Egg production of Chinese silk hens. Description of Chinese silk chickens, their productivity, cultivation and care. What hurts the most

Chinese silk chicken has been known to people all over the world for over 1000 years. It was first mentioned in the diaries of Marco Polo, a traveler known in many countries. There are a huge number of different legends, myths and disputes about how this ancient decorative breed did come about. One of them was distributed by Dutch breeders who told buyers that the chickens were obtained by crossing ordinary chickens with rabbits.

There are people who think that birds of this breed have real fur, like a mammal, but in fact this is a lie. Chinese silk chickens first appeared in East Asia. Today, this breed is in great demand among farmers who grow various chickens.

Description of the breed, characteristics and productive indicators

Chinese chickens differ from others in that they have black bones, dark gray muscles, and brownish blue skin. Due to the distinctive color, its meat is easy to distinguish by color from the meat of ordinary chickens. In some countries, such as China, this meat is considered a delicacy. At Chinese silk hens down replaces feathers resembling animal hair.

Another distinguishing feature of the breed of Chinese silk chickens is the presence five fingers, all of them are also covered with soft feathers. Two fingers are located behind, and three - in front. If you pay attention to the head of chickens of this breed, you can see small tanks, as well as a fluffy beard and crest. Feathers of downy chickens have shades of several colors: blue, lemon, black and even milky.

The back of a downy bird is quite wide, but short, and the body has a rounded shape. In her tail there are both tail feathers and pigtails. Appearance Chinese crested chicken has a very attractive. Moreover, even decorative breeds of chickens are eaten. This meat is very dark, does not have an attractive appearance, but it is incomparably tender and with a pleasant taste. It contains much more vitamins, protein and other nutrients than plain white chicken meat.

Many are interested in when this breed begins to lay. They usually start laying their first eggs in their fifth month of life.

Breed Benefits

In addition to the fact that these birds are quite attractive and beautiful, they also have their own special agricultural purpose:

Black silk is the most ancient representative of this breed. With its fluffy and soft cover and funny crest, the bird is somewhat reminiscent of a poodle dog. Additional decoration black hens are sideburns and beard.

The insides of these chickens (Chinese characteristic):

  • black bones;
  • black-brown skin;
  • gray-black meat.

The black chicken is very small in size, and weighs only 1.5 kg, the rooster may weigh more. Due to the fact that chickens are covered with down, they visually appear larger. It also seems exotic that their shoulders protrude, and their legs are short and fluffy. The earlobes are turquoise, while the comb and beak are blue.

Another nice feature of black chicken is that in a year she can lay about a hundred eggs. The birds are not wild, they are very kind and gladly go to the hands, they love affection, they allow themselves to be stroked.

Black chicken down is highly valued. They cut them about once a month, about seventy grams are collected from the head. This fluff is used for knitting. Chinese black chicken easily tolerates cold weather, even if the chicken coop is unheated. They don't need perches. The diet of a black chicken needs the same as a normal one. However, if the owner wants the bird to rush, it is necessary to provide it with a warm existence in a bright space.

The crested species is the most fluffy in the world. However, such a bird also has its drawbacks: it often sick, and the owner needs to pay special attention to the well-being of the bird, which is prone to many different bird ailments, such as feather-eaters, fleas, ticks, and if they are improperly kept, they will no longer retain their former beautiful appearance.

If the diet is not balanced, pores may become clogged or the gastrointestinal tract may become inflamed. If a bird has diarrhea, it will turn its attractive coat into a sticky ball. Therefore, it is important for the owner to keep order and maintain cleanliness in the room where the chickens live, as well as what the birds eat. A clean chicken coop, balanced nutrition and attentive care are all that the owner needs to remember in order for the birds to be strong and healthy. It is also worth knowing that black chickens require walking.

Description of the breeding features of crested birds

Breeding silk chicken requires a lot of money. One individual costs about fifty conventional units. In order to get offspring, you must have a rooster and several chickens (five is enough). One egg viable for about a week, an individual usually incubates no more than fifteen eggs.

Residents of large cities have the opportunity to purchase an egg of this bird. Chicks are sold in special stores and large markets.

