15.3 strong person. Essay on the topic “Strong Man”: how to write, tips and recommendations. Peter Dinklage: became a screen star despite his unconventional appearance

Fortitude is an active determination to reach a goal, overcoming any obstacles. Every person would like to be strong, but not everyone succeeds. Examples of the strength (or weakness) of the spirit are found in fiction, and in the reality around us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (56 words) In D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Starodum can serve as an example of fortitude. The hero meets a young officer who seems decent. However, war was soon declared, the protagonist’s friend evaded the defense of the Motherland and succeeded in the rear. Starodum went to the battlefield, was wounded and outflanked. But this incident did not break him and did not deprive him of faith in the triumph of truth.
  2. (48 words) Erast, the hero of the story by N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa", turned out to be a weak person, could not match the love of the peasant woman Lisa. The young man, having seduced the girl and got his, squanders his fortune and decides to find himself a profitable match. Erast deceived Lisa and married someone else, and she drowned herself, so the hero’s powerlessness was punished by eternal pangs of conscience.
  3. (54 words) Chatsky, hero of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” is a truly strong man, he had the courage to go not only against one influential person, Famusov, but also against a crowd of his supporters. Chatsky preached truth, freedom, opposed veneration and lies. Everyone turned their backs on him, but Alexander still did not give up, isn’t this strength of spirit?
  4. (59 words) In the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin, the strength of the spirit is concentrated in Tatyana. Having fallen in love with Onegin, she was ready to do anything for him. The girl was not even afraid to confess, but this was unacceptable in the 19th century. The strength of spirit, the power of love overcame all obstacles, except one - the lack of reciprocal feelings. Tatyana remained unhappy, but she has a core and the truth is on her side.
  5. (47 words) Mtsyri, main character poem of the same name M.Yu. Lermontov, all his life he yearned for his native Caucasus and freedom. The hero had a goal: to live for real, at least for a moment, outside the monastery. And Mtsyri fled and tried to return to his native place. It didn’t work out for him, but this thirst for freedom reveals the strength of spirit in the hero.
  6. (48 words) Pechorin, the main character of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time” is a strong-willed man. For example, when Grushnitsky started an unfair duel against him, Grigory was not afraid, but calmly brought the game to the end, punishing the scoundrel with death. This act is not at all merciful, but strong, because otherwise the hero himself would have died.
  7. (52 words) The main character of the story M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin " The wise minnow“Completely devoid of any spiritual strength, all his life he was afraid of dangers, and therefore did not live, but only existed in a hole without friends, love, simple joys. Because of his weakness, everything passed by the gudgeon, although his existence was long, but absolutely empty. Without strength of spirit there is no life.
  8. (36 words) In the story by A.P. Chekhov's “Death of an Official”, the executor Chervyakov sneezed on General Bryzzhalov and was so frightened by the consequences of this accident that, in the end, he died of horror. Fear deprived the hero common sense, this is what weakness of spirit leads to.
  9. (41 words) Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story by M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” can be called a strong personality. He went to war because his homeland was in danger, he went through all its horrors, then captivity and a concentration camp. Sokolov is a real hero, although he himself never understood his strength.
