Chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. Causes, signs and treatment of inflammation of the thyroid gland. Methods of official medicine

Inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) is a group of diseases characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the lobes of the thyroid gland. In the early stages of the disease proceed in an asymptomatic form, the endocrine gland is activated, begins to synthesize hormones in large quantities. Against the background of the inflammatory process, hyperthyroidism is replaced by hypothyroidism, the gland continues to increase in size.

Modern medicine is unable to identify the causes of inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Specialists identify a group of factors that increase the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in thyroid cells:

  1. Deficiency of iodine molecules (hypothyroidism develops).
  2. Hormonal disruptions (the gland does not adequately respond to a decrease / increase in hormone levels).
  3. Glandular damage endocrine system(trauma, surgery).
  4. Viral/infectious diseases.
  5. Oncological diseases (the immune system becomes vulnerable).
  6. Autoimmune diseases (natural defenses cannot cope with pathogenic activity).
  7. Disturbances in the work of the endocrine system (the hypothalamus gives incorrect signals to the thyroid gland).
  8. Hereditary factor (passed mainly through the female line).
  9. Unfavorable environmental conditions (harmful substances accumulate in the body, gradually depleting the immune system).
  10. ionizing radiation.

Systematic examination, use vitamin complexes, a visit to an endocrinologist will help eliminate the cause of inflammation of the thyroid gland.

According to the etiology of origin, thyroiditis is classified:

  1. The acute form of thyroiditis develops against the background of diseases of an infectious nature, outpouring of blood into the cavity of the gland, pathogenic effects of ionizing radiation. Characteristic signs: the structure of the thyroid gland is strongly compacted, increases in size; the gland is easily palpable; drawing pain radiates to the temples.
  2. subacute thyroiditis - side effect”, progressing after a viral infection. Characteristic features: pain in the area of ​​the thyroid gland; the organ is in a static position; manifestation of a response from the endocrine system (CVS, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, MPS).
  3. Chronic thyroiditis is characterized by a rapid increase in the volume of the thyroid gland, which puts pressure on nearby organs of the neck. Characteristic signs: the appearance of a pronounced goiter; problems with breathing and food passage; increasing pressure in the region of the upper ribs.
  4. Autoimmune thyroiditis is the response of the immune system in the form of antibodies to healthy thyroid cells. Often diagnosed in women in the postpartum period.

The further course of treatment is selected based on the type of disease and clinical indications (symptoms and treatment).

Distinctive feature thyroiditis, consists in absolute asymptomaticity (in the early stages). In the later stages, the pathology goes from one extreme to another (hyperthyroidism - hypothyroidism).

Specialists identify a general group of symptoms inherent in thyroiditis in the early stages:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Apathy.
  4. Swelling / redness of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  5. Redness of the skin in the neck.
  6. Unreasonable aggression, mood swings.
  7. Change in body weight.
  8. Increased sweating.
  9. Sexual hypoactivity.
  10. Jumps in blood pressure.
  11. Short-term hearing loss, visual impairment.
  12. Insomnia.
  13. Lack of appetite.
  14. Intolerance to physical activity.

Symptoms in women are pronounced: menstrual irregularities, inability to become pregnant, ovarian abnormalities.

Often, the inflammatory process is masked in the form of concomitant diseases (colds, tonsillitis).

Inflammation of the thyroid gland symptoms:

  1. Change in the size (consistency) of the lymph nodes.
  2. The appearance of pain in the region of the gland, periodically extending to the region of the occipital bone.
  3. The appearance of a feeling of unpleasant squeezing of the organs of the neck at the time of swallowing food.
  4. The manifestation of pain during sudden movements of the head.
  5. Unreasonable increase in body temperature (chills).
  6. Diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland (rarely local).

Over time, the pain syndrome increases, ignoring such a vivid symptomatology threatens with serious complications.

Subacute thyroiditis

Signs of inflammation of the thyroid gland:

  1. The appearance of pulling pain in the region of the thyroid gland (a feeling of heaviness in the region of the jaw).
  2. The increase in pain syndrome at the time of chewing food, swallowing, turning the head.
  3. Enlargement of the gland.
  4. Characteristic compaction of organ tissues.
  5. Allergic rash on the skin in the region of the thyroid gland (local sensation of heat).
  6. Enlargement of lymph nodes in the region of the lower jaw.
  7. Profuse sweating.
  8. Headache.
  9. CNS disorders: aggression, irritability, causeless mood swings.
  10. Tremor of the limbs.
  11. Change in body weight.
  12. Activation of the sebaceous glands (oily and moist skin).

A feature of subacute thyroiditis is the rapid course of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Pressure is applied to the organs of the neck, the patient experiences a feeling of constriction at the time of chewing and swallowing food, breathing.
  2. Hoarseness of the voice (the thyroid gland "oppresses" the vocal cords).
  3. Asymmetric "growth" of the thyroid gland.
  4. Consolidation of the organ.
  5. Regular headaches, the appearance of characteristic tinnitus.
  6. Temporary visual impairment.
  7. Manifestation of the circulatory system at the anterior wall of the thyroid gland (pulsation of arteries and vessels).

A characteristic feature of chronic thyroiditis is that the disease manifests itself in the later stages. Often inflammation of the thyroid gland is accompanied by hypothyroidism.

Autoimmune thyroiditis

The disease manifests itself:

  1. Diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland (see photo).
  2. Thickening of tissues in the lobes of the organ (the gland remains mobile).
  3. Trouble swallowing (feeling tight).
  4. Violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  5. Violation of metabolic processes (appetite remains at the same level).
  6. Profuse sweating.
  7. Nervous disorders (depression).

