Conjugated linoleic acid benefits and harms. Conjugated linoleic acid for weight loss - useful or not? Experiments and conclusions of Michael Peiriz

Useful properties and effect on weight loss

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, CLA) is a fatty acid with a large amount of biological effects. Found in meat and some dairy products.

Numerous animal and human studies have shown that CLA can be a powerful ally in the fight against many problems in the body.

Useful for the following diseases:

  • Cancer: Animal studies show that taking CLA can reduce the risk of cancer by more than 50 percent.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High blood cholesterol.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Insulin resistance (reducing the effect of insulin on the body): CLA actually mimic the effect of synthetic drugs with for diabetics.
  • Problems with the immune system.
  • High body fat levels: A large number of human studies have proven that taking CLA reduces body fat. Experiments on animals gave even more interesting results: a significant reduction in body fat was recorded and an increase in muscle mass body.

Since conjugated linoleic acid cannot be synthesized in human body it must be obtained from food. The best dietary source of CLA is beef.

Sports nutrition

The use of CLA as a sports supplement will allow you to get linoleic acid in its pure form, avoiding the intake of excess calories in the body.

Unlike other popular fat burners, CLA is not a stimulant of the nervous system, however, this product effectively reduces excess body weight. It is worth noting that the effect of taking conjugated linoleic acid does not become noticeable immediately: usually after 2-3 months after the start of administration.

Beneficial features

Conjugated linoleic acid contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, improves protein metabolism in the body, helps to completely break down nutrients from food and “burn” calories.

Positive effects of taking:

  • use of body fat as an energy source;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • preventing the breakdown of proteins;
  • strengthening of muscle tissue:
  • antioxidant effect.

CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is safe for men and women of all ages.

How to take

The dosage will vary depending on the form of release of the product you purchased. Best results can be expected when taking 600 to 2000 mg 2-3 times a day. The optimal form of release is gel capsules.

You can purchase CLA as a standalone product or look for the compound in a comprehensive fat burner. In such products, as a rule, conjugated linoleic acid is found in combination with L-carnitine or green tea extract.

CLA does not excite the nervous system, so you can take conjugated linoleic acid at any time of the day.


The most common drug containing CLA and produced in Russia is Reduxin Light. This supplement can be bought at many pharmacies, although it is not a drug.

In specialized sports nutrition stores you can find much more choice additives with conjugated linoleic acid both in pure form and as part of lipotropic fat burners:

  • MRM CLA 1250
  • CLA Softgels by Optimum Nutrition
  • Dymatize CLA Tonalin
  • Magnum Acid
  • SuperFats Nutrabolics
  • Lipidex by S.A.N.
  • Nutrex Lipo 6 CLA

CLA packaging costs vary from 400 to 2000 rubles depending on the packaging and the content of the active substance in the capsule. Since CLA is an absolutely natural product and has a natural origin, there are no contraindications to its use.

Friends, today our topic will be sports nutrition CLA - not very popular, but incredibly functional! It is known that in the modern world, athletes, pursuing the highest goals, resort to the use of a large number of various supplements. Let's be honest: not all of them are natural, which is why many start looking for just natural ingredients that can stimulate muscle growth or burn fat. In this regard, I would like to talk about one of the most useful and most dynamically studied members of the fatty acid family called CLA. You may have already heard about its miraculous properties, but it never hurts to learn more about such a popular and effective supplement. Well, are you ready to replenish your cognitive reserves? If yes, then go ahead!

What is CLA in sports nutrition?

Let's generally understand that this is CLA sports nutrition. So, CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, which belongs to natural fatty acids. This nutrient, according to a number of special experiments, has a beneficial effect on the body's absorption of all known proteins, as well as fats. In addition, adding CLA to the diet as an additional supplement has a beneficial effect on the development of the figure. So, experts say that this acid significantly reduces the percentage of adipose tissue, promotes the growth of dry body weight, has anti-cancer properties, stimulates the immune system, and also strengthens cardiovascular system preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Interesting fact! Conjugated linoleic acid began to gain its popularity back in 1987. Then scientists from the University of Wisconsin managed to prove the biological activity of fatty acids. Then the anticarcinogenic properties of KLA were also discovered. Beef meat extract has also been studied, the use of which, according to the data obtained, reduced the risk of tumors by 20%. These substances that fought cancer were just the natural fatty acids CLA. After all this, KLA sports nutrition began to be actively used in bodybuilding.

Effects obtained from taking this drug:

  • Decrease in fat mass;
  • Increase in muscle mass;
  • Accelerated recovery after training;
  • Anti-catabolic effect;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Excellent antioxidant;
  • Reducing the risk of developing various tumor diseases;
  • High level of additive safety.

CLA study on fat burning in two groups:

From all of the above, we can conclude: CLA - indispensable assistant in the desire to regulate your weight - to get rid of excess fat and gain quality mass. In addition to all this, the drug is endowed with a whole host of other incredibly useful properties that many will envy vitamin complexes. It is also worth pointing out that the acid in question does not belong to the class of stimulants. Therefore, its use is absolutely safe for both men and the beautiful half of humanity.

KLA sports nutrition for mass gain

As we have already said, KLA fatty acids are excellent for helping in the process of mass gain. According to studies, if you take this supplement every day in certain quantities, then the overall strength indicators will increase by one and a half times, and an increase in lean muscle mass was observed after only five weeks of using the drug. Also, experts say that taking CLA helps to ensure muscle growth by an average of 1% per week, while working on burning subcutaneous fat. At the same time, the total weight can remain unchanged: the amount of fat will decrease, and muscle mass will increase.

All this is achieved as a result of the fact that linoleic acid greatly inhibits the destruction of muscle tissue during the process of catabolism. Experts say: if you managed to provide yourself with an anti-catabolic effect, that is, to minimize the impact of adverse hormones on the body, then the increase in protein production will increase significantly. This muscle growth will be quite significant. And the use of CLA in tandem with other products that fight catabolism provides an incredible synergistic effect. That is why this type of fatty acid is so popular among top level athletes today.

Sports nutrition CLA for burning fat

Let's take a look at how CLA affects the fat burning process? Long-term and multiple experiments have shown that the supplement in question can significantly facilitate the process of weight loss in people struggling with obesity. It is especially suitable for those who want to achieve proportions and a noticeable relief.

If you familiarize yourself with the properties of other fatty acids, you will notice that all of them are an excellent assistant for getting rid of subcutaneous fat. Today, experts in the field sports supplements sure: linoleic acid must be in the diet of any athlete, even one who is not obese, but simply leads an active lifestyle. A natural addition to the general diet.

Here, as in the issue of mass gain, it is also appropriate to talk about a synergistic effect. Several reputable American bodybuilding magazines pointed out in their pages that the use of KLA in combination with green tea extract, which is known to be one of the most effective fat-fighting ingredients, gives an incredibly powerful effect within a short period of time. In addition, linoleic acid forms just a bomb duet along with caffeine.

The mechanism of fighting fat with CLA is very simple: it simply prevents fat cells from accumulating in the body, stimulating it to immediately use them as the main source of energy.

As you can see, the mechanism of the fight against excess weight of KLA is very simple, but from this it does not lose its effectiveness at all. Moreover, the popularity of this supplement all over the world is only growing every day. Agree, it was impossible to deserve such wide attention of the public just like that.

