Innovative activity of the head of the dow. Consultation for educators: “Innovations in preschool education. changes in the leading forms of interrelated activities of the subjects of the development process of preschool educational institutions: impact, interaction, self-influence

Innovative activity in preschool educational institution

Teachers of preschool educational institutions have always been receptive to everything new. The development of general educational practice contributes to the manifestation of the creative, innovative potential of all employees of the preschool education system.

In this situation, professional competence is especially important, which is based on the personal and professional development of teachers and managers. The process of updating education is organized by people. Therefore, its design, launch and support will be the more effective, to what extent the organizers of innovative activity rely on the achievements of science and the needs of society.

At present, the sphere of innovation activity includes not individual preschool institutions and innovative teachers, but almost every preschool institution, innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, types and profiles of preschool institutions, new educational programs have been created to ensure the variability of the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family.

The development of preschool education, the improvement of the professionalism of its teachers and managers, the development of an innovative style of thinking and activity are impossible without a qualitative change in the system of advanced training.

Innovative activity is a special kind of pedagogical activity. A special seminar is devoted to its consideration and study, which is held at the Moscow Institute of Open Education at the department "Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education" at the numerous requests of heads, senior educators of preschool educational institutions.


Innovation (innovation) - in the socio-psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice. (Dictionary of practical psychologist. Minsk, 1998.)

New - first created or made, appeared or appeared recently, instead of the former, newly discovered, relating to the near past or to the present, insufficiently familiar, little known. (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1978.)

Innovation (innovation) - a complex process of creation, distribution, implementation and use of a new practical tool, method, concept, etc. - innovations to meet human needs. (Polonsky V.M. Scientific and pedagogical information: Dictionary-reference book. M., 1995.)

Innovation - a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment that cause the system to transition from one state to another. (Management of school development. M., 1995.)

Innovation - this is exactly a means (a new method, methodology, technology, curriculum, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means.

In general, under innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations. (Management of school development. M., 1995.)

Process (promotion) - a set of consistent actions to achieve a result.

Participants in the innovation process should always remember that the new:

achieves recognition, makes his way with great difficulty;

    is of a concrete historical nature and may be progressive for a certain period of time, but become obsolete at a later stage, even become a brake on development.

The new can come in different forms:

    fundamentally unknown innovation (absolute novelty);

    conditional (relative) novelty;

    "original" (not better, but different), formal name change, flirting with science;

    inventive little things.

Types of innovations are also grouped according to the following grounds.

1. By influence on the educational process:

    in the content of education;

    in forms, methods of educational process;

    in the management of DOE.

2. By scale (volume) of transformations:

    private, single, unrelated;

    modular (a complex of private, interconnected);

    systemic (related to the entire preschool institution).

3. By innovative potential:

    improvement, rationalization, modification of what has an analogue or prototype (modification innovations);

    a new constructive combination of elements of existing techniques that have not been previously used in a new combination (combinatorial innovations);

    radical innovation.

4. In relation to the previous:

    innovation is introduced instead of a specific, obsolete means (replacing innovation);

    termination of the use of the form of work, cancellation of the program, technology (cancelling innovation);

    development of a new type of service, a new program, technology (opening innovation);

    retro-introduction - the development of a new one at the moment, for the kindergarten team, but once already used in the system of preschool education and upbringing.


The need for innovation arises when there is a need to solve some problem, a contradiction is created between the desire and the real result.

Innovative preschools are usually said to be in development mode.

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines development as changes directed, natural and necessary.

Therefore, changes in the developing preschool do not occur randomly, but are predicted by the manager on the basis of patterns and are aimed at achieving specific goals.

For example, a team wants to change the organization of work with children, using a new technology focused on the individual characteristics of the child. To do this, the leader acquires literature on this issue; organizes its study with teachers or makes an application to the institute for advanced training for the training of their teachers, etc.

However, often preschool institutions undertake the introduction of new technologies, not realizing how teachers are prepared for their perception.

Every teaching staff has the right to innovate. But in this case, he must assume certain obligations for the preparation and organization of innovation, since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative.

The head must determine the prospects for the development of his institution, taking into account the social order of society and clearly formulate the goal of innovation. The goal should be clear and accepted by all participants in the pedagogical process. Therefore, it is important to define specific tasks for each area: “What do we want to change in the content of the pedagogical process?”, “What goal did we set when organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions?”, “How will we change the subject-developing environment?” etc. The leader builds a "tree of goals". Having introduced him to the team, he can conduct a survey “How do you feel about the proposed innovation?” with the following answers:

    I consider useless;

    there are doubts about the need to use;

    there are doubts about the possibility of application;

    there is interest;

    there is confidence in its effectiveness and the need to use it in practice;

    find it difficult to answer;

    your answer.

It is important that the goals set by the head of the preschool educational institution make it possible to obtain better results with the same or less expenditure of physical, moral strength, material, financial resources or time. An innovation can be considered successful if it made it possible to solve certain specific tasks of a preschool educational institution.

The leader must take into account the individual qualities of the participants in the innovation process, their professional level, organizational skills, abilities, psychological readiness for new activities, for additional pedagogical workload.

The leader's knowledge of his team, his strengths and weaknesses, has always been highly valued. And although guided by normative documents, the manager determines functional responsibilities of each teacher, in life he relies on the personal, business, leading (leadership) or driven (performing) qualities of a person.

Here are a few positions by which the leader can evaluate the teacher in the team.

    The degree of responsibility for the case.

    The motive of pedagogical activity: vocation - diligence - chance.

    Priorities in the organization of work: the search for a new one is a set of well-known techniques.

    Attitude of children: love - respect - fear.

    Attitude of parents: respect - rejection - "none".

    The attitude of the team: the desire for a leader - even - alienation.


