Uninterruptible power supply for PC. Choosing the Right Uninterruptible Power Supply

At the moment, it is almost impossible to imagine your life without the existence of such an offspring in it. technical progress like a computer. Over the past twenty years, personal computers have changed a lot, becoming much more productive and powerful. Old computers have given way to powerful new machines that allow you to do a lot more work than ever.

But no matter how powerful a personal computer is, it will still remain dependent on electricity. Since there are a number of factors that can interfere with the operation of a computer, and at the same time lead to the loss of important user data, there is a need to create uninterruptible power supplies.

If the user is working on his personal computer, and several applications are open on the desktop at once, performing a huge amount of work, then dozens of important files can be created during the activity, which will subsequently be of great importance to the user. But in the midst of work, the unexpected can happen - some kind of power failure, and the computer will turn off. Of course, many files that have a self-saving function will remain in the system and be used by the user, but most data will be irretrievably destroyed.

Power grids are not ideal. At any moment, a power failure can occur in any house, in any apartment, which will entail certain consequences. It is impossible to predict and prevent the appearance of the next failure that may cause problems with personal data user.

Uninterrupted source power supply (UPS, UPS, uninterruptible power supply for a computer) is a very interesting device that can extend the operation of a computer, prevent possible breakdowns and “filter” voltage (in some cases).

In order to decide for yourself whether an uninterruptible power supply is needed at all or not, you should think carefully about which power problems may occur when working on a computer:

All currently existing uninterruptible computers for computers are divided into three groups. Uninterruptibles from different groups differ among themselves in some properties, the presence or absence of certain functions, etc.

How to choose an uninterruptible computer

After the user has learned about the existence of such devices and got to know them better, he may want to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. But in order to buy, you must first carefully weigh the pros and cons" and decide whether the user really needs this device. After a positive answer, you should understand the uninterruptible power supplies better so as not to get into unpleasant situation or wasting more money than originally intended.

To choose the right model of uninterruptible power supply for yourself, you should know the main characteristics by which UPSs are distinguished. When choosing an uninterruptible power supply, a PC user should take into account the following characteristics:

  • output power
  • claimed battery life
  • price
  • device dimensions

The most common reason why users purchase their sources uninterruptible power supply for their personal computers, is the occurrence of problems in the electrical network. In this case, most often such problems are associated with the disappearance of voltage. Also, many personal computer users purchase uninterruptible power supplies to ensure that all operations carried out while working on their PC will be completed to the end. We all know that power failures can corrupt the data stored on your computer, and in some cases, corrupt your computer. operating system. Here the problems may be more serious.

There are on the market uninterruptibles from various manufacturers . This can create difficulties, but they can be easily avoided. The point is that this factor of great importance does not have. Almost all computer uninterruptibles with similar characteristics will cost about the same, even if they are made by different manufacturers. So it is better not to create unnecessary difficulties for yourself and not pay attention to the brand of the UPS. It is better to study the characteristics in order to find a device that will fully meet all the requirements of the user.

UPS should be purchased in those stores where the specified warranty will be at least a year. Also, do not forget that the cost of an uninterruptible power supply includes the price of batteries and it is about half of the total cost. In most cases, batteries last an average of half a year, a maximum of a year.

Home personal computers supplied with Off-Line UPS structures, and office or home-scale local networks - line-interactive UPS.

In order to choose an uninterruptible power supply for your computer, you should use a special ratio: the rated load must be multiplied by 1.2.

Also, the buyer should pay attention to the presence of an uninterruptible power supply with several useful parameters that not all models have. These parameters are: the "cold start" function - a function with which the uninterruptible power supply can be turned on when the mains voltage is turned off; the ability to independently replace the battery or add additional ones; the presence of power filters that suppress impulse surges in the mains.

one more an important factor, which the buyer should pay attention to when choosing an uninterruptible power supply, is its switching time to the battery and back. It should be remembered that the smaller this value, the better, since a long switching (15 ms) can cause a malfunction of the personal computer.

An example of selecting an uninterruptible power supply for a computer

For example, you need to protect the device, the total whose power is 440 W(assuming the power of the power supply and LCD monitor). As a value for the minimum power of the UPS, you can take a value of 630 VA.

How now to convert active power (W) to apparent power (VA)?

Uninterruptible power (VA) should be equated to the connected load(BT) and the resulting value is divided by 0.7.

