Which heater is better, ratings, reviews and recommendations. What heater to choose for the house.

Some of the newer models have additional features such as a temperature display or a remote control for heating. But what is most important? What should you pay attention to? Which heater is best for your apartment? Which type of heater outperforms the others?

It is not true to say that heaters of one type are always superior to heaters of another type. It all depends on what needs they are purchased for. The main thing here is how big the room is to be heated and how long they stay in it. Heaters work by convection and radiation. With convection heating, the air in the radiator is first heated, and then the surrounding space. The use of radiation is based on the release of heat to the surface of the radiator, from where it spreads throughout the room. In general, the convection method of heating a room has the advantage that the temperature in the room quickly equalizes in different parts of it. If you buy a powerful heater, it will cost more, but the room heats up faster. As a result, less electricity is consumed. A thermocouple heater will also save money, since the heater in this case is periodically switched off and on when the room starts to cool down. Specialists know how soon heating starts when the heaters are on different types how well the reached temperature is maintained and how much you will have to pay extra for electricity when connecting the heater. For smart heater selection and maximum bang for your buck, take a look at the features of the four types of heaters. The difference in design can be decisive in choosing the most suitable heater.

oil heater

If you need to heat a small room, an oil heater is quite suitable. And this option can be the most economical. The device is called oil, because it is constantly filled with thermal oil. The oil in such heaters never burns out, it does not need to be replaced. Oil heaters have been produced for a long time, they are readily bought. Outwardly, it differs little from the heating battery. There are no moving elements in it, so the device works silently. Oil-type heaters are rather bulky, so they are most often equipped with wheels and a handle, so they can be easily moved around the apartment. Modern models of oil heaters are efficient and safe enough. The mechanism of an oil heater is simple: thermal oil heats up, after the oil heats up the surface of the heater, from the fins of the heater it is evenly radiated into the room. This heater has large surface and this prevents it from overheating. It's warmer near an oil heater, so if you want to warm up faster but don't want to heat the room, you can move closer to it. Because oil can get very hot, oil heater models that have a built-in thermostat are preferred. Then the heater automatically turns off, and you do not risk getting burned. Number of sections in the oil heater - important characteristic, because usually the more sections, the larger the room the heater is able to heat. It is recommended to place the oil heater in the middle of the room, but after the temperature in the room reaches the desired level, it can be rolled to the side.

Advantages of an oil heater: - after turning off the oil heater retains heat for a long time; - there are compact models; - easy to operate; - inexpensive; - environmentally friendly; - works silently, which is important for silence in the house.

Minuses:- the oil heater heats up slowly; - cannot be turned on in a room with a high level of humidity; - high power consumption.

Infrared heaters

This heater is excellent for personal heating. This is a fairly new type of heater, but already common. Infrared heaters have caused a lot of controversy in society, because their principle of operation is completely unusual. They warm objects in the room by emitting infrared rays. This process is similar to heating the earth with the sun's rays. There are emitters with a short, medium, long wave, and the average wavelength coincides with the wavelength that emits human body. Infrared heaters are produced portable and stationary, which are mounted on the ceiling or wall. The current models of infrared heaters are aesthetic: you will see this by looking, for example, at heaters that mimic the usual picture. Some infrared heaters have a futuristic look, you can choose a device that matches the interior of the room in a color.

Pros of an infrared heater:- thanks to a special technology, warm air does not concentrate near the ceiling; - suitable for rooms and other rooms with high ceilings; - economical; - suitable for heating a separate part of the room; - safe; - temperature control possible; easily fit into the interior; - compensate for the lack of sunlight in winter; - work silently; - do not overheat if their power corresponds to the footage of the room; - do not dry the air.

Minuses: - instantaneous heat is generated only in the immediate vicinity of the appliance; - they work better in confined spaces; - radiated waves affect household appliances; - due to the risk of fire, they must be located away from flammable materials; - quartz heaters do not last long; - film infrared heaters not cheap.

Convector type heater

For a large room, a convector heater is the best choice. It is less powerful than oil, but will heat a large room. The convector heater is left on the floor or mounted on the wall, at a low height. The body of the convector heater resembles an ordinary radiator battery, but there is no division into sections in it. Slots are made in the flat screen - these are gratings for air circulation. Cold air enters the heater from below, it passes through the heater and comes out hot. Some models of convector type have a built-in fan. The fan mixes the air and disperses the heat throughout the room, and in the summer you can turn off the heating, leaving only the ventilation function. We get a device that lasts all year round. To increase the efficiency of the heater, you need to close the doors and windows in the room when it is working. The convector heater is optimal for medium-sized rooms that need high temperature for a long time, for example, for living rooms and bedrooms. It is unlikely that you will burn yourself with such a heater, although it can warm up enough.

fan heater

Very convenient heater, compact, it can be kept even on the table. Fan heaters are made of metal and plastic. When choosing a fan heater in a store, pay attention to whether the plastic is overheating. They produce fan heaters with various types of heater: spiral steel and ceramic.

