Analysis of one of the sources of geographic information. Sources of geographic information and methods for obtaining it. How long does the map remain valid?

Discipline: Geography

Topic: « Introduction. Sources geographic information».

Practical lesson number 1.

Topic: Familiarization With geographic cards various topics. Drafting kart (scheme), reflective various geographic phenomenaand processes. Usage statistical materials and geoinformation systems.

Lesson type: Learning new

Class type: Lecture - visualization

Number of hours: 2 hours

Purpose of the lesson: Formation of an idea of ​​the sources of geographical



    To give an idea of ​​the role and place of modern geographical information in solving the problems of the development of human civilization.

    To form students' ideas about various sources of geographic information, which are designed to help in the development of a new training course.

    Continue to develop skills in testing and taking notes of lectures.

    Assess the volume and level of students' residual geographical knowledge to determine the degree of readiness of the audience to learn new material.

Equipment, visibility, TCO– laptop, plasma TV, presentation, contour map, atlas,

Lesson progress:

    Organizing time.

    Setting goals and objectives.

    Requirements for the organization of the educational process.

    Lecture visualization.

    1. Geography as a science.

      Geographic map- a special source of information about


    1. Statistical materials.

Geography as a science.

Geography is one of the most interesting and important sciences. It studies the territory (territorial complexes of different levels), the conditions and patterns of its formation and development. Economic and social geography as a branch of geography explores the place and role of man and his versatile activities in a given territory. From how competently a person settles in and develops his habitat, his comfortable living on it depends. Geography allows you to deeply scientifically and, most importantly, comprehensively take into account all factors of the development of the territory - natural (geological structure, climatic features, features of inland waters and natural complexes), economic (features of doing business) and social (human behavior). It is for this reason that it makes such wide use of the achievements of a wide variety of sciences.

Traditional and new methods geographical research.

Methods (methods) of research are specific methods for studying geographical objects and phenomena.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, access, display and analysis of spatial (spatially coordinated) data.

GIS structure:

    Data (spatial data):

Positional (geographic): the location of the object on the earth's surface, its coordinates in the selected coordinate system;

Non-positional (attributive, or metadata) - descriptive text, electronic documents, graphic type data, including photographs of objects, three-dimensional images of objects, video materials, etc.

    Hardware (computers, computer networks, drives, scanners, digitizers, etc.);

    Software (OS, application and add-ons to it);

    Technologies (methods, procedures, etc.);

    Operators, administrators, users.

Types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

Task number 1 ( Read the text. Make a diagram "Sources of geographic information")

Geography is a science, studying which one should not be afraid to get too much information. There are many sources of geographic information.

First, a geographical map. It provides a one-time broad and complex view of the study area. It is no coincidence that the well-known geographer N. N. Baransky, the founder of Soviet economic and social geography, called the geographical map the “language” of geography. True, one must be able to read a geographical map, that is, one must have the skill of obtaining all the necessary information from it. Secondly, this is literature, and the most diverse - reference, scientific, popular science and even fiction. Thirdly, these are the mass media (newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs, films). Fourth is the Internet. Fifth, these are personal impressions. When studying the features of the territory, no information will be superfluous. It is necessary to "absorb" it from everywhere - read books, newspapers and magazines, watch television programs and movies, use the Internet, go on tourist trips.

The modern world is on the threshold of globalization. At present, goods, money, any information easily overcome great distances and state borders that once seemed like impregnable bastions. In this regard, there is an inevitable averaging, or unification, of models of human behavior. Of course, this process is not easy. But he is objective. The colossal differences in the cultural traditions of various peoples exacerbate even more, it would seem, the already acute interstate and interethnic contradictions. Geography can help to understand their nature, to understand all their intricacies.

A geographical map is a special source of information about reality.

Geographic map- models with on in a reduced form.

Statistical materials.

Statistical data is an integral part of the global information system, which is formed in accordance with the concept of informatization developed in Russian Federation.

