What does a therapist treat? What is a therapist? Health from nature. Naturopath Meira Avraami

Therapist is a specialist in the diagnosis of diseases, the study of the general state of human health.


RUB 35,000–50,000 (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Polyclinics, hospitals, private medical centers, sanatoriums, private practice.


The profession of a general practitioner involves the following tasks:

  • visual examination of the patient, measurement of temperature and blood pressure;
  • appointment of treatment, control of the recovery process;
  • if it is difficult to determine the cause of the disease, a full examination is prescribed and, if necessary, the patient is transferred to a hospital in a highly specialized medical department;
  • sometimes therapists prescribe preventive measures, give lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Important qualities

In work, the therapist cannot do without such qualities as: impeccable analytical skills, attention to detail, sociability, stress resistance, responsibility, accuracy and observation.

Reviews about the profession

"Me and mine professional activity Started as a local therapist. I had to work a lot with people of different age, education, social status. This gave me, as a specialist, invaluable experience. I have always liked treating people in a complex way. After all, it is not enough for a therapist to simply examine a person and prescribe treatment. The work with the patient at the primary level includes many issues in the field of psychology and sociology. Only this direction in medicine gives such an opportunity. I explain that there are different ways to maintain your health, and the appointment of examinations and subsequent treatment depends on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Irina Bogdanovna Zarembskaya, general practitioner.

stereotypes, humor

The profession is traditionally considered the most interesting among all medical fields, since it covers a large number of medical sciences. Therapists often become good diagnosticians.


To work as a therapist, you need a higher specialized medical education.

Higher education can be obtained in such universities as: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, First St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov.

Medical universities in Moscow: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.

nature healer

What most of the conscious humanity suffers from is a severe lack of nature.

We spend 24 hours a day under apartment and office arrest, work under artificial light, eat indoors, move from home to office in transport, and generally do not set foot in nature. And if we step, then this nature looks like a predictably geometric park with cement paths and benches along the edges of the lawns, where it is written: “Do not walk on the lawns!”.

Most of us still remember the good old days when we used to play sleuth in the yard as kids and only came home to sleep and eat. These times are already in the distant past, and our children are also unlikely to carelessly run for a walk in the yard, because it is dangerous and because the yard is dirty or because the game fight is more interesting. And we habitually inhale the air circulated between the nose and the air conditioner and some exhaust gases on the way home and consider it lucky that we have this job (after all, our standard of living has risen so much!).

Disease prevention without a return to nature is simply not possible. For all of us and especially for children. Children more subtly feel the inferiority of city life and express it in the form of allergies, frequent colds, poor academic performance. Nature does disease prevention and nature heals, but which of the traditional doctors ascribes healing to nature. That's great rarity.

But the magical means of recovery are:


Without sunlight, there would be no us. We are the children of the sun in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, we need healing rays for at least 10 minutes a day. For the production of vitamin D3 (one of the most amazing substances yet discovered by man), which is a natural prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, increases bone density and improves immune function. It also prevents infectious diseases much better than any vaccine. To get vitamin D in its natural form, you just need to spend more time in nature.

Sounds of nature

The singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, the crunch of branches, the murmur of a stream, the chirping of grasshoppers, the rustle of grass underfoot - gives a therapeutic effect, reduces the level of stress hormones and blood pressure.

One of the most healing sounds are the sounds of water: waterfalls, streams, rain, thunder, sea. You can record and listen to all this while working at a computer, but can the audio-sea be compared with the real one?

colors of nature

In scientific terms, colors are electromagnetic radiation that differs in wavelength, which hits the retina of the eye and is interpreted by the brain as colors. This electromagnetic radiation carries healing energy, the energy of color. It is very good if every day you can come into contact with the colors of the entire spectrum, look at flowers, plants, animals, the sky. It heals you and stimulates the brain.

If you observe colors and shades in nature, then your brain begins to function at a higher cognitive level. People who spend the whole day in a room where nothing changes have no such opportunity to stimulate their intellect.


