Options for a country toilet without a cesspool. How does a dry closet work for a summer residence. What is a dry closet

Lovers of pastime in the country are faced with the problem of arranging a toilet. Many in the old fashioned way build a small booth with cesspool, but times are changing, and ancient structures are being replaced by new technologies that allow you to buy and use a dry closet for a summer residence without pumping out.

What is a dry closet

In appearance, the dry closet in the country is similar to the usual toilet in the apartment. The only difference is that it is enclosed in a plastic container. The design consists of a small drain tank and a reservoir that contains microorganisms. The dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out is eco-friendly. This is its main advantage. Waste that gets inside is recycled, for which special bacteria are responsible.

An odorless toilet in a country house also has its drawbacks - sooner or later it has to be cleaned. Fortunately, this is not done so often, and depends on the volume of the container and the number of visits. In addition, recycled waste products do not have a specific smell, and, depending on the processing method, which will be discussed in more detail below, they can be used for household needs as fertilizer.

How does a dry closet work for a summer residence

The design is completely independent and does not need sewerage and water supply. The principle of operation of a dry closet for odorless and pumping is simple: clean water is poured into a special tank, which is used to flush sewage. All this is diverted to a special tank located at the bottom of the structure, where special bacteria are taken to work. They not only decompose waste products, but also relieve them of the smell. In addition, the dry closet is equipped with a non-return valve that does not allow odors to penetrate outside.

Types of dry closets

Devices are performed in different versions, so they can be divided into several types. According to the method of mobility, it is customary to distinguish the following types of dry closets without pumping:

  • Mobile. Structures consisting of two modules, the first of which is a container with water and the seat itself, and the second is a drive.
  • Semi-stationary. Outwardly, they have the same dimensions as the usual toilets, with the only difference being that they use a drive, and not a sewer outlet.
  • Stationary. Rarely seen in home gardens. They are installed in places with a large crowd of people: in markets, parking lots, in places of mass celebrations, etc.

According to the type of functioning, three groups of dry closets can be distinguished:

  • peat;
  • chemical;
  • electrical.

Peat dry closet

Environmentally friendly components are used to process waste products. It can be peat (moreover, the usual one will not work - you need to use a special one with a large number of microorganisms), sawdust, etc. The essence of its work is simple: a peat mixture is scattered on the waste, the organisms inside which force it to be processed. Recycled material can be used as plant food, after preparing it in the compost pit.

The dry closet peat is also called composting. It does not require pumping and can be installed indoors or outdoors. If it is assumed that more than two people will continuously use it, then it is advisable to make a drain for the outflow of liquid and install a ventilation window or a vent pipe to remove specific odors. The toilet is emptied as it accumulates, although you can do it at your own discretion.

Electric dry closet

He managed to win fame not only abroad, but also in Russia. To power an electric dry closet, you need a voltage of 220 V and a grounded socket. The principle of operation of the device is simple: waste is separated into liquid (discharged through a special hose) and solid, which are dried and, as the tank is filled, disposed of or used as fertilizer. Installing a bio-toilet involves arranging exhaust ventilation in without fail.

Chemical dry closet

In most cases, a chemical dry closet is a small device that is very comfortable to use, since it does not require ventilation and pumping. It consists of two compartments, a chemical reagent is poured into the lower one, disinfecting waste products and blocking odors. Among chemical dry closets, a cassette version is distinguished. It is installed permanently, and the sewage container is located in the rear compartment of the cabin behind the door.

How to use a home dry closet

A simple layman should not have a question about how to use a dry closet for a summer residence, since the process is practically the same as using an ordinary toilet bowl. Immediately after using the dry closet, you need to wash off the sewage. For this, an electric pump or damper is used that supplies water. In a compost peat toilet, a mixture of peat or other natural absorbent is used for this purpose.

When filling the waste container, it must be emptied, since pumping is not provided here. The frequency of this action, judging by the reviews, depends solely on the size of the receiver and the number of people using the device. In liquid models, a special indicator is used to indicate that the drive is full. After draining the sewage, the bio-toilet must be washed and reinstalled.

How to choose a dry closet for a summer residence

Each model has both undeniable advantages and disadvantages. When buying a dry closet, you should choose the recycling method that suits the available opportunities. This indicator depends on the presence of water supply, sewerage (septic tank) on the site. It will also be important to have ventilation in the room where the toilet will be placed. Reviews indicate that when purchasing a peat or compost option, it is worth considering whether it will be possible to deliver the absorbent to the location of the toilet.

