Perfect handwriting with a pen. How to learn to write in beautiful handwriting. We repeat writing letters in a notebook many times

Beautiful handwriting is an important skill in the work of any businessman and official, as it demonstrates not only composure and accuracy, but also the strength of a person’s character. And really, can you take a document seriously if it is written in the crooked handwriting of a schoolchild? Also, writing skills are needed by lawyers, notaries and personnel workers. In some companies, employees with poor handwriting are given warnings or even threatened with dismissal if they do not improve their writing skills. Don’t forget about high school students, who need to have good handwriting so that they don’t have points reduced on the exam for illegibility of the text.

Yes, all documents nowadays are done on a computer, but there are still many areas where handwriting is used. Some people think that handwriting is something that cannot be corrected, and if it has been crooked since school, it will remain that way. But in fact, handwriting can be corrected even at 20, even at 100 years old - the main thing is that there is a desire and the right training program. In this article we will tell you about the “Beautiful Handwriting” course from the company.

The course consists of two levels. The first level is the basis. It uses a set of exercises that is designed to eliminate the causes of uneven handwriting. During the course you will use copybooks similar to those used in elementary school to teach writing. The course includes 16 face-to-face lessons and the total duration of training is 2 months. After full-time training for another 3 months you will perform homework, improving your writing skills.

The choice of a second level program depends on age. If the student’s age is from 7 to 14 years, then classes are conducted according to the program “Handwriting. Basics of calligraphy". Children will gain pen-and-ink skills, learn how to design and sign cards, and learn calligraphy. In the course “Penmanship. Fundamentals of Calligraphy” develops perseverance and accuracy.

"Calligraphy. English Cursive" is intended for ages 15 and up and includes learning English cursive. This course teaches English fine-pen cursive, lettering basics, and strokes.

The skills acquired in the “Beautiful Handwriting” course will not only introduce the person who dreams of beautiful handwriting to calligraphy, but will also allow you to surprise your family and friends original gifts self made. In addition, these skills will help designers, barbers, confectioners and other representatives of creative professions move to a new competitive level.

You will need to allocate up to half an hour to complete homework. At each lesson, you are given sheets for mandatory completion, and completed homework is the one in which the spelling of the element was correctly repeated three times. By the way, control over homework completion can also take place through instant messengers. To do this, you just need to take a photo of the completed homework and send it to the teacher. The teacher will check your homework on the same day and give detailed criticism. At each lesson you will repeat the previous topic. Well, if one course is not enough for you, then you can enroll again, and then the cost will be 30% cheaper.

To show how writing skills improve, we will give a few examples.

Kirill Sobolev

If your hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they come from.


A lot has been written about how to learn to write beautifully. scientific works And useful tips. The process is painstaking and therefore requires both effort and time. It is difficult for an adult to change his handwriting, but there is nothing impossible in the world. A little effort and everything will definitely work out: given name and any letter or number!

Beautiful handwriting

Neat and beautiful handwriting is an art that anyone can master. The process is based on calligraphy, the basics of which were taught in school several decades ago. Nowadays this subject is considered obsolete; it has simply been removed from the program. However, in everyday life, beautiful handwriting does not mean the ability to patiently and leisurely write beautiful capital letters, but the constant use of acquired skills.

Calligraphic handwriting

Calligraphic handwriting refers to the technique of neat, legible writing. Several centuries ago it was used exclusively for religious purposes; now it has many more purposes. There are professions in which calligraphy is not a whim, but a real necessity. These include school teachers, librarians, archive workers and those who must fill out a lot of paperwork by hand.

Calligraphy for Beginners

When mastering the difficult art of calligraphy, you need to select the appropriate set of writing tools:

  • rollerball pen or feather (for more experienced students);
  • notebook with drawing paper;
  • easel positioned at an angle of 45 degrees.

Beautiful handwriting is formed from letters, the accurate writing of which must be mastered initially. Be patient: it will take several hours or several days to practice one letter. However, if you really want to know how to learn to write beautifully, you can achieve results quite quickly.

Calligraphy copybooks

The easiest way to improve your handwriting is to use calligraphy. Seeing a sample in front of him, the student intuitively tries to copy the style and immediately corrects his mistakes. Try using copybooks for beautiful handwriting if you want to improve your writing style yourself, without involving teachers or attending thematic courses. You can even take those recommended for first graders. There is nothing wrong with this; on the contrary, these manuals are compiled very well.

