The birth of European medieval civilization briefly. The birth of medieval Europe. Carolingians. Frankish Empire

Roman and German worlds. Long before its death, the Roman Empire entered a period of decline. From the 3rd century the state of the economy deteriorated sharply: the area under crops was reduced, productivity fell, trade and crafts froze.

undergone major changes and state structure Rome. The emperor was no longer considered the first among equals, but the owner, the face of the sacred. “There is no power except from God” - this position of Christian teaching corresponded better to the then state of affairs. Seeing the new faith to justify their power, the Roman emperors stopped the persecution of Christians. First, Constantine the Great allowed Christianity to be practiced openly, and in 8381 it was declared the state religion.

The Roman army also became completely different. Those times when it consisted only of full Roman citizens are a thing of the past. The usual was a set of warriors from the barbarians - those who spoke not in Latin and not in Greek. In the future, this had detrimental consequences for Rome, becoming one of the main reasons for the death of the empire.

To the north of the Alps lived numerous barbarian tribes of Germans, Celts, Slavs. their languages ​​belong to one, Indo-European, language family. Apparently, the distant ancestors of these peoples lived in the neighborhood. The Germans were the first to take advantage of the weakening of the Roman Empire.

The ancient homeland of the Germans was the southern and northern coasts and islands of the Baltic Sea, the Scandinavian and Jutland peninsulas. Global cooling forced the Germans to gradually move to warmer climes. At the beginning of our era, they already occupied the space between the rivers Rhine, Oder and Danube. There was little land suitable for agriculture. Beautiful pastures prevailed. Therefore, the main occupation of the Germans was cattle breeding, and the main wealth was bulls, oxen and cows. The Germans also knew agriculture well. They used a plow and a plow, grew barley, millet, wheat, and flax. Quite actively the Germanic tribes were engaged in trade, in particular with the Romans. They lived in small villages or farms. The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-120) reports that they "settle at a distance from each other, where one likes a stream, a clearing or a grove." For housing they built long and high wooden houses designed for a large family of 20-30 people. In bad weather, cattle were also kept there.

The Germans lived in a community. Its members were considered free equal men engaged in agricultural labor. Together they were warriors and had the right to participate in the people's assembly. The Germans fought a lot, but not because they were distinguished by some special aggressiveness. This usually happened with different nations at that stage of their development, when, due to the appearance of property inequality within the community, influential people stood out - to know. The Germans had few slaves. They worked next to the owner, lived in the house, ate with him at the same table. Often slaves were set free or even adopted.

The supreme body of power among the Germans was the people's assembly. All adult free men took part in them, with the exception of those who by cowardice disgraced themselves in battle. The people's assembly considered issues of war and peace, judged criminals, and elected elders and leaders from among the most distinguished tribesmen. Tribal leaders, or kings, led the army and represented the interests of the tribe in international affairs. The Council of Elders decided current formerly legal cases. The Germans did not know writing, so they passed on their customs and laws to the next generations orally - from father to son.

A separate place in German society was occupied by the leaders of squads. Young people gathered around these brave and courageous warriors, looking for adventure and enrichment in military campaigns, more precisely, in robbery raids on their neighbors. Subsequently, the wife turned into a real army, and the nobility stood out from the combatants. She ousted the tribal elders from the king's entourage and increasingly influenced his actions. It was believed that members of a certain clan are distinguished by special valor and luck, so kings were chosen from it. To retreat from the battlefield was to cover oneself with disgrace. When this happened, their mothers and wives ran out to meet the Germans, who had lost the courage to fight the enemy. They demanded to kill themselves and thereby save them from captivity and slavery. Often this forced the warriors to return and continue the fight. The Germans were convinced that war was the best thing to do, and death on the battlefield was worthy.

From the 4th century Christianity began to spread among the Germans in the form of Arianism. It declared Christ to be a being lower than God the Father, and for this it was later condemned by the church. The Goths were the first to adopt Arianism. Among them preached the priest Ulfilas, who translated the Bible from Latin into the Gothic language. Christianization accelerated the emergence of the state among the Germans. The kings of the Germans are chosen by nobility, and military leaders - by valor. Moreover, kings do not have unlimited or arbitrary power, and leaders are at the head rather because they set an example, and not because they use the right to order; because they are strong, they stand out in battle, they fight ahead of the troops and this causes bewilderment ...