In addition to width, height, depth and color, the choice of a dry closet for giving without pumping out is also influenced by other characteristics that should be paid attention to. It is necessary to determine the place of installation, because different types Bio-latrines require different communications. So, for peat, you only need to arrange ventilation, when an electrical outlet will be required. Portable ones are easy to move, while stationary ones require a permanent place - you need to take care of this. With regards to manufacturers, Finnish and Norwegian ones have proven themselves well, although domestic ones are also not far behind.

Types of dry closets

There are many parameters based on which dry closets can be divided into types and types. However, from all the characteristics, one main one can be distinguished, according to which all toilets can be delimited into bio-toilets with water flush and devices that do not use water. The first type includes all devices consisting of two parts, the upper of which is designed for water. The second group of devices is suitable when it is not possible to equip the sewer. Peat or the like is used as the absorbent element.

Processing method

The main parameter that affects not only the price of a dry closet, but also the choice is the method of processing human waste. There are several types:

  • compost;
  • mechanical with biofilm;
  • peat;
  • chemical;
  • electrical.

How many people is it for

When choosing a particular model, it is important to pay attention to how many people the device is designed for. This parameter will determine how often the device will have to be emptied, and whether it will cause trouble, because pumping is not provided for in the designs. After all, as you know, the larger the receiver, the less often it will have to be serviced and the more people will be able to use it. Therefore, giving preference to one or another model, it is important to be aware of the amount of work that will have to be done when servicing the device.

Type of electric dry closet

The most expensive device on the market today is an electric dry closet. Its lower tank is divided into two parts, one of which is designed to collect liquid waste, and the second is used for solid waste. Liquid waste goes through a hose into the sewer, while solid waste is recycled. Thanks to such a system, this type of dry closet does not have to be serviced and emptied frequently. This will need to be done 2-3 times a year. The big plus of the toilet is the absence of the need to buy consumables for waste recycling - electricity will take care of this.

All electric bio-toilets can be divided into the following groups:

  • cassette;
  • with waste freezing;
  • compost;
  • with combustion chamber;
  • with separate waste collection.

Period of use

This indicator will directly depend on the number of people who will use the dry closet, therefore, if in a family or where the device will be used, a large number of visits to the restroom, you should choose a model with a large storage tank in advance, otherwise you will have to clean it very often, since there is no pumping in it. It is worth remembering that manufacturers indicate in the instructions the period of use, calculated per person with an average number of visits. This indicator ranges from 30 to 140 days.

Top tank volume

Bio-toilet consists of two tanks connected to each other. In the upper, which is in most cases a seat, liquid is poured or peat is poured. In addition, the container is equipped with a pump, with the help of which sewage is washed away. There are models in stores, the volume of the upper tank of which varies from 7 to 33 liters. This is enough to maintain the structure.

Bottom tank volume

When choosing a stationary dry closet, this parameter is of no fundamental importance, but if you take a portable option, then you should think about it. One of the main points will be the weight of the filled apparatus, because you will have to carry it out yourself. On the other hand, if the volume is insufficient, then you will have to clean the toilet bowl too often, which can create discomfort.


When buying a toilet, you should pay special attention to the flushing system, since this component of the system affects the hygiene and cleanliness of the device itself. In addition, it blocks the spread of odors. Many samples are equipped with a water flush. This is very convenient, especially since some models can be connected to the water supply, while others are filled autonomously.

flush mechanism

To ensure flushing in bio-toilets, a pump is used, located in the upper tank. There are three types:

  • piston;
  • bellows;
  • electric pump.

Rating of dry closets for summer cottages

Model name:

  • Thetford Porta Potti 365.
  • 5440-9340 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 15 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • liquid;
  • lower tank full indicator;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • piston pump;
  • chemical toilet;
  • 38.3×41.4×42.7 cm.
  • inexpensive.
  • the need to use expensive liquids.

Model name:

  • Piteco 506.
  • from 5590 rubles.

Product Features:

  • storage tank 44 l;
  • stationary;
  • dry flush;
  • 39×59×71 cm.
  • inexpensive;
  • comfortable in using.
  • not a very reliable peat spreading mechanism.

Model name:

  • Thetford Porta Potti Excellence Electric.
  • 9030-13995 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet chemical;
  • top tank 15 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • liquid;
  • pressure relief valve;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • electric pump;
  • 33.8×44.8×45 cm.
  • Beautiful design;
  • compact.
  • the receiving tank fills up quickly.