Best Sports Nutrition CLA

Not every complex of fatty acids works properly. The fact is that many manufacturers add a huge proportion of low-grade fat and a minimal percentage of CLA to the capsule. We decided to offer you an option that we have tested in our experience and that deserves good feedback our buyers:

How to take CLA

There is certainty in the question of taking the drug in question. Thus, the recommended daily intake of CLA is 3 grams. This amount is enough to achieve the maximum effect, even when you take large dosages.

Let's say right away: it is very, very problematic to get such an amount of conjugated linoleic acid from just food. That is why it is recommended to take this drug in the form of supplements. In most cases, manufacturers indicate recommendations for use: one capsule three times a day.

We believe that there are no more gaps in the question of how to take CLA sports nutrition, because everything is very clear here. Once again, we want to draw your attention to the fact that this supplement will help you not only take the upper hand in a difficult battle with fat and gain quality mass, but also completely heal your body, providing it with reliable support for a long time.

We hope that this article was useful to you. Well, if we still could not convince you, then just test the work of CLA for yourself, making sure of its incredible effect. We wish you big scales and huge cans! Good luck.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Basic Information

Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is a term used for a mixture of fatty acids having linoleic acid (18 carbons long, 2 double bonds) as its main structure, where the double bonds are two carbons apart; they are all polyunsaturated fatty acids and some may be trans fatty acids. Although there are many, only two are usually mentioned. One is called c9t11 (cis-9, trans-11) and the other t10c12 (trans-10, cis-12), named based on which bond is in which location on the side chain. CLA has been explored as a fat-burning and health-promoting agent through its action on a family of molecular signaling receptors called PPARs that are associated with fat burning, steroid signaling, inflammation, and glucose and lipid metabolism. However, human studies on CLA are very unreliable and the overall effects seen with CLA are not strong enough and in some cases are inconsistent. CLA is a good research standard for studying fatty acids and the PPAR system, but its use as a personal supplement is highly inappropriate.

Also known as: CLA, rumenic acid

Not to be confused with: Linoleic acid (basic fatty acid)

On a note! CLA is not a stimulant. CLA appears to be more effective in obese and sedentary individuals, but even in this group, its benefit is uncertain.


    fat burner

Pairs well with:

    Fucoxanthin (may enhance the fat-burning effect of fucoxanthin)

Not compatible with:

    fat blockers

    Resveratrol (both have anti-obesity activity and inhibit each other in this regard)

Conjugated linoleic acid: instructions for use

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) intake is in the range of 3200-6400 mg daily taken with food. This dosage assumes that approximately 70% of the product, by weight, consists of one or two major active isomers, cis-9 trans-11 (c9t11) and trans-10 cis-12 (t10c12). Limited studies using higher doses than the above have found no additive benefit, and while this may just be due to the poor reliability of CLA supplementation, it also means that there is no evidence of greater efficacy at doses above the above. .

Sources and structure


CLA is a complex of naturally occurring fatty acids, the group of which is collectively referred to as "CLA". The term CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, and more precisely, the fatty acids of linoleic acid (omega-6), which are connected by double bonds at a certain place. They can be found in foods (including meat) derived from ruminants, which include:

Estimated human intake of CLA is around 0.5-1g daily at best, with other estimates being 350-430mg (Germany), 151-210mg (US) and obsolete for comparison. design value is 0.5-1 g daily in Australia. Studies using low (0.5-1g) doses of CLA can replicate the same potency with food, but higher doses require a supplement. When eating food from natural sources, the c9t11 isomer (to be discussed) dominates in the amount of 75-80% of the total weight of CLA. Since CLA was first isolated from ruminants, the c9t11 isomer is referred to in some cases as rumenic acid. Dairy products in general (milk, butter, cheeses) contain CLA in the range of 0.25-1.5% of total CLA-like fatty acids, with the exception of CLA derived from vaccenic acid. Meat, dairy products and double-spored champignons?


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a term used in relation to any fatty acid linoleic acid (omega-6) with conjugated bonds. It can be found in large quantities in animal products, and can also be synthesized naturally in mammals through the enzyme delta-9-desaturase and produced from trans fatty acids, vaccenic acid, as a result of human consumption of trans-vaccenic acid. Of these isomers, two have been the most investigated, and their rather unique effects in the body have been reported; isomer trans-10,cis-12 (t-10,c-12) and cis9,trans-11 (c-9,t-11). These two isomers are used to a greater extent due to a large number studies that provide sufficient evidence regarding their safety.

CLA isomers

Since CLA is a complex of isomers, each isomer has a different effect; within this section they will be divided into c9t11 (cis-9, trans-11) and t10c12 (trans-10, cis-12) isomers, then an explanation will be given for all remaining isomers together. Each isomer can be considered not only to have its own mechanisms of action, but also a unique structure.


This CLA isomer, when taken in humans via 3.4 g of CLA isomer complex for 4 weeks, was associated with changes in 93 genes with more than 1.5-fold differences (compared to control), of which 44 genes matched t10c12 and 20 genes were uniquely affected when only two isomers are taken into account. When eating food of natural origin, the c9t11 isomer (to be discussed) dominates in the amount of 75-80% of the total weight of CLA. Since CLA was first isolated from ruminants, the c9t11 isomer is referred to in some cases as rumenic acid. It has been shown in vitro to promote neural stem cell differentiation, while the t10c12 isomer attenuates neuronal differentiation at doses in the 2-20µM range. This particular isomer has been associated with some beneficial effects on neurons and may be largely neuroprotective (not well understood), and is also associated with increased insulin sensitivity and glucose control; it is not associated with an increase in lean mass, a decrease in fat mass, or inflammation, as other isomers. c9t11 is a "natural" isomer of CLA due to the fact that it is found in higher amounts in foods than others, and while it may be "beneficial", it is not significantly associated with a fat-burning effect.