In minor matters, the elders consult, in important matters - everything, and those matters on which decisions are made by the people are previously discussed with the elders ...

During the battle, the leader is ashamed if his wife shows herself braver than him, but the wife is ashamed to lag behind the leader. To return alive from the battle in which the leader died means to cover oneself with shame and dishonor for life ... The leaders fight for victory, the combatants fight for the leader. If the tribe in which they were born vegetates in a long peace and inactivity, then many noble youths are served in those tribes that are fighting at that time. After all, these people do not tolerate peace, and it is easier to distinguish themselves in the midst of dangers, and you can feed a large squad only by robbery and war ...

The land is occupied by all in turn according to the number of workers and subsequently divided among themselves according to their dignity ...

No people is as generous and hospitable as the Germans. It is considered a sin to refuse someone from the mortals in the shelter. Everyone treats the best food according to their means...

Those who have reached adolescence grow their hair and beard and until then they do not change this appearance ... until they kill the enemy ... In the cowardly and unwarlike, this terribly remains so. The brave ones wear an iron ring like shackles until they kill the enemy.

The political organization of feudal society did not remain unchanged. The first states of the Western European Middle Ages were the barbarian states that formed in the 5th-6th centuries. on the territory of the Western Roman Empire: Visigothic, Frankish, Ostrogothic, Burgundian, Lombard and others. The barbarian kingdoms very quickly ceased to exist, leaving a memory of themselves in the medieval epic. The Frankish kingdom turned out to be the most vital, which grew into a strong independent state.

Merovingians- the first royal dynasty that ruled in the Frankish state. The name was given by the name of the semi-legendary founder of the family - Merovei. The Frankish state of the Merovingian period arose at the end of the 5th century on part of the territory of the Western Roman Empire. This happened as a result of extensive conquests successfully carried out by the first Frankish king Chlodvik I. At that time, among the Franks, only kings had the right to wear long hair who became their hallmark. There was a belief among the Franks that a magical power lurked in the hair of kings, which brings the kings good luck in public affairs, endows them with valor and courage, and provides them with military victories. When they wanted to deprive the king of the Merovingian dynasty of power and the crown, his hair was cut off. And more than once, members of the royal family preferred to part with their lives than with their long hair.

Carolingians- royal, then imperial dynasty in the Frankish state. The dynasty got its name from Charlemagne, who created a huge power.

Formation of the Frankish state. The tribal union of the Franks took shape in the 3rd century. in the lower reaches of the Rhine. It included hamavs, brukters, sugambra and some other tribes. In the IV century. the Franks settled in northeastern Gaul as allies of the Roman Empire. They lived apart from the Gallo-Roman population and were not subjected to Romanization at that time. The Franks were divided into two groups - salic who lived along the coast, and ripuarian, settled east of the Meuse. At the head individual areas independent princes stood. Of the princely dynasties, the most powerful were the Merovingians, who ruled under the Salian Franks. Their legendary ancestor was considered Merovei("born of the sea"). Third member of the Merovingian dynasty Clovis (481-511) extended his power to all the Franks. With the help of bribery, betrayal, violence, he destroyed all the other princes, among them many of his relatives, and began to rule as a single king. Having gathered a large army, Clovis defeated the Roman sovereign prince Syagrius, and already at the beginning of the 6th century. most of Gaul (except burgundy n and the southeast Septimania in the south and Brittany in the west) was conquered by the Franks. In order to strengthen his power and gain the support of the Christian clergy and the Gallo-Roman aristocracy, Clovis, together with his retinue and close associates, adopted the Roman Christian faith in 496. Since that time, friendly relations have been established between the Frankish kings and popes. Clovis divided the kingdom between his sons. In the house of the Merovingians, it became a tradition to divide the state into destinies, but in principle it was considered one and at times united under the rule of one king.

expansion of the Frankish kingdom. Under the sons and grandsons of Clovis, the expansion of the Frankish kingdom occurred due to the subordination of Burgundy, the German duchies of Thuringia, Bavaria, and the region east of the Rhine - Franconia. The Franks also captured Provence, which belonged to the Ostrogothic state. The Frankish state occupied almost all of Gaul and a significant part of Germany, being the largest barbarian kingdom in the West. It consisted of different ethnic territories that were located on different levels its socio-economic development

Frankish Society for Salic Truth. On the economic life and social structure of the Franks during the time of the first Merovingians, rich material is contained in the "Salic Truth", written down, apparently, under Clovis. Unlike other barbarian truths, the Salic Truth reflected a relatively archaic order that was not influenced by Roman law. This makes it possible to trace early stage decomposition of primitive communal relations and the formation of the early feudal system among the Franks. Later additions to Pravda allow us to judge the further development of these processes in the 6th-7th centuries. The level of economic life of the Franks was higher than that of the Germanic tribes.