Pros of fan heaters: - heating starts immediately; - light weight and compactness; - adjustment of the heating temperature and air direction; - can be removed away from children and pets; - ease of use.

Cons of a fan heater: - it is impossible to heat a large room; - operating noise; - an unpleasant odor in the case of a spiral heater when the spiral is dirty. Safety precautions If the heaters are not used correctly, there is a risk of burns, electric shock, fire. Some heaters overheat easily, but if the manufacturer's instructions are followed, they are safe.

Be prudent:

Choose a heater with a thermostat to prevent the appliance from overheating;

Clean the device from dust in time;

In case of unusual operation of the heater, turn it off;

Make sure that curtains, bedspreads, clothes do not touch the heater;

It is forbidden to put the heater on a sofa, bed, easy chair, carpet; - turn off the heater when leaving home.

Heed the advice of experts. A properly selected heater will last long enough and provide a comfortable temperature in your apartment.

: bedrooms, living rooms, nurseries, hallways and more.

It is difficult to provide comfort in the house without a comfortable temperature, this is especially true in winter time. It is a fact that in winter the living room must be warm. Few people like to live in almost Spartan conditions at a temperature of 18 °. Creating a comfortable temperature today is easy - in shopping malls and specialized stores offered huge selection various heating devices. But among all these boilers, bulky heating systems, household electric heaters are the easiest to operate. They work from the electrical network, are distinguished by high heat transfer, mobility, ease of connection.

In some cases, an electric mobile household heater can even be used as the main heat source. However, most often they are used as auxiliary devices. For example, these devices are very helpful when it is already cold in an apartment or house, and the central heating has not yet been connected.

It is believed that these devices "with appetite" relate to electricity. This used to be true, but the new generation of electric heaters are quite economical, which makes them so popular.

Types of devices according to the principle of operation

These useful devices perform the same task, but they do it in different ways. So, there are three ways to transfer heat:

  • natural convection.
  • Thermal ventilation.
  • longwave radiation.

Convection is mixing. So, warm air is lighter, which means it will definitely rise up. Cold air, which is denser and heavier, will descend in its place. A lot of models that work on this principle have a radiator design.
The most common among such devices are various oil heaters or convector panels.

Thermal ventilation or forced supply of warm air is used in heat guns or heat fans. In the design of such devices - the actual fan and heater. The air is forcibly passed through the heater, reaches the desired temperature and is blown into the room. Sometimes you can find on sale systems that are combined. Here, convection-type devices are equipped with fans.

The principle of heat transfer using long-wave radiation is very different from that in the above types of devices. So, an infrared heater, like the rays of the summer sun, heats furniture and surfaces in the room, and the air is already heated from them. These designs have a halogen, quartz or carbon lamp as a heating element.

Heating elements of modern heaters

By design, heating elements can be divided into tape-needle, devices in a protective casing, monolithic. Let's consider each of them.

Tape needle

In convectors and panels of this type, several types of elements are used. The simplest and least secure is a tape needle heater, otherwise it is called "Stitch". Manufacturers go to great lengths to improve the safety of these products, but this item is not splash proof of any liquid. These devices cannot be called safe, besides they are very cheap, uneconomical and have no thermal inertia. Experts do not recommend installing and operating these devices in rooms where moisture or steam can form.

Heater in a protective casing: design features

These are already more advanced elements - with protection and encumbrance on the outside. Inside the casing is filled with insulating materials, which also have excellent thermal conductivity characteristics - these can be materials such as magnesium, quartz or ceramic insulators.

Often the fins on such heaters are made of aluminum. The shape and number of plates can be different, depending on the tasks and cost. The most efficient are those where there are more such edges. Such electric heaters for the house are energy-saving. These devices are able to quickly heat even the largest rooms and at the same time require a minimum amount of energy. As for safety, the design has a high degree of protection and is not afraid of moisture. You can install a heater even in the bathroom.

With all the advantages, there are some, however, very minor, disadvantages. Heaters in the casing are cracking. This happens due to various coefficients expansion of aluminum and steel. As a result, the efficiency of the device will decrease over time.

The most efficient heating element

The most expensive and efficient are devices equipped with a monolithic heater.

Here, the consumer is offered a case with fins made of alloys of aluminum and other metals. Inside - dielectric materials.

During the operation of the heater, no noise occurs, the service life is much longer than that of other devices. These are great home heaters. Energy-saving technologies here allow you to decently save on electricity.

Temperature controllers

Many modern convector household heaters are equipped with modern and technologically advanced thermostats or thermostat units. These control systems give the user the opportunity not only to set the required temperature, but also to maintain it at the level. The circuits of these control devices use the latest sensors that monitor the air temperature. Often on most models they can be found in the lower part of the case.