Spending time in nature, we are forced to move: walk, run, ride a bike, swim, climb a mountain. Beautiful scenery makes anyone physical exercise pleasant. If you're doing a morning jog in the woods, it seems to be just a brisk walk.

Movement gives us a second youth, improves blood circulation, increases bone density, makes us more flexible, mobile, increases lymph circulation, improves mood.


The qualitative difference between indoor air and the fresh air of a forest or meadow is enormous. Indoor air is polluted by gases emanating from synthetic materials: carpets, furniture, paints, varnishes, adhesives, etc., and is also filled with mold spores that live in bathrooms, kitchens, on window sills and under wallpaper. Forest air is completely different in composition! There is more life, vitality, health in the forest air.


Traditional medicine drummed into us that sterile cleanliness is the key to health. We believed that we could only be healthy when all the microbes in our environment were killed by detergents, antibacterial soaps, pharmaceuticals.

Some microbes are an integral part of our lives and our wellness! Being exposed to microbes, we train our immunity and bring the whole body into balance. The best way to let our body feel the microcosm is an exit to nature.


This energy is less noticeable. Think about why a big city devastates us, takes away energy, and in return gives fuss, angular geometry haunts? And why does the forest leave us filled with strength, joy, life?

Bioenergy is felt in contact with nature. Walking barefoot, hugging a tree, touching a flower, contemplating the sunrise or sunset, lying on the grass or in the snow - this makes you part of the planet. It is said that we get rid of static electricity by walking barefoot on the ground, which creates white noise in our body and prevents healing. But our ancestors did not wear sneakers, they walked barefoot. And they didn't suffer from degenerative diseases.

Children especially suffer without communion with nature!

The life of our children passes in a closed room, among computer games and social networks in the Internet. Very few children can boast that they spend most of their time outdoors.

Working parents can, at best, offer their children a summer camp or go to the seaside for a week.

Few people can afford to go camping with a child for a few days, sleep in a tent, swim in a cold river, make a fire. Few people want to introduce a growing person to nature and, together with him, plunge into a completely different, living and extraordinary world and teach him some useful things.

The best thing we can do for our children right now is to get rid of the TV. TV is our enemy. An enemy that replaces real reality with a fake one. The more time we spend watching TV shows, the less time we have to spend in nature.

Go to nature, communicate with real people directly, look at the sky, listen to birdsong, breathe fresh air!

Nature gives health!

Naturopathy is an adjunct to conventional medicine popular in Western countries. Meira Avraami, an Israeli naturopathic doctor ND, a member of the Israeli Association of Naturopaths, told why natural products are the best addition to traditional treatment.

- Meira, what is naturopathy?

Naturopathy is an integration between conventional medicine and alternative therapies, supported by scientific research. In Israel, naturopaths, along with other doctors, work in sickness funds and hospitals. Professional naturopaths have medical licenses, naturopathic students study all the basic subjects taught by other doctors, undergo compulsory practice in hospitals. Our goal is not just to treat the symptoms, but to identify the cause of the problem. We are naturopaths, we use medicinal plants and nutritional supplements, proven by clinical studies, we fight diseases or any other ailments with the help of natural products.

Is naturopathy primarily about nutrition?

Yes, naturopathy is an integration between different diets and food systems. Dietology changes from year to year: there are new studies, different opinions that contradict each other. New diseases are emerging, production methods are changing. A professional naturopath monitors all changes and selects an individual diet for his patients.
It emphasizes teaching the patient the principles of a healthy lifestyle, rather than treating a specific disease caused by bad habits and living conditions.

-Nevertheless, a naturopath is not a nutritionist?

In no case! Although he can also perform the functions of a nutritionist. The main goal of a naturopath is to treat the root of the problem, not the symptoms. But sometimes the disease is so neglected that nothing remains but to treat the symptoms. With patients undergoing chemotherapy, I only work on treating symptoms and giving recommendations for restorative nutrition. In bariatrics, I select liquid formulas that are easy to digest.