  10. (60 words) Vasily Terkin, the hero of the poem of the same name by A.T. Tvardovsky, fortitude is combined with humor and lightness, as if it costs a fighter nothing to do things that few others modern people will be able to repeat without fear and posturing. For example, the chapter “Duel” tells about the hero’s confrontation with a German: the enemy is fattened, better prepared, but Vasily won, and this victory occurred solely on moral and volitional qualities, because of fortitude.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (54 words) Plumber Dmitry, the hero of the film “Fool” by Yu. Bykov, tried to go against the system for the benefit of almost a thousand people who were simply abandoned. In the dormitory building, the hero noticed a huge crack, the house was about to collapse, people would die or be left on the street. He fights for strangers against the authorities, fights to the end. He died, the system still won, but the hero’s strength of character evokes respect.
    2. (46 words) Chuck Noland, the main character of the film “Cast Away” by R. Zemeckis, found himself in extreme situation: the plane on which the hero was traveling crashes, he ends up on desert island. In such a situation, if you give up, you will die. Decisions need to be made here and now. Chuck harnessed his inner strength, survived and was able to rethink his life.
    3. (44 words) The eccentric Captain Jack Sparrow from Gore Verbinski's Pirates Caribbean Sea: At the End of the World" represents unsinkability. This hero went to the next world and came back without batting an eyelid. And all because he never gives up, and this quality makes him a strong person.
    4. (41 words) Nick Vujicic is a man of enormous fortitude. Nick has no arms or legs, but he was able to graduate with a double major, find love, travel, and give lectures that help other people. Such heroes motivate us to accomplish great things by their example.
    5. (46 words) Peter Dinklage, known to many for his role as Tyrion Lannister from the Game of Thrones series, has overcome many obstacles. Dinklage was born with achondroplasia (a disease that leads to dwarfism), he has a poor family, and there was no success at the beginning of his career. Now this actor is extremely popular; problems have only strengthened his character.
    6. (52 words) Stephen Hawking, a luminary of modern science, has been battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis since the age of 20. Now this disease cannot be treated, the scientist is paralyzed, he even speaks only with the help of a speech synthesizer. However, Hawking does not give up: he continues his scientific work, inspires young scientists to new achievements, and even appears in the comedy series “The Big Bang Theory.”
    7. (67 words) One of my friends was diagnosed with cancer. This was a young woman with a small child, and the disease was already in its final stages. The first thing she thought about was how to arrange a child the best way. The second is how to live further. One could cry in anticipation of the end, but the woman began to help other patients, and also live life to the fullest, without delaying any meetings, travels, or acquaintances. You need to have a huge inner core to repeat her feat.
    8. (47 words) A friend of mine underwent an operation that was not entirely successful. The body rejected the material that was sewn in during surgery, and inflammation began. She underwent several more operations, a huge number of injections, and a whole year of her life passed in the hospital ward. However, this year strengthened her character, taught her not to give up and be strong.
    9. (62 words) As a child, an incident happened to me that forced me to be strong on pain of death. I was just learning to swim, but I accidentally found myself in a deep place where I couldn’t reach the bottom, I got scared and started to drown. It was quite far from the shore. Then I realized that if I didn’t calm down and be strong, I wouldn’t be able to save myself. And I swam as best I could, but I swam and survived.
    10. (57 words) Once, when I was still very little, my mother looked out of the apartment and saw that there was smoke in the entrance, and it was impossible to go out, especially with a child. But through the window, my mother saw a fire truck, so we went out onto the balcony, and my mother began giving signals to the firefighters. They noticed us and pulled us out. Mom was not at a loss, she had to become strong for me.
    11. Strength of mind is not only about going into battle with a saber drawn; it is often required in Everyday life to fight all problems and troubles. This quality must be cultivated in yourself; you cannot live without it, as the Kino group sang: “You must be strong, otherwise, why would you be?”