There are several control options available for popular types of electric heaters. it mechanical systems, electromechanical control, fully electronic systems.

economical technologies

Those people who decide to choose a suitable modern heater for themselves need to know that in order to maintain a given temperature, high accuracy is not required. But in order to ensure the cost-effectiveness of work, it is simply necessary.

Modern convector electric heaters for the home are energy-saving. This is an indisputable fact. Thanks to the electronic control, the device requires significantly less energy than designs equipped with any other control method.

The more accurate this or that thermostat is, the more economical the heater will be. In modern control systems, timers can be set that allow the user to set the time when the device should turn on or off. You can also set the duration for which the system will work.

In addition, most modern appliances have high performance security. If the device overheats, protection will work, which will disconnect it from the network.

Manufacturers also offer devices with central control. You can organize the work of several convectors that are networked.

The latest electric heaters

Everyone knows what oil and convection are.

But manufacturers never cease to amaze consumers. Recently, ceramic-based solutions have begun to appear.

Provide a glitch small panel. The thickness of this panel is no more than 4 cm. These thermoceramic heaters can be used both as an additional heating element and as the main source of heat.

The front of this design is made of ceramic. Manufacturers can also use talcomagnesite, which is energy. During the operation of the device, this panel warms up, and quite evenly. When the power is turned off, the panel will slowly cool down, and heat will be released into the room.

The front panel of such devices emits infrared waves. In their properties, they resemble familiar sunlight to everyone. So, an infrared heater can maintain a comfortable, uniform temperature throughout the room. In addition, maintaining the temperature will be as economical as possible.

Additionally, the room is heated due to the convection of air masses along the back wall. Air currents heat up and give off heat to the room. So it warms up about 30%. This is a very efficient and economical solution.

When air passes through the back wall of this device, all pathogenic microbes are killed. Thanks to talcomagnesite, the air is not only thoroughly warmed up, but also ionized.

To date, these are the most economical electric heaters which also have a high level of security. This device can be hung on the wall, where it can also perform decorative tasks. These devices are excellent appearance and can decorate the room.

Infrared Solutions

These are also popular electric heaters for the home. Energy-saving characteristics of these devices are also on top. These systems are good because they can give off heat perfectly even in open areas. Even if it is cloudy and cold outside, you can feel a cozy warmth through these devices, which is somewhat reminiscent of the sun's rays. This equipment is most suitable for apartments and houses, and their quality and safety are recognized in all countries of the world.

If there are small children in the house, then it is worth buying such electric heaters. Their price is quite affordable (from 3 to 7 thousand rubles), and in return they will ensure the health of the child. This is one of the safest and most economical solutions.

Types of infrared heating, advantages and disadvantages

There are several options for heating with the help of such devices. It can be local, economical heating. It can also be heating certain areas in the room. The devices do not have inertia - one has only to turn on the device, and it will immediately begin to give off heat. If you decide to opt for infrared options, then let it be a device with carbon lamps.

Among other advantages - versatility, safety, ease of installation and operation.

Economy is at a very high level. But the only downside is the price. For example, a wall-mounted infrared electric heater will cost significantly more than traditional oil or convection solutions.

The buyer can easily get confused in the vast assortment various models heaters presented on the modern market of household appliances.

Therefore, in order to figure out which device for space heating can fully cope with the tasks, you need to find out which technical specifications and functionality has a particular product, presented for sale on store shelves.

Only by approaching the issue of choosing a heater in a comprehensive manner, you can make an informed choice, which will be the only correct one in a particular case. But first you need to deal with the market offer and try to find out which heater for a house or state apartment is better, based on the advantages and disadvantages of different models.

Heaters - which are better

Electric type heaters are widely used in apartments of multi-storey buildings and in country houses. A weighty argument that plays in favor of choosing electrical appliances is simplicity and efficiency during operation.

Given that the main heating is not always enough in the winter season, the purchase of an additional heat source is the only the right decision in providing housing with heat.

In this case, depending on the model of the device, it can work on the basis of one of the following principles:

  • according to the principle of forced circulation;
  • on the basis of natural gravity;
  • combined coolant transfer systems;
  • through heat radiation.

Every year the functionality of modern heaters is constantly expanding due to the introduction into the design of devices cleaning, filtering and moisturizing systems.

Even the simplest heat fan is able to cope with certain tasks in everyday life: in a matter of minutes, heat a room in an apartment, dry the walls in the bathroom, and even dry clothes after washing.

How is an oil heater characterized

Externally, the oil heater is very similar to the standard sectional battery used in district heating. The main heat carrier of such a device is mineral-based oil, which can be heated to the boiling point.

Due to the different number of sections in the design of the device, you can always choose a heater model of suitable power.

Protozoa inexpensive appliances without a thermostat, which is responsible for automating the operation of the oil heater, can heat up to very high temperature at 120°C.