Chinese black chickens are raised in the same way as ordinary chickens. The temperature is removed gradually, starting from thirty degrees in the first week, reaching eighteen in one month. They begin to feed with boiled yolk and crushed cereals, gradually expanding the diet. Crushed cereals should make up at least half of the diet, it is also necessary to give vitamins and boiled vegetables.

Dishes from the meat of this bird

In China, such a bird is valued not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for the special composition of its meat, because both dark meat and the insides of the bird have special healing properties. Also, this meat is more nutritious than white meat, and is saturated with all kinds of amino acids and vitamins. Black meat dishes do not contain fat. Such dishes perfectly absorbed human body And possess medicinal properties , and suitable for people on a strict diet.

Dishes prepared from black poultry meat should in no case be fried. Broth, soup, curry, and stew - best options cooking.

Thus, based on the foregoing, comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of this breed, we can conclude that birds such as Chinese chickens are ideal for all farmers, because, despite their cost, they are very beautiful, attractive, kind, and dishes from their meat is worthy of the best praise. A person who acquires several birds of this species for his household is unlikely to ever regret his choice.

Among all the traditional types of poultry, the chicken is the most common inhabitant of the household. Moreover, quite a lot of breeds of this bird differ, among which there are exotic decorative breeds.

Namely, silk chickens oriental origin, which are not traditional laying hens, but really surprise with their attractive appearance and docile temperament.

The first mention of this bird appeared in the 16th century, but already then active disputes began regarding the exact origin of chickens and their class biology.
Interesting: some experts believe that silk chickens are a combination of chicken and rabbit.

Appearance of birds

This breed is classified as decorative and domestic. The silky inhabitants have a rounded body, soft pleasant feather coating which resembles silk fabric to the touch.

Such a silky cover is due to the fact that there are no hook-shaped grooves on the feathers. Such hooks are located only on the tail and on the tips of the wings.

Among other things, the body of these birds contains a large amount of melanin, which colors the skeleton and skin covering in a dark blue palette. Due to this feature of the organism, the soft areas of the cover turned out to be a rich shade of turquoise, and the beak and scallop are plain blue.

Reference: for such color features, the breed is also called black silk. On the top of the hens there is a compact "lotion" of feathers, strongly reminiscent of combed back bangs.

And some representatives of the breed were even awarded the so-called beard and sideburns. Such distinctive nuances of appearance made the chickens look like poodles with "berets" on top. Below you can see a photo of this breed.

These birds have a compact and flat back. The lower legs are small and densely covered with plumage. The eyes are almost black. As for the color of the feathers, they are almost always black. But there is a golden color, gray, red, white and blue. The weight of one such bird is about 1.5 kilograms.

Another difference between silk representatives- the number of fingers on the paws. Ordinary chickens have four fingers, while the exotic breed has five, and they are also covered with feathers.

The nature of chickens of this breed

These birds are surprisingly friendly and calm. Moreover, of all types of poultry, these representatives of the breed willingly make contact with people.

Silk hens can often be found in petting zoos, and in their “homeland” in China they are kept as pets at all, as they allow you to take yourself on your knees and love gentle strokes. And most importantly, they are not capricious to living conditions.

These birds have a well-developed instinct for hatching offspring. They are friendly and affectionate. But the main disadvantage of the breed can be called an insignificant degree of productivity and expensive incubation "material" for growing.

This cute variety of chickens does not imply any special maintenance requirements. It is quite possible to acquire this exclusive pet at home, which is practically no different from the usual chicken.

For reference: breeding this breed in the household is no different from caring for ordinary Russian birds.

Standard Care Requirements:

  • It is important to feed on time and only high quality products;
  • these birds are very demanding on cleanliness and sanitary standards of cells;
  • silk oriental variety is resistant to low temperatures, however, on winter time cells are important to provide warmth and light so that the hens continue to lay eggs;
  • for walks it is important to provide own paddock to protect birds from predators.

Lack of walking silk hens does not hurt. Eastern hens are deprived of the ability to fly, so it is not at all necessary to equip perches in cages. And do not forget that these birds need full-fledged sunny conditions, that is, a sufficient amount of light in the house.

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Description of productive features

In China, silk chicken meat is highly valued, as it is surprisingly tasty and has dietary properties.

The Chinese have long studied all the beneficial qualities of this bird's meat, namely, it contains calcium, various amino acids, phosphorus, nicotinic acid and many vitamins.

