Correct use of prepositions of conjunctions of particles. Synopsis of a lesson in the Russian language on the topic, the stylistic role of service parts of speech, (7th grade, fgos). requirements for the level of preparation of students

An open lesson in Russian in the 7th grade on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles»

General didactic goal: Formation complete system leading knowledge and ways of action of students.

Type of lesson: Lesson of systematization and generalization of the studied material.

Educational aspects of the lesson:

Forms of work: individual, pair, collective.

Teaching methods: verbal (informational - developing, visual), practical.

The lesson is conducted at: a constructive level.

Used technologies: technology of personality-oriented developmental education, ICT.

Equipment: cards, interactive whiteboard, tables, painting reproduction, computer.

During the classes

Org. moment: introduction teachers.

Today, guys, you have an unusual lesson. It has many guests. Turn around, smile at them. Well done! I think that your smiles and a beautiful spring morning will bring you high spirits, and you will be active, emotional for 45 minutes. And let the motto of our lesson be the words: "You are all capable and talented." Before our lesson begins, which will consist of three “micro-lessons”, I want to remind you that today is the final lesson on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles.

What do you guys think, what is the purpose of our lesson?

/students formulate the goal, the teacher once again emphasizes the learning goal/.

Let me introduce the types of work on which you will work in the lesson.


Are you satisfied with these types of work?

Would you like to add or change something?

/teacher listens to students' suggestions/

Well, we will try to implement your suggestions during the lesson.

And we will start with the stage of a comprehensive knowledge test. The first work "Vocabular dictation". Today it will be held in the form of a "spelling duel". Let's find out if you learned the spelling of words and phrases well during the study of the topic. Attention to the board, we write in a line through a semicolon.

/slide/ Self-test. Check it out, rate yourself.

Well, well done! And now let's move on to the "micro-lessons", the structure of which will consist of two blocks - theoretical and practical.

The first topic is "Preposition". /slide/

To test your knowledge of the theory, I suggest you complete the sentence.

Here is a part of the sentence, it must be completed.

How do we graphically highlight prepositions?

Well, well done, well done! Let's move on topractical block. You are waiting for "free work". On the board you see tables, they can be used when working on a task from a "box", "envelope", in working on a "camping" dictation, at a computer. Are we getting started?

/students independently choose the type of work, work, moving freely around the class/. Don't forget to graphically highlight the prepositions.

Dictation from the "box" and "camping" dictation.

For several hours you can sit still and look at the sea. Close up, it is transparent, greenish in color, and in the distance lies a dark blue stripe, slightly veiled with haze. The sea is beautiful at dawn, when a fireball emerges from the horizon.

Dictation from the "envelope".

(B) over (e, and) many years; (c) continuation(s, i) of lessons; (c) a consequence (e, and) bad weather; walked (along) the path; (not) looking under your feet; found out (in) a consequence (e, and); (not) despite the heat; (c) the type of illness; Have this in mind.

Computer work.

/Instead of gaps, insert appropriate prepositions or prefixes/

  1. He, apparently, was tired, sat down on the ___ end of the bench and took a nap. _____ end everyone gathered _____ at the table and _____ talked.
  2. Yes, we _____ all talked about it, but _____ all the doors knocked.
  3. Don't rely on _____ strength, but _____ knowledge. _____ strength he achieved ____ values ​​______ duty.

/ self-test - those who performed the dictation from the "box", "marching"; mutual verification - those who took the task from the "envelope"; the teacher, together with the class, checks the work of the student who worked at the computer /.

What grades did you give yourself for this "micro-lesson"?

/ slide / - The next topic is "Unions".

theoretical block. Prove whether the statement is true?

/ slide / Students prove the correctness of the statement given on the board.

How do we graphically highlight unions? Let's move onto practice block.

/ slide / / Task on the board /

What do you guys think, what task can be offered for this form of work?

That's right, find matches, synonymous pairs. For example, in the same way. We work in pairs.

... - Did you meet only unions in this task?

/slide/ Verification.

Today is a wonderful morning. Stand up, please, and look out the window. The spring sun is shining brightly, the birds are chirping loudly. Okay, right?

Compare your impressions with the image of nature ....

Try to make a sentence using one of the conjunctions from the previous task.

/Students name sentences, choose the best, write on the board and in notebooks, make a complete syntactic analysis of the sentence/.

What marks did you give yourself for this lesson.

/slide/. - Let's move on to the topic "Particles".

Let's check the theoretical knowledge with the help of a mutual survey.

/students ask each other, put marks/

What grades did you get? /We find out the results of the survey/.

How do we graphically select particles?

Let's move on to the practical part.

/ slide / - And now let's play the game "The Third Extra". Choose in each row and write down the extra spelling.

Okay, well done!

And now I suggest you work on such a type of work as "digital dictation". Its purpose is to be able to distinguish between prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

  1. How merrily the birds chirp! 2. Are you not interested? 3. After winter there is always spring. 4. Would you like to have a rest? 5. Let the music of spring flow! 6. A frozen pond glistens like a mirror. 7. A bench was made near the house. 8. The brother explained that I had to fulfill the promise.

/slide/ Verification.

Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like you guys to share all your knowledge gained while studying the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles”, they were able to realize in the next creative work, an essay - a miniature. Compose texts on the topic "The Coming of Spring", graphically designate prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

/Students perform work to the music, a poorly performing student receives a card, then the work of several students is listened to.

Give yourself grades for this "micro-lesson".

Now give yourself marks for the whole lesson. - What is the result of the lesson?

Homework/slide/ Level D/Z

Reflection "Heart of Communication"

self-analysis of the lesson.

The type of my training session is systematization and generalization educational material. In order to draw the children's attention to the topic of the lesson, I slightly changed its structure by offering them three "micro-lessons" in one lesson. I believe that any non-traditional element (in my case, this is the structure of the lesson, vocabulary work in the form of a spelling duel, creative work) increase the cognitive interest in learning. All the children were happy to get involved in the work, since the majority of students in this class have an emotional and abstract type of perception, while the rest have a concrete one.

According to this type of training session, I set the following goals:

  1. To create conditions in the lesson for systematization and generalization of students' knowledge about prepositions, conjunctions, particles.
  2. To consolidate the skills of students to distinguish, write correctly, use service words in speech, exercise self-control.
  3. Cultivate a sense of emotional activity in the lesson; the ability to adequately assess the work of classmates.

The implementation of these goals was carried out through the use of various forms of work in the classroom: individual, pair, collective. The choice of just such forms was facilitated by the technology of personality-oriented developmental education used by me in the lesson, the purpose of which is the development of the child's personality, that is, he turns from a passive listener into an active figure. In such a form as "free work", the guys worked at an individual pace and rhythm, they themselves chose the type of activity, according to their level of development. Something is not clear - they ask each other, and only in the case when they cannot cope on their own, they turn to me. In this situation, I'm just a consultant. Today, no one contacted me, which means they managed without my help. I see the value of such work in the fact that children write on their own, while their attention is concentrated, visual memory develops, self-control and mutual control are exercised.