Excess weight is often not only a consequence of extra calories, but also metabolic disorders or other abnormalities occurring inside. A nutritionist starts from “proteins / fats / carbohydrates”, and a naturopath starts from microelements contained in foods and the energy that plants carry.
Nutrition in naturopathy is not only food, but also what a person absorbs from the outside, and what he draws from spiritual world. People absorb not only what they put on a plate, but also what they breathe and live - environment and energy.
The second aspect affected by the naturopath is the biological clock. If a person does not sleep well, as a result of this, a hormonal imbalance begins in him, the production of melatonin is disturbed, leading to hormonal imbalance. Such a person is not only unable to lose weight, but also to recover. The whole point of nutrition is to fill the cells important elements vital activity. Disturbed biological rhythms - disturbed metabolism.
The third task of naturopaths is to work with stressful conditions that have a destructive effect on us.
The fourth aspect is energy, the movement that the plant carries in itself. Each product contains a certain type of energy. For example, Kabbalah describes four types of energies: cooling, warming, water and earth. I am trying to determine what a person lacks as a substance consisting of these elements. The roots of the plant are earth, the leaves are air.
For this reason, I recommend paying attention to seasonal produce grown in your area.
Medicines are selected not only according to the vitamins and microelements contained in the products, but also according to energy criteria.

How is homeopathy?

Homeopathy heals only with energy, traditional medicine - with medicines. The naturopath is everything.
Naturopath - nutritionist, psychologist, therapist, all rolled into one.

What distinguishes a professional naturopath?

Three things - modesty, responsibility and curiosity.
Let me explain - a naturopath must correctly assess the possibilities of alternative medicine and refer the patient to a conventional doctor in time. In addition, be aware of new discoveries in the field of medicine, read scientific journals with clinical studies, attend professional seminars and congresses.

- How did you personally come to naturopathy?

I have been living in Israel since the age of 17, but for the first time I seriously thought about health at 28. At that time I already had a family, four children, life went on as usual. But for every person, sooner or later something happens that makes you stop and think about life. God forbid, he falls into a hole, like me, from which he has to get out. Then I decided to radically change and went to study as a naturopath in order to restore my health, not only for my own well-being, but also for the benefit of my family.

What exactly is your job?

I work privately. I have my own visiting hours at the clinic, I work with Sheba and Asuta hospitals in conjunction with the medical tourism center. I lead wellness groups, including online ones - via skype and on Facebook. AT recent times I specialize specifically in groups, because the recovery and improvement of members in the community is more intense and successful.

-What is it connected with?

With dynamics, movement. I noticed that in each group there are certain types of people. Everyone gets a specific role. Someone actively asks questions, the other "goes with the flow." It is very interesting to observe these interactions, how one complements the other and unconsciously helps each other.
I usually lead groups of 10-15 people.
In the medical tourism center, I work with cancer patients and people undergoing bariatrics. My task is to help them recover in the postoperative period.

- What are the main problems you are addressed with?

With completely different ones. Basically - metabolic disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, overweight.
Recently, I have noticed a trend - many are afraid of oncology, “the same disease”, as they say in the Jewish environment. Many people think it's a death sentence. In fact, there are many methods and modern technologies that allow it to be cured, especially here in Israel, where medicine is one step ahead of the rest of the world.
If a person is given the “same” diagnosis, this does not mean at all that he will die soon. He can live a long and happy life if he pulls himself together and changes his habits.

But if someone, God forbid, is told about an increased level of sugar in the blood or blood pressure, he can safely subtract hours from his life - five years, ten. And this is the worst. People are used to putting up with their problems, or, even worse, going to the doctor for pills, being sure that they will help.

- Don't modern medicines help?

Of course they help: they increase life expectancy, help to cope with various intractable diseases and diseases. You should never cancel a medicine on your own without consulting a doctor. I am saying that in general, they do not treat the root of the problem, but relieve the symptoms. A person must take responsibility for his life and change it so that he can be cured to the end.
They will blame the whole world for their ailments, shifting the responsibility to doctors. My goal, my shlichut, is to let people understand that a person is responsible for his own health and for the health of his loved ones.