Model name:

  • Bioecology Ecolight Summer resident.
  • 14900-15900 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet compost peat;
  • body made of polyethylene;
  • storage tank 225 l;
  • toilet cabin;
  • 115×230×115 cm.
  • large receiving tank.
  • big sizes.

Model name:

  • Separett Villa 9011.
  • 31980-34800 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet electric;
  • body made of polystyrene;
  • storage tank 23 l;
  • with separate collection of waste;
  • stationary;
  • 45.6×54.1×67.2 cm.
  • large storage tank;
  • year-round use.
  • can only be used in a seated position.

Model name:

  • Enviro 20.
  • 4773-5180 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet chemical;
  • top tank 10 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • storage tank 20 l;
  • portable;
  • bellows pump;
  • 36.5×42×41.5 cm.
  • cheap.
  • for full use, special fillers for splitting waste are needed.

Model name:

  • BioLet 25.
  • 95800-104500 rubles.

Product Features:

  • automatic mixing of compost;
  • dry closet electric;
  • built-in fan;
  • compost;
  • stationary;
  • 55×65×71 cm;
  • Ease of use.
  • high price.

Model name:

  • Kekkilä Ekomatic/Ekomatic 50.
  • 9500-18500 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet compost peat;
  • storage tank 50 l;
  • period of use 30 days;
  • stationary;
  • 50×47×51 cm.
  • great quality.
  • not quite reliable components for models made in Russia.

Model name:

  • Cinderella (Cinderella).
  • from 200,000 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 15 l;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • toilet electric;
  • 38.5×59×58.5 cm.
  • easy to install;
  • small-sized.
  • high price.

Model name:

  • from 10000 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 12.5 l;
  • storage tank 40 l;
  • portable;
  • peat, composting;
  • lower tank full indicator.
  • large volume of the receiving tank.
  • short service life.

Video: Odorless country toilet

The toilet for giving without smell and pumping out is an ergonomic design that is mounted in areas where there is no sewerage. Almost any homeowner dreams of such a design, since the systematic cleaning of a cesspool is an unpleasant process. The presence of this ditch is accompanied by some difficulties. Modern technologies allow you to purchase the latest systems that do not require pumping. A country closet is either an intra-house restroom or a separate outbuilding.

The creation of a high-quality treatment facility will make it possible to make a closet that does not require frequent pumping

The procedure for pumping out the container is expensive, and is also accompanied by fetid odors.

The presence of this reservoir is accompanied by certain difficulties:

  • at a distance of several meters from the pit there is an unpleasant smell;
  • the cost of constant pumping capacity;
  • violation of tightness leads to the ingress of contaminated water into the soil;
  • a well with drinking water cannot be installed next to such a tank.

There are several ways to solve such a problem.

Odorless and pumping toilet for giving: popular varieties

There are several varieties of toilets for giving without smell and pumping. These are peat and chemical structures, as well as septic tanks and powder closets.

The structures that are installed instead of the sewer system are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • installation of the pipeline and drain system is not required;
  • it is possible to install a toilet in the room;
  • cheap consumables;
  • no need for cesspools;
  • you can get high-quality and healthy compost.

The most popular options include dry closets, modern treatment facilities, and overflow treatment facilities. The choice of technology for processing contaminated water depends on the possibilities of the budget, the time of residence in the building and the number of residents.

Peat dry closet for a summer residence: design nuances

With the help of a peat dry closet for a summer residence, sewage can be removed without the use of water. This design is one of the simplest and most inexpensive options. After a certain processing of waste, you can get good fertilizer.

For the high-quality functioning of such equipment, peat is required, which is sold in the store. The composition is poured into the upper compartment of the toilet bowl. In the lower part, peat is poured to a thickness of 15 mm. After visiting the closet, you should press the handle so that the solution from the main part gets into the lower one.

Dry closets should be cleaned once a month. The properties of peat contribute to the processing of 10 liters of liquid with 1 kg of the composition.

When installing such a device, it is worth considering the following features:

  • in order to avoid the remnants of an unpleasant odor, it is better to place such a design in a utility block;
  • to eliminate the liquid, it is necessary to make a high-quality drainage system. When installing indoors, it is worth considering where to lead the outlet pipe;
  • a ventilation system must be installed.

Important information! If more than four people use the toilet, then it is worth considering forced ventilation.

