What is urethritis symptoms. Treatment of urethritis: how to treat different types of urethritis in women and children. Can urethritis go away on its own?

- This is a disease that is characterized by the manifestation of an inflammatory process in the urethra. The most striking signs of urethritis are severe pain during urination, as well as the appearance of discharge from the urethra. This disease is diagnosed in patients of both sexes.

Types of urethritis

Urethritis - infectious disease therefore, its development occurs due to exposure to an infectious agent. These may be viruses , mushrooms , bacteria and others. Also, in especially rare cases, there are diseases radiation , toxic , allergic urethritis and some other types of it.

Depending on the effect of which pathogen develops urethritis, two different types of the disease are distinguished: urethritis specific And non-specific . In the first case, the occurrence of specific urethritis is provoked ( chlamydia , gonococcus , trichomonas , ureaplasma etc.) Such infections can be combined with exposure to other viruses, fungi, bacteria, while there may be several infections in the body. In this case, the disease is complicated by the fact that, as a rule, a person does not fix when the acute stage of the disease becomes chronic.

Nonspecific urethritis is manifested due to exposure to opportunistic microflora. Its occurrence is provoked staphylococci , streptococci , coli , fungi etc. The disease in both cases develops and manifests itself in almost the same way. But it is very important to consider that if a sexual infection is detected, all sexual partners of the patient must undergo an examination and a course of treatment.

Features of urethritis

As a rule, the manifestation of specific urethritis occurs after sexual intercourse. However, it happens that a person becomes infected and for a certain time becomes a carrier of the infection. In this case, the disease can manifest itself at any time. Due to sexual contact, nonspecific urethritis may also occur.

The cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the urethra is the failure of the immunity of the canal wall. The urethra is constantly infected, the infection occurs through the blood, from the intestines, from the skin, from other places. Especially strong infection occurs during sexual intercourse. Therefore, as long as the wall of the urethra can cope with the infection, the disease does not develop. But at the slightest failure of the protective mechanisms, an inflammatory process occurs, which is accompanied by all the accompanying symptoms.

There are a number of factors that often become predisposing in the course of the onset of the disease. First of all, urethritis in men and women can occur as a result of a single or permanent hypothermia. The occurrence of urethritis is affected by the presence in a person. When sand or a stone moves along the urethra, it is quite possible that injuries to the walls and the subsequent occurrence of urethritis occur. Predispose to the disease injuries of the penis, too heavy physical exertion, irregularity of sexual life. However, too high sexual activity and frequent change of partners can also provoke the development of the disease. Too frequent consumption of spicy foods, as well as salty, sour foods, pickled vegetables, a large number alcohol. Getting into the urine, substances from such food irritate the canal wall. As a result, inflammation may occur or progression of an existing disease may occur.

The provoking factor in the manifestation of urethritis often becomes insufficient drinking: irregular urination provokes the retention of bacteria in the body, because it is urine that washes them off the wall Bladder. With a few-hour break between urination, the risk of developing inflammation increases markedly. Also, urethritis can manifest itself against the background chronic inflammation occurring in the body.

Thus, there are quite a few factors that can subsequently become decisive in the development of urethritis. Therefore, this disease can occur in any person.

Symptoms of urethritis

Already at the very beginning of the disease, pronounced symptoms of urethritis appear: severe pain and pain, burning sensations and itching during urination. Also, in the process of urination, a person may feel any other uncomfortable manifestations. Similar sensations arise in the genitals and in the perineum.

Another important symptom of urethritis is the appearance of discharge from the urethra. They can be varied. So, depending on which pathogen provoked urethritis, the discharge is very plentiful or very scarce. During an exacerbation of the disease, the edges of the external opening can become inflamed and stick together. However, in some cases, the development of urethritis is not accompanied by discharge at all.

With each subsequent exacerbation of the disease, inflammation affects an increasingly significant part of the mucous membrane of the urethra. Therefore, the symptoms of urethritis with each exacerbation become more and more pronounced. Therefore, if the disease is not treated with adequate methods, a complication of urethritis may occur.

If we consider the symptoms of urethritis in terms of their manifestation in each type of disease, then some differences in the clinical picture are noticeable.

So, with acute urethritis in men and women, the main symptoms are severe burning and pain during urination, the presence of copious discharge from the urethra, swelling and noticeable redness of the lips of the urethra. With torpid urethritis, subjective disorders are observed. They do not appear clearly, in some cases they are completely absent.

In the case of subacute urethritis, there is a decrease in pain and swelling in the urethra, and the amount of discharge also decreases. Only in morning time sometimes a crust appears, gluing the external opening of the urethra. Urine has a transparent hue, purulent filaments may occur in it.

In chronic urethritis, which manifests itself as a result of an incorrect approach to treatment or the complete absence of it, neurotic phenomena are possible. Most often, with this form of urethritis, there are small ones. They become more abundant, subject to the presence of certain factors that provoke an exacerbation of the disease. It can be heavy drinking, arousal, hypothermia. Symptoms of chronic urethritis are often similar to those of torpid urethritis .

Total urethritis is characterized by inflammation of the urethra as a whole. The symptoms of this form of the disease are similar to the signs. It is important to consider that in the absence of therapy, the symptoms of urethritis may disappear on their own. However, with each subsequent exacerbation of the disease, its symptoms will be even more pronounced. As a result, the patient may experience serious complications of urethritis.

Diagnosis of urethritis

For proper treatment, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly establish the diagnosis. First of all, the doctor tries to find out what causes provoked the occurrence of urethritis in the patient. So, to establish the causative agent of the disease, various laboratory tests are used (smear, DNA diagnostics, PCR). Often, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs to adequately assess their condition. Based on the results obtained, the patient is prescribed a specific therapy.

Treatment of urethritis

In order for the treatment of urethritis to be as effective as possible, it is necessary, first of all, to determine which infection provoked the inflammatory processes of the urethra. In the treatment of urethritis, the same treatment regimens are used as in the treatment , and a number of other diseases of the reproductive system. Various drugs are used to combat pathogenic microorganisms. First of all, this , as well as agents with antifungal and antiviral action.

