Architectural requirements for residential buildings. Technical requirements for an individual residential building

So briefly you can express the aspirations of the future owner of the house. Revealing these thoughts in a more strict, normative language, we will define a number of requirements for modern houses, the fulfillment of which will guarantee the desired comfort of the home, its sanitary and hygienic qualities, safety - environmental, fire and other, - energy efficiency, etc. In fact, the described requirements apply not only to low-rise buildings, but also to any residential building.

Functional expediency

The functional expediency of the design solution of the house lies in the compliance of its premises with its purpose. Indeed, a house intended for a single person with a small set of interests should be significantly different from a house in which a large family with household members of different generations will live, who, moreover, love to receive guests.

The number of people living in the house, their lifestyle, occupation, interests - everything affects the design of the house and results in the corresponding:

  • house architecture;
  • planning solutions for premises;
  • Constructive decisions;
  • engineering equipment;
  • internal and exterior finish at home, etc.

Engineering Requirements

Engineering requirements are that construction objects must be reliable.

Reliability is a very capacious engineering concept that includes several specific design characteristics, we will describe them.


Strength - the ability of a building to perceive loads and impacts of a power nature (mechanical) without destruction during a given period of operation.

A distinctive feature of the concept of strength is that it is a calculated value. Structures and their elements are calculated in terms of compressive, tensile, crushing, chipping, etc. strength.

The strength of the building is ensured primarily by the strength of its load-bearing structures. But not a single structure of a building or any other structure works by itself - all structures are interconnected into a single spatial system. That the building is unified system, proves a possible paradox: all structures are strong, but the building has collapsed. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirement for the strength of the building as a whole, the strength of its individual structures is not enough - it must be stable and rigid.

The task of buildings is to resist.

There are construction areas for which the fulfillment of the sustainability requirement is vital, for example, earthquake-prone areas.

Let's take an example of sustainability. A long wall made of bricks 120 mm thick and 1.5 m high under the force of the wind that develops in middle lane Russia in inclement weather, capsizes. With a thickness of 250 mm, the wall will withstand a height of up to 3 m. A wall with a thickness of 380 mm and a height of up to 5 m will also withstand wind loads. If we talk about the wall of the house, then the stability of the outer wall helps to ensure the transverse walls, which serve as supports for the outer wall during wind pressure. Therefore, the height of the house can be much higher.

Rigidity is the ability of a building or its individual structures to maintain an invariable shape, i.e. resist deformation. Of course, deformations cannot be completely avoided, but the magnitudes of deformations must be within the limits allowed by the relevant standards.

There are two ways to provide rigidity to the system.

The first method makes the mate node rigid, which eliminates the possibility of moving one element relative to another; such a node is able to perceive the nodal moments. This will happen if an element is introduced into the node zone, forming a triangle - a geometrically invariable figure. So the rack-and-beam system becomes a frame. We will observe the same effect if the floor slabs or beams are "rigidly" sealed into the walls. For example, in monolithic buildings joints between walls and ceilings are rigid.

Another way to ensure the rigidity of the system is used if it is not possible to make the node rigid or this is not enough. Then the system is given rigidity by introducing a diagonal element - a brace. Such an element is called a link, and the system is called a link. In the practice of low-rise construction, this can be seen in the example of the now popular frame (half-timbered) houses. The same braces are introduced to ensure the rigidity of pitched roofs, only here the braces are embedded between the posts.

Rigidity and stability are interrelated. Loss of stiffness, i.e. exceeding the permissible values ​​of deformations invariably leads to loss of stability and, consequently, to destruction.

The relationship between rigidity and stability is especially indicative of free-standing supports - columns. First, the insufficient rigidity of the column will lead to the formation of cracks in the stretched zone of the structure, then concrete crushing will begin in the compressed zone, and this is the result - loss of stability and destruction of the column.

A similar situation can be observed in the walls.

This outcome can be prevented by increasing the thickness of the wall, or by designing pilasters or buttresses and other methods.

Some structures, such as floors, rely on deformations - deflections. If allowable norms deflections are exceeded, the overlap is reinforced.


To make it clear, consider an example. The residential building stands firmly, is not destroyed and is able to perceive the calculated loads. However, the building cannot be used as a dwelling, since its thermal protection is not provided (the thickness of the walls is insufficient for thermal protection, the insulation has collapsed or is absent at all, the wind blows into the cracks formed), due to the lack of proper ventilation, moisture (condensation) and fungus form on the walls, the roof is leaking, the floor is freezing, etc. Therefore, in a given mode of operation - as a dwelling with all its sanitary and hygienic requirements - the house cannot be used.

The durability and strength of the building are interrelated properties: unsecured durability will lead to an accelerated loss of strength of the building and, ultimately, to its destruction.

The stability of the performance of the building as a whole and its individual structures is ensured primarily by building materials that must have certain properties.