    Education: tact - low culture - conflict.

    Position at teachers' councils, meetings: active - participating - silent.

10. Degree of professional openness: willingly shares experience (often conducts open lessons) - after persuasion - sometimes.

    Moral rules: adherence to principles - non-interference - game of "truth".

    Sense of humor.

    Sociability: openness - restraint - "all in itself".

This assessment system is open, i.e. it may be supplemented or reduced. The first three positions are of fundamental importance for the organization of innovative activities in a team.

In turn, requirements are imposed on the head of the kindergarten planning innovative activities.

He must:

1) be able to distinguish realistic goals from false ones,


    be prepared to offer his subordinates a clear, interesting ideas program or plan of action;

    know firmly what the program wants to achieve, clearly articulate what results its implementation will lead to;

    be able to convey your ideas to colleagues in such a way that they not only understand, but also accept them, want to implement them;

    have a group of like-minded people in the team;

But the most important thing is the leader's ability to highlight the problems that are relevant to his institution, to see the difference between what is desired and what is real. To do this, you need to clearly formulate answers to the following questions:

    what we have, what results we have achieved;

    what does not satisfy us in work;

    what we want to change in accordance with the new requirements and what results we want to get.

In a developing preschool educational institution, all changes (in the system of working with personnel, in building an educational process with children, in interaction with parents, etc.) are aimed at achieving specific goals and should lead to qualitatively new results of work.

Planning and organization must be made more flexible and allow each employee to be involved in the work, actively involved in the pedagogical process. Teachers, parents are invited to make their proposals to the planned project.

A mode of self-control, self-assessment and professional control of specialists over the final results is introduced (psychologists monitor the mental development of children; a methodologist, doctor, nurse - over the health of children and their physical development; speech therapist, defectologist - over the results of correctional work, etc.).

Development covers all aspects of the institution's activities, and changes concern each child, educator, leader and preschool institution as a whole.

There are important features of developing institutions and organizations:

    the staff of the organization itself identifies problems and resolves contradictions;

    initiative is cultivated;

    responsibility is encouraged;

    the ability to identify priority tasks is commended;

    the ability to organize yourself and your colleagues to solve urgent problems is appreciated.

At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten is the purposeful socialization of the child's personality: introducing him into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, transferring to him the best examples, methods and norms of behavior.

Summarizing what has been said, it is possible to determine the fundamental requirements for a developing preschool institution. This is a kindergarten in which the child realizes his right to individual development in accordance with their needs, abilities and capabilities; the teacher develops his professional and personal qualities; the leader ensures the success of the activities of children and teachers; The team is working in a creative search mode. Humane partnerships develop between employees; respect and trust become the norm of the life of the members of the team. The teacher provides conditions for the transfer of the child from the object to the subject of education, gives the child the opportunity to be himself, organizes a variety of educational and cognitive activities, creates conditions for maintaining the health of children.

The transfer of a preschool educational institution to the development mode is served by:

    concept and development program of the kindergarten;

    modeling the educational process as a system that helps the self-development of the individual;

    conducting innovative, experimental or experimental work in the institution;

    a team united by a common goal - children, teachers, parents;

    organization of an optimal system of intragarden control and self-management;

    a system of effective scientific and methodological activities;

    material and technical base sufficient for the formation of an optimal subject-developing environment;

    a set of alternative educational services in accordance with the interests and needs of children and parents.

Considerthe main directions of development of metropolitan education, being a kind of reference point in innovative activity.

    Orientation of the education system to the interests of the personality of the child. Maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of children (congenital and acquired in the process of education and training). Creation of pedagogical systems for children requiring specialized forms of education and upbringing. (Gifted children, children with increased motivation for learning and capable children; children who are not socially protected; children with deviant behavior; children with delays and developmental disabilities; children with poor health and children with disabilities.) Development of the system of ethnocultural education, creation of conditions for the dialogue of cultures, taking into account different faiths. Rethinking the role and further development of additional education, which performs important functions of training and education.

    Solving a complex of problems of raising children, considering them as priorities and priorities. Consolidation of the urban community in the interests of childhood. Combining the efforts of institutions of general secondary, vocational and additional education, science, culture and healthcare, physical culture and sports, creative unions, the media and the general public in order to develop new, more effective educational technologies.

3. Updating the content of education. Careful selection of the minimum required content of education. Formation of a new culture that allows a person to work effectively with a computer. Paying special attention to aesthetic education, the problems of children's readiness for schooling. Clarification of the tasks that should be solved by teachers working in a preschool educational institution with children of five years of age. Development of fundamentally new methods (in comparison with testing) for assessing the readiness of children for school. Creation of groups of short-term stay of children in preschool educational institutions of different directions.

4. Introduction of a set of social, economic, legal, organizational and managerial measures to support the development of education, including innovative and experimental activities. Development of forms of multi-channel financing of education through:

    city ​​budget;

    financial support of prefectures and district governments;

    investment program of the Moscow Government;

    charitable programs and organizations;

    boards of trustees and funds of parents.

The revival of the domestic industry of the logistics of education, the creation of a system for the development, production and distribution of teaching aids (educational literature, visual aids, technical teaching aids, computers, etc.). Wide public involvement in the management of education, the creation of associations of workers in science, culture and education, non-budgetary funds for the development of education, boards of trustees, etc.

    A significant increase in the role of pedagogical science. Active cooperation with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, metropolitan universities. Development of methods for diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of various groups of children, their social adaptation. Training of professional personnel for various pedagogical systems. Improving the psychological qualifications of teachers and managers.

    Creation of conditions for expanding the introduction of information technologies in the educational process, the formation of the new generation's ability to independently search, collect, organize and transmit information.