As Hashimoto's disease progresses, it progresses to hypothyroidism.

Treatment of inflammation is based on identifying the cause that led to the development of thyroiditis. If pathogenic bacteria have become the causative agents of the inflammatory process, the specialist prescribes the appropriate drugs. Antibiotics help relieve inflammation, suppress the focus of the epidemic, preventing the further spread of the inflammatory process.

The course of subacute thyroiditis is quite easy: the symptoms appear gradually, the pain syndrome is mild.

At the heart of drug therapy are anti-inflammatory drugs (suppress the focus of infection, relieve pain). In case of detection of extremely severe forms of subacute thyroiditis, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs (cortisone).

Treatment of the thyroid gland in women in a delicate position requires constant monitoring by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

The acute form of thyroiditis is characterized by the rapid development of the clinical picture, in the shortest possible time the inflammatory process affects the tissues of the thyroid gland, often leading to organ dysfunction. In the event of an abscess of the thyroid gland, an emergency operation is performed to remove the purulent sac. Against the background of an abscess, autoimmune reactions develop, the immune system begins to destroy the endocrine system. In the postoperative period, anti-inflammatory antibiotics are prescribed, hormone replacement therapy is performed. Additionally, a course of multivitamins is prescribed in order to strengthen the immune system. Inflammation of the thyroid gland treatment involves an integrated approach.

Autoimmune thyroiditis leads to partial destruction of the tissues of the thyroid gland, as a result, the patient develops hypothyroidism. Treatment consists of lifelong hormonal therapy in order to restore the concentration of hormones in the blood. The patient is obliged to take a blood test, focusing on the current level of hormones, the endocrinologist makes adjustments to the dosage of the drug. During periods of exacerbation, the thyroid gland can become inflamed.

Unfortunately, chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland is not amenable to medical treatment. The affected area of ​​the thyroid gland is excised surgically. In the case of diagnosing hypothyroidism, which developed against the background of removal of the gland, a course of hormonal preparations is prescribed.

Detection of the disease at an early stage helps to avoid harmful consequences for the body. It is strictly forbidden to treat thyroiditis at home. An annual comprehensive examination, a visit to an endocrinologist, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy thyroid gland.

Symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland are due to the causes of the disease. In general, the pathological process is accompanied by the growth of connective tissue and an increase in the size of the organ. Uniform growth is called strumitis, uneven - thyroiditis. Treatment for thyroid inflammation depends on the type of disease.

Types of thyroiditis

Depending on the cause and clinical picture, the following types of the disease are distinguished:

  • subacute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland after a viral infection);
  • fibrous thyroiditis (chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, characterized by a strong growth of its tissue and compression in the neck);
  • autoimmune thyroiditis (a disease of autoimmune origin; develops as a result of the formation of antibodies to normal thyroid cells);
  • acute thyroiditis (occurs against the background of acute or chronic infectious diseases, after trauma, radiation therapy or hemorrhage in the thyroid gland).

Causes of inflammation of the thyroid gland

The most common autoimmune chronic thyroiditis. Why a malfunction occurs in the body and antibodies to healthy cells are formed is unknown. Consider the risk factors:

  • “bad” heredity (as a rule, members of the same family, twins get sick);
  • violation of endocrine and immune stability (may occur during adolescence, during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, aging);
  • unfavorable ecological situation (work in hazardous production, life near industrial enterprises, use in agriculture pesticides);
  • prolonged exposure to large amounts of iodine (an excess of iodine stimulates the formation of antibodies to normal gland cells);
  • exposure to radiation in small doses;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • thyroid adenoma;
  • endemic goiter;
  • thyroid cancer.

Subacute thyroiditis develops due to a viral infection. The disease is often diagnosed after an outbreak of a virus. It can be influenza, measles, mumps and others. Risk factors:

  • heredity;
  • chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

The causes of fibrous thyroiditis are not fully understood. Some researchers note the negative impact of infectious diseases, others consider pathology the last stage of autoimmune chronic thyroiditis. Risk factors:

  • Graves' disease;
  • endemic goiter;
  • surgical treatment of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of autoimmune etiology;
  • heredity;
  • age after forty years (in women).

Causes of acute thyroiditis:

  • acute or chronic infections (pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • hemorrhage in the thyroid gland;
  • thyroid injury;
  • radiation therapy.

Symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland

The clinical picture of the disease of each type has its own characteristics. Signs of inflammation of the thyroid gland of an autoimmune nature:

  • an increase in the thyroid gland (usually uniform; with a significant increase, the patient feels pressure in the neck);
  • the gland is mobile and dense;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • weakness and palpitations;
  • causeless weight loss;
  • excessive sweating;
  • irritability.

As the pathological process develops, symptoms of hyperthyroidism are observed first, followed by hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland of the subacute type:

  • severe pain in the front of the neck, radiating to the lower jaw, back of the head, ears; aggravated by tilting and turning the head, chewing, swallowing;
  • enlargement and significant hardening of the thyroid gland;
  • redness and fever of the skin over the gland;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck;
  • severe fever, chills;
  • sweating, weakness all over the body;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • hand tremor;
  • hotness and moisture of the skin;
  • weight loss.

Fibrous thyroiditis begins to manifest itself only in the last stages:

  • difficulty swallowing, breathing, speech;
  • hoarse voice;
  • strong and uneven enlargement of the gland; its immobility, density and painlessness;
  • headache, noise in ears;
  • pronounced pulsation of blood vessels in the neck area;
  • visual impairment.