Frost resistance - the ability of a water-saturated material to maintain strength during repeated freeze / thaw cycles. If the material does not have this property, then the moisture expanding during freezing in the pores loosens the intermolecular bonds, destroys them, cracks appear, they increase in size, and the material is destroyed.

Moisture resistance - the ability of a material to resist moisture, which causes swelling, softening, warping, delamination and, as a result, destruction of the material. To prevent such troubles from occurring with insufficiently moisture-resistant material used in a humid environment, measures must be taken to protect it.

A few examples. Let's take a tree - a hygroscopic natural material. A house, the facade planes of which are finished with natural wood, undoubtedly looks beautiful, but requires constant maintenance - coatings with special compounds, varnishes, paints, etc. Some types of insulation also require protection. After all, a moisture-saturated insulation cannot perform the specified functions - to keep warm in the house. To protect the insulation, special films are used.

Corrosion resistance. Corrosion, as it were, "eats" the material, reducing its service life - durability. Of course, we do not consider buildings with chemical and other industries here. For a residential building, the aggressive environment, the impact of which is perceived by the external surfaces of the house - from the foundation to the roof, is atmospheric moisture and groundwater.

Especially open steel structures. For example, a steel roof without adequate protection will rust. A house with a rusty roof will not collapse, but the roof will leak, making the dwelling unusable.

The situation is more serious if they corrode bearing structures. From rolled steel, for example, supports can be made for a balcony, loggia. Corrosion will reduce the calculated section of the support, thereby reducing its bearing capacity. To prevent loss of strength of the support in this way, it is protected with special compounds, paints, etc. or concrete.

Biostability - the ability of a material to withstand the damaging effects of microorganisms, in particular mold and fungi. Mold is the "sick house" syndrome. Mushrooms and mold develop where a nutrient medium is created for them: constant dampness in the room, insufficient ventilation, etc. The fungus is detrimental to humans, causing various diseases, including asthma and oncology. The development of such organisms in the house leads to the unsuitability of housing, i.e. its specified qualities characterizing durability are not fulfilled.

Mushrooms and mold can develop not only on the internal surfaces of the house, but also on the external ones: for example, a dense layer of fungi forms on natural tiles over several years, from which the roof must be periodically cleaned.

We have listed the main properties that affect the durability of materials. Their significance for different areas of construction and operating conditions is different; this is taken into account on the basis of the relevant design standards.

The durability of structures and the building as a whole depends on the service life of individual structural elements, including embedded elements and fasteners, ties, interfaces, etc. Indeed, low-quality fasteners, such as brackets that connect the floor slabs to each other, will destroy the integrity of the floor structure, and it will collapse.

The durability of the building is also affected by the process of small continuous deformations of the material under long-term loading (creep of concrete, relaxation of steel).

Building fire safety

Fire safety of a building is the most stringent requirement, because it is connected with people's lives. Therefore, the issues of design solutions for houses, the choice of building and finishing materials are especially carefully thought out. Let's talk about this in sufficient detail. There are concepts fire hazard and fire safety of the building.

Please pay attention. Fire safety deals with the prevention of fire, and fire danger deals with the possibility of a fire.

The fire hazard of a building is considered in relation to building and finishing materials. The properties of materials and their ability to form hazardous fire factors divide materials into the following groups:

  • non-combustible - marked as NG;
  • combustible: low combustible - G1, moderately combustible - G2, normal combustible - GZ and highly combustible - G4.

Non-combustible materials include natural stone, reinforced concrete, steel, aerated concrete, basalt mineral wool (insulation) and others.

Combustible materials are wood that has not been treated to increase fire resistance, polystyrene foam (insulation), various finishing materials, etc.

The degree of combustibility of materials affects design decisions. For example, to isolate fire compartments in multi-section houses, fire walls made of non-combustible materials (firewalls) are erected, which prevent the spread of fire in adjacent compartments. If the coating materials are made from the NG group, then the fire wall may not rise above the roof. Of course, in a cottage-type house, firewalls are not satisfactory, but in blocked houses they are required.

Based on the combination of these characteristics, building structures are assigned fire hazard classes:

  1. non-flammable - K0;
  2. low fire risk - K1;
  3. moderately dangerous - K2;
  4. fire hazardous - short circuit.

The numerical values ​​of the assignment of structures to a particular class are determined by the appropriate methods.

The most fire-resistant are designed vertical load-bearing structures - columns and walls: they must withstand the longest. Indeed, when these structures collapse, the entire building will not withstand. They are calculated only for the bearing capacity (R index). For all indicators, the overlap is calculated, and in a building of the same degree of fire resistance, the overlap should last only 1 hour in a fire.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

Sanitary and hygienic requirements. Probably, if you do not think about the above special requirements, for a person, sanitary and hygienic living conditions are the most important: they are associated with health. The sanitary and hygienic qualities of the dwelling, which are normalized by the relevant standards, include:

  • the amount of time (duration) of insolation;
  • natural light;
  • the state of the air in the room;
  • noise impact.

The combination of these parameters determines the microclimate of the room.


