Incomplete name Yaroslav. Name Yaroslav: origin, meaning and characteristics. Yaroslav in his personal life

Yaroslav is a great ancient name. It was worn by sixteen Russian princes. But now this name form is not particularly popular in Russia, although until recently it was in great demand among the parents of boys. However, in the Czech Republic and Poland, it is quite common to meet men named as an analogue of the name Yaroslav - Yarosh.

How did the name Yaroslav appear?

The name Yaroslav originated in the Slavic language. But its exact interpretation still does not exist. There are several opinions about its meaning:

  1. The name is formed from two words from the Old Slavic language: "yar", which means "ardent", "powerful", "strong" in translation, and "glory" - "glory". According to this theory, the name Yaroslav has the meaning of "possessing bright fame."
  2. When paganism still existed in Rus', the word "yar" had the meaning of "vital force" or "fertility", so the name Yaroslav could mean "glorious with its vitality."
  3. The third version says that this name is interpreted as "glorifying Yarila." In the myths of the ancient Slavs, Yarilo (Yarila) is the god of the Sun, fertility and vitality.
Yarilo - the pagan god of the Sun and spring fertility among the ancient Slavs

The most famous person bearing the name Yaroslav is Prince Yaroslav the Wise. His name is often found in medieval literature, as well as in the biographies of Saints Boris and Gleb, who were his brothers.

Forms of the name Yaroslav

Abbreviation of the name Yaroslav: Slava, Yarik, Yara, Yarosh, Yarek, Yash, Yarus.

Glory is one of options abbreviations of the name Yaroslav

Diminutive versions: Slavushka, Yarochka, Slavik, Yaroslavushka, Slavonka, Yaroslavchik, Yarushka.

To write a poem dedicated to Yaroslav, you can use the following rhymes: headlong, composition, crossings, majestic, rights, powers, sleeve, crafty, boa constrictor, telegraph.

Related nominal forms: Yarosh, Yaslav, Bright. The female analogue of the name is Yaroslav.

Church version of the name: Yaroslav.

Patronymics formed on behalf of Yaroslav: Yaroslavovna, Yaroslavovich.

The spelling of the name Yaroslav in the passport: IAROSLAV.

IAROSLAV - transliteration of the name Yaroslav

Patronymic names that are most successfully combined with the name Yaroslav: Andreevich, Borisovich, Vladimirovich, Dmitrievich, Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Nikolaevich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Yurievich.

Once upon a time there was Yaroslav -
Hot in deeds, smart in words.
At that time, the ancient Slavs
When we look at Yaroslav,
We understand that the ancestors are right.
Support a comrade in trouble
And in a dispute, he will say how he will cut it off.
He will respect the request of a woman,
He won't show his back in a fight.
If he misses something -
Will not whimper and whimper.
Anyone, however, will understand
That Yaroslav will take his.
He will take his full
Both in personal life and in career.
No wonder the ancient Slavs
They called him "brilliant".


Jaroslav - one of the possible nicknames for social networks

Table: name Yaroslav in foreign languages

Arabياروسلاف Jaroslav
HungarianJaroszlav Jaroszlav
Georgianიაროსლავ Jaroslav
Hebrewירוסלב Jaroslav
Kannadaಜಾರೊಸ್ಲಾವ್ Jaroslav
Chinese雅羅斯拉夫 Yǎ luó silāfū
Korean야로슬라프 yaloseullapu
LatinYaroslav Yaroslav
DeutschJaroslaw Jaroslaw
PolishJaroslaw Jaroslaw
Hindiजारोस्लाव Jārōslava
Japaneseヤロスラフ Yarosurafu

Patron saints and name days

In the Orthodox calendar, three saints with the name Yaroslav are indicated:

  1. Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The son of Grand Duke Vladimir, born in 978. Yaroslav was appointed father to reign in the city of Rostov. During his reign, the saint received the nickname the Wise, as he took care of Rus' and worked tirelessly for the good of the Russian lands. Yaroslav founded the city of Yaroslavl and the church in the name of the prophet Elijah. A little later, Vladimir transferred his son to reign in Novgorod. After the death of his father, internecine wars began between his sons - Yaroslav, Svyatopolk, Boris, Gleb and Mstislav. The eldest of the brothers, Svyatopolk, killed Boris and Gleb and was already thinking about reprisals against Yaroslav, but Yaroslav's troops defeated the forces of his elder brother. So Yaroslav the Wise became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. He shared his reign with his younger brother Mstislav. The reign of Yaroslav is significant in that at that time a real flowering took place Kievan Rus, many Orthodox churches were built, libraries were opened, Christian scriptures were distributed. The prince died in 1054.

    Under the Holy Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Christianity spread most strongly in Rus'.

  2. Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavich of Murom. In baptism, Yaroslav received the name Konstantin. He became the ruler of the city of Murom, in which a large number of pagans. The saint wanted them all to accept the Christian faith, but not by force, but of their own free will. Yaroslav built a temple in the city, and then another one. The dissatisfied pagans wanted to deal with the prince, they came to his house, but the saint was not afraid and went out to them with the icon of the Mother of God in his hands. Such an act made a great impression on people, so they decided to accept the Orthodox faith. Thus, the prince managed to baptize the city of Murom. Yaroslav died in 1129.

    Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavich of Murom became famous for being able to baptize an entire city of pagans

  3. Hieromartyr Yaroslav Savitsky. The saint was born into the family of a deacon in 1882. Yaroslav decided from childhood that he would devote his life to worship. In 1905 he received the priesthood, in 1919 he became an archpriest, and in 1929 he became rector of the Church of Saints Florus and Laurus. At this time, widespread opposition to believers began, and in 1937 Yaroslav was arrested and sentenced to death.

    Hieromartyr Yaroslav Savitsky zealously served the Church even in times of large-scale opposition to Orthodoxy

Yaroslav celebrates his birthday on one of three days, on the one that is closest to the date of his birth:

  • the 5th of March;
  • June 3;
  • December 8th.

How the name Yaroslav affects the character and personality of a person

Yaroslav is two-faced. On the one hand, this is a friendly, sweet and charming man, and on the other hand, a despotic, cruel and ruthless person. The guy has excellent thinking, can quickly analyze the current situation and make a whole range of decisions. This skill helps him to realize himself in sports or entrepreneurial activities. Glory is endowed with vanity, he likes to hear compliments addressed to him, to receive attention from others. For this, a man is trying in every possible way to stand out from the crowd, gain a high-profile reputation, lead a beautiful and rich life. However, he does it very well.

Yaroslav is arrogant and vain

Yaroslav is sure that he is incomparable, and the behavior of others only confirms his conviction. A man is popular with girls, which further strengthens his opinion of his own superiority. The guy tries to always be in the company of a pleasant woman, drive a sports car, live in a prestigious home - he needs all this to maintain his high status. Slava is not used to complaining, he stoically endures all the hardships and hardships of life, never shows his failures.

Yaroslav is very talented
That is why he is friends with glory,
Not susceptible to bad
And he is a good husband.
Reasonable, friendly,
Knows how to make friends
believes in different signs
And a pancake hunter.
Yaroslav, of course, is wise,
For the wife is always a mystery.
Cheerfully starts the morning
With gymnastic exercises.


Yaroslav and a beautiful girl nearby are part of his image, like a sports car or a comfortable apartment

Yarik is proactive, he does not need support or encouragement to take action. This guy is prone to secrecy, can silently listen to someone else's conversation for a long time, and then speak boldly and ironically. This behavior makes others think of Slava as a strange person and avoid close contact with him. The man is suspicious, he is sure that everyone envy him and dream of friendship with him.