Related article:

Modern treatment plants

The latest cleaning devices are septic tanks, which are equipped with a large number of cleaning levels. The following technologies can be used:

  • ultrafiltration cleans the water so thoroughly that the liquid can be reused. It does not use chemicals;

  • reagent ion exchange units make cleaning very fast and soften the water;

  • electrochemical cleaning helps to lower metal suspensions;

  • The newest cleaning method is membrane reverse osmosis. In this case, distilled water can be obtained from contaminated liquid formulations. Drains pass through a special membrane through which only water particles can pass. This element retains unwanted impurities.

Overflow concrete and plastic septic tanks

Local septic devices will help to equip a closet without sewerage. - this is equipment for the accumulation and purification of wastewater that enters the tank.

The contaminated liquid passes through pipes into a barrel divided into three parts. In the first compartment, the mixtures settle and are divided into separate solutions. In the second part, the liquid is purified with the help of bacterial flora. In the last container, the liquid settles.

Useful information! Filtration fields can not be installed in any area. They can be replaced with biological filters that provide deep cleaning.

How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence: advantages and useful properties

Before performing the design of an autonomous sewer, it is worth deciding. Special recommendations will help you choose the best device:

  • before installation, it is worth conducting an examination to determine the depth of the passage of groundwater. It depends on whether it is possible to make filtration fields or whether a deep cleaning system will be required;
  • you need to correctly calculate the appropriate volume of the tank;
  • the choice of a septic tank is influenced by the planned time of residence in country house. Some models do not tolerate downtime during the cold period.

What determines the performance of the design

Septic tanks can have a different number of chambers. It depends on the amount of liquid processed per day.

If the volume does not exceed 1 cubic meter, then you can use a single-chamber design. If the estimated volume is from 1 to 10, then septic tanks with two chambers are used. Three-chamber ones are used when more than 10 cubic meters need to be processed.

When choosing a septic tank, the type of soil matters. If the soil contains a large amount of clay, then the water will not pass well. With the close passage of groundwater, it will also be necessary to abandon standard septic tanks.

Useful information! It is impossible to allow downtime when using septic tanks. Since this can lead to the death of bacteria and loss useful properties filter.

How to make a plastic cleaning structure with your own hands?

Plastic cleaning equipment will create high-quality. Photos of such structures can be viewed on the site. The installation of plastic structures consists of the following steps:

  • a convenient place is selected, and the dimensions of such a structure are calculated;
  • a trench is dug;
  • if necessary, a place is planned for installing filtering fields;
  • container is being assembled;
  • the tank and lines are fixed in the trench;
  • the placement of the pipeline system is regulated;
  • structural stability testing.

The distance to the treatment plant must be at least five meters. Since the liquid after passing through the cleaning barriers can penetrate the foundation.

Useful information! To accurately determine the parameters of the trench, the dimensions of the tank, the height of the base and the size of the upper layer should be taken into account. Before frost, it is worth building insulation for the roof of the structure.

Do-it-yourself country toilet without a cesspool: construction of concrete rings

You can create a treatment structure from ordinary concrete rings. In doing so, you must perform the following steps:

  • you need to purchase three hatches and nine rings;
  • three pits are dug in a row;
  • two trenches should be supplemented with concrete pads;
  • rings are installed using construction equipment.

After installation, the space between the elements is filled with a glass composition and covered with earth.

Useful information! The pipe that leads to the first tank is laid with a certain slope. The next line should be placed 202 mm lower, and the third goes even lower.

How to make a toilet for a summer residence: photos and installation steps

Before you make a toilet for giving without smell and pumping out, you need to choose the optimal type of design. Peat installations and dry closets do not require assembly, as they are sold ready-made.

To install the toilet, it is necessary to perform certain actions:

  • a place is chosen for the location of the toilet;
  • a house is mounted using bars, boards, metal corners and slate;

  • a device with a waste processing system is installed;
  • ventilation system is installed.

Useful advice! When using the toilet, it is worth using antiseptic preparations, bioadditives and natural or chemical air fresheners. Vinegar, salt and soda can be used to eliminate odors.

Any of the described designs, which does not require pumping, allows you to create comfortable conditions. At the same time, it is not necessary to constantly clean the pit and deal with unpleasant odors.

An unpleasant smell in a country toilet is a topic that worries many, but not everyone knows that getting rid of the stench is not at all difficult. Consider several popular and affordable ways.

To solve the problem, and not to mask it, you must first understand the causes. In fact, there is only one reason for an unpleasant smell - improper ventilation in the toilet, but how to fix the situation? Let's figure it out.

Ventilation in the toilet in the country

The ideal option is when the ventilation system is thought out during the construction of the toilet, which means that there is an exhaust hood in the toilet house. If not, then a plastic or metal pipe can be inserted into the cesspool box and brought out through the roof of the toilet so that its upper edge is located at a height of 2.5-3 m from the ground.