Therefore their use not recommended in children's rooms, since when touching the body of the device with any part of the body, a burn instantly remains. Yes, and the safety of models that are not equipped with at least the simplest automation leaves much to be desired.

For convenience, modern models of oil-filled electric heaters equipped with a timer, controlling the inclusion or deactivation of the device, at a convenient time for the homeowner. In addition, such products have a number of the following advantages:

  1. Budget price of an oil appliance.
  2. Compactness and mobility of the equipment.
  3. Simplicity and unpretentiousness in use.
  4. High level of heating efficiency.
  5. The oil cooler is reliable and does not make noise during operation.

But even taking into account the many advantages of an oil cooler, it also has disadvantages. Slow heating of the coolant, which does not allow you to quickly warm up the air in the room.

Plus, cheap models of heaters can dry the air room and are therefore not suitable for use in homes where people with asthma or other breathing problems live.

Convector - a rational way to heat a room

As you can understand from the name of the heater, its principle of operation is based on the use of convection currents.

Instrument housing equipped with special openings in the lower part, through which cold air masses, according to the laws of physics, are sucked in and heated by means of an installed heating element.

Hot air, becoming lighter, rushes to the ceiling of the room, giving off thermal energy to warm the room. The main advantages of an electric convector include the following characteristics:

  • The relatively low price of a convection type heater.
  • Safety of use - the body of the convector does not heat up more than 60° C.
  • The equipment does not make noise during operation.
  • Automated operation of the device, achieved due to the presence of a thermostat.
  • Most convector models are equipped with overheating protection.

If we consider the shortcomings of the equipment, then it is worth noting the following problems:

  • the impossibility of heating large rooms;
  • relatively long heating of the air in the room.

The convector is less inertial, unlike the oil counterpart, and therefore does not require additional time for warming up. Possibility rapid heating heater was achieved through the use of air as a heat carrier in the room.

Most models are mounted with brackets on the wall, but floor structures are also popular, which, if necessary, can be transferred to another room.

Fan heater - fast heating of the room

The main purpose of a domestic fan heater is rapid heating of the room small sizes. Such a device fully copes with the requirements imposed on it and therefore is in great demand among consumers.

Housed in a plastic case ceramic, metal or combined heating element, which is blown by a fan.

More expensive models are made in a metal case. The fan is placed behind the heating coil, due to which a certain direction of warm air masses is achieved, which spread throughout the room, warming the air in it.

If you turn off the heating elements, then such a device can be used as a standard fan.

Modern fan heaters equipped with switch controls power modes, so you can choose optimum temperature heating the room. Devices with electronic blocks are equipped with remote controls, timers and many other useful additions.

A significant disadvantage of such heating equipment is the noise emitted by the fan, which interferes with sleep at night time. Therefore, such a product is not recommended for use in apartments where people with various sleep disorders live.

Infrared heater - economical apartment heating

A heating device that works by means of infrared radiation causes some distrust among consumers, as it appeared not so long ago on the market for household appliances.

However, such equipment does not have all the disadvantages of other electric heaters. Infrared devices do not heat the air, but the objects in the room. At the same time, such equipment has the following advantages:

  • high fire safety;
  • complete absence of noise during operation;
  • do not dry out the air in the room;
  • quickly warm up the room;
  • consume little electricity;
  • can be placed anywhere.

Due to the relatively high price of infrared heaters, there are often low-quality fakes. Therefore, it is better not to save money when buying them and choose models from time-tested manufacturers.

Inverter air conditioning systems

A modern air conditioner has long ceased to be a device that cools a house in the summer heat; it effectively copes with heating a room during the onset of cold weather.

Heating systems based on inverter air conditioning are environmentally friendly, since they do not burn fuel, and therefore there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Modern devices quite economical and simple in use.

Plus, they can heat much larger spaces than other electric heaters.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of a heater

When deciding how to choose a heater for a house or apartment, you need to first of all deal with the indicators of its power. The size of the heated room and the rate of air heating in it will directly depend on this parameter.

Armed with a piece of paper, which will mark all the features of the room, you can go to the nearest home appliances store, where sellers will help you choose the right model of equipment.

At the same time, the following indicators of the room affect the main parameters of the electric heater:

  1. The presence or absence of windows and their number.
  2. The height of the heated room.
  3. The number of residents permanently in the room.
  4. Household appliances installed in the apartment.
  5. The type of lighting fixtures used in the home.

If the room has a constantly high level of dust, then it is better to give preference infrared devices, which are also suitable for children's rooms and rooms where allergy sufferers or asthmatics live.

Only equipment can be installed in the bathroom with a high level of moisture protection. It is not recommended to purchase appliances whose power ratings significantly exceed the parameters of a heated room, as this is a waste of money and electricity.