With a long-term course of the disease, signs of hypothyroidism may be observed.

Clinical picture of acute thyroiditis:

  • pain in the neck, radiating to the back of the head, jaw and aggravated by swallowing and moving the head;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • a significant increase in temperature, chills;
  • on palpation - an increase in part or proportion of the thyroid gland.

How to treat inflammation of the thyroid gland?

Treatment of inflammation of the thyroid gland of any kind is carried out by one of two methods:

  • medication;
  • operational.

In subacute and fibrous thyroiditis with a clinical picture of hypothyroidism, treatment is carried out with hormonal preparations. With a significant increase in the thyroid gland, surgery is indicated.

Acute thyroiditis is treated with antibiotics and drugs to relieve associated symptoms. An additional intake of vitamins of group B and C is also shown. In case of purulent inflammation of the tissue, surgical treatment is carried out.

Self-treatment of thyroiditis is contraindicated. The consequences of inflammation of the thyroid gland will be minimal if you consult a doctor in time. Remember, the thyroid gland is responsible for the functioning of many systems in our body.

The term thyroiditis is understood as a complex of pathological processes that provoke inflammation of the thyroid gland of various etiologies. The disease can take an acute and chronic form, transform into other dysfunctions of the endocrine system.

Causes of thyroiditis

It is difficult to identify the unambiguous causes of thyroiditis, since inflammation occurs due to a number of provoking factors that occur under certain conditions. An increased risk of developing thyroiditis occurs with the following phenomena:

  • Iodine deficiency leading to hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid.
  • Infectious diseases, viral, chronic disorders of the internal organs.
  • Autoimmune pathologies that often provoke inflammatory processes. When such disorders of the immune system are considered the main causes of the disease, the disease is called autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • Mechanical damage to the gland or other organs of the endocrine system.
  • Oncology, neoplasms of various etiologies.
  • Hormonal disorders caused by menopause, which is often found in women, as well as medication or other phenomena.
  • Heredity. If close relatives had problems with the thyroid gland, that is, the risk of such disorders increases several times.
  • External influences in the form of radiation, bad ecology.

The causes of thyroiditis can be complex, but in any case, it is important to determine them in order to choose an adequate treatment.

Types of inflammation and symptoms

What the symptoms will be depends on the type of inflammation development, and it can be as follows:

  1. Acute thyroiditis. Occurs after infectious diseases, mechanical effects, hemorrhages or the occurrence of serious pathological processes. Formed in both men and women. The thyroid gland with acute inflammation increases, thickens. There may be partial or complete damage to the organ, with the presence of pus.
  2. Subacute thyroiditis. It is rare, has three clinical forms.
  3. Chronic thyroiditis. It unites a group of diseases, including autoimmune thyroiditis, which is characterized by an inadequate response of the body to its own cells. He perceives them as alien and begins to eliminate them. As a result, the tissues of the thyroid gland are destroyed, which leads to inflammation and dysfunction of the organ. This category includes other equally serious diseases of the thyroid gland.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of thyroiditis are already felt during the development of the disease; in the initial stages, it is difficult to determine the pathology without special studies. These reactions appear as follows:

  • Change in weight, there may be an increase or a sharp decline.
  • Soreness, swelling of the throat, sometimes coughing or a feeling of itching.
  • An increase in the thyroid gland, sometimes it is noticeable even visually without palpation, a goiter may appear.
  • Weakness, high fatigue.
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle, reproductive disorders.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Unreasonable mood swings, emotional excitability or apathy.

Symptoms can manifest themselves with varying intensity, for each type of thyroiditis there are also characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms for a specific type of inflammation

Acute thyroiditis is characterized by an increase in temperature, both general for the whole body, and in a separate area of ​​​​the thyroid gland. If suppuration of the tissues is present, then the temperature approaches 40 ° C, the person is shivering, there is severe pain in the neck, neck, ears, tongue.

Subacute thyroiditis also occurs with elevated temperature, on average up to 39°C. There are disorders of the central nervous system, headache, as well as discomfort in the neck, ear., Which increase in the process of eating. Feeling of heaviness in the thyroid gland, profuse sweating, tremor of the limbs.

Chronic thyroiditis, and in particular, autoimmune, manifests itself in the form of an enlarged thyroid gland of a diffuse type, heart rhythm disturbances, problems with swallowing, as there is a feeling of a "lump" in the throat. The weight is rapidly changing, although the appetite remains the same. The gland can thicken, tuberosity appears.

Treatment Methods

To restore the functions of the thyroid gland and eliminate the inflammatory process, it is necessary to determine the causes of the disease and analyze the overall clinical picture. Treatment is selected only after donating blood for the content of hormones, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, if necessary, after a biopsy. Additional tests may also be ordered at the discretion of the physician.

Therapy for maintaining the thyroid gland can vary significantly depending on the type of thyroiditis, but in almost all cases, certain medications are required.