This CLA isomer, when administered to humans via 3.4 g of CLA isomer complex for 4 weeks, was associated with changes in 265 genes with more than 1.5-fold differences (compared to controls), of which 44 genes shared t10c12 and 20 genes were uniquely affected when only two isomers are taken into account. Generally more biologically active than the c9t11 isomer. Oral ingestion of t10c12 has been shown to rapidly develop insulin resistance in obese men, which is theoretically due to increased lipid peroxidation (a form of oxidative stress) as measured by urinary isoprostanes. A later study compared 3.4g of CLA complex (equal parts c9t11 and t10c12) to t10c12 and found four times higher urinary isoprostane levels from t10c12 compared to CLA (0.25+/-0.07 increase in compared to baseline with CLA, an increase of 1.04 ± 0.7 with t10c12), which correlates with greater suppression of insulin sensitivity by t10c12 regardless of other measures. The ability of t10c12 to induce lipid peroxidation, as measured by urinary 8-iso-PGF2α levels, is much stronger than that of c9t11; an increase of up to 578% of baseline was seen with excreted t10c12, while an increase of 25% was seen with a similar dose of c9t11. Since an increase in urinary 8-iso-PGF2α may be diagnostic of the problem (see section on Lipoperoxidation), these results also suggest that t10c12 in vivo is more related to peroxisomal oxidation. t10c12 is considered the more biologically active isomer as it is related to fat loss; is inversely related to body weight in diabetics and resides predominantly in adipose tissue (fat mass) compared to skeletal muscle. Animal model studies indicate that the t10c12 isomer has many effects on adipocytes, such as increased expression of lipoprotein lipase and triglyceride release, as well as an increase in expression of type 2 uncoupling protein. In a rat study with 0.4% dietary t10c12 for 8 weeks (compared to c9t11) it was the causative isomer leading to the earlier statement that CLA can increase insulin sensitivity through fat cell proliferation and downsizing of individual adipocytes. (no overall change in fat mass), while c9t11 showed no difference from control in reducing adipocyte size. The reduction in blood pressure seen with CLA is thought to be related to its effect on fat cells, which is unique to t10c12. t10c12 is either more potent or is a clear cause of the changes in fat mass and insulin sensitivity/insulin resistance seen with CLA, with the increase in urinary 8-iso-PGF2α also largely attributable to t10c12. Interestingly, t10c12 also has a beneficial effect on muscle mass in rats compared to c9t11 when both are 0.5% of the diet in animals, although all groups (both isomers and complex) showed positive differences from controls. The complex (both isomers at 0.25%) was more effective, indicating synergy between the two isomers in this regard. This action may be due to the fact that t10c12 has a more effective effect on antioxidant enzymes in muscle cells. Other studies have concluded that t10c12 is the active isomer in improving running endurance in mice due to splitting energy intake towards fatty acids rather than glucose, which causes indirect storage of glycogen. A similar study to the above (0.5% t10c12 vs. c9t11 and the complex CLA group) found that t10c12 was more effective in preventing osteoporosis in mice, presumably through its action on adipocytes; the effect revealed by t10c12 was significantly stronger than by c9t11, but did not exceed the effect of the complex. t10c12 also increases levels of the lipoprotein lipase receptor in the liver cells (the receptor that takes up low-density lipoproteins from the body), while c9t11 has no such effect in vitro. Another beneficial effect of CLA on bone and muscle metabolism can also be attributed to t10c12 rather than c9t11.

Other isomers

Other existing isomers include 9trans, 11trans CLA (9t11t), as well as c11t13 and 8t10c. A unique isomer of CLA known as 9-hydroxy-trans-12-cis CLA (9-HODE) from valerian fori and teardrop seeds along with another hydroxylated CLA known as 13-HODE are able to inhibit fat accumulation in adipocytes with EC50 values ​​in the range 0.17-0.40 µg/ml and IC values ​​of 0.29-0.41 µg/ml; the action is almost 8 times stronger than that of the basic CLA t10c12 isomer. 9-HODE and related hydroxylated CLA molecules have previously been shown to act as a PPARy ligand (similar to CLA) with a potency of 10µM troglitazone (drug) at 20µM, as well as the stress-induced GPCR G2A. The oxygenated metabolite of CLA found in tomato products, 13-oxo-CLA (c9t11 isomer), is nearly twice as potent as the c9t11 CLA isomer at 20 micromoles and marginally more potent than 9-oxo-CLA (isomer); in addition, 13-oxo-CLA was able to improve metabolism in obese mice when taken in an amount of 0.02% of the diet. Here are some of the configurations of linoleic acid that are of interest for future research, but there is no practical application to date.


Both isomers increase the expression of antioxidant enzymes in vitro by regulating the expression of NF-kB, while the combination of the two, when injected into macrophages, suppresses the activation of NF-kB (anti-inflammatory action).



In a study in 22 healthy Japanese men with a slightly overweight body mass index of 20+/-0.4, taking 2.2 g of CLA daily for 3 weeks (47.3% c9t11, 50.7% t10c12) was able to significantly increase CLA levels in in red blood cells and plasma almost four times compared to 2.2 g of linoleic acid. At the same time, erythrocytes contained 0.06% of total fatty acids such as CLA in the control, and after 4 weeks in the test group they were observed in the range of 0.31-0.5%; the plasma content of total fatty acids increased from 0.12% to 0.26-0.92%. An increase in CLA levels in lipoproteins (high density, low density, very low density) was also observed after 4 weeks, despite the fact that the concentration of these lipoproteins in the blood did not change significantly. A study using a similar dose found the same trends but slightly smaller changes in Irish blood. Requires more than 1 week to form reserves in the body and remains in the body for at least one week after stopping; excreted after 2 weeks after discontinuation.

Impact on the body

Interaction with lipid metabolism


2.2g of CLA with about 1g of each isomer (c9t12, t10c12) can increase blood triglyceride levels from 65.6+/-8.7mg/dl to 79.9+/-7.6mg/dl (121% of baseline) after 3 weeks of use, while the effect persists for 2 weeks after discontinuation in young healthy people.


2.2 g of CLA, containing about 1 g of each isomer (c9t12, t10c12) in young healthy Japanese subjects, was not able to significantly affect HDL, LDL, or VLDL concentrations after 3 weeks of supplementation.

Interaction with glucose metabolism

Mechanisms of insulin sensitivity

The c9t11 isomer has demonstrated anti-diabetic activity, being able to reduce the risk of food-induced obesity in animal models. Possibly by increasing insulin sensitivity, c9t11 is also associated with improvements in lipid biomarkers. The t10c12 isomer is pro-diabetic, causing inflammation in fat cells, which is associated with the fat-burning effects of CLA (by reducing the absorption of glucose and fatty acids by fat cells), and also acts on insulin sensitivity (by preventing glucose from entering fat cells, it circulates for a longer time) . In vitro, the link between inflammation in fat cells and diabetic action is largely mediated by cytokines (inflammatory signals) and is primarily mediated by calcium release in fat cells. t10c12 is also a PPARy inhibitor which, despite its anti-obesity mechanisms of action (by preventing fat cell differentiation), is also pro-diabetic by reducing glucose uptake by fat cells. The difference was evident when each isomer was given individually to rats, where c9t11 at 0.5% prevented food-induced insulin resistance, while t10c12 at 0.5% increased insulin resistance while increasing lean tissue mass and reducing fat mass, while the complex to some extent reduces the impact of each individual isomer. Both isomers have different effects on insulin resistance, with c9t11 being insulin sensitizing and t10c12 capable of inducing insulin resistance in fat cells; the fat-burning effect of CLA, however, depends on it.