In my work, I also try to use an exploratory approach to teaching. Checking the students' knowledge of the theory in each of the "micro-lessons", I saw that the material was mastered by the students. The children were able to formulate the objectives of the lesson, continued the sentences, proved the statements, asked each other. In this, I believe, the research approach was carried out, aimed at implementing the method of comparison, proof, and generalization. The creative task was also of a research nature, because I only helped the students to see the harmonic connections between disparate phenomena and facts, to present a picture of nature, and the result was compositions - miniatures of students.

I believe that the nature of the activity contributed to the type of lesson, the methods I chose (information-developing, visual, practical, ICT) and forms allowed me to find out the degree of formation of students' ZUN on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles. A warm, friendly, calm atmosphere of communication was created at the lesson. Time was used rationally through written and oral work. The goals set in the lesson were achieved and realized.

The lesson was conducted at a constructive level. In addition to tasks of increased and medium difficulty, a task was provided for a poorly performing student. Pupils showed the ability to evaluate not only their own knowledge, but also to evaluate their classmates. The number of positive assessments, emotions and impressions that the children shared during the “heart of communication” reflection indicate that the lesson was interesting and fruitful for the children.


Textbook "Russian language" Textbook for grade 7 educational institutions / M. M. Razumovskaya. LLC "Drofa" M.: 2004

Grade: seventh

quarter: fourth


  1. Shkatova L. A. Think and answer. M.: 1999
  2. Burmako V. M. Russian language in drawings.-M.: 1991
  3. Russian language lessons in grade 7 M. M. Razumovskaya / Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.
  4. G. A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons: from work experience. - M .: Education, 1996.

Working materials on the topic "Preposition" in 7th grade Compiled by Braverman S.A.

type of lesson

level requirements student training



quality control assimilation subject

house. tasks

Preposition as a part of speech.

Preposition meanings. Prepositions are spatial, temporal. causal, target, objective. ("All about the Russian language" p. 214)

Known b: preposition - an official part of speech, its role in a sentence and a phrase, about the absence

preposition before adverb, participle and verb.

Know that prepositions are not members of the sentence, but are part of the members of the sentence.

The preposition is not so simple, it can disguise itself as other parts of speech. Take a word against

1. The cinema is located in the house opposite.

3. He wanted to watch TV, on the contrary, I wanted to go to the cinema.

In the 1st sentence against-

adverb - circumstance.

In the 2nd - a preposition, is not a member of the proposal.

In the 3rd - an introductory word, is not a member of the sentence.

What is a suggestion.

How is it different from other parts of speech?


ABOUT identify the parts of speech in the sentence:

A minute later, the palace carriages, suddenly jumping out from behind the fence, galloped in all directions.


remove suggestions.


What are prepositions used for?


independent parts of speech

syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Vocabulary dictation

§27rule p.152,

Classification of prepositions: derivatives and


by structure: simple, complex and compound,

types of derivative prepositions according to word formation: adverbial, denominative,


Morphological analysis of the preposition.

Lessons in learning new material

Know: the method of forming derivative prepositions is morphological-syntactic. Be able to distinguish prepositions from homonymous prefixes,

write separately with nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals.

Know: with what cases prepositions are used.

Be able to morphological analysis of the adverb

Derivative and non-derivative prepositions.

The use of prepositions with different cases (Ex. 337)


noun cases

The fourth extra

1. due to, near, at, through

2. around the house, thanks to the care,

along the route

All derivatives, the first and third are formed from

adverbs, the second - from


species identification pretexts

in, on, through,

during the lesson, along the river, during the day,

to the river, for work, because of a cold

Textbook pp.153-154

Spelling of prepositions: together, separately, hyphenated

Know: what prepositions are written together, separately, with a hyphen.

Observation exercise No. 342 Creative work No. 343


synonymous prepositions

as a result, due to

around - at

during - in continuation, for,

like - like

towards - to,

from the side - from

behind - behind

thanks - due to

Working with a spelling dictionary

Repetition: use

prepositions with nouns


numerals in

the form of indirect cases in the phrase with control

vocabulary work

We write together

went to meet the arrivals, crop failure due to drought,

an antenna like a dish, a root like a horn, inquire about hiring, refuse due to lack of places, despite the resistance of the enemy.


to meet me, in the feminine gender, to the bank account, to keep in mind, to mean the coast, to this place, without looking at the notebook.

Workshop. Spelling of prepositions

Consolidation lesson

knowledge, skills and abilities/


Remember writing derivative sentences.

Rule p.157

Know when the accent falls on pretext.

Comma separation of turnover with prepositions: in spite of, in spite of

Working with the spelling dictionary



with derivative prepositions and

creatures. with a pretext "V"

The difference between prepositions and combinations of nouns with prepositions

Lesson in mastering new material

Be able to distinguish between the spelling of prepositions and nouns with prepositions.

Remember that adverbs are adjacent to the verb, and prepositions are used with parts of speech that are used as a noun .

Know, that the words are the same

sounding but related

different parts of speech are spelled differently.

The difference between prepositions and other parts of speech

p.161 №351

vocabulary dictation exercise No. 353

Description of the state of the item

Speech development lesson

Creative work ex. No.

The use of prepositions in speech

Speech development lesson

Know: use of prepositions: in - on, from - from,

To Turkey, from Turkey, to Ukraine, to Ukraine, from the mountain, to the mountain.

Use of prepositions :

thanks to, according to, in spite of.

Pretextdespite means

contrary to something, against something, in spite of something, contrary to expectations, contrary to my request,

Be able to correct errors associated with the use of prepositions in speech


antonymy and synonymy of prepositions.

Place of prepositions

in a sentence (rule p. 162

exercise No. 352 orally)

No. 352 (in writing)

Lesson generalization of knowledge on the topic

Be able to apply learned

Make tests on the learned rules on the topic


A Lesson in Control

Check knowledge, skills, abilities

Subject Testing

Analysis control work and troubleshooting

Knowledge analysis lesson

students on the topic



1.B write prepositions in two columns: derivatives and non-derivatives:

search underground,

get out of the ground

relax near the river

built in the middle of old houses, done within a week,

agree on lessons

cancel classes due to frost.

2. mark prepositions

1st option

introduce new actors in the continuation of the series,

receive a notice due to being late.

differ in gender and case,

rapids along the river

3. Parsing sentences and morphological analysis of prepositions:

1st option

Due to a leg injury to the scorer of the qualifying tournament, who was forced to miss the next two matches, the coaches replaced him with a young player.

4. Think of sentences in which the same-sounding words would be different parts of speech

1st option

like - like

2nd option

keep in mind,

constructor toy,

rest during the week

interfere with thoughts

2nd option

Despite the failure that befell our team in a series of matches, the goal was still achievable.

2nd option

instead of - in place


Preparing for the test

Making phrases with prepositions

over the abyss

beyond the forest

due to



in area

in a relationship


in continuation


in contrast


because of

with the exception of

antonymy And



V - on

from - With

to school - from school

from Kamchatka -

to Kamchatka

to the Baltic

from the Baltic

from Ukraine -

to Ukraine

Explanatory dictation

Finally solemn evenings concert was given in continuationwhom laughter didn't stop.