It is very important to note that sellers can confuse VA and W, which can cause a mismatch between the buyer's calculations and the seller's recommendations. If we assume that the buyer will follow the seller's lead, who made such a common mistake, then he will have to be content with an uninterruptible power supply, the power of which will be significantly less than expected by about 1.4 times, which can subsequently cause problems, not to mention a spoiled mood.


Uninterruptible power supplies are devices that can help users in their work on personal computers. In addition to the function of maintaining power supply, some models of uninterruptible carry out the function of control for voltage and breakdown prevention. It can be stated that uninterruptible power supplies can prolong the operation of a personal computer and protect it from the adverse effects of power supply problems.

No one is immune from the unpleasant consequences of various power failures. This can happen to any of the users of personal computers. But problems can be eliminated by having an uninterruptible power supply, which perform the protection function and get you out of trouble.

Choosing an uninterruptible power supply is not so difficult, but this process cannot be called unequivocally easy. The fact is that all the characteristics of uninterruptible power supplies are not so easy to fit in your head, and not everyone can figure it out. But in principle, if you remember the main important functions of uninterruptible power supplies, then you can choose a device that is suitable specifically for a particular personal computer.

The purchase of an uninterruptible power supply for your personal computer will allow the user to avoid problems that are most often associated with failures in the power supply networks. If a problem occurs, the UPS will be able to switch to battery power, which will prolong the operation of the computer. This will allow the user avoid possible problems data corruption or loss.

There are enough manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies for a computer, but you should not rack your brains and choose a device from a certain manufacturer from the entire expanse of the presented assortment. It does not justify the expended effort and nerve. No need to go deep comparative analysis, since in fact all models of uninterruptible power supplies that have similar characteristics cost the same and work about the same.

Uninterruptibles - irreplaceable assistants users who perform a huge amount of work and whose activities are inextricably linked with the computer. One can hope for the illusory quality of power supply networks and their uninterrupted operation, but it is better to act in a practical way and make sure once again.

The stability of the operation of computers and many other devices - both household and those used in production - depends on whether the power supply from the mains to which the devices are connected is uninterrupted. In the event that the power supply is intermittent, a situation may arise in which a UPS is indispensable. What is the purpose of these devices? Based on what criteria should you choose uninterruptible power supplies for PCs and other types of equipment?

Is it worth buying a UPS?

Before considering how to choose a UPS, it is useful to decide whether it makes sense in principle to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. So, if we are talking about the need only to stabilize the voltage in the network, then other, more affordable devices can be used for this - for example, special network filters.

But if there is a need to ensure the functioning of the device during power outages, then you can’t do without a UPS. Of course, if the device has a reliable built-in battery, there may be no need for an uninterruptible power supply in this case.

UPS purchases are a significant cost item for large enterprises. At the same time, managers may face a variety of questions: how to choose the best uninterruptible power supply, which battery to choose for a UPS for a computer, an industrial device, an element of a heating infrastructure.

UPS classification

In accordance with the approach common among specialists, UPSs are classified into the following main types:



Online class UPS.

Let's consider their features in more detail.

Redundant UPS

Standby UPSs are primarily designed to be used when a device that is powered by an electrical outlet needs to be maintained in a functional state during regular periods. This UPS is sufficient, in particular, to ensure the operation of a computer - for example, if necessary, while there is no electricity, to save a file or complete the game. Many experts advise users who are thinking about how to choose a UPS to pay attention to the peculiarity of many models of devices of the corresponding type: they do not have stabilizing elements. This means that when the computer switches to standby power, there is a slight interruption in the power supply.

Line Interactive UPS

Line-interactive UPSs are characterized by high resistance to voltage drops. To which, in turn, backup devices are sensitive. Line-interactive devices have a number of features, they should also be considered when considering how to choose a UPS. So, these devices can generate network interference that enters the public network. In addition, the devices of the corresponding type are characterized by a rather high noise level, which makes it difficult to place them in residential premises. But, one way or another, their main advantage - resistance to voltage surges, makes the corresponding UPSs in demand.

online class UPS

UPSs of the online type are, according to experts, the highest resistance to power surges. In addition, they do not create network interference. Thus, they do not have the disadvantages that characterize other types of UPSs that we have discussed above. However, the corresponding devices are much more expensive. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in some cases they are inferior to backup and line-interactive ones in terms of energy efficiency.

There are other criteria for classifying the devices under consideration. In many cases, the question of how to choose a UPS should be considered in the context, first of all, of the equipment for which the corresponding device is being purchased. So, the characteristics of a UPS adapted for a PC may differ significantly from those of a device designed, for example, to connect to a gas boiler. The fact is that this device is designed to ensure the functioning of the corresponding equipment as a complex infrastructural component of the heat supply system.