Statistical materials- this is massive quantitative data on important indicators of life and the relationship between them. Statistical is the data of population censuses, tax collection, calculation of land.

    Starting testing in the economic and social geography of Russia

    Countries that have land borders with Russia:

  1. Norway




  2. China



    A city in Russia with a population of more than 1 million people:


    Nizhny Novgorod

  1. Serpukhov


    Largest coking coal basin in Russia:





4. Full cycle ferrous metallurgy center in Russia:


    St. Petersburg

  1. Magnitogorsk

5. Fine-wool and semi-fine-wool sheep breeding is most developed in

economic region:


    North Caucasian


    Central Black Earth

6. The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through the territory

economic regions of Russia:

    North Caucasian


    Far Eastern


7. Arrange the stages of textile production in technological order - from raw materials to the production of finished fabric

  1. Harsh production

    Fiber production

    Yarn production

Answer: 3,4,2,1

8.Three centers of the oil refining industry,

located on the Volga:

  1. Saratov





  2. Arkhangelsk

9. Define the subject of the Russian Federation by its brief description:

“This subject is located in the eastern part of the country, its territory is not washed by the waters of the oceans. One of the largest rivers in Russia flows through its territory with its largest tributary. There are no hydroelectric power plants on these rivers. There are no nuclear power plants in the subject, but powerful thermal power plants operate on fuel produced in the same subject.

    Primorsky Krai

    Murmansk region

    Irkutsk region

    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

10. Establish a correspondence between economic regions Russia and centers for the production of cars and trucks:

Economic regions Production centers

Russian cars and trucks

    Volgo-Vyatsky A. Serpukhov

    Povolzhsky B. Naberezhnye Chelny

    Central V. Izhevsk

    Uralsky city Nizhny Novgorod

D. Taganrog

Answer: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - "5", 1-3 errors - "4", 4-5 errors - "3", 6 or more - "2".

Question number


1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

6. Frontal survey.

    List the traditional methods of geographical research known to you.









    Does the cartographic method belong to traditional methods and what is its role in understanding the world around us?


Yes, this is the leading method in geography, with the help of maps we can get a lot of various information.

    What role do space research methods play in modern geographical research?


Space research methods serve to monitor and study economic components in the world, predict their changes.

    List the modern methods of geographical research known to you.




Remote (aerospace)

Geographic forecast

Geoinformation systems

    Does geographic forecasting refer to modern methods of geographical research and what is the purpose of its implementation:


Yes, the prediction of the future state of geosystems.

Geosystems - these are natural-geographical unities of all possible categories, from the planetary geosystem (geographical shell) to the elementary geosystem (physical-geographical facies)

definition by V. B. Sochava


Topic: Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects. Drawing up maps (schemes) reflecting various geographical phenomena and processes. Use of statistical materials and geographic information systems.

1. Analysis of maps of various subjects.

As a result of completing the tasks of practical work, each of you should study the stages of the formation of a modern political map of the world; modern processes of changing the political map of the world, the main international organizations of countries, to learn the features of the placement of some types natural resources by regions.

You must consolidate and develop the following skills:

Make maps (maps), diagrams according to the proposed simple or complex tasks using traditional or your own designations;

Select the necessary information to complete the task; - identify and explain the political and geographical aspects of current events and situations;

Evaluate and explain the information obtained during the selection and analysis;

Equipment: Internet resources, a geographical atlas of the world for grade 10, a contour map of the world, colored pencils, a pen.

Tasks for work:

Exercise 1.

Consider the Atlas of Geography (Grade 10). List the topics of the map.


    political map

    State structure

    Land Mineral Resources

    Agro-climatic resources

    Land and forest resources

    Hydrosphere resources


    Population placement

  1. Human Development Index

    Gross domestic product (GDP)

    Structure of the economy

    Extractive industry

    Power industry

    Manufacturing industry



    Foreign economic relations

    Integration associations

    Territorial structure of the economy

    Political and economic maps of countries

    global demographic problem

    global environmental problem

    global food problem

    Areas of political instability

    World Heritage of Humanity

Task 2.