Insolation has light, ultraviolet and thermal effects. This is necessary for a person, since light and ultraviolet irradiation has a strengthening effect on him and his psychophysiological state.

natural light

Natural lighting should be provided in all living rooms. Artificial lighting is allowed in kitchens.

We also refer to infiltration the penetration of air through structural leaks, such as window casings.

Noise protection

Noise protection. The trouble is that people do not adapt to noise. It can only seem to him that he is used to the roar outside the window and does not notice it. In fact, noise is perceived by the brain and has an extremely insidious effect on a person.

Of course, if the house is located in a village or on the seashore, and only birdsong or the sound of the surf can disturb sleep, this issue is not relevant. Only anthropogenic, not natural, noise has a harmful effect. It is necessary to solve noise protection issues if traffic noise is disturbing, which is often observed in cases where townhouses are located along major highways.

Modern design standards limit the amount of penetrating noise differentially for day and night. The noise level is measured in decibels.

Noise protection is achieved by a set of urban planning, space-planning and design measures. Here are some of them.

Urban planning measures include the installation of noise-protective walls along highways, the construction of a screen from low-rise non-residential buildings (for example, warehouses, garages, retail, entertainment facilities, etc.), screening with multi-storey noise-protective buildings (in such houses, special space-planning solutions for buildings and apartments are provided ).

A constructive barrier to noise is primarily the massiveness of the outer walls (200...300 kg/m2). Trying to protect yourself from noise, you should not rely on double-glazed windows, so as not to be clogged without air access. Double-glazed windows provide soundproofing effect only when closed. To provide natural ventilation rooms facing a noisy highway, the windows are equipped with special silencers or, refusing natural ventilation, they resort to air conditioning with fresh air.

Thermal protection

Thermal protection of the building is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature and humidity conditions in the premises.

In the creation of comfortable housing, the focus on maintaining heat in the house has become crucial. In a specific climatic zone, for each enclosing structure designed to "storage" heat (external walls, coatings, ceilings above a cold basement, etc.), a heat engineering calculation is carried out. To complete the picture, we present some basics of heat engineering.

The main thermotechnical indicator of a material is its thermal resistance R. It characterizes the resistance of the material to the passage of heat through it. The higher this indicator, the better the heat-shielding properties of the material.

As a rule, the enclosing structure consists of several layers: in addition to the carrier layer, it includes finishing layers, soundproofing, insulating, etc.

Calculations for the thermal protection of the building are based on two conditions:

  1. from sanitary and comfortable conditions; here the decisive factor is the average temperature of the construction-climatic region of the construction of the building and the duration of the heating season;
  2. from the terms of energy saving.

This is interesting. Notice how cold our country is: there is not a single area where there would be a positive temperature of the coldest five-day period.

Suppose we have designed an external wall with good heat-shielding properties, but the cold still enters. Why? Here such a concept as a cold bridge arises - a zone through which heat leaves the building (and not cold enters the building). A cold bridge is formed when a material or element with a higher thermal conductivity is included in a building envelope with good thermal characteristics. For example, if reinforced concrete slab overlapping through passes through brick wall, then this creates conditions for intense heat loss in this zone. How to eliminate cold bridges will be described in the relevant chapters.

To ensure the comfort of the dwelling, such a concept as the thermal stability of the structure (thermal inertia) is always taken into account. Heat resistance characterizes the ability of the building envelope material to withstand temperature fluctuations in the outside air. The greater the heat resistance, the more difficult it is to change the temperature inside the building.

In the case of thermal protection at home, another an important factor is the vapor permeability of building envelope materials.

Vapor permeability is the penetration of water vapor into the outer wall from the side of the room (diffusion of water vapor). Vaporization is the most complex phenomenon. It is not always taken into account in the design, but this is fraught with the loss of one of the main purposes of the structures - to create comfortable warm housing.

The location of the dew point in the thickness of the enclosing heat-shielding structure is dangerous from the point of view of reducing the frost and moisture resistance of materials and, as a result, leads to a deterioration in their heat-shielding properties (for wood, this also means a loss of biostability). To prevent this, vapor barrier materials are used.

However, if the dew point reaches the open outer surface of the wall or is formed in a ventilated cavity, then it will not harm the structure. Condensation is dangerous in a closed space, from where the resulting condensate moisture has nowhere to go. It freezes / thaws cyclically in the pores of the material, thus carrying a destructive force. This is dangerous for ceramic hollow stones, which eventually begin to spoil the facades of buildings (such a picture can be seen on the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on houses on Prospekt Mira in Moscow).

The architectural expressiveness of the house is associated with the concept of beauty in architecture.

Of course, the dwelling should not only be functional, but also evoke pleasant emotions with its appearance, fit into environment. This is especially true for low-rise private housing construction. At first glance, it may seem that these are only questions of architecture. But architecture cannot be created without structures. Therefore, the task before the architect is to design a house that the structures would not disfigure, but, on the contrary, complement, beat, sometimes even serve as the basis for an architectural solution. For example, boring supports (racks, columns) can be beaten with color, finishing materials, give them an interesting, attention-grabbing shape; they can also be made the basis of zoning or even the center of the composition, “turning”, for example, into a fireplace, etc. The possibilities for an architect are endless.