Therefore, choosing a UPS for gas boilers based on this feature can be difficult: in particular, a detailed study of the power indicators of devices and their compatibility with specific types of technological infrastructure will be required.

UPS power as a criterion for choosing a device

Thus, power is one of the key criteria for choosing a source. It is measured in volt-amperes or VA. If necessary, they can be converted to watts. To do this, the indicator in volt-amperes must be multiplied by 0.6.

The power requirement of the UPS depends on the device to which it is intended to be connected. For example, if the question is how to choose a UPS for a computer, then you should focus on an uninterruptible power supply with a capacity of at least 500 volt-amperes. A device designed to ensure the functioning of a gas boiler must have an incomparably greater power. In turn, if you need a UPS for a refrigerator - how to choose it, of course, consultants can always tell you when purchasing the appropriate type of equipment, but the buyer should have guidelines for the parameters of the device in question - then its power will be closer to that which still characterizes the UPS for PC.

The next most important criterion for choosing a device is the duration of its autonomous operation in the absence of electricity.

Battery life

The parameter under consideration is most often expressed in minutes, sometimes in hours. If the question is how to choose a UPS for your home, then you can pay attention to those solutions that provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity for about 5-7 minutes. As a rule, this time is enough to perform the necessary operations with the computer. However, if we consider a refrigerator, then, obviously, a significantly longer autonomous operation of the device will be required. In principle, turning off the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes is not critical, and in this case it is not even necessary to connect a UPS to it. But if such shutdowns are regular or significantly longer, then an uninterruptible power supply will be needed, and it should work significantly longer than the specified time - for example, about 20 minutes.

The next most important criterion for choosing a UPS is the number of devices that can be connected to the corresponding device.

Choosing a UPS: the number of connected devices

Uninterruptible power supplies are most often equipped with a number of outlets from 1 to 8. Which UPS should you choose, considering devices with a different number of outlets?

The answer here will not always be obvious. The fact is that experts advise paying attention not only to this indicator, but also to the quality characteristics of sockets. So, among them there may be those that have increased immunity from interference in the electrical network, and there may be ordinary ones. If a UPS is chosen for a computer, then you can buy a device that has about 4-6 outlets, and it is not necessary to have surge-protected ones among them. UPS for more powerful devices may already require special outlets.

Features of the electrical network as a criterion for choosing a UPS

The next most important criterion for choosing a UPS is the features of the electrical network operating in the building or room in which uninterruptible power supplies are installed. So, if the network works without failures, then, probably, the user will not need to purchase expensive devices that have the appropriate security.

Choosing a UPS: the nuances

Consider a number of nuances that characterize the choice of an uninterruptible power supply.

It is desirable that the UPS ensure that the device switches to battery power in no more than 10 milliseconds. Only in this case, the computer will continue to function fully - for example, in the mode of launching a game or editing a document. But it is worth noting that most modern models of backup uninterruptible power supplies meet this criterion.

True, if power outages are too frequent, then the battery installed in the UPS may experience excessive load. In this case, quite soon the user may need to solve another problem - how to choose a battery for a UPS, the cost of which is not always affordable. In this case, it may be worth considering purchasing a line-interactive UPS. These devices are usually equipped with a voltage regulator that operates in automatic mode. An uninterruptible power supply of an appropriate type can, by transferring the device to which it is disconnected, to the battery, adjust the output voltage if the voltage in the network increases or decreases.

In turn, if you need to ensure the highest possible stability of the system to the appearance of problems in the network, it is better to focus on more expensive, but at the same time, technological UPS of the online type.

Choosing a UPS by power: the nuances

Choosing the UPS power that is optimal for ensuring the operation of the device is a task, the solution of which is also characterized by a number of nuances.

So, experts advise purchasing uninterruptible power supplies that have a capacity of about 30% higher than that of the device to which the UPS is supposed to be connected. In the case of computers, this is due to the fact that PCs sometimes reach a power significantly higher than that corresponding to the average load on the device - for example, due to heavy use of the processor.

It may well turn out that the user may need to install a more powerful hardware component in the computer system unit - for example, a cooling system or a video card. This hardware upgrade can significantly increase the overall power of a system connected to an uninterruptible power supply.