7. Multilevel study of the educational needs of the population of the capital. Conducting regular sociological surveys of the main categories of consumers of educational services (students, graduates, parents, employers) in order to optimize and improve the work of educational institutions in the city.

8. Improving the work of the methodological service of the city. Providing the teacher with constant methodological support. Analysis and forecasting of the multilevel educational system of the city. Support, stimulation of the main internal source of development of the education system - the innovative activity of the teacher.


Heads of preschool educational institutions, teachers should navigate a wide range of innovative technologies in order not to waste time discovering what is already known.

GK Selevko gives a classification of pedagogical technologies in relation to the school. But this classification may be of interest for the system of preschool education and upbringing. Here are several types of technologies that are characterized by the attitude of adults towards a child.

authoritarian technologies. The teacher is the sole subject of the educational process. Technologies are distinguished by the rigid organization of school life, the suppression of the initiative and independence of students, the application of requirements and coercion.

Person-Centered Technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials.

Humane-personal technologies profess the ideas of all-round respect and love for the child, optimistic faith in his creative powers, reject coercion.

Technologies of cooperation realize democracy, equality, partnership in relations between the teacher and the child.

Technologies of free education focus on giving the child freedom of choice and independence. Making a choice, the child declares his position, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence.

The method, method, means of teaching are determined by different technologies: dogmatic, reproductive; explanatory and illustrative, programmed, problem-based, developmental learning; dialogical, communicative, game, creative and others.

A large class of modern technologies is determined by the content of upgrades and modifications to which the traditional system existing in them is subjected. These are technologies based on:

    humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations;

    activation and intensification of students' activities;

    the effectiveness of the organization and management of the learning process;

    methodological improvement and didactic reconstruction of educational material.

Technologies that use the methods of folk pedagogy, based on the natural processes of child development, as well as alternative ones (“Waldorf pedagogy” by R. Steiner and others).

Pedagogy of cooperation, according to G.K. Selevko, is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical generalizations that brought to life numerous innovative processes in education.

Cooperation is a joint developmental activity of adults and children, sealed by mutual understanding, penetration into spiritual world each other, joint analysis of the course and results of this activity.

There are several directions in the pedagogy of cooperation. One of them is a humane-personal approach to the child, which puts the development of a set of personality traits, the source of many innovative ideas, at the center of the educational system.

Humane-personal approach combines a number of ideas. First of all, it is the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations, including:

    love for children, interest in their fate;

    faith in the child

    communication skills;

    lack of direct coercion;

    tolerance for children's shortcomings;

    recognition of the child's right to make mistakes and to his own point of view;

    a special style of relations: not to prohibit, but to direct; not to force, but to convince; not to command, but to organize; not to restrict, but to provide freedom of choice.

Turning to the analysis of the problems of innovations in pedagogical activity inevitably puts forward the task of assessing and developing theoretical foundations formation of innovative activity of managers, senior educators. This task has a deep socio-pedagogical meaning, since the success of reforms in the education system, the prospects for the development of preschool institutions depend on its solution. Identification of the leading trends, principles, psychological and pedagogical conditions of innovative activity was the goal of this study.

Today in our country the formation of the science of pedagogical innovations is taking place. The separation of this science into an independent branch began with a social and pedagogical movement, with the emergence of a contradiction between the existing need for the rapid development of the school and the inability of teachers to implement it. The mass character of the application of the new has increased. In this regard, the need for new knowledge, for understanding the new concepts of “innovation”, “new”, “innovative process”, etc., has become aggravated.

One of the trends in the development of innovative technologies is also the inclusion in the educational process of not only the cognitive, but also the emotional and personal sphere of a person.

The training of managers, senior educators for innovative activity is effective if it unfolds in adequate educational forms and solves two interrelated tasks: the formation of innovative readiness for the perception of innovation and training in the ability to act in a new way.

The introduction of innovative projects in preschool institutions helps to educate and educate pupils in the spirit of the times. Helps to prepare the children for further difficulties associated with their educational level, each teacher must keep up with the times in order to keep up with their pupils. That is why he must be in constant search for new and interesting ways of learning.


    Belaya K.Yu. Innovative activity in the preschool educational institution: Methodological guide.- M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

    Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.

    Volobueva V.Ya., Gazina O.M., Fokina V.G. Organization of the work of a kindergarten methodologist. - M.: APO, 1994

On January 1, 2014, with the exception of certain provisions, the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” came into force (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) . From this moment, the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law No. 94-FZ) was terminated.

The new law introduced key amendments to significantly change the rules according to which work will be carried out, regulation in kindergartens, both at the expense of subsidies for the implementation of the state (municipal) task, and at the expense of funds from other sources. Also, in accordance with the law that has entered into force, all public procurements are now.

Law No. 44-FZ should make the public procurement process in kindergarten - from planning to acceptance and analysis of contract results - more transparent, efficient and less corrupt.

The main difference between Law No. 44-FZ and No. 94-FZ is enshrined in Art. 1 of Law No. 44-FZ, which defines the scope of its regulation:

  • public procurement planning in preschool educational institutions;
  • determination of suppliers (contractors, performers);
  • conclusion of a civil law contract, the subject of which is the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services (including the acquisition of real estate or the lease of property);
  • features of execution of contracts;
  • monitoring the acquisition of goods, works, services;
  • audit in the field of acquisition of goods, works, services;
  • control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of public procurement in kindergartens and other institutions to ensure municipal and state needs.

Law No. 94-FZ regulates only the scope of placing orders for public procurement in kindergarten.

The new law on public procurement in kindergarten includes eight chapters:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Planning.
  3. Making purchases.
  4. Monitoring of purchases and audit in the field of procurement.
  5. Purchase control.
  6. Appeal against actions (inaction) of a customer, an authorized body, an authorized institution, a specialized organization, a commission for the implementation of purchases, its members, an official of a contract service, a contract manager, an operator of an electronic site.
  7. Features of the implementation of certain types of purchases.
  8. Final provisions.

