Household heating batteries. Pig-iron radiators of sectional type. Aluminum heating appliances.

One of the important parts of any heating system is a radiator installed in a heated room. This device is responsible for comfortable conditions living in an apartment or a private house. Therefore, many consumers are wondering how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment. When solving this problem, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

Compatibility of the radiator with the heating system

The modern market offers a huge range of radiators for sale, among them:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • bimetallic;
  • copper.

It is important to decide which battery will fit better into a particular heating system. Here it is important to take into account the technical parameters, among which:

  • heat transfer;
  • permissible coolant temperature;
  • inertia;
  • pressure.

For reference

When buying, consumers pay attention to durability, cost and appearance heating device. It is important to consider in which system the battery will be installed. If it's about apartment building, then the system is open, while individual houses are heated using closed systems. If the performance of the radiator does not correspond to the characteristics of the heating system, then the device may fail, as it will wear out quickly.

Battery selection according to technical parameters

If you are faced with the question of how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then remember: you should take into account operational and specifications device. Not every battery will be able to endure working conditions. If we are talking about a centralized heating system, then it will be characterized by:

  • poor quality of the coolant;
  • fluctuations in temperature and pressure.

The design temperature for an open one-pipe system in high-rise buildings is 105 °C, while the pressure is 10 atmospheres. These parameters sometimes turn out to be larger, which is especially true when the system is launched after the end of the summer period. Such conditions lead to which some heating devices are not designed. Before choosing heating radiators for an apartment, it is important to find out what pressure, as well as the temperature of the coolant, the device is designed for.

Heat dissipation selection

Another an important factor is heat transfer. This characteristic affects the efficiency of air heating and depends on the material of construction. Choosing a steel appliance, you can get less heat transfer compared to aluminum batteries. As for copper, it is superior to cast iron in this matter. However, you should not rely solely on this parameter.

What the reviews say

If you are at a crossroads and do not know which radiator to choose for an apartment with a central heating system, pay attention first of all to what others say in their reviews of these systems.

So, for example, many are sure that when purchasing steel radiators, they acquire devices that differ in insignificant thickness and weight. These batteries are efficient and economical, have good heat dissipation and a small amount of water. According to consumers, they are inexpensive, but they “let us down” in terms of pressure. Steel radiators will be able to withstand only 8 atmospheres, which means they are not suitable for apartments.

Aluminum batteries look attractive, they have a thermal power of 190 watts, which pleases consumers. As buyers emphasize, hot water with harmful impurities and high acidity can eat batteries from the inside, since aluminum is too active. In addition, this material will not cope with high pressure. Its average indicator is 16 atmospheres, but if a water hammer occurs, then even a new aluminum radiator will fail.

If you have no idea how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then heed the advice of those property owners who say that you should pay attention to bimetallic models. This development is one of the latest in the field of heating devices. In the manufacture of used aluminum and steel or copper. Such devices are ready to serve 40 years or more. For a heating system that is installed in an apartment building, such devices are the best fit. They are able to withstand 130 ° C, and the working pressure is declared at the level of 50 atmospheres.

By installing such devices, you can no longer be afraid of water hammer. Internal and external anti-corrosion primer makes the units durable and resistant to destruction. If you still can’t decide which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then you should buy bimetallic ones - they are light in weight, provide easy installation, transportation and carrying. However, not every consumer can afford, unfortunately, to buy such an expensive device. If you are offered something similar at an affordable cost, you should not trust it, because the market is flooded with fakes. If you purchase a bimetallic product, then you should pay attention to the models of trusted brands, including:

  • Rifar.
  • Sira.
  • Global.

Cast iron radiators for an apartment

Such heating radiators are ready to serve more than 50 years. Some manufacturers urge to forget about such batteries, but in vain. After all, such devices in contact with dirty water will behave properly. This metal is chemically passive, it is not afraid of high acidity and the presence of chemical additives in the coolant. In addition, the abrasive will not be able to damage thick walls. That is why cast iron is perfect for an apartment heating system.