Another criterion that should be considered when deciding how to choose a UPS for a computer in terms of power is the number of additional devices that are supposed to be used simultaneously with the PC in offline mode. So, for example, this could be a printer: it is quite possible that when the computer is turned off, the user will need to not only save, but also print the document. If the printer will work simultaneously with the PC, especially when it comes to printing a large number pages in a row, then the total system power can jump by an order of magnitude. This is where the indicated reserve of an uninterruptible power supply comes in handy.

Choosing a UPS by battery life: the nuances

As a rule, about 5 minutes are enough for the user to save documents and even complete key operations with programs. Therefore, if there is no objective task of working with files, which requires a lot of time, then there is no need to buy uninterruptible power supplies that provide autonomy for the above 20 minutes or more. At the same time, it is quite possible to choose a good UPS, albeit not designed for long battery life, at a very affordable price, from a branded manufacturer.

UPS Selection: Software

Another noteworthy criterion, according to which an uninterruptible power supply can be selected, is the equipment of this device with a functional software. The fact is that the situations in which users most often need to use the UPS are quite typical. If the device to which the uninterruptible power supply is connected is a PC, then its operation, as a rule, is accompanied by the need to quickly save files. Many manufacturers of relevant devices implement similar data protection algorithms at the firmware level.

The advantages of such solutions may lie in the fact that the files will be saved, in accordance with the program, even if the user for some reason is not at the computer. In many cases, UPSs are also equipped not only with sockets, but also with connectors for connecting peripheral devices - for example, those that are powered by a USB cable. Some uninterruptible power supplies are adapted to protect network equipment and other devices that operate using technological interfaces.

UPS Selection: Management Tools

Another important criterion that you can focus on when considering which UPS to choose is the convenience of managing the device. The user should not, in principle, have any particular difficulties in bringing the device to operational readiness, and, if necessary, in turning it off, replacing the battery, and conducting simple diagnostics. Many devices of the corresponding type are equipped with quite informative built-in displays, which can reflect various parameters of the device. For example - the voltage level in the network, the power, the system consumed.

In addition, manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies can also supply specialized software to the market that will allow the user to receive the same data, and many others, directly on the PC screen. And this will be another aspect of the convenience of managing the device, which you can pay attention to when choosing the optimal model of an uninterruptible power supply.

UPS Selection: Battery Replacement

An important, according to many experts, criterion for choosing a UPS is the ability to change batteries in it. It happens that the user needs to quickly replace the battery. For example, if power surges are very often observed in the network, while the device may not be designed to operate in such conditions. Therefore, it is desirable that the owner of the equipment to which the uninterruptible power supply is connected has the opportunity to relatively easily purchase an average computer store and install new batteries in the UPS.

UPS selection: manufacturers

So, how to choose the right UPS, we now know. But many users make decisions about the purchase of the corresponding devices, focusing on the manufacturer. The most popular brands that produce uninterruptible power supplies include:

Each of these manufacturers produces competitive and popular equipment - reviews of experts and users can confirm this. Based on the opinions present on thematic portals, it is difficult to objectively identify the best and worst examples of UPS. One way or another, focusing on these brands, in most cases, the user will be able to find a device that is suitable both in terms of functionality and cost.

An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed to correctly complete programs and save important data by the user during an emergency power outage. The UPS is not designed to power the computer for long periods of time. The operating time is an average of 15 minutes, which is enough to close and save everything. For longer operation, powerful batteries are needed, which makes the device very bulky and expensive.

Depending on the principle of operation, UPSs are divided into three types:

Redundant UPS;
- line-interactive UPS;
- Double conversion UPS.

When buying such a device, it should be remembered that the power of the UPS is indicated in volt-amperes - VA, and the power of connected devices in watts - W. To convert one value to another, you need to multiply the number of VA by a factor of 0.7 and get watts. For example, the power of the UPS is 1000 VA multiplied by 0.7 - you get 700 watts. Therefore, taking into account the necessary power reserve, a load of up to 500 W can be connected to such a UPS.

When choosing a UPS, you should also pay attention to the battery life at full load, the presence of short circuit protection in the network and the connected device, the possibility of replacing batteries, the presence of a display and what information is displayed on it.

Redundant UPS

In the event of a power outage or severe power failure, the standby UPS switches to batteries. The switching time is less than 10 milliseconds, which is quite enough for the smooth operation of the computer. Due to the possibility of switching the UPS to battery power during power surges, it is advisable to turn on the mains stabilizer in front of it, this will significantly extend the battery life.