Nobody participated in continuation of the dispute, due towhat friends thought I gave up.

Asstudy spelling, many children began to write more literately, and subsequently completely stopped making mistakes.

We had in mind that we will sail towardseach other,

But eventually I had to abandon this idea.

What can I say Finally? in conclusion?


The underlined words are prepositions.

Underlined - other parts of speech.


Compiled by Braverman S.A.



Materials for the lesson


Particle as part of speech

Target: to give the concept of the functions of the particle as a service part of speech.

Be able to: to distinguish a particle from other parts of speech.

The value of the particle.

What gives a particle, what

loses the offer if she disappears.

1. Control by spelling: alphabet And t, mastiffs O r, docum e nt, dos at G,

rolled O g, quart A l, kilo e tr, k at honny, m e lkom, t O now, us e rhenium, call, beets, carpenter s,

cem e nt, shav e l. Task: sort the words into groups depending on the stress.

2. Control Determine what the particle gives: negates,

indicates and clarifies, strengthens or softens the requirement, expresses feelings or forms word forms:

Iwould learned lessons...

hardlywhether the skater wins the distance...

INot I want to disappoint you.

Question: And if you remove the particle from the sentence?

Particle Discharges.

shaping particles.

Target b: to give the concept of particle discharges by value; show the functions of shaping particles.

Pin skill distinguish particles from

other parts of speech.

The role of the particle in the sentence.

What styles of speech use particles.

Syntactic analysis of sentences with formative particles.

Repetition: the formation of imperative verbs.

§ 36 p.208 - 209


Sense Particles.

Target: show the variety and functions of semantic particles, their use in certain styles of speech

Working with a table

"The Meaning of Semantic Particles"

Repetition:speech styles

Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles

Target: identify cases of separate and hyphenated spelling of particles.

Develop skill distinguish particles from other parts of speech.

Particles would, would, would write separately with With catches.

Particles - then, well, well

write with a hyphen

Repetition: colloquial style of speech

Linguistic warm-up

What a delight these stories are!

Howwould find out what's going on behind the gate?

Not a single boy, the most obedient, andneither one girl, the most attentive, the sellerneither once in a lifetimeNot donatedneither one ball: no red,neither blue,neither yellow.

Ex. The difference between particles and parts of demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, unions

Let's compare the pairs of sentences:

1. Whatwould you wanted to learn about particles?

To write particles correctly, you need to be able to distinguish them from other parts of speech.

2.Particle -That spelled like thissame as a suffixThat in indefinite pronouns and adverbs, that is, through a hyphen.

Particleswould, would, would written with words separately.

3. And that's itstill she spins.

I decided-still difficult task.

Speech development lessons

Negative particles NOT and NI

Target: expand students' knowledge of particles

NOT and NOR, show cases where a sentence with two particles does not get

positive meaning, develop the skills of writing particles NOT with different parts of speech.

Develop skill distinguish particles NOT and NI from compound unions.

1.A Analysis of the textbook material p.213

2. Analysis of a table from the board (or slides)

Particle NI is written,If:

a) a negative verb is used,

participle or participle: He,Not

speakingneither words, out.

H neither the watchman nor his assistant responded /

b) negation is implied:

In the skyneither clouds.

Neither from place!Neither words!

c) in interrogative-exclamation. suggestion not just: Do youNot know about it?

Who doesn't know this!

d) before the indefinite form of the verb:

we write NOT when we have one indefinite form in front of us

and NI, when there are several indefinite forms:

HeNot couldNot know about it.

Due to illness, heNot could

neither drink,neither There is.

Repetition: appeal

TO commented letter with analysis of proposals.

Not CanNot remember how fun the holidays were.

At this turn the carNot couldNot turn right.

And you, friends,How neither sit down, everyone is a musicianNot fit.

ExamNot it should beneither too difficultneither

too light.

Determine where are the particles and where are the unions.

Repetition: appeal.

Explanation of the textbook table

If it is necessary to choose NOT or NOR before the verb-predicate in the subordinate clause,

should proceed as follows:

1. put a question that is suitable in meaning from the main sentence,

2.determine whether the answer is negative or positive;

3.if negative, choose the NOT particle.

if positive, an amplifying particle NI.

(When Ineither I'll go to him), he's always busy.

Do I go to him?Yes . - ChooseNO .

(When INot I will go to him), he is worried and calls.

Do I go to him?No . – ChooseNOT .

Attention: we are talking only about a subordinate clause (most often about a concession).

Distinguishing between the particle HE and the prefix HE-

Target: to consolidate students' knowledge about the particle NOT and the prefix NOT-, develop spelling and punctuation skills.

P repetition: punctuation marks in direct speech.

D ictation followed by analysis

However, the quartetwon't go okay.

When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business is in orderNot will go .

Who is guilty of them, who is right - to judgenot us .

What kind of animals, what kind of birds am Idid not see !

« Not grateful! ”- Oak said to her here.

ignoramus also blindly scolds science and learning,

and all learned fruits,not feeling that he eats them


So donothing : it came to write a decree to bring the guilty to shameful execution.

1. Find pronouns and determine their category.

2. What particles, except NOT, are used in sentences?

3. Find unions, explain their spelling.

Practical work on the topic “Distinguishing between a particle NOT and a prefix NOT-”

Target: consolidate students' knowledge about the particle NOT and the prefix NOT-;

develop skills independent work.

P repetition:

spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns.

Parsing complex-subordinate


ABOUT explanatory dictation

Not make mistakes.

The request was denied withNot yearning.

Not a sound around.

No matter how trying to get the fish outneither whatNot happened.

Not what to be surprised.

Wherever Look, there is steppe everywhere.

What-That to meNot like everything here.

Designate graphically particles, prefixes, parts

root. Syntactic analysis of the penultimate sentence.

Why are they highlighted entirely "however", "wherever"?

examples in the table

Particle NI, prefix NI, union NI - NI

Target: teach students to distinguish homonymous linguistic units,

develop spelling and punctuation skills.

P repetition:

NOT with verbs

L inguistic warm-up

No one is to blame, you don’t quarrel with anyone, nobody’s dog, don’t ask about anything, I didn’t find it anywhere,

not at all difficult, you don’t say a word, nothing bothers you, you don’t owe us anything, you don’t report to anyone, don’t tell anyone, not one left,

doubt nothing, disturb no one, no one else interests me; no one else like you should go on a business trip.

Note the spelling. Identify parts of speech.

General lesson on the topic "Particle"

Target: generalize knowledge on the topic, develop

spelling and punctuation skills, skills linguistic analysis.

TO commented letter

The ancient culture is as distant in time from today's man as the stars are from us.

Should he heed the advice of an astrologer not to engage in affairs designed for the long term?

How could I fall asleep in an empty old house, listening to the howl of the wind and the creaking steps of the stairs

If it weren't for you, I would never have completed the task.

Define parts of speech. Syntactic analysis of the last sentence.

The use of particles in speech.

Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, particles

(work with dictionaries)

Control dictation and its analysis

Target: test students' knowledge on the topic,

spelling and punctuation skills,

linguistic parsing skills.