Seal the insertion point, paint the part of the pipe above the roof with black paint. From the heat of the sun, the pipe will heat up and work according to the hood principle.

The depth of the cesspool must be at least 2 m, and the material from which it is made must be waterproof.

Also in the toilet you can arrange natural ventilation: make a window in the wall or make a hole closer to the floor. Close the hole or window with a mosquito net so that insects do not enter the house.

Chemicals for a country toilet

The main advantages of using chemicals are speed and independence from weather conditions ("chemistry" can be used both in winter and in summer). There are several types of such drugs:

  • nitrate the most environmentally friendly products, but they are quite expensive. Due to the content of surfactants (surfactants), nitrate oxidizers not only help to cope with odor, but also have detergent properties (Deo Tural, Devon-N);
  • ammonium drugs are also among the safest and effective means, but when using them, they should not be allowed to come into contact with soapy solutions, for example, after washing (Bio-san);
  • bleaching powder - the substance is extremely toxic and carcinogenic, but at the same time one of the most accessible and cheap.

When working with chemicals, be sure to use protective equipment (respirator, gloves, etc.), follow safety rules and act strictly according to the instructions on the package.

After using chemicals, the contents of the cesspool (or septic tank) must be disposed of and in no case used as fertilizer.

Folk remedies for smell in the country toilet

There are several natural remedies that will help get rid of the smell in an outdoor toilet:

  • sawdust or ash (pour out 1 mug after each visit to the toilet);
  • cut grass (also sprinkled after each visit);
  • tops of tomatoes or nettles (repel insects and absorb ammonia, you need to sprinkle weekly).

These methods are harmless to environment and do not require special financial costs. Folk remedies quickly neutralize the smell and decompose the contents of the septic tank or cesspool, while the resulting compost can be further used in the beds.

Bioactivators for a country toilet

Bioactivators are modern drugs that are a concentrate with strains of biobacteria. In order for these bacteria to live, they need a sufficient amount of organic matter, moisture and an air temperature above 0°C. The most popular bioactivators for cesspools:

  • Dr. Robik;
  • Saneks;
  • Micropan.

Such biological agents help in waste disposal by neutralizing sewage in the cesspool, destroying harmful microorganisms and eliminating unpleasant irritating odors. When using bioactivators, the filling of the cesspool decreases over time.

You can buy a bioactivator in the form of a liquid, powder or tablets. In an ordinary country toilet, only 1 tablet can be enough, which will cope with 1 cubic meter of sewage. It is necessary to use the funds according to the instructions indicated on the package.

Rules for the use of bioactivators:

  • if you decide to use bioactivators, try to prevent chemicals from getting into the cesspool, otherwise living microorganisms may simply die;
  • be sure to monitor the ventilation of the toilet;
  • in early spring or late autumn, it is pointless to use bioactivators, since microorganisms die at low temperatures;
  • balance the amount of waste and required amount microorganisms. If there are too few of them, they will not cope with the task and simply will not survive.

The result of the work of bioactivators becomes noticeable about a week after their use.

Peat fillers - what they are and how they work

AT recent times many summer residents install dry closets in the plots, and in order for sewage to be processed into compost, they use a peat mixture. It loosens the mass, eliminates odor, absorbs fumes and recycles waste.

A toilet in the country is a thing as necessary as a source of water supply, but unlike water, it can spread unpleasant odors around the summer cottage. The problem is complicated by the fact that in city apartments there is a sewage system that sends effluents to treatment facilities, but here the waste remains in place.

There are several ways to solve this problem, which will be discussed in this article.

The device of a country toilet without smell

The easiest and cheapest way to eliminate the smell from the toilet is to use sawdust and peat. By filling them with feces, we contribute to the formation of compost, and then use it as fertilizer on the site.

Around the closet, you can plant strong-smelling plants. But it will not be possible to completely get rid of the smell in this way.

Plantings around the toilet

Another way, you need to make the toilet completely sealed like a backlash closet. In this case, the toilet can be located in the house, and the sewer pipe goes into a cesspool built of brick and treated with waterproofing materials, which excludes the ingress of waste products into the ground.

play closet

Now many make cesspools from fiberglass or concrete rings of large diameter.

The cesspool must be below ground level, have a ventilation pipe, which can be located either separately or connected to the chimney in the house. The hatch located on the street must close tightly and provide tightness to avoid unpleasant odors. The distance from the house to the cesspool should be at least 4 meters, sewage must flow there by gravity, for which the pipe is installed with a slope of 4 degrees.