We will not consider each of them in detail, we will focus only on the main points that heads of educational organizations need to take into account when making public procurements in kindergarten in 2014.

Features of purchases carried out by a budgetary institution

First of all, let us pay attention to the fact that the wording of Law No. 94-FZ “placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers” in Law No. 44-FZ is replaced by the wording “purchase of goods, work, services to provide state or municipal needs.

P. 3 Art. 3 of Law No. 44-FZ, the acquisition of goods, work, services to meet state or municipal needs is a set of actions that are performed in a given order by the customer and are focused on the implementation of municipal or state needs. The purchase starts with the fact that a supplier (contractor, performer) is selected, and ends after the parties to the contract fulfill their obligations.

If at the legislative level it is not provided for the placement of an announcement about the implementation of public procurement in a PEI or the creation of an invitation to participate in the selection of a supplier (contractor, performer), the purchase begins with the preparation of the contract, and ends after the fulfillment of obligations by all parties to the contract.

The contract system in the field of public procurement in kindergarten is based on the following principles:

  • openness, transparency;
  • ensuring competition;
  • professionalism of the customer;
  • stimulation of innovations;
  • responsibility for the effectiveness of
  • state and municipal needs;
  • acquisition efficiency, etc.

In Laws No. 94-FZ and No. 44-FZ, an educational organization in the public sector is a customer. P. 7 Art. 3 refers to a municipal or state customer, or a budgetary organization that makes a purchase as a customer.

It is important for the administration of the preschool educational institution to follow the norm of Part 6 of Art. 15 of Law No. 44-FZ, which states that if, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in force in budgetary legal relations, state bodies, local governments, management bodies of extrabudgetary funds, which are considered municipal or state customers, delegate duties and rights to public procurement in kindergartens and other organizations to autonomous and budgetary institutions free of charge, these institutions, within the framework of their powers, must purchase goods, services and works in accordance with the provisions specified in regulatory legal acts.

Thus, budgetary and autonomous institutions in this case act as municipal or state customers. Another important point: according to Part 2 of Art. 15 of Law No. 44-FZ state-financed organization receives the right to use the norms of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities" (hereinafter - Law No. 223-FZ), though not always, but in the case when it comes to purchases due to:

1) grants that are transferred to organizations, legal entities and citizens free of charge and irrevocably, including foreign legal entities and foreign citizens, to international organizations that have acquired the right to receive grants, subsidies (grants) that are provided from the budget system during competitions, unless otherwise provided;

2) funds, if the PDO acts as the executor of the agreement under the contract, when, on the basis of the contract, for the implementation of the contract by other persons to perform work, supply goods that are necessary to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the contract;

3) funds that were transferred for the implementation of activities that generate income.

It is possible for a budgetary educational institution to use this right, but a regulation on public procurement in kindergarten should be developed and adopted in accordance with the requirements established by Law No. 223-FZ.

If an institution wants to apply the legislation in relation to the above purchases from January 1, 2014, it must accept the regulation and publish it before this date, i.e. in 2013 on the official website of the Russian Federation to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods , performance of work, provision of services

It should be especially noted that no matter what decision the institution makes - to apply the norms of Law No. 44-FZ or No. 223-FZ for public procurement in preschool educational institutions - it will not be possible to change it during the year. This is directly stated in part 3 of Art. 15.

Information support of the contract system of public procurement in kindergarten

Currently, educational organizations and educational authorities publish on the website information on placing orders and concluding contracts for public procurement in kindergarten.

The normative act implies a special course of placing public procurement data in the public domain: Art. 4 provides for the formation of a unified information system. This system must guarantee:

1) formation, processing, storage and provision of data (including automated ones) to participants in the contract system in the field of public procurement in kindergartens;

2) control over the compliance of various kinds of information (which one is indicated in paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 4);

3) use of an enhanced unqualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents;

4) filing applications for participation in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document, as well as opening access to such applications on the day and at the time specified in the notice of public procurement in kindergartens.

According to part 3 of Art. 4 a unified information system should contain:

1) public procurement plans in kindergartens and other institutions;

2) plans-schedules;

3) information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules;

4) data on the parameters, prohibitions and restrictions for the admission of goods that are supplied from another country or a group of countries, services and works that are provided or performed by citizens of other countries, a list of foreign powers, groups of foreign powers that can be used for public procurement in children's gardens with which the Russian Federation has international agreements on the mutual application of national treatment when making purchases, as well as the conditions for applying such national treatment;

5) information on acquisitions, on the execution of contracts;

6) register of contracts concluded by customers;

7) a register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers);

8) a library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts;

9) register of bank guarantees;

10) register of complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, their results and orders issued;

11) a list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international agreements;

12) results of monitoring and audit in the field of purchases, as well as control in the field of acquisition;

13) customer reports;

14) catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

15) normative legal acts regulating the relations specified in Part 1 of Art. 1;

16) data on the prices of works, goods, services that are formed in market conditions necessary for the implementation of municipal or state needs, as well as requests for prices of works, goods and services that are placed by customers in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 22;

17) other data and documents that are placed in a single information system in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ and regulations adopted jointly with it.

Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities has the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of acquisitions, integrated with a single information system. Uniform requirements for regional and municipal information systems in the field of public procurement in kindergartens and other institutions are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Law No. 44-FZ. Art. 4. Ch. 7, 8

Ch. 5 Art. 112 secures the right to install and use a single information system for the Government of the Russian Federation. Before being put into operation, the data that will be placed in the unified information system must be placed in the order established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the website

Most of the norms on a unified information system will come into force on January 1, 2014. Clause 16, part 3, art. 4 will come into force on January 1, 2015.