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I believe that a strong person is a person who has a strong will and, therefore, high spiritual power. To be strong and live meaningfully and wisely, you must always adhere to the following basic rules. To confirm my thoughts, I suggest turning to the text of Maxim Gorky.

In the excerpt of this work, the grandmother appeared before us as the strongest and bravest person. When a fire started in the house, the heroine began to give orders, and then, running out into the yard and assessing the situation, she again ran into the burning house and took out a bucket bottle of oil of vitriol so that it all would not explode. (Sentences 2-4, 15-20). When the horse began to be led out of the barn, it, frightened by the fire, began to rear up and toss the grandfather, after which it completely broke free from the reins from the grandfather’s hands and rushed towards the grandmother. Grandmother, in turn, was not afraid and became a cross in front of the horse, which, seeing the grandmother, neighed pitifully and reached out to its mistress. (Sentences 29-35).

From this passage we can conclude that the heroine of this story is really strong in spirit, because it would seem that the poor old woman should have panicked and quickly run away from home, but our grandmother did not allow fear to overcome her, but, on the contrary, stood firm in such circumstances.

As a second argument confirming my thoughts, I would like to cite as an example the work of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”. In this work, Andrei Sokolov is a real example of a strong man. This man, having lived only a few years of a good and war-free life, was called up to war. His entire family saw him off with sadness and regret, especially his beloved and understanding wife, who even at that moment at the station “felt with her feminine heart” that she and her husband would no longer meet in this world. Andrei Sokolov did not take all this to heart and went to fight, but, returning from the war, a difficult time for him, he learns from his neighbor that a bomb hit his house, his wife and daughters died, and his son, fortunately, remained alive . The man also learned that his son was a commander and already had several awards. A ray of hope and pride for his son lit up in the heart of Andrei Sokolov, he wanted to see him as soon as possible, but on the day of the meeting the man received the news that his son had been shot. For the hero, this news was a shock, but he coped with it and, since he had nowhere to go, he went to his childless friend and his wife. From all that has been said, we can conclude that Andrei Sokolov was truly a strong man, because not everyone, having lost all the members of their beloved and recently created family, will be able to live with this further. It seems to me that many, not seeing the meaning in their life without their beloved wife and children, would have committed suicide, but our hero was able to overcome all this and began to live on.

Thus, a strong person is a person who, despite all the difficulties and trials in his life, will be able to overcome all this and live on.

Essay by student S.N. Mishchenko

Essay by student S.N. Mishchenko

A strong person is a person who can apologize first. He has a strong character and is hard to break if he decides to achieve something. I believe that what makes a person strong is his actions, not his physical strength. A strong person is one who admits his mistakes and tries to correct them. To prove this, let's look at the text.

Sentences 21-26 say that the author scolded the lungwort and it all disappeared. He realized that it was bad without her, something changed immediately in the garden. And the author, admitting his mistake, apologized to the lungwort. I believe that this is the act of a person who is strong in character.

I recently watched a program about how people visited orphanages and gave gifts to children just like that, unselfishly. In my opinion, this was an act of strong people, because they understood how difficult it was for these children in life, and they supported them, taking on their sorrows.

So, a strong person is not one who can literally lift weights, but one who is ready to do a lot for the sake of someone else’s happiness.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 24 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko)

A strong person is one who can forgive a lot, can make a decision in any situation and knows how to deal with his shortcomings and weaknesses.

The text by V. Astafiev gives an example of the fact that not only a person can be strong, but perhaps the author allegorically speaks of the need for this quality in all living things. One day, a lungwort grew in the hero of the text’s garden. While weeding, he scolded the plants “once or twice”, to which they were “offended” and next year stopped growing. Our hero found a lungwort “humiliatingly hiding.” He apologized to her. She has forgiven and is “now growing all over the garden.” I gave an example that strength is not only physical and that the ability to forgive speaks of a strong character.

Every person has flaws. Some people fight them, while others don’t have the strength to do so. For example, a person is afraid to speak in front of a large crowd of people. The one who is weak in spirit will simply become a coward, but the strong one will conquer himself, and in the end his defect will disappear and he will cease to be afraid.

A strong person is one who is willing to turn his shortcomings into advantages. After all, sometimes it happens that a physically strong person can be defeated by a morally strong person.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 24 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 3.)

A strong person is one who can take the first step, who realizes his mistakes and tries to correct them. This is a person who can ask for forgiveness, because it is easy to offend, but difficult to apologize.

In V. Astafiev’s text (sentences 21-25), the author himself makes a mistake, which he realizes and corrects. In his words about “forgiveness” lies the concept of a “strong man”.

The greatest strength of the human spirit lies not in the desire to avoid failure, but in the ability to rise after every fall. I consider my great-grandmother to be a strong person. After her husband died, for a long time she could not let go of the past and live in the present. I hugged her and felt sorry for her, but she told me: “Self-pity, grievances against life exhaust us, emptying our souls. They keep us moving in a vicious circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years.”

Thus, we can summarize: it is never too late to start over. But to start new life, you need to let go of the past, no matter whether it was good or bad. You cannot live forever with a circle of bitter losses, you cannot live with regret about past happiness. All this takes away strength, depriving hope for the future. Everything is already gone, so there is no need to try to bring it back, because your strength will be wasted, and tears will not help your grief. And now, when I come to my great-grandmother, she tells me about the snake with a smile and pride. Don't get hung up on thoughts about the past, live for today. And then you can be called a strong person.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.)

An essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is beauty?”

The poet Nikolai Zabolotsky has these wonderful lines:

What is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

The text by A.S. Barkov allows me to say that beauty is not an “empty vessel”, but a “vessel” filled with lovely pictures of nature, the wonderful song of black birds, the delight of a person who understands the beauty in life.

The writer paints us a picture of a wonderful April night. And how strange is the song of the black grouse! It is this extraordinary choir that evokes admiration from one of the characters in the text (sentence 23-24): “... this is the best song. Listen to her, and the whole month will be a holiday in your soul!” Here it is, beauty, which influences a person so inspiredly!

Once the poet A.A. Fet visited L.N. Tolstoy. During an evening walk, Fet suddenly bent down and picked something up from the grass. These were two fireflies that burned in the night. "What a beauty!" - exclaimed Sofya Andreevna, the wife of Leo Tolstoy. The next day, before breakfast, under her device she found a piece of paper on which was written:

In my hand is your hand!

What a miracle!

And on my hand there are two fireflies,

Two emeralds...

Here it is, the ability of an artist of words to notice beauty in the ordinary!

I can conclude that beauty is everything beautiful in the world around us. You just need to be able to notice this miracle.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 2.)

Essay by student S.N. Mishchenko.

Bespalova T.V.

Material on the topic “Strong Man”

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word STRONG (person)? Formulate and

Comment on your definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic:

definition. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples of arguments,

confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from what you read

text, and the second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text 21 Text 22 Text 23 Text 24 Strong 1) One who is distinguished by great physical strength. 2) Someone who is in good health. 3) transfer Someone who is distinguished by a strong-willed character. 4) transfer

Someone who has great influence. 5) transfer Having a quick, effective effect on someone or something. (about methods and means of treating diseases). Dictionary Efremova Strong 1. Possessing great physical strength, powerful. S. person. C. blow.

Strong car. Strong army. 2. Very thorough, convincing. Strong arguments. Strong speech. 3. Possessing a strong will, persistent. C. character. Strong nature. 4. Significant (in magnitude, degree). S. wind. Strong pain. A strong impression. Great grief. 5. Knowledgeable, talented. S. specialist. S. student. * The mighty of this world (book irony) - about influential people who enjoy power.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Strong Healthy, strong, mighty, mighty, powerful, imperious, weighty, sovereign, commanding, authoritative, influential, omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotent, hefty, seasoned, hefty, dense; deep, extraordinary. Dictionary of synonyms A strong person is, first of all, an independent person who can independently resolve issues that arise in his life.

A strong-willed person is a person who knows exactly what he wants and knows what the meaning of his life is, and also, without wasting time on trifles, goes towards a clearly defined goal, achieving his dreams, while at the same time helping the people who surround him, energizing their own optimism.

This is a person who is able to triumph over himself and over circumstances.

A person who gets used to swearing ceases to distinguish between the colors of good and evil. Everything around him is assessed on a two-point scale: the worst is (insert any mat), and the best is class!!!

When speaking in curse words, you don’t have to think at all, which is why parrots can use them very well. A preference for swearing is a tendency to turn off the mind. Therefore, groups of people with a relatively low intelligence, such as the lower social strata, children, intoxicated and ordinary alcoholics, prison inmates, and the insane, are most often scolded.

The habit of scolding is directly related to a lack of shame, in other words, to a weakness of moral immunity.

Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, sloppiness in clothing, is a very common phenomenon, and it mainly indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not at all his strength. The speaker tries to suppress in himself with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism the feeling of fear, apprehension, sometimes just apprehension. By using rude nicknames from teachers, it is the weak-willed students who want to show that they are not afraid of them. This happens semi-consciously. I'm not even talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, lack of intelligence, and sometimes cruelty. The basis of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness. D. Likhachev Habits and characteristics of a strong person

1. Strong people always go forward and never give up, despite the obstacles that come their way, they are not afraid or afraid of difficulties.

2. Strong people always learn a lesson from what others see as failure and are not afraid to admit their mistakes.

3. Strong people constantly build their own path to success and do not expect success to come to them. This is very important, because nothing just happens. To succeed, for your own happiness, you need to work, overcome yourself in order to achieve success and become happy.