Interesting: in Chinese medicine, silk chicken meat is actively used to treat headaches, tuberculosis and other diseases, as the product contains a large number of special substances.

Chinese birds are valued by the Chinese for their down and feathers. Just a pair of haircuts of one bird gives fluff, weighing up to 150 grams. And in general, a domesticated bird of this breed is able to bring a lot of joy to its owner, it is interesting to watch it, especially its clumsy movement.

Characteristics and differences between a rooster and a chicken

This breed has several subspecies that differ in plumage color: red, yellow, blue, black, and so on.

The weight of roosters reaches one and a half kilograms, and chickens can weigh up to 1.1 kilograms. As for egg production, one individual is capable of producing one hundred eggs every year, each of which weighs 35 grams. The shell is colored brown, and the eggs themselves have an increased nutritional complex.

Growing conditions

Chicks of the Chinese silky variety are sensitive to perceptible temperature fluctuations, so their care must be competent. The basic rule for young animals: this is a rich nutritional menu, a balanced regimen and ensuring optimal temperature parameters in the hen house.

Interesting: these chickens are bought as hens, because they can hatch not only their own eggs, but also the eggs of pheasants, partridges and other feathered representatives.

Chickens from an incubator

If you plan to grow the breed through an incubator, then consider the following points:

  • chickens of these birds are much smaller in size than traditional chickens, so they are sensitive to temperature changes;
  • immediately after hatching, the chicks should be kept indoors for a long time the temperature should be +30 degrees;
  • decreases after a week three degrees, but no more;
  • monthly chicks develop perfectly already at a temperature +18 degrees.

Nutrition of young animals

It is important to include useful elements in the daily menu of a future adult, such as boiled yolk, low-fat cottage cheese or sour cream, boiled carrots, semolina or corn grits. Do not forget about ready-made store-bought vitamin complexes. Hatched chicks are fed every two hours.

Advice: 60% of the diet of young animals should consist of grain and vegetable feed. It is recommended to give chicks boiled vegetables frequently.

As soon as the babies have reached the age of one month, they can already be fed three times a day, while grain is actively added to the diet. It is also recommended to feed the young with clover, mint pumpkin, millet and other food options. Drinking water should always be clean.

Breeding features

The price of these decorative representatives of the feathered family is an order of magnitude higher compared to the cost of traditional chickens.

For example, one silk "Chinese" egg will cost you five dollars, and for a chicken you will have to pay about seven dollars at all. The price of an adult chicken is approximately $50.

You can buy such an interesting breed only in specialized pet stores, professional farms or official agricultural markets.
When buying silk chickens, you should help them as much as possible to adapt to the new territory. But the main way of growing is still incubation of eggs by an adult bird.

Important: the Chinese breed is not adapted to rainy weather and is sensitive to humidity in the chicken coop, so make sure that the chickens do not get wet.

Diseases of silk chickens

As far as adult diseases are concerned, the following ailments are common:

  • poisoning organism;
  • viruses pulmonary system;
  • inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
  • rickets;
  • infectious intestinal viruses;
  • appearance worms;
  • coccidiosis.

Disease prevention

To avoid all of the above diseases, it is important to observe the following points.

  • First, chicken pens should always be clean, systematic cleaning is important.
  • Secondly, nutrition should be fresh, with the obligatory addition of vitamins to the diet, which are the source of health.
  • Third, regularly change the water in a drinker.
  • Fourth, provide the hens with sufficient walking, and in severe frosts, do not forget to insulate the chicken coop.

And finally, as soon as you notice signs of weakness or illness, immediately isolate the sick individual from the rest of the birds. It is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian, and for other birds, carry out prophylaxis.

In fact, silk "Chinese" with proper care practically do not get sick, despite the harsh Russian climate.

Advantages of the Chinese breed

The chickens in question are not only very attractive, but also highly valued in the rural industry.

  • Meat rooster and chicken tender and dietary, rich in vitamins.
  • Silk fluff, like sheep wool, is used in rural industry.
  • Eggs silk "Chinese" are quite large, despite the size of the laying hens.
  • Chickens are calm, do not fly and are happy contact with people.
  • Silk hens not whimsical to the conditions of detention and quietly breed in the Russian climate.