It is important that the treatment of urethritis occurs in parallel in both sexual partners due to the high probability of transmission of the infection during intercourse.

Both specific and nonspecific urethritis are treated according to the same principles. Such a classification is important from the point of view of the specific selection of drugs for the treatment of urethritis, as well as for understanding whether there is a need to treat the patient's sexual partner.

If a combination of urethritis and cystitis is diagnosed in a patient, then an integrated approach to treatment is important. In this case, the doctor necessarily prescribes the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as instillations of drugs into the bladder and urethra. The treatment process can last both several days and several weeks: it depends on the severity of the disease.

The correct approach to treatment is also important on the part of the patient. Effective not only drug treatment, but also compliance with the prescription prescribed by the doctor , abstinence from alcohol, drinking plenty of water.

After the course of therapy is over, and all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, it should be without fail repeat tests to monitor the patient's condition. This will help ensure that the infection has been eradicated.

The doctors


Prevention of urethritis

As measures for the prevention of urethritis, it is important to adhere to a healthy diet, excluding from the diet an abundance of spicy, salty, sour foods, and alcoholic beverages. important and correct drinking regimen: Every day a person should drink enough liquid. The best option- the use of plain non-carbonated water. If necessary, diuretics can be used - linden tea, cucumber, blackcurrant and cranberry juice, parsley are suitable for this.

You should also avoid hypothermia, wear warm and comfortable clothes in winter, avoid problems with stools, carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals. If you have symptoms of inflammation, you should immediately contact a specialist to cure the disease at an early stage.

Complications of urethritis

In the absence of the necessary treatment, urethritis in men can be complicated by a number of phenomena. First of all, acute urethritis can become chronic. It is possible to develop an inflammatory phenomenon of the prostate gland ( prostatitis ), testicular inflammation ( orchitis ), inflammatory process of seminal vesicles ( vesiculitis ). Due to urethritis can also develop , balanoposthitis possible narrowing of the urethra.

With urethritis in women, as a complication, it is possible violation of the microflora of the vagina , Vinflammation of the urinary tract .

List of sources

  • Urology: national leadership/ ed. ON THE. Lopatkin. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009;
  • Kozlyuk V.A., Kozlyuk A.S. Urethritis in men. Topical issues of diagnostics. Cytomorphology. Treatment. - Kyiv: Style Premier, 2006;
  • Skriprin Yu.K., Sharapova G.Ya. Sexually transmitted diseases. - M.: Medicine, 2005;
  • Molochkov V.A. Sexually transmitted infections. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment / V.A. Molochkov, O.L. Ivanov, V.V. Chebotarev. M.: Medicine, 2006.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that can be caused by various factors. It affects men and women, but the former causes much more discomfort - the male urethra reaches a length of twenty-four centimeters, while the female - only four. How is urethritis treated in men, what are the causes of the onset of the disease and its symptoms?

What is urethritis in men

Urethritis in men is an inflammation of the urethra, the passage through which urine passes. The reasons for its appearance are infection or mechanical injury. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse if the partner has an STD due to poor hygiene. Injuries appear due to medical procedures, urolithiasis. Often, the disease develops after hypothermia, when immunity decreases and pathogenic microorganisms become more active. Possible complications: inflammation of the prostate gland, testicles, infertility.

Symptoms and signs

Attentive attention to the symptoms of the disease will help to avoid long-term treatment, to prevent its development. Main features:

  • Itching, sharp pain during the release of urine, burning.
  • Discharges that are mostly foul-smelling.
  • Hyperthermia is occasionally observed.

The incubation period after which the symptoms of the disease appear depends on the type of disease and ranges from several hours (allergic) to several years (tuberculous). An experienced specialist will prescribe the necessary tests to determine which species struck the man’s body and provide the necessary treatment.

Diagnostic methods:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Urinalysis for leukocytes.
  • Research on venereal diseases.
  • Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

What is dangerous, complications

If proper treatment of acute urethritis in men is not prescribed, the disease can become chronic, which can cause serious complications in patients. For example, prostatitis, in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed, inflammation of the seminal vesicles, testicles, narrowing of the urethra.

How to treat

Prompt treatment can help prevent possible complications. It is carried out with the help of various drugs - antibiotics, antiseptics, antioxidants, immunotherapy, vitamins, immunomodulators, topical agents. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. It is important to observe proper nutrition, give up alcohol and cigarettes.


A course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed after examinations: external examination, blood, urine, smear. Then the type of urethritis, the pathogen that provoked it, is determined. In the treatment, the use of common antibiotics is excluded, since the sensitivity of the bacterium to the drug depends on its strain. What antibiotics are used for treatment?

Antibiotics of the nitroimidazole group:

  • Metronidazole. An antimicrobial agent that promotes the destruction of protozoan cells disrupts the synthesis of DNA of microorganisms, which contributes to their death. The drug is effective for trichomonas urethritis, is available as a solution for injection, in the form of suppositories, tablets. Possible adverse reactions: nausea, abdominal pain, headache diarrhea, allergic reactions, anorexia, bad taste in the mouth, dryness, urinary incontinence, discoloration.

The drug is contraindicated in leukopenia, organic lesions of the nervous system, with renal failure, allergies to the components that make up the composition.

  • Secnidazole. It provokes the death of the pathogen cells, is effective in the fight against Trichomonas bacteria. Available in the form of granules, which must be dissolved before oral administration. May cause side effects: nausea, diarrhea, bad taste in the mouth, stomatitis, leukopenia, allergic reactions, dizziness, ataxia. Contraindicated in blood diseases, CNS lesions, allergies to the drug.

Tetracycline groups:

  • Doxycycline. Suppresses protein synthesis by microorganisms. Helps in the treatment of gonococcal and non-gonococcal urethritis. Release form: capsules, tablets, injection solution, oral solution. May cause distress digestive system, as well as anemia, thrombocytopenia, allergic reactions.