Frankish state under the Carolingian dynasty.
During the Carolingian period (the end of the 7th century to the middle of the 9th century), the Frankish state significantly strengthened and expanded, turning into an empire. This was due to the fact that the rulers of the new dynasty enjoyed the support of a large layer of medium and small landowners interested in external conquests and strengthening state power to subjugate and enslave free peasants.

Charlemagne pursued an aggressive policy in order to create a world empire. The conquest of vast territories greatly expanded the boundaries of the Frankish state. Now it stretched from the Ebro River and Barcelona to the Elbe and the Baltic coast, from the Channel to the Middle Danube and. Adriatic, including almost all of Italy. The empire created by Charlemagne thus occupied a significant part of the territory of the former Western Roman Empire, including its capital, Rome. This revived the Roman sovereign tradition. Charlemagne did not want to be content with the title of king of the Franks, but claimed the title of world monarch, "emperor of the Romans." In 800, while he was in Rome, Pope Leo III crowned him in the Lateran Church with the crown of "Roman emperors". At the cost of significant territorial concessions, it was possible to achieve recognition of the imperial title of the Frankish king by the Eastern Roman emperor.

The empire recreated by the Frankish king was only in name like the ancient Roman Empire. It was not only territorially smaller, but also much weaker in military-administrative terms. Charlemagne tried to use the newly acquired imperial title to strengthen his power within the state and increase international prestige. The entire population, from the nobility to the slaves, had to take an oath of allegiance to him.

Attempts were made to create a centralized administrative apparatus on the Roman model. Great importance had the subordination of the emperor to the Roman church and its head - the pope. Dominance over the Western Church became an instrument of the international policy of the empire.

Civil strife and the Verdun partition. The struggle of the feudal nobility against the royal power was aggravated by dynastic unrest. The sons of Louis the Pious, who inherited imperial power from Charlemagne, demanded the division of the empire and the allocation of an independent kingdom to each. In 817 the first section was made.

In 843, an agreement was concluded in Verdun on the division of the empire of Charlemagne between his grandsons - Lothair, Louis the German and Charles the Bald. The first, retaining the title of emperor, received Italy (except for the south, which belonged to Byzantium) and intermediate territories between the West Frankish and East Frankish states, the first of which went to Charles the Bald, and the second to Louis the German. Thus, the division was made mainly along ethnic lines. On the territory of the newly formed states, three Western Jewish nationalities were subsequently formed - French, German and Italian. By the beginning of the tenth century the imperial title lost its meaning and disappeared.

Thus, X-XII centuries. - the time of polycentrism in Western Europe. Large feudal estates turned into independent public entities only nominally dependent on the central government. The kings fought against the feudal freemen, but this did not lead to anything. As a result, states arose in which the power of the king was limited by the bodies of estate representation - the Cortes in Castile in 1137, the parliament in England in 1265, the states general in France in 1302.

By the end of the Middle Ages, centralized states were formed with the strengthening of the power of the monarch, which grew into an absolute monarchy in the early modern era.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Formulate and reveal character traits Western European feudalism.

2.What underlies the periodization of the Middle Ages?

3.What was the basis for the division of medieval society into estates?

4.Why in early Middle Ages were there few cities in Europe? When and in connection with what cities began to revive?

5. What were the causes of the crisis of the XIV-XV centuries. medieval Europe?




§ 1. Birth of Medieval Europe

1 . Roman and barbarian worlds in the middle of the 1st millennium

The collapse of the Roman Empire, on the ruins of which medieval Europe was born, was the result of a long economic decline. Agriculture and crafts fell into disrepair, the land was not cultivated, the power of the emperors was gradually weakened.

The crisis deepened, and in the spiritual life of the Roman state. Along with the destruction of civil liberties came the moral decline of Roman society. Paganism was replaced by Christianity, which began to acquire the character of a state religion.