Redundant power supplies are the most common type of UPS because they relatively cheap, have high efficiency and low noise level. The battery life is from 5 to 10-15 minutes and depends on the power of the connected device. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a device with a 20–30% power margin.

Line Interactive UPS

Uninterruptible power supplies of this type incorporate a voltage regulator, therefore they have an advantage over the previous ones, but they also cost significantly more.

Such devices switch to battery power only when there is a complete power outage, so the batteries last much longer. They are also more economical more time battery life - up to 20 minutes, higher protection of connected devices. Disadvantages - high price and noise from the stabilizer cooling fan.

Double Conversion UPS

These are the most complex and expensive devices. The principle of operation is to convert AC to DC and then back to AC. The output is a perfect sine wave and a voltage of exactly 220 volts. Batteries are permanently connected, so these UPSs have zero transfer time.

Designed to power expensive equipment, server stations and computer networks that do not allow even a short stoppage of work. Disadvantages - very high cost, low efficiency, high heat dissipation, increased noise.

Hi all! Today I would like to touch on such a topic as choosing an uninterruptible power supply for a computer. Why did I decide to touch on this topic? And because this topic is very important for everyone who uses a PC! So, how do you choose an uninterruptible power supply? Well, everything is very simple here, read to the end, and you will understand how to choose it correctly.

For many, it most likely happened that the PC turned off without warning, and this led to data loss, and to the health of your PC. Yes, you heard right, your PC can crash due to improper shutdown. This happens quite often due to power surges or even better blackouts. And thus, without giving you a chance to complete a very important work with documents.

Uninterruptible PCs are divided into three groups

First can be called uninterruptible switching, these devices are the simplest and cheapest. I want to note that with their help you do not stabilize the voltage. But you can switch to the battery and work for five to seven minutes, after which it will turn off. The advantages of these uninterruptible power supplies include the fact that they are small in size and they do not have a complex design.

Second uninterruptible power supplies are line-interactive, which interact with the network. It is considered that these models of the average price. I can say with confidence that the models are popular and are in good demand in homes, as well as in offices.

In these models, voltage stabilization will take place in steps. These devices can operate over a wide range of input voltages. And thus users can not switch to rechargeable batteries. I note that these models have beautiful designs and small dimensions.

Third Uninterruptibles are industrial On-Line UPS. These models protect electronic devices as much as possible, and these devices also use a double voltage converter. Accordingly, they will allow you to continuously convert alternating current on your network. Hope this is sorted out...

How to choose an uninterruptible computer for a PC

Accordingly, experts evaluate according to different characteristics. But we are ordinary users! Is not it? So, the average user must take into account.


output power.

Device dimensions.

Claimed battery life.

I can say with confidence that the initiator of the purchase in most cases is a malfunction in the power grid. What models should be preferred? It's not that important. Uninterruptibles with the same characteristics and quality are in the same price range.

Make a purchase in a store where they give a guarantee of at least a year. Accordingly, you also consider that the battery costs half the cost of the UPS. And its battery life is basically half a year, so always check with the store about battery life (the longer the better).

And when buying, you can also focus on the power of the uninterruptible power supply, this power should exceed 20-30% of the power of the equipment. By the way, if you are not strong in electrical engineering, that is online programs who can do it for you. You only need to specify the PC model.


I want to note that an important characteristic is the battery life. Basically, this time is from 5 to 7 minutes, and this time is quite enough to shut down the PC.

There is also a software package in some UPSs that will allow you to restore all unsaved files in case of failure. And now there are new items that have displays, they will display all the network parameters, as well as network management functions. Be sure to pay attention to the deterioration of the battery and replace it in time.

UPS manufacturers

Accordingly, we come to the end of our topic. What else can I add? And the fact that you need to choose friends of only those manufacturers who give you a guarantee for the purchase of equipment. I can recommend several manufacturers, and these are APC, Powercom and Ippon. These companies are very good and do not fail in quality.

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If the PC is turned off due to power outages, this is fraught with more than just the loss of unsaved data or achievements in the game. A sudden power surge can damage motherboard, power supply and hard drive, and with it all your data. Unstable power supply is also capable of causing damage to equipment: too low or high - voltage or a distorted electrical signal. Even if there were no power outages in your home before, do not forget about the wear and tear of power lines and interference that interferes with the operation of expensive equipment. You can protect your gaming computer if you choose the right uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for it.

UPS and their varieties

The rule “The more expensive the equipment, the better it is” does not work here. Of course, some Chinese "brand" with an unknown name will cost less than a device from a well-known European manufacturer. However, we will not consider the risks of buying no name equipment in this article, so we will take the APC by Schneider Electric uninterruptible power supply by default.