Yaroslav is sure that he is head and shoulders above others, and those around him simply dream of bowing before him or envying him

In his writings, Boris Khigir characterizes Yaroslav as a person subject to outside influence. This is a kind and sensitive guy, prone, however, to unjustified cruelty. A man longs to find the meaning of life, is fond of the secrets of the universe. This is a vulnerable person, acutely experiencing his own failures, but not allowing anyone or anything to break him. For a young man, material well-being means a lot, he knows what he wants from life, tries to achieve what he wants, adapts even to the most difficult conditions. Slava is used to the fact that those around him always reckon with him.

According to Boris Khigir, Yaroslav reacts very sharply to his failures

Characteristics of the personality of Yaroslav in childhood

As a child, Yarik does not differ in exemplary behavior. He is a thunderstorm of the yard and school, is in constant conflict with teachers because of stubbornness, insolence and intractability. The boy is endowed with courage, is not afraid to stand up for himself, defend his honor, always rebuffs offenders. Often he himself becomes the initiator of scandals and fights. But there is no cruelty in him at all, just his character is very active and energetic. This child is not very sociable, he has a great time alone, without suffering from it at all. The behavior of the boy can also be influenced by his environment: if there are calm and inquisitive comrades around, then all the energy of the baby will go to study and knowledge of the world around him.

Little Yaroslav has a bold and stubborn character.

Slava is a capable child, she can succeed in sports, become the captain of her team. Since childhood, Yaroslav has the ability to gather people around him. He easily organizes his own company, in which he becomes a leader. The boy is purposeful, thinks quickly, never deviates from what he wants.

Yarik can achieve success in sports

Young Yaroslav is still trying to gain authority among those around him. The guy feels comfortable in not very good company. If the parents do not control the son's social circle, then he will definitely get involved in a bandit gang and violate more than one law. There are many contradictions and ambitions in this man. He loves to command and rule, but at the same time he is prone to suspiciousness, sentimentality and responsiveness. Glory can smile, and in another second already be cold and indifferent. He is easily influenced, but in some situations adamantly stands by his opinion.

Ambition and a penchant for dictatorship are bizarrely combined in Yaroslav with suspiciousness, sentimentality and responsiveness.

The young man loves to think about life, look for the meaning of life, he can get carried away by religion. Among the comrades, this guy always stands out. Girls pay attention to him, but Slava does not need a relationship - love and seriousness are not characteristic of young Yaroslav.

Yaroslav loves to think alone, seeks to get to the bottom of life and being, which is why he often joins a sect or falls into religiosity

Hobbies and talents

Yaroslav is fond of quite diverse and numerous hobbies. He may be interested in religion, space, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy. He reads a lot. Most often, Yaroslavs become educated people, who know a lot and are able to tell interesting things about everything in the world.

Yaroslav studies philosophical sciences and the subtleties of psychology, loves to learn something new about space and everything connected with it

Glory's great love is sports. He works out for a long time on the simulators in the gym to keep his figure in good shape. The desire for introspection and the desire to find out the meaning of being contribute to the man's passion for martial arts. In addition, the guy loves to travel, take care of pets and plants.

Given Yaroslav's penchant for introspection, the desire to comprehend the essence of the existence of all living things, he often chooses martial arts for his hobby

Profession and career

Any field of activity will bring this person success and prosperity. A man is respected among colleagues and superiors, talented, able to work productively and achieve results. The refinement of nature contributes to the realization of a guy in the musical or writing field.

The music sphere is a great place to realize Yaroslav's talents

He will also make a good teacher, engineer and even a clergyman.

Yaroslav's character is conducive to entrepreneurship. The man is prone to analytics, knows how to attract the attention of sponsors, knows how to build the right tactics for doing business. All this helps him become a successful businessman, acquire reliable and permanent partners, and make only profitable deals. Slava spends the money earned wisely, he is not used to throwing money away, but he is ready to spend a lot to create a comfortable existence. Having a fairly large income, Yaroslav can give part of the funds to charity.

By nature, Yaroslav was created in order to engage in entrepreneurial activities.


Since childhood, Yarik has a strong and healthy body. The child is mobile and active, the only thing that can happen to him is an injury received while playing or playing sports. As an adult, Yaroslav has a risk of getting into an accident or an accident, you should especially be wary of airplanes. Health is still nothing to worry about. A man throughout his life has a slender figure and a youthful appearance. At a more mature age, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the heart, stomach and pancreas.

If possible, Yaroslav should avoid flying on airplanes.

Love and sexuality

Yaroslav is a romantic, passionate and sexy man. He knows how to attract the attention of women, easily and simply makes new acquaintances with them. At a young age, the guy leads a rather active life, having affairs with a large number of girls. But becoming more mature, this man chooses one lady, to whom he devotes his whole life and remains faithful and devotion.

At an older age, Yaroslav becomes a devoted and faithful partner for his beloved

Slava has a specific taste, so he chooses his life partner for a very long time. Having decided, a man becomes an excellent partner. He is generous, gentle, patient, he will never spare the girl neither time nor money. His chosen one can be sure that she will get everything she wants. For the sake of his beloved, the guy is ready for a lot, not prone to infidelity and deceit. Can turn a blind eye to the obvious shortcomings of his woman. But having fallen out of love or having met another, Yaroslav will immediately inform his partner about this, trying to maintain friendly communication with her. Intimacy is perhaps the main pleasure in the life of Yaroslav. He is a skilled lover who enjoys himself and is able to deliver his beloved. The guy needs a long foreplay, he is also used to taking a leading role in the process.

If Yaroslav falls in love, then his chosen one will get everything he wants, he will move mountains for the sake of his beloved girl

Family and marriage

Yaroslav does not marry for a long time, usually he does not marry for love, but for the benefit that he will gain in marriage. But even in this case, he chooses the bride very carefully: she must have softness, patience and a soft appearance. Most often, a man is lucky, he gets an attentive and loving wife, who steadfastly endures the complexity of his nature.

Yaroslav is lucky with his wife - she sincerely and tenderly loves him, is able to endure a difficult character

Some time after the wedding, Slava begins to become attached to a woman, he has some feelings. With the advent of the child, the guy devotes himself completely to the family. He becomes a wonderful, understanding, caring father. This man loves to spend time with his children. She helps her daughters do their hair, plays outdoor games with the boys. He begins to appreciate his wife, tries to exalt her in front of his friends and relatives. But alone with his wife, he is capable of tyranny and coldness, which offends a woman very much.

Yaroslav loves his children, tries to spend time with them

Table: Yaroslav name compatibility with some female names

Video: Yaroslav Evdokimov - “Only Night”

It is also important to take into account the correspondence between the name and the various elements of nature.

Table: matches for the name Yaroslav

Zodiac signa lion
AnimalA donkey
YearYear of the Goat
Day of the weekSunday
Significant years in life31, 54

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name

Each letter that is part of a person's name complements his personality with new qualities:

  1. The letter Y. The guy has self-esteem, tries to get the respect and love of others, which he does very well.
  2. The letter R. A man delves into the essence of the problems, not being deceived by superficial conclusions. He is self-confident and brave, but prone to foolish risks.
  3. Letter O. A deeply feeling person. He definitely needs to decide on his life purpose in order to become happy and successful.
  4. Letter C. Sanity and desire to achieve financial well-being. Can be domineering and capricious.
  5. Letter L. A creative and talented person, subtly perceiving the surrounding beauty. The guy needs to find his place in life.
  6. The letter A. Symbolizes initiation and implementation. This person strives for physical and spiritual comfort.
  7. Letter B. The young man is sociable, loves life and nature. It has a creative beginning and a desire for a happy future.