Such products keep heat for quite a long time, the residual number of its preservation is 30%. If we compare cast iron batteries with other radiators according to this criterion, then the former win. If you are wondering which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then perhaps you should really pay special attention to cast iron ones, because they work on the principle of the radiant heat distribution method. It is much more efficient than convection.

Cast iron does not rust when summer time batteries will need to be drained. This feature is a significant plus. The heat transfer of such devices is quite large. With pressure drops that occur during the operation of central heating, cast iron behaves quite adequately. However, the material is not always able to withstand high power hydraulic shocks - in this case, the fragility of the walls can fail.

The determining factor for the choice is sometimes the cost, which is much lower in the case of the described models. However, during installation, cast-iron radiators are heavy. It is worth mentioning that the weight is due to the impressive wall thickness, which provides the necessary strength to the products. If you install cast-iron radiators once, you can forget about replacing them for many years.

Conclusions regarding the choice of a radiator for an apartment

In conclusion, we can conclude which heating radiator is better to choose for an apartment. As practice shows, aluminum and steel models are not able to withstand the tests that accompany operation in the conditions of domestic heating systems. Such batteries are not able to withstand pressure and temperature changes. There are only cast-iron and bimetallic devices to choose from.

What to buy - you can decide by evaluating the budget, as well as the characteristics of the models. However, there are a few tips you can use. If you still don't know what to choose for an apartment, then you should evaluate how old the house you live in is. If we are talking about "Khrushchev", then it is best to use cast iron products. For residents of high-rise buildings, where the pressure is higher, it is recommended to purchase bimetallic radiators. If earlier cast iron batteries were installed in the apartment, then the choice can be stopped on any of the two options. However, those who are going to replace the battery from another metal should purchase bimetallic models.

Choosing a battery for a private house

One of the important advantages of the heating system of a private house is low pressure, which is favorable for radiators. Water hammers are practically excluded here, and subject to the technical conditions of the water balance, the list of battery selection becomes quite extensive.

The cheapest radiators are sectional and they have quite good performance heat dissipation, fit perfectly into the interior and are compact. For the price, tubular radiators are more expensive than sectional and panel ones. According to the characteristics, they are approximately equal, and the extra charge is due to the sophisticated look.

Convenient for drying things, which is important for families with children. Now you know how to choose the right heating radiator for your apartment. But if you live in a house, then you should pay special attention to steel radiators, which are distinguished by low oxidization from low-quality water, as well as light weight and convenient dimensions. The service life of such devices is quite long. But steel radiators also have disadvantages. They are expressed in a not too attractive design, the need for flushing, as well as the requirements for constant fullness. The last recommendation is due to the fact that the inner walls will rust in the absence of water, and this can “kill” the radiator within just a few years.

Aluminum radiators for a private house

Aluminum radiators are quite common among consumers who live in private homes. The popularity of such devices is expressed in high thermal power and modern design. The price depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest models are products of Russian suppliers. But it should be remembered that aluminum radiators are sensitive to liquid parameters. In addition, the batteries have a rather impressive thermal power, which can cause temperature differences in the room. For heating a private house, such devices are well suited. They will last a long time and will provide good heat dissipation if the equipment is operated under special conditions.

Features of the choice of bimetallic radiators

Quite often, modern consumers are wondering how to choose the right bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment. Such devices are presented for sale in two varieties. The first one is based on steel frame, while the second has channels reinforced with steel.

Higher quality are radiators with a steel frame. They do not have hot water in contact with the aluminum alloy, which eliminates corrosion. These items will not leak. When choosing a specific model, it is important to pay attention to its cost and weight. The heavier the battery, the more expensive it will be. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention to the operating conditions. For an apartment high-rise building with a central heating system, a radiator based on a steel frame is better suited. Now you know which bimetallic heating radiators to choose in an apartment. As for the recommendation on the frame, it is especially relevant for a heating system with old pipes.

How to choose an aluminum radiator

A higher cost will have to be paid for a cast aluminum radiator. All connections in this case are made by welding in an inert gas environment. The advantages of such devices are tightness, reliability and the possibility of modification. If you are faced with the question of how to choose an aluminum heating radiator for an apartment, then you should also pay attention to extrusion models. They cost less. Among their advantages should be highlighted:

  • higher heat transfer;
  • smaller internal volume of one section;
  • low price;
  • less mass.