  • Moxifloxacin. Suppresses the activity of microorganisms, effective against a variety of pathogens. It is prescribed for a wide range of diseases, as well as during the treatment of male urethritis. Exists in the form of a solution for infusion and tablets. Common adverse reactions: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, dizziness, headache, change in taste. Contraindications: epilepsy, hypersensitivity, severe diarrhea, age under eighteen.
  • Ofloxacin. Destabilizes the DNA of infectious pathogens, affects many bacteria. The drug is prescribed during the treatment of any type of urethritis. The dosage form is a capsule. Possible side effects: disorders of the digestive, nervous system, taste, hearing, smell, allergic reactions. Contraindicated in children under 18, during epilepsy, after traumatic brain injury, stroke, if there is an allergy to the drug.
  • Levofloxacin. Suppresses DNA synthesis of many microbes. Release form: tablets, solution for infusion. Possible unpleasant reactions: disorders of the digestive system, decreased pressure, hypoglycemia, disorders of the nervous system, disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs. Contraindications: epilepsy, age under 18, tendon damage after treatment with quinolones.


  • Fluconazole. An agent that destroys the fungus helps during the treatment of candidal urethritis. Release form: capsules, tablets, solution for oral administration and infusion, syrup. Side effects: nausea, flatulence, taste changes, dizziness, headache. Learn more, .

Contraindicated when taken simultaneously with terfenadine, astemizole.


  • Dioxidine. An antibacterial agent that helps when other medicines are ineffective. Available as an ointment, aerosol, solution for injection, external, intracavitary use. Reactions are possible: allergy, after intravenous or intracavitary exposure, disorders of the digestive system, fever may occur, after topical application - dermatitis. Contraindications: adrenal insufficiency, allergy to the drug.


  • Erythromycin. The antibiotic blocks the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms, which leads to their destruction. One of the safest and effective means, which is used during the treatment of male urethritis. It is taken intravenously and orally. Side effects- Digestive disorders, tinnitus or hearing loss. Contraindicated if the patient has a significant hearing loss, as well as when used together with terfenadine, astemizole.
  • Clarithromycin. An antibiotic derived from erythromycin with a stronger antibacterial effect. It is taken orally. Side effects: disorders of the digestive system, systems. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, with allergic reactions to the drug.

Azalides (macrolide derivatives):

  • Azithromycin. Suppresses protein synthesis of pathogens, has cellular and extracellular effects. Helps during the treatment of gonorrheal, non-gonorrheal urethritis. Frequent side effects: disorders of the digestive system - diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain. Contraindications: hepatic, renal failure, hypersensitivity.

At the moment, macrolides are used to treat various types of urethritis - one of the safest means. Previously, antibiotics of the penicillin group, for example, bicillin, were often prescribed, but due to the development of resistance to it by many microorganisms, it is prescribed in exceptional cases.


Antihistamines will help to avoid allergic reactions, remove possible side effects:

  • Tavegil. Has a long lasting effect. Helps with different types allergic reactions of the body. You need to drink the drug twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Possible side effects: nausea, headache, dry mouth. Contraindicated in children under one year old, when taking MAO inhibitors.

Medicines that restore the gastrointestinal tract are also useful:

  • "Yogurt". It normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves the digestion process, and is useful for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It is taken simultaneously with antibiotics, which negatively affect the body. You need to consume two to five tablets per day, with food, for several weeks. In order not to reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic, the breaks between doses should be at least one and a half hours.


  • Vitamin B, the drug "B Complex" from "Biotek". Improves cellular metabolism, useful in complex therapy and men. Take one tablet daily with food.
  • Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid. Helps in the treatment of infectious diseases. It should not be taken by hypertensive patients, allergy sufferers, and diabetics.

Other medicines

With urethritis, complex therapy is used, therefore, during treatment, as a rule, several types of drugs are prescribed at once.


  • Polyoxidonium for injections. It helps the body cope with infectious diseases. It is prescribed as injections of 6 mg daily for three days, then a day break, and again taking the drug. From five to ten injections of the drug are carried out.

Antiseptics for washing:

  • methylene blue. The disinfectant is used as a 0.02% solution with water.
  • Hydrocortisone. If the entire urethra is affected, installations with this drug are used.

Antiviral ointment:

  • Acyclovir. Topical ointment, which will be especially effective in treating if a man suffers from herpes urethritis. Apply to the affected area five times a day, take from five to ten days.

Observance of preventive measures will help to avoid such serious treatment - reducing the frequency of sexual intercourse with unverified partners, using condoms, constant thorough hygiene, a diet that excludes food that irritates the mucous membrane, drinking at least one liter of water during the day.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • Cranberry. The juice from this plant will help the body fight inflammation, prevent the formation of stones, which is useful for urethritis in men caused by urolithiasis.
  • Black currant. Three tablespoons of the leaves of the plant must be poured with two cups of boiling water, insist. Take twice or thrice throughout the day. It is useful to make decoctions, compotes from the berries of this plant.
  • Parsley seeds. Pour a teaspoon of seeds with one liter of cool water, strain after eight hours. Tincture should be consumed three times a day, three tablespoons.


Depending on the causes of urethritis, it is divided into specific and nonspecific. The first type of disease is caused by infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse (pathogens - gonococcus, herpes, ureaplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gardnerella). The emergence of a non-specific species is facilitated by a violation of the microflora caused by a fungus, staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli. Let's take a closer look at the different types of diseases.


Trichomonas urethritis is caused by Trichomonas bacteria, which are sexually transmitted and can cause acute irritation. With the active influence of the pathogen, whitish or transparent discharge may appear from the glans penis. Patients experience classic symptoms, as well as a sensation of "goosebumps" in the genital area.


The bacterial species is classified as a nonspecific variety of the disease. The pathological process is caused by various microorganisms, mainly chlamydia, streptococci, E. coli. Inflammation of the urethra is accompanied by purulent discharge.


Candidal or mycotic urethritis is a rare occurrence. It can appear in men who have a disease such as diabetes, or have undergone long-term treatment with antibacterial agents. This species is characterized by cheesy white or watery discharge, mild symptoms. May be complicated by prostatitis.