Insulin Sensitivity Studies

Insulin sensitivity is the ratio of how effective insulin is at lowering blood sugar levels or at activating cells that cause "insulin-like action", with the more insulin sensitive person needing fewer units of insulin to do X amount of work, and the more insulin resistant person needing more units of insulin to do the same amount of work. There have been a small number of human interventions on insulin sensitivity in response to CLA, and two of these have demonstrated how heterogeneous the results can be. The first study in 10 sedentary lean men given 3.2 g of a 50:50 combination of isomers found an increase in insulin sensitivity in 2 subjects and a decrease in 6, with 2 subjects showing no significant effect. Another study, which showed an average decrease in insulin sensitivity of 29% (defined by the insulin sensitivity index; mathematical model), found that out of 9 subjects, three had an increase in insulin sensitivity (increase in the range of 9-13%), and the remaining 6 had a decrease (in range 9-79%). Both of these studies were conducted by the same group of researchers, and the authors hypothesized that age (the older, the greater the risk) and genetic predisposition to diabetes may also play a role. Typical results are quite mixed, with some leaning toward decreased insulin sensitivity, but most studies indicate that any effect on insulin sensitivity or resistance is not statistically significant. First of all, most of the evidence tends to suggest that CLA is somewhat inactive or inapplicable in regards to insulin sensitivity or resistance. However, some evidence suggests that it may cause insulin resistance; in identifying insulin resistance, its clinical relevance is unreliable, but theoretically of interest. In studies noting an increase in insulin resistance, the doses of CLA used were either 3-3.2 g of a complex of CLA isomers, or the same dose of the less potent c9t11 was used; there have been two studies in obese people and one in overweight people, but being overweight (as well as having type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome) is not relevant because at least four studies in obese and overweight people have shown no effect on insulin resistance with similar oral doses of CLA, with two studies noting an increase in insulin resistance in diabetics and non-diabetics, consistent with studies with null results in type II diabetics and non-diabetics. As mentioned earlier, the oral dose is irrelevant, as most of the studies cited in this section use doses of 2.5-3.2 g of the active CLA isomers. Insulin resistance was calculated using a homeostatic scoring model, a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp method, and mathematical modeling of glucose and insulin dynamics; since studies that assessed insulin sensitivity and found null results also used multiple analytical methods, it is unlikely that the reason for the discrepancy in results is due to investigator error. The discrepancy stems from whether or not insulin resistance has been assessed with a glucose tolerance test, or whether insulin sensitivity, despite experimentally induced high blood glucose levels, can be reproduced with food. All three studies that noted an increase in insulin resistance used glucose tolerance tests, while another study that noted a trend towards change but no change also used a glucose tolerance test. In these studies, changes in insulin resistance were 14.4%, 19%, and 29%. The latest study showed a range of 9-79%, however, indicating high variability. Other studies that did not find a significant effect used fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, indicating a constant change in glucose metabolism. The state of the body prior to using CLA does not correlate significantly with how CLA affects insulin sensitivity, but that CLA causes insulin resistance is highly dependent on concomitant intake (or concomitant administration) of carbohydrates. It is possible that CLA causes short-term changes in insulin resistance that are reversed by withdrawal and are only significant during carbohydrate intake. To date, there is no comprehensive explanation for the variability observed in people who show a spike in glucose levels.

Interaction with the liver

liver enzymes

Supplementation of 2.2 g CLA daily for 3 weeks is not able to have a significant effect on the level of circulating liver enzymes in healthy Japanese adults.

liver fat

In animals, namely mice, ingestion of CLA and a specific t10c12 isomer causes fatty liver; also known as fatty liver, which precedes pathological metabolic disorders. Human studies examining hepatic steatosis (fatty liver disease) did not reveal the results found in animals, suggesting species differences. One review study, summarizing 64 studies across four species, concluded that humans are less susceptible to CLA than hamsters and rats, but mice are hypersensitive to CLA intake and prone to CLA-induced hepatic steatosis. The claim that CLA causes fatty liver is not of concern to humans and for some reason only applies to mice.

Interaction with fat mass


In a study comparing the dynamics of the c9t11 isomer with the t10c12 isomer, the t10c12 CLA isomer had a higher affinity for triglyceride storage in adipose (body fat) tissue, while c9t11 had a comparative affinity for skeletal muscle. In addition to the potency with respect to mechanisms that will be mentioned shortly, t10c12 is stored to a greater extent in adipose tissue than c9t11.


The main mechanism attributed to CLA isomers is their ability to bind to and activate the peroxisome proliferator activating receptor alpha (PPARa), which is highly expressed in the liver but also in the kidneys and heart, with the c9t11 isomer being more potent on receptor, followed by t10c12 and other isomers. IC50 values ​​were 140+/-90µM for c9t11 and 200+/-30µM for t10c12. c9t11 CLA is nearly 8 times more potent than linoleic acid (the parent non-conjugated omega-6) in activating PPARa. The biological effect of PPARa activation has been observed following oral administration in rats and is thought to increase liver fat burning. In addition, CLA has been shown in vitro and in vivo in humans to inhibit PPARy, an isomer of PPAR that is found in fat cells and inhibits fat cell proliferation and triglyceride accumulation (PPAR, although associated with obesity, may also be protective against diabetes) , and this inhibition is attributed to the t10c12 isomer of CLA. Interestingly, while t10c12 inhibits PPARy, c9t11 activates PPARy in human fat cells in vitro. Also notably, genetic changes in PPARy are associated with changes in the genetic response to CLA in humans and may be an area for research to explain interindividual differences. With respect to the third major type of PPAR receptor (PPARb/d), the CLA metabolite known as furan-CLA is a weak agonist. There are no studies on the biological significance of this information. The CLA complex is a PPAR modulator that is capable of activating PPARa (mostly located in the liver, related to the fat-burning action and presumably the action leading to the loss of body fat), while both activating and inhibiting PPARy in body fat cells (depending on from the isomer) is also able to "restrain" PPARy receptors and subsequent regulation of body fat. CLA is claimed to be able to burn fat by inhibiting the expression of lipogenic (fat-gaining) enzymes such as fatty acid synthase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and to inhibit lipoprotein lipase. This action is the result of PPARy inhibition by the t10c12 isomer. CLA has also been credited with the ability to increase energy intake by increasing carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CMPT-1) and acyl-CoA oxidase, which has been linked to the t10c12 isomer, even if the study is about liver fat-burning effects. The fatty acid synthase enzyme is a subject of study as CLA interacts with it, but the results of the studies are quite mixed and indicate either a decrease in the activity of this enzyme due to less mRNA (fat burning), or no significant effect, or a paradoxical increased activity. Some protein changes in the body are associated with the aforementioned action on PPARa or PPARy, while others may be affected either directly or through other means by CLA; t10c12 is more relevant to these mechanisms. Regardless of the mechanisms, laboratory studies consistently note the ability to release glycerol from adipocytes (fat cells), indicating increased release of fat from triglycerides and subsequent fat burning.

Interspecies differences

There are significant differences in results between humans and study animals with respect to CLA action. It is generally noted that animal studies consistently produce better fat loss results than human studies that report CLA failure; this may be because animals are more responsive to PPARa activation, the theoretical mechanism of action of CLA. Interestingly, mice are suitable models for research, if you deliberately look for animals that are completely opposite to humans. Typically, mice show significant fat loss in response to CLA in the range of 60-80%, being the only species that has been noted to have hepatomegaly (liver growth) and fatty liver (fatty liver) in response to CLA. In terms of species differences, laboratory animals are more susceptible to CLA's mechanisms of action; thus, extrapolation to humans based on animal studies is likely inappropriate when considering the clinical relevance or potency of CLA.

metabolic rate

The results of studies evaluating CLA and metabolic rate are mixed. At least one study noted an increase in metabolic rate when taking 3.76 g of CLA with 35% c9t11 and 35% t10c12 in the form of yogurt for 14 weeks. By indirect calorimetry, a 4% increase in metabolic rate was found, although after 14 weeks no significant weight loss was observed in obese subjects; food was not controlled. Another study found an increase in metabolic rate, but attributed this to lean tissue gain caused by overeating (in a study aimed at determining whether CLA could suppress weight gain after weight loss, which it did not, but led to separation nutrients in relation to the mass of lean tissues); an indirect form of increasing the intensity of metabolism. Several studies have concluded no difference in metabolic rate, including 4g CLA for 12 weeks in overweight but healthy individuals, no overall difference in metabolic rate despite alteration of fat oxidation during sleep by 4g CLA daily, plus 12 weeks of CLA at 3.9g daily in trained, normal weight subjects. Some studies note an increase in metabolic rate, but either has no practical significance, or the results are complicated; for the most part, CLA does not increase or suppress metabolic rate.