The economic side of the issue is one of the most important requirements for building projects. The ratio "price - quality" is considered at all stages: from the cost of building materials and the construction of the building to the operating costs of its maintenance. The final decision is made when all customer requirements are taken into account, which may lead to a more expensive option, but in his interests. For example, an eco-friendly house is sometimes more expensive, but these are justified costs.

During the construction of an individual residential building, all the technical requirements for it must be met. They are regulated by the normative documents of the Russian legislation, and both the architect and the builder, as well as the customer himself, need to know about them. There are many such documents, for example, SP 55.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-02-2001 Residential single-apartment houses", SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85 * Loads and impacts", SP 22.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures”, SNiP 23-01-99* “Construction climatology”, SP 52.13330.2011 “SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting”. Of course, it is impossible to fully convey the essence of the requirements in one article, so we will focus only on the most important ones.

Most of what is planned in the future individual residential building is determined only by the future owner. For example, the size of rooms and their placement, the availability of a particular room, a list of engineering equipment, and so on. It is clear to everyone that with all this, the house is intended for activities that take place in the home: rest, sleep, cooking and eating, hygiene procedures, so it is important to create the necessary conditions for this.

What are the basic requirements for an individual residential building?

Basic requirements for individual home regarding the purpose of the premises can be found in SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-apartment residential houses". The minimum list of those rooms that are necessarily present in the house is listed: kitchen, living room, bathroom or shower room, toilet, pantry, which can be replaced by built-in wardrobes.

There are also established requirements for the minimum size of the room. They were calculated taking into account the arrangement of the necessary furniture and equipment intended for the room. For example, according to this minimum size bedrooms - 8 sq. meters, and the kitchen - 6 square meters. meters.

Both the minimum height and width of rooms are subject to strict regulations. According to the relevant requirements, the height of the living rooms and the kitchen is not less than 2.7 meters. If such rooms are located in the attic, their height must be at least 2.3 meters. In addition, these rooms must have natural light, in other words, windows must be present.

What are the requirements for the construction of an individual house

The foundation of the house and all its structures are calculated taking into account the normative loads that they must withstand. The exceptions are their damage or deformation. The calculation methods strictly meet the requirements of the current normative documents on the design, and with an indication of the corresponding material.

When designing, all loads that can be divided into permanent and temporary, on the supporting structures of the house, must be taken into account. It also mentions the weight of the structures themselves, pressure, loads from people, furniture and equipment that is planned in the house.

Special attention is paid to the foundation, as this is the foundation of the house. When designing it, particular importance is attached to the characteristics of the soil, its aggressiveness and the presence of ground water.

What are the requirements for the fire safety system of an individual residential building

This is perhaps one of the main requirements, non-compliance with which can lead to sad consequences. The requirements are set out in a fairly large document called Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”. In addition to it, there are a number of regulatory documents covering this issue. A detailed analysis of the documents shows their similarity, so we will focus only on the main points.

Design and further construction of an individual cottage in without fail should include measures to prevent the occurrence of a fire. In addition, it should be possible to evacuate people in case of fire to the surrounding area. In the event of a fire, a number of measures are provided to prevent the penetration of fire into neighboring buildings, free access to the house is provided to extinguish the fire and save people.

In addition to all of the above, the possibility of a sudden outbreak of fire inside the room and its further exit to the surface should be taken into account.

Requirements for engineering communications at home

It's no secret that any residential building has a number of utilities: heating, water supply, ventilation, sewerage and electricity. But not everyone knows that certain requirements are also imposed on them.

The heating system is designed to maintain the temperature necessary for life in the house throughout the entire heating season. The temperature in living quarters should not be below 20 C, in the kitchen and toilet - at least 18 C, in the bathroom or shower room - at least 24 C.

The ventilation system ensures a uniform supply of air and its further distribution. She cleans it and maintains the required quality. In those rooms where the release of harmful substances or unpleasant odors is possible, it is provided for the air to be removed immediately, bypassing any ventilation ducts, to the outside.
The gas pipeline is carried out to the house or to the kitchen, or to a specially designated room, the boiler room. If there is no main gas, it is allowed to use gas cylinders no more than 50 liters in the house.

All requirements must be met, otherwise the house will not receive the status of an individual residential building and will not be habitable.

The information that will be discussed in this chapter, of course, is well known to any competent architect and builder. But we believe that at least in general terms, the customer of the house should also understand and know this - the future owner, the one for whom the house is being built. Any errors incorporated in the project, or received during the construction process, will become problems during the operation of the house. And therefore, additional control on the part of the customer when solving the requirements listed below is necessary.

So what do you need to think about, what is worth understanding and knowing if you are building a house for your family?

