Oils for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp. Ten ways to use tea tree oil to treat psoriasis. Psoriasis Essential Oil Soothing Blend

Psoriasis oil therapy is an effective remedy, as evidenced by positive reviews.
Such treatment is an alternative to drug therapy, while it is absolutely safe for humans.

The only drawback is the resulting allergic reactions against the background of natural oils.


There are many oils to treat psoriasis, but do right choice a specialist will help. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, oil for psoriasis and its dosage in accordance with the disease. A positive effect on the area affected by psoriasis will have such products as lavender oil, milk thistle, cedar, jasmine, avocado, chamomile, jojoba, tea tree, black cumin, as well as castor, coconut, pumpkin, stone oils and so on.

For example, psoriasis is treated with black cumin oil, jojoba, but not for long, it is more effective to use them in combination with other oils. A completely different matter is the use of tea tree oil and avocado oil in the treatment of psoriasis, to which rarely anyone is allergic.

Oils for the treatment of psoriasis are divided into two types:

  • Essential oil. It is forbidden to use it in a concentrated form, because it is fraught with a burn. It is better to mix with natural fats.
  • Basic. They are not diluted with other means, but are used in their pure form. Apply inside or on the skin.

Flaxseed oil for psoriasis has regenerative properties, thanks to which the skin is quickly restored. Linen can be used both externally and internally. Vitamins contained in it support immunity, and fatty acids give a rejuvenating effect to the skin.

The course of internal treatment is one month - two spoons (tea) at a time. After passing it, the body will be cleansed. If there is a need to extend the course, then the dosage will increase to a tablespoon. For external use, therapeutic compresses are applied to areas of the skin affected by the disease.

But in the treatment of the disease, one should move strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Thanks to his recommendations, the effect will be positive without possible allergic consequences.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins and substances useful for the body. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, acne, as well as the appearance of psoriasis. Favorably affects metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, prevents the appearance of acute respiratory diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil for psoriasis is used as follows. For internal use, the dosage is 2 ml at a time. Outwardly, 5% ointment should be used, which can be prepared at home on your own. Sea buckthorn oil recipe: Mix frozen sea buckthorn berries with olive oil. Boil the resulting mixture for half an hour. Then strain and lubricate problem areas of the skin.

Black cumin oil

Black cumin oil is one of the most valuable oils in the treatment of psoriasis. It is used for both local and internal use.

Cumin has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Used in medicine, black cumin has a calming effect that suppresses inflammation. Also, black oil improves immunity.

Black oil is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer. The course of treatment using black cumin means is on average two weeks. In the absence of signs of improvement, it is necessary to replace the black cumin preparation with another one in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

Coconut oil is an effective treatment for skin psoriasis. Has moisturizing properties. It is used externally, in particular for psoriasis of the scalp. Coconut oil is added to baby cream to soften. With a wonderful aroma, coconut oil is a pleasure to use. Coconut oil also absorbs very quickly.

Castor oil

Castor oil is often used for psoriasis that has formed on the scalp. Castor oil acts on the hair, and also relieves inflammation. It is applied by rubbing into the skin. Next, you need to put on a hat and wrap it with a warm towel. Keep the castor mask on your head for about half an hour. Rinse and comb your hair. Repeat the procedure with castor oil for a month twice a week.

avocado oil

Avocado oil is a remedy that is squeezed out of the avocado fruit.

If your scalp is itchy and uncomfortable, use an avocado-based remedy.

After mashing the avocado fruit with a fork, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and apply on the scalp. Covering your head, leave the avocado mixture for a couple of hours. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo. After several masks with avocado, the result is obvious.

stone oil

This oil, or rather a mineral substance, which contributes to the speedy treatment of psoriasis. Stone oil is found in caves, rocks in the form of streaks. Stone oil contains elements that have anti-inflammatory properties. Enriching the skin with vitamins, stone oil activates regenerative functions. The protective function prevents the appearance of psoriasis. Stone oil starts the processes of epithelialization of damaged skin. In addition, stone oil prevents aging. skin. If you use stone oil when caring for your hair, you can prevent hair loss.

In violation of lipid metabolism, pumpkin seed oil is indispensable. The composition of pumpkin seed oil includes: selenium, zinc, other vitamins. It is applied to damaged areas after washing with soap 4 times a day for a course of 4 weeks. In addition to external use, pumpkin seed oil is taken orally ½ tablespoon 3 times a day one hour before meals.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil is good for the skin. Tea tree restores cells. Tea tree oil is best used in its original form, not diluted. Relieves pain, actively resists bacteria. Also, tea tree oil regenerates the skin, restoring it. Apply tea tree oil to dry areas in a circular motion. For one procedure, you need only two drops of oil. Tea tree oil prevents psoriasis in the early stages of its manifestation.