The ancient breed appeared in East Asia in the XIII century. Initially, silk chickens were bred as decorative individuals. Gradually birds gained popularity in Europe. They were brought to Russia in the 18th century. Silk chickens have an unusual appearance. They are bred for decorative and economic purposes. Meat and eggs are eaten. In Asia, these products are considered a delicacy. Birds are unpretentious, adapted to living in the Russian climate.

Breed features

Chinese silk chickens got their description several centuries ago. The bird has a muscular small body and head, a short neck, a raised chest, short paws with five separate fingers - three in front and two behind. The eyes are black or brown, sometimes they are closed by a downy tuft located on the head.

The skin is dense, has a dark blue, purple or black tint, the muscles are gray, the bones are bright black. Chickens are often referred to as the bird with crow bones. This color is due to the large amount of melanin in the body.

Feathers are soft and silky, more like fur. They do not have a rigid core, easily disintegrate, cover the entire body, paws and head. On the head there is a fluffy crest. The rooster has it thrown back, it also has sideburns, a comb (poorly developed) and a beard. The shade of feathers is black, red, gray, bluish or white. Chickens can have a solid or mixed color. Males are larger than females. The average weight of a rooster is 1.5-2 kg, chickens - up to 1.5 kg. There are dwarf breeds, they differ from ordinary silk chickens in their compact size. Their meat and eggs can be eaten.

Eggs are small and have high nutritional value. The shell is light brown in color, weight - 35 grams. One female is able to lay 7-12 eggs per month (60-130 eggs per year). The meat is considered a delicacy - dark in color, lean. The soft plumage can be sheared once a month and used to make feather pillows and needlework yarn.

An individual begins to hatch chickens from the age of 5-6 months. Chickens are wonderful, caring hens. They can incubate their own and planted eggs of other poultry. They are friendly, not afraid of people, are given in the hands. They are often raised in petting zoos. They get along well with other pets and birds. Many people buy Chinese chickens so that they hatch quails, pheasants, ducks, geese, and other breeds of chickens.

Animals are unpretentious, do not require special conditions of detention. Plumage allows you to endure winter well.

Many breeders consider these birds unproductive.. The disadvantages are the high price of hatching eggs and chickens, low egg production, small ears.

General requirements for keeping chickens

With the right content, the birds will look beautiful, regularly lay eggs and bring offspring. They can be kept in chicken coops and cages.

Basic content requirements:

  1. 1. Nutritious feed, clean water. The diet should contain grains, cereals, grass, boiled vegetables, fruits, vitamin supplements, crushed eggshells, fish oil. Fluid needs to be changed every day. The drinker is positioned so that the bird does not wet the feathers.
  2. 2. Maintaining cleanliness in the chicken coop. You need a spacious and bright space. Cleaning is carried out regularly, otherwise the plumage will look untidy. For bedding, poultry farmers are advised to use straw and sawdust. Dirt in the chicken coop becomes an environment for the development of harmful microorganisms and diseases.
  3. 3. If the premises are heated in winter, the female will lay eggs all year round.
  4. 4. Nests are equipped on the ground or at a low height, it is necessary to make ladders. Birds don't fly. They will not be able to reach the high perch and will sit on the floor.
  5. 5. If it is not possible to organize walking outside, there should be enough sunlight in the chicken coop.
  6. 6. A place for walking is enclosed with a mesh fence to protect against predators. The corral is equipped with a roof. Keeping animals outdoors will increase their immunity.

Birds are afraid of drafts and high humidity. From the rain, the feathers get very wet and dry for a long time.

Chick rearing and care

Chickens are smaller than normal chickens. They are sensitive to temperature changes, they need to be carefully cared for.

Usually they get one rooster for 7-10 females. Experienced housewives have a spare male and change them every 2-3 months. Males are updated every 2-3 years, females every 5 years. For breeding, chickens of different colors are kept separately. Chicks can be hatched naturally or in an incubator. Hatching with a hen is easier. She will be able to provide enough heat and take care of the chickens.

Newborns are kept at a temperature of +30. Every week it is reduced by three degrees. Birds that have reached the age of one month can live comfortably at +18 degrees.

From birth, chicks are fed every two hours. Gradually increase the interval by 10-15 minutes. When they turn one month old, feeding is carried out every three hours. The diet includes corn, semolina, millet, boiled vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese, eggshells, boiled eggs, special vitamin complexes, herbs.