Decline and once invincible Roman army. It became a small military mass, living for generations in fortified camps along the frontiers of the empire. The army lost the high fighting skills of the famous Roman legions and, in terms of its weapons and military tactics, did not differ much from the militias of the barbarians.

barbarian warrior

Stone pillars of Callanish

The balance of power between the Roman Empire and the barbarian periphery gradually changed in favor of the barbarians. A particularly important role in the fate of the late Roman Empire was played by its northern neighbors - the Germanic tribes. The Germans first came to the attention of the Romans And Art. to n. e. The Romans at first mistook them for the Gauls (Celts), but at the end of the I century. n. e. the outstanding Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus quite clearly defines the Germans as a special group of tribes.

The Germans then lived in a community on the territory between the rivers Rhine, Oder and Danube. The main means of life were received by cattle breeding. Cattle among the Germans was the main wealth and was used as a measure of value. In addition, they were engaged in agriculture, which from the 5th century. takes on paramount importance. The Germans used a light plow or ralo to cultivate the land. They sowed flax, oats, millet, wheat, barley, grew garden crops, in particular cabbage and lettuce. Representatives of the Germanic tribes traded with the Romans.

Historical highlight

The son and successor of Constantine the Great Emperor Constantius, who arrived in the IV century. to Rome from Constantinople, struck appearance residents the eternal city: there were almost no people dressed in traditional togas. Rome was filled with immigrants from the East - Egyptians, Syrians, Jews, most often the Germans. Surprisingly, even the native Romans for some reason tried to imitate the clothes and behavior of those whom for many centuries they themselves contemptuously called barbarians, that is, those who did not even speak “human” language, but uttered only incomprehensible phrases like “barbarian ".

Gradually under the influence internal factors and the Roman social system among the Germans began to grow property inequality. Among the free members of the community, noble people are distinguished. Social stratification was partly due to the appearance of slaves from captives. However, the Germans endowed the slaves with plots of land and, like the Roman columns, provided the opportunity to independently manage the economy. It was a patriarchal form of slavery, which eventually turned into one of the types of feudal dependence.

The Germans discussed important matters at public meetings, which were called Thing. They were attended by all adult men who carried weapons. People's assemblies elected a council of elders, decided, first of all, court cases .. The Germans also had kings (future kings) and military leaders.

The main fighting force of the Germans were military wives. The warriors were completely dependent on their military leaders: they swore allegiance to them, received weapons, horses, part of the booty from them.

In IV - V centuries. important changes took place in the political system of the Germans. They united in large military-tribal unions, received their names from the names of the dominant tribes. This is how the Germanic peoples of the Alemanni, Bavarians, Franks, Saxons, Tyuringiv, and others arise. Columba (VI century). The Scottish tribes took the box into battle as a talisman for the so-called service nobility. She began to rally around the king, oust the tribal elders from his entourage, and increasingly influence his actions. At the same time, the power of the kings was strengthened.

Ornament - a typical sign of barbarian art - was used in monuments from the time of the Christianization of barbarian tribes

Cross of St. Martin. Scotland. 7th-8th centuries

An important role in the formation of statehood was played by the spread of Christianity among the Germans. In IV Art. Bishop Ulfila who converted to Christianity is ready. To do this, he had to translate the Bible into the Gothic language and create a script for his new flock based on the Greek alphabet.


And Art. Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus on the Germans

The tribes that inhabit Germany, from time immemorial, constitute an original people who have retained their original purity and look only like themselves ... The Germans are strikingly similar to each other: Blue eyes, resourceful look, blond hair, strong physique ...

The Germans choose kings by nobility, leaders - by victory. However, the kings are not endowed in them with unlimited power, permissiveness. The leaders are resolute, have dignity, they always fight ahead of the troops and this inspires respect. However, neither punishing, nor chaining, nor inflicting corporal punishment is allowed to anyone except priests... Less significant matters are considered by the council of elders, and more important matters are discussed by everyone...

Elders are also elected at popular assemblies, who hold court in districts and towns ...