4. The most important characteristic of a strong person is the absence of fear. Of course, they, like other people, are afraid, but they find the strength to overcome this fear.

5. Strong people never complain.

6. Strong people do not shift their blame onto some other person. Blaming another person for your troubles is much easier than admitting your mistakes.

7. Strong people find a way to maximize their potential.

8. Strong people are productive, busy and punctual; they don't pretend to work, they actually work.

9. Strong-willed people gather like-minded people around them - they need a united, friendly, strong team.

10. A strong person knows what he wants from life, he sees this life and does not look at it from the outside, as other people do.

11. Strong people do not imitate, but look for new ways, new facets for their creativity, work, and personal life.

12. There is such a wonderful phrase - “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” A strong-willed person does not put off any of his affairs, work, problems, he does not wait for weather from the sea, he needs to move forward.

13. “It’s never too late to learn,” this is exactly what a strong person thinks. Such people are constantly learning and gaining experience; this is not a burden to them, but a joy. For them, any life experience is a lesson.

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It is difficult to accurately describe all the qualities of a strong personality, but the main distinguishing features can still be identified.

High level of self-confidence and self-belief.

The ability to control your emotions.

Very important point- a strong person has a high degree of independence: he is independent of the opinions of others, various prejudices and public opinion.

A strong individual always knows what he wants from life and perseveres to achieve his goals.

A strong person looks at the world from a position of reason and knows how to sensibly analyze events.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive description of a person who can safely be labeled as a “strong personality.”

Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) - son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. From 1236 he was the Prince of Novgorod and led Russian troops in the Battle of the Neva (1240) and the Battle of the Ice (1242). For the victory over the Swedes on the Neva he received the nickname “Nevsky”. Alexander Nevsky proved himself to be a talented commander, a prudent and far-sighted politician. After the Mongol invasion, he refused the Pope's offer to jointly fight the Mongols, realizing that Rus' was still too weak. Through his policy, he contributed to reducing the destructive raids of the Tatars. Alexander Yaroslavich did a lot to strengthen the grand ducal power and order in the country. He died in Gorodets, returning from the Golden Horde. He was canonized by the church as a saint.

In besieged Leningrad, people not only survived on meager rations, but also worked and went into battle. Their spirit was strong!

Alexey Maresyev is a classic example of a strong-willed person! He not only survived without food, crawling from the battlefield with wounded legs, but also returned to duty, returned to the skies, and shot down many more enemy planes with his fighter.

Vivid examples of strong-willed people of our time are Valentin Dikul and Sergei Bubnovsky. Having received severe spinal injuries, they not only did not break down spiritually. They themselves survived, regained their health and teach others to do the same.

The phrase “person with disabilities” appeared not so long ago.

Today it is used by everyone who speaks and writes about people with disabilities, and no one is embarrassed that this phrase is fundamentally incorrect and even offensive. History knows a huge number of outstanding disabled people, whom we call people with disabilities to a sane person won't come to mind.

Let's name some of them, indicating their physical disabilities:

ancient Greek poet Homer (blindness);

US President Franklin Roosevelt (poliomyelitis);

German composer Ludwig Beethoven (acquired deafness);

American musician Stevie Wonder (congenital blindness);

American musician Ray Charles (the most famous blind musician of our time);

American film actress Marlene Matlin (the first and only deaf film actress to win an Oscar);

Russian artist Grigory Zhuravlev (congenital atrophy of the arms and legs);

American writer Elena Keller (deaf-blind);

Soviet hero pilot Alexey Maresyev (leg amputation).

IN in this case On the contrary, we are talking about the limitless possibilities of physically limited people. We see that different functional disorders They don’t interfere at all, and sometimes they are the strongest incentive to live, create, develop and achieve the unthinkable.

Strength of spirit is the main thing that allows a person to go towards his intended goal, overcoming any difficulties in his life. life path. In my opinion, it is disabled people, more than anyone else, who clearly prove this to us. When you look at these people, you can’t help but think: if we were in their place, could we find the strength to remain ourselves, to live and enjoy life like they do? I think that we have something to learn from them, namely how to be strong, strong in spirit.