In the house, you can use a standard faience toilet with a cistern that can be filled manually or connected to the water supply.

The pit is cleaned once a year or as it is filled with a sewer machine.

Dry closets or powder closets

Dry closets or powder closets are now actively used. They differ in the way biowaste is processed.

A do-it-yourself dry closet is installed in a summer cottage and has two: a waste tank and a container for sawdust or peat. When using closet powder, you sprinkle waste with sawdust or peat. As this container is filled, put in a new tank, and empty the previous one when compost is formed in it. The tank must be tightly closed with a lid to avoid an unpleasant odor.

Closet powder: peat or sawdust for backfilling

A modern dry closet can use biological or chemical cleaners. In the first case, biobacteria are used to process waste products of their decomposition and remove unpleasant odors. Bacteria destroy fatty film, dirt, food, paper and faeces. Any organic matter is a breeding ground for them.

Biobacteria work only at positive day and night temperatures from +4 to +32 degrees. They prevent the growth of fatty deposits in drainage pipes and sewer systems, they are absolutely safe for nature and humans. The resulting biomass can be used as fertilizer, and water for garden irrigation.

Cultured bacteria are made up of enzymes, yeasts, and putrefactive bacteria. They have high cleaning properties and decompose biomass several times faster than natural bacteria.

In more detail about biological preparations for cesspools.

Chemical antiseptics do not have a temperature limit and work with an aggressive environment, that is, effluents coming from washing machines. Biobacteria die in such an environment.

Waste treated with chemical antiseptics from cesspools must be removed by a cesspool machine, as they will cause environmental problems if they enter the ground.

The cesspool when using chemical antiseptics must be made of concrete or polymeric materials.

Antiseptics, which are based on nitrate oxidizing agents, perfectly decompose organic matter, and cleaners with an ammonium compound accelerate the decomposition process and extinguish odors.

Popular septic tanks with biobacteria "Doctor Robik", "Ecoline", "BIOFORCE Septic" - an odorless toilet and a chemical antiseptic "Deo Tural".

They perfectly remove odors and decompose organic matter, reduce the need for auto-disposal, clean the sewer system from silting and fatty deposits.

Video: means for cesspools and toilets.

Rustic odorless toilet

When building a toilet in a village house, it is necessary to be guided by compliance sanitary norms and rules (SNiP 30-02-97), for non-compliance with which a fine may be imposed. They say that the toilet can be built no closer than one meter from the border of the neighboring site and is located at a distance of 8 meters from the water source (well, artesian well, pond).

The same rules stipulate that soapy water cannot be poured onto the ground after washing; it must be poured into a special filter trench with a layer of sand and gravel.

A modern village house is being built with comfort close to the comfort of the city. Therefore, the construction of an autonomous sewer system is required. The cheapest way to sewer system in a village house is a cesspool.


The calculation of its size should proceed from the fact that each person, with permanent residence, consumes 200 liters of water per day, which, after use, will end up in a cesspool. A family of four will fill the volume of 2.4 cubic meters per month.

A system is mounted inside the house, drains from it must fall into a cesspool. The depth of the trench from the house to the pit should be below the freezing ground in your area to prevent freezing sewer pipe during the winter months.

Local sewerage can collect waste in two different tanks.

Separate faecal and domestic waste disposal system

Separately, drains from the toilet are collected, they can be made with the help of biobacteria into compost for fertilizer land plot. Water is collected in another tank, after washing machine. They are neutralized with the help of chemical antiseptics and, as they are filled, are removed using a sewage machine.

How to build an odorless outdoor toilet

There is another simple way to build an odorless outdoor toilet that does not require special expenses. Dig a drain hole, reinforce the walls with wooden beams so that they do not crumble. Its size:

  1. width one meter, length and depth one and a half meters.
  2. Down the pit, pour a layer of fine gravel 6-8 centimeters thick.

From above you build a toilet house with a chair, which should close tightly. Remove a PVC ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10-15 cm from the drain pit. With a toilet height of 2.3 meters, ventilation tube should be 40-60 centimeters higher than the roof. Isolate the place where the pipe enters the pit with tow or sealants, and the pipe itself is attached with clamps to the back wall of the toilet.

When the pit is filled with waste by 2/3 of its volume, it is covered with earth, and the toilet is transferred to another place. This toilet will last for 3-4 years.

Waste from the previous toilet will turn into compost after 5 years and can be used as fertilizer. The process can be accelerated by using biobacteria.