It is possible to distinguish a chicken from a rooster only at the age of four months. Young individuals need to be gradually hardened so that in the future they can easily endure the cold. It is important to vaccinate chicks against the most common diseases. To do this, you should contact a specialist.

Common diseases

Silk chickens are hardy, diseases can manifest themselves from malnutrition and improper care.

If a deterioration in the health of the bird becomes noticeable, it should be isolated so that the infection of the entire poultry house does not occur. It is necessary to ensure timely treatment, otherwise the individual will die.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


The Chinese silk chicken breed has been known for a long time. They were mentioned in the treatises of Aristotle. Birds were objects of admiration for Marco Polo, who traveled through China in the 13th century. In the 17th century, the breed was described by the Italian explorer Ulisse Aldrovani. In the 19th century, the breed was officially recognized in the United States.

Birds are considered decorative, but you can get meat and eggs from them. Individuals are distributed throughout Europe and Asia. They are bred on large farms and in private farmsteads. Why is Chinese silk chicken popular all over the world? What care does she require?

Description of the breed

Individuals of the Chinese silk breed are unique. They attract with their thick plumage. Short fluff covers the entire body of the bird. It frames the head like a soft hat. The limbs and metatarsus are also closed. The plumage is silky to the touch, reminiscent of fur. Due to this cover, individuals can withstand low temperatures, but not for a long time. After walking in the winter, they are brought into the chicken coop. Optimum temperature+10 C.

Down can be cut and used like any other down for knitting warm sweaters, hats and mittens. Shearing a chicken doesn't hurt. He's growing fast. Every month from 1 individual you can get 150 g of fluff. It is valued in the market for its beauty. The plumage of Chinese chickens can be white, with a yellowish tint, black, blue. Knitted products are unusual, do not require additional dyeing.

Another feature of Chinese silk chicken is the unusual color of its skin and meat. The carcass of traditional breeds of chickens is light. The skin has a yellowish tint, and the meat is pink. Individuals of the Chinese breed have black skin, meat and bones. It does not look familiar, culinary dishes are unattractive, but they are ordered most often in restaurants. This is exotic.

In addition, it is considered more useful than the carcass of traditional breeds of chickens. Chinese medicine experts recommend eating meat for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, muscular and skeletal systems. Meat is used in pharmacology for the preparation of dietary supplements and medicines.

At the beginning of the spring season and in August, the walking area is treated for ticks that can catch on the dense plumage of birds. After walking, they check for the presence of insects.

How to grow Chinese silk?

To create a livestock of the Chinese breed of chickens, they acquire eggs or young. Eggs are placed in an incubator, where they maintain a temperature of +38 C. Chickens need a clean room in which temperature and light conditions are observed. The optimum temperature for a newborn young is 30 C. The light is not turned off. This mode is maintained for 5-7 days.

From the 2nd week, the temperature begins to gradually decrease by 2 C, with a step of 7 days, bringing it to 18 C. Adults feel good at a temperature of +10 C. The light regime is adjusted from the 2nd week. The light is turned off every 4 hours. They maintain a shutdown time of 2 hours. For the normal existence of chickens, daylight hours are needed at 14-16 hours. In this case, they will maintain good immunity and develop normal egg production.

  • Experts recommend immediately giving the chickens a combined feed: the “start” version. The young begin to feed the next day after birth. If it is not possible to purchase compound feed, then traditional feeding is used.
  • 1 week give chopped boiled egg.
  • 2 week feeding alternate: egg, greens. Dill, parsley are chosen as greens.
  • 3 weeks give grain: millet, crushed barley. The grain is mixed with fine gravel.
  • For 4 weeks, eggs are no longer given to chickens. The main feed is mash and dry grain. The mixer is made from crushed grain, boiled vegetables, herbs. As a liquid, reverse, meat broth is used.
  • In a month, young animals can be transferred to the combined feed of the “growth” version.
  • At six months, chickens are transferred to adult food.
  • Water must be freely available.
  • The feeders are washed after 30 minutes. after feeding, so that pathological microflora does not multiply in the feed.