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle is a wonderful plant, the scope is very wide. For psoriasis, milk thistle oil is applied externally to the painful surface. Milk thistle moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates peeling. The course of treatment for milk thistle depends on the prescription of a specialist. Taking milk thistle internally will lead to skin regeneration. Moreover, with psoriasis on the legs, which appeared due to varicose veins, milk thistle will immediately cure the disease. Most of the patients achieved complete remission after the use of milk thistle.

Options for using oils

There are such ways of using essential oils for treatment, which are used quite widely:

  • Baths. They suppress inflammation, thereby removing the lesion. To take a bath, add a couple of drops of oil to the water. The duration of the bath is about 20 minutes;
  • Massage. A little oil is added to the base cream. But massage is strictly prohibited for skin wounds;
  • Compresses. A compress consisting of a solution of vegetable and essential oils is applied to the affected skin. Effective in psoriatic arthritis.

The choice of method of application depends both on personal preferences and on the prescriptions of a doctor. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, one option may be ineffective, unlike the other.

Thus, using essential oils for psoriasis is an effective measure, regardless of its duration. But it is important before taking them to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right treatment and the necessary oil, depending on the stage of the disease.

Psoriasis is an incurable disease, but despite this, it is possible and necessary to fight the disease. There are many tools and methods to help control its outbreaks, eliminate symptoms and even allow you to completely clear the skin, as well as achieve stable remission for many years. At present, along with the classical drug therapy alternative methods of treatment with the help of natural ingredients are widely used. Among such natural healers, tea tree oil has proven itself well as a remedy for psoriasis. The essential oil, obtained from the leaves of the tropical Melaleuca plant, has long been used by Australian tribes to treat various skin conditions.


The effectiveness of the product is explained by its multicomponent composition, and in particular by terpineols - antimicrobial extractives, thanks to which it is deservedly called natural antibiotic. So, what effect does the oil have on the skin affected by psoriasis:

1. Destroys Various types pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi due to its extensive antimicrobial properties. The tool perfectly copes with inflammatory processes of the skin, relieves itching, redness, swelling of tissues. Eliminates infections that aggravate psoriatic manifestations;

2. Helps soften psoriatic plaques, exfoliate scales, helps regulate excessive cell division (the cause of psoriatic lesions);

3. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin areas, disinfects, heals small cracks and wounds;

4. Due to the ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, it helps to fight psoriasis spots.

Use cases

In its purest form

Undiluted essential oil has a rather aggressive effect on sensitive skin, therefore, as a rule, it is diluted with drinking water.

It is necessary to take a few drops of oil, add water in a ratio of 1: 1 and, using a cotton swab or swab, gently massage onto the lesion. The product is left for several hours, and then washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated daily.

This method helps to deal with , foci on the body and scalp.

With coconut oil

Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that moisturize dry, flaky skin in the area affected by psoriasis. Vitamins restore the level of moisture in the cells, and lauric acid enhances the antimicrobial properties of the product. You can read more about the properties of coconut oil in the treatment of psoriasis. .

With coconut oil in the amount of two to three tablespoons, combine 5-10 drops of tea tree oil, mix thoroughly and apply daily to psoriatic plaques at night.

The composition can be used to treat extensive skin lesions.

With moisturizer

Add a few drops of the product to your favorite nourishing cream, and then apply it to the lesions after taking a bath or shower. Regular care in combination with oil will help dry and heal problem areas.

With olive oil

The high level of oleic acid explains the increased anti-inflammatory properties of the product, which help to cope with skin irritations and reduce the number and area of ​​dry scales.

Mix both oils in equal proportions, slightly heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the affected areas for one hour or more, or overnight. The body is then washed with water or, in the case of scalp psoriasis, with a mild shampoo. The procedure can be carried out every day.

Important! If you are the owner of sensitive skin, then the proportions of the ingredients used can be changed by increasing the amount of the more gentle of them.


The use of tea tree oil in psoriasis of the scalp is very important, since this type of ailment is one of the most common - plaques on the scalp are found in almost half of total number sick.

Add a few drops of the product to the shampoo in a ratio of about 1 to 10, mix thoroughly, wash and rinse your hair. It is advisable to use a mild shampoo containing a maximum of natural ingredients.

Alternatively, you can use a shampoo that already contains tea tree extract.

With aloe juice

Combine tea tree oil (about 10 drops) with 100 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Optionally, you can add 10 ml of liquid vitamin E to the mixture. The composition is applied with massage movements to the affected areas of the skin, left for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The rest of the product is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Aloe juice contains moisture-retaining nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds. As the skin begins to heal, the scales decrease, the itching subsides, and the skin is less flaky.