In each individual case, an individual course of restoration of the thyroid gland is selected. Roughly it might look like this:

  • The appointment of NSAIDs to relieve inflammation and prevent its further spread. Such drugs to a greater extent relieve unpleasant symptoms, but do not eliminate the very cause of the process.
  • Taking hormonal drugs. The scheme and type of hormone therapy depends on the manifestation of pathology (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism). In some cases, it is enough to drink a course of such drugs, but there are diseases that require lifelong hormone therapy, for example, chronic and autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • With acute inflammatory inflammation with the formation of pus, an extensive abscess, hospitalization is necessary, followed by surgical intervention. Drainage of pus is carried out, after which antihistamine, antibacterial drugs, as well as vitamins are prescribed. Hormone replacement therapy is chosen, it can be temporary or permanent.
  • Diet. It does not always include foods rich in iodine, since in hyperthyroidism they generally need to be minimized. The optimal diet will be recommended by your doctor. If necessary, taking immunostimulants, vitamin and mineral complexes.

As a general tonic, it is sometimes advisable to use traditional medicine recipes, but only in agreement with the endocrinologist.

In such cases, it is important to constantly regulate the level of hormones and the general condition of the endocrine system. Periodically, a blood test is taken, an examination by a specialist is carried out, and if necessary, an ultrasound is performed.

Treatment of thyroiditis on your own without consulting an endocrinologist is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. If you suspect thyroid disorders, you should immediately contact the clinic, only in this way can the correct diagnosis be established.

How to treat nodular goiter of the thyroid gland?

Nodular goiter of the thyroid gland, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in the presented article, indicate the presence of formations. In the term "nodular goiter of the thyroid gland" the word "goiter" refers to an increase in the thyroid gland. But the nodes themselves are different, as well as the reasons for their occurrence.

Classification and origin of nodes

The classification of nodular goiter greatly simplifies the understanding of its varieties, the origin of symptoms and is necessary for concretizing the diagnosis.

The first classification is the simplest, morphological.

  1. By the number of nodules:
  • Solitary (i.e. single) node,
  • multinodular goiter,
  • Conglomerate nodular goiter,

The second classification is important in relation to symptoms. So, with toxic goiter, a classic set of symptoms of an overdose of thyroid hormones is observed. This means that the nodes are actively producing hormones. In contrast, non-toxic goiter, recognized as the most common manifestation of iodine deficiency, is not accompanied by any disturbances in the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland.

  1. According to the hormonal activity of the node or nodes:
  • Toxic nodular goiter.
  • Non-toxic nodular goiter.

The third classification is the most informative in relation to the diagnosis itself.

  1. According to diseases manifested by nodes in the thyroid gland:
  • Cyst, benign nodule.
  • Types of thyroid cancer.
  • Metastases of cancer in the thyroid gland.
  • Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
  • Subacute thyroiditis.

The most common cause of nodular goiter is now considered iodine deficiency. The thyroid gland increases the production of triiodothyronine, whose effect on the body is stronger than that of the second thyroid hormone thyroxine, and less iodine is spent on its synthesis. With a lack of thyroid hormones, the body begins to intensively stimulate the thyroid gland. In response to this, small, but gradually growing nodes appear in the thyroid gland. So often there are cysts and other benign formations of the thyroid gland.

The most formidable cause of nodular goiter is cancer. The so-called primary cancer is the result of a cancerous restructuring of the cells of the thyroid gland. Metastatic cancer is a group of malignant cells that have entered the gland from a cancerous focus in another organ. The worst thing is that cancer in the thyroid gland may not form a single node and for a long time do not manifest itself in any way.

As for thyroiditis, or inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, the nodes in it are inflammatory granulomas. Not every inflammation forms granulomas, and even the thyroiditis mentioned above is not always manifested by nodes.

Symptoms of nodular goiter

Since nodular goiter can be the result of different diseases, the symptoms are different. For simplicity, it is advisable to divide diseases into three large groups:

  1. Benign formations (cysts, cystomas, adenomas, etc.)
  2. Cancer (both primary and metastatic)
  3. Thyroiditis.

Most of the nodules in the thyroid gland do not show any symptoms, which does not exclude cancer at all - this is why it is necessary to be examined.

The group of benign formations is the most harmless both in terms of symptoms and prognosis. It covers a lot of types of nodes, but all of them are united by slow growth, a clear boundary between the tissues of the node and the thyroid gland. If there are few nodes and they are small, then there may easily be no symptoms.

Quite rarely, these benign nodes grow to large sizes, and then, finally, symptoms appear. A large nodular goiter can compress the airways of the neck and cause aesthetic inconvenience (see photo). At very in large numbers or the size of the nodes almost does not remain normal, hormone-synthesizing tissue of the thyroid gland. Then all the above symptoms are supplemented by hypothyroidism, or lack of thyroid hormones.

A cancerous nodule in the thyroid gland, which is also often diagnosed as nodular goiter, can manifest itself with the symptoms described for benign formations and nothing more. However, the classic symptoms of cancer are considered rapid and pronounced weight loss without visible reasons, an inexplicable aversion to meat, weakness, dizziness, etc. It is a conglomerate nodular goiter that is very characteristic of cancer, that is, in the thyroid gland, a group of nodes is soldered together. When touched, the surface of the nodular conglomerate is bumpy. An increase in the cervical, closest to the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, immobility when feeling nodular formations in the gland.

Inflammation, or thyroiditis, is characterized by fever, enlargement and pain when touching the thyroid gland through the tissues of the neck, chills, excessive or insufficient production of thyroid hormones, and weakness.

It is quite obvious that it is impossible to make a specific diagnosis with nodular goiter on the basis of symptoms alone, and even more so without contacting a doctor.

The basic set of studies includes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a blood test for thyroid hormones, antibodies and a general one, plus often a biopsy (a piece of the gland will be examined under a microscope).