The first portion of feed for 1 chicken is 5 g. It is increased every week by 5-7 g. Be sure to include bone meal, chalk, and table salt in the diet. From 4 weeks they give fish oil, vitamins. Transfer the chicks to adult feed or to the combined mixture "for laying hens".

Adults require 100 g of grain per day. Chickens must be given mash. Most often, wet food is left for morning feeding. Chickens are cleaned from the grain mixture to keep the plumage in good condition. If chickens are fed every 3 hours, then adults are fed 3 times a day.

The diet is advised to balance:

It is quite difficult to make a diet, so many people prefer to use purchased combined feeds. Livestock can be rejuvenated using laying eggs. Households conduct their own experiments, crossing Chinese individuals with birds of other breeds. Fluffy plumage is inherited. Meat, skin and bones in new individuals are black.

Selectors state that it is possible to cross Chinese birds with the following breeds:

  • from brama: an increase in body weight of an adult is noted;
  • with leghorn: Chinese chicken will produce more eggs;
  • with the Araucan breed: the egg shell acquires a green tint;
  • with Sussex males: hens and cockerels can be identified by the plumage of chickens.

Chicks emerge with long, soft plumage. Closer to the month there is a molt. The survival rate is 98%. Crosses are distinguished by good immunity. Experts do not recommend keeping Chinese silk birds in cages, but when caged, their productivity increases.

The world knows about 700 individual breeds and varieties of chickens: for industrial breeding, for household farming. Some birds are famous for their rapid weight gain, others for amazing egg production.

The breed of Chinese silk chickens (during the Tang Dynasty they were called "snares"), in addition to excellent meat, excellent dietary characteristics of the egg, the most delicate fluff, amazes with its truly extraordinary appearance.

Origin of silk chickens

The Chinese silk chicken, the photo of which you can see in the article, is not a design refinement of modern breeding, the history of the breed has been measured for centuries.

As is often the case with any Chinese antiquity: no specifics in the opinions. When discussing the origin of the species (apart from the initially fantastic version of the crossing of a rabbit with a peacock), involutionary gene mutations fixed by selection are more often mentioned. Domesticated quails, pheasants and turkeys of the Himalayan foothills served as the source material for the snares. The exact dates are also “out of style” of the Celestial Empire: the phrase “about ten centuries” appears in the breed standard.

Overseas farmers, having first encountered the delightful appearance of silk birds at the beginning of the nineteenth century, for a long time refused to breed “for food”. Overseas, the selection and distribution of the breed took place in the status of an exhibition, decorative exotic.

Today in the world there are two separate lines of silk chickens from China:

  • Chinese silk native;
  • exhibition and decorative.


The snare's lean, healthy physique is formed according to the "egg" chicken prototype: a developed chest, a flat straight back, a short (proudly planted) neck. Silky snares are medium-sized birds. Roosters weigh up to two and a half kilograms, chickens no more than two. The “native” species bred for meat is “swinged” by selection to an adult weight of about four kilograms.

Chinese exotics cannot be confused with anyone: a tuft covering the eyes of females, a beard with sideburns in roosters. Red-blue, underdeveloped catkins with small warty ridges.

The breed is unique in the black color of the skin.

This is interesting! The silky Chinese chicken cannot fly.

The principal reference sign of the breed is a solid color.

Acceptable colors

The breeding specimens of the silk bird exported from the Celestial Empire were exclusively white. The "natives" intended for industrial cultivation also delight the eye with their snow-whiteness.

Design delights of exhibition exotics surprise the audience with the widest colors colors:

  • white classic;
  • forever fashionable black;
  • sky blue;
  • wild color;
  • red;
  • yellow (exclusive color of the bearded variety).

These are the basic, "catalog" color options. Overseas breeders love to pamper judges of exhibition rings with new shades: crested azure, silver, milk chocolate are in fashion.

Breed varieties

Specialists identify in Chinese breed two subspecies: standard and "bearded snares". Bearded birds delight with fluffy, soft framing of the “face”, rich, yellow-golden color. The "standard" subspecies is distinguished by experts only in color.

Poultry farmers also consider varieties for their intended purpose: industrial breeding (“natives”) and decorative exhibition selection.

Silk natives - a breed variety intended for agricultural breeding: a large early maturing bird with tasty black meat.