Adding a few drops of the product to the bath will help to cope with redness and inflammation of psoriasis foci. Such procedures will help fight the manifestations of the disease in large areas of the body, as well as in areas where it is difficult to apply local ointments. Take a bath regularly water procedures should be about twenty minutes.

With almonds

Mix a few drops of the main active ingredient and almond oil in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons, apply the composition to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse with water. Repeat every day 2-3 times. Almond moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates its dryness and flaking.

With apple cider vinegar

Dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (5%) with four tablespoons of water and add tea tree oil (4-5 drops).

Spread the composition over psoriatic plaques with a cotton pad, leave for 10-15 minutes until completely dry, and then rinse with water. The procedure is carried out twice during the day. Acids in apple cider vinegar help to exfoliate the scales, reduce their thickness.

With various essential oils

The combination of various oils with tea tree preparation can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of the disease. The mixture is good to use as a daily moisturizer after a shower or bath. As a basis, you can take oils of jojoba, avocado, lavender, bergamot, patchouli. The composition is applied to a well-cleansed body for 1-2 hours, and then the unabsorbed residues are washed off with warm water.

Precautionary measures

Before starting any home treatment, be sure to consult your doctor and get his approval. Therapy against psoriasis should be comprehensive and regular.

Use tea tree oil for psoriasis with caution. Before using any composition for the treatment of extensive foci, it is necessary to test for individual intolerance to its constituent components. For this not a large number of funds are applied to the wrist for 15-20 minutes. If after the time there is no itching, burning or redness of the skin, the composition is suitable for use.

All of the above formulations are for external use only.

When treating psoriasis, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle: normalize your diet by reducing the amount of harmful fatty, spicy foods and giving preference to healthy foods. In addition, be sure to drink plenty of clean water every day to keep your skin clean, well-groomed and healthy.

Psoriasis is a problem that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. As a rule, it occurs due to the incorrect operation of individual organs and systems that affect the production of subcutaneous fat or sebum. Of course, you can follow the pharmacy to buy expensive shampoos, sprays and ointments. But there is a rather effective and much more economical way - the use of special oil for psoriasis.

How does it work

Psoriasis occurs due to various reasons:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • retroviruses, inherited;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • private stress;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system;
  • weakened immunity.

But The most common cause of these diseases is a genetic predisposition. The disease is inherited, its relapse can occur due to weakened immunity, alcohol and cigarette abuse, severe nervous shocks, and an excess of B vitamins.

Psoriasis manifests itself in the form of plaques, the skin on which is flaky and somewhat reminiscent of a wax base. The normal cycle of skin regeneration is just over a month, and in psoriasis, the skin exfoliates every 4-5 days.

Numerous oils, rich in vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and minerals, have a beneficial effect on the skin. They:

  • relieve inflammation (redness and itching);
  • trying to fight fungus and bacteria;
  • soothe the skin and the human nervous system (due to its aroma);
  • nourish the skin with vitamins and improve the condition of the hair;
  • contribute to the regeneration of the epithelium and the restoration of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Attention! Any kind of oils that you are going to use to treat psoriasis should be used as an additional therapy.

If the disease has serious manifestations - an abundant amount of psoriatic plaques, reddening of the skin, severe peeling and itching, then stronger antipsoriatic drugs will be required.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of using oils:

  • weak addiction of the scalp and hair to any oils;
  • universal impact (not only the dermis is treated, but also your curls, nourished by the beneficial substances contained in the product, acquire a beautiful shine and vitality);
  • easy enough to apply;
  • are much cheaper than various shampoos, creams and ointments rubbed into the scalp.

Among the shortcomings can be identified that oils are not absorbent, so they do not remove subcutaneous fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. If your scalp is too oily, then it is not recommended to use them in their pure form, since the products have a greasy texture that is very difficult to wash off. As a result, a person's hair will be shiny and look untidy.

For owners of dry hair, you need to combine oils with lemon juice, aloe juice, avocado and other moisturizers. For oily scalp, masks based on various tinctures or with the addition of sea ​​salt which acts as an absorbent. If you have split hair, a gelatin mask has proven itself to be effective.


Since oils are natural ingredients, the possibility of allergic reactions is close to zero. But do not think that you are the lucky one who does not have individual intolerance. Better check. Put a few drops of oil on the skin of your wrist or the inside of your elbow and observe the reaction. If edema, urticaria and redness after 15 minutes have not made themselves felt, then you can safely use a healing potion.

