Parking spaces in the yards of apartment buildings. Parking in the yard: how to legalize

At summer cottages, stationary garages for cars are rarely built, because it makes no sense to spend money on them if you come occasionally, and even then in the summer. But you won’t leave the car in the open either, because unexpected hail can ruin the paint, and the scorching sun can deform the panel and discolor the inner lining. The wind contributes, filling the car with pollen, dust and leaves. In addition, it is not very convenient to park a car on bare ground, because over time an ugly track will break out, which will be washed away by rains and will have to be constantly leveled. Parking for a car in the country, which is easy to make with your own hands, will get rid of such problems.

Selection of a place for future parking

As a rule, they try to put the car closer to the house, so that it would be convenient to “stuff” it with vegetables and fruits grown in the country. Especially if the building is located far from the entrance to the site. When placed against a wall, you get an additional bonus in the form of protection from wind and side precipitation. You just need to choose a wall located on the side of frequently blowing winds. In addition, if there is no dog at the dacha, local thieves rarely open the car under the window. But this option also has a small minus: you have to sacrifice a few meters of a garden or flower beds.

If the territory is guarded (by a dog or a video camera), then the most convenient parking option is right next to the entrance gate. Then you do not have to create a wide entrance to the house, but you can get by with narrow paths.

Parking under the windows of the dacha will save the car from thieves at night

Parking at the entrance is convenient in small areas where every meter is valued

The size of the parking lot will depend on the size of the car. For cars up to 4 meters long, a platform of 2.5 X 5 m is allocated. If you have a minivan or jeep, then the platform should be larger: 3.5 X 6.5 m.

Open type parking device

The simplest parking lots are open. They represent a flat solid platform, which is slightly raised above the surface of the earth. It can be sown with lawn grass, covered with gravel, poured with concrete or asphalt, or laid paving slabs or stone.

Option #1 - Grass Playground

The worst option is lawn grass. Over time, two strips from the wheels will knock out on it, which are unlikely to be restored. Yes, and wait for the lawn to take root, you need at least a season.

Live grass is very unstable to the pressure of the wheels, but if you replace it with an artificial turf, then the parking lot will turn out to be smooth and beautiful.

Option # 2 - crushed stone platform

More practical option- gravel backfill. To create it, they remove the fertile layer of the earth and fill it with sand instead. Paving curbs are poured along the edge of the site, which will keep the shape of the site. When the curbs get tired, a layer of rubble of 15 cm is covered, raising it above ground level. Such a drainage site will always be dry. It is possible to lay two lanes in the center concrete tiles(under the wheels) to make it easier to call.

With all the ease of installation, a rubble parking lot will be clogged with dry leaves and debris, which are quite difficult to clean

Option #3 - concrete parking

Concrete parking for a car in the country is done if the soil in your area does not swell. To make the coating durable, it is necessary to remove the fertile layer of the earth, fill up the sand cushion and put a formwork around the perimeter of the parking lot. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top of the sand for strength and a 5 cm layer of concrete is poured. Then a new layer of reinforcement is laid over the wet solution and another 5 cm of concrete is poured on top of it. The total height of the platform will be about 10 cm, which is quite suitable for passenger car. If you count on a jeep, then the concrete layer should be raised by 15 cm.

For strength, the concrete parking lot is reinforced twice during pouring.

For three days they wait for the concrete to harden, then the formwork is removed. But the car should be parked only after a month, when the coating has completely hardened.

Option # 4 - paving slab platform

If the soil in the country is prone to heaving, then it is better to replace the concrete with paving slabs, because there will be gaps in this coating that will prevent the site from warping. In addition, moisture from the tiles evaporates faster. The tile is laid on a sand-cement cushion or on tightly compacted gravel, pressing it to the base with a rubber mallet.

The tile is tamped with a rubber mallet, and if it is not there, then gently tap with a hammer

An example of the construction of a polycarbonate canopy

Unlike open areas, parking with canopies will protect the car from sudden precipitation or summer heat. And a flying bird will not cause trouble.

The canopies are not made too high so that the car is not “clogged” with slanting rain, and the structure itself is not shaken like a sail by the wind. The optimal size is the height of the car + the height of the possible cargo on the roof. As a rule, this parameter varies from 2.3 to 2.5 m.

The principle of installation of all canopies is approximately the same. The difference will be only in the material of the racks and the coating. It can be covered with a metal profile, slate, boards and even reeds.

If they are building a parking lot for several cars, then the support poles are placed after one and a half meters

Canopies are made freestanding or attached to one of the walls of the house. If an attached canopy is mounted, then two support posts, and from the side of the house, the rafters and the roof of the canopy are fixed directly to the wall. In order to securely fix the racks, they are concreted or connected to the base with anchors.

An attached parking lot will protect the car from snowfalls and wind if it is built on the south side.

If the canopy will stand separately, then there should be at least 4 support pillars. The exact number depends on the number parking spaces and the weight of the material with which you will cover the canopy.

Stages of building a canopy:

  • We pour the foundation. For a covered parking, a concrete or tiled base is suitable, the creation of which was written above. One caveat: if the site is made of concrete, then the pillars should be installed immediately at the time of pouring. If a tiled coating is planned, then the supports are first concreted, and then the entire base is mounted.
  • We knock down the frame. The frame begins to be mounted only a week after concrete works. At the same time, if it is summer outside, the concrete is watered daily, otherwise, due to rapid drying, it may crack. For a frame structure, a metal profile or thin wooden beams. They are connected on top of the pillars-supports, then proceed with the installation truss system and creating a crate.
  • We fill the roofing. If cellular polycarbonate is chosen for the canopy, then sheets are first prepared right size. To do this, measure the frame and cut polycarbonate directly on the ground with an ordinary hacksaw. Cutting is carried out along the length of the polycarbonate channels, so that during installation they turn out perpendicular to the ground. This will allow moisture inside the sheets to flow down quietly.