In battle, it is shameful for a leader to yield to someone in valor; it is no less shameful for a squad not to become like the valor of a leader. And to get out alive from the battle in which the leader died is dishonor and shame for life; to defend him, to perform brave deeds, thinking only of glory, is their first duty: the leaders fight for the sake of victory, the combatants fight for their leader ... From the generosity of their leader, the combatants expect themselves both a war horse and a bloody, victorious frame of a spear). Instead of payment, they have food and plentiful refreshments at feasts. Opportunities for such extravagance arise only in wars and plunder...

Lesson Objectives:

Tutorial: to study the features of the origin of medieval civilization under the influence of ancient and barbarian cultures.

Developing: the formation of skills of independent work with the text, the ability to work in pairs, to exercise self-control.

Educational: education of activity and independence in the performance of certain tasks.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: heuristic conversation, lecture, illustration, video method, students' work with a textbook.

Lesson equipment: multimedia computer, screen, projector, maps: “Civilizations ancient east”, “China and India in antiquity”, “Conquests of Alexander the Great”, “Roman Empire - I BC. - I century. AD”, “The Great Migration of Nations and the Fall of the Western Roman Empire”, textbook “Russia and the World” – 10th grade, authors O.V. Volobuev, V.A. Klokov and others; educational disk MEDIA CORDIS “General history. Story ancient world”, a PowerPoint presentation (Appendix 1).

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Execution check homework: frontal survey (oral); verification test (in writing).

III. Learning new material:

1) Late Roman Empire.

2) The Great Migration of Nations and the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

3) The influence of antiquity and barbarian peoples on the Middle Ages.

4) The role of the Christian Church in the formation of medieval society.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

V. Summing up the lesson.

VI. Homework.


I. Organizational moment.

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson, the goals and objectives of the lesson. Slide number 1, 2 (Appendix 1).

Work in notebooks: recording the topic and lesson plan.

II. Checking homework. Frontal survey: slide No. 3 (Appendix 1).

Work with maps: “Civilizations of the Ancient East”, “China and India in antiquity”, “Conquests of Alexander the Great”.

Tasks on slides No. 4, 5 (Appendix 1).

Evaluation scale:

seven/six correct answers - score 5;

five correct answers - score 4;

four correct answers - score 3;

less than four correct answers - score 2.

The test is tested in pairs.

Results and estimates.

III. Learning new material.

Teacher. Before proceeding to the study of the first paragraph of our topic, let us recall the main periods in the development of the Roman state.

Estimated student response. Foundation of Rome - 753 BC; tsarist period - VII-VI centuries. BC.; republican period - III-II centuries BC; imperial period - 1st century BC – V c. AD; fall of the Western Roman Empire - 476 AD

Teacher. The peak of Roman power in the Mediterranean fell on the period of the 1st century BC. BC. - II century. AD, which received in history the name of the early empire. Indeed, the power of Rome during this period extended to the entire Mediterranean coast. Peoples who spoke different languages, professed different religions, stood at different stages of civilizational development, obeyed Rome. The inhabitants of the countries conquered by Rome, primarily the townspeople, were romanized. Do you remember what this term means?

Estimated student response. Romanization is a process during which the peoples conquered by Rome adopted the skills of economy and culture from their conquerors.

Teacher. Yes, indeed, the Roman influence on the conquered peoples can be traced literally in everything - clothing, language, religion, ways of doing business. But from about the 3rd c. AD The economy of the Roman Empire entered a period of crisis. Rome stopped waging wars of conquest, the flow of captives - potential slaves dried up, large land holdings begin to experience a lack of free labor. An attempt to use improved tools to increase productivity could not be successful, since a slave who was not interested in the results of his labor could not be trusted with these tools. Consequently, slavery from the basis of the Roman economy turns into a brake that hinders its development. What is the first cause of the crisis of the Roman Empire?

Estimated student response. Slavery is a brake on the development of the Roman economy.

Work in notebooks: entry of the heading “Main Causes of the Crisis of the Roman Empire” and its first cause. Slide number 7 (Appendix 1).

Work in notebooks: filling out the diagram using the text of the textbook (Figure 1).

Checking the completion of the scheme is carried out using slide No. 6 (Appendix 1).

Teacher. The devastating period of civil wars that struck the Roman Empire in the 3rd century BC. AD, exacerbated the economic crisis. The result of hostilities was the ruin of the economy, the curtailment of domestic trade. This led to the fact that taxes ceased to flow into the treasury of the state. Fleeing from ruin and imperial officials, the Roman urban population fled to the villages, where they joined the ranks of small tenants - columns. Cities, once the centers of crafts and trade, fell into decay. How to formulate the second reason for the crisis of the Roman Empire?