Depending on the speed of switching to battery mode, as well as the presence and level of voltage stabilization, there are: offline, line-interactive and online UPSs. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Offline (redundant) UPS- the most budgetary in the family of uninterruptible power supplies. Their main task is to quickly switch to battery power in the event of a power failure. They stabilize the voltage in a limited voltage range, so they are not suitable for those who often have light bulbs flashing in the house, they shine too dimly or, conversely, brighter than expected. But you can save the document, the level in the game and turn off the PC in accordance with the rules with such a UPS without any problems.

Line Interactive UPS- this is, as a rule, the average price segment of uninterruptible power supplies. They will not only switch to battery mode faster than offline ones, in 2-4 ms, but they will also stabilize over or under voltage in a fairly wide range if it deviates from the norm. Such UPSs are usually bought to protect expensive PCs, entry-level servers and other equipment that is sensitive to power surges.

Online UPS- the most serious and expensive devices among all of the above. They guarantee reliable equipment protection and a high degree of voltage stabilization, and they have no delays in voltage conversion and switching to autonomous operation at all. Typically, online UPS is used to protect IT equipment and other electronic devices, the disconnection of which will lead to losses. For example, such UPSs protect servers in banks so that customers always have access to a bank account. For home use, such devices make no sense to acquire.

So, of all the above types of uninterruptible power supplies for protecting a gaming computer, offline and line-interactive ones are the most suitable. But these devices are also represented on the market by thousands of models that differ in hundreds of characteristics. How to choose the right uninterruptible power supply for a gaming PC? Let's consider the main features of the UPS using the example of the three most popular models from APC by Schneider Electric of the Back-UPS series. This series is designed just to protect computer equipment, peripherals and other home appliances.

Option 1: Model APC Back-UPS BE700G-RS

For all its simplicity, this model is one of the most popular in the world, because at a relatively low price it provides reliable protection of equipment and data in case of power failures. It has the usual form factor of a floor surge protector for 8 outlets. The device is very easy to manage, does not require additional settings, it is connected via a USB cable. and in the event of a power outage, gives up to an additional hour of additional time to save data and turn off the equipment. The maximum output power is 700 VA (405 W), which means that the maximum recommended load on the UPS should not exceed 650-700 VA. It is not recommended to connect equipment to it, whose total power exceeds this threshold, so the device in the event of working situation may shut down due to overload. This model provides protection against power surges, as well as the ability to connect devices to protect them via DSL and Ethernet ports. The UPS has 2 groups of surge protected outlets. The first group with backup power, which will be powered during a power outage in the network. The second is a group with protection of connected equipment only from power surges, which also turns off when the electricity is turned off. This is the best choice for those who do not have problems with the voltage level and who just need to protect their computer from data loss.

Option 2: Model APC Back-UPS BX1100CI-RS

A fairly affordable line-interactive uninterruptible power supply with the minimum necessary set of functions for PC owners and stabilization when the voltage drops or rises. Thanks to the included APC PowerChute proprietary software, it allows you to quickly receive data on the operation of the UPS and manage it directly from your PC. One of the main advantages of this program is the ability to completely restore the state of the computer (settings and data) after the restoration of power supply. In addition, you can manually set the voltage level from which the UPS will correct deviations, and adjust its sensitivity to these deviations. The maximum power of the equipment connected to this model in total should not exceed 1000-1100 VA, and the Tower form factor allows you to conveniently place the device both on the floor and on the desktop - it is slightly larger in size than an external disk drive. This model is the choice of those who want to protect their PC not only in case of a power outage, but also in case of power surges, but not to spend too much on a purchase.

Option 3: Model APC Back-UPS BR1500G-RS

Another line-interactive UPS, popular with owners of gaming computers. It has all the advantages of the APC Back-UPS BX1100CI-RS described above, but, being the "older" model, it also has additional features, such as an LCD display and power saving mode: when you turn off the device connected to the control outlet (for example, the system unit computer), peripheral equipment connected to controlled outlets (such as a monitor and printer) also turns off. This allows you to significantly save electricity, especially if interruptions are of a long-term nature. There are also sockets with permanent surge protection and the ability to receive basic information about the device and control it not only from a computer, but also through the interface on the front panel. This model is the choice of those who want to be able to enjoy all the benefits of a new generation of line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies and reliably protect not only their computer, but also other expensive equipment in the house, such as music equipment.