subcutaneous fat and increase the percentage of muscle mass in the body (by reducing the percentage of fat), that is, its benefits are undeniable. It does not affect muscle growth in any way, but it prevents their destruction. That is why CLA is often used in bodybuilding - as a substance that prevents catabolic processes (muscle breakdown).

By the way, the anti-catabolic property of linoleic acid is very important not only for athletes and bodybuilders. The problem is that with passive fasting (a strict diet and lack of physical activity), it is the muscles, not fat, that are destroyed in the first place. After all, they require a lot of energy for their own maintenance - and the body considers them in “hard times” (due to hunger) less important than “strategic reserves” of fat. At the same time, if you have a lack of muscle mass, after losing weight you will very quickly gain weight again - and again precisely due to fat. In the presence of a normal muscle frame, the very maintenance of it takes those same calories that otherwise go to new “strategic reserves”. In a word, maintaining muscles is important at least so that after losing weight you do not instantly gain weight again.

The general conclusion is simple, as always. Everything is very individual. Any supplement helps one person, not the other. It is necessary to try and look for “your own”, there cannot be universal recipes here.

And the most important thing. CLA is most effective in complex therapy. That is, it is desirable to combine it with other means with a fat burning effect. And of course, be sure to do it against the background of proper nutrition.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid Contraindications and Side Effects

There is evidence that CLA may increase insulin resistance when CLA is consumed by very obese people. This increases the risk of developing diabetes. Also, for very obese people, there is a risk of increasing the concentration of cholesterol in the biliary system.

Accordingly, you should not take CLA for diabetes, gallstone disease and a very high degree of obesity.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Application and Dosage

An effective dosage of CLA in the "solo" version is about 3 g per day. It is better to break this dose into two or three doses. In preparations containing other fat burners, the dosage may be lower.

CLA is a fat soluble substance. It must be taken with food. In order to avoid negative reactions from digestion, it is better to drink capsules not before or after, but during meals.

CLA conflicts with resveratrol and fat blockers. Not to be confused with fat burners! With most of the latest CLC just works great in the complex. But fat blockers - substances that prevent the absorption of fats - alas, they also interfere with the absorption of fatty acids, including CLA. So, if you are taking blockers, spread them with linolka at different meals.

Combines well with fucoxanthin.

Choosing a drug containing conjugated linoleic acid

The most widely known drug with conjugated linoleic acid in our country is Reduxin-Light. Do not confuse it with just "Reduxin" - this is a very unsafe remedy that has a lot of serious side effects and is banned or limited in sales in most countries. For his "magic" action, you have to pay very seriously with your health. But "Reduxin-Light" is a remedy based on conjugated linoleic acid already known to us. It does not possess any supernatural or “magical” effect, but it does not pose a danger to health either. This is a normal working drug that is effective in the complex treatment of obesity.

Another thing is that the same conjugated linole can be bought much cheaper and in better dosages. Let me remind you that the working dosage is about 3 g per day.

Below is a table comparing prices and dosages of "Reduxin-Light" and drugs from "Iherba". The table also lists other active substances.

A drug Price Dosage (per capsule) Capsule in a jar Other substances
Reduxin-Light From $16 625 mg 30 Vitamin E
Reduxin-Light enhanced formula From $48 500 mg 90 crushed Chinese yam root, 5-hydroxytryptophan, extract from wild yam extract
$9.57 1000 mg 50

Useful properties and effect on weight loss

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, CLA) is a fatty acid with a large amount of biological effects. Found in meat and some dairy products.

Numerous animal and human studies have shown that CLA can be a powerful ally in the fight against many problems in the body.

Useful for the following diseases:

  • Cancer: Animal studies show that taking CLA can reduce the risk of cancer by more than 50 percent.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High blood cholesterol.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Insulin resistance (reducing the effect of insulin on the body): CLA actually mimic the effect of synthetic drugs with for diabetics.
  • Problems with the immune system.
  • High body fat levels: A large number of human studies have proven that taking CLA reduces body fat. Experiments on animals gave even more interesting results: a significant reduction in body fat and an increase in lean body mass were recorded.

Since conjugated linoleic acid cannot be synthesized in human body it must be obtained from food. The best dietary source of CLA is beef.

Sports nutrition

The use of CLA as a sports supplement will allow you to get linoleic acid in its pure form, avoiding the intake of excess calories in the body.

Unlike other popular fat burners, CLA is not a stimulant of the nervous system, however, this product effectively reduces excess body weight. It is worth noting that the effect of taking conjugated linoleic acid does not become noticeable immediately: usually after 2-3 months after the start of administration.

Beneficial features

Conjugated linoleic acid contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, improves protein metabolism in the body, helps to completely break down food intake nutrients and burn calories.

Positive effects of taking:

  • use of body fat as an energy source;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • preventing the breakdown of proteins;
  • strengthening of muscle tissue:
  • antioxidant effect.

CLA is fatty acid of natural origin, safe for men and women of all ages.

How to take

The dosage will vary depending on the form of release of the product you purchased. Best results can be expected when taking 600 to 2000 mg 2-3 times a day. The optimal form of release is gel capsules.

You can purchase CLA as a standalone product or look for the compound in a comprehensive fat burner. In such products, as a rule, conjugated linoleic acid is found in combination with L-carnitine or green tea extract.

CLA does not excite the nervous system, so you can take conjugated linoleic acid at any time of the day.


The most common drug containing CLA and produced in Russia is Reduxin Light. This supplement can be bought at many pharmacies, although it is not a drug.

In specialized sports nutrition stores you can find much more choice additives with conjugated linoleic acid both in pure form and as part of lipotropic fat burners:

  • MRM CLA 1250
  • CLA Softgels by Optimum Nutrition
  • Dymatize CLA Tonalin
  • Magnum Acid
  • SuperFats Nutrabolics
  • Lipidex by S.A.N.
  • Nutrex Lipo 6 CLA

CLA packaging costs vary from 400 to 2000 rubles depending on the packaging and the content of the active substance in the capsule. Since CLA is an absolutely natural product and has a natural origin, there are no contraindications to its use.