Interventional Research

CLA has been linked to fat loss in several studies. In Chinese, 1.7 g CLA (50/50 isomers) daily for 12 weeks caused a reduction in fat mass of 0.69 kg compared to a placebo value of 0.07 kg with no change in lean tissue mass in overweight and obese individuals (body mass index 25-35) 3.4 g of 50/50 CLA isomers for 12 weeks caused fat loss without weight loss (increased lean mass), with doses below 3.4 g being ineffective, taking 0, 6g CLA thrice daily in obese individuals under exercise is able to induce a shift towards fat loss regardless of weight, 4.5g supplementation with 3.4g CLA (50/50) isomeric structure in 85 people, mostly obese and unhealthy metabolism (metabolic syndrome) caused a decrease of 1.13 kg in body weight after 4 weeks, a decrease of 0.5+/-2.1% in body fat after 6.5-7.5 months was found in obese children taking 3 g CLA daily, a fat loss of −1.25+/-0.71 kg after 16 weeks was observed in postmenopausal and obese diabetic women (versus safflower oil as a control, which resulted in a loss of 0.11+/-0.55 kg) and -0.86 ± 0.59 kg at 16 weeks over the course of the crossover study compared to a weight gain of 0.90 ± 0.79 kg in the safflower group. oils, 6 months of 3.2g CLA daily resulted in a weight loss of 0.6+/-2.5kg compared to a placebo (safflower oil) group gaining 1.1+/-3.2kg, fat loss weight of 0.6 kg as a result of taking 3 g of CLA (tonalin) with milk for 12 weeks was observed in overweight and obese people with pre-metabolic syndrome, a 2.6% higher loss (fat mass in general) compared with placebo was seen with either CLA or the t10c12 isomer at 4.2g for 12 weeks, a fat loss of 1.0+/-2.2kg after 6 months without food control was seen with 3.6g CLA daily, there was also a loss of fat mass of either 1.7 ± 3.0 kg due to CLA fatty acids in the amount of 3.6 g during the year, or 2.4 ± 3.0 kg due to CLA triglycerides during the same period. period of time, while the placebo group gained 0.2 kg. The current study using microencapsulated CLA noted a weight loss of −2.68%+/-0.82% over 30 days, although no greater reduction was observed over 90 days (with placebo reaching −1.97%+/- 0.60%). Overall, 10 studies in the collection show a statistically significant reduction in fat mass. The most dramatic decrease was 1.13 kg after 4 months, which does not show an impressive rate of weight loss (compared to ephedrine, ephedrine can cause twice as much weight loss in one month). Fat loss ranges often cross the zero point (i.e. 1.1+/-3.2kg weight loss means someone gains 2.1kg while another loses 4.3kg) however, CLA's wide range of potency and low reliability apply to all studies. CLA has fat-burning potential, but even in studies where it demonstrates clinical relevance, its reliability and potency are low. Conversely, no effect was seen after 8 weeks with 2.7 g of active CLA as either a 50/50 complex of isomers or pure c9t11 in obese hyperlipidemic men, and no effect of milk fortified with 1.3 g of CLA was noted. daily, either c9t11 or a complex of isomers after 4 weeks, no (0+/-0.9 kg) effect of 20g CLA on total weight after 9 weeks when compared to isocaloric amounts of oleic acid (the main fatty acid in olive oil ), no significant effect when 4.2g CLA isomers were added daily to oil foods, no significant loss of fat mass after 14 weeks when using yogurt as an intermediary for 3.76g CLA (35% c9t11, 35% t10c12) when food was not controlled, no difference from placebo effect due to CLA at 2.4 g of tonal oil (trade name) when taken along with chromium at 400 mg in trained women, no effect in healthy trained men and women for 4 g for 12 weeks, 3.2 and 6.4 g of CLA daily for 12 weeks in obese individuals show a trend toward weight loss (-0.17 kg fat mass after 12 weeks compared to set 0 11 kg due to placebo), but it is not statistically significant, loss of 0.65 kg of body fat after 6 months of daily supplementation of 3.2 g of CLA is not statistically significant compared with placebo, supplementation of 3.4 g of CLA daily reduces fat mass by 1.7+/-2.4 kg over 2 years in obese healthy individuals, with no effect of 1.5 or 3 g of any of the isolated isomers on fat mass after 18 weeks. A larger number (11) of the studies conducted show no statistically significant effect of CLA on fat burning rather than statistically significant fat loss, and there is no common motivation or direction to separate studies that show positive results and studies that give no results. As determined by human studies without animal studies (due to species differences), CLA does not appear to be an effective fat-burning agent when compared to many other agents. CLA does not show a dose-dependence, has questionable effects on lipid and glucose metabolism, and is not reliable or overly potent. CLA at an oral dose of 3.4 g daily for a year also failed to suppress weight gain after weight loss to a greater extent than placebo, with appetite suppression being associated with CLA but not reducing calorie intake in small studies.

Interaction with skeletal muscles


A study comparing the dynamics of the c9t11 isomer with the t10c12 isomer found that the c9t11 isomer has an affinity for skeletal muscle, preferentially being deposited in the phospholipid bilayer; t10c12 has an affinity for accumulation in adipose tissue triglycerides. This was also observed in another study assessing muscle CLA levels, where taking 4g of CLA oil daily (38% c9t11) caused an increase from 0.46+/-0.08% to 0.56+/-0.06% total fatty acids, while t10c12 increased from undetectable to 0.09% with the same oral dose. c9t11 is predominantly deposited in skeletal muscle tissues, while t10c12 is more inclined towards adipose tissue.

Glucose metabolism

At least one study using 4 g CLA daily (38.8% c9t11, 38% t10c12) for 12 weeks in overweight but otherwise healthy men and women found a decrease in insulin sensitivity as measured by the glucose and insulin index (AUC glucose x insulin AUC) and mathematical model known as the "insulin sensitivity index". Glucose AUC was increased by 39% as a result of an oral glucose tolerance test, and insulin AUC by 20%, which is attributed to changes in the structure of myocyte fatty acids, namely ceramide (which was increased from 401.3 nmol / g to 660.3 nmol /g dry weight).