Law No. 44-FZ introduces a new concept for educational organizations - acquisition planning. In other words, the legislator establishes a rule according to which all state and municipal public procurements in kindergartens and other institutions must be planned.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 16 public procurement planning in kindergartens should be carried out through:

1) purchase plans approved for the duration of the relevant budget;

2) schedules approved for a year.

Purchase plans will need to indicate the objectives of public procurement in kindergartens, the name and description of objects, the timing (frequency) of planned purchases, the amount of financial support and other information.

Schedules are turning into the basis for public procurement in kindergartens. From now on, the customer can purchase goods and services only if they are included in the schedule.

The public procurement plan in kindergartens and other institutions is created in the course of creating and reviewing projects of the budget system of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of budget legislation. The plan is accepted for a period of 10 days after bringing to the municipal or state customer the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to part 13 of Art. 21 of the Law, the schedule can be changed in the event that changes were made to the public procurement plan in kindergartens, as well as in a number of other cases:

  1. If the initial price of the contract, which is concluded with a single contractor (contractor, supplier) has been reduced or increased;
  2. if the deadlines for fulfilling contractual obligations, the amount of the advance payment and payment were changed before the start of the purchase;
  3. if the start date of the purchase and the principle of supplier selection have been changed, and the customer has canceled the purchases that are provided for by the schedule;
  4. implementation of the decision taken by the customer as a result of the work carried out in accordance with Art. 20 of Law No. 44-FZ obligatory public discussion of purchases and not requiring amendments to the purchase plan;
  5. in other cases, in accordance with the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of schedules, established by Parts 4 and 5 of Art. 21.

The requirements for mandatory planning of purchases will come into force on January 1, 2015, the requirement for purchases only in accordance with approved schedules - from January 1, 2016.

Justification of public procurement in kindergartens

In accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, the customer must justify each of his purchases. In the previous document regulating the process of public procurement, customers had to justify only the initial (maximum) contract price for each public procurement in kindergartens.

According to Part 1 of Art. 18 of the Law, the rationale for acquisitions will be carried out during the formation of a purchase plan and a schedule. It consists in establishing the compliance of the planned acquisitions with the objectives of their implementation and the requirements of the legislation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system.

The objectives of public procurement should be determined taking into account Art. 13. According to this article, public procurement in kindergartens is carried out to meet federal, regional and municipal needs, namely:

1) achievement of goals and implementation of measures provided for by state programs of the Russian Federation (including federal target programs, other documents of strategic and program-target planning of the Russian Federation), state programs of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including regional target programs, other documents of strategic and programmatic -target planning of subjects of the Russian Federation), municipal programs;

2) the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the implementation of interstate targeted programs in which the Russian Federation is a participant, with the exception of those executed in accordance with the state programs listed in the previous paragraph;

3) performance of the functions and powers of state bodies of the Russian Federation, management bodies of off-budget funds of the Russian Federation, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, management bodies of territorial extra-budgetary funds, municipal bodies, with the exception of the functions and powers listed in the previous paragraphs.

In public procurement plans for kindergartens, it will be necessary to justify exactly how the object of public procurement will serve to achieve the objectives of the acquisition. In the schedules, it will be necessary to justify the initial (maximum) price of the contract and the method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

According to part 6 of Art. 18 of Law No. 44-FZ, if the purchase is found to be unreasonable during monitoring, audit and control in the field of purchases, the control bodies specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 99, must issue an order to eliminate the identified violation and bring the perpetrators to administrative responsibility.

The requirement for mandatory justification of acquisitions will be introduced from January 1, 2015. Before this date, there is time to work in accordance with legislative norms and consciously approach the solution of this issue.

Justification of the initial (maximum) contract price in the field of public procurement in kindergartens

The concept of "initial (maximum) contract price" was also in Law No. 94-FZ. No. 44-FZ expands its scope - now it can be applied when concluding a contract with a single supplier.

Article 22 establishes five methods for determining the starting price:

1. The method of comparable market prices (market analysis) - is to establish the initial (maximum) price of the contract based on information about the market prices of identical goods, works, services planned for public procurement in kindergartens, or in the absence of similar goods, works, services . This method is a priority for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) contract price.

2. Regulatory method - consists in calculating the initial (maximum) contract price based on the requirements for purchased goods, works, services established in accordance with Art. 19 if such requirements provide for the establishment of marginal prices for goods, works, services.

3. The tariff method is relevant when, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the cost of works, goods and services that are regulated by municipal legal acts and are subject to state regulation. In this case, the initial (maximum) cost of the contract is determined according to the tariff for works, goods and services.

4. Design and estimate method - provides for the allocation of the initial (maximum) contract price:

For the construction, reconstruction or overhaul of an object, based on project documentation in accordance with the construction, reconstruction, overhaul capital construction facility on the basis of project documentation in accordance with the methods and standards (elemental estimated norms) construction works and special construction works approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of construction;

Carrying out work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, with the exception of scientific and methodological guidance, technical and architectural supervision, on the basis of project documentation agreed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects and in in accordance with the restoration norms and rules approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of state protection of cultural heritage sites.

5. Cost method - implies the allocation of the initial (maximum) cost of the contract, including the contract that was concluded with a single supplier (executors, contractor), as the sum of costs and others necessary to highlight the scope of profit. All direct and indirect costs for the purchase and sale of goods, services and works, expenses for transportation, storage, insurance and other expenses are taken into account. This method is relevant in the case when others cannot be applied.

The priority method for substantiating the initial (maximum) contract price is the method of comparing market prices (market analysis).

Establishment of a Commission for Public Procurement in Kindergarten

According to Art. 39 to determine suppliers (contractors, performers), with the exception of public procurement in kindergartens from a single supplier (contractor, performer), the customer must create a commission for the implementation of acquisitions.