(preparation for writing

by picture)

Create a draft

Possible testing on the topic

( Option 2 - Baranov p. 266)


Option 1

1. Mark Particles

a) even b) to c) if d) let

2. Check the reinforcing particles

a) would b) here c) really d) after all

3. Mark the shaping particles

a) how b) let c) more d) whether

4. Note the hyphenated spelling of the particles

a) still b) answer

c) find (same) d) (do not) go there

5. Mark phrases with a particle not

a) n... hinder me b) n... minutes n... delay

c) n... to be this d) there is no n... one place

6. Mark sentences with particles. Open parenthesis.

a) In order to be able to, one must learn.

b) (Don't) be offended by me,

c) There is no (neither) desire, (nor) opportunities.

d) Wherever you look, there are people everywhere.

Speech development

Preparing for an essay on a painting

Analysis of the material exercise No. 474 - 475

Drawing up an essay plan

    In the foreground of the painting.

    Description of birches (trunk, foliage)

    On the ground.

    What mood is the artist conveying?

    Does this mood match yours? Is this how you imagine a spring forest? Have you ever been in the spring forest?

Students reading draft materials for the essay. Analysis.

write an essay

CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING in grade 7 on the topic "UNION"


... WORKINGMATERIALSBYTHEME"APPEAL, INTRODUCTORY WORDS AND INSERTIONS" in 8 "A" CLASSCompilerBravermann S.A. No. content theory vocabulary materials... expressed by nouns with pretext. The circumstances expressed ...

  • Document

    Public materialsBytopic compilers class" Braverman, Aratsky, Breus and... , under pretext that he ... , officials, workers utilities,...

  • Document

    Public materialsBytopic: Hebrew... Yisrael" Note compilers: read... superior restaurant class".) Undoubtedly ... .; Deputy Head of State Property Braverman, Aratsky, Breus and... , under pretext that he ... , officials, workers utilities,...

  • According to gender studies for the countries of the former USSR"


    proposed Braverman; concept... topics, patriarchy carries an important functional load By towards capitalism, helping to split workerClassBy... O compiler or... quite plausible pretext(feminine... When analyzing materialsBy problems...

  • Grigory Petrovich Klimov God's people Abstract Grigory Petrovich Klimov God's people The essence of the problem Grigory Petrovich Klimov's interview on the occasion of his 80th birthday


    AND By this day. Bytopics same ... infallibility. Pretext for ... will bind tightly workerClass to the state ... Smolensk, shlaifers, bravermans, Urinson, Zelensky, ... I have evidence material just for... attributed to him compilers Moses -...

  • type of lesson

    requirements for the level of preparation of students


    vocabulary work

    quality control of mastering the subject


    1 C ouz as a part of speech.

    General information about the union as a service part of speech. Syntactic possibilities of the union.

    Conjunctions by use:

    single, double, repeated.

    Derivative and non-derivative unions

    study lesson

    new material

    Know: the union is a service part of speech. What connects the union: homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of complex ones. Derivatives unions

    originated from other parts of speech - exactly when, etc.

    Non-derivatives conjunctions: a, but, yes, etc.

    because of


    due to the fact that

    thanks to

    as long as.

    Singles conjunctions: but to...

    recurring: neither ... neither, that ... that, etc.

    Double: as ..., so

    in order to

    Vocabulary dictation

    exercise 353

    2 R ranks of unions.

    R Ol semantic stress, variable setting of a comma.

    Synonymous sentences with conjunctions.

    Lesson study of new material

    TO What relationship do the conjunctions express in the sentence? -


    targets, conditions, matching relationships, etc.

    T table of subordinating types

    3 C conjugative conjunctions

    The connection of equal in meaning sentences and homogeneous members.

    Types of coordinating unions.

    At rock learning new material and repetition

    TO What are the meanings of different types of coordinating conjunctions in sentences. Analysis and linguistic parsing


    not only but

    both ... and

    also the same

    also the same

    4 V ides of subordinating unions.

    Explanatory and adverbial conjunctions

    At fate of mastering new material

    TO What are the differences between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

    The role of subordinating conjunctions in a sentence.

    O because

    in order to

    so as to

    then to

    in order to

    what would you do?

    5 - 6 P spelling of unions.

    The difference is in the spelling of conjunctions and pronouns with prepositions.

    Morphological analysis of the union - textbook p. 183

    At rock workshop

    TO how to distinguish a union from consonant words of other parts of speech.

    Table analysis exercise No. 399

    Synonymy of unions exercise No. 397

    To as if



    despite the fact that


    and - by the way

    ABOUT explanatory dictation:

    For a meeting the heads of the G8 delegations arrived, Also observers came from other countries. Friendship needs trust Also, How reliability

    Everyone was playing in the yard, me Same wanted to go outside. Do Same, What indicated in the recommendation And.

    Journalists gathered in the studio to discuss the problem.

    M orff..

    preparation for vocabulary dictation-exercise No. 403

    7 G a fifth between simple sentences as part of a compound compound.

    Table page 189

    Scheme for exercise 414

    At the fate of consolidating knowledge

    TO what is the difference in punctuation in sentences with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

    The difference between a comparative turnover and a sentence with a comparative union

    IN What is the difference in sentence structure?

    Chichikov did not noticeHowdrove into the middle of a vast garden.

    Howthe tree quietly drops its leaves,

    so I drop sad words.

    How golden fireflies, dewdrops glittered on the grass.

    Remember: in comparative turnover there is no predicate, in contrast to the subordinate clause.


    8 O general lesson on the topic "Union"

    At rock-reinforcement of knowledge

    Know: the meaning of the union and spelling.

    Be able to perform linguistic analysis.

    Pay attention to the spelling of the following expressions:

    the same ... what

    the same


    just like

    all the same

    all the same

    So, I lived then in Odessa.

    We got wet So tired that

    decided to spend the night in the village.

    It was cold to walk besides and the clouds appeared.

    Can be replaced:

    and and the clouds appeared...

    at the same time and the clouds appeared...

    besides and the clouds appeared...

    What does will you stay?

    (with what you stay...)

    At the same time documents are attached to the application. ( At what statement?)

    however- an introductory word or a coordinative union, synonymous with the union But?

    or- an alliance that unites

    homogeneous members or attaches explanatory members of the sentence?

    Look,however oh be careful. We never expected to meet againhowever met.

    It was Alexander Timofeevich,

    or simply Sasha. Flexion,or ending, only happens

    changeable parts of speech.

    Exercise; come up with examples

    to union or connects homogeneous parts of a sentence

    Remember: conjunctions are not written with a hyphen:

    as if


    Vocabulary dictation

    exercise 403

    rule p.193

    9 P preparation for examination

    At rock generalization of knowledge

    Compare: I'm upset because,

    that the holiday is over. ( That's why…)

    From that we walked through the woods.

    (from what?)

    WITH unionbut has a synonym

    union But.

    He is small but daring ( But daring).

    hide yourself for that tree ( for what tree?)

    10 - 11 K control dictation with a grammar task. Dictation analysis. Work on mistakes.