Calligraphy lessons

When planning calligraphy training, you need to prepare your workplace. There cannot be “extra” things on the surface, and the hand should not hang in the air. Remember how you prepared a desk at school, make sure there was a lot of light and a comfortable table. The next thing to do is draw a sheet of paper. If you are just starting to learn, it is better to use a regular pen. When beautiful letter writing becomes a habit for you, you can master the technology of writing with pens.

How to teach a child to write beautifully

You can teach children to write as early as the age of three, if you feel that your child is ready for lessons. However, if you are thinking about how to develop beautiful handwriting in a child, get ready to spend a lot of time and effort. It is necessary for the child's hand to become stable, so do not rush to study the copybook too early. The optimal age is considered to be 5-7 years: practice shows that children who start writing at an early age very rarely have calligraphic handwriting, and it is difficult to develop it later. When starting to learn, use writing with oblique rulers and a comfortable ballpoint pen.

How to sign beautifully

A beautiful painting is the calling card of any person, which should look stylish and intricate. Thematic literature or master classes are unlikely to help here. It’s rare to figure out how to learn how to paint beautifully in just a few hours. When a person signs for the first time, he often uses the first letters of his last name and a cunning stroke.

When you decide to make changes as an adult, you should consider the existing option and understand what you don’t like. You can change the angle of the letters, add elements, or try to change the writing style. Remember that an elegant painting that works to create a positive image of its owner should not resemble a child’s “scrawl.”

How to correct handwriting for an adult

It is quite possible to understand how to make beautiful handwriting even at a conscious age. This does not change the principle of learning. You need a pre-prepared workplace, a copybook that includes the English or Russian alphabet, paper and a ballpoint pen. The procedure for solving the problem of how to learn to write in beautiful handwriting will be as follows:

  1. Preparation of the necessary elements and a full-fledged workplace.
  2. Ensuring correct body position at the table: back straight, elbows on the table surface.
  3. At a distance of approximately 30 cm from eye level, paper should be laid out on which the exercises will be performed.
  4. The ballpoint pen must be held with three fingers – the thumb, index and middle fingers so that the distance from them to the paper is no more than 1 cm.
  5. The selected letter should be written as many times as necessary for a perfect result if you are seriously thinking about how to improve your handwriting.

Exercises for beautiful handwriting

Methods aimed at quickly learning how to write beautifully also require the ability to concentrate on little things and become meticulous. In this case, different methods are used in different cases:

  1. If the letters turn out too small/large, you need to use a notebook or download a special stencil. While working, you should try not to go beyond the boundaries of the horizontal lines. After lengthy training, the letter will automatically fit into the specified fields.
  2. If there is no connection of letters, you need to try to write words without lifting your pen from the paper.
  3. If there is strong pressure during the writing process, you need to develop the correct body position at the table. Shoulders and arms should be relaxed, and posture should be as close to ideal as possible.

To assess whether your handwriting requires correction, you need to write a few lines in a familiar manner, for example, the Russian alphabet. It is advisable to transfer the obtained result to a third party for evaluation. A person often gets used to his own writing style and does not understand why it is bad for others.

Examples of beautiful handwriting

Calligraphy requires not only to accurately write beautiful cursive letters, but also to preserve a person’s own style. If you look closely at each of the works, you can see a different character in them. Having understood the technology of how to write at least the Russian alphabet in beautiful handwriting, you need to improve the acquired skills, gradually starting to solve more complex tasks, and not limited to block letters.

How to change your handwriting to beautiful

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How to learn to write in beautiful handwriting: calligraphy lesson

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprint, is unique. All you need is a little tweaking of your writing style and your handwriting will become beautiful and interesting. For handwriting to be called beautiful, it must be graceful, elegant, expressive and attractive.


Part 1

Understanding the Basics
  1. Take a look at your handwriting. Find an example of your handwriting - it could be a shopping list or a story you wrote. You will need to analyze it for your specific features. This will help you concentrate on improving and embellishing your words. You need to understand whether you write with a loose, relaxed, soft hand, or with a clenched and firm hand.

    • Determine which letters you decorate without thinking. Which ones have curls and strokes?
    • Look at the spacing between letters. Are they all over the page or more evenly distributed?
    • Look at the strokes of the pen or pencil you are using. You need to learn how to combine thin and thick strokes in your writing.
  2. Determine which muscles you use when writing. Free, soft handwriting is determined by the muscles used when writing. You need to use more than just your hand and fingers. Beautiful handwriting requires the work of the entire arm and even the shoulder.