Commissions can be:

  • competitive;
  • auction;
  • quotation;
  • on consideration of applications for participation in the request for proposals and final proposals;
  • unified, performing the functions of making acquisitions by holding tenders, auctions, requests for quotations, requests for proposals.

The auction, tender and unified commissions must have at least 5 members, while the quotation commission and the commission for consideration of applications for participation in the request for proposals and final proposals must have 3 or more people.

The commission for the execution of purchases can be entered by persons who have undergone professional retraining or advanced training in the direction of acquisitions, specialists who have knowledge of what they relate to the objects of purchase.

Law No. 44-FZ. Art. 39. P. 5

According to Art. 40, the customer may involve other organizations to carry out

The rule enshrined in Art. 40, entitles the customer to engage a specialized organization to perform certain functions to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on the basis of a contract. However, the customer must still create an acquisition committee, albeit with reduced functions.

Determination of suppliers (contractors, executors) during public procurement in kindergartens

In general, Law No. 44-FZ has significantly expanded the toolkit of competitive procedures available to the customer in comparison with No. 94-FZ.

Article 24 provides competitive methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers):

  • competitions (open competition, competition with limited participation, two-stage competition, closed competition, closed competition with limited participation, closed two-stage competition);
  • auctions (electronic auction, closed auction);
  • request for quotations;
  • request for proposals.

A tender is a way of choosing a supplier (performer, contractor), during which the winner is considered to be the participant in the purchase who offered the most optimal conditions contracts.

An auction is a way to select a supplier (performer, contractor), during which the winner is the participant in public procurement in kindergartens, who offers the lowest contract price.

The list of reasons for purchasing from a single supplier (executor, contractor) is reduced, if the auction was declared invalid, the customer is obliged to re-purchase in full under a simplified procedure before buying products from a single supplier.

The general rule implies that Law No. 44-FZ came into force in 2014. As an exception, the norms are accepted that relate to planning purchases, justification and introduction of an identification code, which entered into force in 2015, as well as the procedure for introducing a unified information system for purchases and a mandatory discussions of public purchases, monitoring and internal financial control, which became effective in 2016.


  • Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”
  • Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”
  • Federal Law No. 94-FZ dated July 21, 2005 “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”

The goal of innovation in preschool educational institutions is to improve the ability pedagogical system kindergarten to achieve qualitatively higher educational results. New educational programs are designed to ensure the variability of the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family. (New types, types and profiles of preschool educational institutions have been created, innovative transformations are becoming systemic.)

The introduction of innovations in the work of preschool educational institutions requires changes and updates in the organization of the methodological service. Professional competence is especially important, which is based on the personal and professional development of teachers and administration.

Organization of innovation activities in preschool educational institutions

The task of the head of a preschool institution is to create motivational conditions for the team to enter into innovative activities, taking into account the individual qualities of the participants in the innovation process, their professional level, psychological readiness for new types of activities, for additional pedagogical workload.

Some organizational points:

    Creation of structural divisions - creative groups of teachers on problems.

    The use of active forms of methodical work with the teaching staff (workshops, business games, pedagogical drawing rooms, modeling and analysis of problem situations).

    Development of professional development programs for teachers, taking into account an individually differentiated approach to each educator to improve professional and methodological competence.

Information and methodological support for innovative activities of preschool educational institutions:

    Creation of a database on advanced pedagogical experience regarding the topic of innovation and the priority direction of the preschool educational institution.

    Providing teachers working on the introduction of new programs and technologies with differentiated reference and information material

    Create a video library teaching materials, open classes, exhibitions on project topics, etc.

The main forms of work with children and parents are:

    game sessions (individual and group);

    individual developmental classes;

    consultations, workshops, trainings, business games, parent meetings;

    exhibitions (game aids, literature);

    holidays, entertainment, open viewing.

Benchmarks for child development take into account:

1. Sensory development

2. Development of movements

3. Development of speech

4. Musical development.

5. The process of adaptation of each child in the microclimate of the group (a map is filled out to observe changes in the behavior, mood, activity, communication of the pupil)

Some areas of innovation in preschool education:

    Development of software and methodological support for innovative processes: Program for the development of preschool educational institutions, business plan, educational program, annual plan.

    Development and implementation in practice of innovative collective and individual pedagogical projects.

    Introduction of new forms of differentiation of special education: temporary speech therapy group, speech center.

    Creation of a network of additional free educational and recreational services for pupils of preschool educational institutions: circles, studios, sections, etc.

    Expansion of the range of educational services for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions: paid educational services, short stay groups for young children (adaptive, correctional and developmental), preschool training group for older preschoolers.

    Creation of an advisory center for parents (legal representatives) and children with disabilities brought up in a family to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives), supporting the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend preschool .

    Implementation of innovative approaches to the physical culture and health-improving work of the preschool educational institution (health-playing, dynamic "hour", "hour" of motor creativity).

    Social technologies for harmonization of child-parent relationships.

    Scientific and methodological products of innovative activity - publication of methodological manuals and developments, placement of teachers' materials on Internet sites; participation in virtual problematic seminars, scientific and practical conferences, Internet communities, forums, teachers' councils.

    The work of creative and problem groups, conducting master classes.

    Informatization of the educational process: organizing the work of the site of the preschool educational institution, using the potential of media educational tools for the presentation of products of design and research activities, compiling databases, working with Internet resources, developing diagnostic tools, etc.

    Transition to the financial independence of the institution, attraction of extrabudgetary funds, organization of paid educational services.