To complete the task, use various sources of geographical information, as well as your knowledge from the school history and geography course. You can also get the necessary information with the help of Internet resources.

Insert the missing names of some new countries (or their capitals) that appeared on the political map of the world in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. as a result of the division of larger federal states.

States that emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union, and their capitals: Russia - Moscow; Ukraine, Kyiv; Belarus - Minsk; Moldova– Chisinau; Georgia - Tbilisi; Azerbaijan- Baku; Armenia - Yerevan; Kazakhstan - Astana; Kyrgyzstan– Bishkek; Turkmenistan - Ashgabat; Tajikistan - Dushanbe; Uzbekistan - Tashkent; Estonia - Tallinn; Latvia– Riga; Lithuania - Vilnius.

States that emerged on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and their capitals: Serbia - Belgrade; Croatia - Zagreb; Montenegro - Cetinje; Macedonia– Skopje; Slovenia - Ljubljana; Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo.

States that emerged on the territory of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic(Czechoslovakia), and their capitals: Czech Republic - Prague; Slovenia - Bratislava.

Task 3.

Draw a map of the pre-existing Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) showing the borders of the newly formed countries. Write the names of these countries and their capitals.


Thus, today in the territory that belonged to the former Yugoslavia, there are six independent states:

Republic of Serbia (capital Belgrade)
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (capital Sarajevo)
Republic of Slovenia (capital Bratislava)
Republic of Macedonia (capital Skopje)
Republic of Montenegro (capital Cetinje, Podgorica)
Republic of Croatia (capital Zagreb)

(There is a little confusion with the capitals in Montenegro. In the country's constitution, the city is named its official capital . It has historically been the center of faith and statehood, the royal residence was located here. In 1946, the capital was moved to Titograd, which in 1992 was returned to its former name - . After Montenegro gained independence in 2006, the title of the capital again passed to Cetinje, but the majority public institutions remained in Podgorica. In order not to transport the government of the country, it was decided to make appropriate changes to the status of cities.

So now there are two capitals in Montenegro, for which new definitions have been invented. The official and cultural capital of Cetinje, in which the president and metropolitan of the country live, and the actual business and political capital of Podgorica).

Task 4.

To complete the task, use the contour map of the world.

On the contour map of the world, find the states that are part of the "Big Seven". Highlight their borders, shade their territories, fill in the hatching in the legend of the contour map, sign the names of the countries and their capitals.


G7 countries - USA (capital - Washington), Japan (capital - Tokyo), Germany (capital - Berlin), France (capital - Paris), Great Britain (capital - London), Italy (capital - Rome), Canada ( capital - Ottawa), (since 1994 Russia has been participating in the meetings of the group).

Task 5.

To complete the task, use the data in table No. 1.

Construct a pie chart of the ratio of iron ore reserves in the top five countries. To do this, the sum of the top five iron ore reserves should be taken as 100%, and then calculate the share of each country and mark the corresponding sector in the pie chart. Separate sectors must be highlighted with certain colors or types of hatching. Write a legend for the chart.

Table number 1. Explored reserves of iron ore in the countries of the world (2005)

Place in the world




bn t


Latin America


Europe Asia


North America








North America





South Africa



Iron ore reserves in the countries of the world (2005)

Task 5.

Suggest options for dividing the ten countries indicated in Table 1 into groups according to the volume of explored reserves of iron ore. Write down your suggestions.


The following criteria can be defined:

The country with the largest iron ore reserves

The country with the smallest iron ore reserves

Countries with the same amount of iron ore reserves

Which region has the largest iron ore reserves?

Which region has the smallest iron ore reserves


Buy an atlas and a contour map in Geography for grade 10, colored pencils.

Learn the notes in your notebook.

8. Summing up.

9. Extracurricular independent work

Message "Statistical materials", "Types of geographical maps".

Basic concepts and terms on the topic: economic and social geography of the world, geographic information system, geographic map, cartographic generalization, statistics, GPS (Global Positional System).