Nonspecific urethritis is a disease that was caused by a pathogen other than specific bacteria (herpes, chlamydia, etc.), or several microorganisms at once. Now this area is not well understood, doctors are only looking for specific causes that cause this type of disease. It could be an allergic reaction, prostatitis.

Acute gonorrheal

Gonorrheal urethritis in men is a sexually transmitted disease that manifests itself as a result of infection with gram-negative diplococci. They not only affect the urethra and contribute to its inflammation, the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system are also infected. Gonorrheal urethritis is characterized by redness of the urethral outlet, purulent discharge, induration on the head, acute pain, burning.


Gonococcal urethritis may be asymptomatic or characterized by pus that is released from the urethra, swelling of its outlet, hyperemia. An asymptomatic course is dangerous - it can serve as a further infection of sexual partners. Therefore, men who have frequent sexual intercourse with different women should be regularly examined.


Non-gonococcal urethritis in men can be caused by various microorganisms, but chlamydia is in the first place. Also, the appearance of the disease can be triggered by herpes, Escherichia coli. This is one of the most common types of the disease.


Gardnerella bacterial urethritis has been little studied by doctors, because it occurs in a man almost asymptomatically and can go away on its own, but sometimes causes complications - couperitis, epididymitis.


One of the most common causes of fungal urethritis is the entry of pathogens into the body of a man during intercourse. This contributes to a decrease in immunity. Symptoms - watery whitish discharge, "curd" plaque.

A few words about what urethritis is. This is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the urethra or urethra. Depending on the form of the disease, chronic and acute urethritis are distinguished. Urethritis occurs in both men and women.

In modern medicine, several types of diseases are distinguished, namely, trichomonas, gonorrhea, bacterial, viral, candidamicotic urethritis, based on the causative agent of the inflammatory process. Depending on how the patient became infected, infectious (caused by E. coli, staphylococci) and non-infectious (occur against the background of mechanical damage to the urethra) are distinguished.

This article on this common disease is not intended as a basis for self-treatment, but is provided for educational purposes only. Self-medication is fraught with serious health complications. When the first symptoms of the disease occur, it is urgent to contact an experienced urologist.

Are urethritis and ureaplasma the same thing?

This is not entirely true. Experts believe: urethritis as an inflammatory process can provoke the occurrence of ureaplasma.

How to understand: cystitis or urethritis?

The main differences between urethritis and cystitis are the localization of the inflammatory process. So, cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, and urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra (urethra).

Since it is often quite difficult to distinguish cystitis from urethritis, only an experienced urologist should provide assistance in this case. He thoroughly knows how the disease differs from cystitis. In particular, with urethritis, there are only unpleasant sensations, burning, pain, and with cystitis, frequent urination is added up to urinary incontinence. However, often these ailments accompany one another.

How to distinguish urethritis from prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland in a man, and urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra (urethra).

Is urethritis transmitted?

Turning to a urologist for help, patients are logically interested in: is urethritis contagious? Doctors believe that the infectious form of the disease can be transmitted from man to woman and from woman to man. Noninfectious urethritis is not sexually transmitted from partner to partner.

How is urethritis transmitted?

Urethritis is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. There is also a risk of becoming infected by household contact through common hygiene items (towels, washcloths, linen, etc.), during transurethral endoscopic manipulations.

Since it is possible to contract this disease sexually, if symptoms of the disease occur and after the diagnosis is made, one should notify one's sexual partner of the disease and be treated for both.

What causes urethritis?

As practice shows, urethritis occurs against the background of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the urethra. Among the main causes of the disease are sexually transmitted infections, urolithiasis, hypothermia, dehydration, urethral injuries, etc.

What are the symptoms?

Since urethritis looks standard, it is accompanied by the following symptoms: pain and burning during urination, purulent-mucous discharge from the urinary canal (usually with acute urethritis). Since the disease manifests itself more acutely in men, this condition is unbearable for them. Pain in men occurs both after urination and after ejaculation. Before determining urethritis in women, options for cystitis and other ailments of the genitourinary system are excluded. Chronic urethritis can occur without symptoms.

How to detect urethritis?

Since the disease is diagnosed exclusively by a urologist, experts recommend undergoing the following types of examinations: a general examination by a doctor, a urine test, a blood test, an ultrasound of the prostate, a smear, a culture of discharge from the urethra, and an examination of the bladder. Analyzes will show what indicators for leukocytes and soy.

What tests need to be done?

A woman is recommended to take such tests for urethritis: general analysis blood, urine, microbiological examination of urine for sensitivity to antibiotics and flora, examination for ureaplasma, mycoplasma and other sexually transmitted infections. A man needs to pass similar tests for urethritis: a smear from the urethra.

What is dangerous?

Urethritis can lead to serious consequences in men, including testicular inflammation or orchitis, balanoposthitis / balanitis, inflammation of the seminal vesicles or vesiculitis, narrowing of the urethra.

What will happen if the disease in women is not treated? This can lead to cystitis, a violation of the composition of the microflora of the vagina and infertility.

Does urethritis affect conception?

Yes, it does, since the disease is caused by a certain infection, and infections always negatively affect the process of conception and the health of the unborn fetus, if conception does occur.

Is there a cure for urethritis?

Yes, but only under the supervision of a specialist in the field of urology. Self-medication can lead to serious complications. Only a professional will assess the state of human health, make an accurate diagnosis and recommend an effective treatment for urethritis.

Can urethritis go away on its own?

Symptoms may go away, but after a while the inflammation will again make itself felt as soon as a person puts his health in danger. Urethritis must be treated without fail!

What doctor treats?

A man should consult a urologist, andrologist.

Which doctor should a woman contact? To the urologist and gynecologist. You may need the help of an infectious disease specialist.

How to treat urethritis?

Urethritis is treated exclusively under the supervision of a urologist, treatment begins with a consultation with a specialist.

Since it is not possible to cure urethritis in either men or women in one day, a full course of therapy is prescribed, which may include:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • phytotherapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • surgery (dilation of the urethra);
  • introduction of antiseptics into the urethra.

How to get rid of pain?