Estimated student response. The ruin of the country's economy, the curtailment of trade, the decline of cities as a result of the civil war.

Work in notebooks: recording the second cause of the crisis of the Roman Empire.

Teacher. Civil strife, during which the legions now and then erected "soldier emperors" on the throne, weakened the Roman state. This hastened to take advantage of the barbarian tribes, which increased the pressure on the empire. The emperors experienced great difficulties in replenishing the legions, since allocating land plots for military service became difficult due to the decline of agriculture in the country. Under these conditions, the process of recruiting detachments from those barbarian tribes that became allies of Rome accelerated. Barbarians who entered the Roman service acquired Roman citizenship and access to the highest military positions. This led to the gradual alienation of the army from the interests of the civilian Roman population. From all of the above, what other causes of the crisis of the Roman state can be identified?

Estimated student response. The onslaught of the barbarian tribes, the weakening of the central government due to the frequent change of emperors, the alienation of the Roman army from the interests of the civilian Roman population.

Work in notebooks: recording the remaining causes of the crisis of the Roman Empire. Slide number 7 (Appendix 1).

Teacher. To study the second question of our topic, find the map “Great Migration of Nations and the death of the Western Roman Empire” in the textbook. At this stage of the lesson, our task is to identify the causes of the Great Migration of Nations in the 4th century AD. and its role in the death of the Western Roman Empire. Among the peoples neighboring the Roman Empire and actively maintaining contact with it were Germanic and Slavic tribes. The Romans called them barbarians. For almost three centuries, the Romans successfully defended their borders from their raids. But the weakening of the Roman Empire due to the crises and civil wars did not allow the Romans to stop the mass migration of Germanic tribes deep into the empire. The mass movement, which covered the vast expanses of Europe and Asia, was called the Great Migration of Peoples.

Work in notebooks: entry “IV c. AD “Great Migration of Nations.”

Teacher. The beginning of the Great Migration of Peoples was laid by the tribes of the Huns. Starting at the northern borders of China, they reached the Urals, the Volga and the Black Sea.

Students trace the direction of movement of the Hun tribes on the map.

Teacher. Fleeing from the steppe nomads, the Germanic tribes began a mass migration to the Roman Empire. Part of the Germanic tribes became allies of Rome. The other part, having settled on its northern borders, began to make devastating raids on Roman settlements. Among the Germanic tribes that played a major role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it is necessary to note the tribes of the Angles, Franks, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals.

Work in notebooks: recording the names of the Germanic tribes. Slide number 8 (Appendix 1).

Working with the map “Great Migration of Nations” . Slide number 8 (Appendix 1).

Teacher. In 395 AD after the death of Emperor Theodosius the Great, the empire was divided into Eastern and Western. Constantinople became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. The forces of the Western Roman Empire were undermined. Rome, once a prosperous city, was attacked and ravaged by barbarians: 410 AD. - the capture of Rome by the Goths; 455 AD The destruction of Rome by the Vandals. For 21 years after the defeat of the “eternal city” by the vandals, 9 emperors were replaced in the Western Roman Empire - proteges of the Roman nobility and German military leaders. In the last years of the existence of the Western Roman Empire, its territory was a “patchwork quilt”, where the Germans ruled, taking away land from local landowners. In 476 AD Odoacer, the leader of the German mercenaries, deposed the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, and declared himself ruler. This year went down in history as the year of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Work in notebooks: entry main dates and events . Slide number 9 (Appendix 1).

For a more emotional perception by students of the events associated with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, for greater clarity and better assimilation of information, an excerpt from the MEDIA CORDIS educational disk “General History. Ancient world history". Topic: “Civilization of Ancient Rome”. Sub-theme “The Capture of Rome by the Goths and Vandals. The collapse and death of the Western Roman Empire” (6 minutes).

Teacher. Barbarian kingdoms arose on the ruins of the Western Roman Empire.

Working with the map “Barbarian Kingdoms in the 5th c. AD.”

Checking the filling of the table is carried out using slide No. 10 (Appendix 1).