Many women are familiar with the unpleasant symptoms of PMS. Almost all of them believe that this is a common problem that affects their relatives and girlfriends, and there is nothing serious about it. But nothing happens in the body just like that. If your stomach hurts - this is a signal, a request for help!

-It turns out that with the help of naturopathy it is possible to cure, for example, allergies?

Yes, by selecting a certain set of products. As is migraine. People perceive such illnesses as a “part of themselves” and do not want to fight them even on a subconscious level.

- Do you cooperate with other doctors?

-Who makes herbs?

I write out a prescription, and a specialized factory is engaged in the creation of herbal preparations, which sends the finished preparation.

What is the first thing you ask a patient?

Why he came, he came to the naturopath. Patients are divided into two types: with chronic diseases and with acute ones.

- In your practice, people defeated chronic diseases?

Yes, for example, those suffering from diabetes, significantly improved performance. With those who have been given the “same” diagnosis, I work only together with their attending physicians. Basically, I always need more information and research. Naturopathy - requires accurate data.

-Often, nutritionists divide foods into “harmful” and “useful”. What do naturopaths say about this?

Naturopaths against semi-finished products. Our body tends to accumulate minimal amounts of poisons. This is one of the reasons why our generation is faced with new, previously unknown diseases - there used to be less natural products with minimal processing. At the same time, naturopaths never forbid anything or impose a certain nutrition system. We are against a person denying himself something all his life. We only help to supplement and diversify the diet of patients so that they get everything they need from the products and at the same time feel full and healthy.

-What can you say about vegetarianism, a raw food diet, the Montignac diet or other well-known systems?

There are no bad nutrition systems, there are diets that are not suitable for certain people. If a person feels good without meat, it means that his body receives all the necessary trace elements from other products. The main thing is to balance your diet, include vegetable protein in it, or take it from cereals, legumes and eggs. Most often, vegetarians suffer from a lack of vitamin B12 found in meat and poultry, but there are also meat-eaters who do not absorb it.
I am calm even about the all-protein diet that athletes periodically adhere to. If their goal is to increase muscle mass, they monitor their health and stick to this diet only for a short time - why not?
You need to listen to yourself, regularly take basic tests and not turn a blind eye to “minor” problems.

- Therapeutic fasting - what do you think about it?

It used to be quite popular, but I don't see any point in it. In addition, fasting requires some preparation, both physical and spiritual. The Jews have several fasts during the year - they are quite enough.

-How do you feel about refined products?

I will never go to the store for sausages, knowing how carcinogens and additional processing affect the mind and health. I'd rather buy a piece good meat and spend a little more time preparing dinner. Kosher, non-kosher - sausages remain sausages, namely, a product that has lost vital energy during processing, as I mentioned above.

Do you counsel entire families?

Yes, it happens that at first a woman becomes my patient, and then she brings both her husband and children. We must understand that a healthy lifestyle is forever. I also advise religious families who are gradually starting to give up fatty foods, “mayonnaise salads” on Shabbat, replacing them with no less tasty and varied food.

-Do you think naturopathy has a future in Russia?

In Israel, America and other developed countries, medicine is traditionally one step ahead. I think, sooner or later, naturopathy will still reach you.

-What are your plans?

To be in contact with the world, arrange visiting lectures and seminars, and not close in the clinic. The most important thing is not to limit yourself. I am interested in developing, expanding knowledge, working with groups and in a group. Perhaps I will come to Moscow to organize seminars in nature, to cleanse the body, detox seminars.
Nature purifies itself during the transition from one season to another - on Passover and Yom Kippur. This is the perfect time to cleanse and our bodies.

- What can you advise our readers?

Proper nutrition is not a fashion, but the basis of life. A person can be elderly, and at the same time active and healthy! Our grandmothers always repeat: “The main thing is health!”. As trite as it may sound, it's true.