Topic study plan (list of questions to be studied):

1. Geography as a science.

2. Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

3. Geographic map - a special source of geographic information.

4. Statistical materials as a source of geographic information.

5. Other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information.

Geoinformation systems

Brief summary of theoretical questions:

1. Geography is a spatial discipline. This means that geographers are interested not only in the objects themselves, but also in how, where, and why these objects are placed in space. Economic and social geography of the world is a social geographical science that studies the territorial organization of human society.

2. Obtaining geographic information is of real practical importance. The surrounding world today is permeated with a huge number of information, transport, social and economic ties, ignorance of which inevitably leads to your own isolation. Modern young professionals, getting into the global political or economic environment, must have a set of knowledge about the countries of the world, their culture and way of life. Geography uses different research methods: traditional- cartographic, sociological, statistical, mathematical historical, comparative, modern− aerospace, geoinformation, geographic forecast, etc.

3. Maps are the main tools of the geographer. Maps exist for every type of information relating to our planet (and not only). Geographic map (first year was created in ancient Greece about 2500 years ago by the scientist Anaximander) - a reduced mathematically defined, generalized, figurative-sign image of the Earth's surface on a plane, showing the location, state and interrelationships of natural and social phenomena. When the scale is reduced, the generalization of the objects plotted on the map, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics occurs.

Helps here cartographic generalization- selection and generalization of objects and phenomena depicted on the map in accordance with the purpose and scale of the map. For picture various objects on the map, a wide variety of methods of cartographic representation are used: methods of qualitative background, areas, signs of movement, isolines, localized diagrams, icons, point. According to the content of the card are divided into: general geographical and thematic.

The first ones are topographic maps(M 1:200,000 and larger), survey and topographic (M from 1:200,000 to 1:1,000,000), survey (M smaller than 1:1,000,000). General geographic maps show all elements of topographic content ( settlements, individual buildings, roads, industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural facilities, hydrography, relief, vegetation, etc..), i.e. everything that "lies" on the ground and can serve as a guide.

In contrast to general geographic maps, thematic maps usually reveal one plot (soil, geological structure, population, vegetation, etc.). All thematic maps are divided into two sections - maps of nature (physical-geographical, geological, climatic, etc.) and maps of social phenomena (political, population, historical, economic, etc.).

4. Statistical materials are one of the main sources of geographic information. Statistics is a science that studies a variety of phenomena and processes in order to take into account and identify the patterns of their development using statistical indicators. In the course of geographical research, statistics solves the following scientific tasks: collection of statistical data, processing collected information, analysis and interpretation of data, presentation of statistical information in textual, tabular, graphic or cartographic form. Statistical information includes absolute and relative values, as well as various coefficients.

5. Modern sources of geographic information also include aerospace and geoinformation sources: aerial photography, space photography, remote sensing, satellite monitoring. A modern satellite system for high-precision determination of the coordinates of static and moving objects is called GPS (Global Positional System).

It was developed by the US Department of Defense. The project started in 1978 and the final commissioning of GPS took place in 1995. A fundamentally new approach to working with spatial data is associated with the emergence Geographic Information Systems10 (GIS) is a system of hardware for collecting, storing and processing spatial data. It can be said that GIS is a complex computer program. GIS capabilities: quick search for the necessary information, cartographic ability of GIS, the ability to model phenomena on the earth's surface.

Lesson topic . Introduction.

Goals: form an understanding of geography as a science and its role and place in the system of sciences; familiarize yourself with the structure of the textbook,


- subject: show the special position of geography in the system of sciences;familiarize yourself with the structure of the textbook,geographic research methods and sources of geographic information,Learn how to find information using GIS.

Meta-subject: improvement of educational and information skills: select the necessary sources of information, evaluate and analyze their features and significance, work with various sources of information.

Equipment : atlas, notebook, textbook.

Lesson type : learning new material.


Teacher activity

Student activities


the beginning of the lesson, checking the students on the list . A student is ready for a lesson if he has a textbook, an atlas, contour maps and a notebook on his desk.