    • To determine this, write a paragraph in normal handwriting. Pay attention to the muscles involved. This will help you understand whether you are straining just your hand or your entire arm when writing in a loose, soft manner.
    • Your fingers act as a guide across the page; but they don't have to do all the work, otherwise your handwriting will be condensed and cramped.
    • You need to learn to move your entire arm and shoulder, not just your wrist and fingers.
  3. Choose your writing utensils. You need to find the right pen and paper for writing. Everyone is different, but there are general concepts about which writing instruments make it easier to develop beautiful handwriting. For example, a pen is usually better than a pencil, because it produces straighter lines.

    • High-quality paper (usually more expensive than regular paper), rather than computer paper, will improve your handwriting since you won't have to deal with blots, drips, or leaking ink. This paper can be purchased at office supply stores.
    • Moleskine notebooks are great for practicing beautiful handwriting because the paper helps make your writing smoother.
    • People often use fountain pens instead of cheap ballpoint pens because quality writing instruments have better ink flow. Alternatively, you can use something like a calligraphy marker, which allows you to create letters of varying lengths and widths thanks to the flat tip. The ink in such writing instruments is usually of higher quality.
  4. Do not hurry. Fast handwriting is usually characterized by jagged and small characters pressed into the paper. Write slowly and gracefully, leaving slow, clear lines. This will give you softer strokes and more consistent lines and curls. Do not strain your hand or press too hard.

    • Write as if you were writing on water.
  5. Practice. Here, as in everything, beautiful writing requires practice. Write as often as possible, paying attention to how you do it and what muscles you tense.

    • Practice writing on lined paper to get a feel for spacing. The spacing between letters and words (they should be fairly even) is very important for beautiful writing.
    • Draw constantly. Draw in the margins of your notebook while you wait for the bus or talk on the phone. This will help you relax and get used to beautiful writing.

    Part 2

    Capital letters
    1. Start with the alphabet. Take that old copybook you used in elementary school and start practicing writing each letter of the alphabet. Just remember that every handwriting is different, so your cursive handwriting will be unique and sure to be attractive.

      • It is necessary that the spacing between letters and words be uniform. To do this, practice on lined paper to literally learn to feel the intervals.
      • You can find many free exercise books and textbooks for practicing cursive writing online or at your local library.
    2. Hold your hand correctly. Most The best way Writing in cursive means placing a pen between your index and middle fingers so that your fingertips and thumb are near the end of the pen or pencil.

      • This position will help relieve pain in the forearm, wrist, and thumb.
    3. Learn connecting lines. Copywriting is essentially connections between letters; it is used when writing quickly. In fact, the word “italic” (cursive - cursive) comes from the Latin cursiva littera, which means “fluent handwriting.” Keep this in mind when making connections between letters.

      • Connections are the "air" between letters when you lift the pen when writing normally.
      • Be sure to cover the spaces at the top of the letters. When they are not closed, it is difficult to determine which letter it is: “a” or “i”.

    Part 3

    Calligraphic handwriting
    1. Make sure you are sitting correctly. This means your feet should be firmly planted on the floor, your back should be straight, and you should be generally comfortable. The handle also needs to be held correctly.

      • The handle should be between the first two knuckles, encircled by the thumb and index finger. It should rest on your middle finger.
      • To position the handle correctly, make sure to hold it at a 45-degree angle. To check this, draw a right angle (90 degrees) with a pencil. Then, from the corner, smoothly move upward, dividing the corner in half; You should get a thin line.
    2. Choose the right writing instruments. It is important to make sure that the lines on the letter look the way they should. To do this, you need to choose writing instruments that are right for you.

      • Writing utensils that are suitable for calligraphy are markers, automatic pens, and fountain pens with metal or bird nib.
      • You will also need paper that is ink-resistant. However, you can practice on a regular notebook sheet. Check the cotton content of the paper - the more cotton, the stiffer the lines will be. Of course, you can always buy specialized paper, and if you already have a calligraphy kit, it should already be included in it.
      • As for ink, it is better not to choose Indian ink, as the varnish contained in them gets into the tip of the pen and clogs it. It is best to buy water-soluble ink.
    3. Place the paper correctly. You must understand the direction of the lines so that your writing has a uniform appearance. You need to determine the height of the pen - it can be anything. The Italic font in the 15th century had a height of 5 points, which we will use as an example for correct lines.

      • The base line is the line on which the lowest points of the letters of the line lie.
      • The top line is a line above the base line that changes its height depending on the height of the letters (in this case, the height of the letter is 5 point).
      • An ascending line is a line that all ascending letters touch. Its height should be equal to 5 fonts (or the parameter you choose). Ascending letters: lowercase "b" or "v".
      • Descending line is the line that all descending letters touch, such as "d" or "z". Its height should be 5 pins (from the baseline).