According to the interpretation of the meanings of the letters in the name, Yaroslav should not waste his life, but he must definitely find his true purpose

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the season in which the person was born

Winter rewards Slava with a heavy temper. Already in childhood, it is difficult for him to get along with people, even with his parents. The guy is closed, taciturn, too scrupulous and meticulous. A man does not like conflicts, he will never become an instigator, even if he has a good reason. But he will always get to the truth, will carefully analyze any issue, which will alienate others from himself.

Winter Yaroslav is too meticulous

Spring Yarik is endowed with many talents. He is sociable, open, able to establish contact with any person. This guy is adored by others, they strive to join his company, because he is distinguished by devotion, kindness and responsiveness. But it is difficult for a man to find a life partner, he wants her to be in no way inferior to him.

Spring Yaroslav is open and sociable

In the summer months, Yaroslav is born, endowed with kindness, sensuality, understanding, the ability to listen and many other positive characteristics. However, there is also a negative point in his nature - this is excessive emotionality. A man is prone to rude and persistent manifestation of his feelings.

Summer Yaroslav is too emotional

Under the auspices of autumn, Slava appears, possessing a creative nature. He is vulnerable and arrogant. The guy likes to reflect on questions of philosophy and psychology. In society, he behaves modestly and closed. He is more comfortable spending time alone, but he is loved by others and is always happy to see him in his company. Thanks to the diplomatic and judicious character, it is easy for a man to arrange his personal life.

Autumn Yaroslav loves to be alone with himself

Table: character of a person depending on the sign of the zodiac

Zodiac signCharacteristics of a person
AriesThe man is very sincere, open and good-natured. However, he makes too high demands on others, is too emotional in dealing with girls. He is romantic, ready for a lot for the sake of his beloved, a good partner.
TaurusYaroslav-Taurus has a charming and friendly nature. The guy is well brought up, easily remembers new knowledge, endowed with great willpower. But in his personal life, troubles can be expected - the man is very powerful, he is used to the fact that everyone is in his subordination. This attitude will not suit every woman.
TwinsThe patronage of Gemini, at first glance, endows Slava with a cheerful and optimistic character. However, this is just a mask in order to become "one's own" in any company and use people for selfish purposes. Girls also need to beware of Yaroslav the Gemini - he will easily enter into trust and break his heart.
CrayfishUnder the sign of Cancer, the intelligent, ambitious and eloquent Yaroslav is born. The guy skillfully uses his advantages. For those around him, he is a gallant gentleman and gentleman, but in reality he is a person who is looking for his own benefit in everything. He is not interested in short-term romantic relationships, he tries to create strong and long-term relationships.
a lionGlory-Leo has a vain, arrogant, narcissistic and domineering nature. A man does not care at all about the opinion of strangers, so he often remains alone. The guy is active, he always tries to be busy with something. Having achieved one goal, he immediately proceeds to conquer a new one. Also behaves with women.
VirgoBorn under the sign of Virgo, Yarik is a reserved and insecure person. The guy is endowed with pride, wants to be in the spotlight, but at the same time avoids all communication with people. It is difficult for him to build romantic relationships, because he is timid and modest, and he prefers bright and popular girls. As a rule, they rarely pay attention to him.
ScalesThe influence of the Libra sign makes Yaroslav a romantic and vulnerable person. He dreams of a gentle, warm, affectionate and caring attitude towards himself. The guy is popular in society, he is interesting to girls. But serious relationship he is little attracted, since Glory-Libra strives for a rich and vibrant life filled with many romantic relationships.
ScorpionThe guy is endowed with enviable authority and energy. He strives for self-improvement, tries to always move forward. In relations with girls, he manifests himself as a worthy man. This will be an ideal spouse, but very jealous. Not every girl will endure so many manifestations of jealousy.
SagittariusWell-mannered, intelligent, honest, straightforward, open and sincere - these are the main characteristics of Yaroslav-Sagittarius. This person is easy to communicate, easily strikes up friendly communication, but is afraid to open up to people, because he does not want to be deceived. The bride of such a guy will be a calm, homely girl who does not like noisy parties.
CapricornThe sign of Capricorn rewards Yaroslav with intelligence, prudence, logical thinking. A man does not listen to intuition, subjects everything to logic, is used to living according to a strict plan, which he himself made. It is very stable and right person. Between a lonely pastime and a fun party, Yaroslav-Capricorn will always choose the first. However, the guy is still popular with women, although he is not inclined to violently show his emotions and feelings.
AquariusThe young man has his own special opinion on everything, and the conclusions of those around him are of little concern. His views almost always diverge from the decisions of other people. Yaroslav-Aquarius is perfect for any girl, but he himself does not seek to create a strong family. Marries at a mature age.
FishHere, the main personality traits are positivity and generosity. Slava-Pisces is a cheerful, cheerful, devoted, eloquent and sympathetic person. He is always ready to listen and support, but behaves too arrogantly with women. To the fair sex, this guy only has consumer attitude: he can easily use and throw a partner. This behavior is due to the fear of losing independence and freedom.

Photo gallery: famous people in history named Yaroslav

Yaroslav Gashek - Czech satirist, playwright, feuilletonist, journalist, commissar of the Red Army Yaroslav Geyrovsky - Czech chemist, foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Yaroslav Smelyakov - Russian Soviet poet, critic, translator Yaroslav Rakitsky - Ukrainian football player, defender Yaroslav Rybakov - Russian athlete, performing in the high jump, Honored Master of Sports of Russia Yaroslav Osmomysl - Prince of Galicia (1153-1187) Yaroslav Ognev - Russian Internet producer, editor-in-chief of the Internet broadcasting of the Voice of Russia radio station Yaroslav-Frantisek-Julius Veshin - Czech and Bulgarian artist , who lived and worked in Slovakia and Bulgaria Yaroslav Khabarov - Russian hockey player Yaroslav Irzhik - Czechoslovakian hockey player, right winger, one of the leaders of the Czechoslovak national team in the 60s of the twentieth century Yaroslav Mogutin - modern Russian writer and artist Yaroslav Evdokimov - singer Yaroslav Soukup - Czech biathlete Yaroslav Dombrovsky - Polish revolutionary, democrat, commander in chief revolutionary forces of the Paris Commune

Video: ringtone from a friend named Yaroslav

The fate of Yaroslav often depends on his environment. In his youth, he leads a stormy, bright and cheerful life, and after thirty years he turns into a solid, reasonable and businesslike person. A man often thinks about the meaning of life, always "looks after" his relatives and former lovers helping friends and colleagues. In old age, Yaroslav is a respected and beloved person, surrounded by relatives and friends.

The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of the name can play an important role in the life of a child. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Yaroslav can rightly be proud of the euphonious and beautiful naming. It is of Slavic origin and is formed by the addition of two bases: "ardent" (hot, ardent, violent, unstoppable) and "glory". The origin of the name Yaroslav has another version. Researchers believe that it goes back to the epithet "glorifying Yarila." This name was called the god of fertility and the sun. The word "ardent" in the meaning of "fiery", "brilliant", "bright" also owes its origin to the ancient Slavic deity.


Exclusively princes were called so in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. In the period from the 11th to the 13th century, many Slavic lands had rulers with this name. For example, Prince of Novgorod, and later Grand Duke Yaroslav II (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the annals say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In handwritten calendars, this person is numbered among the saints. In addition, he is the father of Saint Alexander Nevsky.