Examples of innovative activities in preschool educational institutions:

    the method of game modeling in the interaction of the teacher and parents;

    improving the skills of teachers;

    search for new approaches in working with children and their parents;

    monitoring the development of each child;

    taking into account the characteristics of the child, individualization of the development of personal qualities;

    introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process;

    formation of the foundations of safe life;

    organization of environmental education for preschoolers;

    optimization of interaction with the family (Monitoring of families on the upbringing and development of children, “ round tables”, joint leisure and entertainment, publishing a newspaper, creating a mini-library, creating a family club)

    creation of the "Subject-developing space of the kindergarten"

"The subject-developing space of the kindergarten" includes the following components:

    space for intellectual, social, aesthetic development - play corners in groups, a music room with a set of instruments and audio equipment; theater hall, video hall with a set of educational video cassettes. The ethnographic museum "Russian Izba" operates in the kindergarten, which has the status of a school museum, where preschoolers and schoolchildren get acquainted with the life, life and culture of the people of the Kama region. Classes in the computer-game complex (additional educational service) contribute to the mental development of children. Comparing modern technology with objects of culture and everyday life of the past, children get acquainted with the achievements technical progress, the development of civilization;

    space for physical development - health centers in groups, a gym, a swimming pool with a shower and a sauna, a sports ground;

    environmental development space: a winter garden with a collection of plants from various climatic zones, an ecological mini-laboratory, a living corner, corners of nature in groups, as well as a kindergarten area with a corner of the forest, a garden, a vegetable garden, flower beds.

Classifying innovations according to their innovative potential, we consider
innovations as radical, i.e. basic; combinatorial, where various combinations are used; modifying, or improving, supplementing.
With regard to DOW, the concept of combinatorial innovations is used, since the possibilities of DOW are determined by its potential and are characterized by the following criteria:
the qualification composition of the team of teachers;
the availability and progressiveness of educational equipment;
the presence of a modern information base;
own methodological developments.

The main elements and indicators of the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions
The main elements of innovation potential are:
material and technical resources;
financial resources;
intellectual resources;
socio-psychological factors, etc.
Indicators of the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions:
scientific and technical potential (number of employees with the highest ranks and category, as well as the number of suggestions for improvement
pedagogical process per employee);
innovativeness of the control system in preschool educational institutions (forms of incentives,
involvement of senior management, the level of freedom afforded
participants in innovation activities).

Despite the fact that the innovative activity of teachers provides positive influence on the development of preschool education in general, and it is clear that there are positive changes and initiatives that lead to the achievement modern quality education of children in each preschool institution, the analysis of experimental practice shows that a number of problems:

    the problem of reproduction of innovations in the conditions of interaction between teachers of preschool educational institutions;

    the problem of change, optimization of innovations, the ability to get rid of outdated, inappropriate in time;

    adaptation of innovations to specific conditions, taking into account the specifics and capabilities of the preschool educational institution;

    support of pedagogical initiative, its promotion.

Promising areas of work:

    organization of network interaction of innovative preschool educational institutions, experimental sites and research teachers, united by the proximity of innovative issues.

    participation of preschool educational institutions and individual teachers who have successfully implemented their experimental programs in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, the release of teaching aids, scientific articles, including using the possibilities of electronic resources to organize the dissemination of innovative experience

    creation of a data bank on priority areas of innovative activity in preschool educational institutions, the activities of innovative teachers, their theoretical and methodological developments using the capabilities of ICT

    monitoring the process of developing professional competence, the innovative potential of teachers (during the year, responsible - deputy head of the preschool educational institution)


Pudinova A.S. 1Shepilova N.A. 1

1 Magnitogorsk State University

1. Belaya, K.Yu. Innovative activity in the preschool educational institution. Toolkit. M.: Creative center "Sphere", 2004. - S. 34-35.

2. Miklyaeva, N.V. Innovations in kindergarten. Handbook for educators. "Iris press", M., 2008. - S. 12-18.

3. Falyushina, L.I. Quality management of the educational process in a preschool educational institution. M.: Arkti, 2004. - S. 43.

One of the decisive factors in the development of a modern preschool educational institution is the organization of innovative activities in it. This is why innovative preschools are usually said to be in "growth mode." The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines "development" as directed, regular and necessary changes. Consequently, changes in a developing preschool institution do not occur randomly, but are predicted by the head on the basis of established patterns and are aimed at achieving specific goals. At the same time, it is quite obvious that any leader first needs to decide on the “terminological field” within which the goals and objectives of the changes will be formulated. Innovation (innovation) is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment that cause the system to transition from one state to another.

In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations.

The literature describes the types of innovations, which are grouped according to the following grounds.

  1. By influence on the educational process: in the content of education; in forms, methods of the educational process; in the management of DOE.
  2. By the scale (volume) of transformations: private, single, unrelated; modular (a complex of private, interconnected); systemic (related to the entire preschool institution).
  3. By innovative potential: improvement, rationalization, modification of what has an analogue or prototype (modification innovations); a new constructive combination of elements of existing techniques that have not been previously used in a new combination (combinatorial innovations); radical innovation.
  4. In relation to the previous one: an innovation is introduced instead of a specific, obsolete means (replacing innovation); termination of the use of the form of work, cancellation of the program, technology (cancelling innovation); development of a new type of service, a new program, technology (opening innovation); retro-introduction - the development of a new one at the moment, for the kindergarten team, but once already used in the system of preschool education and upbringing.

It is believed that for the first time the term "innovation" appeared in the scientific research of culturologists in the 19th century and literally meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the regularities of technical innovations began to be studied. In the 30s of the 20th century, the Austrian economist I. Schumpeter first used the concept of "innovation", which in the author's version meant "innovation", "innovation". A systematic study of innovation in education began in the late 1950s in the United States and Western Europe.

Summarizing the results of the research, we can say that in the 50-60s, in connection with the introduction of technical means into the learning process, the terms "education technology", "teaching technology", "pedagogical technology" were widely used. In the USA, England, Germany, France, Italy, special magazines began to appear under this name.