Treatment of nodular formations

Benign and inflammatory nodes

Benign nodular formations, with their small number and size, usually do not require treatment. Separate attention deserve those of them that are able to become malignant, that is, to degenerate into cancer. Such nodular formations are recommended to be removed during surgery. This also applies to large formations that compress the trachea and / or interfere with swallowing.

With numerous small nodes that almost completely replace the working tissue of the thyroid gland and are accompanied by a lack of thyroid hormones, the entire thyroid gland is often removed, and the person switches to a lifelong intake of its hormones. Contrary to the common prejudice of patients against hormonal drugs, with the right dose and strict adherence to the recommended regimen of taking the drug, these drugs are quite safe and do not affect the quality and life expectancy.

Different forms of thyroiditis are also treated differently, but there are several general principles therapy. First, it is the fight against inflammation. NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, and sometimes even cytostatics are used. Of these three groups of drugs, NSAIDs have the mildest effect. They are prescribed for mild, less often for moderate thyroiditis.

Secondly, inflammation of the gland is often accompanied by a violation of its hormonal function, a lack or excess of hormones. In case of hormonal insufficiency, a dose of thyroid hormones is selected, and in case of their excess, cytostatics are prescribed, in exceptional cases even surgery is recommended.

Thirdly, if the infectious origin of thyroiditis with nodular goiter is proven, then it is advisable to additionally use antibiotics. In subacute and autoimmune thyroiditis, immunomodulatory therapy is prescribed, and in iodine deficiency conditions, iodine preparations are included in the treatment.


With cancerous nodular formations, manifested by nodular goiter, surgery is also recommended in most cases. In most cases, the entire gland or its lobe is removed, but always along with the cervical lymph nodes. This is necessary so that the cancer does not spread throughout the body. Surgery is usually preceded by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy to reduce the size of the cancer and therefore the amount of tissue removed.

With metastases, it is necessary to find their source and treat it based on a specific form of cancer. You should also make sure that there are no metastases to other organs. Usually, a biopsy can determine which malignant cells of which organ are in the thyroid nodule, which speeds up the search and allows you to start treatment earlier. In terms of patient prognosis, metastatic cancer is worse than primary cancer.

Palliative care should be considered separately. It is prescribed when a complete cure is impossible to prolong life and improve its quality. This is chemoradiotherapy and partial surgical removal of the nodular cancer.

Only the main points of treatment are described, the doctor, when prescribing therapy for nodular goiter, takes into account both the specific form of the disease and concomitant diseases. That is why self-treatment is unacceptable!

Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland in the human body is a kind of shield that protects it from all kinds of diseases. However, this is evidenced by the name of the body. However, thyroid diseases are affecting an increasing number of people, and little is known about the causes of their development, as well as about reliable methods of treatment.

There are many factors that can cause the development of inflammation of the thyroid gland (it is called thyroiditis). But, unfortunately, this disease is often confused with a banal sore throat, delaying the start of treatment. What is thyroiditis, and what can ignoring the symptoms of the disease and improperly selected treatment lead to?

general description

Thyroiditis is an inflammatory process in the internal structure of the thyroid gland, leading to the growth of its tissue. This disease most often affects women. Moreover, their age, as a rule, ranges from 30-50 years. In representatives of the strong half of humanity, this disease is diagnosed 10 times less often. However, in last years inflammation of the thyroid gland is found in very young people, children and adolescents.

Thyroiditis is the second most common among all endocrine diseases. The first place on the pedestal belongs to diabetes mellitus. Moreover, autoimmune thyroiditis is the most common disease caused by erroneous work of the immune system.

Types of thyroiditis

There are three types of thyroiditis:

  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

Acute thyroiditis is further subdivided into two types.

  • Purulent thyroiditis develops as a result of infectious diseases, which include sinusitis, purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia, and many others.
  • Non-suppurative thyroiditis is the result of neck injuries. The non-purulent form of the disease can develop after various types of radiation, for example, radiation therapy.

With purulent thyroiditis, an infection enters the thyroid tissue through the blood, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes. In this case, inflammation most often occurs in one of the lobes of the organ in the form of an abscess, popularly called an abscess. An abscess causes damage to the thyroid tissue and a decrease in its function.

Injuries to the neck can cause hemorrhage in the tissue of the thyroid gland, thus causing the death of part of the follicles. As a result, the activity of the endocrine organ also decreases.

Symptoms of acute thyroiditis

The main symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland include the following manifestations:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • chills;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • pain felt in the neck area, radiating to the head and face;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • cough;
  • suffocation.

This condition causes intoxication of the body, so it is almost always accompanied by nausea, vomiting and general weakness.

Methods for detection and treatment

The attending physician can determine the inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland by probing it, which causes a sharp pain in the patient. Examination shows an increase in the endocrine organ with a thickening of its tissue. If a purulent process develops in the gland, it softens, and the pain subsides somewhat. With the course of the disease, the abscess erupts. In this case, a breakthrough can occur both outward and inward. In the latter case, there is a risk of developing sepsis requiring urgent surgery.

Treatment of inflammation of the thyroid gland in an acute form consists in taking antibiotics, as well as drugs with antiviral activity. Purulent inflammation is treated with an operation, during which the abscess is opened, the pus is washed out, and the affected areas of the gland are removed. If the disease is started to be treated at an early stage, the tissues of the organ will not have time to collapse, and therefore the gland will be able to perform its functions in full.

Subacute thyroiditis

This form of the disease is caused by acute viral infections, including influenza, chickenpox, measles and mumps. The virus, getting into the tissue of the thyroid gland, contributes to the development of hyperplasia of its cells. In the process of damage, cell division is disrupted, the follicles are damaged, releasing a colloid - a liquid with hormones. After that, the follicles are completely destroyed, and adhesions form in their place.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease are determined based on the stage of its development.