Notebook, textbook, atlas.

goal setting

Lesson topic « Introduction. Sources of geographic information»

How can you formulate the objectives of the lesson from the title of the topic of the lesson? Why are they needed? How to use these sources?

Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introduction. Sources of geographic information.Purpose: to form an idea of ​​geography as a scienceand its role and place in the system of sciences; introduce the structure of the textbook, methods of geographical research and sourcesgeographical informationLearn how to find information using GIS.

Proposed suggestions: familiarity with the discipline, with sources of geographical information.


“How much benefit comes from geography to the human race, anyone who has an idea can judge about that” Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Do you agree with this statement.

Suggested proposals:

Learning new material: 1st stage

1 G geography as a science, its role and significance in the system of sciences. Goals and objectives of geography in the development of specialties of secondary vocational education.

Geography - oldest science on earth. Nowadays, from a descriptive science, it has turned into a science of a constructive nature.

Economic geography is included in the system of geographical sciences and is associated with many sciences: primarily with physical geography, ecology, history, demography, ethnography, and economic cartography.

Goals and objectives of geography in the development of specialties of secondary vocational education

. formation of a holistic view of modern geographical science, its participation in solving the most important problems of mankind;

possession of the skills of conducting observations of individual geographical objects, processes and phenomena, their changes as a result of natural and anthropogenic influences;

possession of skills to use maps of different content to obtain new geographical knowledge about natural socio-economic and environmental processes and phenomena;

possession of skills to apply geographical knowledge to explain and evaluate various phenomena and processes, self-assessment of the level of safety environment, adapting to changing conditions

The main tasks from temporal geography are to know, protect and increase the wealth of our planet in order to pass it on to future generations.

Notebook entry:Economic and social geography - This is a geographical science about the laws of development and distribution of nature, population and economy.

2nd stage

2. Methods of geographical research.

In geography, there are many methods that allow you to carry out a complex research work. What research methods do you know?

    Methods of geographical research - ways to obtain geographic information

Descriptive Method used in describing objects (like a river, landforms, natural areas).Observation method - observation of natural phenomena, predicted the weather.Cartographic method - leading method in geography . When learning, the map performs a number of functions: a source of information, a learning tool, a learning method.Statistical method - is based on the analysis of statistical material, allows concretizing theoretical calculations, makes it possible to demonstrate the proportionality of phenomena and processes, to draw conclusions about the direction of development of a particular phenomenon.historical method -geography considers changes over time, for example,The historical method - everything on Earth develops historically, therefore, for modern geography, knowledge of history is necessary: ​​the history of the development of the Earth, the history of mankind.To study the essence of what is happening by comparing the past and the present. mathematical method - these are calculations of population density, birth rate, natural population growth, resource availability with natural resources, GDP per capita, etc.

    Geographic forecast prediction of the future state of geosystems, etc.Modern geographical science should not only describe the studied objects and phenomena, but also predict the consequences that humanity can come to in the course of its development. A geographic forecast helps to avoid many undesirable phenomena, reduce the negative impact of activities on nature, rationally use resources, and solve global problems.

Geoinformatics - Informatics allows you to apply economic and mathematical modeling. The development of geoinformatics led to the creation of geographic information systems (GIS)Aerospace method - method of studying the earth with aircraft- air and space. This method can be called remote, which includes aerial or space images and decryption of the resulting images. Decryption is the processing of aerial and space data to determine images. For example, in the image of forest fires, green is replaced with red to increase the contrast of the image.

List the methods of geographical research.??

    Sources of geographic information.

Cartographic sources include a map A map is a special form of information and the acquisition of knowledge about the spatial distribution of natural and social phenomena, their state, properties and changes over time. This form is widely used in the everyday life of society and is absolutely necessary for many branches of science and practice.

    Work on atlas maps : Using the "Political Map of the World", name the leading states by area; dwarf states, island states: archipelago countries, coastal states, landlocked states. -According to the map"Placement of world population" name the region of the world with interactive maps of the world, countries, cities with high population density, with low population density?