Today, the concept of "pedagogical technology", "innovative technology", "learning technology" includes a large number of definitions (“technology” - from the Greek “techne” - art, skill, skill and “logos” - teaching, science).

One of the first classifications is the classification of E.M. Rogers. On the basis of a number of empirical studies, he developed the ideal types of categories of subjects-implementers of innovations:

1) innovators - always open to new things, who are constantly interested in, extract new things from communication with local groups, from any contacts and are cosmopolitan oriented;

2) early implementers - follow the innovators, but differ from them in that they are more integrated into their local association and thus have a strong influence on it;

3) preliminary majority - the subjects of this group freely and intensively communicate with the first groups, but rarely act as leaders;

4) late majority - the main characteristic of these subjects is skepticism. They master innovations as a result of assessing their own needs for them, as well as under the pressure of the social environment;

5) hesitant - their main characteristic is the orientation towards traditional values, they are the last to master innovations.

Every teaching staff has the right to innovate. But in this case, he must assume certain obligations for the preparation and organization of innovation, since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative. Heads of preschool educational institutions, teachers should navigate a wide range of innovative technologies so as not to waste time discovering what is already known. G.K. Selevko gives a classification of pedagogical technologies in relation to the school. But this classification may be of interest for the system of preschool education and upbringing. Here are several types of technologies that are characterized by the attitude of adults towards a child.

authoritarian technologies. The teacher is the sole subject of the educational process. Technologies are distinguished by the rigid organization of school life, the suppression of the initiative and independence of students, the application of requirements and coercion.

Student-centered technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials.

Humane-personal technologies profess the ideas of all-round respect and love for the child, optimistic faith in his creative powers, and reject coercion.

Technologies of cooperation realize democracy, equality, partnership in the relationship between the teacher and the child.

Technologies of free education focus on giving the child freedom of choice and independence. Making a choice, the child declares his position, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence.

The head of the preschool educational institution must determine the prospects for the development of his institution, taking into account the social order of society, and clearly formulate the goal of innovation. The goal should be clear and accepted by all participants in the pedagogical process. Therefore, it is important to define specific tasks for each area: “What do we want to change in the content of the pedagogical process?”, “What goal did we set when organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions?”, “How will we change the subject-developing environment?” etc. The leader builds a "tree of goals". Having introduced him to the team, he can conduct a survey “How do you feel about the proposed innovation?” with the following answers:

  1. I consider useless;
  2. there are doubts about the need to use;
  3. there are doubts about the possibility of application;
  4. there is interest;
  5. there is confidence in its effectiveness and the need to use it in practice;
  6. find it difficult to answer;
  7. your answer.

It is important that the goals set by the head of the preschool educational institution make it possible to obtain better results with the same or less expenditure of physical, moral strength, material, financial resources or time. An innovation can be considered successful if it made it possible to solve certain specific tasks of a preschool educational institution.

The leader must take into account the individual qualities of the participants in the innovation process, their professional level, organizational skills, abilities, psychological readiness for new activities, for additional pedagogical workload.

Thus, innovation activity is a complex, complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations aimed at achieving greater efficiency in the field of education in preschool educational institutions.

Bibliographic link

Pudinova A.S., Shepilova N.A. INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2014. - No. 7-2. - P. 34-35;
URL: (date of access: 09/30/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" no comments

Innovative activity in a preschool organization as a condition for improving the process of familiarizing children with nature

Originality 60% ap ru

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 The essence and directions of innovation in the preschool educational institution ……… 8
1.2. Traditions and innovations in organizing the process of familiarizing children with nature in a preschool institution ……………………………. 12
1.3 Management of innovative activities of teachers in organizing the process of familiarizing children with nature …………………………………… 16
2.1. Methodology for monitoring and assessing the quality of innovative processes in preschool educational institutions ……………………………………………………………………………. 19
2.2. Implementation of the innovative strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions as a condition for improving the process of familiarizing children with nature ………….30
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………. 62
APPLICATION ……………………………………………………………. 71

In the scientific literature, the concept of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" is distinguished.
Innovation is usually understood as an element of pedagogical activity, which, in the presented form, in this capacity have not yet met, although an analogue of this phenomenon, of course, can be found, and in this sense, the new in pedagogy is the well-forgotten old.
Innovation is a kind of carrier of innovation, a means of its dissemination, bringing it to practice (new projects, programs, teaching aids, manuals). Taking root in practice, an innovation that carries an innovation (or a combination of them) updates the practice, making it more effective.
Innovation is the dissemination of innovations in pedagogical practice.
The innovation process is a process of improving educational practices, developing educational systems based on enrichment, modifying these systems based on innovative development and partially changing the traditional goals, content and means of education.
Innovative activity is a set of measures to ensure the innovation process at a particular level of education, as well as this process itself.
The main functions of innovative activity include changing the components of the pedagogical process: the meaning, goals, content, formation of forms, methods, means of teaching the management system.
The structure of innovative activity includes: scientific search, creation of innovation, implementation of innovation, reflection of innovation. The main result of the search stage is the formulated innovation problem and the tasks of innovation. What follows is an innovative project of planned transformations.
At the implementation stage, innovative activity includes the following actions: program-scenario, organizational and managerial, experimental-evaluative, design, translation. In the process of reflection, the obtained results are compared with the set goals, the resulting product is compared with its original image. The model of innovation activity includes: innovator, normative prescriptions, innovation environment, procedural component, innovation, product. Innovation in this consideration is understood as the result of innovation, and the innovation process includes at least three stages: generating an idea, developing an idea in an applied aspect, and implementing an innovation in practice. The activity that ensures the transformation of ideas into innovation, and also forms the management system for this process, is innovative activity.

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