    12. A variant of possible testing on the topic "Prepositions and conjunctions".

    Option number 2- Baranov str.265

    Materials for possible testing

    Option 1

    1. Mark the prepositions

    a) about b) to

    c) if d) thanks

    2. Mark derived prepositions

    b) in continuation

    c) due to d) according to

    3. Check Compounds


    a) from under b) around

    d) in connection with

    e) like

    4. Mark the coordinating conjunctions

    a) like b) what

    c) or d) but

    5. Mark the causal

    subordinating conjunctions

    a) because

    b) in order to

    c) because

    d) just

    6. Mark the sentences in which the words are written together. Determine the part of speech.

    a) What would you like to eat?

    b) Do you also like football?

    c) Rainy, for (then) warm.

    d) Do as I do..

    Creative work.

    1. Make sentences with conjunctions in task 5.

    2. Compose phrases with prepositions:

    according to

    thanks to

    pay attention tocasenoun afterpretext.

    1) Functional-stylistic adverbs in the choice of adverbs are limited. So, the same-root adverbs differ in stylistic coloring always, always, in vain, in vain, instead of instead. The second options are of a distinctly vernacular character and can only be used for the speech characterization of the character.

    Synonymous adverbs of the scientific type in non-literary speech may be combinations of the scientific type, cf .: "Research should be carried out according to science" (follows: scientifically).

    2) In modern colloquial speech V Lately the use of pronominal adverbs became widespread somewhere in the meaning of "approximately, approximately": It will take her about 20 minutes to solve the problem. Should: It will take her about 20 minutes to solve the problem.

    3) The synonymy of prepositions is widely used for stylistic purposes. Yes, they are synonymous because of (something) - thanks to (something) - due to (something) - as a result of (something). In case - subject to (something), for - for the purposes of (something) ). In spite of (something) - in spite of (something). In a purely official text, for example, it will be written: Due to flooding, mining operations were stopped. In a newspaper text, they would rather write: as a result of a flood ... In colloquial speech: Because of a flood ...

    4) Pairs also differ functionally and stylistically: for (neutral) - for the purposes of (purely official), contrary to (official) - despite (neutral) and so on.

    5) Prepositions are also synonymous about - about - about - relatively with explanatory meaning. The preposition o has an inter-style character, pro-colloquial, informal- colloquial, relatively official-business, bookish. Here are some examples: 1. Rumors about her went everywhere. 2) Everyone spoke about Pyotr Vasilyevich with great respect. 3) We got together in the evening to talk about the upcoming work. 4) There is still no information regarding the departure time of this echelon.

    denominative prepositions in relation to - in relation to have no noticeable difference. They indicate the direction of action. They have a book character. For example : 1. One must be kind to animals. 2. With regard to you, the issue has been resolved positively.

    Synonymous prepositions for the purpose - for the purpose. They are used in official business speech. Pretext with the aim of is used with the infinitive to specify, clarify the purpose of the action, and the preposition in order to - with a verbal noun to emphasize the general target orientation. For example: 1. We returned back to see these beautiful places again. 2. The launch of another Earth satellite was carried out in order to explore outer space.

    6) A few words should be said about the use of the preposition By, extremely common now, although its use in some cases is unjustified.

    Yes, suggestion By often mistakenly used instead of a preposition o (o) in combinations like: nutrition pamphlets, election talks (followed by: food pamphlets, election talks). However, combinations such as a lecture on chemistry, a textbook on mathematics are correct, since it indicates the type of activity, the circle of classes, and not a specific topic, the content of the book. Do not use preposition By in the meaning of prepositions For And because of . So, combinations like: The school does a lot to improve the garden (it follows: to improve the garden); The school garden is not looked after due to the carelessness of the caretaker (follows: because of the carelessness of the caretaker). You can't use the preposition either. By combined with nouns instead of adverbs. Wrong : In the spring, the results of the school year are summed up. It follows: in the spring they are summed up ...

    7) There are errors in the use of prepositions under And against. Yes, you can't use the preposition. under combined with abstract nouns. Wrong: Allocated land for earthworks. It should ... for earthworks or ... for earthworks).

    The widespread use of the preposition today should not be considered a mistake. against in the meaning of prepositions in comparison with something and in comparison with something, For example: The output of equipment has doubled this year against 1974.

    Synonymous conjunctions are widely used for stylistic purposes, connecting subordinate clauses with the main clause in the structure of a complex sentence.

    Thus, conditional subordinate clauses expressing the conditionality of actions and phenomena are combined with the main unions when (in official business speech once), if (colloquial), once, if, soon (archaic), if only (colloquial), if (archaic), if only (colloquial, folklore), concessive clauses indicating conditions that prevent actions from being taken, or marking a message that contradicts the message of the main clause, are introduced by conjunctions although, at least (colloquial), despite the fact that, let, let (colloquial), for nothing (colloquial), turns wherever, wherever, when, no matter how much, no matter how, no matter what.

    Widely used for stylistic purposes and particles, especially modal ones. modal particles (here, out, hardly, hardly) refer to evaluative vocabulary, they are intended to express the inner world of the speaker, his attitude to the subject of speech.

    The functional role of modal particles should be distinguished. So, in sentences B from the house that Jack built ... That's how absent-minded from Basseinaya street, That's what a mother, golden right! particle Here It has different meaning, in the first sentence it is only indicating, in the following it expresses emotions - surprise, regret, admiration.

    Stylistic use of address and interjections.

    With a special stylistic function, appeals and interjections, most often found in dialogic speech, can be used (although they can be used in oratory and official business). The stylistic function of the address is to express the author's attitude to the addressee of the speech, in his characterization. In poetic speech, the so-called rhetorical appeal is widely used, for example: Domineering villain! I hate you, your throne!..; Month, month, my friend! Gilded horn! You rise in deep darkness, round-faced, bright-eyed...

    Interjections are used only in artistic and colloquial speech with an emotionally expressive function, for example: Oh! Mother! - the old woman is busy, - where is Petrovna? After all, this is the third call! God's punishment... Remained! In the wagon!

    Stylistic use of introductory and plug-in structures.

    With a special stylistic task, introductory words and sentences are used. they express the speaker's attitude to what is being expressed, his assessment, and also draw up a sequence in the presentation of thoughts. Therefore, they are widely used in all styles of speech: in scientific and official business to express the connection between parts of the statement, in art - to characterize the character's speech, to express the author's attitude to the depicted, etc., for example: 1 . Here, as always, the love and warmth of a woman defeated the proud demands of a man. 2 Therefore, the solution of the equation by this method is impossible.

    For stylistic purposes, insert constructions are used in speech, which have a large semantic capacity due to the additional information contained in them and incidental remarks. In scientific and formal business styles, plug-in constructions are used for bibliographic and other references ( for example, see fig. 5; see textbook, p. 25, etc.) . In fiction, they are often emotionally expressive, for example: Suddenly - oh miracle, oh shame! the oracle spoke nonsense.

    Correct speech.