Since it is almost impossible to relieve pain during urethritis in women without medication, it is imperative to take medications. They should be prescribed only by an experienced urologist based on the results of the diagnosis. Here are the main painkillers: suprastin, miramistin, tavegil, etc.

What to treat?

When visiting a urologist's office, the question quite reasonably arises, how to treat urethritis in women? Experts recommend treating the disease with antibiotics (gentamicin, levomycetin), anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins (especially group B).

What to drink with urethritis and cystitis is determined by the doctor. In addition to medications, it is necessary to adhere to a diet (avoiding salty and spicy foods), drinking plenty of fluids (juices, mineral water, tea). It is also welcome to take diuretics, refrain from physical activity, alcohol, smoking, temporary cessation of sexual activity.

The decision on which drugs to treat urethritis in men must be made in tandem with the urologist. So, the main methods of therapy are as follows: taking antibacterial agents (local use of miramistin, protargol, potassium permanganate), antibiotic therapy (amoxiclav, cyprinol, norfloxacin), immunotherapy, a course of vitamins. Recommended abstinence from sexual activity and joint treatment with a partner.

How to treat candidal urethritis?

In such cases, antibiotic therapy is canceled and antifungal agents are taken. The complex of drugs that should be used to treat the disease should be prescribed by a urologist. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications!

How to treat bacterial urethritis?

Based on the intake of antibacterial complexes.

What do they drink with nonspecific urethritis?

Antibiotics, which are selected based on a smear analysis. The antibiotic must be active against the pathogen.

What is the treatment during pregnancy?

Conservative antibiotics are taken, a course of immunotherapy and local treatment is prescribed. The main goal of such therapy is the restoration of the walls of the urethra, the restoration of the vaginal flora, and the strengthening of the functions of the immune system.

How long does it take to treat urethritis in men?

Antibiotics are usually taken for 1 week. Complete recovery can occur 2-3 weeks after the full course. The disease should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor!

How to quickly cure urethritis?

Don't count on a quick recovery. Treatment should proceed subject to the recommendations of the doctor, as well as with regular monitoring by the urologist. In general, with simple forms, urethritis can be cured in 2-3 weeks. It is very important to follow preventive measures after an illness, including the timely treatment of sexually transmitted infections, safe sex, and hygiene.

What to do if the disease does not go away?

The decision to correct therapy should be made only by the urologist. In no case is it necessary to independently treat, change drugs or cancel urethritis prescribed against the disease.

Can chronic urethritis be cured?

Can. This may take from 3 weeks to 2 months. The treatment of this form is complicated, in addition to taking medications, you may need to install medications into the urethra.

How to cure chronic urethritis in women?

The decision on which medications to take should only be made by an experienced urologist. Here are the main steps: antiseptic washing of the urethra, vitamin therapy, taking antibiotics, antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators, antioxidants, etc.

What antibiotics are taken for this disease?

Most specialists prescribe such cephalosporins (ceftriaxone and cefixime), which help to effectively treat urethritis.

How to treat at home?

Folk remedies for the treatment of urethritis are as follows: infusions of parsley leaves, yellow zelenchuk, currant leaves, cornflower flowers, hemp seed, as well as hirudotherapy, etc. Traditional medicine can only supplement the main therapy, but in no case should it replace it.

How to get rid of urethritis once and for all?

To do this, you need to seek help from an experienced urologist who will assess the patient's health status and prescribe adequate therapy. You can find such a doctor on our website of the database of doctors and clinics in the field of urology. To use the help of the resource, it is enough to enter the name of the district of Moscow, where it would be convenient to be examined by a doctor. It is possible to call a specialist at home. You can sort the received data by cost and rating, which is compiled on the basis of real patient reviews. You can call us immediately and the selection of a doctor will take place immediately without unnecessary delay. We wish you good health and excellent well-being!

An inflammatory process that develops in the urethra due to factors of infectious or non-infectious origin. It develops in both sexes, but in mature men it is diagnosed more often, because due to anatomical features it is felt more acutely, which forces you to seek medical help. In women, the manifestations of urethritis are less pronounced, in certain cases the disease is not given due attention.

Causes of urethritis include infection with pathogenic microorganisms (in the predominant number of cases) or the development of inflammation in the urethra due to allergies or trauma. In the latter case, there is a non-infectious urethritis, which can become the basis for the development of an infectious lesion. The group of infectious urethritis includes specific urethritis (such as gonorrhea, trichomonas) and non-specific (such as chlamydial, mycoplasma).

Specific infectious urethritis are those in the development of which sexually transmitted microorganisms are involved - this is usually gonococcus and Trichomonas. A wide variety of microorganisms are related to the development of nonspecific urethritis - staphylococci, enterococci, pneumococci, streptococci, Proteus, E. coli, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, yeast fungi, viruses and their various combinations at the same time.

It is important in the etiology of the disease to determine the factors that determine the ways the infection enters the body and form its level of susceptibility:

  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • promiscuity;
  • prolonged and too active sexual intercourse;
  • sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • sexual intercourse while intoxicated;
  • decreased immunity and protective properties of the body;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • narrowing of the urethra (for example, due to tumors of the urethra or urolithiasis);
  • development of local allergic reactions;
  • irritation of the urethra with chemicals (eg, spermicides);
  • trauma to the urethra (for example, foreign bodies, urinary catheter).

In medical practice, primary and secondary urethritis are distinguished:

  • primary begins exclusively inflammation in the urethra;
  • the secondary basically contains a focus of inflammation somewhat distant from the urethra - whether it be bacterial diseases of the pelvic organs (prostatitis, vaginitis) or pneumonia or tonsillitis with such a distant spread of infection.

Primary urethritis is considered more common.

There are also anterior and posterior urethritis:

  • anterior - inflammation affects the anterior urethra to the external sphincter;
  • posterior - inflammation develops in the posterior urethra.