Peculiar appearance is the main distinguishing feature of silk Chinese from numerous hens of the world:

  • fluffy plumage, more like a fur cover;
  • compact body structure;
  • five toes on the paws (three in front and two in the back);
  • black skin color;
  • crested head;
  • blue color of the beak.

The combination of these features creates a unique, easily recognizable image.

The nature of Aboriginal chickens

The "silk" nature of the snares is not a marketing ploy. Calm, friendly, friendly birds willingly contact people. Chickens love affectionate "hugs", stroking - they willingly go into their arms.

This is interesting! A fashionable fad in modern China: housing silk as a pet. The warm fluffy "psychologist" perfectly calms the citizens of the Middle Kingdom who have returned home after a long day of work.

Silks are very popular in petting zoos.

Rules of care and maintenance

The cornerstone of the maintenance of Chinese silk chickens is the exclusive down plumage. To minimize the contamination of "fluffy beauty", experts recommend keeping in cages or on a loose carpet of sawdust, hay, fine sand.

Snare drafts are very harmful to health. From sudden changes in temperature, chickens easily get sick. Humidity leads to wetting of downy plumage, the formation of tangles and the occurrence of various skin pathologies.

Silk chickens do not fly: they equip the perch low from the floor. To save space in the chicken coop, ladders are built, along which the birds get to the nests.

care requirements

Exotic Chinese chickens are very unpretentious in their care. Nothing extraordinary is required (everything is within the framework of the traditional requirements of keeping chickens):

  • timely feeding with high-quality products;
  • strict implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the poultry house;
  • heating the chicken coop in the autumn winter;
  • artificial lengthening of daylight hours to improve egg production;
  • fencing livestock from predators.


The main rule of the chicken coop: cleanliness with order. Choosing finished project, or when planning a chicken coop on your own, you need to take into account a lot of aspects:

  • a place for inventory: autodrinkers, nests, ladders, feeders, baths, a tool for cleaning rooms;
  • the possibility of separating common perches from the cells of chicks and young animals;
  • organization of lighting, ventilation;
  • placement of fire and security alarms.

A well-thought-out layout of the premises and a carefully implemented plan for the construction of a chicken coop will create comfortable conditions bird keeping.

Yard for walking

Many breeders of silkies do not organize a special paddock at the chicken coop. The birds are simply let out for a walk in the courtyard: they do not create any special problems. Aboriginal people are not walked at all, practicing cage keeping. For other representatives of the species, the possibility of free movement is recommended (hens feel better, egg production increases).

If possible (for walking on rainy days), a canopy canopy over the walking area is desirable.

Shedding, break and completion of egg production

Silk Chinese chickens do not have juvenile molting (replacement of the primary (juvenile) feather with the main intensive growth young growth). But throughout their lives, every year in the spring, Chinese downy renew their magnificent “clothes”. During this period, the clumps become slow, lethargic, completely stopping egg laying. Within a month, egg production is restored.

The period of maximum productivity of laying hens does not exceed four years: experienced breeders regularly renew their stock every three and a half years.

Frost resistance of the breed

Reference books of expert content characterize the silky breed as frost-resistant. Exhibition individuals withstand significant frosts, but the most comfortable thermal regime of keeping should not fall below minus five degrees.

Menu of adult silk hens

Breed features require a special menu:

  • half of the daily ration is dry feed grain. This basis is supplemented with mixed fodders;
  • to maintain fluffiness twice a week, it is necessary to add sunflower, nettle seed, oatmeal to the menu;
  • in winter, top dressing with dried herbs is recommended;
  • veterinarians insist: the bird needs mineral supplements all year round (egg, bone and shell meal);

During the summer walking, the birds themselves will supplement their diet with young greens.


Most fans of the silk breed consider fluffy birds as a decorative component of the farmstead. The practice of huge Chinese poultry farms demonstrates a completely different approach: breeding aborigines brings a stable income, absolutely profitable.

In addition to the extravagant exterior, fluffy birds demonstrate high productivity.

The black color of the carcass shown in the photo is due to the high content of the natural antioxidant eumelanin. Nutritious, amino acid-rich meat and offal of Chinese silk chicken except healing properties have a delicate, refined taste. Meat black delicacies are consistently in demand in the Asian food market.

With an egg production of 80-180 pieces per year (hens begin to lay eggs from the age of six months), the eggs are not striking in their size (an average of 35 grams).