  • At the initial stage, the patient is worried about fever, accompanied by pain in the throat and ear.
  • After the destruction of the follicles, symptoms of hyperthyroidism develop. At this stage, the immune system begins to produce antibodies that destroy abnormal thyroid cells.

Methods for detection and treatment

Probing the thyroid gland helps to identify the inflammatory process. At this point, it is enlarged, and the process of palpation causes pain in the patient. Laboratory blood tests and ultrasound help determine the exact form of the disease.

The main method of treating this form of the disease is the use of glucocorticoid and anti-inflammatory drugs, which eliminate the signs of inflammation of the thyroid gland. After improving the general condition of the patient, he is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs.

Chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland develops due to improper functioning of the immune system. In the body of each person, the immune system produces antibodies that destroy foreign cells. In the chronic form of the disease, antibodies begin to destroy thyroid cells, mistaking them for foreign ones. In this case, antibodies can destroy both the thyroid follicles that produce the hormones T3 and T4, and the pituitary cells that produce thyroid-stimulating hormone. In addition, they have a detrimental effect on receptor cells that are sensitive to TSH.

With autoimmune thyroiditis, the causes of thyroid disease most often lie in a genetic predisposition associated with impaired immunity. In this case, the activity of the gland can both increase and decrease.

This condition is usually asymptomatic. In most cases, people go to the doctor when the disease progresses, when signs of hypo- or hyperthyroidism begin to appear. It should be noted that it is inflammatory processes of a chronic nature that are the most common causes of the development of malignant neoplasms in the thyroid gland.

Methods for detection and treatment

A set of diagnostic studies, including a blood test, ultrasound and biopsy, allows you to determine the exact diagnosis. Treatment of inflammation of the thyroid gland in this case is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. For this, preparations containing glucocorticoid hormones are used. Further treatment is aimed at strengthening the patient's immune system.

The main symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland in women are a decrease in sexual desire and infertility. However, the thyroid gland can also become inflamed during pregnancy. In this case, thyroiditis, regardless of the form, can have a negative impact on both the health of the expectant mother and general development her baby. It is very important to identify the disease in time and begin its treatment.

For this reason, iodine-containing drugs are prescribed for pregnant women for preventive purposes. The decision on how to treat inflammation in the thyroid gland, if it develops, is made exclusively by the doctor. At the same time, throughout the bearing of the baby, it is necessary to control the level of hormones and, at the slightest deviation from the norm, resort to hormonal therapy.

How to relieve the condition with thyroiditis

To improve the condition with thyroiditis, not only medications help, but also traditional medicine. But before treating inflammation of the thyroid gland in such ways, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, since alternative remedies can only act as an additional therapy to the main treatment.

Compresses from the roots of wormwood, as well as infusions made from pine buds and seaweed, help to improve the condition of the thyroid gland and relieve pain.


Ignoring the signs of inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland can lead to the development of complications in the form of infertility, depression, atherosclerosis and other serious diseases.

Timely treatment allows not only to avoid the development of complications, but also to fully restore the function of the thyroid gland. To improve the quality and duration of life in autoimmune thyroiditis allows life-long intake of hormonal drugs.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate all metabolic processes in the human body. Therefore, inflammation of the thyroid gland and disruption of its work adversely affects all organs and systems of the body. Excess weight, chronic fatigue, weakness, reduced immunity, nervousness are only a small part of the consequences of diseases of this gland. To avoid such health problems, you need to identify the first signs of the inflammatory process in the thyroid gland in time and start treatment. Consider the main causes and the most obvious symptoms of this disease. We will also get acquainted with effective methods of treating inflammation of the thyroid gland.

The general term "inflammatory process in the thyroid gland" doctors call a number of diseases of this body. Also among medical specialists, another name for inflammation of the thyroid gland is used - thyroiditis. And the most common types of thyroiditis, occurring in both the elderly and young people, are:

  • Endemic goiter - inflammation that develops due to a lack of iodine in the body
  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are diseases in which the thyroid gland produces too little or too much thyroid hormone. As a rule, the cause of these diseases is a malfunction of the pituitary gland.
  • Acute inflammation (acute thyroiditis) - occurs due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the organ or due to a neck injury
  • Subacute inflammation (de Quervain's thyroiditis) is a complication of infectious diseases of the larynx and upper respiratory tract.
  • Chronic inflammation (Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis) is a serious disease in which a person's immune system fails. Because of this failure, antibodies are produced in the bone marrow, aimed at destroying the cells and tissues of the thyroid gland.

A person who is far from medicine cannot independently determine the type of inflammation of the thyroid gland. Endocrinologists, in order to make the correct diagnosis, one examination of the patient is also not enough. As a rule, if there are symptoms of thyroiditis, it is necessary to do a number of tests: hormone levels, a general blood and lymph count, etc. Based on the results of these tests, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Symptoms of thyroid disease

Inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland are manifested by a number of local and general signs. Local symptoms include symptoms that are felt directly in the thyroid gland - in the neck and larynx. Common symptoms Doctors call diseases a deterioration in well-being and failures in other organ systems.

Despite the fact that the thyroid gland performs the same functions in all people, its structure and location differ slightly in men and women. In women, the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker, so the gland is deeper. And in the representatives of the stronger sex, this organ is located slightly below the Adam's apple, immediately under the thin skin neck.