How to choose a cast iron radiator

Not all modern consumers know how to choose cast-iron heating radiators for an apartment. Imported models are more durable and practical compared to domestically produced options. However, the cost of the latter is much lower. You can also compare such heating devices in terms of the year of manufacture. On sale you can find used batteries. They are cheaper, but sometimes they require cleaning, which entails additional costs.

Instead of a conclusion: which firm to prefer

If you are concerned about the question of which company to choose heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention, as already mentioned, to suppliers such as Rifar, Global, Sira.

One section Rifar will cost the consumer 400 rubles. As for Italian brands, their batteries will be more expensive - here you will have to pay 500 rubles. You can decide on the spot, because companies produce sections with different thermal power, design and design. Now you know which radiators to choose for heating an apartment. The reviews that we cited in the article were supposed to help you learn more about heating devices on the market.

AT urban heating systems, to which 95% are connected apartment buildings, create not the most Better conditions for operation of all types of radiators. The equipment of even the most famous foreign manufacturers may not withstand the loads created by the domestic heating system. For this reason, it is extremely important to calculate in advance which heating radiators are best for an apartment, what material they are made of, what parameters they meet.

Placement of radiators in apartments

In urban centralized systems, radiators experience very serious loads, which are due to the following factors:

  • high pressure water and hydraulic shocks that occur before the start of the heating season;
  • unstable hydrogen activity of water, while the acidity varies from 5 to 11;
  • the presence of impurities and abrasive particles in the water;
  • large operating temperature range.

Which heating radiators are better for an apartment can only be determined by studying in detail the technical accompanying documents that are always attached to radiators.

Aluminum sectional radiators

Aluminum heaters are inexpensive radiators consisting of several sections. They are made of metal with a thickness of 2 to 3 mm, are lightweight and easy to assemble. An aluminum radiator can be connected to any heating pipes using standard fittings made of brass, steel or other metals.

The sectional structure allows the calculation method to select and complete the device in strict accordance with the volume of the room and the temperature of the coolant. This approach allows you to significantly save on heating and create a comfortable temperature in the apartment. Aluminum has a low thermal inertia, that is, heating and cooling occurs quickly, within 8 - 10 minutes.

Aluminum has a significant drawback - it is not resistant to alkaline environments, and in central heating systems this indicator is rarely controlled. If the house is new and the boiler house serves the same new houses, then the composition of the water in the system is effectively regulated. In such houses, the answer to the question of which heating radiators are better for a city apartment is obvious - these are economical models.

Bimetal radiators

These devices look no different from the classic aluminum models, they are just as compact, easy to install and have similar performance characteristics. Bimetallic models differ from aluminum models in high corrosion cost, increased resistance to hydraulic shocks, as well as higher cost.

In bimetallic radiators, the coolant moves through stainless steel pipes, and the fins are made of cheaper aluminum. Usually, the fittings for the heating system are also made of stainless steel, therefore, in the case of bimetallic radiators, the steel-steel threaded connection guarantees protection against leaks during temperature changes. Which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment depends not only on the budget, but also on the characteristics of the system. If it is old or a large number of houses are in the service of the boiler room, then it is better to give preference to bimetal.

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Cast iron radiators

Cast iron appliances are long-lived among radiators. Cast iron is characterized by extremely high strength, and its design with a large flow area allows radiators to perform their function effectively even with poor water quality in old heating systems.

A serious problem of centralized heating systems is the presence of solid particles of rust, sand, scale and other impurities in them. Batteries with a small gap up to 32 mm in diameter are often clogged, circulation is disturbed, and the radiator cools down, inefficiently performing its function. Cast iron radiators have a diameter of two inches, and if on them inner surface and rust will settle, heat transfer will not change. What is the best heating radiator for apartments, where water quality is low and pressure is low - obviously, cast iron.

In addition to those listed above, there are also steel panel and tubular radiators, which, at a very high cost, have the lowest power. Such devices are more often installed in individual heating systems with low coolant pressure; for city apartments, they are considered inefficient. However, lovers of stylish solutions will certainly pay tribute to their attractive appearance.