Teacher. Doom ancient civilization under the onslaught of barbarian tribes did not mean a complete loss of the historical heritage that the ancient Greeks and Romans left to their successors. The modern European society was formed and grew out of the medieval society, which, in turn, is an example of the synthesis of two cultures - the ancient and the culture of the barbarian peoples.

Work in notebooks: using the text of the textbook, the table “The influence of antiquity and barbarian peoples on the Middle Ages” is filled in (Figure 3).

The teacher can track the design of the table either in the process of filling it out, or after completing all the work using slide No. 11 (Appendix 1).

Teacher. The last task to be solved in today's lesson is to find out the role of the Christian Church in the political and economic life of medieval society.

Work in notebooks: using the text of the textbook, find and write down the reasons that allowed the Christian church to turn into an influential political and economic force of the Middle Ages.

Control and self-control of the completed task. Slide number 12 (Appendix 1).

Work in notebooks: drawing up a conclusion on the topic studied. Slide number 13 (Appendix 1).

IV. Consolidation of the studied material. Slide number 14 (Appendix 1).

v. Summing up the achievement of the objectives of the lesson; grades are given to the most active students.

VI. Homework. Prepare an oral report on the rulers of the barbarian kingdoms Clovis, Charles Martell, Charlemagne.


  1. Badak A.N., Voynich I.E., Volchek N.N. etc. History of the Middle Ages. Europe. Minsk. 2000.
  2. Ignatov A.V. Methodological guide. M. 2005.
  3. Fedorova E.V. Imperial Rome in person. Smolensk. 1995.

Medieval Europe arose on the ruins of the Roman Empire not immediately, but over the course of several centuries. It was formed as a result of the invasion of barbarian tribes, and above all German ones. These invasions completed the long process of uniting the Roman and barbarian worlds.

How were these dissimilar worlds able to connect, which led to the emergence of the European Middle Ages?

Several centuries before its death, the Roman Empire began to decline, its population was declining. Indigenous inhabitants on the Apennine Peninsula became less than strangers - Gauls, Germans and other tribes. The new settlers did not perceive the culture of the Greeks and Romans. The barbarization of society intensified, which turned out to be more dangerous for Rome than enemy attacks. People became more rude, their views on life - more primitive. If in their time the Romans lived, following the laws of their ancestors, then new generations began to sink morally, striving only for wealth and entertainment. The spread of "foreign" religions weakened the old faith. At the same time, the influence of Christianity increased. At first, the state power forbade the faith of Christ, but, in the end, it came to its senses and in 313 proclaimed freedom of religion. After another 12 years, the top of the clergy at a meeting in Nicea adopted the creed - summary Christian doctrine. Beginning with Emperor Constantine, the Roman rulers professed Christianity. Since then, peace and harmony have reigned between the state and the church. The victory of Christianity meant the replacement of the old worldview by a new, accepted and medieval Europe.

The economic crisis was growing in the empire. Production was reduced, money depreciated, trade froze. The lack of slaves was the reason for the decline of large slaveholding farms - latifundia. Slaves worked reluctantly, somehow, therefore, in agriculture the work of columns and peasants attached to the land was increasingly used. The process of replacing slave labor with peasant labor was completed later, already in the Middle Ages.

also changed political structure Roman Empire. State power became despotic. Former citizens turned into weak-willed subjects of the cruel emperor. Power killed in the Romans a sense of responsibility for the fate of the state. It got to the point that they no longer wanted to serve in the army. The emperors were forced to recruit barbarian mercenaries into the army, who were even more indifferent to the fate of Rome. The barbarization of the army was one of the main reasons for the decline and death of the Roman Empire.

Rome, thus, was not able to withstand the onslaught of hostile barbarian tribes against it, with which it fought for centuries. The raids of numerous tribes of the Celts, Germans, Slavs, Thracians and Sarmatians hastened the death of this gigantic state. material from the site

The Germans played a special role in the destruction of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus described them as tall, blue-eyed, fair-haired, determined, hardy and patient.

The German tribes of the Franks, Angles, Lombards, Vandals, West Goths (Western Goths), Ostrogoths (Eastern Goths), Burgundians and others were more engaged in cattle breeding than agriculture: there was not enough arable land. They settled mainly in small farms located at a short distance from each other. The Germans lived in communities, nevertheless they were already divided into rich and poor, noble and simple. They used the work of forced laborers, who were sometimes set free or adopted. Although men dominated German families, women were treated with great respect.

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