    In the process of learning a language, mastering it, there are often very gross, as if lying on the surface, violations of elementary stylistic norms of speech (along with, of course, violations of the norms of the language in general). they can be called stylistic mistakes.

    The question of these errors, their classification and correlation with other errors in the speech of schoolchildren is one of the topical issues in the methodology of teaching the Russian language.

    One of the reasons for the insufficient culture of schoolchildren's speech is the teacher's still encountered apologetic attitude towards the so-called stylistic mistakes. Moreover, in school practice, all violations of linguistic norms are often referred to as stylistic, except for spelling, punctuation and spelling: errors in the use of vocabulary and phraseology, morphology and syntax, and even logical and factual ones. As observations show, the same similar stylistic errors migrate from class to class, and then show up in the writings of those entering universities.

    Recently, the requirements for the stylistic culture of the speech of schoolchildren have increased significantly, attention to the issues of communicative expediency in the selection of language means and the construction of speech. The language teacher introduces students to the concept of a communicative situation, types of speech, and its stylistic differentiation. Much attention is paid to the development of a coherent presentation, fluency in the language, which is impossible without familiarity with the main features of the text and is achieved by appropriate exercises.

    However, attention to the text, coherent speech, obviously, does not "cancel" the work to prevent violations of stylistic norms, eliminate elementary stylistic and other speech errors of schoolchildren. Unfortunately, they are also found in the speech of the teacher. See the testimony of T. A. Ladyzhenskaya about errors in management, the presence of “extra” words, jargon in the teacher’s oral speech.

    In order to improve the speech culture of schoolchildren, it is necessary, firstly, to change the attitude towards all violations of the linguistic norms of the literary language, including stylistic errors. Secondly, if we allow somewhat less exactingness to stylistic subtleties, then all other violations of language norms (including elementary stylistic ones, entailing “gross stylistic errors”) must be taken into account with the same severity as spelling and punctuation errors.

    In order to improve the speech culture of schoolchildren, it is necessary, firstly, to change the attitude towards all violations of the language norms of the literary language, including stylistic errors. Secondly, if we allow somewhat less exactingness to stylistic subtleties, then all other violations of language norms (including elementary stylistic ones, entailing “gross stylistic errors”) must be taken into account with the same severity as spelling and punctuation errors. .

    And for this, a deep awareness by the teacher of the varieties of speech errors, the place among them of proper stylistic ones and a clear classification of all these cases of violations of the norms is necessary. Inadmissible are cases that are still widespread and to this day, when the teacher puts the mark “st.” in the margins. in case of errors in management, coordination, use of words in unusual meanings and in other similar cases.

    Thus, we need a classification of errors that are most common in speech practice. Of course, it is impossible to reflect in such a classification all occurring and possible errors, and this is unnecessary for a creatively thinking teacher. It is much more important to define general principles, having learned which the teacher can always correctly qualify a new one for him (an error not noted in the classification). It should be borne in mind that there may be transitional cases that do not fit into the classification scheme.

    The most common violations of the norms of the language in the written and oral speech of students (conditionally - “speech errors”) should be divided primarily into non-stylistic and proper stylistic ones. The former will include cases of violation of lexical, phraseological, word-forming, morphological and syntactic norms. Stylistic errors will be cases of violation of the unity of style, where this is unacceptable, inconsistencies between the used forms, words, constructions of the chosen stylistic manner of expression to the tasks of a given sphere of communication, disregard for the features of forms and types of speech, genre. With regard to the school, it is possible, apparently, to represent stylistic errors in terms of their degree of complexity and in terms of the degree of mastery by students of the riches and stylistic norms of the language. Therefore, the following stages of stylistic literacy and groups of errors can be schematically distinguished here: 1) stylistic shortcomings associated with poor knowledge of the resources of the Russian language; 2) stylistic errors that reveal an underdeveloped linguistic and stylistic sense; 3) errors associated with violation of the norms of functional styles. when characterizing this third stage and a group of errors, one should especially emphasize the need for the style of speech to correspond to the content, that is, the unity of form and content.

    We can offer the following classification of the most common speech errors of schoolchildren:


    1. Lexical errors:

    1) the use of words in a meaning unusual for them as a result of ignorance of these words. the examples are taken from the writings of schoolchildren and partly from the works of students, as well as from articles and manuals on practical stylistics: "Began civil intervention»; “Onegin improved the life of the peasants by replacing the yoke with corvee”; "The artist painted a reproduction and left the room."

    2) inability to take into account the semantic combination of words known to students: “In the summer and autumn of 1901, the Nazis built raids on Moscow”; “Slogans for peace all over the world” (here, in addition, there is a repetition of the same word and the omission of a sentence member);

    3) ambiguity not eliminated by the context, generating frivolity: “He still doesn’t have the concept of a norm”; "This proposal must be abandoned."

    4) mixing of paronyms: “Zina entered the underground organization Young Avengers (joined); “Chatsky treated the service honestly and voluntarily” (in good faith).

    6) the use of words unknown to the literary language as a result of incorrect word creation (this type of error can also be attributed to word-formation errors): “Natasha really wanted everyone to feel the charm of nature”; "I like his directness and wit."

    2. Errors in the use of phraseological units:

    1) mixing of components in phraseological units close in meaning: "The play" The Cherry Orchard "played great importance"(a mixture of phraseological units to have a meaning and play a role);

    2) anachronisms when using stable phrases: “Grandmother Nenila had poor living conditions”; “After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin was hired by the Collegium of Foreign Affairs”; “Dvorovyi were forced to work even on weekends.”

    3) value mismatch phraseological combination context: "Pavel Vlasov's father devoted his life to beating his wife."

    3. Morphological errors (associated with violation of the rules for the formation of word forms):

    1) the formation of plural forms from nouns used only in the singular: "They fight all the time."

    2) errors in the formation of case forms of nouns: "Rakhmetov was an ordinary young man"; “And how many factories have been built!”; "There were no empty seats in the hall."

    3) errors in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives: "Alyosha Popovich is younger than all the other heroes"; "... It was the smartest man of his time"; "These particles are even smaller than molecules."

    4) errors in the formation of pronouns: "Their estate should be sold for debts"; "Their religion is property."

    5) errors in the formation of verb forms: "Katerina's soul yearns for love"; "We want to go to the forest."

    6) incorrect formation of gerunds: “The trees, feeling the arrival of spring, open their leaves”; “The soldiers, seeing our tanks, rushed to the attack”; “My mother, working in a factory, is studying at the institute at the same time.”

    4. Syntax errors:

    1) errors for different cases of agreement: "Our government is concluding peace treaties»; "The author revealed important facts"; "The peasantry fought against the oppression of the landlords."

    2) errors for different control cases: “Another would have come to terms with such a life”; "Nilovna begins to be proud of Pavel."

    3) mixing short and full forms of adjectives as a predicate: “Everyone was ready to march”; "He was unhappy with his behavior."