It is not forbidden to use oils for pregnant and lactating mothers, because they poorly penetrate the skin. But this principle does not apply to some types of ethers. For example, juniper or rosemary ether is contraindicated for women who are in an interesting position.

It is important to know! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman's body suffers hormonal changes and a lack of vitamins. Against this background, psoriasis and other problems with the scalp can develop. As soon as you become a mother or stop breastfeeding, the symptoms of the disease should disappear on their own.

How to use correctly

We have put together tips for you. how to properly use oils:

  1. It is advisable to heat the oils in a water bath (you can do it all at once). Thanks to such a simple manipulation, the absorption of nutrients into the scalp improves, as well as normal blood circulation is established, which contributes to the nourishment of the follicle.
  2. When making an oil-based mask, be sure to lightly massage the dermis of the head with your fingertips for 5–7 minutes. After you activate the composition on the dermis, cover the hair with a cellophane film and wrap it with a terry towel.
  3. Oil-based masks are washed off with plenty of water with the addition of shampoo.
  4. No need to get carried away with oils - use several times a week. During the period of exacerbation of psoriasis, you can carry out lotions, aroma combing, make masks and spray oil on the scalp twice a day (preferably in the morning and before bedtime).

Be careful with heating oils. The product is heated to a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. If you apply oil that is too hot, you risk burning and making the situation worse.

Overview of the most popular oils

Trichologists identify several types of oils that can eliminate the disease:

  1. Edible oils(olive, linseed, sunflower and others)
  2. cosmetic oils(celandine, jojoba oil, burdock, shea butter).
  3. Essential(rosemary, tea tree, lavender, etc.).

The first option can be safely eaten to improve metabolism, cooking and strengthen immunity. With the rest of the oils, you need to be extremely careful, because you need to follow the dosage and avoid getting into the gastrointestinal tract.

Essential oils for psoriasis

There are many essential oils that can improve the situation of the skin and relax your body after a hard day's work. As a rule, such funds are used as aromatherapy. For the treatment of psoriasis, aroma combing should be carried out or they should be included in special masks. home cooking applied directly to the dermis of the hair.

It should be noted that essential oils for application to the scalp must be diluted in the base oil.

Tea tree oil

This tool has:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • restorative;
  • calming effect.

During psoriasis, severe itching is very often observed. Exactly The use of this oil is able to remove irritation of the scalp.

Be careful with its use, as it can strongly affect the upper layers of the epidermis. If you overdo it with the amount and exposure time, you can not remove it, but, on the contrary, get irritated.

The cost of the drug varies between 200-250 rubles.


It has long been studied in medicine. It is used to treat abrasions and bruises, as well as in cosmetic procedures - to improve the condition of the skin. Dermatologists advise using oil as part of the treatment of psoriasis, because it improves skin regeneration. You can inhale the vapors of the product and to calm the nervous system.

You simply need to dilute a few drops in carrier oil and apply to the scalp.

Lavender oil will cost you 38-550 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the volume of the bottle.

Geranium ether

The main task of this product is to remove inflammatory process and soothe the scalp. In addition, the oil should stabilize the regeneration of the epidermis, preventing the formation of psoriatic plaques.

In no case do not apply a concentrated product to the dermis, because it can cause a lot of side effects(be sure to dilute in other oils or combine with various fruit, honey or kefir masks.)

The product will cost you 60-340 rubles.

Ether of myrrh

This the product not only relieves inflammation, but also copes with mycoses. That is why the remedy is recommended for psoriasis. Promotes the regeneration of the epidermis.

The product is quite expensive. For a weakly concentrated product, you will pay 290 rubles, and for a 100% natural product you will have to pay about 3 thousand rubles.

sandalwood oil

Sandalwood ether is considered one of the best in the fight against psoriasis. It moisturizes the skin well, so it is suitable for dry scalp types. Removes inflammation, perfectly tones and improves the condition of the hair.

The average price of sandalwood ether reaches 400 rubles.

Peppermint Oil

This the remedy perfectly relieves itching with psoriatic plaques, because it contains a large amount of menthol. It is not necessary to dilute it with other means, because in small quantities the pomace of the plant does not cause side effects.

Probably the cheapest one. Its cost starts from 70 rubles.

base oils

Linseed oil

This product is good moisturizes the skin and relieves inflammation. It helps to remove the redness associated with the defeat of the skin areas. In addition, pomace from flax seed perfectly saturates the hair and dermis with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. You can buy edible oil for 60 rubles.

Castor oil

It's great eliminates peeling. Due to the fact that castor bean pomace contains many vitamins and antioxidants, the remedy perfectly eliminates inflammatory processes. Due to its special viscous consistency, castor oil in psoriasis can prevent the spread of psoriatic plaques.