Main technical characteristics of radiators

Radiators are designed to transfer heat radiation into the surrounding air. According to the laws of physics, convection flows are directed from the bottom up, creating air movement and mixing it. The larger the surface area of ​​the radiator, the more efficiently it gives off heat, while cooling the coolant.

At different types radiators, the power is different, approximate performance characteristics are given in the table below. It should be noted that the indicated data are approximate, the exact information is contained in the technical data sheet.

Material Working pressure, atm. Crimping pressure, atm. Acidity, Ph Power of one section at a height of 50 cm and a water temperature of 70 degrees, W
Aluminum10 – 20 15 – 30 7 – 8 175 – 200
Bimetallic35 57 6,5 – 9 200
cast iron6 – 9 12 – 15 6,5 – 9 110
Steel6 – 12 9 – 18 6,5 – 9 85

An autonomous heating system is often used to heat a private house. Compared to an apartment, the requirements and approach to choosing radiators change somewhat.

The choice of heating devices is influenced by the absence of high pressure in the system, the ability to control the quality of the coolant and eliminate the presence of water hammer. Given all these aspects, figure out which radiators to choose for heating a private country house, simple enough.

What metal batteries to put in a country house

A large number of battery designs are presented on the heating equipment market. According to their device, all heaters can be divided into the following types:
  1. Panel.
  2. Sectional.
  3. Tubular.
There is also a classification for the metal used in the manufacture of radiators. It is customary to distinguish between the following equipment:
  1. Cast iron.
  2. Steel.
  3. Bimetallic.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Copper.
Each of the metals has its own performance characteristics, heat transfer coefficient and other features. To determine the best radiators, you should consider in detail the disadvantages and advantages of each.

Cast iron radiators - time-tested classics

Sectional batteries - the main advantage of cast iron is high quality and metal strength. Thick-walled cast iron makes batteries almost eternal. The advantages include:
  • Reliability and strength.
  • The ability to add sections to increase the total power of the device.
  • Corrosion resistance and unpretentiousness to the quality of the coolant.
As disadvantages, one can single out low heat transfer, an ugly appearance and large dimensions of the device that steal free space.

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the boiler, the heated cast iron battery will cool down for a long time and will not allow the temperature of the coolant to drop quickly.

Bimetallic, aluminum and copper batteries - high heat dissipation and reliability

If we talk about heat dissipation, then it is better not to find copper and bimetallic radiators. Batteries withstand high pressure and practically do not react to the quality of the coolant.

For a private house, it is not advisable to install bimetallic models. Radiators of this type were originally developed for connection to central heating.

Alternatively, aluminum batteries can be used, which have a lower cost than bimetallic counterparts. At the same time, the heat transfer of radiators is in no way inferior to devices made of two metals.

Steel radiators - a cheap and popular option

For autonomous heating a private house most often choose steel heating appliances. This is due to many factors: low cost, beautiful appearance, good heat transfer performance.

The lower and upper connections are provided, the possibility of operation in one and two-pipe heating systems.

The disadvantage of steel batteries is the susceptibility of the structure to corrosive attack. Another disadvantage is the inability to add power in case of an error in the calculations, as is the case with cast iron or bimetallic contractions. Do not install batteries in rooms with high humidity.

As practice has shown, for a private country house it is better to use aluminum, cast iron, steel and copper batteries.

How to correctly calculate the number of sections

Calculation of the power of heating radiators in country house depends on several factors. The calculations look like this:

When connecting, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of connecting batteries. Heat dissipation drops as sections are added. Therefore, several radiators with an equal number of "fins" are installed for heating.

Which brand of radiators is better to choose in a house outside the city

There are Italian, German, Turkish and domestic heating radiators on the market. You can buy several models made in China.

When determining which brand of radiator is better, you should take into account consumer reviews and the quality of the product itself. Below is the popularity rating. The list is in descending order of popularity.