    4) violation of the species-temporal contextual correlation of verbs: “When the mother finds out that her son reads forbidden literature, she began to fear for him”;

    5) errors with homogeneous members of the sentence:

    a) violations in the grammatical connection of homogeneous controlled words with the word controlling: “In the past, people dreamed of a new happy life”;

    b) association on the rights of homogeneous members of words denoting specific and generic concepts : "Our contemporaries love and read Mayakovsky's poetry and works."

    c) association on the rights of homogeneous members of words belonging to different parts of speech: "Books help us study and choose a profession."

    6) violation of the order of words in the participle: “ Onegin arrived in the village and settled in his uncle's house.

    7) incorrect use of the participial turnover (ignoring the fact that the participle expresses the action of the same subject as the verb-predicate): “When we entered the room, we were sucking in the stomach”; “Reading the play, I really liked Petya Trofimov.”

    8) violation of the rules for placing words in a sentence: "At the heart of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" lies Katerina's conflict with the surrounding dark kingdom."

    9) misuse of pronouns leading to ambiguity: “Light falls from the window and illuminates the girl’s tightly braided pigtails and a light blouse, but she does not notice anything” (remoteness of the pronoun from the correlative word).

    10) duplication of the subject: “Pelageya Nilovna, she went through a big life path»; "Lopukhov and Kirsanov are typical raznochintsy democrats."

    11) violation of the order of arrangement of parts of a complex sentence; the remoteness of the subordinate clause from the word it defines, the resulting ambiguity of statements: “Vera presented several birds to the winterers of Dikson Island, which acclimatized well there.”

    12) the establishment of homogeneity relations between a member of a simple sentence and a part of a complex one: “Shabashkin saw in Dubrovsky a hot-tempered man and that he knew little about business.”

    13) the absence of a logical and grammatical connection between the parts of a complex sentence: “Tatyana does not want to repeat the sad example of her mother, who in her youth was married off as an unloved person, but then she liked being the sovereign mistress of the estate.”

    14) clutter of a complex sentence (in particular, clauses ): “Paul began to leave for the city, where there were revolutionary intellectuals who gave him political literature that was distributed illegally in order to help Paul sort out those issues of life that were of particular interest to him.”

    15) mixing direct and indirect speech: "Volodya replied that I didn't do it."

    16) inept introduction of citations.


    Immediately make a reservation that the term stylistic errors are conditional. In this case, it is more appropriate to talk about the shortcomings and failures of the statement. But we keep this term for methodological purposes - for the sake of the unity of terminology.

    1. Errors associated with poor mastery of the resources of the Russian language:

    1) poverty of vocabulary and phraseology.

    a) unmotivated repetition in a narrow context of the same word or cognate words: “Builders are not afraid of death. When Kostya Zaikin dies, they do not run away from the construction site, because they know that the country needs the construction”; “She loves her job and has been working at the plant for a long time. Comes home from work tired ».

    b) pleonasms and tautology, which make speech poor, monotonous, reduce its expressiveness. Tautology examples: "The boats were getting closer"; "Machines free the labour-intensive labor of workers." Pleonasms: “Shabashkin was not tormented by his own conscience”; “The blow came to him suddenly and unexpectedly”; "Leading leader in our class Seryozha Nifontov"; "Our troops had to retreat back."

    2) The use of stamps: “In his comedy, Griboyedov very sharply posed a number of the most important problems of that time”; “They are the heroes of the Little Guard, who gave their lives for the bright future of all mankind.”

    Due to inattention to cliches, the lack of a fight against them, these stable phrases fall into the oral colloquial speech of students and are fixed in it. See the use of clichés in the colloquial speech of schoolchildren noted by Nora Gal: “We are always fighting to improve academic performance”; "We spent great job on the fee for improving academic performance”; “We have done a great job of collecting waste paper.”

    4) unmotivated use of non-literary vocabulary: colloquial words, dialectisms, for example: “There was some kind of clothes on Plyushkin”; “On hot days it is very desirable to swim”; “Paul has become even more rallying his friends”; “The boar frightened Katerina in every possible way”; “Chichikov managed to fool everyone” (in an essay);

    5) uniformity in the construction of proposals, in the choice of structures;

    6) the absence of figurative means where they are natural and even necessary to reveal the theme of the compositions.

    2. Errors that reveal a stylistic sense that is not sufficiently developed by the language:

    1) the pursuit of prettiness (the use of expressive means is lexically unmotivated);

    a) unjustified use of adjectives in order to achieve supposedly speech figurativeness, expressiveness; inept choice of these definitions (inappropriate in this context) or their piling up, appeal to emotionality, hyperbolism, etc. that are excessive on the topic: “In our cheerful, joyful, happy days, the most complex self-propelled vehicles are launched to other planets”; “The image of the poet, memorable to all of us, and the eternally young, victorious, rumbling poetry of Mayakovsky will not be forgotten”; "The play" At the bottom "... called for a different, fair, free, joyful and cheerful life."

    b) the creation of far-fetched metaphors, unsuccessful comparisons in the pursuit of prettiness: “What a sky! Its silver-blue azure, like a good-natured dwarf, smiles at us with a cheerful sparkling smile.

    2) mixing vocabulary of different styles, in particular, unmotivated, the use of colloquial or book vocabulary: “We see that Andrei Bolkonsky is a person with progressive views. Secular society is not related to him " (the last word in this context is inappropriate not only in meaning, but also because it is colloquial); "A. P. Chekhov in the play "The Cherry Orchard" showed not only people of two different classes, but also new ones, through which the writer denounced the existing system" (unmotivated use of a book word); “Dostoevsky climbed out of his skin in order to somehow get out of debt” (inappropriate for stylistic coloring phraseological unit);

    3) cacophony that is created:

    a) congestion of vowels: “And Andrei Bolkonsky…” ; “It wasn’t better for him to meet her…” ;

    b) accumulation of hissing: "The novel "Mother" is a wonderful work depicting the best people of that time, who devoted their lives to the struggle for a brighter future.

    c) the use next to or repetition of parts of words that are identical in sound terms: “Young Guards distributed leaflets more than once”; "The interrogation of the tall guy continued."

    3. Errors related to the violation of the norms of functional styles.

    This includes the wide and unmotivated use in a single style of speech of linguistic means (words, phrases, forms, structures) that are most typical of another. For example:

    1) abuse of clericalism (vocabulary and phraseology of business style): “Not only in those years, but even now, the work “War and Peace” is in great demand among the population (here, an unsuccessful choice of word).

    2) the abuse of special terms in the text of a non-scientific nature.

    4. Violations of stylistic requirements associated with a broad context.

    This includes violations of the requirements of the overall functional and stylistic integrity of the work, which is determined by the theme of the work, the chosen aspect of its disclosure, and the nature of the title.

    L e x s i ch e s k e errors have been studied, but their typology is far from complete, their causes are not always clear, for example, the reasons for inaccurate choice of words.

    Word education errors are fixed in the simplest cases, some word-formation spheres, for example, abbreviation, are not ordered at all, therefore this group of errors is represented only by examples.

    G r a m m a t i c h e errors, that is, violations of the relevant norms, have a well-developed theoretical basis, there are also typologies of morphological and syntactic irregularities, but even in this relatively prosperous area there is a huge number of transitional phenomena.

    S t i l i s t i c e errors are little studied, only examples are presented here.