Your future home should provide:

You must also decide whether you are building a house for seasonal or permanent residence, whether the speed of construction is important to you (whether it is necessary to use the technology of prefabricated houses).

It is also important to make a decision about the project of the house - to buy a ready-made standard project or order an individual one.

And now about all of the above in more detail.

Thermal protection (thermal insulation) at home

The main task of thermal protection is to ensure the comfort of living in the house. Indoor comfort depends on:

Indoor air temperature (optimally 20 - 220С);
The temperature of the internal surfaces of the walls enclosing the room (minimum 16 - 180C, otherwise there is a feeling of a draft);
Thermal inertia of the walls enclosing the room (heat storage; walls, with low thermal inertia - rapid heating, rapid cooling).
Floor surface temperature (optimally 22 - 240С);
Relative humidity in the room (normally 50 - 60%,<40% - сухость слизистой оболочки, >60% - greenhouse climate, high humidity)
Air movement (maximum 0.2 m/s, >0.2 m/s - feeling of draft).

To ensure the thermal protection of the house, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that differ significantly for winter and summer.

Winter thermal protection

1. Thermal insulation of enclosing structures (walls, ceilings, windows, external doors)
2. Thermal inertia of enclosing structures (walls, ceilings / floors). For the comfort of a person near the walls, as well as the prevention of moisture condensation, the thermal inertia of structures is very important.
3. Location of individual layers in multilayer building envelopes. The correct sequence of layers "from inside to outside" is especially important. Otherwise, condensation may form inside the structure.

5. The ratio of the area of ​​windows and other translucent structures to the surface area of ​​the outer building envelope (windows are often weak points)
6. Geographical position at home (latitude, altitude, cloudy conditions, frequency of fogs)
7. Orientation of windows and other translucent structures to the cardinal points. Solar heat inputs are different depending on the orientation.
8. Air exchange (opening windows and external doors; air permeability of windows and doors due to seams and leaks; forced air exchange with or without heat recovery).

Summer thermal protection

1. Sun protection devices (awnings, sun awnings, blinds)
2. Accumulation of heat in building envelopes (walls, ceilings / floors). Sufficient heat capacity of structures is expressed in a favorable ratio of temperature amplitudes on their external and internal surfaces
3. The location of individual layers in multilayer enclosing structures - the drying of structures in the summer months (the period of evaporation of moisture), thermal inertia and the phase shift of temperature fluctuations on the surface of the structure
4. Total energy transmission coefficient of windows and other translucent structures (exterior doors with glazing, winter gardens, etc.)
5. The ratio of the area of ​​windows and other translucent structures to the surface area of ​​the outer building envelope 6. The geographical position of the house (latitude, altitude, cloudy conditions)
7. Orientation of windows and other translucent structures to the cardinal points (various sun protection devices depending on the orientation)
8. Ventilation options (forced ventilation, by opening windows)
9. Painting of the outer surfaces of the walls (light surfaces reflect heat rays, dark surfaces absorb heat rays).

The heat loss of a room is determined by two factors:

Transmission losses, which are made up of heat fluxes that the room gives off through walls, windows, doors, ceiling and floor.
Ventilation losses, which are understood as the amount of heat required to heat up to room temperature cold air penetrating through window leaks and as a result of ventilation.

In Russia, to assess the heat-shielding characteristics of structures, the heat transfer resistance Ro (m² °C / W) is taken, the value is the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity coefficient k, which is adopted in DIN standards. The greater the heat transfer resistance of a structure, the better its thermal insulation capacity. Humidity worsens the heat-insulating ability.

The thermal conductivity coefficient k characterizes the amount of heat in watts (W) that passes through 1m² of the structure with a temperature difference on both sides of one degree Kelvin (K), the unit of measure is W / m² K. The lower the value of k, the less heat transfer through the structure , i.e. higher insulating properties.

Unfortunately, a simple conversion of k to Ro (k=1/Ro) is not entirely correct due to the difference in measurement methods in Russia and other countries. However, if the product is certified, then the manufacturer is obliged to provide the customer with an indicator of resistance to heat transfer.

The surface temperature of the enclosing structure facing the inside of the room also depends on the value of the Ro indicators. With a large temperature difference, heat is radiated towards the cold surface.

Heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures is standardized by SNiP II-3-79* " Construction heat engineering". In addition to the all-Russian regulatory documents, there are also local ones in which certain requirements for a given region can be tightened.

The feeling of comfort in a room depends on:

Wall surface temperatures.
Whether a person feels comfortable in a room depends, along with the factors already mentioned, also on the thermal radiation of the surfaces of the structures that enclose this room. We feel comfortable, in terms of temperature, if internal surfaces walls in winter no more than 3 0С lower, and in summer no more than 3 0С higher than the air temperature in the room. The surface temperature of the walls depends on their resistance to heat transfer.