The hormonal background in the female and male body varies. And it is precisely the difference in the content of hormones in the blood that explains the fact that inflammation of the thyroid gland occurs in women approximately 9 times more often than in men. But in the fair sex, thyroiditis is easier to treat. Also, men are more likely to experience such complications of inflammation as cysts and malignant tumors in the thyroid gland.

Due to the uneven location of the thyroid gland and the difference in the hormonal background, the symptoms of thyroiditis in men and women are different. It cannot be said that inflammation of the thyroid gland in representatives of the two sexes manifests itself in completely different ways. However, in addition to the signs of the disease common to all people, there are also specific "female" and "male" symptoms of thyroiditis.

Signs of thyroid inflammation in women

Since the thyroid gland is an important link in the endocrine system of the female body, inflammation of this gland can also affect the production of sex hormones. Therefore, it is not uncommon for cases when the cause of gynecological problems is precisely the failure of the thyroid gland.

It is difficult to list all the symptoms of thyroiditis in women. Depending on age, lifestyle and general health, this disease can manifest itself in different ways. But still there are a number of the most common symptoms that more than 90% of patients with one or another type of thyroiditis complain about. These symptoms are:

  • Swelling and redness of the neck due to enlargement of the inflamed gland
  • Sore throat when swallowing food
  • Intermittent tinnitus
  • Labored breathing
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
  • Shortness of breath on movement
  • Periodic dizziness
  • Sleep disorders - insomnia, snoring
  • Jumps in blood pressure
  • Increased perspiration
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Decreased libido
  • Brittleness of nails and hair, as well as intense hair loss
  • Pale and dry skin
  • Constant fatigue
  • Unreasonable mood swings, nervousness and depression
  • Significant weight gain with a constant diet.

In rare cases, with inflammation of the thyroid gland in women, all of the above symptoms appear at once. But the presence of even 3-4 signs should alert the fair sex.

It is important to consider that in women in the initial stages of thyroiditis, an increase in the thyroid gland is not noticeable. The first signs of inflammation in the fair sex, as a rule, are a general deterioration in well-being, shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the throat.

Signs of thyroid inflammation in men

Due to differences in the work of the endocrine system, the symptoms of thyroiditis in men are slightly different from the signs of this disease in women. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex, already in the initial stages of the disease, can find swelling and induration in the area below the Adam's apple. Also a noticeable sign of inflammation of the thyroid gland in men is an increase in lymph nodes.

Other symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland in a strong half of humanity include:

  • Puffiness of the face
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose in the absence of a runny nose
  • Weight gain while reducing appetite
  • Bowel disorders
  • Muscle pain and joint pain
  • Lowering the timbre of the voice
  • distraction
  • Unreasonable feeling of depression and depression
  • Constant fatigue and drowsiness
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erection disorders.

Like women, men rarely have all the symptoms at once. But the representatives of the stronger sex need to be especially attentive to the appearance of even 1-2 symptoms. After all, they have a risk that a cyst forms in the thyroid gland, 2 times higher than in women.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland

Acute, subacute and chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland are treated differently. When prescribing therapy, the doctor pays attention to the presence of complications and the individual characteristics of the body. And if, due to inflammation, a significant malfunction of the thyroid gland has occurred, the endocrinologist may also prescribe hormonal drugs.

In folk medicine, there are also remedies for eliminating inflammation of the thyroid gland. But these remedies are effective only in the first stages of the disease. And with their help, only acute and subacute inflammation can be cured, but with autoimmune thyroiditis, they are powerless.

Methods of official medicine

During the diagnosis, the endocrinologist will definitely make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the inflammation. The choice of treatment method will depend on these two factors. In total, in official medicine, there are 5 main ways to treat the inflammatory process in the thyroid gland:

  1. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac or nimesulide are prescribed in cases where the inflammation is mild.
  2. The use of antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs. Such drug therapy it is used if the inflammation is caused by an infection or is a complication of tonsillitis, laryngitis and other infectious diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.
  3. The use of drugs containing glucocorticoid hormones (prednisolone, kenacort, dexamethasone, cortisone, etc.). Doctors prescribe these drugs in cases where the inflammation of the thyroid gland is caused by viruses.
  4. Hormone replacement therapy. If the patient's thyroid gland does not produce necessary for the body the amount of hormones, he is prescribed drugs with synthetic thyroxin. This substance is a synthetic analogue of the T4 hormone, which is secreted by the thyroid gland.
  5. Surgical intervention. In the later stages of thyroiditis, a purulent abscess, cyst, or malignant tumor may form in the thyroid gland. In these cases, a surgical operation is required, during which the affected part of the gland will be removed. Also, surgical treatment is used for advanced autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this case, the gland is completely removed with a scalpel or radioactive iodine.

In many cases, doctors use several treatments at once. For example, prescribe antibiotics and hormonal drugs in combination. And if during the surgical operation the thyroid gland was removed, the patient must be prescribed life-long hormone replacement therapy.

Traditional medicine methods for inflammation of the thyroid gland

Traditional healers recommend removing inflammation in the thyroid gland with the help of medicinal plants. According to them, teas made from such herbs help best of all: St. No less effective are alcohol tinctures oak bark, cherry bark, hawthorn berries, strawberries and mountain ash.