Features of the operation of electric heaters

Before installing an electric heater in your apartment or private house, you need to make sure that the electrical outlets are working.

Since the power of such equipment is quite high, only one device can be connected to one outlet. If this is neglected, then due to the increased load, heating of the contacts may occur and, as a result, wiring reflow.

To extend the life of a thermal device for heating indoor air and to protect the residents of the apartment from a fire, you need to follow certain rules operation of electrical heating equipment.

  • An electric heater of any type must be placed at a minimum distance of 50 cm from any objects in the room.
  • It is forbidden to install the device under windows that are curtained with tulle - flammable materials.
  • It is not recommended to leave the device unattended for a long time. If such a need arose, then it is necessary to use heaters equipped with a thermostat or an electronic automation unit.
  • Do not cover electric heaters or dry wet laundry on them.
  • Before connecting the device to the electrical network, you need to read the instructions and manufacturer's recommendations supplied with the equipment.
  • The electric heater must be connected to an outlet with wires that can withstand the maximum power of the appliance without heating. If there is no confidence in the wiring, then it is advisable to lay an additional line directly from the switchboard.

Familiarize yourself with the features and functionality various types electric heat sources, everyone can choose best heater for home.

For quick heating, a fan heater is suitable, in order to save electricity, it is better to choose infrared devices, and for heating large rooms, a powerful air conditioner. However, the final choice depends on the preferences of the homeowner.

A cozy home in cold weather is impossible to imagine without a comfortable temperature. It is an axiom that in winter the house should be warm. Few people will be satisfied with the Spartan conditions with 18 degrees Celsius in living quarters. Today, heating a house or apartment is quite simple. Specialized shopping centers and shops are incredibly diverse in offering types and types of heaters. Among all possible boilers, heating systems, etc., undoubtedly, heaters powered by the mains are the easiest to use. Their prevalence is explained by the efficiency of work, ease of installation and connection, high mobility.

Sometimes electric heaters can be used as the main source of heat, providing daily space heating. However, more often, such electric heaters for the home act as auxiliary devices, used in the off-season, when the central heating has not yet worked in full force, and the house has already become “somehow chilly”.

The operation of such household electrical appliances is based on one of three main methods (or a combination of them) of heat transfer:

  • natural convection;
  • thermal ventilation;
  • longwave radiation.

Natural convection (mixing) due to the rise of lighter heated air masses and their replacement by colder and denser ones.

Most appliances using the convection method have radiator design. The most common oil heaters are convectors or convector (heating) panels.

The method of thermal ventilation or forced supply of a stream of warm air is used in thermal fans and guns. Designs of this type include a fan and heating element. The air in the room is forcibly driven by the fan through the heating element, reaching required temperature. In convection-type structures equipped with fans, a combined version of the first two methods is used - convection and thermal ventilation.

Manufacturers often offer domestic forced-ventilated oil heaters and air curtains. The latter did not receive distribution in the home but are widely used in shopping centers and other crowded places to create a "thermal cut-off" in the entrance blocks.

Heat transfer using infrared long-wave radiation is fundamentally different from the first two, heating the air in room. Infrared heating, like the sun's rays, heats furnishings and internal surfaces, from which, in turn, the air in the room can warm up. Such devices most often have a halogen, quartz or carbon fiber in their design. emitter lamp.

For all kinds of electric heaters, you can mark them advantages and disadvantages, features of each application.

heating elements

The design of the heating elements:

  • tape needle design;
  • in a protective tubular casing;
  • monolithic heater.

Convectors and convector-type heating panels can use several types of heating element designs. The simplest and least secure is the tape needle design, the so-called "stitch". Despite the measures taken by the manufacturers, the degree of protection of the heater is not higher than IP 21 (no protection against splashes and water). Convectors with "stitch" are the cheapest, have no thermal inertia, i.e. they heat up and cool down very quickly. Their installation in rooms with the formation of steam and moisture is not recommended.

More perfect convectors with a heater in the protective tubular casing with external ribs. The casing is filled with insulators with good thermal conductivity: magnesium, quartz, ceramics, etc. As a rule, fins on such an element made of aluminum the number of plates and shape varies, affecting the cost. But it should be noted that a convector with a large number of them will provide the best heat transfer. The degree of protection of the structure is not less than IP 24, i.e. it is not afraid of splashing water, it can even be placed in the bathroom, no closer than 0.6 meters to the open surface of the water.

Not all consumers will appreciate the features of this type of heating element. Structurally, heaters, due to different coefficients of thermal expansion of the steel case and aluminum plates, work well audible crackling. As a result, over time, abrasion and leaks form in the places where the radiator fits, increasing heat loss.

The most expensive convectors with monolithic heaters. Heaters of this type are a one-piece cast finned housing made of aluminum or its alloys, filled with a dielectric. A convector with such an element works completely silent its service life is several orders of magnitude higher than that of the two previous ones, protection from IP 24, high efficiency and calorific value combined with a lower fin temperature.