Also known is the Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. By their deeds, other well-known rulers with that name also won good fame among the people. After the baptism of Rus' and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance, our compatriots began to turn to their history and remembered the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that it has been baptismal since ancient times, until 1917 they were named children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as among the Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today, the princely ancient name has regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Rus' was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, nicknamed the Wise by the people. His parents were representatives of the most noble families in Europe: the Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (the Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise was limping on one leg, but he was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in his native country, the development of education and the training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav absorbed the good glory of this prince. He did not spare money for church splendor. This great man gave all his strength to raise the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

name day

Initially, the name Yaroslav got into the Orthodox calendar thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

Commemoration Day of Yaroslav the Wise - March 5. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a difficult, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by a mobile and independent disposition. During his school years, Yarik will resent teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is by nature very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become his own in any company. He is able to lead and lead the team, loves compliments and is incredibly conceited. Parents should make sure that the strength and energy of their son fall into a peaceful channel.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes his bearer an excellent leader. However, the selfishness and self-confidence of this person can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly respond to circumstances and act quite tough. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. Everything will definitely work out for him, because he is steadily moving towards the goal, while deciding very challenging tasks. The meaning of the name Yaroslav all the time pushes his bearer to new achievements, which creates him a high-profile reputation.

Personal relationships

In family relationships, a person named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is absolutely sure of the choice of his companion. This should be an outstanding woman who will always support in difficult times. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

Friendships develop in a man less harmoniously. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He is arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication with such a person should not be imposed. It is also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vengeful. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make right and fair decisions. In dealing with him, you should not painfully react to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much more benevolent than he wants to seem.


Yaroslav is a keen sportsman. He can prove himself well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav's health is strong. Since childhood, he is very hardy and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining cheerfulness and a positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have a less harmonious relationship with Agnes, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizabeth, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find application for his tough character and leadership qualities. There are many generals, leaders and famous public figures among the Yaroslavs. By naming your child like that, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.

Yaroslav name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Yaroslav mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Yaroslav, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Yaroslav - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Yaroslav is scarlet
  • Auspicious tree - oak
  • Cherished plant of Yaroslav - nettle
  • Patron named Yaroslav - pheasant
  • Stone-talisman of Yaroslav - amber

What does the name Yaroslav mean? 1) praising Yarila; 2) strong and glorious (the name Yaroslav is of Slavic origin).

Short meaning of the name Yaroslav: Yarik, Yaroslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Rosya.

Patronymic name Yaroslav: Yaroslavovich, Yaroslavich, Yaroslavovna, Yaroslavna.

Day of the angel named after Yaroslav: The Yarilin day was among the ancient Slavs the one that is now called the day of Ivan Kupala, on this day the name day named after Yaroslav is celebrated.

Positive traits of the name Yaroslav: Energy, determination, firmness, self-confidence, perseverance, reliability. Yaroslav is distinguished by degree, wisdom. Even in childhood, the name Yaroslav has important view. He is devoid of fussiness, verbosity. His actions are precise and verified.

Negative traits of the name Yaroslav: Vanity, secrecy, irony, cynicism. Yaroslav does not reveal his true thoughts and goals, he is not inclined to trust people at first sight. He is able to subjugate the people around him, own their minds and take advantage of their location.

The nature of the name Yaroslav: Yaroslav usually grows up as a favorite of his grandparents, protected from real and imaginary difficulties. This creates problems for him both at school and at the institute, where he is ridiculed for being lethargic and indecisive. But in the third decade, Yaroslav, as it were, is born again. He becomes quick-tempered, sometimes openly tyrannizing people, especially his family. Charm is combined in it with cruelty, and such a cocktail cannot but attract - especially women.

Yaroslav is not inclined to legal marital relations. Often he marries forcedly, when there is nowhere to go. For some reason, these tyrants enjoy the great love of their wives, whom they are completely unable to make happy.

The character of a man named Yaroslav is ambiguous. Kind, but sometimes tough, especially if he needs something from you, stubborn and at the same time amenable to other people's influence. Often becomes dependent on the people around him. Yaroslav is sentimental, but in a difficult or extreme situation he can be unjustifiably cruel. Hardened by life, he meets failures and defeats steadfastly, not allowing them to break him.

A man named Yaroslav is selfish, for him his own well-being is above all else. He knows well what he needs in life, knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation, acting quickly and accurately. The name Yaroslav is not a very sociable person, but not a conflict one either, easily adapts to any situation. Able to force others to reckon with him.

The range of Yaroslav's professional interests is very wide: music, pedagogy, medicine, literature, theology, research activities. The name Yaroslav is a hardworking, responsible person, he always brings the work he has started to the end. Can be prudent and diplomatic, be content with little. Yaroslav is very well brought up. Often interested in the mysteries of the universe.

In love - the name Yaroslav perceives sex as one of the greatest pleasures available to man. The initiative always belongs to him. Yaroslav is able to become attached to a woman for a long time and therefore often forgives his beloved deceit and infidelity. The meaning of the name is a good family man. The name Yaroslav loves children - both his own and others.

Choosing a profession by name: Yaroslav is a gifted, original personality, and besides, full of determination and fearlessness in achieving his goals. He is ambitious and has the potential to become the most significant person of his kind. Yaroslav's activities will always be fruitful, no matter what path he chooses in life. The name Yaroslav has an innate intuition in relation to circumstances and people, which guides him in all matters. He occupies a dominant position and enjoys the respect of superiors and subordinates.

Business and career of Yaroslav: the name Yaroslav is successful in social activities and in the business of organizing shows and entertainment. The character of the name Yaroslav is dominated by the desire to successfully complete any business begun, however, even having reached great heights, he will not be satisfied with what has been achieved and strives higher and higher. At the same time, the name Yaroslav shows generosity: he helps relatives with money, does charity work.

Love and marriage of Yaroslav: Yaroslav is passionate in love, but carefully hides his feelings. He loves beautiful, extravagant women, does not tolerate dishonesty, betrayal. Attacks of jealousy can overshadow his family life. Yaroslav is a caring parent, but may suffer from the actions of his children. A favorable marriage named after Yaroslav with Anastasia, Golubaya, Gorislava, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Elena, Efrosinya, Lada, Mila, Mlada, Predslava, Rogneda, Sbyslava, Svetlana, Seraphim. A difficult name relationship can develop with Bella, Dina, Zinaida, Inga, Clara, Stella.

Health and talents named after Yaroslav: As a child, Yaroslav is a capricious, stubborn, unbalanced child. He often quarrels with children, tries to impose his own rules of the game, is offended when they do not listen to him. Outwardly, Yaroslav looks like his mother, but in character he is closer to his father. The child is quick-tempered, can do rash acts. Parents need to win his trust, otherwise he will "withdraw into himself", and it will be difficult to achieve anything from him. Yaroslav's mood often changes, he is picky in friends, then he is delighted with one of them, then he is too disappointed in him, up to a quarrel. A man named Yaroslav begins to read and write very early, loves fairy tales, later adventures, fantasy, military stories, he dreams of becoming a military man. He is very proud, but by nature he is kind, amenable to influence, and grows up the way his parents raise him.

An adult man named Yaroslav is also highly dependent on the environment. He hardly restrains his pride, he meets life's hardships steadfastly, mobilizes, does not let them break him down. The name Yaroslav seeks to adapt to the most severe conditions of life and be content with little.

Yaroslav is deeply interested in the secrets of the universe, space, philosophy, psychology, he is a subtle and impressionable nature. Often becomes a priest or seriously, with the help of science, goes into these problems. Yaroslav can also be a teacher, engineer, musician, writer, worker, but always thinking about life, why he exists, what he must do.