Nick Vujicic is a world-famous preacher and speaker. His performances are always very popular, he charges people with his positive energy and positivity. But... He is different from ordinary speakers - he has had neither arms nor legs since birth!

Despite this, he did not give up. He helps millions of people start enjoying life.

Nick Vujicic shows willpower every second of his life, enjoys every moment of his life. He doesn’t blame anyone for being “like this” because he is sure that everything in the world is done for a purpose.

People whose willpower can only be envied take part in the Paralympic Games. I bow to these people who, due to one or another circumstance, were injured, became disabled, but did not break down, were able to rise up and find themselves and their path in life.

Maria Iovleva. When Masha was born, her mother immediately rushed to abandon her. “The child was born with deformities, I refuse him,” said that statement. The doctors didn’t even think that Maria could survive, and the mother was advised to forget about her daughter. Like, there will still be children. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver.

The path to these awards was incredibly long for Maria. From birth Iovleva could not speak and could not hear. She had developmental delays. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Tatyana Lindt studied with a girl every day, who immediately seemed smiling and pleasant to her. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to the sport. Every day he personally took her to training, carried her through the snowdrifts, and taught her to sit on a special seat, called a bob, for cross-country skiing.

Roman Petushkov became a six-time champion of the Paralympic Games in Sochi.

The athlete won three gold medals in sitting skiing (at distances of 15 km, 1 km sprint and open relay) and in biathlon (at distances of 12.5 km, 15 km and 7.5 km). None of the Russians had ever managed to do anything like this before.

Tyumen resident Elena Remizova became a three-time Paralympic champion in Sochi.

The Siberian won all three golds in the group of athletes with visual impairments together with her leader Natalya Yakimova, competing in skiing competitions.

Quotes about strength The greatest happiness for which I ask heaven every day: let only intelligent and virtuous people surpass me in strength and knowledge. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. François de La Rochefoucauld It is simply amazing what determination, courage and willpower are awakened from the confidence that we are doing our duty. Walter Scott Greatness lies not in being strong, but in using your strength well. Henry Ward Beecher If something is beyond your power, then do not decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius Justice without strength is nothing but weakness, strength without justice is tyrannical. It is necessary, therefore, to harmonize justice with strength and to achieve this, so that what is fair is strong, and what is strong is fair. Blaise Pascal

–  –  –

A man was looking for an answer to a question that had been tormenting him for a long time: “What is force?” He learned that there was a sage in his region. He came to his husband, praised by glory, and saw: instead of the thin hut of a hermit, there was a solid house, children were making noise in the yard... The man was surprised: in his opinion, those who had comprehended the truth lived completely differently.

He turned to the owner with a request to help him find the answer.

And the sage answered:

You can find strength yourself. Find your own path or follow the path of your ancestors.


One man strived for perfection, training hard day after day. And he learned the strength of the body.

Without bowing to difficulties, he only moved forward. Defeated himself. And he learned the power of the spirit.

By comprehending the thoughts of the greats, he gained his own opinion. And he learned the power of knowledge.

He fell in love and bowed before the earthly goddess of his heart. And he learned the power of feeling.

Having found a home, a family, and holding his child in his arms, he learned the power of life.

Facing the unknown with peace, he did not regret his past life and

A strong person is one who can forgive a lot, can make a decision in any situation and knows how to deal with his shortcomings and weaknesses.

The text by V. Astafiev gives an example of the fact that not only a person can be strong, but perhaps the author allegorically speaks of the need for this quality in all living things. One day, a lungwort grew in the hero of the text’s garden. While weeding, he scolded the plants “once or twice”, to which they were “offended” and by the next year they stopped growing. Our hero found a lungwort “humiliatingly hiding.” He apologized to her. She has forgiven and is “now growing all over the garden.” I gave an example that strength is not only physical and that the ability to forgive speaks of a strong character.

Every person has flaws. Some people fight them, while others don’t have the strength to do so. For example, a person is afraid to speak in front of a large crowd of people. The one who is weak in spirit will simply become a coward, but the strong one will conquer himself, and in the end his defect will disappear and he will cease to be afraid.