Symptoms of urethritis differs in diversity and depends on the nature of the occurrence and nature of the inflammatory reaction. It is noteworthy that, depending on the origin, urethritis can manifest itself both a few hours later and a few weeks after infection:

  • the incubation period of allergic urethritis is the shortest - a few hours;
  • nonspecific bacterial urethritis manifests itself after 3-6 days, under certain circumstances and after 6-10 weeks;
  • gonorrheal urethritis reports itself 4-7 days after infection, sometimes the incubation period can be 4-6 weeks;
  • trichomonas urethritis manifests itself after 10 days;
  • viral, mycoplasmal and chlamydial urethritis appear first symptoms after a few months.

The clinical picture of urethritis is determined by the form of its course - acute or chronic. Traditionally, chronic urethritis is a complicated form of acute, the development of which is more typical for trichomonas, chlamydial, mycoplasma infections. Chronic urethritis reminds of itself:

  • slight itching;
  • slight burning sensation along the urethra;
  • slight discharge from the urethra - mucopurulent, in the amount of a few drops;
  • adhesion of the lips of the urethra.

Acute anterior urethritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning along the hanging part of the urethra;
  • adhesion of the external opening of the urethra in the morning;
  • sponges of an urethra are edematous;
  • pain when urinating;
  • abundant mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the external opening of the urethra (may differ depending on the type of pathogen);
  • discharge may form yellowish crusts on the glans penis;
  • the general condition is often satisfactory.

In acute posterior urethritis, along with local symptoms, a noticeable worsening of general symptoms comes to the fore:

  • weakness;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • painful and frequent, with scanty urination;
  • sometimes at the end of urination, blood is released from the external opening of the urethra;
  • sometimes there are painful erections.

How to treat urethritis?

Treatment of urethritis is determined to a greater extent by its causative agent, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases that require attention to no lesser extent.

Treatment of gonorrheal urethritis suggests the need to use cephalosporins, better than the second and third generation, fluoroquinolones, macrolides. Modern medical developments show that gonococci are often resistant to penicillin, and therefore its use is minimized. Local treatment is carried out by instillations of medicinal solutions into the urethra, and the predominance of cicatricial-sclerotic processes and solid infiltrate determines the need for bougienage of the urethra and inductotherapy. Internal optical urethrotomy is used for the formation of urethral strictures, which usually have a clear shape and are located at the hanging part of the urethra.

Treatment of chlamydial and mycoplasmal urethritis can occur through the use of etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics - azithromycins, josamycins, tetracyclines. Urologists note a tangible and soon-coming therapeutic effect from the use of fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin or pefloxacin.

Treatment of trichomonas urethritis necessitates the use of metronidazole in accordance with the scheme determined by the doctor, in some cases a second course of the drug is appropriate. If urethritis becomes chronic, it is advisable to increase single doses of metronidazole and the frequency of its administration. In addition, it would be appropriate to instill medicinal solutions into the urethra.

Treatment of bacterial urethritis impossible without the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in combination with immunostimulating therapy.

Treatment of candidomytic urethritis requires the appointment of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs (nystatin or levorin), it is important to ensure a prolonged effect. It is advisable to supplement the effect of drugs with the action of vitamin therapy and immunomodulators.

Immunostimulating therapy is strictly recommended as part of the treatment of urethritis, regardless of the variety of its pathogen. The specific drug and its dosage is determined by the attending physician in each individual case, and Viferon, Likopid, Timalin, Timogen, Immunal are popular today.

What diseases can be associated

In women, the concentration of infection in the urethra creates fertile ground for the development of an infectious process in the vagina, and in men it can lead to inflammation of the prostate, bladder, and scrotum:

  • (vaginitis) - an inflammatory process that develops in the mucous membrane of the vagina, the causative agent of which is usually chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, streptococcus, staphylococcus and similar microorganisms or their association;
  • - an inflammatory process localized in the prostate gland, one of the causes of which may be infection;
  • epididymitis - an inflammatory process affecting the epididymis and manifested by hyperemia, swelling and swelling of the scrotum;
  • orchitis - inflammation of the male testicle, usually developing as a complication of gonorrhea, mumps, influenza.

Male diseases in their distribution can cause and.

(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder) and a violation of the microflora of the vagina () are the most associated diseases among women with urethritis.

Contribute to squeezing the urethra, and hence the development of urethritis, may be the presence in the urethra or narrowing of the urethra due to the passage of a stone through it.

Secondary urethritis is the result of the spread of infection throughout the body from inflammation of the pelvic organs, and also, which is rare, however, occurs.

Treatment of urethritis at home

Treatment of urethritis occurs mainly at home, but it should not be self-medication. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is important to contact a qualified specialist, undergo the necessary diagnostic procedure and follow the course of drugs prescribed by the doctor. Independently change the course is strictly contraindicated. It is important to note that the main element of treatment is antibiotic therapy, the course of which is important to complete, and not until the first noticeable improvement in the condition. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing resistance of a pathogenic microorganism to a previously used drug and its inefficiency with further use.

During the treatment of urethritis, urologists recommend following a certain regime - in nutrition and in organizing the day as a whole. Significant dietary restrictions must be observed - give up spicy, irritating mucous foods, alcohol, caffeine, focus on fruits and vegetables as sources of vitamins, consume plenty of fluids to ensure a diuretic effect.

An additional course of tableted vitamins and immunomodulators will not be superfluous.

What drugs to treat urethritis?

The use of drugs should be carried out exclusively in accordance with the prescription issued by the attending physician, however, depending on the causative agent of the disease, the list may be approximately as follows:

Bacterial urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy ( , )
  • azithromycin ( , )
  • aminoglycosides
  • josamycin ()
  • clindamycin ()
  • ofloxacin (Ofloxin, Tarivid)
  • pefloxacin (Abactal)
  • tetracycline
  • cephalosporins

gonorrheal urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy (Gonovaccine, Timalin)
  • macrolides
  • penicillin
  • fluoroquinolones
  • cephalosporins

Candidomicotic urethritis

  • Diflucan (oral 150-400 mg once a day)
  • (orally 0.25 g 2 times a day for a week)
  • Nystatin or (by mouth 1,000,000 IU 3 times a day or 500,000 IU 6 times a day for two weeks)

Mycoplasma urethritis

  • azithromycin ( , )
  • josamycin ()
  • lincosamides - clindamycin ()
  • pefloxacin (Abactal)