Video: how to build a toilet in the country with your own hands.

Arranging an odorless country toilet is a responsible matter, but when a positive effect is achieved, your life in the country or in a village house will not be overshadowed by anything and will bring you many joyful moments.

Many people have country cottage area. And of course, they want to have maximum comfort. And this means that they are puzzled by the issue of the device of the toilet. If calling an AC machine is a big problem for you, then it is not necessary to build this sanitary facility with a cesspool. You can build a country toilet that does not have one.

The peculiarity of the design of such a toilet is that it equipped with a utilizer. In a special tank, complete or partial processing of all waste takes place. This allows you to apply for the services of sewage trucks much less frequently. In some cases, the need to call them is completely absent.

A country toilet without a cesspool, from which there is no smell, can be very different in design. Some toilets, primarily rustic ones, are distinguished by the simplicity of their design. Others are more complex. What to arrange - everyone decides for himself. Everything here largely depends on the availability of free time and physical strength.

If you are experiencing great inconvenience without a toilet in the country, then you can easily solve this problem by purchasing factory design. If you don't want to spend cash, then you can build it yourself.

By solving this problem yourself, you can save your money. If you purchase a factory design, then you will have to allocate time for this work, as well as spend certain physical strength. Which option is more preferable, everyone decides for himself. If you decide to do the independent construction of a country toilet, then you need to know in advance about the nuances of the construction of this structure, as well as get acquainted with the features of its operation.

Dry closets

Per last years The popularity of dry closets has increased significantly. Many summer residents make a choice in favor of these designs. Basically, they are chosen by those owners who do not visit their country estate too often. Dry closet models for a summer residence I can only be purchased. Such equipment is different:

  • compact size;
  • light weight;
  • the minimum requirements that the owner imposes on these sanitary structures.

As part of the design of dry closets, there is a tank that contains a dry or liquid filler. It contains bacteria, due to which the decomposition of waste entering the tank occurs. Quite popular are models that have backfill in the tank. The use of such a toilet allows you to exclude:

  • the occurrence of decay processes;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor during the operation of the dry closet.

One of the advantages of dry closets is that they can be installed anywhere on your site, regardless of the terrain. The level of occurrence of groundwater also does not have of great importance. Waste generated during the operation of a dry closet can be easily moved to a compost pit for further processing. Then they become organic fertilizer.

Recently, electric dry closets have become available on the market, which carry out not only processing, but also waste drying, which are brought to a state of ash.

The placement of dry closets in the country may be different. They can be installed in the house or in one of the street buildings.

septic tank

Septic - this word combines a whole set various designs treatment facilities. Their main purpose is waste disposal. They recycle not only waste from the toilet, but also wastewater from the house. One of distinctive features such systems - with high performance, the septic tank provides excellent wastewater treatment.

Stores offer various systems septic tanks. If desired, this cleaning system can be built with your own hands. However, you will have to spend a lot of effort on earthworks. This is due to the fact that when installing a septic tank, the tanks are located underground. From the house directly to them it is necessary to lay a pipe.

Which septic tank to choose for your site largely depends on a number of conditions. For example, for areas where soil with low permeability predominates, it is not recommended to use septic tanks with soil aftertreatment. Also, you should not install such systems in those areas where close to the surface of the earth lie ground water. Modern models of septic tanks can be one-, two- or three-chamber. The quality of water purification depends on the number of chambers. When choosing the total volume of tanks, it is necessary to build on the average daily volume of effluents. Usually, when installing a septic tank, a toilet is connected to it.

Powder closet

Powder closet - it is commonly understood as an economical toilet, characterized by ease of use, which is devoid of a cesspool. When a person copes with natural needs, then the waste is sprinkled with a composition due to which they are converted into compost. In some cases, ash or sawdust is used for this. However, it is most effective to use peat and peat-sawdust mixture for processing. The contents of the reservoir as it accumulates sinking into the compost pit where maturation takes place. As a result, when using such toilets, organic fertilizer can be obtained from waste, thereby solving the problem of their disposal.

Factory-made powder closets are available on the market today. They are distinguished by the presence of special backfill distributors, as well as a device that ensures the separation of waste into solid and liquid fractions. Some owners of summer cottages build such toilets on their own. They supply the structure with a peat container, as well as a scoop. The reservoir installed in the powder closets is characterized by high tightness. It is placed on the surface. Therefore, you can install such a toilet anywhere on your site.