    • Placement of radiators in a private house. Heating devices are located in such a way as to create a heat flow that reduces heat loss. The recommended battery installation locations are under the windows, on the load-bearing wall of the building.
    • The choice of the scheme of connection of radiators. Traditionally, systems with forced and natural circulation of the coolant, one-pipe and two-pipe, are used. The scheme with forced circulation is considered the most effective.
      Two-pipe systems, with natural movement of the coolant, are used for cast iron and aluminum batteries. This is due to the diameter of the lateral connection of the wiring.
      Steel radiators are designed to connect a ¾ pipe, which is not enough to ensure the flow and circulation of liquid in a natural way.

    Ways to connect heating radiators in a country house affect the heating efficiency. The main disadvantage of a system with forced circulation of the coolant is that it cannot work when the electricity is turned off. The problem is solved by connecting a generator or installing a bypass. Natural circulation systems are inefficient and require strict observance of slopes.

    There are two options for connecting radiators - upper and lower. With natural circulation, the first method is used. The coolant is supplied through the top outlet. The bottom connection is used for high pressure closed systems.

    At correct installation, the heating system is assembled in series, starting from connecting the radiator closest to the heating source, and ending with the last heating device.

    What is better to use as a coolant

    Water or antifreeze can be used as a coolant. It is necessary to consider what type of radiator is installed in the heating system.

    Antifreeze is not suitable for cast iron and steel batteries. For the former, the weak point is the connections between the sections. Under the influence of antifreeze, the gaskets are deformed and leak. Steel batteries are sensitive to the quality of the coolant. The use of antifreeze reduces the service life.

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The radiator is an important part of the home heating system. Its thermal conductivity and aesthetics affect the appearance of the room and comfort. Price is also an important factor. This is especially true for apartments. About how to do right choice heating radiator for an apartment, we will try to tell in this article.

Heating system and radiator compatibility

There is a wide range of heating radiators on the market:

  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • Copper;
  • bimetallic devices.

The choice of a particular radiator depends on various parameters of the entire heating system. The allowable temperature, pressure in the system and the composition of the coolant are taken into account, as well as heat transfer and inertness, which must correspond to the indicators of the heating system of an apartment building.

Important! Heating radiators for open systems of apartment buildings differ from those designed for closed heating systems of private (individual) houses. If the radiator does not match your heating system, not only rapid wear is possible, but also a complete failure of the radiator.

How to choose a radiator?

First of all, when buying a battery, you should pay attention to its technical and operational characteristics, and only then to the cost or appearance.

Regardless of the country of manufacture, it must be clearly understood that not every battery can withstand the operating conditions of our heating networks: fluctuations in pressure and temperature, poor quality of water supplied to the pipes (coolant) and others. For example, in high-rise buildings for a one-pipe open heating system design temperature is 105 ° C, and the pressure is 10 atmospheres. But, despite this, the limits of these parameters can go off scale, and heating radiators of foreign manufacturers that do not have the necessary margin of safety may simply not withstand a water hammer.

Note! Before buying a radiator, you need to consider allowable temperature and the pressure of the coolant in the heating system. These data are indicated in the passport of the heating device.

The heat transfer of the heating battery is also important. The efficiency of air heating depends on this indicator, which is also determined by the design of the radiator. For example, the heat transfer of aluminum is higher than that of steel, and copper gives off heat better than cast iron. However, relying only on these technical parameters is also not entirely correct. It is necessary to comprehensively evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of each element. heating system before buying the best heating radiators for the apartment you live in.

Heating radiator options

Consider the most common types of heating batteries on the market

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron batteries have been used in domestic heating systems for over a hundred years. They have shown excellent resistance to corrosion, are sufficiently durable, have good heat dissipation and are able to withstand pressure and temperature drops in the system. Almost ideal option for operation in the territory of the countries of the former USSR.

Cast iron radiators are able to retain heat for a long time, even after an emergency shutdown of the system. These batteries withstand both poor water quality in the system and water hammer. They are not affected by rust or air pockets, compared to appliances made from other materials. All these advantages make cast-iron radiators an ideal option for a heating battery for an apartment.

The disadvantages of cast-iron radiators include high inertia, unsightly design and bulkiness. The inertia makes these batteries unsuitable for heating systems with thermoregulation.