For the implementation of therapy, only this oil will be enough. Take a cotton swab and soak it in a small amount of healing suspension. Apply to the affected areas of the hair and leave the drug to be absorbed for 2-3 hours. After the session, simply rinse with plenty of water and shampoo. If a person has a large number of plaques, you can leave the healing suspension overnight. The therapy is carried out daily, until the psoriasis goes away.

The average price of castor oil is 80 rubles.

Coconut oil

Perfect Suitable for dry skin, as it perfectly moisturizes it. Removes peeling, because it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, coconut oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, creating a protective film that acts as a barrier to the harmful effects of the environment.

People who have developed psoriasis due to an increase in the number of peeling are advised to use the remedy in question regularly.

For a bottle of 400 ml you will pay 500 rubles.

Sea buckthorn oil

We all know that sea buckthorn, which contains a large amount of vitamin C, perfectly strengthens the immune system, enhancing our body's ability to resist various viruses and bacteria.

The tool can be taken orally to establish metabolic processes in the human body. And it can be used externally, by applying to the affected areas of the dermis of the head.

For a package of 50 ml you will pay 230 rubles.

If you are going to carry out therapy with sea buckthorn oil, then for the first ten days it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon inside and rub the product into the dermis of the head before going to bed every day. Then, within a month, the dosage is reduced to 1 teaspoon, and the product is applied to the skin only 2 times a week.

Amaranth oil

Received a place of honor among all the oils that can get rid of psoriasis. The pomace from amaranth contains:

  • squalene, which has a fungicidal effect;
  • vitamin E, which supports the protective functions of the body;
  • retinol involved in the regeneration of the skin;
  • vitamin D, which ensures the correct absorption of calcium and phosphorus;
  • phospholipids that maintain the correct balance of the skin;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve metabolism at the cellular level and eliminate inflammation and itching.

It can be taken both internally and applied to the skin.

Important point! Do not overdo it with the dosage, otherwise you only risk harming your body.

Prices for amaranth oil start at 470 rubles.

Cedar oil

Pine nuts pomace is a wonderful antiseptic that will heal the affected epidermis. If your dermatitis has worsened or psoriatic plaques have begun to form, immediately begin treatment with this miraculous natural drug that can remove the symptoms of the disease.

Two teaspoons of oil are applied to the hair, for half an hour several times a day. May be taken 1 teaspoon before meals morning time. Expect improvement within a week. Then it is recommended to take a break and continue treatment for another 14 days.

100 ml of oil from pine nuts will cost you 400-500 rubles.

Celandine oil

Be very careful with this tool, because celandine components can cause severe irritation on the skin. Celandine oil contains ascorbic acid, retinol, flavonoids and carotene, which eliminate psoriasis. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with bronchial asthma and children.

Prices for celandine oil range from 27 to 67 rubles.

Burr oil

Another popular remedy that is designed to improve the condition of the scalp is burdock oil, rich in vitamins and minerals. It restores the epidermis, and also strengthens the follicle.

The use of such a cosmetic product not only improves the condition of the dermis, but also makes the hair thick. You can apply burdock oil daily until a positive result is achieved.

The cost of burdock oil is low - 39–79 rubles.

Thus, the use of oils is an additional treatment to the main therapy for psoriasis. Pomace from plant seeds and their extracts have an antimicrobial effect, improve lipid balance and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, they improve the condition of the skin and hair due to antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

With aggressive oils, such as celandine, amaranth oil and various esters, the dosage must be observed, otherwise the dermis can be harmed.

Useful videos

Treatment of psoriasis without drugs.

Nutrition in the treatment of psoriasis. Results of 7 months of treatment. Personal experience of recovery.

A rather interesting and at the same time effective remedy for the treatment of psoriasis is therapy using a variety of oils. Such treatment is an excellent alternative to drug forms of therapy and is practically harmless. The only drawback of oil treatment is all kinds of allergic reactions, since oils are of natural origin, usually vegetable.

The main classification of oils for the treatment of psoriasis can be called their division into essential and food or vegetable. Essential oils are not usually eaten, which determines their specific use in illness. Edible oils and frying oils have slightly different characteristics and, accordingly, use.

Treatment with essential oils

Essential oils for psoriasis are rarely used, as few people know about their miraculous properties. The choice of essential oil for the treatment of psoriasis should be entrusted to a specialist, since there are a huge number of oils, and which one can help in specific case only the doctor knows. Treatment essential oils- this is a guarantee that the body will not get used to the therapy, and it will not need to be replaced. Only minor fluctuations in the recipe, in the ratio of oils, and a new therapeutic effect, a new effect is guaranteed.