    Pronunciation errors

    Orthoepy. Accents.

    The orthoepic norm is based on phonetic laws, tradition and its own rules, which are set out in the Dictionary of the Difficulties of Russian Pronunciation by M. L. Kalenchuk and R. F. Kasatkina (M., 1997). The conventional wisdom that orthoepy has no rules is erroneous. But one cannot but admit that orthoepy is difficult and gives a huge number of errors, examples are given:

    Norm Errors

    document document e nt

    konn′ik konn′ik

    defect defect

    subrenal subrenal

    grasshopper grasshopper

    reshoot reshoot

    express express (long With)

    courier courier

    In the mentioned reference book, 15 thousand difficult cases of pronunciation are given: the most difficult are associated with the softness of consonants (softness sign [′]).

    Incorrect stresses are close to orthoepic errors, reference books give lists of words that are “dangerous” in the sense of stresses, we give examples:

    Alphabet and derivatives messed around, but messed up

    camels gn'al, gn'ala, gn'ali

    ridge, ridge, ridge, caterpillar, caterpillar

    zadal, zadal'a, zadali, zadano, zazhil, zazhil'a, zazhilo (about injury)

    locked door,

    call'it, call'yat, call'you,

    ′spark, ′sparkle, but sparkly

    (double stress)

    Examples of phonetic laws:

    a) long consonants at the end of a word lose their longitude;

    b) combined sts the sound [T] is not pronounced: not [six hundred], but [six hundred], etc.

    Examples of spelling rules:

    a) at the junction of suffixes -ist- And -sk- : alpini [ss] cue or alpini [s] cue;

    b) in combination -stl- in most cases, the sound -t- is not pronounced: [happy], [compassionate], but [bony].

    Pronunciation defects occur for the following reasons:

    a) speech breathing is poorly developed: the speaker only needs one set of air for 5-6 words, he makes frequent pauses; it breaks the rhythm of speech, intonation, pattern of the phrase. Training is needed: you need to accustom yourself to pronounce 10 words with one exhalation, then 12, and so on up to 20-25.

    b) the necessary loudness is violated: one exceeds it - screams, you can’t hear the other in any way.

    c) communication is often hindered by pathological phenomena, such as stuttering, or habits: lisping, grazing. All this is contrary to the culture of speech.

    d) you can not keep silent about poor diction, fuzzy articulation of sounds.

    Violations of intonation structures IK-1 - IK-7 are rare in the native language, but more often occur in the speech of foreigners.

    Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, particles


      Educational: to form the ability to correctly pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

      Developing: to consolidate the skills of writing and using prepositions, conjunctions, particles in speech, preparation for the test.

      Educational: education of responsibility for one's behavior, teaching, work.


      Organizing time.

    The teacher greets the class. Writing in notebooks: number and classwork.

      Activation of motivation.

    Guys, name in one word the parts of speech that we have been studying for several lessons. (Official)

    And what service parts of speech have we already studied? (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles)

    A pre-prepared scene with a dialogue is played out in front of the students, in which speech errors are specially made.

    There is a knock on the door and a late student appears in the classroom.

    Hello, sorry for being late.

    Why are you always late?!

    Why are you shouting out?

    I was late BECAUSE I was splashed by a car, THEREFORE I had to go home.

    Guys, what a horror. How ugly you say. Get in and don't be late.

    The teacher addresses the class.

    Did you hear what mistakes the boys made? (Mispronounced words what, because and misused the word due to)

      Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Let's see what parts of speech these words belong to. Write them in a notebook and determine the part of speech, commenting on your choice.

    (What is a particle, because it is a union, as a result is a preposition)

    What mistake did the boys make using these words? (Incorrectly and inappropriately pronounced them)

    Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Pronunciation of particles, conjunctions, prepositions). slide 1

    Tell me, if the boys had not made speech errors, was this situation acceptable during the lesson? (No)

    And which one was wrong? (Both)

    Why can't you be late for class and shout from your seat? (children's answers)

    Please note that today's topic of the lesson concerns not only the last studied part of speech, but also two others.

    Will it be easy for us to immediately start learning new material? (No)

    What do we need to do? (Repeat the material covered)

    List the tasks for today's lesson. (1. Repeat the studied material. 2. Learn how to pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles)

    slide 1

      Repetition of the studied material.

    We need to repeat a fairly large amount of information, so we will work in rows in order to spend less time.

    Each row will work with one of the parts of speech we recorded.

    What kind of work shows all our knowledge about the part of speech? (morphological analysis)

    The result of your group work should be a morphological analysis of the part of speech that you will analyze.

    1 row - union ( because)

    2 row - preposition ( due to)

    3rd row - particle ( What)

    Each row is given an ingot with the image of a tree.

    Guys, you need to write on the branches of your tree all the signs of the part of speech with which you are working, and which you will need to compile a morphological analysis.

    One student from each group draws up a discussion on the board, the rest defend their clusters.

    So, guys, which of the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson did we cope with?

    Can you move on to the next task?

      Explanation of new material.

    Look at the blackboard.

    Slide 2 first line:From the window, kind and cheerful, you can't hear

    What service parts of speech are recorded here? What position are they in? Make a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in weak position)

    Slide 2 second line:Through the glass, near the house

    Write down and place accents.

    In what position are the auxiliary parts of speech here? Make a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a neutral position)

    Slide 2 third line:Missing, useless

    Write down and place accents.

    In what position are the auxiliary parts of speech here? Make a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a strong position)

    Make a general conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a weak, neutral and strong position).

    Oral execution of ex. 477

    Do we often make official parts of speech stressed in colloquial speech? (No)

    Why do poets often put them in a strong position? (To get the rhyme and rhythm)

    Pay attention to the third combination of words in the first line ( Can not hear)

    Say more other combinations with the particle NOT.

    What do you hear in their place? (Ni)

    How to understand when to write NOT, and when NOT we already know.

    But there are cases in Russian when the particles NOT and NI are in a strong position, "attract" stresses. Such cases must be remembered.

    Acquaintance with theoretical material on p. 225. Reading with commentary.

    Guys, did we cope with the second task set at the beginning of the lesson? (Yes)

      Consolidation of what has been learned.

    Work with ex. 479.

    We analyze the first line together, one student works at the blackboard. Writes down a line, places stresses with commenting, emphasizes the superfluous.

    With the second and third line, the guys work independently. After performing an oral check, always with commenting.

      Lesson results.

    In what position can prepositions, conjunctions, particles be in a sentence?

    In what cases does the particle NOT “attract” the stress to itself?

    When is the NI particle in a strong position?

    Lesson grades.


    Slide 3.§ 39 - teach to all.

    Choice task:

    1. Compose tasks for § 39 (example exercise 479)

    9. Reflection.

    Before leaving. I'll ask you guys. Rate today's lesson.

    The teacher puts four pieces of paper on the board:

      I liked the lesson, I understood everything.

      I liked the lesson, I did not understand anything.

      I did not like the lesson, I understood everything.

      Didn't like the lesson, didn't understand anything.

    Students leaving the classroom leave a magnet under the statement that suits them.