Trichomonas urethritis

  • instillations into the urethra - solutions of protargol, collargol,
  • metronidazole or (with a course of 0.25 g three times a day for the first 4 days, then 0.25 g twice a day) possibly in several courses
  • new generation drugs -

Chlamydial urethritis

  • immunostimulating therapy (, Timogen, Immunal,)
  • azithromycin ( , )
  • josamycin ()
  • lincosamides - clindamycin ()
  • fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin ( , )
  • pefloxacin (Abactal)
  • tetracyclines

Treatment of urethritis with folk methods

Treatment of urethritis folk remedies should not be used as part of self-medication, but rather be an adjunct to traditional drug therapy and used on the advice of a physician. At a minimum, the doctor will recommend taking diuretic drinks (cranberry juice or fruit drink, blackcurrant fruit drink), and it is useful to diversify the diet with beets, celery, carrots, green vegetables, salads.

From folk recipes, preference is given to agents that have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect:

  • infusion of dried cornflowers- 1 tsp brew dried flowers of cornflowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, take 2 tbsp three times a day. before eating;
  • blackcurrant leaf extract- 1.5 tablespoons brew dried currant leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain, take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals;
  • parsley infusion- Chop 80 grams of parsley and pour milk to the top, put in a preheated oven until the milk has evaporated; take 2 tbsp. hourly throughout the day;
  • lime blossom decoction- 2 tablespoons lime blossoms pour 2 cups hot water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain; take at night;
  • infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes- 4 tsp crushed rhizomes of couch grass, pour a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours in a cool place, strain; pour the squeezed liquid with a glass of boiling water, after 10 minutes strain and combine with the first infusion; take 0.5 cup 4 times a day.

The necessary effect is provided by the fees of the following medicinal herbs in equal proportions:

  • field horsetail, St. John's wort, wheatgrass rhizomes, sage, cumin fruits, cuff leaves;
  • meadowsweet, ivy boudra grass, tansy flowers, knotweed watch leaves, shepherd's purse;
  • motherwort madder root, heather grass, black poplar buds, immortelle flowers, fennel fruit.

2 tbsp collection must be brewed in ½ liter of boiling water, boil for about 5-7 minutes, filter after it cools down. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day. In acute urethritis, herbal treatment is carried out for a month, then additional two-month courses are carried out with two-week breaks. In chronic urethritis, taking medicinal herbs can last for years.

Treatment of urethritis during pregnancy

Treatment of urethritis in pregnant women should be carried out exclusively under the guidance of specialists from related fields of medicine. The purpose of drugs is based on the ratio of benefits to the mother and risks to the fetus.

The goal of treatment for any type of urethritis is certainly to restore the properties of the walls of the urethra, restore the microflora of the vagina and enhance the protective functions of the immune system. Treatment of infectious urethritis should take place in a hospital under the constant supervision of qualified professionals. Here, the most conservative antibiotics are selected, which will affect the development of the fetus as little as possible. Local drugs and a course of immunotherapy are also prescribed.

Non-infectious urethritis can be treated at home, in this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Especially popular in this case are folk methods, however, they should also be discussed with a physician, and not used as part of self-treatment.

Which doctors to contact if you have urethritis

Urethritis- a group of diseases, most often of an infectious nature, which determines the subtleties of diagnostic procedures. The examination begins with a detailed history of the disease - it is important to establish some of the nuances of the patient's sexual life, the presence of certain diseases in the past, and with such a treatment regimen and the results of dispensary observation.

The material for laboratory examinations is discharge and scraping from the urethra of the urethra. In the chronic form of gonorrheal urethritis, chlamydial urethritis, the secret of the prostate gland and ejaculate in men are examined, and the suspicion of Trichomonas determines the need to take a swab from the vagina in women. Of the methods of laboratory examination, preference is given to bacterioscopic and bacteriological, immunomicrobiological (direct and indirect immunofluorescence) and molecular biological (polymerase chain reaction) methods. In addition to the polymerase chain reaction, a cultural method is used to diagnose Trichomonas, and the detection of Trichomonas vaginal in a patient is a direct indication for the immediate start of treatment. The most reliable method is the sowing of pathological material on artificial nutrient media, and its value increases in the case of a chronic process. For the diagnosis of mycoplasmal infection, liquid nutrient media are used.

Microscopy of the material taken from the lesion is carried out with a special spatula, which makes it possible to obtain required amount substrate from the mucous membrane of the canal by its active scraping. Preparations for research are produced from the obtained material in colored and uncolored states. In laboratory diagnostics, among other things, fluorescent microscopy is performed, which allows for the qualitative and quantitative identification of the pathogen.

Treatment of other diseases with the letter - y

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Treatment of duplication of the kidney
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Treatment of nodular goiter
Treatment of ureaplasmosis
Treatment of ureterohydronephrosis

The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

Urethritis is one of the most common diseases that manifests itself in the fact that the urethra (urethra) becomes inflamed.

Urethritis affects both men and women. The percentage of men and women suffering from this disease is approximately the same.

The causes of urethritis in men and women are as follows:

  • Getting urethritis from a sexual partner. Most often, urethritis occurs as a result of unprotected intercourse, as well as frequent changes in sexual partners.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases that are already occurring in the genitourinary system (for example, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.).
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Urethritis in women is not as pronounced as in men, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female genitourinary system.

The main signs of the manifestation of female urethritis:

  • Burning sensation and pain when urinating.
  • Itching during menstruation.
  • Purulent discharge from the urethra. The color of pus can be different - depending on the type of causative agent of urethritis.
  • Redness in the genital area.
  • Compared to women, men experience symptoms earlier and more acutely.

The main signs of manifestation of male urethritis:

  • Bloody discharge in urine or semen.
  • Increasing the sensitivity of the penis, the appearance of pain during intercourse.
  • Itching in the genital area.
  • Increased urge to urinate.

Features of the disease

Causes of various types of urethritis and their symptoms

There are several causes of urethritis, as a result of which several types of this disease are distinguished. Consider the main types of urethritis.