Several studies using CLA in humans have found changes in lean mass (defined as total weight minus body fat). Studies that have shown positive results have noted that in young obese men, 3 g of CLA isomers combined with 3 g of fish oil was able to increase lean mass by 2.4% after 12 weeks, while at the same time not affecting young people. lean men or elderly, there was also a weight gain of 0.64 kg after 12 weeks in response to 6.4 g CLA but not 3.2 g CLA isomers, in otherwise healthy obese people, a mean increase of 1. 8+/-4.3% lean tissue mass with CLA at 3.4g mixed isomers for 1 year, also shown to have positive influence on lean tissue mass during the weight retrieval period (following weight loss caused by a very low calorie diet), since weight regained was 12-13.7% of lean mass due to the intake of 1.6-3.2 g of CLA (according to compared with an increase of 8.6-9.1% due to placebo) after 13 weeks. Negative studies report no change in lean tissue mass in response to 1.7 g CLA daily for 3 months in overweight and obese individuals in response to 8 weeks of supplementation with either a 3.5 g daily CLA isomer complex or 3.5 g pure c9t11 isomer in overweight men with high blood lipids, no lean mass gain after 16 weeks of 6.4 g CLA isomer complex in postmenopausal diabetic women, no lean mass gain in younger thin men or older men, although lean mass gain has been observed in obese young subjects with 3 g CLA with 3 g fish oil daily, no effect of 3.9 g CLA on lean mass in non obese people after 12 weeks, no effect of 14 weeks of CLA 3.76 g via yogurt in healthy people, 24 months of mixed CLA isomers of 3.4 g daily in overweight people, no effects of CLA on lean tissue mass at doses ranging from 1.7-6.8 g daily after 12 weeks. Some studies have found disagreement whether fat loss occurs without gain in lean mass, or gain in lean mass occurs without loss of fat mass. It is possible that lean tissue mass and fat mass are regulated by CLA in vivo in humans through different mechanisms. In studies that looked at fat mass or weight loss, lean mass (total weight minus fat mass) increased in some but not most studies. There is not enough evidence that this effect is strong and reliable (it seems not), but it is not related to the effect of CLA isomers on fat loss. One study examined the combination of whey protein and creatine monohydrate, at 36 g and 9 g, respectively, with or without the addition of 6 g of CLA. After 5 weeks of strength training, inexperienced weightlifters showed greater strength and lean mass gains when CLA was taken in combination with whey protein and creatine. While whey protein and creatine increased bench press strength by 9.7% +/- 17.0% at 5 weeks, CLA supplementation increased this increase to 16.2% +/- 11.3 %; Lean mass was increased by 1.3% +/-4.1% in the whey protein and creatine combination group and by 2.4% +/- 2.8% in the CLA group. CLA alone at 5 g daily for 7 weeks and in combination with a strength training program is associated with a 1.3 kg increase in lean mass, while placebo is associated with a gain of 0.2 kg; also competitive fat loss of 0.8 kg is observed due to CLA, while placebo causes a gain of 0.4 kg; muscle mass gain was only significant in the males tested, and although there was some benefit from CLA on strength training, leg press strength was only influenced by strength loading. When tested on experienced athletes, young (23 year old) men with an average training experience of 5.6 years and the ability to bench press, on average, more than their own body weight, took CLA at 6 g daily with 3 g of other fatty acids (with placebo was 9 g of olive oil), there was no significant effect on lean mass or fat mass after 28 days of training. There are not as many studies examining the effects of CLA in athletes as compared to those examining weight loss in obese individuals, and due to the unreliability observed in other human studies, it is difficult to draw conclusions from 3 studies.

Action on hormones


Supplementation of 6 g CLA daily for 3 weeks in strength-trained men who were subjected to blood tests before and after each exercise did not show a significant increase in circulating testosterone levels in vivo. However, when tested in vitro (Leydig cells), CLA has the ability to increase testosterone synthesis at a concentration of 30 micromoles. High-dose c9t11 CLA button mushroom extract has been shown in vitro to be a non-competitive aromatase inhibitor with similar potency and mechanism to linoleic acid (a basic omega-6 fatty acid). However, double-spored button mushrooms contain other aromatase inhibitors, so the above study is somewhat complicated.

Interaction with neurology


Two human studies have examined whether CLA can have an effect on appetite with mixed results; one study noted a reduction in subjective appetite with 1.8 and 3.6 g of mixed CLA isomers with no effect on calorie intake, while another noted no effect on appetite. When investigating whether endogenous oleoylethanolamide (an innate appetite inhibitor) can be affected by dietary CLA, a mouse study comparing 3% dietary CLA with control (3% linoleic acid) found no difference.

neural progenitor cells

One in vitro study investigating the effects of the c9t11 and t10c12 isomers on neural progenitor cell differentiation found that, through manipulation of cyclin D1 protein content, the c9t11 isomer had a dose-dependent beneficial effect on neuronal growth, with the greatest efficacy at a concentration of 5 micromoles, while as the t10c12 isomer demonstrates dose-dependent inhibition of neural progenitor cell differentiation. These mechanisms differ from those seen with docosahexaenoic acid from fish oil.

Cell protection

CLA protects neurons from glutamate-induced excitotoxicity (3µM) at concentrations of 10-30µM (and is able to reduce cell death from 73.6+/-6.5% to 31.7+/-7.2% at 30µM) , which is observed under the action of the CLA complex, but is attributed to the action of the c9t11 isomer. This protective effect was seen after glutamate induced toxicity and was then abolished by CLA administration 1-5 hours later, indicating that simultaneous administration may not be a requirement. CLA by itself does not increase cell survival. The mechanism is theoretically associated with the excitation of Bcl-2, which stabilizes the mitochondria and protects it from the release of self-destructive cytokines when damaged. CLA itself has no effect on the mitochondria, but due to the excitation of Bcl-2, it protects the mitochondria from damage by glutamate.

Interaction with the endocannabinoid system

Mouse study (not best model regarding the effects of CLA in humans) taking 3% CLA instead of linoleic acid showed a decrease in endogenous levels of 2-AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol), an endocannabinoid, in the cerebral cortex. 2-AG levels were not affected in the hypothalamus, while other cannabinoids (anandamide) were not affected in either location.

The state of the cardiovascular system

Endothelium (blood vessels)

In overweight and obese individuals, 76.5% of whom have metabolic syndrome, it was found that 3.4 g of CLA for 28 days was able to have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels in the fasting state, as determined by peripheral artery tonometry, which in the fed state had no statistical significance. These results are in contrast to those found in a previous study in obese but otherwise healthy individuals using flow-mediated expansion, where 3.4 g CLA for 12 weeks reduced blood flow. Both studies showed a decrease in body weight (-1.13+/-1.65 kg, -1.1+/-1.2 kg), so the effect on blood flow is independent of the effect on weight loss.

Blood pressure

Some studies note that CLA shows a trend towards lower blood pressure compared to controls such as safflower oil, but overall it does not reach statistical significance. Diastolic blood pressure tends to decrease more than systolic blood pressure in most of the above studies. Trends in blood pressure lowering or no effect at all are observed, which are not statistically significant.

Load and performance


General oxidation

One study evaluating CLA and its effect on oxidation noted that CLA's free fatty acids, as well as its methyl esters, exhibit dose-dependent pro-inflammatory effects in vitro, while triglycerides do not. The mechanism may be related to its oxidation (since CLA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid) and subsequent conversion to the lipid peroxide form, which was observed in other studies in rats and lambs, where CLA was more prone to oxidative stress than other polyunsaturated fatty acids. acids. In a laboratory study on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels of 2 µmol/L CLA were found to have a pro-oxidative effect, but lower doses were antioxidant; indicates a dose-dependent effect. The combination of CLA (2% food by weight for 21 days in rats) with vitamin E, a standard dietary lipid antioxidant, was able to further reduce malondialdehyde (MDA, a DNA damage biomarker), while CLA was also able to This; the observed catalase drastic decrease was also enhanced, suggesting that both molecules additively (but not synergistically) reduce malondialdehyde and catalase-mediated oxidation. The interaction of vitamin E and CLA on urinary levels of 8-iso-PGF2α (lipoperoxidation biomarker) is not significant. Interactions with oxidation are ambiguous, with no patterns identified in humans to date.