    Working with tables in the Appendix of the textbook. - Name the countries of the world that have the largest reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, identify the regions of the world that are poor in arable land, name the most and least forested countries

Geographic information systems as a means of obtaining, processing and presenting geographic information

    The interactive map can be managed:

    Zoom in/out

    Shift in all geographic directions

    On the interactive map you can get information:

    About the distance between objects using labels

    Find objects at the specified address

    Find the nearest metro stations to the specified address

    Demonstration of the practical use of various interactive maps: comparing maps and satellite images, measuring distances, determining the nearest buildings to a specified address, etc.

Answer: cartographic, etc.

Acquaintance with methods and filling in the table.

Methods of geographical research

Traditional Methods

Modern methods

Descriptive, method of observation, historical, cartographic, mathematical

Geographic forecast


Aerospace method

Notebook entry: geographical maps, reference books, textbooks, encyclopedias, television, Internet, etc.


Introduction to the structure of the textbook

3rd stage

3.Practical work " Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects»

Exercise 1 . To complete the assignment, study the table of contents of the geographical atlas for grade 10.

  • 1.1. Divide all maps of the atlas into world and regional. Which of these groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps?

    1.2. Divide all maps of the atlas into physical and thematic. Which of the indicated groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps?

    Why are physical maps included in this atlas?

Task 2.

Take a close look at the "Political Map of the World" in a geographical atlas.

Answer the questions :

2.1. What is the purpose of the background coloring on this map?

2.2. What geographical objects must be marked both on the physical and on the political map of the world? 2.3. What information is included in the legend of the political map of the world? Why?


4th stage

Testing in the geography of Russia.



Independent work:

Drawing up maps (schemes) reflecting various geographical phenomena and processes.


Did you like the lesson? What new did you learn in the lesson?

Geography is an essential component of any profession. Its most important aspect is the formation of a worldview, an intellectual and professional outlook, the formation of professional self-awareness of the personality of a future specialist.

Geographical knowledge is necessary for every person in order to realize their role and place in life and in the transformation of reality, to determine an active life position. Good for me is the specialty that gives me the opportunity to realize my personal interests and plans in the first place, where I can be more useful.

front poll.

    List the traditional methods of geographical research known to you.

    Does the cartographic method belong to traditional methods and what is its role in understanding the world around us?

Answer:Yes, this is the leading method in geography, with the help of maps we can get a lot of various information.

    What role do space research methods play in modern geographical research?

Answer:Space research methods serve to monitor and study economic components in the world, predict their changes.

    List the modern methods of geographical research known to you.

Answer:- experimental - modeling - remote (aerospace) - geographical forecast - geoinformation systems

    Does geographic forecasting refer to modern methods of geographical research and what is the purpose of its implementation:

Answer:Yes, the prediction of the future state of geosystems.

Using the SEARCH input line, you can search for objects of the most different types located in the capital: streets and houses, institutions, theaters and museums, educational establishments, hotels, metro stations and much more. GIS will help you find a place on the map, give you an address, and give you a lot of additional information. useful information. Practical work: work on the Internet "Search for cities on the electronic map of Russia", "Sights of Russian cities" (optional). You can use the map in Google Browser (see instructions)

Exercise 1.

) study table 14 on page 388 of the Application of the textbook

2) determine what information is reflected in it

3) set how the data is ranked

4) in which data are presented

5) formulate possible conclusions to this table

Task 2.

1) consider Fig. 10 on page 62 of the textbook (graph)

2) determine what information is reflected in it

3) determine what data is plotted along the OX, OY axis, in what units

4) establish how the indicator changes, what are the rates of change at different time intervals

5) what conclusion can be drawn by studying this figure

Task 3.

1) consider Fig.14 on page 63 of the textbook (bar chart)

2) determine what information is reflected in it, what it is about

3) name the chart type

4) how information is presented in the diagram

5) formulate possible conclusions to the figure

self-analysis of the lesson.