For classes, you need to prepare tools: two notebooks in a slanted line, like for first-graders, two regular notebooks, a fountain pen that will fit comfortably in your hand and will not cause discomfort during classes. The paste (ink) should come out from under the ball of the rod easily, but not “smear” the paper. Psychological comfort in such classes is one of the main keys to success. Experts recommend playing your favorite slow music during lessons and spraying pleasant, non-harsh aromatic products into the room. It is important to understand that they should give pleasure and not cause irritation. Only this approach will provide excellent results in a short time.

At the second stage, it is necessary to analyze exactly what problems there are with handwriting. Rewrite a short text, about half a notebook page. Look carefully at each letter and combination of letters, highlight those that look especially clumsy and sloppy, which will be difficult for another person to understand. Problematic “moments” need to be written down in another notebook - each on a separate page. You need to transfer them not the way you usually write, but the way they should be written, in accordance with the rules of calligraphy. In any library you can find textbooks on calligraphy, but if you are too lazy to visit them, you can find manuals on the Internet. Most of these types of books are provided to users.

Your first calligraphy lessons don't have to be long. It is enough to write a few characters on each page in a prepared notebook. For some, it is easier to first master one letter or a combination of letters, and then move on to the next page in a copybook prepared on their own. You need to start classes in your notebook “in an oblique” line. This kind of ruling disciplines, teaches you to maintain the necessary inclination of the letters and make them the same size. You can move on to the next stage only when you are confident in drawing clear and understandable characters that comply with the rules of calligraphy. As an experiment, you can copy small texts or sentences into a regular-lined notebook or onto a sheet without markings. But there is no need to rush, it is better to be patient, then the result will be as expected and wanted.

During classes to correct handwriting, special gymnastics for the hands and fingers is very important. Its main task is to make the fingers flexible, sensitive and strong. Calligraphy experts recommend the following exercises:
circular rotations with brushes,
flexion of the wrist joint,
rhythmic clenching and unclenching of a fist,
circular movements with fingers,
fan-shaped movements.
Handicrafts, collecting pictures from puzzles and construction sets from small parts are useful. It is better to choose those models of puzzles and puzzles that consist of a large number of parts. You can set aside a separate corner in the house for working with them, and don’t abandon the task until it’s finished. This disciplines and develops perseverance, helps to get rid of stress.

Learn to evaluate your work, give yourself “marks”, like in school, but do it objectively, without self-pity and narcissism. Be as strict as possible - if at least one letter in the work turns out to be clumsy or out of order, reduce the grade by one point. And if it doesn’t work out, ask someone close to you to look over the written text and point out errors in calligraphy. It will be just great if you get help from a person who can write beautifully, but who will not be afraid to offend you with an objective assessment. There is no need to scold yourself, it is important to find an incentive, learn to perceive criticism as a guide to action, a springboard for achieving new heights. Analysis of errors should be recorded - unsuccessful letters should be moved to the beginning of a new page in the notebook.

Once you have started to get beautiful letters and letter combinations, you can move on to longer sentences and texts. At the initial stage, you need to write them in a notebook “in an oblique line.” This will allow you to maintain your results when moving to a new level of training. You need to rewrite small texts or individual sentences and phrases. It's useful to start keeping track of the time it takes to write a certain number of lines or words. It is better to take into account lines, since words have different volumes. Another option to increase your writing speed is to set a timer. You can also use your favorite musical composition as a time counter. But haste should not affect the quality, and if the handwriting is distorted, then it is too early to rush. It is necessary to continue to evaluate your work, to do this without concessions or discounts on speed and time.

It is important not only to achieve good results, but also to maintain them. Even if you have learned to write beautifully, this should not be a reason to give up regular calligraphy and hand exercises. Not enough time? Set aside half an hour for this during work, but do not borrow time allotted for rest or lunch - this will be annoying. If your profession involves writing with a fountain pen, perform tasks in such a way as not to cause damage or reduce your efforts to zero. Complete the worksheet slowly, paying attention to each letter and word. This will be another incentive to success, but the most important thing is not to get frustrated with your usual clumsy handwriting. When starting calligraphy, set yourself up for the positive, realize that this is not just for one day, that there is a long road ahead that will definitely give a good result.

It's very nice to receive a regular, handwritten letter in the mail from a friend. It’s even more pleasant if all the words can be read accurately and everything written can be accurately understood. The most beautiful handwriting in the world belongs to a little girl from Nepal. Her recipients will certainly understand everything she would like to write about.