In any case, the name Yaroslav is talented, but modest, he achieves success in life with difficulty. He is a refined, diplomatic person, always correct, loves children, flowers, loves animals, keeps a not necessarily purebred dog in the house, takes care of it himself. The name Yaroslav is very sensitive, acutely experiencing insults and failures, does not hesitate to seek solace from friends and loved ones. But if you deeply touch his spiritual strings, he can be vindictive, deal harshly with the offender, humiliate him. No one even expects that Yaroslav can show himself from such a side. This proves that the name Yaroslav is a complex, ambiguous nature.

Yaroslav is a sexually strong man who can subdue a woman. The initiative always belongs to him. He is turned on when a woman in his arms is weak and submissive.

The first marriage in the name of Yaroslav is most often unsuccessful. But he usually loves his first wife. A man named Yaroslav compares others with her, which does not make subsequent marriages happy. Only after ten years of a second or third marriage does he begin to especially appreciate the one with whom he lives and who loves him.

Name Yaroslav in other countries: The translation of the name Yaroslav in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as Jaroslaw (Yaroslav), in Spanish: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav), in German: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav), in Polish: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav), in Ukrainian: Yaroslav.

The fate of the name Yaroslav in history:

  1. Yaroslav - this truly princely name was borne by sixteen Russian princes, starting with Yaroslav I the Wise (978-1054), under whom the golden-domed Kyiv seemed to foreigners a rival of Constantinople in beauty and wealth, and ending with Yaroslav Vladimirovich (1388-1426), the prince of Borovsk-Yaroslavets, who died from a plague.
  2. Yaroslav Vladimirovich (982-1054) - the Grand Duke of Kyiv and All Rus', the son of Vladimir the Holy and the Polotsk princess Rogneda, who gave him a good education, assigning Greek, Bulgarian, Varangian and Latin teachers to him. Yaroslav, who was a prince in Novgorod, invited the Varangians, together with them and the Novgorodians came to Kyiv and on the Alta River, at the very place where Prince Boris died, defeated his half-brother in 1019. Another brother of Yaroslav, Mstislav, came to fight for the throne of Kyiv. It was not for nothing that they called him Deleted, Mstislav won the battle. Yaroslav collected all the laws according to which his ancestors ruled the Russian land, and ordered them to be written - this was the first book of laws - "Russian Truth". On the initiative of Yaroslav, nicknamed "the Wise", a chronicle code began to be created.
  3. Jaroslav Spacek - (born 1974) professional Czech ice hockey player. Role - defender.
  4. Yaroslav Osmomysl - (c.1135 - 1187) Prince of Galicia (1153-1187), son of Vladimir Volodarevich. Mother (presumably) - Sophia of Hungary, daughter of King Kalman the Scribe (1070-1116).
  5. Yaroslav Ognev - (born 1969) Russian Internet producer, editor-in-chief of the Internet broadcasting of the Voice of Russia radio station.
  6. Yaroslav-Frantisek-Julius Veshin is a Czech and Bulgarian artist who lived and worked in Slovakia and Bulgaria. One of the founders of modern Bulgarian art of the XIX-XX centuries.
  7. Yaroslav Lopatinsky - (1906 - 1981) Soviet mathematician, academician of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR(since 1965), corresponding member (since 1951).
  8. Yaroslav Shved - (born 1949) director of the private agricultural enterprise "Mamaevskoe", Chernivtsi region, Hero of Ukraine.
  9. Yaroslav Ternovsky - (born 1970) Russian public figure, politician, businessman.
  10. Yaroslav Khabarov - (born 1989) Russian ice hockey player.
  11. Yaroslav Khoma - (born 1974) former Ukrainian footballer, midfielder.
  12. Yaroslav Borodin - (born 1986) sculptor, teacher at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
  13. Jaroslav Grzhebik - (born 1948) Czech football player and coach. Currently he leads the youth team of his country.
  14. Yaroslav Plasil - (born 1982) Czech footballer, midfielder.
  15. Yaroslav Gandlirzh - (1888 - 1942) Czechoslovak politician.

What does the name Yaroslav mean?

The main features of Yaroslav are ambition and delicacy, the main goal is self-knowledge. The bearers of this name have an abundance of vital energy and strength, they harmoniously coexist with nature and know how to enjoy its gifts. Yaroslav is the name of princes and wise men.

The name Yaroslav is Old Slavic, combined from two words and means "ardent glory" or "bright glory".

Origin of the name Yaroslav:

The name Yaroslav comes from the Old Slavic "yar" and "glory", which means "bright-glorious", strong and gifted. This name has been known since very ancient times, it was worn by one of the first princes in Rus'.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Yaroslav:

As a child, Yaroslavs are inquisitive, inquisitive and restless, willingly accept the love of their parents and relatives and just as willingly show them theirs. Outwardly, they are more like a mother, but in character they often go to their father. Yaroslavs are stubborn and persistent, which sometimes turns into assertiveness, but they absorb the influence of parents, teachers and friends like a sponge, and the character of an adult Yaroslav largely depends on upbringing.

Yaroslavs are often talented, have a scientific mindset, are inquisitive and strive for knowledge. They are characterized by a desire to comprehend the meaning of existence - both in material life and in spiritual life. Yaroslavs make selfless scientists and clergymen. Yaroslavs love children and can be good parents, teachers and mentors.

In society, Yaroslavs are distinguished by interesting and vivid speech, good manners and broad erudition. It is easy for them to be in the spotlight and attract interesting people, and their innate diplomacy is appreciated by both close people and business partners. In friendship, Yaroslav is strict and demanding, but at the same time loyal and generous.

Yaroslavs are easily vulnerable and seek to experience failures in the company of friends and relatives. A strong rear and confidence in the support of relatives are important for him. Yaroslav sincerely loves to work and earn money, has a penchant for travel and risk, "playing with fire." Innate intuition often saves Yaroslav from material losses and physical injuries. By nature, Yaroslavs are kind and highly moral, but if their morality and feelings are offended, they can become vindictive and vindictive and are unlikely to ever forgive the offender.

Yaroslavs are usually attractive in appearance, elegant and know how to please the opposite sex, but they do not differ in frivolity and are able to remain faithful to the woman they love.

In love, Yaroslav is often unlucky - he is intolerant and does not forgive the slightest hint of infidelity, because the first marriages of Yaroslav often break up. However, Yaroslavs who are in love and loving are chivalrous and sensitive, they know how to both enjoy and deliver it.

Yaroslav always treats his chosen one with deep respect and attention, in turn, completely trusting her. In bed, he is dominant, persistent and sensitive, prefers gentle and fragile, sympathetic and sensitive women. For Yaroslav, attention to his body and to the body of a partner is important, he does not like negligence and speed, sex for him is a great pleasure and is always associated with the feelings that he has for a woman.

The character of Yaroslav also depends on the season in which he was born. "Winter" Yaroslavs are stingy with words, thoughtful and stubborn, unsociable, but they know how to make good friends. Those born in autumn are ambitious, delicate and have a penchant for the exact sciences. "Summer" Yaroslavs are sensitive, impressionable and faithful to their chosen ones, while "spring" ones are easy-going and mocking, they know how to handle money and never feel the need.

A man with the name Yaroslav feels especially comfortable next to the bearers of the name Anna, Natalya, Valeria, Larisa and Svetlana, but he should avoid women named Stella and Zinaida.