Gonorrheal. The cause of this type of urethritis is the causative agent of gonococcus. The easiest way to get infected with gonorrheal urethritis is through sexual intercourse with a carrier of the pathogen, or when using personal hygiene items of an infected person - towels, sponges, etc.

Trichomonas. Symptoms do not appear immediately, but after about 5-15 days. This species is characterized by a whitish discharge of a foamy consistency from the urethra, as well as mild itching in the genital area. In men, the symptoms of this type of urethritis may not appear at all, which makes such patients the main source of infection with Trichomonas urethritis. The cause of trichomonas urethritis is sexual contact with the patient.


Bacterial. Most often, this type of urethritis occurs due to bacteria entering the urethra. The main cause of infection is sexual contact with a carrier of urethritis. Bacterial urethritis is:

  • Primary. Typical symptoms are itching and burning in the urethra, the appearance of pain during urination. Discharge from the urethra contains pus. Bacterial urethritis can become chronic - this form is difficult to treat.
  • Secondary. Occurs as a result infectious disease(eg, sore throat, pneumonia) or if inflammatory processes present in the body (for example, in the prostate gland). The main symptoms include the presence of pain during urination, as well as discharge with pus, especially intense in the morning.

Viral. This type of urethritis occurs due to perigenital chlamydia. This viral pathogen can provoke inflammation of the genital organs, because when it enters the cell epithelium of the urethra, it begins to multiply there.

candidamycotic. This type of urethritis occurs as a result of infection of the urinary system with yeast fungi. Symptoms of such urethritis are mild itching and burning, whitish discharge or without them. Most often, this type of urethritis is infected due to complications from antibiotic therapy, less often - from a woman with candidamic vulvovaginitis.

Chlamydial. The cause of chlamydial urethritis is infection with chlamydia. Discharge from the urethra may contain pus or mucus, or may not appear at all. Unnoticed or not treated in time, chlamydial urethritis can lead to complications.

Types of urethritis

Signs of urethritis: diagnosis and cure criteria

Signs of urethritis of various types are similar to each other. The difference is manifested in the intensity of inflammation of the urethra.

Symptoms of urethritis, which proceeds without complications, consists of the following symptoms: itching and burning in the urethra, inflammation of the urethral mucosa, discoloration and consistency of discharge from the urethra, pathological impurities in the urine. There are acute and chronic clinical course of urethritis.

  • Signs of acute urethritis appear after a few days (the duration of the period depends on the type of urethritis - from 2-3 days to 5-20 days). There are discharges from the urethra, pain during urination.
  • Signs of chronic urethritis occur due to incorrect treatment of the disease or non-compliance with the doctor's prescriptions. Chronic urethritis manifests itself through scanty discharge, itching in the urethra, and moderate pain in the urethra. Chronic urethritis can lead to complications.

Clinical course of urethritis

After a course of treatment for urethritis, an examination is carried out, as a result of which it is established whether the patient is healthy. The criteria for cure are:

  • The absence of extraneous discharge from the urethra within two weeks after the course of treatment.
  • Absence of inflammation of the urethra.
  • The disappearance of itching and burning during urination.

With the correct (timely and with the help of suitable means) treatment of urethritis, the prognosis is positive. In the case when the disease goes away with complications, the prognosis is less optimistic: the treatment process will either slow down, or the disease will develop into a chronic form.

When urethritis is completely cured, a person remains at risk of getting sick again, so maximum caution must be exercised: avoid promiscuity, observe personal hygiene.

Diagnosis of urethritis consists of several stages:

  1. Initially, the patient's complaints and the history of the disease itself are analyzed (when and what signs of urethritis were first detected).
  2. Anamnesis analysis Everyday life the patient (the presence of chronic or prolonged inflammatory processes, what operations were performed earlier, how many sexual partners have been in the last few months, etc.).
  3. Medical examination (at the urologist for men and at the gynecologist for women).
  4. Microscopy of a smear of the contents that are taken from the urethra to determine the presence of urethritis and its appearance.
  5. Urethroscopy using a special medical microscope (not performed for acute urethritis).
  6. (with acute urethritis is not carried out).
  7. A general urine test to identify the presence of impurities that are possible with urethritis of one kind or another.
  8. Bacteriological culture of a smear, which is carried out to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of urethritis to antibiotics intended for treatment.
  9. Ultrasound to detect any changes in the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.
  10. PCR diagnostics to identify pathogens or infections that can be sexually transmitted.

Prevention and treatment of urethritis

The following methods of treatment of urethritis can be distinguished:

  • Taking antibiotics. The type of antibiotic is determined by diagnosing the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the drug.
  • Immunotherapy.
  • The use of liquid drugs through their introduction into the urethra (topical treatment).
  • The maximum possible refusal of junk food and drinks (the exclusion of alcohol, spicy and spicy foods from the diet).
  • Sexual abstinence in the treatment of urethritis.
  • Drink plenty of non-carbonated and non-alcoholic liquids.

Prevention of urethritis is primarily proper diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy dishes from the diet and drink a lot of non-alcoholic and non-carbonated liquids.

Especially useful will be the use of linden tea (diuretic effect), lingonberry or cranberry juice (anti-inflammatory effect). Parsley juice is doubly useful - it has both a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of urethritis

Exercise moderately: prolonged heavy physical exertion will negatively affect the general condition of the body and can provoke urethritis. Control and treat infectious and inflammatory diseases in a timely manner: the infection can easily enter the urethra and provoke urethritis, so you should carefully monitor your well-being.

It is worth noting

For the prevention of urethritis, it is extremely important not to overcool: dress warmer, do not swim in very cold water without pre-hardening. Even short-term hypothermia can immediately provoke urethritis. Non-infectious urethritis is easy to get if you have urolithiasis: the urethra can be traumatized by stones and sand. Be sure to check every six months for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases!

If you notice any symptoms similar to the symptoms of urethritis - immediately contact a specialist, do not allow treatment on your own and do not ignore the disease. Signs of urethritis may disappear for a while, but you should not rejoice: in fact, urethritis will not disappear, but will appear again one day, and in a more severe form and with complications.