Temperature controllers for electric heaters

Most modern convectors use fairly advanced thermostats or thermostat units. Such a control unit (CU) allows you to install and maintain required temperature. In the control circuit, special sensors are used to control the temperature of the incoming air. As a rule, they are located in the lower part of the instrument case.

There are several options for control devices:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic.

The inexperienced user should be aware that such accuracy is not required to maintain a comfortable temperature, but is absolutely necessary to ensure economy of work convector. That is, convectors with electronic control units consume significantly less electrical energy than exactly such designs, but with mechanical or electromechanical control.

In order not to repeat, it should be noted that the accuracy of the thermostat affects the efficiency of all types of electric heaters. In more modern control units, set a timer allowing you to set the on time and duration of the device. Most BUs include protection scheme from overheating. On sale there are also convectors with a central control unit, which allows you to organize the work of several convectors, united in a single network.

Overview of electric heaters

The power of electric convectors varies from 500 W to 2.5 kW. Installation of devices in the room should take into account the principle of movement (convection) of warm air upwards. The design design of most models allows an elegant wall mounting.

A common and popular option for convection-type heaters are oil heaters. A radiator-type metal case, consisting of several sections, is filled with a certain amount of liquid mineral oil. At the bottom of the radiator is a heater that transfers heat to the oil, which heats the radiator sections and further - according to the textbook. The room is warm, the cat is purring and everyone is fine.

These heaters are:

  • ease and safety of use;
  • most models are equipped with wheels, they can easily move along the floor surface, despite the weight of 4 kg and more than 15;
  • oil heaters reach the set operating temperature longer and retain it for a long time after being disconnected from the network;
  • as part of modern designs there is a control unit with a thermostat.

The vertical arrangement is a feature of the operation of heaters of this type. A special control and protection circuit against overheating in the control unit will provide power off when the heater falls and will restore it after the return of verticality. Lines of oil heaters have capacities from 0.5 to 2.5 kW. Low cost, quiet operation, no need for installation, ease of installation and connection make them the most popular among consumers.

For convection types of heaters with radiator design, a number of characteristic advantages and relative disadvantages of use can be summarized. Undoubtedly, low average cost a wide variety of models offered on the market, simplicity and variability of connection and installation, high mobility and safe temperature of the heated surface of heaters are advantages.

Rather high energy consumption, long heating time due to natural convection, misallocation warm air in the room, bulkiness, use of useful space of the room for many consumers become the defining disadvantages. If at home oil heaters will fit, then in the cramped space of a modern office space with the power supply network of office equipment, they will certainly not be up to par.

Fast and quite efficient raise the temperature in a closed room, a thermal fan is capable of driving cold air through a heating element. There are several design options for such heaters that determine the cost of the device. The simplest of them is a spiral or plate heated by a passing electric current. This heating element has a number of shortcomings but it is very inexpensive.

The open designs of heaters are characterized by the release of unpleasant odors due to the combustion of dust contained in the driven air stream. Another disadvantage is burning oxygen in contact with the heated material of the heater. The design of the tubular heating element is more perfect. It is safer, its operating temperature is lowered. However, such a device is more expensive. Environmentally friendly ceramic heater design. But fan heaters of this type are the most expensive.

In the standard configuration of the devices there is a control unit with a thermostat and a combined regulator of power consumption and fan speed. Despite the shortcomings, among which there is significant noise during operation of the device, low profitability energy consumption and efficiency during long-term use, fan heaters are still second only to oil heaters. One such design is heat gun, widely used in the installation of stretch ceilings.

In the description of all heaters of the above types, the operation condition was the closed volume of the room. This is understandable, the air was heated in it, but it is worth opening a window or door and part of the warmed air rush out. It will naturally be replaced by cold outside air.

can be used even outdoors. It's all about the principle of transferring heat to surrounding objects. Therefore, even on a cold and cloudy day, at a table on the open veranda of a cafe, a person under an infrared heater will feel the warmth of sunlight. These heaters are considered most suitable for residential use. Their excellence is recognized throughout the world. Even pediatricians recommend the installation of such devices in the nursery.

Infrared heating can be:

  • local, economically consuming electricity;
  • creating zones of high temperature in strictly defined places;
  • there is no inertia for such devices - it will become warm immediately after switching on;
  • one of the most advanced electric heaters of this type are models equipped with carbon lamps.

Among the many advantages can be called the versatility and ease of installation, connection and operation. Heaters have increased security, high efficiency, low weight, high mobility. However, their cost remains the highest among all domestic electric heaters.

How to choose a heater

The independent calculation of the required power of the device will help to finally decide on the choice of the type of heater. And although, apart from room dimensions, for an accurate calculation, the layout, number and size of door and window openings, the side of the world they “look at”, the floor and many other factors should be taken into account, you can roughly calculate the required power 1500 W for every 10 "squares" of housing area.