Name Yaroslav in different languages:

  • Name Yaroslav in English: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav)
  • Name Yaroslav in Chinese: 雅罗斯拉夫 (Yalosylafu)
  • Name Yaroslav in Japanese: ヤロスラフ (Yarosyrafu)
  • Name Yaroslav in Spanish: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav)
  • Name Yaroslav in German: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav)
  • Name Yaroslav in Polish: Jaroslaw (Yaroslav)
  • Name Yaroslav in Ukrainian: Yaroslav

Forms and variants of the name Yaroslav: Yarik, Slava, Slavusya, Rosya, Slavik, Slavunya

Yaroslav - the color of the name: scarlet

Yaroslav's flower: carnation

Yaroslav's stone: amber


This term has other meanings, see Yaroslav (meanings).

Yaroslav- male Slavic name. One of the few Slavic names adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church. Currently distributed in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. From the name of Prince Yaroslav came the name of the cities Yaroslavl and Yaroslav.

There are two valid patronymic options: Yaroslavich and Yaroslavovich, Yaroslavna and Yaroslavovna. Derived forms of the name - Yaroslavka; Glory, Slavunya; Glory; Rosya.

From this name came the surname Yaroslavov, and also from the toponym Yaroslavl comes the surname Yaroslavtsev.

Name origin

Slavic two-basic name, composed of two roots: "yar" (ardent, bright) and "slav" (glory). Literally meaning "bright glory".

name day

  • June 3 is the day of commemoration of St. Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavich of Murom.
  • March 5 (at leap year- March 4) - the day of commemoration of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The name of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise was included in the calendar with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II on December 8, 2005.
  • February 11 or December 8 is the day of commemoration of the Holy New Martyr (Holy Martyr) Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky.

Yaroslav name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Yaroslav mean?

What does the name Yaroslav mean? bright, sultry, divine, sunny (the name of Yaroslav is of Slavic origin).

Historians believe that the name Yaroslav is of Slavic origin and is formed from two words with the roots "yar" and "glory". "Yar" from the Old Slavic dialect is translated as "hot", "energetic", "strong". Also in Rus' there was such a word as "yar", literally meaning fertility. Therefore, the meaning of the name Yaroslav is “glorious with vitality”, “bright”, “strong”.

In addition, there is a version according to which the root “yar” in relation to a woman meant “bright”, “bright”.

The short meaning of the name Yaroslav: Yarochka, Yarka, Yarilka, Yaroslavka, Slava, Rosya, Yasya, Yaska, Yasonka, Yasochka, Yasyunya, Slavka, Slavtsya, Slavochka.

Day of the angel Yaroslav: the name of Yaroslav does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

Zodiac named after Yaroslav: Taurus, Libra.

The nature of the name Yaroslav: What does the name Yaroslav mean? From the point of view of numerology, the meaning of the name Yaroslav is determined by the number 5, which indicates the independence of a person, spiritual freedom. A girl named Yaroslav rarely listens to outside advice and pays more attention to her own experience, her own mistakes. She is prone to travel, adventure and, oddly enough, to intrigue. And this is explained by the fact that Yaroslava constantly wants variety in life, and therefore, if nothing interesting happens, she prefers to create compromising situations on her own, which, of course, does not contribute to expanding her circle of friends. The name of Yaroslav has a lot of energy, and it's great if it goes in a peaceful direction. For example, at work...

As a rule, a girl with the name of Yaroslav grows unusually active and inquisitive. Moreover, it is important to take into account the month of her birth to determine the main character traits. So, if Yaroslava was born in December, then, most likely, from an early age she will strive for communication. Loneliness is not for her, and new friends are seen in the best light. And even if at first it is not possible to build a relationship with a specific person, the name of Yaroslav does not lose heart and strives to achieve his goal in any case.

The name of Yaroslav, for all her categoricalness, has one important quality - she knows how to admit her own mistakes, and this is important, given her inherent stubbornness.

The name Yaroslava, who was born in October, is very athletic and spends her life in motion. She loves animals, books and cartoons. Sometimes the name of Yaroslav can make his hobbies a profession. In general, she can be a programmer, an engineer - that is, she can choose specializations that are not related to a hobby.

Yaroslava is always ready to help friends who find themselves in a difficult situation. She is open to people, but quickly enough calculates lies and falsehood, after which she deletes a person from her life instantly. In terms of housekeeping, Yaroslav deserves compliments - everything goes well with her work, and perhaps this happens because Yaroslav is taught to do household chores from an early age. With age, diligence, thriftiness and commitment to the name of Yaroslav do not fall. From an early age, she dreams of creating a family in which she sees stability and confidence in tomorrow. A girl with the name Yaroslav, according to the meaning of her name, is ready to sacrifice a lot in order to find family comfort. As a spouse, he chooses, as a rule, an understanding, mature and wealthy man. In return, the name Yaroslav will be an excellent wife and mother. Unless, of course, she is not jealous of her husband for no particular reason.

Yaroslav's name in different languages:

  • Jaroslav's name in German: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name in Greek: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name in English: Yaroslava
  • Jaroslav's name in Esperanto: Jaroslava
  • Jaroslav's name in French: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name Latin: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name in Italian: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name Norwegian: Jaroslava
  • Yaroslav's name in Ukrainian: Yaroslava

The fate of the name Yaroslav in history:

  1. Yaroslava Shvedova is a Kazakh and Russian tennis player.
  2. Yaroslava Stetsko is a Ukrainian public and political activist, whose real name sounds like Anna Evgeniya Muzyka. Known as a journalist, political scientist, sociologist.
  3. Yaroslava Pulinovich - playwright.
  4. Yaroslava (Yasya) Nikolaeva is an actress.
  5. Yaroslava Mozerova is a Czech politician.

What does the name Yaroslav mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Energetic Confident Reliable

Yaroslav Zhalnin, actor

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Name origin: Slavic

When you're lucky: Friday, Sunday

When there are problems: Monday

Important years of life: 31, 54

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Lucky number: 35

What does the name Yaroslav mean?

What a bright, sonorous, majestic name - Yaroslav! Now it is considered a rare name. The meaning of the name Yaroslav reveals to us a talented personality with its inherent individuality and originality.

The name Yaroslav consists of two parts. This may affect the fact that its carrier has been hiding behind a mask since childhood, retaining his own "I" only in the depths of his soul. The energy of Yaroslav is considered more balanced than that of other owners of names with the ending “-glory”.

He is characterized by firmness of character, solidity and perseverance, as well as some slowness and prudence. The owner of the name is ambitious and proud.

The positive thing is that the name Yaroslav, like many Russian patronymics and surnames, is a harmonious combination that is pleasing to the ear.

Patronymic Yaroslavovich characterizes a calm and complaisant person, with a mild character.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

Thinking about where this name came from, you can find out that scientists have found Slavic origin in it.

The ancient roots of the name were found in pagan Rus'. In this era, the interpretation of the word "yar" was interpreted as "life-giving power" and "fertility."

Arguing what the name Yaroslav means, we can assume the following interpretation of the name: "famous for its vitality."

From different sources, you can get other interpretations of the name: "fierce, with power", "Yarilu glorifying", "bright glory". This is a truly majestic princely name.

The origin of the name Yaroslav confirms that this is a Slavic name, one of the few that are accepted by the Orthodox Church.

So called sixteen princes in Rus'. The first famous representative is Yaroslav I the Wise (X-XI centuries). During his reign, golden-domed Kyiv was famous for its splendor and wealth, rivaling in grandeur only with Constantinople.

The history of the name Yaroslav is proud of its famous representatives, such as Galan, Gashek, Dombrovsky, Evdokimov, Kesler, Smelyakov, Uporov.