Introduction. 1 hour.

Theme “Geography as a science. Methods of geographical research. Sources of geographic information.

Lesson content.

(leading content ideas)

The unique role of geography as a science in shaping ideas about the interaction of nature, man and society, images of specific territories.

Geographic system scientific knowledge and characteristic methods of geographical research.

Integrated use of various sources of geographic information - educational, reference, popular science, Internet resources, etc.

Lesson objectives

subject - deepening understanding of teachings, theories, laws and regularities, hypotheses of modern geographical science.

Expansion and deepening of ideas about the methods of geographical research and sources of geographical information.

Metasubject : improvement of educational and informational skills:

select appropriate sources of information

evaluate and analyze their features and significance,

work with a variety of sources of information.

Basic requirements for preparing students

Give examples of modern geographical research and evaluate their significance.

To prove the interconnection of geographical sciences with facts.

Give examples of laws, theories, concepts or terms from different courses of school geography, explain their features and differences.

Evaluate various sources of geographical knowledge.

Be able to work with various sources of geographical knowledge.

Name typical geographic research methods.

Express your arguments briefly and conclusively, speak out in the logic of the question posed.

During the classes.

    Class organization.

    Checking homework.

(frontal conversation)

What does the economic and social geography of the world study?

What sciences combines socio-economic geography?

What is the main direction of the present stage of development of social and economic geography?

What issues are geographers involved in?

3. Learning a new topic.

Modern methods of geographical research.

What is a "method"?

( student answers)

Notebook entry: A method is a way to achieve a goal, to solve a specific problem; a set of methods of cognition of reality.

In geography, universal and special research methods are used.

What research methods do you know?

( student answers)

Notebook entry:

Traditional methods:

    Cartographic - the leading method in geography (different types of maps, different ways of analyzing maps). When learning, the map performs a number of functions: a source of information, a learning tool, a learning method.

Work on atlas maps:

-Using the "Political Map of the World", name the leading states by area; dwarf states, island states: archipelago countries, coastal states, landlocked states.

-On the map "Distribution of the world's population" name the regions of the world with a high population density, with a low population density?

-According to the map Environmental problems of the world” name the regions of the world where radioactive contamination, degradation of pastures, soil erosion prevail.

    Statistical - processing of various digital data, their comparison and analysis.

Working with tables in the tutorial app.

-Name the countries of the world that have the largest reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, identify the regions of the world that are poor in arable land, name the most and least forested countries in the world.

    Historical - a method of studying the history of geographical objects from the moment of their formation to the present.

On the example of the Russian Federation, to trace the changes taking place with territories of countries s.

    Mathematical methods make it possible to proceed to mathematical modeling of physical and economic-geographical phenomena and processes.

-If the area of ​​the Sahara Desert annually increases by 13 thousand square kilometers, how much will the area of ​​the desert increase in 5, 10 years?

Modern methods:

    Geographic forecast - prediction of the future state of geosystems, etc.

-If we do not reduce the deforestation of equatorial forests in South America, what could be the consequences?

-If there is no decrease carbon dioxide What are the consequences of the greenhouse effect?

2. Geoinformatics has led to the creation of geoinformation systems that are engaged in the creation of electronic maps that differ in language, national electronic atlases: the USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden and other countries of the world.

3. Space research methods - satellite and navigation systems, with which you can determine your location and choose the shortest route.

Sources of geographic information.

What are your sources of geographic information?

(student answers)

Notebook entry:

The main sources of geographic information: visual observations, eyewitness accounts, maps, reference books, textbooks, encyclopedias, special computer programs, television, radio, Internet, etc.

(give examples)

    Summary of the lesson.

- What two groups are all research methods divided into?

List the traditional research methods.

Modern research methods.

What sources of geographic information are the most accessible and what information can be obtained from them?

    Estimates. House. exercise: study the lesson outline.