Polycarbonate parking lot looks airy and easy to install

Polycarbonate sheets are marked and cut on the ground

The angle of inclination of polycarbonate sheets should be more than 5 degrees so that internal moisture goes down and does not accumulate, spoiling the appearance of the roof

After cutting, it is necessary to mark and drill holes for fasteners. They should be slightly wider than the screw. In the heat, polycarbonate expands, and if you do not give a margin, then it will burst at the attachment points. To prevent dust and water from getting into wide openings, they are closed from above. rubber gaskets and only then fixed with screws.

If you cover the parking lot with corrugated board, then you should use galvanized self-tapping screws, and lay the coating sheets with an overlap.

Parking - part of the landscape suburban area, so its design should be in harmony with the rest of the buildings.

Every year there are more and more cars in the country. According to statistics, in Russia there are 250 cars per 1000 people, and the provision with parking and parking is only 10%. Consequently, 9 out of 10 car enthusiasts constantly face the problem of where to park their car. And in almost every yard you can see a lot of cars parked close to the entrances of houses or on lawns. Is it possible to legally car park in the yard your home?

How to do this, what documents to collect, what authorities to go to?

Possibility of parking in the yard.

In order to organize parking in the yard, certain conditions are needed:

  • Firstly, the availability of title documents for the land plot where the parking lot is planned. In many apartment buildings there are no such documents, and their residents cannot use the adjacent territory at their own discretion.
  • Secondly, the parking place must comply with SNiPs and SanPiNs. For example, in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 /, a parking lot for 10–50 cars should be located 15 meters or more from a residential building, and a parking lot for 20–100 cars should be 20 meters away. If this is a large parking lot with a capacity of 101 to 300 cars, then there should already be a technical regulation on fire safety, and the coating should allow the entry of heavy equipment if a fire suddenly occurs. In cases where the house is higher than 28 meters (this is usually a standard nine-story building), then there should be at least two entrances to the parking lot, and it should be located no closer than 50 meters from the residential building.
  • The decision on how to use the adjoining territory should be made by the owners of the premises at a general meeting. At least 2/3 of the residents must agree for the organization of parking (a very important condition). This must be confirmed in writing. Choose an initiative group headed by a chairman who will become the official representative of the residents of the building. This group will have to go around all the apartments, collect the signatures of the owners and draw up a protocol on holding an absentee meeting of the owners. In the protocol it is necessary to prescribe the powers of the head of the initiative group.
  • When applying to state authorities on the organization of parking, the following documents must be available:
    – a protocol with all the signatures of residents who agree to the creation of a parking lot,
    - information about the composition and size of the areas apartment building, issued by the local department of inventory and real estate valuation or a service that replaces it and is authorized to issue such information.
    The minutes of the meeting in absentia must contain the following information:
    - on the agenda
    - about the method of holding the meeting,
    — on the decision to apply to the committee for the formation land plot;
    - about the responsible person who is entrusted with the authority to collect the necessary documentation, indicating his passport data;
    — data on the number of voters on each issue.
    In practice, the absence of any of the above data may serve as a basis for the return of documents, and therefore, the time for organizing a parking lot may increase significantly.
  • After the minutes of the general meeting are drawn up and the certificate is received, the head of the initiative group can apply to the district committee for land resources and land management with a request to allocate a plot for parking.
    Ideally, the application should be considered within 3 days, but in practice this procedure may be delayed. The reason for this may be the compilation of the minutes of the meeting with violations, the presence of any landscaping elements on the territory of the land plot, for example, benches or flower beds.
    The organization of the parking lot must be coordinated with the traffic police and the district committee for urban planning and architecture. Coordination in these instances is not mandatory, and many neglect it, however, if there are claims to the parking lot, the presence of permits from these organizations can greatly facilitate the resolution of the issue.
  • After completing all the documents, it is necessary to collect money from the residents, hire a design organization, and then builders. Since the project itself must be completed competently, it should be handled by specialists from a company that is a member of the SRO. Now, design services are provided by a huge number of companies. Care must be taken to ensure that the project without fail contained the following information:
    - layout of the site
    - traffic plan
    - the location of the security room,
    - the exact location of the emergency call button in case of fire,
    - places of installation of mechanical limiters of movement,
    - type of road surface,
    - entry points for fire trucks,
    - road markings.

The cost of design and construction depends on many factors. The main ones are the size of the parking lot, the area of ​​​​location, the prestige of the firms involved in the creation of the project and the construction itself, etc.
The cost of drawing up project documentation, depending on these factors, will vary from 50 to 200 rubles. per square meter. The cost of building a parking lot is from 300 thousand rubles. and higher.

Parking of personal vehicles is an urgent issue for all motorists of the capital. Where, how, on what grounds, without violating the law, guarantee the safety of your car and at the same time not walk from the parking lot to the entrance for half an hour.

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Closer to home is the desire of most motorists: walking close to the entrance, and contemplating the native parking space inspires peace and warms the soul. Someone wants to be close to home, someone wants to put a cheaper one. An alternative to garages - parking in the yard.

Just park the car on the lawn? The penalty in this case is guaranteed. In accordance with Administrative Code of Moscow (Article 4.18) "Damage of green spaces committed with the use of mechanisms, motor vehicles, self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to four thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - three hundred thousand rubles.

Acting legally is longer, but more effective. For if there are permits for organizing parking in the yard, there is nothing to worry about.

What to do?