Floor surface temperatures
For floors, due to direct contact with the human body through the soles of the feet, other values ​​are valid. In order not to take away too much heat from a person, the temperature of the floor surface should not be lower than 15-20 0C. A person feels optimal and pleasant floor surface with a temperature of 22 0C to 24 0C. The duration of a person's stay in the room also plays a role here.
With floor heating (warm floors), the temperature of the floor surface should not be higher than 25-30 C.

Thermal inertia of walls
The thermal inertia of the walls plays an important role for both winter and summer thermal protection. Since the ability to accumulate heat is very much dependent on density, it is better for heavy walls than for light structures. In winter, rooms with a large heat storage capacity do not cool down as quickly when the heating is turned off; in summer, excess energy during the daytime can be accumulated in order to release it into the room air during cool night hours.

Humidity protection

Rain (snow, ice, hail)
Adequate protection against heavy rain and slanting rain is required, such as cornices, steep roofs, pergolas

ground moisture
Water not under pressure - drooping from the side, rising through capillaries (non-pressure water is called such water that flows along the surface of the earth, seeps through the soil and collects in the pores of the earth as ground moisture)
Pressurized water (as a rule, this is groundwater, which, like a water column in the ground, presses on the structure from below and from the side.

The presence of water in building materials leads to damage and is therefore undesirable. Therefore, various measures are taken to isolate structures from water. This can be achieved by arranging waterproofing layers.
In the case of pressurized water, the following construction protective measures are used to protect against ground moisture: waterproofing concrete, waterproofing plaster, bituminous coatings, films made of synthetic materials, etc.
In the case of the presence of water under pressure to protect against groundwater, a structure is made in the form of a bathtub with joint sealing tape, as well as with external or internal waterproofing

water vapor
Condensation of water vapor on the surface of building envelopes
Condensation of water vapor inside building envelopes

Obviously, the moisture that forms in the room must be removed from it. Otherwise, condensation may form on the inside of windows and on slopes, etc., and the result of a systematically high vapor content in the air is the appearance of mold on furniture, walls and ceilings. In addition, excessive humidity of the air negatively affects the well-being of people.

When providing air exchange, excess moisture is removed from the premises along with the exhaust air.

It is common knowledge that condensation forms when the air temperature falls below the dew point. The onset of the dew point depends not only on relative humidity air and indoor temperature, but also on the thermal insulation characteristics of the building envelope (i.e., the temperature of the inner surface).

In order for condensation to begin, the air does not have to be completely cooled. It is enough that the temperature of the surface, which borders on air, drops below the dew point. This process continues until the air adjoining the given surface is freed from a certain amount of water and its relative humidity decreases.

At the same temperature, condensation (dew point) on a surface with a higher resistance to heat transfer will start at a higher relative humidity. This means, for example, that the use of window structures with higher heat-shielding properties reduces the likelihood of condensation.

To prevent condensation of water vapor inside the building envelope, it is necessary right choice layers and, most importantly, the correct sequence of layers of materials within the structure. External location of the insulation (in relation to the building envelope) best solution from the point of view of preventing the appearance of condensate, as well as from the point of view of thermal protection (heat accumulation). The vapor barrier layer should be located only in front of the warm boundary of the layer that is at risk of moisture.

Approximately from mid-June to mid-September, a period of evaporation (drying) of moisture accumulated in structures in winter time. Moisture must come out so that there is no damage to the building materials.

Noise protection

Noise protection measures in most cases cannot be carried out after the construction of the house without taking into account its structures. Often they relate to the basic issues of designing and building a house.

Already before designing and building a house, the following provisions should be considered:
1. Orientation of the house on the site. Which premises should be located on the side of the street (if the street is noisy), and which - on the side opposite the street
2. Planning decision of the house. The basic principle: noisy rooms next to noisy ones, rooms where peace is required - next to quiet rooms.
3. The choice of a constructive solution for walls, partitions and ceilings.
4. The device of windows. If necessary, provide soundproof glazing of windows.
5. Door arrangement. If increased sound insulation is required, use doors with soundproof seals.
6. Device for water supply and sanitation. Pipe material, pipe section affect the noise of water flows. The use of elastic gaskets when passing through structures.
7. Selection and location of engineering equipment ( washing machines, dryers, etc.)
8. Type of use of the premises (e.g. animal rooms, music room, etc.)

The Decibel (db) dimension is used not only to measure the intensity of sound sources, but also to measure the sound insulation of structures.

20 dB - clock ticking
30 dB - whisper, conversation of neighbors, barely understandable
50 dB - conversation
70 dB - loud talking, shouting, loud radio
80 dB - street noise with heavy traffic

Types of sound transmission:
airborne noise (talk, music, radio, TV)
structure-borne noise (door slamming, water flushing, switch clicking, etc.)
impact noise (walking on ceilings / floors).

If you want to arrange a home cinema, music room, etc. in the house, i.e. a room where sound quality is especially important, then this requirement should be especially noted when signing the terms of reference for designing a house. Since such premises require special measures to ensure acoustics.