The urinary biomarker 8-iso-PGF2α is elevated as a result of free radical-induced lipid peroxidation in the body, and in some cases, 8-iso-PGF2α is used as a means of assessing lipid peroxidation in vivo. There was an increase of 170% after 3 weeks with 7% CLA dietary intake, 25% after 3 months with 3g dietary intake, 83% after 5 weeks with 5.5g CLA via fortified oil and 48% after 16 weeks of 5.5 g CLA via fortified milk. There are no studies evaluating 8-iso-PGF2α that did not show an increase, so it is considered to be a well-documented CLA-induced change. When the levels of isoprostane in the blood were measured, they mirrored the levels in the urine. This effect on lipid peroxidation may be due in large part to the t10c12 molecule, since 3.4 g of pure t10c12 can cause a 578% increase in urinary 8-iso-PGF2α levels, while a similar dose of the isomer complex causes a four times smaller increase. , and the same dose of pure c9t11 causes a 25% increase. One study comparing CLA complex (50:50 ratio) and t10c12 found that the complex increased 8-iso-PGF2α levels by 171% with 3.5g daily for 6 weeks and t10c12 by 463% with daily intake of 3.5 g. The first study, which noted 578%, may overestimate, as obese subjects tend to show a greater increase in 8-iso-PGF2α levels compared to lean ones. In human studies, there is a sustained increase in circulating and serum levels of 8-iso-PGF2α in response to dietary intake or supplemental CLA, with the t10c12 isomer being more potent than the c9t11 isomer. This increase in lipid peroxidation observed with CLA does not cause endothelial distress per se and does not decrease circulating vitamin E levels, but returns to normal levels after 2 weeks of CLA cessation. An increase in urinary 8-iso-PGF2α is correlated with an increase in insulin resistance, as determined by the euglycemic clamp method. In terms of mechanisms, it is possible that CLA may modestly inhibit the breakdown of 8-iso-PGF2α to its metabolite 2,3dinor through competition. Both molecules are predominantly oxidized in peroxisomes, and CLA administration is able to inhibit 2,3dinor formation while causing incomplete oxidation of 8-iso-PGF2α in vitro, a trend equally found in rats. In addition, the t10c12 isomer, previously shown to be more effective in increasing 8-iso-PGF2α levels, is more potent and more likely to be oxidized in peroxisomes than the c9t11 isomer. Since the only in vivo LPO mechanism demonstrated to date is related to 8-iso-PGF2α, the view that all statements in this subsection are misunderstandings (similar to creatinine and creatine) cannot be ruled out. The possibility that all of the above information regarding the pro-oxidative effect is only due to the inappropriate use of a diagnostic marker and does not actually indicate an increase in lipid peroxidation is quite plausible.

Inflammation and Immunology


t10c12, a more pluripotent isomer of CLA, has a pro-inflammatory effect. t10c12 can cause an increase in MEK/ERK signaling with an inhibitory effect on NF-kB, a nuclear transcription factor that mediates cytokine activation. t10c12 acts in particular by activating the JNK receptor, since inhibition of this action reduces the effect of t10c12 in increasing levels of cytokines such as COX-2 and interleukins. Activation of ERK, as well as NF-kB, by the CLA t10c12 isomer is associated with decreased PPARy activation, with the cumulative effect being more inflammatory and reducing glucose and fat uptake by adipocytes; inflammation in fat cells and PPARy activation show a largely negative relationship. This decrease in glucose uptake by fat cells is also mechanistically associated with an increase in insulin resistance, since increased inflammation (and thus decreased PPARy activity) is considered to be pro-diabetic.


7% of food, about 20 g daily, has minimal effect on circulating IL-6 levels.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (which includes both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in this section) is associated with immune system dysregulation and is presumed to be food responsive. People with inflammatory bowel disease are notorious for their high use of complementary or alternative medications, with one source noting the rate at 49.5%. CLA supplementation is thought to be protective against inflammatory bowel disease via PPARγ activation, similar to the drug 5-aminosalicylic acid; Rosiglitazone also has a beneficial effect in ulcerative colitis, indicating that PPARγ is a therapeutic target. CLA is able to increase the level of the PPARγ receptor in some animal models, such as bacterial-induced colitis, and suppress macrophage activity through this receptor; moreover, the protective effect of CLA is abolished when the PPARγ receptor is removed. CLA alleviates symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, by enhancing PPARγ signaling; this may be due to an increase in the expression of the receptor. In people with mild to moderately active Crohn's disease who took 6 g of CLA daily (1:1 ratio of major isomers; 77% CLA by weight) for 12 weeks, levels of inflammatory cytokines produced by T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) was reduced while IL-2 secretion was increased and serum IL-6 levels were higher after CLA intake. Symptoms were reduced (as measured by the Crohn's Disease Activity Index) by 13.1% at 6 weeks and by 23.6% at 12 weeks, and although the authors suggested that this may not be of clinical relevance, patient-reported quality of life improved has been improved; the overall proportion of patients going into clinical remission (33% of people experienced a 100 point decrease in Crohn's disease activity index) is comparable to studies using rosiglitazone. May be useful for people with inflammatory bowel disease, but this needs more research to confirm (since human studies to date have not used placebo controls and patients have not stopped their medications).

Interactions with nutrients

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Few human studies have used the combination of CLA with polyunsaturated fatty acids such as fish oil. This combination, based on a fish oil type supplement, is able to attenuate the adverse changes seen with CLA in test animals, which is equally true for flaxseed oil. CLA, especially the t10c12 isomer, is able to reduce hepatic polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is thought to be one reason (possible) why CLA-induced fatty liver develops in mice, as well as other adverse effects, as polyunsaturated fatty acids generally increase fat oxidation in the liver (via PPARa) and inhibits their accumulation (via SREBP-1c). In human testing, the combination of 3g CLA and 3g fish oil had no effect on insulin sensitivity after 12 weeks in all but one elderly man. Another study evaluating young lean and obese and older lean and obese men (4 groups total) using 2.28 g of a 50/50 complex of CLA isomers in combination with 1.53 g of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid found that, after 12 weeks and compared to placebo (palm oil and soybean oil in a ratio of 80/20), the combination was able to increase lean mass and reduce fat mass in obese young subjects (increase by 0.88+/-0, 5 kg lean mass, -83+/-136 g fat loss), but this did not reach significance in the elderly or thin men group, and an increase in adiponectin levels was also found in both groups of young (9% in thin, 12% in obese) without affecting older men. The latest study, however, did not assess synergy between the two nutrients. There is some biological association regarding the combination (theoretically beneficial), but the beneficial effect may depend on the species, and there is no evidence of synergism in humans.


Fucoxanthin, a fat-burning pigment from brown algae, is synergistic with punicic acid, which is similar in structure to CLA. A rat study using a standardized diet and four groups of low (0.083 mg/kg) or high (0.167 mg/kg) dose of fucoxanthin, with the third group receiving low dose of fucoxanthin in combination with 0.15 g/kg of CLA daily (fourth control group) showed a synergistic effect in reducing circulating triglycerides and body weight in rats without significant changes in the expression of many fucoxanthin-excited genes (PPARy, UCP2). There may be a synergistic effect on fat burning, more human studies are needed (due to interspecies differences in CLA).