Location selection

The standards that apply to facilities intended for waste disposal are most important for septic tanks with soil aftertreatment, as well as toilets equipped with a cesspool. But for toilets that do not have a cesspool, they must also be respected. This will allow avoid embarrassing moments in the event of an accident.

Building a toilet

The toilets provided for summer cottages, devoid of a cesspool, are not only facilities intended for waste disposal, but also objects inside which a structure will be located, partially or completely connected to the tank.


In most cases, the ground structure of the toilet is built using frame technology. The structure has internal and external cladding. In order to build it, you will need the following materials:

  • on the frames it is necessary to use a beam or edged board;
  • lining or corrugated board is used as a material for wall cladding;
  • boards are used for the device of the high chair or the choice is made in favor of plywood;
  • galvanized metal or corrugated board is used to cover the roof.

You can make a door with your own hands or purchase a finished product in a store.

To assemble the structure, you can not do without fasteners - screws, nails, bolts. You should also have the necessary tools at your disposal.

To make the design last for many years. it is necessary to take care of the construction of the foundation, the creation of which will require the preparation of a concrete solution, or it can be made of brick.

Foundation construction

If you build the ground part of the toilet for giving on the foundation, you can ensure the reliability of the structure. and it will serve you for many years. Quite easy is the typical construction of a toilet in a country house of the type birdhouse or hut. Therefore, as a foundation, you can choose a strip or column foundation.

If the owner decided to build a strip foundation as the basis for the ground part of the toilet, then the first step is to dig a trench around the perimeter of the future installation.

Then it is necessary to lay a pillow of sand with a layer thickness at least 15 cm followed by ramming.

In order for the foundation to turn out to be reliable, it is necessary to take care of the device of the reinforcing frame. For its assembly, it is necessary to use fittings or a metal rod. You should choose a material with a cross section of at least 12 mm.

After this, the trench formwork and the laid reinforced frame is poured with the prepared concrete solution.

An easier task is device column foundation . It is a support arranged at the corners of the house. They can be made of reinforced concrete. Also, for the construction of such a foundation, you can use asbestos-cement pipes, which are partially filled with concrete mortar.

Building a house

The design of a toilet without a cesspool is built in exactly the same way as a structure that has such a pit. On the arranged foundation, it is necessary to lay sheets of roofing material. Such a layer will act as a waterproofing layer and provide a longer service life of the base.

Before assembling the frame of the house, you need all its constituent elements prime and paint. This will provide reliable protection against moisture, and the house will last longer.

First you need to assemble a frame from timber and boards. It is installed on the foundation on top of the roofing material.

After that, you need to install vertical racks for support, racks for hanging the door. To fix them, you can use self-tapping screws or bolts. Note that the racks must be installed in such a way that the front pair is higher than the rear. This is necessary to ensure the slope of the roof, due to which, during the operation of the house, the accumulation of moisture on the roof surface will be excluded.

After that you can install beam structures for the subsequent installation of a roof with a small protrusion around the perimeter.

The next step is laying the floors in the inside of the house. In addition, another frame with sheathing is being constructed - a pedestal or podium for installing a seat. A hole must be made in the upper part.

Then it is necessary to lay roofing material or other roofing on the roof crossbar.

If materials that are not resistant to moisture are used for the manufacture of sheathing, then it is necessary to paint and prime them.

After that, proceed to the installation of lighting. The best option- power supply connection with the subsequent installation of the lamp. In some cases, you can get by with a flashlight or install a lamp that runs on batteries.

A hole must be made above the door to provide natural light in the house. After that, you can consider the work on creating a toilet completed. It remains only to equip the interior - install the seat and cover. For accessories, you should arrange a shelf. It is also necessary to place a peat tank and a scoop in the toilet.


The need for ventilation arises even in toilets that do not have a pit latrine. When a ventilation pipe is installed, an effective removal of an unpleasant odor will be ensured. In addition, there will be a constant flow of air, which is necessary for the vital activity of bacteria that carry out waste recycling.

The easiest way to create ventilation in the toilet is to install a plastic pipe. A pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm should be selected. It is fixed on the outer rear wall of the structure. The pipe is installed in such a way that the upper part is higher roof level by 20-50 cm. The deflector is installed to provide traction.


To make your stay in the country comfortable, you can not do without a toilet. It can be purchased and arranged on your own. Its design is quite simple, so the owner will not experience much difficulty. In order to avoid mistakes, you can familiarize yourself with how to properly build a toilet in the country before starting this work. Following the advice of specialists, upon completion of the work, you will receive a sanitary facility, thanks to which you will not experience any inconvenience during your stay in the country.