Overlaps by wooden beams due to their low surface mass, they have very little sound insulation against airborne and impact sound. But do not be afraid of this, because. for new ceilings, the problem of protection against impact noise is well solved by constructive measures.

Soundproofing windows largely depends on:
sheet glass thickness;
angle of incidence of sound waves (wave coincidences)
sealing of porches and seams

The effect of wave coincidences can be weakened in double glazing by choosing glasses of different thicknesses. It should also be kept in mind that a thinner sheet of glass should be installed on the noisier side.

doors . Whereas windows in exterior walls are the weakest point, doors are the weakest points in terms of soundproofing in interior walls.

These weaknesses are:
the canvas of the deri itself (massive doors provide higher sound insulation)
sealing the door fold (use of soft-spring sealing strips),
gaps between the door leaf and the floor (bottom sealing device)
frame leaks (sealing with mineral wool or foaming with sealing foam)

Sanitary equipment , such as bathtubs, shower trays, toilet bowls, washbasins and kitchen sinks, must be either resiliently fixed to supports or installed on a floating screed during installation. When hanging flush barrels, bidets or sinks on the walls, they must be fixed in such a way that they do not transmit structure-borne noise to the walls.

heating boilers, ventilation units, heat pumps, as well as washing machines, dryers, etc. devices should be installed on elastic supports or on a floating screed.

fire protection

Ensuring maximum fire safety for the future home is possible only if current standards are observed. Only a professional architect will be able to competently complete a project that will take into account the requirements for building materials and structures, as well as planning solutions (the width of corridors, flights of stairs, the number of exits, gaps between buildings on the site, etc.).

Below are some theoretical basis fire-technical classification of materials and structures.

The fire-technical classification of building materials, structures, premises, buildings, elements and parts of buildings is based on their separation according to properties that contribute to the occurrence of dangerous fire factors and its development within the fire seat, limited by enclosing structures with normalized fire resistance limits, and by external enclosing structures buildings - fire hazard, and the properties of resistance to fire hazards and their spread outside the fire - fire resistance.

The fire-technical classification is intended to establish the necessary requirements for fire protection of structures, premises, buildings, elements and parts of buildings, depending on their fire resistance and (or) fire hazard.

Building materials are characterized only by fire hazard.
The fire hazard of building materials is determined by the following fire-technical characteristics: combustibility, flammability, flame spread over the surface, smoke-generating ability and toxicity.

Building materials are divided into non-combustible (NG) and combustible (G). Combustible building materials are divided into four groups:
G1 (low combustible);
G2 (moderately combustible);
G3 (normally combustible);
G4 (highly combustible).

For non-combustible building materials, other fire hazard indicators are not determined and not standardized.

Building structures are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.
An indicator of fire resistance is the fire resistance limit, the fire hazard of a structure is characterized by its fire hazard class.

The fire resistance limit of building structures is set according to the time (in minutes) of the onset of one or several successively, normalized for a given structure, signs of limit states:
bearing capacity loss (R);
loss of integrity (E);
loss of heat-insulating ability (I).

Fire resistance limits of building structures and their conventions set according to GOST 30247. In this case, the fire resistance limit of windows is set only by the time of loss of integrity (E).

According to fire hazard, building structures are divided into four classes:
K0 (non-flammable);
K1 (low fire risk);
K2 (moderately flammable);
K3 (fire hazardous).

Now let's give some practical advice to ensure the fire safety of your home.

The distance between houses should be at least 12 meters; the distance between the garage and the cottage should be 10 meters. If the garage is attached to the house, then it is necessary to provide an intermediate vestibule with a metal door.

Usually in a private house for quick evacuation in case of fire, two entrances should be provided. The most important thing is that the doors always open outward.

What else can be said, all interior elements, for example, made of wood, must be placed no closer than 30-40 cm from stoves, fireplaces, etc. The fireplace should only be installed in a very well ventilated room, surrounded by sheet metal or natural stone at a distance of at least 0.8m.

As you know, the most combustible material for building a house is wood. The type of wood also matters: pine and spruce burn the fastest, but oak is the most “resistant”.

At the same time, unlike many fire-resistant building materials, wood is a building material that, although it burns, does not change the chain of wood molecules under the influence of a fire, it has good heat-shielding qualities and does not suddenly collapse without warning symptoms. The charred surface makes it difficult for the fire to spread. However, wood significantly increases the fire load (increases the temperature of the fire).

All wooden parts - logs, rafters, floors, walls, etc. must be impregnated with special protective substances that increase fire resistance (flame propagation time). Most often, salt impregnations containing flame retardants are used.

Brick and concrete are fire-resistant materials, but at the same time, under the influence of the open, they lose their bearing capacity. To increase the fire safety of brick or concrete walls, a multilayer structure is used.

A fire “going” from above from the roof is also quite common in houses with a roof made of metal / metal tiles, if these materials are placed directly on the crate or on sheets of roofing material. In this case, atmospheric electricity accumulates in the roof during thunderstorms and needs to be discharged. To avoid this, the metal roof should be protected by laying a layer of non-combustible insulation between the sheets and the crate.