More precisely, it will allow you to navigate, depending on the type of heater, knowing the volume of the room. To heat the same room with a convector, you will need from 30 to 100 W per “cube” of volume, and from 100 W with an oil heater. I must say that such values ​​​​are taken for the height of the ceilings 2.5 meters. In rooms with a greater height, it is necessary to recalculate, according to the simplest proportion. For an approximate calculation of the required power of an infrared heater per cubic meter of volume, it is enough from 25 to 100 watts. On average, it can be recommended to focus on 30 watts per cubic meter.

Choosing an electric heater, you need to take into account permissible load to the electrical network of a house or apartment, determined by the cross section of the wires of the supply cable, internal wiring. It is necessary to take care of the appropriate power of internal fuses (plugs, circuit breakers). Approximately, the average limit of power supply allocated to an apartment in a "high-rise building" is from 10 to 16 kW to power all outdoor consumers - a computer, TV, refrigerator, hair dryer, etc., including a heater. If the allocated limit is exceeded, you will have to agree additional power which will cost a lot and may generally discourage the use of a heater.

Electric heating is rightfully considered one of the most expensive. But it does not require the storage of hundreds of liters of diesel fuel or the preparation of a huge amount of firewood. It is enough to connect the thermal equipment to the mains - and it starts working. The main task of today's consumer is to choose an economical electric heater in order to reduce the cost of operating heating equipment. With this review, we will help you make the right choice.

To begin with, consider the criteria for economical electric heaters:

  • A high ratio of energy consumed to the heated area - this is what ensures efficiency;
  • Easy installation - unlike traditional electric water heating, heaters must be installed as quickly as possible and without the involvement of specialists;
  • A solid level of safety - modern heaters should not pose a danger to either children or adults.

In principle, almost all electric heaters meet these requirements, as you can see with the help of our review.

Types of electric heaters

Energy-saving electric heaters for the home are represented by a wide range of equipment. On sale there are convectors, heat guns, infrared devices and oil heaters, which are suitable for organizing permanent and temporary heating. Let's look at all these devices in more detail, and then try to knock out any results.


When choosing an economical electric heater, you should definitely pay attention to electric heaters that work on the infrared principle of operation. They do not generate heat directly - they are sources of infrared radiation that warms the surrounding objects. These items include cabinets, chairs, tables and other furniture, as well as ceilings, walls and floors.

Such an interesting principle of action is involved in our daylight - the sun. It does not heat the air directly, causing the elements of the landscape and man-made structures to heat up. That is, everything that is on the surface of the planet plays the role of a kind of intermediary, converting infrared radiation into heat. IR heaters work in a similar way:

  • Electricity powers the heating element;
  • The radiating element is heated;
  • The emitted IR radiation reaches surrounding objects and causes them to heat up.

As a result, the rooms become much warmer. Moreover, heating, when compared with the same convectors, is carried out much faster - while convection heats up all the air in the premises, IR devices will already have time to warm up all objects, forcing them to give off heat.

The advantages of modern economical infrared electric heaters are:

  • Minimum dimensions - some of them are so thin that they not only do not clutter up the premises, but are practically invisible;
  • Large selection of varieties - for solving a variety of tasks;
  • Ability to work in rooms with high ceilings - no comments here;
  • The effect of warm floors - IR radiation also heats the floors, which will be warm and will not cause discomfort;
  • Do not burn oxygen and do not change chemical composition air, do not emit harmful substances and do not lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • Easy to install and operate - installation takes minutes, and they do not require any special maintenance.

Thus, these are almost ideal electric economical ceiling and wall heaters for home and garden.

If your feet are constantly cold, then infrared heaters will be an excellent solution for you - they heat floor coverings making them warm.

These heaters also have some disadvantages. For example, with the wrong power selection, household members may experience headaches. Therefore, it is better to hang 2-3 low-power devices in a room than one very powerful one. In addition, some types of heaters are simply not suitable for long-term operation in living rooms - these include halogen and carbon modifications that emit light and generate infrared radiation in the shortwave range.

Carbon electric heaters are the most economical - according to passport data, with a power of 1 kW they can heat up to 20-25 square meters. m. of living space. But they are best suited for heating outdoor areas, verandas and terraces.

As user reviews show, convectors are not the most economical electric heaters for home and garden. But their power consumption is easily reduced by using analog or mechanical thermostats. To begin with, we will consider their principle of operation, which is very, very simple.

Structurally, convectors consist of heating elements, metal cases and control modules, both built-in and plug-in. The heart of any convection appliance is precisely the heating element, which has a ribbed structure. It heats the air masses, as a result of which they rise up and go into the premises. In their place come colder and heavier air masses sucked in through the bottom.