Resveratrol and CLA have been shown in vitro to reduce triglyceride accumulation (during periods of excess caloric intake) in cultured fat cells, thus their synergy has been under investigation. Concentrations of 10 and 100 micromoles of resveratrol and the t10c12 CLA isomer were used in mature adipocytes and no synergy or additive effect was observed in reducing triglyceride levels, fatty acid activity, or hormone sensitive lipase activity. There were also actually trends towards decreasing efficacy (combination was less effective than either part alone), but this was not statistically significant. Another in vitro study on human fat cells noted that resveratrol (50 micromoles) may actually act opposite to the t10c12 isomer (50 micromoles), co-incubation of resveratrol with t10c12 in fat cells reduces the ability of t10c12 to prevent glucose and lipid uptake and causes inflammation, increases cellular stress and increases intracellular calcium levels in fat cells. Resveratrol antagonizes PPARy suppression by CLA and induces PPARy activity when incubated alone.

Conjugated linoleic acid was discovered by accident by scientists at the University of Wisconsin, and for good reason, since it is an extremely useful substance for our body. As an isomer of linoleic acid, it has a beneficial effect on both ordinary people and athletes.

CLA became especially popular when its ability to control weight was discovered by enhancing metabolic processes in adipose tissue. That is why many began to take it in order to lose weight and keep themselves in good shape.

Natural sources of conjugated linoleic acid are fat-containing foods obtained from ruminants, such as milk and products from it, as well as meat. Moreover, the level of this acid in these food products can be increased by adding an increased portion of vegetable oils containing linoleic acid to the animal feed. Such measures do increase CLA in milk.

Cancer protection

The first property of conjugated linoleic acid, which the whole world learned about, was its anti-carcinogenic effect. Scientists figured this out at the time of the discovery of this amazing acid, when they noticed that in the beef extract, which was applied to the skin of mice during the test, there was a substance that led to a decrease in cancerous tumors in mice. Later, a similar effect was confirmed by other studies that demonstrated the ability of CLA to inhibit the formation and growth of cancer cells. To date, there is a lot of evidence that it protects against certain types of cancer. However, most of the claims about the successful fight of this acid against cancer of the breast, skin, liver and stomach are based on experiments conducted on both animal and human tissues.

Protection of blood vessels and heart

The main reason for the development of vascular and heart diseases is an increased level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which is perfectly handled by conjugated linoleic acid, which, according to studies, protects our blood vessels from atherosclerosis and helps lower cholesterol levels.

Strengthening immunity

Conjugated linoleic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants, as well as substances that contribute greatly to strengthening the immune system.

Weight control

How conjugated linoleic acid fights excess weight was found out in a year-long study in which 180 overweight people took part. The subjects were divided into three groups. One group received a placebo, a second group received CLA as a free fatty acid, and a third group received CLA as triacylglycerol, all maintaining their eating habits.

Studies have shown that those who consumed CLA reduced body fat and also increased muscle mass, with fat loss offset by gains in muscle mass. In all cases, about 2 kg of weight was dropped.

The prejudice against fats is due to the fact that they are usually associated with something that can add extra pounds and spoil the figure. But this is a very narrow view, since some fats can provide energy to the body, promote health, and even cause weight loss. A typical example is the polyunsaturated fatty linoleic acid. Or, as athletes call it, CLA acid. What are the consequences for the figure when using it?

How to lose weight from CLA

Approximately 25 years ago, sports physiologists proposed to include CLA and biological additives with it in the diet of professional athletes and ordinary sports fans. Now the supplement is easy to find, and its demand is quite big. Before considering the reviews, it is worth understanding the qualities of this substance. Then it will be possible to form a complete opinion about it.

The composition of the acid contains components of a different nature. This is primarily an impressive set of vitamins (A, E, D) and phytosterols. In combination, these components have a comprehensive effect on the body. IN general view influence looks like this:

  • increases tone and fills with energy;
  • acts as a powerful antioxidant that prolongs youth;
  • lowers cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and heart;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss.

Each effect is interesting, but the last one is especially appreciated among "non-athletes". Losing weight when using this substance can be quite serious if you additionally follow a diet and perform at least the simplest physical exercises. And what about the side effects? After all, you can often find claims that CLA causes various side effects. The consequences will also need to be said separately.

Consequences of using CLA

We must start with the fact that the competent use of CLA acid for weight loss not only does not cause side effects, but also stimulates the rapid loss of extra pounds. So, when taking the drug at a dosage of approximately 3.5 grams per day, you can lose weight by 5-6 kg in a month. Again, if accompanying efforts are made - dieting, exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Are there any side effects? They are rarely mentioned in reviews, but they are still possible.

If you exceed the dosage, bring it to 5 grams or more per day, you can get food poisoning. Weak, but annoying. For comparison, in capsules, the usual dosage is 0.75 grams. Such poisoning is combined with abdominal pain, nausea, and an allergic rash. It does not cause other negative consequences.

You can clearly demonstrate the consequences of using this “drug” using the example of reviews. Of course, not all of them may turn out to be objective, but the difference in opinions also says a lot of interesting things about the tool. Now it’s worth moving on to the analysis of specific reviews about the remedy and its effect.

Reviews on the use of the drug

“Great result in just a month”

A fitness instructor introduced me to the supplement. I'm not really a big fan of the gym stuff. But all the same, she asked the instructor to suggest which remedy is best and at the same time safer for burning fat. CLA is, sort of, concentrated linoleic acid, which is also found in regular foods. It's just that most often with a simple diet it does not enter the body enough.

I began to drink the supplement in capsules and, as before, I lazily went to workouts 2 times a week. It is easy to drink capsules - just before each meal. I drink water, and then eat after 20 minutes. In total, after a month I threw off 4 kg or even a little more. Until I stopped taking it, so as not to suddenly harm myself. I like the result. There was more energy in training, I didn’t get tired as much as before ... Excellent, in general. And the consequences are good, and they were given quite easily.

“Reduces appetite and prevents overeating”

I've been taking it for a while CLA acid in capsules. The dosage, as far as I know, is up to 5 grams. I take a little less - about 4 grams per day. But even with a small dosage and a short period of administration, I still like the consequences. I've noticed the following effects in the last three weeks:

  • each time after taking a “dose”, appetite decreases;
  • energy is added, even at the end of the day there is still no fatigue;
  • digestion improves, there are no problems, I'm sorry, with a stool.

Due to such consequences, I have lost about 3 kg so far. But, again, this is in a short time. In addition, I am not friends with sports and try to avoid it in every possible way, to be honest. Probably, if I worked out, like some, I would lose weight more. Still, I'm completely satisfied with the results.

"Good figure without side effects"

I do not like to take any dubious pills without a doctor's recommendation. And, when I read the reviews about the effects of CLA, I decided to first make inquiries. I asked a doctor friend how this substance generally affects the body. He said that there would be nothing bad, because linoleic acid is found in many products and the human body treats it favorably, usually does not respond with negative consequences. After calming down, I began to take food supplement. A month and a half has passed, and almost 5 kg have already disappeared. But I, however, still went home on an exercise bike. Threw it away, didn't use it. And I began to drink acid and just felt the desire to practice. Be that as it may, I am not disappointed with the consequences for sure.


In practice, it is confirmed that the drug leads to weight loss with proper systematic use. The consequences will be better, judging by the reviews, when other ways to improve the figure are present along with taking the supplement. That is, it is desirable not only to take the drug, but also to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Subject to this condition, a worthy result and enthusiastic views are guaranteed.