Chinese feathered yarn is considered by experts as a high-quality exotic product.

This is interesting! Incredible, but true: Chinese silk hens are regularly sheared. An individual of industrial breeding (“native”) brings up to 70 grams of magnificent fluff per month.

Characteristics and differences between a rooster and a chicken

The difference between the Chinese klusha and the rooster lies in the size and intensity of the color. The body of the chicken is rounded, graceful, all sizes are many times inferior to roosters. The feather cover of laying hens is thicker, more magnificent in the area of ​​​​the waist and lower legs, downy males strike with the fly feather of the tail, wings, mane.

The color of the hens is even and restrained. The appearance of males pleases with elegance, splendor, brightness of halftones (photo).

Breeding features

Growing "for divorce" requires the seating of birds "by color" of color: each "colored branch" has its own hatching area. The activity of the roosters is amazing - one male per ten hens is enough (experienced breeders recommend keeping a spare rooster "for replacement").

The operational life of laying hens is five years (egg production decreases over time, but this does not affect the fertility of eggs). Males are "updated" every two years.

The formation of families is complicated by the late manifestation of sexual characteristics (the sexual maturity of birds finally develops after four months).

Crossing options

A fashionable hobby of modern bird farms is crossing silk Chinese chicken with birds of other breeds. Breeders seek to increase productivity, avoid closely related ties through absorption crossbreeding. The first interspecific brood is subsequently reduced only from the snare, restoring the typical exterior.

Breeding practice has shown that brahms with orlingtons guarantee weight gain, and Orlov hens increase egg production and egg weight.

hatching instinct

Silky hens demonstrate excellent parental qualities. Caring clowns patiently incubate masonry, provide ideal temperature for egg development, freeing breeders from purchasing incubators.

This is interesting! Chinese snares are often kept in a poultry house to hatch foundlings. They lay eggs of pheasants, partridges and other breeding breeds of birds.

Silky chickens are not striking in size; immediately after they are born, they need warmth and care. Fluffy mothers take excellent care of young, motherhood is one of the basic components of the breed standard.

Chickens from an incubator

The use of an incubator in breeding work with Chinese silk chickens implies a number of subtleties.

Newborn chickens of Chinese silk hens react painfully to cold with drafts. The most important factor healthy growth of the brood: temperature regime in the chicken coop (from +30 for the first week, with a gradual decrease to +18 by the age of one month).

The price of a “pedigreed” egg on the market reaches 250 rubles. Chicken can be purchased "from three hundred." The standard cost of an adult bird varies from two to three thousand rubles.

Nutrition of young animals

The nutrition of Chinese silk chickens is no different from the feeding of young animals of other breeds of poultry.

For the first month of life, silk babies are fed every two hours, followed by an increase in the pause between meals up to three hours.

Specialized stores offer a wide range of ready-made, perfectly balanced compound feeds, ranked by age of chickens.

When choosing a natural diet, the chicks are given low-fat sour-milk products, boiled vegetables, finely chopped greens, and a chicken egg. Gradually, the diet of young animals is replenished with feed grains, finely ground cereals. For the healthy development of chickens, the natural menu is supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Diseases of silk chickens

Ancient oriental selection gave the world a bird with good health. Veterinarians exclude hereditary genetic pathologies, but warn about the "standard" bird ailments of eastern exotics:

  • intestinal pathology;
  • helminths;
  • poisoning and food allergies;
  • colds and pulmonary inflammation.

"Fur" plumage implies the regular appearance of ticks and fleas.

Disease prevention

The traditional slogan of chicken veterinarians is: " the best treatment most pathologies - timely prevention. Very little is required from the breeder:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in all rooms of the chicken coop;
  • organizing a healthy, nutritious diet;
  • compliance with the temperature regime, the fight against drafts;
  • providing livestock with a spacious range;
  • regular veterinary sanitation of livestock.

Accommodation in compliance with all sanitary norms guarantees the health of the livestock.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before deciding to purchase a snares, you should consider all the pros and cons of the breed.


  • extravagant appearance.
  • peaceful, restrained disposition;
  • amazing maternal instinct of laying hens;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • medicinal properties of meat, eggs. Down value.


  • low productivity;
  • high starting price of breeding.