Natural convection slowly warms up all the air in the rooms. It rises up, displacing cold air masses down. As a result, a continuous cycle occurs, which is monitored by thermostats - as soon as they detect that the air has become colder, a command is given to turn on the heating element. Conversely, if the room becomes hot, the heating is immediately turned off.

Advantages of convectors:

  • These electric heaters don't give you headaches;
  • They almost do not dry the air and do not burn oxygen;
  • They are easy to install and maintenance is reduced to periodic dust removal.

There are also disadvantages that allergy sufferers point fingers at - convection raises dust into the air, provoking allergic reactions. But even from this you can extract your advantages, since the household will have an excellent incentive to carry out general cleaning more often.

Also among the disadvantages can be included slow heating of the air and difficult work in rooms with high ceilings.

One of these shortcomings, associated with slow operation, is compensated by the forced circulation of air masses. To do this, some economical convection electric heaters are equipped with fans. Until the temperature in the room reaches a comfortable level, the fans should be kept on. After warming up the room, they can be turned off.

As for efficiency, it is provided by models with electronic thermostats - they are more accurate compared to devices equipped with mechanical thermostats. According to some manufacturers, such devices are 5-10% more economical than their counterparts. For heating an area of ​​​​13-15 square meters. m enough heater with a capacity of 1 kW.


There are many other types of electric economical heaters. To begin with, let's consider Teplaco monolithic quartz devices. They are made on the basis of quartz sand, which turns into heavy monolithic slabs, inside which heating elements are laid. The advantages of such economical heaters:

  • Low consumption of electrical energy;
  • Suitable for heating rooms of any type;
  • The power of 400 W is enough to heat the volume up to 16 cubic meters. m;
  • Quick warm-up and long-term heat retention;
  • Low temperature of the working surface;
  • Complete absence of unpleasant odors;
  • Exceptional heating element reliability.

Thus, we can easily consider the use of such electric quartz economical heaters in our household.

A striking disadvantage of these monolithic heaters is their heavy weight - one plate weighs 12 kg, so fairly durable brackets are required for installation. Connected thermostats are used to control heat dissipation.

Heat guns

Heat guns cannot be called economical electric heaters, but if the chosen model is equipped with a thermostat, we can count on some efficiency. Modern models have a good appearance, thanks to which they fit into almost any interior - floor and wall modifications are available for consumers to choose from.

The advantages of heat guns are good efficiency, prompt heating of rooms due to forced ventilation, the ability to control temperature, ionizers built into some models. Disadvantages - partially burn oxygen, are sources of unpleasant odor (dust is burned on open heating elements).


Electric economical oil heaters have been known on the Russian market for 3-4 decades. They have excellent technical characteristics, do not burn oxygen and do not emit unpleasant odors, are suitable for long-term use, can be used on a permanent or temporary basis. Customers can choose from both mobile and stationary heaters. Almost all of them are equipped with thermostats and step power regulators.

In conclusion, let's consider an unusual novelty - these are electric economical film infrared heaters PLEN. Such heaters are made in the form of a film, which is hemmed to the draft ceiling using a film reflector. Due to the low power and the extremely low temperature of the working surface (maximum +50 degrees), PLEN warms up households slowly but very effectively. The design power for heating houses is standard 1 kW per 10 square meters. m. area, but the real efficiency (compared to electric boilers) is more than 2-2.5 times.

Electric economical electric heaters of the new generation PLEN have not yet received proper distribution, but the reviews about them are the most positive - it becomes really warm in houses and cottages, and economical consumption allows you to reduce heating costs by 2 or more times.

We consider the efficiency of heaters

Infrared heating equipment is gaining more and more popularity in the market. This is due to their efficiency and the natural way of heating the room.

Choosing electric economical heaters for summer cottages and at home, we recommend staying with infrared devices. The calculations are simple - just like in the case of classical water heating, the power of the equipment will be almost the same, but the final costs will be more than 2 times less. In addition, fast warm-up affects here, which also leads to economical power consumption.

As for convectors, they cannot be called the most economical heaters. But in conjunction with electronic thermostats, they will give a good result, allowing you to reduce heating costs by 1.2-1.5 times compared to conventional water systems. They are also characterized by a low amount of heat loss, as they eliminate the need to heat water.


Economical heaters of all systems and modifications, powered by electric energy, allow you to build energy-efficient heating systems. Of course, they are very far from the efficiency of gas equipment, but modern technologies allow to reduce costs by 2-2.5 times. You can influence the electricity consumption of electric heaters in the following ways:

  • Overlay the household with an additional layer of brick with thermal insulation;
  • Replace windows and doors - windows should be triple, and doors insulated;
  • Reduce heat loss by insulating the attic;
  • Install in heating system precise electronic thermostats.

By reducing heat loss, you will make heating with electric heaters more economical.

Video "Choosing an economical electric heater"