Take care and love yourself and your loved ones!

Meira's facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/naturalmeyrah/

Interviewed by Stern Sarah Belkina

My name is Stern Sara, just like the wife of the Fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe. I would like to be the same wise, kind and feminine. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (television journalism), studied at the magistracy as a philologist at the Russian State University for the Humanities. She managed to gain experience in various online and printed publications and on television, but in the last years before her marriage and moving to Israel, she worked for the benefit of the Moscow community, realizing that this work is of real benefit to the world. Having moved, I continue to write, I blog about tsniut and with author's thoughts about the Torah and the Jewish way of life, I collaborate with the Vaikra and monoteism.ru projects. I love studying, especially Hasidus, which give me vitality, fitness and snowboarding, which give me energy and, of course, writing, which allows me to express myself and create.

Nature is a wise creator! She created for a person everything that can make him happy. It was she who took care of our health and longevity. But humanity, mindlessly relying on progress and nanotechnology, continues to eat semi-finished products, swallow "miracle pills", sit in front of a computer in a dusty office. But how did people get treated before, when there were no doctors, no modern medicine? At that time, there were fewer diseases and the environment was better. But, nevertheless, there were healers, whose main medicine in the fight against diseases were herbs. There is no need to be biased towards a drug of this kind, because the composition of modern drugs includes concentrates of various medicinal plants, and the necessary components are extracted from them.

Of course, the current ecology spoils our health even in the womb, but if you still turn to nature, there is a chance to live longer. We could not keep our health in perfect condition, so let's take care of our children.

Of course, it is desirable to live and give birth to children in the countryside, away from the city. Daily walks in the forest and coniferous air will strengthen the immune system, it is especially useful for children. It is desirable to have your own garden plot, grow organic vegetables and fruits, and working in the garden brings only benefit and pleasure. How nice, having planted a seed with your own hands, taste the fruit of your own labors! And if there is a farm (hens, cows, rabbits, etc.), then there is no price for you! Milk and eggs from their own farm cannot be compared with purchased ones. The child, growing up, will begin to help with the housework, this will develop in him a sense of responsibility, diligence and strengthen him physically.

Perhaps you have already heard that the best hardening for children is pure dew? This is true: if a child runs through the dew in the morning, he will be charged with positive and cheerfulness for the whole day, and if this is done systematically, strong immunity will never let him down.

In the summer, let the children swim in the ponds, let the kids run barefoot and even naked! it best contact with mother earth, in her is the strength and energy of the whole world! Don't be afraid to be close to nature! Do not forget about vitamins, collect and dry herbs, they will help out in winter time. Don't know herbs? Buy an herbalist (everything is simply explained in the book, even with illustrations). Personally, I always stock up on herbs for the winter and use them to treat my loved ones with a cold. My child does not know medicines, and he rarely gets sick precisely because we live in the countryside and lead the way of life I have described.

Do you think I'm a collective farmer in a headscarf and a dirty dressing gown? This is not true. I am a modern young interesting woman, I lead a healthy lifestyle, I am raising my son. By the way, I have an excellent manicure and a sports figure. And I'm happy too! Because I am healthy, I have a healthy family and a busy life.

It is important to be able to find pleasure in everything, to enjoy both the sun and the rain, while maintaining peace of mind. Love nature, and she will answer you the same!

Think that the best recipe longevity - to be closer to nature.


So you, a modern young woman with a manicure, keep a cow, shovel manure and store food for the winter? And that's all you live for? Allow me not to believe it.
By the way, in those days when the environment was better, and there were fewer diseases, then death in infancy was the norm, and 40-year-old women were considered old women.

You mean giving birth in the village?
At Uncle Vova's assistant or just at home?
And who will feed the family? Where will they go to school?
As a person born in the village, I will say that you have strange ideas about it.
You can only run barefoot in the dew for a couple of months of the year, the rest of the time there is mud and rubber boots on your feet.
You can howl from longing.
Or was it Roman Sterligov's wife who wrote it?