The use of essential oils in psoriasis allows you to individually select the necessary proportions and course of treatment, taking into account all the needs and wishes of the patient. In addition, the smell of oils will make the therapeutic procedure pleasant. The following oils have a good therapeutic effect on the skin affected by psoriasis: oil of oregano and jasmine, geranium and bergamot, lavender and cedar, ylang-ylang, mint and myrrh, patchouli, carrot, rosewood and chamomile, sandalwood and many others. As you can see at a glance, all non-specific and traditional oils, which are often included in creams and other cosmetic products for the skin, have a beneficial effect on skin areas affected by psoriasis.

For example, black seed oil for psoriasis can cure, but not for long, because it must be used in combination with other oils. It can be carrot or fir oil. Also, with psoriasis, jojoba oil and ylang-ylang produce the desired effect. Sea buckthorn oil, traditional for our region, has been used for psoriasis for a long time, despite the fact that such methods are relatively new in world practice. The thing is that sea buckthorn oil in psoriasis soothes damaged and inflamed skin, promotes its regeneration, and also has an antiseptic effect.

But remember, not every psoriasis oil can help you. It should be chosen very carefully, in consultation with a specialist. For example, black cumin oil for psoriasis can help, but a large number of people are allergic to it, which justifies the risk of using it if the patient has a predisposition to allergic reactions. Therefore, black cumin oil for psoriasis must be used with extreme caution. The same can be noted about fir oil for psoriasis. It is quite another thing to use tea tree oil for psoriasis, to which a very small number of patients are allergic.

Thus, in the treatment of psoriasis, you should not use essential oils with a high probability of an allergic reaction. It is for this reason that citrus oils are not included in the recommended list, since they can not only cause allergies, but also irritate skin that is sensitive to them.

Vegetable oils

Of the vegetable oils used by humans in food, you can also choose oil for psoriasis. Their effect on diseased skin is somewhat different from that of essential oils. For example, flaxseed oil is most commonly used for psoriasis. Its ability to influence the regenerating processes of the skin and restore it as quickly as possible made this oil the most effective remedy for skin psoriasis. The use of flaxseed oil in psoriasis guarantees an improvement in the condition of the skin even in the most advanced stages of the disease. But, despite such good indicators of the effectiveness of this oil, the treatment of psoriasis with linseed oil must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This will ensure a proper result and limit possible side effects in the form of itching or allergic reactions. It is worth noting that the treatment of psoriasis with linseed oil can be carried out both in combination with other activities and the use of other oils, and independently.

Next is olive oil for psoriasis. This oil is not often remembered, as it is considered a simple oil for dressing salads or eating. But it is a mistake to forget about its miraculous effect on human skin. Olive oil is used for various skin diseases, as well as to get rid of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs. Psoriasis was no exception, because olive oil for psoriasis is the first doctor to help get rid of the constant dryness of the skin and its peeling. But do not confuse it with sunflower oil and replace one with another, since sunflower oil has completely different properties and can become a strong irritant for damaged skin.

And finally, burdock oil for psoriasis. This oil is effective against scalp psoriasis, as it not only helps in skin regeneration, but also improves hair growth and restores the skin around damaged bulbs. This remedy is especially good for crusting psoriasis all over the scalp.

A separate column can be noted stone oil for psoriasis. Despite the name, it is not an oil, but rather a mineral substance mined as a rare fossil. It enriches human skin with minerals and other beneficial substances, activating its regenerative and protective functions. And this, in turn, helps the body fight the manifestations of psoriasis.

As we can see, the treatment of psoriasis with oils of different origin is a long but effective exercise. But before proceeding with it, be sure to consult with your doctor and, together with a specialist, select the necessary oils and course of treatment.

Various oils for psoriasis - effective means, which help to cope with the disease when it is impossible to use medications or to enhance their performance. A mixture of volatile substances is obtained from medicinal plants by pressing, extraction and distillation.

How to choose natural essential oil (click to expand)

To buy a natural product, you should pay attention to the packaging in which it is sold. In accordance with generally accepted quality standards, the essential oil is available in 2.0-10 ml bottles, which are made not from transparent, but from tinted glass. The label must contain information that the oil is a 100% natural product.

The composition of a quality product contains only native components, which in without fail indicated on the label in Latin letters.

Treatment of psoriasis with essential oils is due to the following properties:

  • Destruction of bacteria and protection against re-infection;
  • Restoration of damaged cellular structures and healing;
  • Removal of inflammation, peeling and redness of the skin;
  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin on which psoriatic plaques are located.