It is extremely important to ensure the fire safety of your home is also a competent solution of engineering issues, especially electricians.

The electrical supply of bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools and kitchens must be designed especially carefully. In particular, it is impossible to install wiring elements, sockets, switches and high-voltage lamps closer than 0.6 m from the water source.

Ceiling and wall light sources must be covered with shades and raised at least 2 m above the water level, because. If water enters the socket or on a hot light bulb, a short circuit may occur and, as a result, sparks and fire.

In modern country houses a necessary safety measure is the grounding of the network using a grounding conductor. A structure made of steel pins dug into the ground to a certain depth, an earthing bus is attached to it - it combines all parts of the house's engineering communications that conduct current, including all metal pipes and metal parts of the building structure.

An RCD (residual current device) must be installed in the main electrical cabinet, which protects against sparking and fire during small circuits in the network, as well as lightning arresters that save from surge voltage caused by a lightning strike and sudden voltage surges. Internal wiring is best made of copper - it is more durable and less brittle than aluminum.

The cables are protected by fireproof sheaths made of special polyethylene - this is especially important if electricity is supplied to the house using a self-supporting suspension cable coming from a common overhead power line.

If it is planned to conduct gas in the house, special automatic sensors should be provided that shut off the gas in the event of a leak.

Air exchange

The demand for energy efficiency of modern windows, characterized by a high degree of tightness, should not mean giving up the need for fresh air into the room. The correct organization of air exchange is the provision of the necessary, controlled ventilation.

Ensuring the necessary air exchange of premises can be achieved in several ways:
1. Ventilation by opening vents (windows);
2. The use of ventilation devices on the windows;
3. The use of forced ventilation of the premises.

The third method is the most preferable, because using it, you will always have fresh clean air in the house without drafts, sudden temperature changes (as in the case of airing the premises in winter by opening the windows). The second method will not be able to provide the required air exchange rate in the room, depending on the conditions of use of the premises. While forced ventilation can always be easily adjusted with a simple switch (“more-less”)

Seismic resistance

If you are planning to build a house in an earthquake-prone area, then you need to be very careful when choosing a designer. It is necessary to apply only to that design firm or to a private architect who has experience in designing specifically in seismic zones.
The design of buildings in seismic areas of hazardous areas must be carried out in accordance with SNiP II-7-81 *.

These standards should be observed when designing buildings and structures erected on sites with a seismic activity of 7, 8 and 9 points.
When designing buildings and structures for construction in these seismic areas, it is necessary:
apply materials, structures and design schemes that provide the lowest values ​​of seismic loads;
to accept, as a rule, symmetrical structural schemes, uniform distribution of structural rigidities and their masses, as well as loads on floors;
in buildings and structures made of prefabricated elements, locate joints outside the zone of maximum effort, ensure the solidity and uniformity of structures using enlarged prefabricated elements;
provide for conditions that facilitate the development of plastic deformations in structural elements and their joints, while ensuring the stability of the structure.

To ensure the seismic resistance of buildings and structures, it is allowed to use seismic isolation and other systems for regulating the dynamic response of a structure, provided that they are designed according to special technical conditions agreed with the Gosstroy of Russia.

Environmental friendliness

By ecological housing, we mean houses that use environmentally friendly building materials and technologies that allow us to provide a healthy indoor climate.

Dangerous for human health are dust, organic pollutants formaldehyde, biological pollutants, radon, etc.

Dust accumulates in the home and causes eye irritation, runny nose, respiratory infections and bronchitis. Control methods: forced ventilation (in particular, an exhaust hood is required over the stove), constant ventilation and wet cleaning of the premises.

organic contaminants. Sources include paints, solvents, aerosols, dishwashing liquids, repellents, air fresheners, etc. The main method of combating this evil is to comply with the storage rules specified by the manufacturer. It is advisable to store household chemicals outside the home, for example, on a balcony or in a well-ventilated place.

Formaldehydes. Sources are particle boards used in the manufacture of furniture, the manufacture of decorative parts, etc., some fabrics, carpets and adhesives. Formaldehyde is considered a carcinogen. Methods of struggle: try to maintain in the house average temperature, air more often, especially after the appearance of a new source of formaldehyde in the house.

biological contaminants. Sources are damp walls, ceilings and floors, carpets, furniture; improperly used humidifiers, odor absorbers; air conditioners, pets and their bedding. In damp and warm places, various microorganisms actively multiply, many of which can pose a threat to humans. The main way to combat this evil is to ventilate, dry damp walls, carpets, etc.

Radon. Radon is dangerous for the inhabitants of the first floors. This is an inert gas that is formed in radioactive ores and minerals and gradually comes to the surface of the earth. Sometimes radon remains in building materials. Radon is toxic due to its radioactive properties. Organizations of sanitary - epidemiological supervision can conduct tests for radon. Basements and living quarters should also be ventilated. If radon is found in water, it can be removed using carbon filters.