The exception is modern models in retro style, with monograms, patinated, painted to look like copper, bronze or brass, which fit perfectly into the interior, being both a heating device and an art object.

Aluminum radiators

Sectional radiators made of aluminum are very popular today. Light weight, aesthetic appearance, high heat dissipation, these batteries are good for arranging heating systems in apartments and houses.

Thanks to the sections, you can dial any length of the radiator, and ease of installation is another indisputable plus. This type of batteries is not inertial, which makes it possible to install them in systems with temperature controllers. In addition, it is not required a large number coolant (water).

A significant disadvantage of aluminum batteries, experts consider susceptibility to corrosion at high concentrations of alkali in water, as well as a tendency to form air bubbles inside the structure and the risk of leakage between sections.

Steel radiators

In heating systems of houses and office space often you can find batteries made of steel. They may look different:

  • Type-setting panel from separate sections;
  • One-piece rectangular construction;
  • tubular construction.

The advantages of steel batteries are in an affordable price, inertia, attractive appearance, excellent heat dissipation and corrosion resistance.

However, steel batteries are not capable of withstanding water hammer in excess of 25 atmospheres, which makes them unacceptable for use in apartments in multi-storey buildings. In addition, steel is quite sensitive to the presence of oxygen in the coolant.

Optimal pressure for normal operation steel batteries ranges from 6 to 16 atmospheres and depends on the thickness of the steel and the design of the device. The operating temperature must not exceed 110°C. Heat transfer is carried out by convection and radiation through the walls of the device and the grate located in the upper part of the radiator.

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetal radiator consists of aluminum fins and steel piping. This type of battery is optimally suited for operation with our city district heating networks. In this design, hot water circulates through seamless steel pipes, welded together by a method that prevents corrosion and destruction of the metal. And aluminum, in turn, due to its high thermal conductivity, perfectly transfers heat from the core to the room.

The radiator is able to withstand pressure in the system up to 40-50 atmospheres. Modern designs have a fairly attractive appearance. Thus, in a bimetallic radiator in the best possible way the properties of steel and aluminum were combined as heating devices.

Among the advantages, one can also point out that bimetallic batteries contribute to the turbulent distribution of air masses (with eddies). Thus, there is no local overheating of the air, the formation of a positive ionization field in the heater zone. Bimetallic heaters can serve for about 20 years and come to the retail network already painted, which simplifies their maintenance.

The disadvantages of bimetallic heating devices include their rather high cost, as well as the tendency to accumulate slag deposits along the inner walls over time and sensitivity to the presence of oxygen in the coolant. They also distinguish the resistance that occurs at the interface between the two metals, which reduces the efficiency of heat transfer as a whole.

Copper radiators

Copper heating radiators are made of seamless copper pipe. The design consists of a pipe with a diameter of about 28 mm, complemented by copper fins and a wooden casing. The efficiency of air heating is achieved due to the high thermal conductivity of copper, which is 2 times higher than that of aluminum and 5-6 times higher than that of steel and cast iron. Copper has a low inertia and can be used in systems equipped with thermostats.

Despite the fact that copper batteries require less coolant, they heat up in 3 minutes. In this case, there is no need to drive large masses through copper batteries. hot water(for example, as in the case of cast iron appliances).

The advantages of copper are undeniable:

  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Plastic;
  • It is not subject to wear when exposed to an aggressive environment;
  • Plastic;
  • High efficiency at low coolant temperature;
  • Suitable for installation in apartments of multi-storey buildings.

Interesting! After the first 90 hours of operation of copper radiators, an oxide layer forms on the inner surface, which subsequently protects the battery from mechanical and chemical damage from poor quality hot water.

Almost the only drawback is the high price of copper heating appliances.

Calculation of the power of heating radiators for an apartment

For a normal microclimate in a living room, the heating radiator should not overlap 70-75% of the width of the window opening. Then the cold air from the window and the warm air from the battery mix freely and move around the room, without fogging the windows. Therefore, instead of 5-6 powerful sections, it is better to put 8-10 sections with less power, but occupying the required area under the window.

To find out required power radiator, you need to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by 100 watts. If a:

Which steel heating radiators are better: installation and assembly