Forms of the name Simple: YaroslavFull: YaroslavShort: YarikOld: YaroslavAffectionate: Rosya

In childhood, Slava manifests himself as a persistent boy. The formation of his character is largely under the influence of teachers, relatives and friends. So, having matured, he will become the way he was “molded” in his childhood. A very contradictory nature. He can be vulnerable, sensitive, benevolent, and at the same time, unexpectedly for everyone, he is able to show cruelty.

The characterization of the name Yaroslav gives us a description of an adult representative exposed to environmental influences.

Yaroslav is brave and proud. Don't let life's problems bring you down. He perceives troubles painfully, sharing problems with loved ones and thus seeking support from relatives and friends.

This man is trying to penetrate deeply into the secrets of the creation of the world. He is characterized by a passionate desire to find the meaning of life, to delve into its essence. Some comprehend it scientifically; others discover the secrets of the world in a spiritual aspect and devote their lives to the service of God.

The characterization of Yaroslav claims that among the bearers of this name there are teachers, engineers, writers, musicians and representatives of simple working specialties. Among businessmen, Yaroslav with a patronymic Vasilyevich will become more successful.

Whatever type of activity the owners of this name choose, nothing prevents them from comprehending the truth - that is what they came to this world for.

Slava loves to travel, loves to be in the center of everyone's attention. He is sociable and has many friends. He loves children, is engaged in floriculture, takes care of animals.

This is a man of courage and courage. He adequately endures all problems and troubles, not allowing them to break him.

It gives the impression of a benevolent and friendly interlocutor, but under this mask a selfish nature is hidden.

The nature of the name Yaroslav emphasizes that its owner knows for sure what he is striving for and what means to achieve the goal should be used.

He is not lost in critical situations, easily finds a way out of them, makes decisions quickly and deliberately. But in case he is overtaken by a whole series of failures, he will not keep negativity in himself and will give it a way out, and will go to friends for moral support.

Glory in the company is always attractive and courteous. He is distinguished by beautiful manners, competent speech. He is erudite, well-informed in many issues, so he can support a conversation on any topic.

By nature, he is a sophisticated person. The “autumn” representative is prudent and diplomatic.

In the characterization of Yaroslav, attention is drawn to the fact that the bearer of this name is benevolent and sensitive. But, if his dignity is affected, he can turn into a vengeful and harsh tyrant.

Yaroslav is a romantic and adventurer by nature. He is hardworking and efficient, any business boils in his hands. Thoughtful and conceited.

This man is distinguished by his degree, importance and wisdom. He does not suffer from fussiness and verbosity. His actions are always thought out, precise and verified.

The representative of the name has a wide range of communication. He knows how to subdue people, to influence them. In colleagues, he appreciates discipline, creativity and originality. Native people do not have enough attention on his part to their feelings and desires, from time to time Yaroslav needs to be distracted from important matters.

Character traits Energetic Decisiveness Firmness Self-confidence Perseverance Vanity Secrecy Irony Cynicism Controversial

In most cases, Slava is monogamous. He is not able to often change his lovers, becomes attached to one girl for a long time. He knows how to forgive his friends for their infidelity and deceit. Perfect compatibility - with beautiful extravagant women.

Good and bad couples Irina Olga Tatyana Natalya Elena Maria Tamara Raisa Ekaterina Milana

Family relationships develop in a very peculiar way. In most cases, he divorces his first wife, while still experiencing romantic feelings for her. This feature will most often leave a negative imprint on family life with a second wife.

This man takes care of his children, he will take their failures to heart, he may even suffer from the actions of his offspring.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy

The name Yaroslav is of Slavic origin and means "glorifies Yarila." Even in ancient times, parents often used this name. Now it is liked by many young families and is becoming popular again.

The meaning of the name gives the child balance and solidity. Yaroslav symbolizes firmness, prudence and wisdom.

Yarik grows up as a slow and observant child. From an early age he is admired by his parents. A strong and fair boy, he does not hide his warm feelings for his family. He is a romantic person, but before deciding anything, he will carefully consider and weigh everything. In communication, he is interesting, insightful and attentive, knows how to arouse affection for himself.

In what way will Yaroslav succeed? Yaroslav likes to study: he is inquisitive, absorbs new knowledge with pleasure, looks for answers to the most difficult questions. The boy is more of a theorist than a practitioner. Unfortunately, he cannot always apply his knowledge correctly. The question of choosing a profession is not worth it: having many abilities, he will engage in physical labor, will be a bricklayer, plasterer, farmer, car mechanic. May also give preference to mental work, get carried away with programming, archeology, medicine, economics.

Parents do not put pressure on Yaroslav, as he grows up as an obedient and disciplined child, he gladly fulfills the requests of his relatives. It will be useful if relatives instill perseverance in him - this will help him achieve significant results in life.

What games will Yaroslav like? Yaroslav's hobbies are calm. He loves to sit at home reading books. The child enjoys watching educational TV programs. He does not like to attend mass entertainment events.

When is the name day?

June 3 December 8 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo:

The meaning of the name Yaroslav reveals such a man as a stubborn stubborn. This quality can help in some moments of life, and may provoke a number of difficulties. it male name makes its owner a person who depends on the opinions of the surrounding people. From childhood, Slavko tries to meet the expectations of his father, mother, teachers, grandparents.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy allows us to talk about a great similarity in character with his father. Outwardly, such a child is likely to be in the mother. Little Yarchik, as the interpretation of the name says, has quite a lot of courage and energy. Can be capricious because of his stubbornness.

In communicating with people around him, Yarik often tries to impose on them his own rules of life and an opinion that he considers the only true one. Such behavior can provoke the emergence of frequent conflicts. Some of them can be quite severe and lengthy.

Another meaning of the name Yaroslav for a child indicates a controversial character. Contradictions in personality appear due to the peculiarity of absorbing like a sponge the qualities of the surrounding people. That's why great importance has the environment in which the child is brought up.

In childhood, Bright can often reflect on questions about the universe, as well as the meaning of life. Nature is treated with the deepest respect. He loves the earth and is interested in the origin of living organisms. At the same time, she does not like to study at all and goes to school through force.


Communicating with women, such men behave very naturally. The fair sex is often fascinated by Slava's manners and excellent upbringing. This means that women are “stretched” to him.

Yarik has an innate sexuality. The weaker sex has unlimited respect. Women for Bright are not only objects of sexual desire, but also interesting personalities. Their inner world is of great importance. Ladies really appreciate this quality in Yaroslav.

Having truly fallen in love, Brightly becomes capable of much for his beloved. This man appreciates the feelings of his chosen one and is afraid of offending her. Can be both sensitive and passionate at the same time. The partner, namely their mood and desires, feels very good, which gives this person the qualities of a high-class lover.

A family

The creation of a family is an extremely responsible matter for men named so. This means that the future spouse is chosen very carefully. Mutual feelings for Yarik are of great importance. Only having fallen in love, and feeling that the chosen one reciprocates, is able to officially tie the knot.

Because of the serious approach to marriage family life such a man often turns out to be happy. Divorces are extremely rare. Brightly takes on the role of the protector of the family and the real owner of the house. In relations with households, he is ready to compromise. He tries to avoid conflicts as much as possible. Peace of mind is essential in a marriage.

In relations with his wife, Yarik is dominant. Prefers to control all events occurring in the house. Builds relationships of trust and friendship with children. For this man, it is important to grow intelligent and educated personalities from his offspring.

The strongest marriage can be with Larisa, Anna, Oksana, Svetlana, and also Elizabeth.

Business and career

You can try your hand at absolutely any field of activity. The greatest success can be achieved in the writing or musical field. Also, this person can make a talented teacher and engineer.