A strong person is one who is willing to turn his shortcomings into advantages. After all, sometimes it happens that a physically strong person can be defeated by a morally strong person.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.)

An essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is beauty?”

The poet Nikolai Zabolotsky has these wonderful lines:

What is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

The text by A.S. Barkov allows me to say that beauty is not an “empty vessel”, but a “vessel” filled with lovely pictures of nature, the wonderful song of black birds, the delight of a person who understands the beauty in life.

The writer paints us a picture of a wonderful April night. And how strange is the song of the black grouse! It is this extraordinary choir that evokes admiration from one of the characters in the text (sentence 23-24): “... this is the best song. Listen to her, and the whole month will be a holiday in your soul!” Here it is, beauty, which influences a person so inspiredly!

Once the poet A.A. Fet visited L.N. Tolstoy. During an evening walk, Fet suddenly bent down and picked something up from the grass. These were two fireflies that burned in the night. "What a beauty!" - exclaimed Sofya Andreevna, the wife of Leo Tolstoy. The next day, before breakfast, under her device she found a piece of paper on which was written:

In my hand is your hand!

What a miracle!

And on my hand there are two fireflies,

Two emeralds...

Here it is, the ability of an artist of words to notice beauty in the ordinary!

I can conclude that beauty is everything beautiful in the world around us. You just need to be able to notice this miracle.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 2.)

What is beauty?

Beauty is a subjective concept, something that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure. This is not necessarily an external sign, because anything that pleases not only the eye, but also, for example, the ear, can be considered beautiful.

In the text by A. Barkov we are presented with an example of the very beauty of sound, which is perceived by the heroes as a symbol of happiness, “the end of the winter kingdom.” The grouse song with its magnificence gives a “holiday to the soul”, sincere joy.

In life, beauty surrounds us everywhere. We all know how beautiful the northern lights are. This natural phenomenon, with its unusualness, brightness, abundance and play of shades of different colors, makes people turn their attention to it and admire it.

Thus, beauty is a subjective concept, something that gives pleasure. But do not forget that taste has a certain influence on this concept. And what someone considers beautiful may seem completely unremarkable to another, and sometimes even ugly.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 3.)

What is beauty?

Beautiful can be called something that is distinguished not only by its external beauty, but also by its depth. internal content. I consider this definition to be the only correct one.

Thus, in A. Barkov’s text, the beauty of the moment of grouse singing forever sank into the author’s soul. After all, this moment was distinguished from many others not only by the external splendor of nature, but also by the depth of its content. Firstly, this hike can be called wonderful, since the author went into the forest with his father, a person dear to him. Secondly, these songs meant the beginning of spring, and spring is always personified with something good and kind, with the beginning of life.

There are thousands of moments in human life that, like film frames, remain in our memory, but we attach special importance to only some of them. Such moments are always deep and personal. Even an ordinary hike or trip can turn out to be a similar shot if there is a very dear and close person next to you. My favorite moment in my life was our first family trip to Petrozavodsk. Many will consider this insignificant, but I was very happy then, because we were going “to in full force“, and now some people dear to me are no longer there, and such a trip will never happen again...

Thus, I think that beauty is a very deep concept that cannot be limited only to external charm. True beauty is the beauty of human communication.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 26 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.)

What is beauty?

Wanting to define what beauty is, we imagine either a beautiful person, or a beautiful picture, or a beautiful corner of nature. The very concept of beauty, I think, is subjective: some people like one thing, others another. But if we are talking about the beauty of nature, then, it seems to me, people are unanimous in their assessments. Everyone likes a sunrise or sunset; no one will be indifferent to a waterfall or a gentle sea ​​wave

The text by V. Kataev describes the beauty of a climbing bush of red flowers that stretched across the fence. The author personifies this bush, he says that he wanted to “look into the room, look through the glass door” what people were doing there.

In summer, beautiful bushes also bloom in our garden. These are clematis. Dark lilac, shimmering with velvet, they cover the entire veranda. It is so beautiful! And when the sun breaks through the vines and inflorescences, it seems that these rays are golden, and they are frolicking on a velvet blanket.

Thus, beauty for me lies in the beautiful summer flowers of my native Stavropol region.