In the diet for inflammation of the thyroid gland, traditional medicine advises to include as many nuts, citrus fruits and seafood as possible. But also we must not forget about the right way of life. Admirers of unofficial methods of treatment believe that regular walks in the fresh air, moderate exercise and quitting smoking will help to quickly get rid of inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Prevention of inflammation of the thyroid gland

At risk of developing thyroid inflammation are women over the age of 40 and older men. But in recent years, this disease is getting younger. It is not uncommon for young women and men to turn to doctors with complaints of goiter, pain in the larynx and general weakness. Therefore, it will be useful for people of all age categories to know and apply preventive measures. These measures are:

  • Inclusion in the diet of iodine-rich foods (greens, seafood, beans, grapes, soybeans)
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract
  • Annual visit to the endocrinologist for preventive examination.

The first is accompanied by the formation of local lesions in the thyroid gland. In subacute inflammation, the changes are diffuse or nodular in nature. Chronic thyroiditis develops against the background of autoimmune or infectious diseases.

The reasons

A chronic inflammatory process in the thyroid gland in women can be fibrotic or autoimmune in nature. The acute purulent form develops against the background of infectious diseases - pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis. The occurrence of aseptic thyroiditis is facilitated by injuries, hemorrhages, and radiation exposure. Subacute inflammation is found in patients who have had viral infections - measles, mumps, SARS.

Autoimmune inflammation develops due to a malfunction of the immune system, in which it produces antibodies that destroy healthy cells.

This is the most common thyroid disease, diagnosed 10 times less often in men than in women. Increasingly, the disease is found in children and adolescents.

The causes of fibrotic inflammation remain unexplored. It is believed that Riedel's goiter is the last stage of autoimmune inflammation. The disease affects people who have or other types.

Symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland in women and men

The clinical picture is determined by the form of thyroiditis.

In acute purulent form:

  • There are severe pains in the front of the neck, radiating to the back of the head and lower jaw. They are aggravated by swallowing food and turning the head.
  • Nearby lymph nodes become inflamed, the temperature rises and fever develops.
  • The rapid deterioration of well-being forces the patient to consult a doctor.

Non-purulent inflammation has less pronounced symptoms. In the early stages, there are signs of hyperthyroidism. The patient complains that he has pain on the right side of the neck or the left. Other symptoms of aseptic inflammation:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • weight loss;
  • an increase in the level of T3 and T4 with a normal amount of TSH.

With a long course of inflammation, thyrotoxicosis is replaced. The collapsing tissues of the thyroid gland are replaced by connective tissues. At this stage, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • lethargy and apathy;
  • chills;
  • swelling of the face and lower extremities;
  • dry skin;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system.

With autoimmune inflammation, the symptoms of the disease appear only a few years after its onset. As a result of squeezing the larynx, problems with speech and swallowing occur. Changes in the level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine. In the early stages, hypothyroidism develops, in the future symptoms predominate. When this form of inflammation is detected, it is imperative to conduct a blood test for the presence.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is often accompanied by signs of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or scleroderma.

With the use of immunosuppressive drugs, the symptoms of inflammation gradually subside.


A preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of the existing symptoms, the results of laboratory and hardware research methods. General analysis blood reflects an increase in the number of lymphocytes and. It is necessary to determine the concentration and . This analysis helps to identify organ dysfunction caused by inflammation. a decrease in T4 indicates hypothyroidism.

When carried out, a change in its size is detected, the presence of hypoechoic inclusions. This is the most informative way to diagnose diseases of the body.

Used to detect lymphocytes and other cells that appear during autoimmune inflammation.
Histological examination is performed when cancer is suspected. The analysis helps to detect malignant cells in a timely manner.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods complement traditional treatment well. These funds cannot be used as the only medicines. Before using this or that recipe, you should consult with a doctor who will identify indications and contraindications, assess the risk of allergic reactions.

Oil extracts

For the manufacture of such products, celandine, kirkazon, sweet clover or cocklebur are used. The grass is dried and crushed. The resulting raw material is poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1. Extracts are used for application to the skin of the cervical region. The composition is stored in a glass container in a dark cool place.


100 g of kelp, 50 g of plantain leaves, pine buds, field cartilage and walnut partitions are crushed and mixed. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, add 50 g of honey and finely chopped lemon, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. The composition is cooled, filtered and taken 20 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

juice therapy

This method is often used to treat thyroid inflammation at home. Freshly squeezed juices prevent cell death and the appearance of malignant tumors. Cabbage or lemon fresh protects tissues from destruction, sea buckthorn juice stimulates the production of hormones. Potato juice is used in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. Beet or carrot fresh relieves signs of inflammation.

Medical treatment

In acute thyroiditis, antibiotics, vitamins and drugs for symptomatic treatment are used. Hormone therapy is prescribed for fibrous inflammation, which is manifested by a decrease in the secretion of T3 and T4.

Subacute thyroiditis is treated with corticosteroids, drugs of the salicylic group.

If signs of thyrotoxicosis are detected, agents that suppress the functions of the thyroid gland are prescribed. If the nodes do not decrease within six months, powerful hormonal preparations are used (). After 3 months, the doses begin to be reduced, gradually abandoning the drug.


Compliance with the principles proper nutrition does not mean giving up food. The diet must be balanced. With thyroiditis, you should not reduce its calorie content. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is not recommended to eat after 18:00. The menu should include meat and fish dishes containing the necessary normal operation thyroid substance. Useful fresh vegetables and fruits.


If inflammation of the thyroid gland is not accompanied by dysfunction of the gland, the patient should be observed by an endocrinologist. This will help to detect and eliminate alarming symptoms in time. Women should monitor the state of the thyroid gland during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during menopause. Additionally, iodine preparations are recommended.