At work, he tries to be a high-class professional, which means he does not like to mess around. Sociable and able to conclude valuable expensive deals.

origin of the name Yaroslav

I wonder where this adverb came from? It first arose in pagan Rus'. The origin of the name Yaroslav reports that it is based on such two Slavic roots as “ardent” (active, powerful) and “glory” (illustrious person).

In addition, the story says that the root "ardent" comes from the East Slavic mythological character, whose name is Yarilo. This character has a connection with fertility. In this case, the mystery of the name allows us to interpret the adverb only as "glorifying Yarila." The most commonly used etymology is "bright glory".

Characteristics of the name Yaroslav

The pros and cons of the character of such a man make him a solid, sociable and balanced person. Yarik harmoniously combines wisdom with calmness and firmness. But, if something greatly offends or hurts, it can turn into a terrible ferocious beast in a matter of minutes.

People who communicate with Yarko value his friendship very much, because this person is able to give wise valuable advice. The characterization of the name Yaroslav allows us to speak of him as an extremely cautious man. Before doing something or making a serious decision, Slava will think it over well and estimate absolutely all possible consequences.

Promises are important for this representative of the stronger sex. Moreover, from a very young age. Surrounded by peers, Yarik is hard to miss because of the aspirations of such a child for knowledge and everything new. Slava loves animals, plants, and small children very much. Able to play fun outdoor games with them for a long time. Moreover, the fact that these are not his own children does not even matter.

Nature generously endowed Yarik with creative abilities. But modesty prevents such a child from loudly declaring his unique talents. Travel is of great importance in the life of Slava. She loves to learn new cultures, explore different countries and foreign cities.

Mystery of the name

  • Amber stone.
  • Name day June 3rd.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Leo.

Famous people

  • Yaroslav Boyko (born 1968) is a Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor. Starred in the pictures Clean Monday”,“ Two steps from the sky”, and many others.
  • Yaroslav Zhalnin (1986) - theater and film actor. He took part in the filming of the films “Gagarin. The first in space”, “Lavrova Method”.
  • Yaroslav Evdokimov (1946) - People's Artist of Belarus, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Different languages

The most common translation of the name Yaroslav is “bright glory”. A little below is listed how this adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in some languages:

  • In Chinese - 雅洛斯拉夫
  • In Japanese - 明る名
  • In English - Yaroslav, Jaroslav
  • In Latin - Yaroslav

Name Forms

  • Full name - Yaroslav.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Yarik, Yaroslavka, Slava, Slavik, Slavchik, Yarchik, Yarus, Slavko, Slavtsyo, Yarusyo, Yarusik, Yasik.
  • Declension of the name - Yaroslav - Yaroslav - Yaroslav.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Yaroslav and Yaropolk.

The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of the name can play an important role in the life of a child. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Exclusively princes were called so in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. In the period from the 11th to the 13th century, many Slavic lands had rulers with this name. For example, Prince of Novgorod, and later Grand Duke Yaroslav II (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the annals say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In handwritten calendars, this person is numbered among the saints. In addition, he is the father of Saint Alexander Nevsky.

Also known is the Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. By their deeds, other well-known rulers with that name also won good fame among the people. After the baptism of Rus' and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance, our compatriots began to turn to their history and remembered the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that it has been baptismal since ancient times, until 1917 they were named children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as among the Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today, the princely ancient name has regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Rus' was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, nicknamed the Wise by the people. His parents were representatives of the most noble families in Europe: the Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (the Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise was limping on one leg, but he was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in his native country, the development of education and the training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav absorbed the good glory of this prince. He did not spare money for church splendor. This great man gave all his strength to raise the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

name day

Initially, the name Yaroslav got into the Orthodox calendar thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

Commemoration Day of Yaroslav the Wise - March 5. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a difficult, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by a mobile and independent disposition. During his school years, Yarik will resent teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is by nature very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become his own in any company. He is able to lead and lead the team, loves compliments and is incredibly conceited. Parents should make sure that the strength and energy of their son fall into a peaceful channel.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes his bearer an excellent leader. However, the selfishness and self-confidence of this person can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly respond to circumstances and act quite tough. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. He will definitely succeed, because he is steadily moving towards the goal, while solving very difficult tasks. The meaning of the name Yaroslav all the time pushes his bearer to new achievements, which creates him a high-profile reputation.

Personal relationships

In family relationships, a person named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is absolutely sure of the choice of his companion. This should be an outstanding woman who will always support in difficult times. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

Friendships develop in a man less harmoniously. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He is arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication with such a person should not be imposed. It is also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vengeful. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make right and fair decisions. In dealing with him, you should not painfully react to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much more benevolent than he wants to seem.


Yaroslav is a keen sportsman. He can prove himself well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav's health is strong. Since childhood, he is very hardy and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining cheerfulness and a positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have a less harmonious relationship with Agnes, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizabeth, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find application for his tough character and leadership qualities. There are many generals, leaders and famous public figures among the Yaroslavs. By naming your child like that, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav is praising Yarila; bright glory; glorious and strong.

origin of the name Yaroslav

This is the true princely name.

The origin of the name Yaroslav is ancient Slavic, from the words "yar" (ardent) and "slav" (glory).

Name characteristic


Yaroslav is talented, ambitious and individual. A person who is carried away, passionate, knows himself all his life. In the company in the center of the conversation, always attracts attention. He has very good manners, competent speech.

Yaroslav arouses interest, plays with fire. Most often, in character, he resembles his father, and outwardly like his mother. He is easily influenced, despite his persistence and stubbornness. So the character of Yaroslav directly depends on the manner of education.

Adult Yaroslav is a brave man, but he can hardly restrain his pride. The hardships of life will not break Yaroslav, he meets them steadfastly. However, he is acutely experiencing failures, looking for sympathy and consolation from friends.

Yaroslav - sensitivity and kindness. But, if his own feelings are hurt, he can turn into a cruel and vindictive one. He is a serious, reliable partner. He is distinguished by an interest in the secrets of the universe, a desire to get to the bottom of the meaning of life. Therefore, some Yaroslavs delve into science, while others devote their lives to serving God.

By the seasons

Yaroslav, born in winter, has a complex nature. Taciturn, somewhat closed, in no hurry to draw conclusions. He is not confrontational, but not sociable either. Success in life is not easy for him. It is especially difficult in the life of "January" Yaroslav. But he is saved by an amazing ability to adapt. He is able to be content with little, and will certainly make him reckon with himself.

Born in autumn, Yaroslav is diplomatic and very prudent. He loves to be seen and travel. Open for friendship and communication. She loves animals, flowers, and especially children.


Among the Yaroslavs there are engineers, teachers, writers, musicians and just workers.

Personal life

Yaroslav is always liked by women. This is a strong, sexy man. A woman in the arms of Yaroslav feels submissive and weak. He does not like to change women, he becomes attached to the only one for a long time. Forgives infidelity to beloved women.

Likes risk and romance. He is talented in everything. He is thoughtful, conceited, hardworking, will adorn any companion and any position. Yaroslav Vasilyevich can achieve the greatest success in business.

Name compatibility

Successful compatibility of the name Yaroslav with female names: Natalia, Tamara, Stella, Inna, Nina, Ekaterina, Valeria. Will be happy in marriage with Larisa, Elizabeth, Svetlana, Anna, Oksana, Lesya.

name day

Yaroslav's name day according to the church calendar is June 3. The patron saint is Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Murom.

Famous people

The name Yaroslav was borne by 16 Russian princes, including Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054) and Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (1388-1426).

Famous people of our time: Gashek, Uporov, Galan, Evdokimov, Dombrovsky, Smelyakov, Kesler.