There are the following sources of geographic information.
1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS are computer-generated "archives" of geographical knowledge about the territorial organization and the interaction of society and nature. The GIS includes:

spatial information in the form of cartographic data on natural components, farms, lands, roads, etc.
The functioning of the GIS is carried out in the following sequence:
collection and automated processing of geographic information;
spatial reference of geographic information and its presentation in the form of an electronic map on the display screen;
transfer of this map, if necessary, into paper form (for example, the creation of atlases).
An important component of GIS is aerospace information, data from aero-visual observations, ground-based sensors, etc.
The Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is developing a multi-purpose National GIS of Ukraine, the purpose of which is to create a geographic-cybernetic model of the country.
2. Geographic research:
field studies;
local history excursions
tourism, mountaineering.
Field studies are expeditionary and stationary. Expeditionary includes the study of individual natural components, branches of the economy, etc. Natural and economic complexes are known in the process of complex geographical research (natural-geographical, landscape studies, economic-geographical, etc.). Expeditionary research is divided into three periods:
field forwarding;
cameral (processing the collected materials, writing a report, compiling maps).

During expeditionary research, aerospace images of the earth's surface are used. They are decrypted, i.e. recognize objects reflected on them by their shape, color, tone of the image.
Artificial satellites provide an opportunity to study the dynamics and periodicity of natural processes, unique phenomena and objects (volcanic eruptions, fires, avalanches, landslides, faults earth's crust, air pollution, etc.).
In 1995, the first Ukrainian satellite "Sich-1" was launched, equipped with instruments for remote exploration of the Earth, inventory and evaluation of land, prospecting for minerals, meteorological forecasting, and environmental monitoring. In Ukraine, there are the Center for Aerospace Research of the Earth, the Center for Radiophysical Sounding of the Earth, and the Marine Hydrophysical Institute.

Now geographic information is obtained on natural and man-made processes, changes in the natural environment, geochemical anomalies, cities and suburban areas, atmospheric pollution, flooding, the state of vegetation, areas of radioactive contamination, emissions from wastewater treatment plants.
Stationary geographic research has been carried out regularly for many years at specially equipped geographical stations. They study in detail the changes in natural complexes over time. Stationary geographical research is carried out on the basis of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov and Taurida universities.

Ukraine is a member of the World Weather Service, the World Meteorological Organization. Hydrometeorological conditions are important economic and social factors: the social and economic condition of the state depends on them, ecological situation, agro-industrial complex, energy, transport, utilities, military security.
3. Sources of geographical information are local history studies and descriptions of the native land, cities and other settlements. They also include descriptions of travel, tourist and climbing routes, excursions.

4. Maps and atlases are important sources of geographic information. Cartographic images reproduce the dimensions and properties of geographical objects using geographic means and signs (lines, figures), as well as color tone. Combinations of geographical signs and background are means of cartographic modeling, creating cartographic images (geoimage). To understand the natural and economic objects displayed on the map, the components of natural conditions, processes, as well as the patterns of their distribution, legends are attached to the maps. legend text, geographical names, terms and concepts allow you to "read" the map, use it.
Maps are the most important components of the information building blocks of geographic atlases. National atlases are of exceptional importance. According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 01.08.2000 “On the National Atlas of Ukraine”, an atlas is being created, which will reflect the spatial characteristics of natural conditions and resources, population, economy, environmental conditions, science and culture of Ukraine.

Geographic information is produced by:
Institute of Geography;
Institute of Geological Sciences;
Institute of Botany;
Institute of Zoology;
Council for the Study of the Productive Forces of Ukraine;
regional natural science and socio-economic divisions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

5. A variety of geographical information is kept by the National Natural Museum of Ukraine, regional, district, city museums of local lore.
6. A variety of geographical information is available in textbooks, manuals, statistical reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific journals, and periodicals. Geographical information is filled with mass media: newspapers, radio and television broadcasts. Geographic popular science, documentary and educational films are being created. Geographic information can be found in fiction, paintings, landscape architecture, etc. The Internet provides great opportunities for obtaining and using up-to-date geographic information.