Comment on the article "Nature is the best healer!"

Nature helps where doctors are powerless... Is it possible to come to terms with the fact that you will not be able to give birth to your baby? Is it possible to live happily in a house where such a native will never sound? children's laughter? And it seems that there is no way out when the diagnosis sounds like a sentence... tears, despair... According to statistics, in 70% of cases, the diagnosis of "infertility" is erroneous. And in most cases, latent infections are the cause of problems with reproductive function in women. Collection of Seraphim is an original recipe, for centuries...

Spring is the morning of the year. Spring morning awakens nature, people have the best feelings of joy and love for life. I want to shout: "Oh, spring without end and without edge ... Oh, spring without end and without edge - Without end and without edge is a dream! I recognize you, life! I accept! And I greet you with the sound of a shield!" A. Blok

Good. I (itself) would not treat "such" with anything. But it's a little unclear why such a reaction about the flu shot? They do it just in September .. 09/26/2014 21:10:20, Fatinia.

The best unique, I would even say duplexes in the Leningrad region, we looked at the Petrovsky Quarter complex. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, that's for sure. Nature is just class, the city is not far away, and the railway station is nearby. [link-1]

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I live hiking and traveling (speleology, mountain tourism, travel, etc.). I love photographing nature. I work as an engineer. Our company offers all kinds of honey. equipment: autorefkeratometer, ventilators, x-ray, ultrasound machine, ultrasound scanner. Full description you find here. The devices performed well in the treatment.

23 WEEKS I like to browse the Internet sites with different resorts. Sometimes you see enough, you read so much that it seems like you just came from there and you don’t need anything anymore. Sea, sun, beach, sand, nature….beauty! Now everything is easier. I look through only country boarding houses-sanatoriums. And that's not all. It turns out that pregnant women after 28 weeks from the LCD are entitled to a free ticket to a boarding house for pregnant women. Well, like a vitamin. Only, not everyone is offered it. I don't know if they just keep silent or...

Good afternoon, dear mothers! I really want to keep up with the times - they re-read the mountains of children's classics, but I want something kind and about animals from contemporaries. Share your discoveries? Recently they recommended Natalia Osipova nataliosipova.ru "Tales from Lapokhvost" - the impression is ambiguous, but the child liked it)

Don't despair, time is the best healer. Don't despair, time is the best healer. 02/21/2008 15:25:41, Katerina Matvevna.

She was treated for 29 weeks, though without anesthesia (it would be better to anesthetize). I treated it, and more than once. And now I am healing throughout the entire B. Not because I tightened it, but because my teeth are already very bad, they crumble all the time. In the first B., pulpitis suddenly turned out, treated almost in ...

Hello. Please write the address or phone number of a good grandmother. Thank you in advance ... 12/15/2015 09:08:42, Katerina 89. By that time she had earned money not only for the funeral, but for some reason she managed to perceive this idea with the remnants of her consciousness .

One day, my daughter came home very late, at about 1:00 am, when I began to swear why it was so late, she replied, "I don't want to come home because of this monster!" Time is the best healer.

Well, there were glitches 2 times, while I understood my condition and my character - I didn’t want at all for someone to touch me at that time or help with something. It is better to have some food on hand than a person wants to eat - and there is nothing.

Levomekol also treated dry ones well - when the seam heals well and everything passes without a scar .. We used to smear them with sores in the mouth during stomatitis. Very good help.

Previously, it was even prescribed: each monastery to have its own clinic, to have healers. Why then should she repent? After all, it is not known who is right in the end. It would be much better for YOU if you hoped IN GOD!

But for some reason, after such cases, it’s impossible to fall in love with anyone ... At least for me. 04/11/2001 11:14:30 AM, Untitled. Time is the best healer. In this case, I think this expression is most appropriate.

Time - the best healer - will do its job, and problems will be forgotten. Why do they talk about parental ambitions when their child must certainly overtake others in something that feeds parental pride ...