The most beautiful handwriting

A photo of the handwriting of an eighth-grader from Nepal's Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya school has spread across the Internet like a virus. All users unanimously call her handwriting the most beautiful in the world.

The owner of such a beautiful handwriting style is called Milla Prakriti. She is in 8th grade. On your page in social network the student talks about how the ability to write beautifully is necessary even in the modern world. It helps improve communication between students and teachers. This makes it much easier to sort out all the sentences in the notebook and it will be easier for teachers to check assignments.

The girl shares the results of her research with her subscribers. It showed that in 1992, schools paid much more attention to calligraphic writing of words than now. That's why most children don't bother to write beautifully.

The girl received the title of the most beautiful handwriting only thanks to the opinions of Internet users. They believe that such beautiful letters should become the basis of a new font at Microsoft.

The government of Nepal appreciated the perfection of Milla's handwriting. The girl received a state award as the owner of the most beautiful writing style.

Who has the most beautiful handwriting?

Despite the great popularity of young Nepalese, there are also people in Russia who write very legibly and beautifully. Their profession obliges them to do this. This category includes archive and library workers, school teachers and specialized specialists - calligraphers.

I would like to include employees in the list medical institutions. But we all know about their illegible scribbles, which even pharmacists (with extensive experience in these matters) do not always understand. It is believed that people with poor cursive writing think very quickly and their hand simply does not have time to transfer all their thoughts onto paper properly.

People of the old school and those who graduated from school during the USSR, for the most part, also have an exquisite and very understandable style of writing. Back then, the ability to write calligraphically was highly valued, because you had to hold a pen in your hands every day. In the modern world, in the era of smartphones and laptops, only a few write legibly and gracefully.

Psychologists say that such people are peaceful, calm and balanced. They never rush to put their thoughts on paper. At the same time, experts believe that every person can consciously develop beautiful handwriting, if only he wants it.


The art of fine writing is called calligraphy. Today there are only 15 areas of this science in the world. The most striking of them are Chinese calligraphy and Persian script.

The closest school to us is Cyrillic calligraphy. It is its principles that are taught to elementary school students in our schools. We have all seen examples of writing letters in this area - they are often published on the back of writing books and are the basis of copybooks for kids.

An adult may also want to improve his writing skills over time. The most easy option will buy a notebook with copybooks and practice.

Secrets of developing beautiful handwriting

It is better to learn to write beautifully from school. It is then that the child has to rewrite every day a large number of words while preparing for lessons and doing classwork. Calligraphic handwriting, like the ability to ride a bicycle, remains a pleasant baggage as you grow older.

To improve your handwriting style, you need to:

  1. Before the exercises, it is recommended to do a little exercise for your hand, because it is not used to writing a lot. You need to clench and unclench your fist, make circular movements with your hand, bend and straighten your fingers.
  2. Train daily for at least 20-30 minutes.
  3. Buy a quality pen and thick paper to make writing comfortable.
  4. Select the part of the text that needs to be rewritten. This way, over time, you can compare whether there are results from your efforts.

These simple rules will help improve your handwriting. But you need to be prepared for the fact that at first your hand will get very tired.

Basic exercises

Working with paper and pen should begin with the simplest exercises:

  • You need to start practicing by writing circles, spirals, zigzags. It is also recommended to write the repeated lowercase “Ш”, letters “G” and “A”.
  • In the beginning, you should listen to the sensations in your hand, write the symbols slowly and carefully.
  • When the skill has already developed to the point of automatism, you can start writing quickly and reducing the size of the letters.

These basic exercises will help you start developing calligraphic handwriting. In the first days you can rewrite the Cyrillic calligraphy alphabet. Next, you should complicate your task - rewrite large blocks of text, focusing on the correct spelling of letters:

  • The characters must be written at the same level and not differ in size.
  • The spaces between words must be equal.
  • You also need to pay attention to punctuation marks - they should be clearly visible and on the same level.

At first it will be difficult to write on a blank sheet of paper. Therefore, you need to purchase a notebook with an oblique ruler. Next you should switch to unlined paper.

After your hand gets used to the load and you notice a significant difference between the handwriting “before” and “after,” do not forget that the main key to success is practice. To have beautiful handwriting, you need to constantly maintain the skill.

If you are used to taking notes using a tablet and sending letters via email, then it is better to give it up for a while. Then you might even become the new internet star with the most beautiful handwriting in the world and leave the little Nepalese schoolgirl far behind.