There are a large number of natural remedies that effectively eliminate pathological changes in the skin. Everyone can choose for themselves the most suitable option from the recipes below, prepared on the basis of natural oils.
Pregnant women should not treat psoriasis with medications. Essential oils in this case are the only remedy that avoids the development of complications. Use only gentle natural oils that do not cause allergies.

If desired, essential oils can be added to cosmetic creams. It is good to take baths and massage with them. Any compress will give a more pronounced result than conventional lubrication.

Amaranth oil

Saturates the tissues with oxygen and quickly relieves the inflammatory process. A natural remedy increases elasticity and has pronounced protective qualities. Amaranth oil for psoriasis has not only a moisturizing effect, but also nourishes the skin with all the necessary elements. The product has protective qualities, preventing the attachment of a secondary infection. Amaranth increases collagen production and repairs the damaged surface.

It is unacceptable to use for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, diseases of the stomach and intestines.


  1. Take orally 2 tsp. 30 minutes before meals;
  2. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin 3-5 times a day.

stone oil

Mineral alum includes almost all elements from the periodic table, including silver, gold and platinum. Stone oil for psoriasis has a complex effect: relieves flaking and redness making the affected areas almost invisible.

Has no contraindications due to the fact that the composition includes components that have a gentle effect on the body.


  1. Outwardly - powder (1 tsp) is mixed with vegetable fats (3 tsp) or petroleum jelly and applied to the skin affected by psoriasis;
  2. Inside - dilute 1 g of powder in 3 liters of boiled water and take 100 ml 1 time per day after meals. Gradually, the dose should be increased to 300 ml per day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Castor oil

Made from castor bean medicinal plant rich in antioxidants. natural remedy eliminates signs skin diseases and prevents exacerbation. Castor oil in psoriasis is used to remove plaques and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Note! It can be used even during pregnancy, since castor oil does not cause allergic reactions and does not have a toxic effect on the body.


  1. Apply undiluted oil to the disc and treat the affected areas. Leave for 2-3 hours to completely absorb into the epidermis;
  2. Treat plaques at night daily, until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Coconut oil

It is used for the purpose of moisturizing and healing. Coconut oil for psoriasis is recommended for people with very sensitive skin, when other products cause irritation. The natural product is quickly absorbed and has strong protective properties.

Coconut oil contains plant hormones - kinetins, which have a powerful antioxidant effect, preventing the harmful effects of free radicals on the skin. Does not have a negative effect on the body.


  1. Warm up in a water bath to the desired temperature and apply to the plaques, gently massaging, 2-3 times a day;
  2. Take orally 2 tsp. a day before meals with a small amount of water.

Olive oil

Ozonated natural product quickly moisturizes the skin and promotes its recovery at the cellular level. Olive oil for psoriasis is prescribed to treat plaques on the soles and palms. This tool boosts local immunity and moisturizes the skin. You can use olive oil without any restrictions.


  1. Apply to damaged areas of the skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day;
  2. Drink 1-3 tsp. on an empty stomach half an hour before the main meal of the day.

Burr oil

It is used when psoriatic plaques appear on the scalp. The composition of the medicinal plant includes many vitamins, tannins and mineral salts. Burdock oil for psoriasis relieves itching and eliminates peeling, restores damaged structures and relieves the inflammatory process.

Burdock does not have a toxic effect on the body, so it can be used without restrictions.


  1. It should be applied 3-4 times on damaged areas of the skin;
  2. You can use it as lotions and compresses, which should be applied to plaques for 20-30 minutes.

Tea tree

It is a powerful antiseptic that quickly relieves inflammation and restores the skin at the cellular level. Tea tree oil for psoriasis eliminates itching, eliminates the possibility of exacerbation of the disease and reduces pain.

It is unacceptable to use by pregnant women and persons prone to allergies. An absolute contraindication is intolerance to the components that make up the composition.


  1. Apply undiluted to the affected areas 2 times a day;
  2. Add 2-3 drops to 5 ml of any lotion and wipe the skin every 12 hours.

Black cumin

It includes more than 100 components - catalysts of metabolic processes. Restores defenses and relieves breakouts and blemishes for short periods.


  1. Drink in the morning for 1 tsp. black cumin oil before meals or add the product to a salad;
  2. Drink 10 ml of oil after meals inside.

Essential oils for psoriasis

Esters are never used in their pure form. They are blended with carrier oils that dissolve beneficial substances and provide nutrients into the upper layers of the epidermis. The advantages of such a product are the possibility of using it in its pure form, without admixture of additional components.

Oil How to use Properties
pumpkin seed oil anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-allergic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory
Argan oil Taken orally, applied to the affected areas at bedtime anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic
Camphor oil Lubricate damaged areas with undiluted oil cleansing and healing effect
Cedar oil It is taken orally before meals, the affected areas are lubricated antiseptic, healing action
hemp oil Can be used for both internal and external use anti-inflammatory, regenerating
Linseed oil It is taken orally, used to lubricate plaques. has regenerating properties
Milk thistle oil Taken orally, applied to irritated skin regenerating, nourishing action
Sea buckthorn oil Taken orally before meals has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect
Fir oil Applied to psoriatic plaques has a calming, regenerating effect

pumpkin seed oil

Oil from pumpkin seeds was valued very expensive in ancient times - a small bottle was equal to the cost of a golden ring. And all thanks to the unique healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-allergenic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory. All these qualities are the result of a rich composition: vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids, carotenoids and flavonoids.

For psoriasis, this product is used:

  • For internal reception. Start with 1 tsp. on an empty stomach or 1.5-2 hours after eating 1 time per day. After a few days, increase the amount to 2 tsp.
  • For outdoor use. Apply the product to the affected areas in a thin layer before going to bed. After 30 min. the remains are removed with a paper towel.

The product is used for masks with the addition of honey, yogurt, egg yolk and other ingredients. Rubbed into the scalp to strengthen the hair.

If there are problems with the gallbladder, the oil is not used or is used after a medical consultation - the product can cause the movement of stones and blockage of the bile ducts.

If you have a predisposition to allergies before using natural remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Argan oil

Argan oil for medicinal purposes is obtained by cold pressing of their kernels contained in the pits of the argan tree. To extract 1 liter of product, 50 kg of fruit or 15 kg of seeds are needed.

  • Vitamin E - 3 times more than in olive oil.
  • Fatty acid Omega-6 and Omega-9, stearic and palmitic acids.
  • Polyphenols, carotenoids, phytosterols, natural antioxidant squalene.

The composition rich in medicinal components makes argan oil an indispensable natural healer in the treatment of a number of diseases, including psoriasis. Product properties (anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic) help to cope with the disease when applied externally and ingested:

  • It is applied to the affected areas before going to bed, waiting for absorption (15-30 minutes), the remnants are removed with a paper towel.
  • Take orally 1 tsp. daily.

This use of argan oil reduces the intensity of symptoms, helps to restore the beauty and health of the skin, hair and nails.

Camphor oil

Camphor oil contains a large amount of phytoncides and has a pronounced cleansing and wound healing effect on the skin.

  • You can lubricate the damaged areas with undiluted camphor oil.
  • It is recommended to alternate with other means to exclude the possibility of irritation.

Cedar oil

Pine nut oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect, thanks to which sores and wounds on the skin heal in a matter of days.

  • Apply to damaged areas 2-3 times a day
  • You can take it orally before meals for 2-4 tsp.

A positive result from the treatment is noticeable after a week.

hemp oil

Hemp oil is widely used to treat psoriasis, as it helps not only to relieve inflammation, but also quickly restore damaged areas. Natural medicine is used for both oily and dry skin, helps to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.

  • Take orally 2 tbsp. l. per day.
  • External use - apply to psoriatic plaques.

Linseed oil

It is recommended to use only unrefined linseed oil, which contains a huge amount of nutrients. The native product not only regenerates the skin at the cellular level, but also eliminates the causes of psoriasis, eliminating relapses. Linseed oil is used for psoriasis to lubricate plaques and ingestion.

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil is made from the seeds of a medicinal plant such as thistle. It has skin regenerating and nourishing properties. Recommended for psoriasis:

  • Apply generously to flaky and irritated areas of the skin.
  • You can take orally 1 tsp. 2 times a day for a month.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil eliminates the signs of psoriasis and acts on the main causes of the development of the disease.

  • It is recommended to take the remedy for 1-2 tsp. inside before meals 2-3 times a day
  • Continue taking for 2-4 weeks.

Sea buckthorn cleanses the intestines, which makes it possible to eliminate the provoking factor. Topical application to plaques ensures the removal of inflammation and elimination of ulceration. Sea buckthorn oil for psoriasis soothes damaged and inflamed skin.


Fir oil is widely used to combat dermatological diseases. Recommended for psoriasis:

  • use externally - apply 3-4 times a day on psoriatic plaques, as lotions and bath solutions;
  • continue the procedure for at least 7 days until the symptoms of the disease decrease.

Summing up

Essential oils for psoriasis are natural remedies often used in the treatment of the disease. Essential extracts of plants have a whole list useful properties: regenerate, soften and moisturize, disinfect, relieve inflammation and peeling.

Treatment of psoriasis with oils includes combination of essential oils with base components needed to improve efficiency. Their origin is also completely natural, so the products are popular.